Gamma Delta Group Complementi classico 2008

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Una felice elegante convivenza. Tutte le città del mondo hanno zone dove l'architettura delle case ci parla di un passato remoto che intuiamo diverso dai ritmi ed abitudini del vivere d'oggi. Abitiamo queste case: zone ritagliate da appartamenti un tempo più grandi; soffitti alti, pavimenti in rovere, muri spessi e pareti incorniciate da decori di legno. Sono case dallo stile segnato. Spesso chi le abita non ha un legame così forte con la tradizione, anzi il suo gusto si orienta verso forme moderne meno cariche di decori. L'abbandono del classico, così come la voglia di moderno sono tuttavia espressione di una cultura matura, di un gusto che é andato via via affinandosi non attraverso le rivoluzioni della moda, ma ridisegnando i valori formali alla luce di nuove esperienze. Non é difficile trovare in queste case passato e presente, stile e modernità, che si fondano in un'armonia molto personale. A successfully elegant coexistence. In all the cities of the world there are areas where house architecture tells us about a past time that we can guess to have been different from the pace and habits of today's way of living. We live in these houses: areas carved out of flats that were once larger; high ceilings, oaken floors, thick walls framed with wooden decorations. These houses have a marked and sealed style. Instead, people who live in these houses often lack a strong link with traditions, indeed their tastes are oriented towards modern shapes that are less loaded with tinsels. However, relinquishing classical models and seeking modern models prove to be the clear expres-


sions of a mature culture, of a taste which has become increasingly refined by redefining the formal values in the light of new experiences, rather than going through the revolutions of fashion. Past and present, style and modernity blended in a very personal harmony can be found inside these houses without difficulties. Ein glückliches und elegantes Zusammenspiel. Alle Städte dieser Welt besitzen Stadtviertel, in denen die Architektur der Häuser uns von einer längst vergangenen Zeit erzählt, deren Rhythmen und Gewohnheiten spürbar verschieden von der heutigen Lebensweise sind. Wir bewohnen diese Häuser: große Wohnungen werden in kleinere Einheiten aufgeteilt, die Decken sind hoch, die Fußböden mit Parkett, die Mauern sind mächtig und die Wände mit hölzernen Dekorationen versehen. Es handelt sich um Häuser von ausgeprägtem Stil. Jedoch, oft haben ihre Bewohner keinen so ausgeprägten Bezug zur Tradition, im Gegenteil, ihr Geschmack orientiert sich eher an modernen, weniger überladenen Formen. Das Klassische wird aufgegeben, für eine Lust am Modernen eingetauscht, aber es handelt sich hierbei dennoch um den Ausdruck einer reifen Kultur, eines Geschmacks, der sich immer weiter verfeinert hat, und zwar nicht durch die Revolutionen der Mode, sondern durch die Neubelebung formaler Werte im Licht neuer Erfahrungen. In diesen Häusern ist es nicht schwer, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Antike und Moderne nebeneinander zu finden, die miteinander zu einer sehr persönlichen Harmonie verschmelzen.

G A M M A D E LTA G R O U P S . R . L . S t a t a l e A d r i a t i c a K m . 1 0 , 2 35020 Due Carrare - Padova - Italy Tel. +39 049 9125155 - Fax +39 049 9125542 i n f o @ g a m m a d e l t a g ro u p . c o m w w w. g a m m a d e l t a g r o u p . c o m


pg. 8


pg. 38


pg. 94










E’ una magia, quella del vetro, che non smette di stupire. Una magia che si tramanda da millenni tra i pochi iniziati della laguna veneziana. Il maestro Crepax, da giovanissimo alla prese con la materia, ha saputo presto cogliere l’essenza di questa magia - dalla sabbia sottile, al vetro di Murano sulla “piazza” già presto al mattino. Nausicaa, ninfa, forma fluida, lampada, sua ultima espressione nata dal suo costante impegno.

Glass is a form of enchantment that never ceases to amaze. A magical gift that has been handed down over centuries immemorial amongst a very few initiated masters in the Venetian lagoon. Crepax, the master craftsman, from his youth, when he started handling the material, learnt how to capture the essence of this enchantment - from the finest sand, to the glass created in Murano on the "piazza", early in the morning. Nausicaa, the nymph, fluid in form, light, his most recent revelation, the fruit of his constant commitment to the art.

Quelle magie, que celle du verre, qui ne cesse d'émerveiller. Une magie que se transmet, depuis des millénaires, á quelques rares initiés de la lagune vénitienne. Le maître Crepax, aux prises dès son plus jeune âge avec la matière, a su saisir l'essen-

ce même de cette magie du sable fin au verre de Murano- sur la "piazza" aux premières heures du matin. Nausicaa, nymphe, forme fluide, lampe, est sa dernière création, l'expression d'une créativité intarissable.


