Have you applied to go under debt review? Are you restructuring your monthly expenses? Would you like to insure your debt?
Why not insure all your outstanding accounts in a single ONE Credit Protection Policy?
Have you applied to go under debt review? Are you restructuring your monthly expenses? Would you like to insure your debt?
• Death – we settle the account
Why not insure all your outstanding accounts in a single ONE Credit Protection Policy?
• Temporary Disability – we pay your installment for 12 months
• Permanent Disability – we settle the account
• Critical Illness – we pay your installments for 3 months
• Death – we settle the account
• Retrenchment – we pay your installments for 12 months
• Temporary Disability – we pay your installment for 12 months
• Permanent Disability – we settle the account
At a rate of R2.95 per R1000 unsecured/short-term credit and R2.00 per R1000 on mortgages and you can now insure your debt for less.
• Critical Illness – we pay your installments for 3 months
• Retrenchment – we pay your installments for 12 months
The following financial obligations or debt can be covered on the ONE Credit Protection Policy:
• Credit Cards
At a rate of R2.95 per R1000 unsecured/short-term credit and R2.00 per R1000 on mortgages and you can now insure your debt for less.
• Overdrafts
• Personal Loans
• Home Loans
• Retail Accounts
The following financial obligations or debt can be covered on the ONE Credit Protection Policy:
• Credit Cards
• Rental Agreement
• Maintenance Orders
• Overdrafts
• Personal Loans
• Home Loans
• Retail Accounts
• Rental Agreement
For further information please speak to your Broker, Debt Counsellor or alternatively contact your regional ONE office. 0861 266 562 admin.debt@one.za.com
• Maintenance Orders
Terms and Conditions Apply Insurance Reg No. 1996/008987/07. VAT
For further information please speak to your Broker, Debt Counsellor or alternatively contact your regional ONE office.
Awards. Everyone loves recognition for all their hard work. It’s nice when somebody says “well done”. Who wouldn’t enjoy receiving an award?
Recently, the world got to enjoy the 74th Emmy Awards when actors and directors like Lee Jung-jae (the Squid Games guy) and Michael Keaton (batman who recently played a drugged up small town doctor) received awards for their roles in popular TV shows. It great to find out who gets an award, and see if you agree that the industry chose the right winner (or moan when they choose the wrong one).
While those ceremonies are going on, a different nation morns the loss of their Queen, other nations are blowing each other up in the Ukraine, and people are trying to keep their heads above water in Pakistan. The world is weird like that. But disasters and tragedy should not prevent us from recognising a job well done and effort well spent.
So, in the midst of a challenging world still reeling from a Pandemic and energy crisis, we will be having the 9th Annual Debt Review Awards at the end of this month.
Debt Counsellors and credit provider staff members who work hard at the various debt review departments, also deserve a little recognition. As do those who are making the effort to pay off their debts each
month. In this issue, we will get a better idea of when, where and how you can watch the Debt Review Awards and what to expect. We really do hope that you are able to join online.
We also discuss some facts about credit and debt review that you may not have known before. We take a little while to get to know key industry role players better, and pick up a few tips for success along the way.
If you are a consumer pushing through the challenges of just making ends meet these days while trying to keep your head above water, and pay off your debts through debt review then, you are the star of your own movie. You are the lead character, we are all rooting for you, we hope that you win and we salute you for all your hard work in sticking with the process.
Sure, famous actors and smart TV shows are pretty cool and all that but, you are the real winners. You deserve an award, in reality of course, you are going to be rewarded if you stick with the process.
Not long now and you will be debt free.
‘‘The reason Zero Debt are industry leaders is that they get 80% acceptances on their initial proposals to credit providers, right away. They also make excellent use of the DCRS proposal system in negotiations with credit providers.
Zero Debt regularly succeeds in convincing credit providers to reduce their high interest rates down to less than 5% on their client’s debts.
This means that Zero Debt clients obtain their court orders and can pay off their debts quickly. They ensure dedicated clients get their clearance certificates and are soon able to start their debt free life.
Zero Debt’s team are very experienced and highly professional. They work hard to ensure clients are totally debt free at the end of the debt review process.’’
When starting debt review it is very important to cancel your existing debit orders towards all other debt repayments. Since you will now make payments towards your debt through a single consolidated repayment via a PDA, you do not want to be double debited.
Be sure to discuss how to cancel such debit orders with your Debt Counsellor. They may ask you to help or ask you to sign special forms to send to your credit providers.
