ECRN-100 & ECRN-50 Rain Gauges

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Em50/Em50R Operator’s Manual 9. Compatible Sensors

ture sensor in air, we strongly recommend that you use it in a radiation shield. Decagon has a radiation shield that can be used with the ECT. If you would like to purchase one, please contact us. Default Conversion Equation The default conversion equation for the ECT first calculates an intermediate value with a log transform (natural log), then the temperature in °C from a 3rd-order polynomial: 4095 x = ln   ------------- ∠ 1 RAW °C = 25.02 + x ( ∠ 22.84 + x ( 1.532 + ( ∠ 0.08372x ) ) ) This equation offers 0.5 °C accuracy in the range of -40° C to + 60° C. The ECT temperature sensor can be used with any port on the Em50.

ECRN-50 and ECRN-100 Rain Gauges The ECRN-50 and ECRN-100 are simple self-emptying electronic rain gauges. They are made of durable, weather-resistant plastic that is UV-resistant. The ECRN-50 is best used for measuring irrigation events. This sensor has a resolution of 1 mm. You can configure the Em50 to treat the data collected by the ECRN-50 as standard precipitation or as volume data. Configured as volume gauges, they are useful


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