Der Zauber des Glases hört niemals auf, uns mit seinem Wunder zu beschenken. Ein Zauber, der unter den wenigen Eingeweihten der Lagune von Venedig seit Jahrtausenden weiter vererbt wird.

Crepax, Meister des Glaserhandwerks, der schon in frühester Jugend lernte, mit diesem Material umzugehen, hat es verstanden, das Wesen dieses Zaubers einzufangen – vom feinen Sand zum Muranoglas, bereits am frühen Morgen am “piazza”. Nausika, die Nymphe, fließende Form, Lampe, jüngster Ausdruck seiner Arbeit, geboren aus seinem unablässigen Schaffensdrang.


9551 - L25 P21 H62


NAUSICAA - 9555 - D30 H184


9560 - D70 P6


9556 - D40 H83


9552 - L30 P35 H82 • 9554 - L23 P25 H58


9558 - D50 H6 • 9559 - D70 H6


9559GR - D70 H8


9550 - D70 H70 -150



5231 - L58 P26 H190


5202 - L54 P12 H60


5201 - L30 P12 H60


5211 - D26 H50-150


5230 - L58 P26 H180



5220 - D26 P12


4951 - D47 H84 • 4950 - D34 H44


4953 - D47 H84 • 4952 - D34 H44


4105 - L55 P33 H70


4103 - L55 P33 H70


4105V - L33 P15 H33 • 4103V - L33 P15 H33


4101 - L40 P25 H89


4112 - L30 P12 H40




Articolo: 9551 pg. 10 Article: 9551 pg. 10 Applique Wall lamp L25 P 21 H 62 L25 P 21 H 62 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano, paralume chinette glass, chinette shade.

Artikel: 9551 pg. 10 Wandleuchte L25 P 21 H 62 Max 1x100W E27 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

pg. 11 Articolo: 9555 pg. 11 Article: 9555 Floor lamp - NAUSICAA Lampada terra - NAUSICAA D 30 H 184 D 30 H 184 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano glass Murano soffiato a mano.

Artikel: 9555 pg. 11 Bodenampe - NAUSICAA D 30 H 184 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9560 pg. 12 Article: 9560 pg. 12 Applique Wall lamp D 70 H 6 D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Max 1x150W R7s Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made red Murano soffiato a mano rosso. Murano glass.

Artikel: 9560 pg. 12 Wandleuchte D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes rot Murano Glas.

Article: 9556 pg. 13 Table lamp D 43 H 83 Max 1x100W E27 Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano glass, red or white chinette lampshade.

Artikel: 9556 pg. 135 Tischlampe D 43 H 83 Max 1x100W E27 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas, rot oder weiĂ&#x;e chinette Schirm. .

Articolo: 9552 pg. 14 Article: 9552 pg. 14 Applique Wall lamp L 30 P 35 H 82 L 30 P 35 H 82 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 9552 pg. 14 Wandleuchte L 30 P 35 H 82 Max 1x150W E27 + 1x30W E14 R39 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9554 pg. 14 Article: 9554 pg. 14 Applique Wall lamp L 23 P 25 H 58 L 23 P 25 H 58 Max 1x100W E14 Hal Max 1x100W E14 Hal Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass..

Artikel: 9554 pg. 14 Wandleuchte L 23 P 25 H 58 Max 1x100W E14 Hal Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9559 pg. 15 Article: 9559 pg. 15 Applique Wall lamp D 70 H 6 D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Max 1x150W R7s Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass.

Artikel: 9559 pg. 15 Wandleuchte D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9558 pg. 15 Article: 9558 pg. 15 Applique Wall lamp D 50 H 6 D 50 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Max 1x150W R7s Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass.

Artikel: 9558 pg. 15 Wandleuchte D 50 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9559GR pg. 16 Article: 9559GR pg. 16 Applique Wall lamp D 70 H 6 D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Max 1x150W R7s Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made grey Murano soffiato a mano grigio. Murano glass.

Artikel: 9559GR pg. 16 Wandleuchte D 70 H 6 Max 1x150W R7s Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes grau Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9550 pg. 17 Article 9550 pg. 17 Sospensione Hanging lamp D 70 H 70-150 D 70 H 70-150 Max 1x200W R7s Max 1x200W R7s Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass.