LESSON #1Debtfree Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as much information as possible. However, reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently readers using this information do so at their own risk. Debtfree Magazine makes content available with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal services or financial advice. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither Debtfree Magazine nor any of its employees, sales executives or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for their
activities. Debtfree Magazine contains material supplied to us by advertisers which does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Debtfree Magazine team. No person, organization or party can copy or re-produce the content on this site and/or magazine or any part of this publication without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the author of the content, as applicable. Debtfree Magazine, authors and contributors reserve their rights with regards to copyright of their work.
When you apply for credit, one of the things that a credit provider has to do is check your existing financial situation and your overall debt situation. They do this speedily by drawing a credit report.
There are many credit bureaus that store information about you and the credit provider will have their preferred supplier (or two).
The credit report has a lot of information about you including details on how you have been paying your various credit accounts and how much you owe each one of them.
Something else that is available is your credit score. This is a quick rating on how well you use credit as represented by a number or score. The higher the number the better the score.
• Your debt repayment history (missing payments is bad);
• Amounts owed;
• Types of credit applied for and how often;
• How long your accounts have been open;
• How much of your available credit you’re using (are you maxed out?);
• Whether there is any history of you not honouring a debt obligation that resulted in bankruptcy or a judgment against you.
Ironically, if you never use credit then your score is lower and credit providers find it hard to figure out if you are a good payer or not. This is often why people will advise you to have “some credit” so that you can build up a reliable credit history and repayment pattern.
While you are the ‘subject’ of the information you are not the owner of the information. In fact, credit providers (and others) are able to buy access to this information that the credit bureaus have stored about you.
Since the information is about you, Government has insisted that you should be able to get this information and check that it is correct. It’s not uncommon for there to be some small errors in such reports. Credit providers sometimes submit incorrect information by mistake.
Also, access to such reports may reveal that someone else is pretending to be you and opening up credit accounts using your details. This type of identity theft fraud is on the rise. So, it is good to check your information at the various credit bureaus.
You may wonder, if this information is all about me who owns the information? Is it mine? No.
Government requires that credit bureaus give you free access at least once a year.
You can check the various credit bureaus’ websites for how to get free access. If offered the choice between a free credit score or a free credit report, the report is always best as it contains a lot of information about the different debts you have (and other things like if you are under debt review or have a recent judgement against your name).
Many debt counselling practices will also give you a free report if you contact them and ask.
If you see something you disagree with on your credit report then you can submit a complaint to the relevant credit bureau using the forms provided for download on the credit bureaus’ websites.
It normally takes about 3 weeks for such a query to be resolved and traditionally most are resolved in the favour of the consumer.
If you are under debt review then you will have what is known as a “debt review flag” or listing shown on your report (until you finish up debt review and get a clearance certificate).
This temporary listing helps speed things up when credit providers check your report and score as they then know you are paying off debt and not meant to access more debt during this time.
If you are thinking of accessing credit then knowing your credit score and checking that your credit report contains accurate information about you is worth the time (and perhaps expense).
For more information about the various credit bureaus in South Africa check out the Service Directory Section later in this issue. There are more than you think.
How do you have the Credit Bureau remove the Debt Review listing on your credit report?
Leaving Debt Review Is Not As Simple As To Simply Stop Paying.
Consumers can only leave the debt review process at certain times and in certain ways.
This free e book will help you navigate this process and avoid many of the common mistakes people make when wanting to leave debt review.
If you are curious about how you can leave debt review properly and with no risk to your assets then be sure to download and read this free booklet AND SHARE
We often see news reports and stock market people talking about the Rand vs Dollar exchange rate. We never use Dollars here so why should we care what the exchange rate is?
When SA buys oil, we do so in Dollars. This is true of many products that are imported. This means that when the Rand gets weaker vs the Dollar, it pushes up how much we have to pay locally for such products.
This is why it is worth knowing what is happening when we compare the relative value of the 2 currencies, even though we never use Dollars when we go shopping.
At the moment* the rate is: R17.75 for 1 US Dollar
* Mid Sept 2022. The rate changes daily. You can google the current rate: Go to google.co.za and type in: USD to ZAR
For the majority of the past 5 years, the Rand has been under R15/Dollar but recently you will have felt the impact of the higher rate as petrol prices (and thus transport prices and the price of goods at shops) have gone up.
In the last 30 days the Rand has lost about 75c/Dollar. This means that even when global petrol prices fall (which is great) we get disappointed that the price of local fuel does not drop as much as we would expect.
This is just one reason why it is useful to check what the Rand Vs Dollar rate is.