Artikel: 9550 pg. 17 Hängeleuchte D 70 H 70-150 Max 1x200W R7s Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 9556 pg. 13 Lampada tavolo D 43 H 83 Max 1x100W E27 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume chinette rosso o bianco.

Articolo: 5231 pg. 19 Article: 5231 pg. 19 Lampada terra Floor lamp L 58 P26 H 190 L 58 P26 H 190 Max 3x60W G9 Max 3x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 5231 pg. 19 Bodenampe L 58 P26 H 190 Max 3x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 5201 pg. 21 Article: 5201 pg. 21 Applique Wall lamp L 30 P 12 H 60 L 30 P 12 H 60 Max 1x60W G9 Max 1x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 5201 pg. 21 Wandleuchte L 30 P 12 H 60 Max 1x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 5202 pg. 20 Article: 5202 pg. 20 Applique Wall lamp L 54 P 12 H 60 L 54 P 12 H 60 Max 2x60W G9 Max 2x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 5202 pg. 20 Wandleuchte L 54 P 12 H 60 Max 2x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 5211 pg. 22 Article 5211 pg. 22 Sospensione Hanging lamp D 70 H 70-150 D 70 H 70-150 Max 1x60W G9 Max 1x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass.

Artikel: 5211 pg. 22 Hängeleuchte D 70 H 70-150 Max 1x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 5230 pg. 23 Article: 5230 pg. 23 Lampada terra Floor lamp L 58 P 26 H 180 L 58 P 26 H 180 Max 2x60W G9 Max 2x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 5230 pg. 23 Bodenampe L 58 P 26 H 180 Max 2x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 5220 pg. 25 Article: 5220 pg. 25 Applique Wall lamp D 20 P 12 D 20 P 12 Max 1x60W G9 Max 1x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass.

Artikel: 5220 pg. 25 Wandleuchte D 20 P 12 Max 1x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: 4951 pg. 26 Lampada tavolo D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume moirè avorio.

Article: 4951 Table lamp D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Hand-made Murano glass, moirè yavor shade.

pg. 26 Artikel: 4951 pg. 26 Tischlampe D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Handgeblasenes Murano Glass, moirè elfenbeinfarbig Schirm.

Articolo: 4950 pg. 26 Lampada tavolo D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume moirè avorio.

Article: 4950 Table lamp D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Hand-made Murano glass, moirè yavor shade.

pg. 26 Artikel: 4950 pg. 26 Tischlampe D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Handgeblasenes Murano Glass, moirè elfenbeinfarbig Schirm.

Articolo: 4953 pg. 27 Lampada tavolo D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume moirè avorio.

Article: 4953 Table lamp D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Hand-made Murano glass, moirè yavor shade.

pg. 27 Artikel: 4953 pg. 27 Tischlampe D 47 H 84 Max 1x100W E27 Handgeblasenes Murano Glass, moirè elfenbeinfarbig Schirm.

Articolo: 4952 pg. 27 Lampada tavolo D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume moirè avorio.

Article: 4952 Table lamp D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Hand-made Murano glass, moirè yavor shade.

pg. 27 Artikel: 4952 pg. 27 Tischlampe D 34 H 44 Max 1x100W E27 Handgeblasenes Murano Glass, moirè elfenbeinfarbig Schirm.

Articolo: 4105 pg. 28 Lampada tavolo L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume pongè nero.

Article: 4105 pg. 28 Table lamp L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Metal structure in gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano glass, pongè balck shade.

Artikel: 4105 pg. 28 Tischlampe L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Metall Struktur, Blattgold, handgeblasenes Murano Glass, pongè schwarz Schirm.

Articolo: 4103 pg. 29 Lampada tavolo L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume seta stamapata.

Article: 4103 pg. 29 Table lamp L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Metal structure in gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano glass, printed silk lampshade.

Artikel: 4103 pg. 29 Tischlampe L 55 P 33 H 70 Max 1x100W E27 + 1x40W E14 Metall Struktur, Blattgold, handgeblasenes Murano Glass, Schirm druckt Seide.

Articolo: 4105V Vaso L 33 P 15 H 33 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

pg. 30 Article: 4105V Vase L 33 P 15 H 33 Hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 30 Artikel: 4105V Vase L 33 P 15 H 33 Handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

pg. 30

Articolo: 4103V Vaso L 33 P 15 H 33 Vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

pg. 30 Article: 4103V Vase L 33 P 15 H 33 Hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 30 Artikel: 4103V Vase L 33 P 15 H 33 Handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

pg. 30

Articolo: 4101 pg. 31 Lampada tavolo L40 P 25 H 89 Max 1x100W E27 Struttura in metallo, finitura oro lucido, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano, paralume moirè.