This means that if you want to get your hands on $1 you have to pay R17.75 (plus whatever mark up and fees the exchange charges).
If a credit provider debits your bank account after you have already started to make payments to them, via debt review, you should talk to your Debt Counsellor immediately. They can try to get the money returned to your account, but it will take a few days. Remember that if this happens, the credit provider is most often at fault, not your Debt Counsellor. The Debt Counsellor will assist you.
If you struggle to implement new ‘good habits’ then you are not alone, trying to pick up and maintain new good habits is tough!
Repetition is key to developing new habits, we can easily start a new good habit, skip it a few times and then loose motivation and momentum to keep it up.
How can we trick ourselves into keeping up new positive habits?
One tip is to piggy-back the new habit onto an existing, already ingrained one.
For example, you probably have the habit of brushing your teeth before heading off to bed at night. So, if your want to get into the habit of taking a pill in the evening, putting the pill bottle next to your toothbrush can be a great way to add the new habit to an existing one.
If you go for a walk each day, but want to add some stretching into your physical fitness routine, then why not take a break half way through your walk (or right after your walk) to include a few minutes of stretching.
If you always check out your debt review statement from your PDA immediately after you receive it, then that might be a good time to log into your banking app, and move your small savings contribution into that savings pocket each month.
If you enjoy having a special meal once a month with the family (Pizza night or Sunday lunch anyone?) then that is a good time to include a short discussion about how your budget and debt review are going. The new but admittedly tough habit can get added to the existing good time. This will help trick your brain into associating the new habit with the existing one.
Do you always spend time on Instagram in bed before going to sleep? Why not add in a few minutes of reading before you get too tired?
You get the idea. Find times in your daily, weekly or monthly routine when you regularly repeat something and then tack the new habit onto that existing routine. This will make it much easier to be consistent and stay motivated.
Why not try habit stacking in your life, and see if it makes picking up a new good habit any easier?
Forget and be done with empty brokerage promises and non-existent service. Instead, join the industry professionals to help protect your clients' nancial future.
With CreditGuard, your Debt Review clients' debt is not only taken care of when they cannot commit to payments, but the service-orientated platform that the CreditGuard team provides is essential during your clients’ debt recovery journey. And, don't forget about the ‘insurance load’ taken o your company's shoulders going forward.
CreditGuard Credit Life Insurance (CLI) has taken care of Debt Review consumers' payment needs since 2016. It’s administrated by Siyavika Risk Solutions (an authorised nancial service provider – FSP no. 44999) and underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited (1999/013922/05) – a licensed life insurer and an o cial nancial service provider (FSP no.76).
Looking for speci c core values is crucial in today's competitive market before partnering with a Credit Life Insurance entity.
Here at CreditGuard, our focus revolves around trusted, considerate client care service & quality products, systems and technology to ensure mutually bene cial and lasting partnerships.
CreditGuard o ers:
• Impeccable service; all (business) day, every (business) day.
• Clear and open communication.
• A comprehensive Credit Life policy and product customised to your expectations.
• A facilitation process between industry professionals and your clients.
• Solid understanding of your client's needs rather than just a 'commercial agreement'.
Our industry and brokerage experts know that life can take unexpected turns, even under Debt Review.
With this, our promise is to take care of your Debt Review clients and their debt repayment responsibilities when their lives have changed in such a way that they aren’t able to.
CreditGuard’s comprehensive Credit Life Insurance policy/product allows you to switch from current CLI providers quickly and e ortlessly because it covers your clients’ risks better, for less.
Contact the CreditGuard team today to get you sorted and your clients covered. It’s time to get going and partner with the quali ed Credit Life Insurance (CLI) experts of the Debt Review industry.
YourEach year as we get closer to the day of the Debt Review Awards the Peer Review Audit Team release the names of the Top 10 Debt Counsellors as reviewed by the credit provider Peer Reviews.
The Top 10 in 5 different size categories have been announced. Among these Top 10 are the Top 5 and Highest rated practice* and the people who will ultimately walk home with the 5 Golden Piggy Banks for Debt Counsellors in 2022.
The Top 5 and highest rated practice will be announced live during the Debt Review Award Show (be sure to read the article all about how you can watch the show live in this issue). The Awards Show will be live streamed between 3pm and 4pm on Friday 30th September.
* Debt Counsellors register with the NCR on a personal or individual basis unlike credit providers, credit bureaus or PDAs. Though they may work together in an office under a united brand and may have support staff, these support staff are not allowed to perform the functions of an NCR registered Debt Counsellor. Each Debt Counsellor has an NCR issued Certificate which should be shared with consumers when they are contacted. Traditionally, these are displayed in the Debt Counsellors office for all to see. These can however be displayed on websites or emailed to consumers these days. It is important for consumers to deal with and know their Debt Counsellor well during their debt review.
These long established Debt Counselling Practices may have a few Debt Counsellors who now pool their resources and experience to assist a large number of clients across the country. The ability to help hundreds of clients at the same time requires excellent organisation and administrative processes. In alphabitcal order here are the TOP 10 Medium Debt Counselling Practices: Debt
Large Debt Counselling practices are able to assist many hundreds or even thousands of clients at the same time by having many Debt Counsellors working within the practice. Each Debt Counsellor has access to a pool of admin support staff and brand resources. Commonly these practices are operating across the country and may have several branches where they are able to assist consumers face to face if they wish (which is admittedly less popular these days due to the pandemic and advances in technology combined with consumer’s desire for convenience and privacy). In alphabitcal order here are the TOP 10 Large Debt Counselling Practices:
Some Debt Counsellors have progressively grown their debt review practice over many, many years and been able to help many thousands of clients. National debt counselling practices often have dozens of NCR registered Debt Counsellors working together and making use of the most advanced systems to care for hundreds of new clients each month. They are well known and go to a lot of effort to let consumers know about the debt review process. In alphabitcal order here are the TOP 10 National Debt Counselling Practices:
Congratulations to all these Debt Counsellors for being recognised in this year’s Debt Review Awards by their credit provider peers. There are over 1700 NCR registered and hardworking Debt Counsellors in the industry. To receive such high ratings among such good company is no small feat. Well Done!
To find out which practices received the Top 5 and Highest ratings be sure to catch the Debt Review Awards Show on 30th September 2022. Find out more here: wwww.debtreviewawards.co.za
If you are able to make a slightly larger than planned payment towards your debt each month, this can help speed up your debt review (and can even save you lots in interest over time). Chat to your Debt Counsellor if it seems this is something you can realistically and consistently manage each month, while still saving towards annual expenses and an emergency fund.
As human beings, we have to continuously step out of our comfort zones in order to grow and become better than we were yesterday.
The same holds true for a business, which must evolve and grow in order to better serve its customers.
iPDA formerly known as NPDA was registered in 2007 and became industry leaders. Like any other business, the company tested various products and systems, kept what worked and enhanced what didn’t.
In 2020 the iPDA was launched. With 15 years of industry experience and built with Debt Counsellors in mind, the iPDA delivers superior collections, distributions, and reporting capabilities. We offer a range of benefits and controls that make the way our Debt Counsellors serve their clients faster, cheaper and more intuitive.
We are happy to be among the first pioneers to operate completely remotely as we are accustomed to setting trends. For the past two years, our team has been operating fully remotely. We are immensely proud of the resilience, flexibility, and professionalism of our employees, who have stayed focused on service delivery and getting things done.
• Intuitive PDA stands firm in our company values ensuring that we: Act Like An Owner: to be the best, expect the best and invest ourselves;
• Be a Proactive Innovator: having inquisitive minds that invent the future and embrace change;
• We Fall Forward: yet still we rise;
• We Foster Integrity: and do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Our goal is to make a formidable impact and lead the Debt Review Industry by fostering relationships that are mutually beneficial and creating cutting-edge, long-lasting solutions for all stakeholders. ...and this is our story. We would love to hear your story! us on via email to info@intuitive.co.za our website: https://www.ipda.co.za/ you at the Annual Debt Review Awards 2022
The 2022 Annual Debt Review Awards show will be held on the 30th September, Friday afternoon.
During the live stream of the Awards Show, the results of industry peer reviews will be announced and hardworking Debt Counsellors, PDAs and credit providers recognised.
Over the last 9 years, hard work and excellence in the field of debt review has been recognised through the annual Debt Review Awards.
There are plenty of hard working individuals, and entire departments, who help consumers through their debt review journey. The Awards are a way for the industry to show appreciation for all that hard work.
Each year Golden Piggy Banks are awarded to these hard working people, credit providers and DC practices. The Awards combine a pat on the back and bragging rights for those who are putting their heart and soul into making the industry better for consumers.
The organisers want to say a big thank you to the various sponsors and supporters of the Awards process. These brands and individuals help make the process possible each year.
The Awards also partners with two brands for some unique Awards each year. The Technology Adoption Award is organised along with the assistance of Slipstream Software Solutions (the brains behind DReX and Switch).