Article: 4101 pg. 31 Artikel: 4101 pg. 31 Table lamp Tischlampe L40 P 25 H 89 L40 P 25 H 89 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Metal structure in gold polished finishing, hand-made Murano Metall Struktur, glaenzend Gold, handgeblasenes Murano Glass, glass, moirè shade. moirè Schirm.

Articolo: 4112 pg. 32 Article: 4112 pg. 31 Applique Wall lamp L 30 P 12 H 40 L 30 P 12 H 40 Max 2x60W G9 Max 2x60W G9 Struttura in metallo, finitura in foglia oro o argento, vetro di Metal structure in silver or gold leaf finishing, hand-made Murano Murano soffiato a mano. glass

Artikel: 4112 pg. 31 Wandleuchte L 30 P 12 H 40 Max 2x60W G9 Metall Struktur, Feinbearbeitung in silber oder gold Blatt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.









Oggetti-scultura realizzati in fusione di bronzo a cera persa. Questa antichissima tecnica, partendo da un modello in cera, ritoccato a mano, consente di realizzare uno stampo in negativo dove è colata la fusione incandescente che viene poi gradualmente raffreddata. Seguono particolari e sofisticati processi di patinatura e antichizzazione. L'alto magistero tecnico e l'arte necessaria per realizzare una fusione di bronzo danno come risultato un'opera di elevato valore artistico. Ogni oggetto presentato in queste collezioni è garantito originale ed è fuso in esclusiva per Gammadeltagroup.

These sculptured objects are obtained with lost-wax bronze casting. This very ancient technique starts from a hand-finished wax model from which a negative mould is created. The white-hot cast is poured into this mould and slowly left to cool. Special and refined coating and aging processes are then carried out. The high standards of mastery and the skills displayed when realizing bronze casting produce works of great artistic value. Each piece included in these collections is certified as original, and is exclusively cast for Gammadeltagroup.


Objekte-Skulpturen, die in Bronzeguß gefertigt sind. Diese Technik, die zu den ältesten überhaupt gehört, geht von einem Wachsmodell aus, das von Hand nachgearbeitet wird. Hier von wird dann eine Negativform erstellt, in welche die glühendheiße Schmelzflüssigkeit gegossen wird, die anschließend nach und nach abgekühlt wird. Es folgen ganz bestimmte und ausgefeilte Prozesse für die Patinierung und Antikisierung. Die hohe technische Meisterschaft und die notwendige Kunstfertigkeit, um einen Bronzeguß zu auszuführen, ergeben als Resultat ein Werk von hohem künstlerischen Wert. Jedes der in diesen Kollektionen präsentierten Objekte ist garantiert ein Original und wird exklusiv für Gammadeltagroup geschaffen.



KW001 - L38 P22 H115


KW001T - L35 P32 H210


IL GONDOLIERE - KW001 - L38 P22 H115



KW0901 - L240 P110 H75



KW0903 - L140 P70 H42



KW0902 - L142 P42 H75 • 1801TR - L76 P8 H107



KW0905 - D160 P115 H75



CP291 - D38 H215



CP027SX - D30 H207 • CP026DX - D30 H207



CP024SX - D30 H112 • CP025DX - D30 H112


KW2240 - L31 H50


KW436 - D55 H210


CP302SX - L25 P25 H103 • CP303DX - L25 P25 H103


CP304SX - D25 P25 H197 • CP305DX - D25 P25 H197



TF466 - D135 H75



TF468 - L65 H97 • TF467 - L102 P35 H81



KW1403A - D135 H75


KW962A - L143 P42 H75 • SP132 - L70 H102


KW964A - L146 P76 H43



KW963A - L240 P100 H75


CP066L - D55 H107


CP065V - L24 H85



KW1583 - D55 H108


KW1558 - D40 H65


CP065L - L38 P25 H112


KW1487 - D40 H63


KW0153 - D40 H62


KW0263 - D40 H57


KW0174 - D28 H56 • KW1481 - D28 H54


KW1147 - L25 P20 H41


KW0297 - D28 H57 • KW1521 - D28 H54


CP065 - D24 H74 • CP064 - D26 H74


CP066 - D22 H67


CP301 - D38 H200



Articolo: KW001 pg. 41 Lampada tavolo - IL GONDOLIERE L 38 P 22 H 115 Max 1x100W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: KW001 Table lamp - IL GONDOLIERE L 38 P 22 H 115 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass.


pg. 41 Artikel: KW001 pg. 41 Tischlampe - IL GONDOLIERE L 38 P 22 H 115 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glass.