ONE are well known for their broad range of insurance offerings, and their specialist offerings, in the debt review space. They help organise two Awards recognising the hard work of individuals who work within the industry. The Significant Contribution to the Debt Review Industry and Significant Contribution to the Debt Review Process are covetted awards that have been awarded to some of the hardest working individuals in the industry over the years.
Partners like the various Debt Counsellors associations (DCASA, NDCA, AllProDC, IDCC, BDCF) and others like MFSA, BASA members and the PDAs such as Hyphen PDA, have helped spread the word and ensured that registrants get a chance to participate.
The industry owes these brands a big thank you for their help in making the Awards possible.
Many years ago, a panel of industry experts were asked to help evaluate the top-performing candidates. The workload soon grew exponentially, as the industry expanded. For example, at present, there are over 1700 active registered Debt Counsellors on the National Credit Regulator’s database.
It would not be easy for a small group to perform that many reviews. Instead, for many years now, through the use of online software, the results are essentially crowdsourced from across the industry.
Each year NCR Registrants have opportunities to review their NCR registered peers working on the opposite side of the industry. This is how companies and individuals get reviewed by hundreds of participants each year. The results are processed and audited to reveal who the highest rated across the industry is, in various categories.
For example, NCR registered Debt Counsellors get to weigh in about credit providers who specialise in bonds and vehicles or retail or short-term finance. NCR registered Credit providers get to review the various NCR registered Payment Distribution Agents (PDAs) and the Debt Counsellors they work with each day.
The Awards have been held for many years now and traditionally only those who were nominees were able to attend in person, to find out the results (due to space and cost limitations). However, the organisers have always wanted to include as many people as possible, so with the increased ease of access to broadcasting software and online platforms like YouTube, we have achieved this.
For the past few years, online viewers have been able to join in the fun and hear the results (live for the last 2 years). This year, people across the internet will be able to watch the Awards show (and preshow warm-up) live.
The Debt Review Awards Show | Pre Show will be streamed from 12 noon till 2:30 pm. It will feature interviews and discussions about the insurance side of the industry, as well as its impact on consumers. We will also be hearing from legal experts about various cases and challenges they face. Some who work in the industry may even get to see themselves on screen (IYKYK).
The Awards show begins at 3 pm and runs for an hour. During the show, we will hear one or two short speeches, watch a minidocumentary about the debt review industry and find out about some consumers who are having some of their debts written off.
The special category Awards will be announced during the first half of the show.
We will then hear about changes to the peer review process this year, and planned ones for next year before the results of the various peer reviews are announced.
The program is designed to be shorter and faster this year. Overall there will be less focus on live streaming the entertainment portion of the event, and more focus on getting to the results. This should allow more offices, across the country, to enjoy watching the results together on a rather busy day of the month. An hour right near the end of the work day is manageable for most offices.
There will be other activities before and after the live-streamed Show for those nominees who were invited to attend in person, but these will not be on stream. The focus of the live stream will be the announcement of the Top 5 and highest rated.
If you would like to watch the Pre Show or the Awards Show, you can do so on your phone, tablet, laptop, Computer and some Smart TVs.
You have several options on how to access the information.
Visit www.debtreviewawards.co.za You will be able to watch via the website.
Visit www.debtfreedigi.co.za You will be able to watch via the website.
On the day, you will be able to type: Debt Review Awards or Debt Review Awards 2022 into the search and you will find the show or you can already go over to the page where it will be streamed HERE and subscribe for notifications so long. As always, there is no costs to watch (other than your own data costs).
We will also be posting Results, Pics and links via social media on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You can search #debtreviewawards2022 for the latest results.
We are also excited that one of our event supporters, Capital Data, will be offering some fortunate consumers some much needed relief.
‘it is part of human dignity to be able to give’
Keeping this in mind, Capital Data is proud to partner with this year’s Debt Review awards to give back to three deserving consumers.
Capital Data will consider consumers over the age of 60, who diligently service their debt via the debt review process, have not skipped a payment as per the accepted proposal, and are serious about rehabilitation.
Consumers who meet the criteria, will go into a draw, and the very deserving winners will be announced at the Awards ceremony.
Debt Counsellors, get ready, this could be one of your clients!!
Debt can be a good thing if you are a responsible borrower and use trustworthy lenders to help you ac so that you can create a flashy lifestyle could lead to a cloudy future rather than a bright one, says Andr
The link between responsibility and credit is that credit requires you to commit future income against haven't yet earned on a car, education or home.
“Spending money before you earn it is always something that must be planned. Problems usually occur rather than essential reasons.”
It is here that Old Mutual Finance helps its customers, says Keller. Old Mutual Finance assists by:
l Referring to your credit rating to see how financially responsible you are. Your rating will rev
l Checking on how many loans you have, what percentage of your salary goes on paying instalments, you will be able to pay off another loan with what remains of your income.
l Only lending to you if you can afford it.
"Rejecting an application for a loan may not be considered being helpful However, if we reject your appl and many hours of worry. If a loan is rejected, this should be taken as a sign that it is time to check on wh "We do, however, live in uncertain times and do have customers who find they can't pay their loans. A be heard. Where we can we help, we often offer debt consolidation or instalment arrangements to solv "Something can usually be done to assist if you act quickly before it becomes an issue, move to discuss the right attitudes usually win personal battles," concludes Keller.
achieve your personal goals. Borrowing money without worrying about where the money comes f rom Andre Keller, CEO of Old Mutual Finance. against something you buy today. It's a fact of life for most of us who find that we must spend money we cur with short-term, unsecured loans that many South Af ricans take out for the lifestyle benefits,
veal whether you are a slow payer, have problems meeting payments, or are a reliable payer instalments, if you have any income left to deal with unforeseen circumstances and whether
lication, it probably is a warning that another loan could push you into a world of debt that can't be paid hat you owe and begin planning how to avoid a financial crisis.”
A responsible customer who acts first and approaches Old Mutual with a money problem will always solve problems," says Keller discuss your problems and seek solutions. Responsibility is, after all, a matter of attitude and people with
We wish all our members the best for the Debt Review Awards. All our members are invited to the DC/CP meet up in CT on the 29th Sept before the event. Details on Facebook. www.allprodc.org facebook.com/groups/allprodc
Our members are able to attend the DC & CP Meet up, being held on the 29th Sept, in Cape Town the day before the Debt Review Awards. For more info check our Facebook page.
Email: alanm@moneyclinic.co.za
NCR No: www.ndrc.org.za
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information. 021 007
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information. 021 007
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information.
info@ndrc.org.za www.ndrc.org.za
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information. 021 007
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information. 021 007
We pledge to deliver the utmost in client service and act with the highest standards of integrity. Visit our social networks for more information. 021 007
Fides Cloud Technologies craig@fidescloud.co.za
Finch Technologies chris@finchinvestments.co.za
IDR South Africa shane@v-report.co.za
Lexisnexis Risk Management kim.bastick@lexisnexis.co.za
Maris IT Development marius@marisit.co.za
National Validation Services info@nvs-sa.co.za
Octagon Business Solutions gregb@octogon.co.za
Omnisol Information Technology info@verifyid.co.za
Payprop Capital johette.smuts@payprop.co.za
Right Cover Online cto@rightcover.co.za
Searchworks 360 skumandan@searchworks360. co.za
Smart Information Bureau info@smartbureau.net
VeriCred Credit Bureau sumein@vccb.co.za
WeconnectU johann@weconnectu.co.za
Zoia Consulting sipho@dots.africa
Forms 17 1 17
Forms 17
Forms 17.2 Form 19
Forms 17 3, General queries, balance, refunds, statements, Paid up letter reckless lending allegations, payment allocation queries & Complaints
This letter serves to communicate to the Credit industry to use the following contact details for the Nimble Group when processing Debt Review related applications, enquiries, queries and, complaints escalation process.
Kindly take note Nimble Group hereby consents to service all legal documents applicable to Debt review herein by way of email.
drcob@nimblegroup co za
drproposal@nimblegroup co za
drqueries@nimblegroup co za
DEBT REVIEW INBOUND +27 87 250 5533 +27 21 8300 711
Kindly note that escalations must only be done once you have sent your request to the above mentioned contact email addresses and if your requests are out of SLA in lieu Debt Review forms response business days stipulated in the NCR Act
Kind Regards,
Denvor Rank
Operations Manager: Process Recoveries
1st line escalation
Aletta Tokollo Molelekeng
Debt Review: Team Manager
D: +27 11 285 7247
E: AlettaM@normanbissett co za
2nd line escalation
Denvor Rank
Operations Manager: Process Recoveries
O: +27 21 830 0750 (Ext 6062)
E: denvorr@nimblegroup co za
3rd Line escalation
Zivia Koff
Specialised Process Manager
D: +27 21 492 4554
E: ziviak@nimblegroup co za
We trust this communication finds you well and that it will improve our service to you