Articolo: KW001T pg. 42 Article: KW001T pg. 42 Lampada terra Floor lamp L 38 P 22 H 210 L 38 P 22 H 210 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass, boticino base mano, base marmo boticino. marble.

Artikel: KW001T pg. 142 Bodenlampe L 38 P 22 210 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas,botticino Marmor Basis.

Articolo:KW0901 pg. 45 Tavolo pranzo L 240 P 110 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base marmo bottocino.

Article: KW0901 Dining table L 240 P 110 H 75 Bronze patined structure, botticino marble base.

pg. 45 Artikel: KW0901 Esszimmertisch L 240 P 110 H 75 Bronze patiniert Struktur, Botticino Marmor Basis.

pg. 45

Articolo: KW0903 pg. 47 Tavolo salotto L 140 P 70 H 41 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base marmo botticino.

Article: KW0903 Tea Table L 140 P 70 H 41 Bronze patined structure, botticino marble base.

pg. 47 Artikel: KW0903 Salontisch L 140 P 70 H 41 Bronze patiniert Struktur, Botticino Marmor Basis.

pg. 47

Articolo: 1801TR Specchiera L 107 P 8 H 76 Max 20x10W G4 12V Struttura in metallo, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: 1801TR Mirror L 107 P 8 H 76 Max 20x10W G4 12V Metal structure,hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 49 Artikel: 1801TR Spiegel L 107 P 8 H 76 Max 20x10W G4 12V Metall Struktur, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

pg. 49

Articolo:KW0902 pg. 49 Console L 142 P 40 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata argento, base marmo botticino.

Article: KW0902 Console L 142 P 40 H 75 Bronze patined structure, botticino marble base.

pg. 49 Artikel: KW0902 Konsole L 142 P 40 H 75 Bronze Struktu patiniert, Botticino Marmor Basis.

pg. 49

Articolo:KW0905 pg. 51 Tavolo pranzo L 160 P 115 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base marmo bottocino.

Article: KW0905 Dining table L 160 P 115 H 75 Bronze patined structure, botticino marble base.

pg. 51 Artikel: KW0905 Esszimmertisch L 160 P 115 H 75 Bronze patiniert Struktur, Botticino Marmor Basis.

pg. 51

Articolo: CP291 pg. 53 Lampada terra D 38 H 215 Max 1x150W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base in marmo botticino, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP291 pg. 53 Artikel: CP291 pg. 53 Floor lamp Bodenlampe D 38 H 215 D 38 H 215 Max 1x150W E27 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, hand-made Bronze patiniert Objekt, botticino Marmor Basis, handgeblasenes Murano glass Murano Glass.

Articolo: CP026SX pg. 55 Lampada terra D 30 H 207 Max 1x150W E27 Statua figura maschile in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base in marmo botticino, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP026SX pg. 55 Floor lamp D 30 H 207 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined object, hand-made Murano glass, botticino marble base.

Articolo: CP027DX pg. 55 Lampada terra D 30 H 207 Max 1x150W E27 Statua figura femminile in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base in marmo botticino, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP027DX pg. 55 Artikel: CP027DX pg. 55 Floor lamp Bodenlampe D 30 H 207 D 30 H 207 Max 1x150W E27 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, hand-made Bronze patiniert Objekt, botticino Marmor Basis, handgeblasenes Murano glass. Murano Glass.

pg. 49

Artikel: CP026SX pg. 55 Bodenlampe D 30 H 207 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glass, botticino Marmor Basis.

Articolo: CP024SX pg. 57 Lampada tavolo D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Statua figura maschile in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP024SX Table lamp D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 57 Artikel: CP024SX pg. 57 Tischlampe D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glass.

Articolo: CP025DX pg. 57 Lampada tavolo D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Statua figura femminile in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP025DX Table lamp D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined object, hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 57 Artikel: CP025DX pg. 57 Tischlampe D 30 H 112 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glass.

Articolo: KW2240 Oggetto bronzo L 31 H 50 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinato.

pg. 58 Article: KW2240 Object bronze L 31 H 50 Bronze patined objcet.

pg. 58 Artikel: KW2240 Gegenstand bronze L 31 H 50 Bronze patiniert Objekt.

pg. 58

Articolo: KW436 pg. 59 Lampada terra D 55 H 210 Max 1x150W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: KW436 Floor lamp D 55 H 210 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 59 Artikel: KW436 pg. 59 Bodenlampe D 55 H 210 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glass.

Articolo: CP302SX - CP303DX pg. 60 Lampada tavolo L 25 P 25 H 103 Max 1x100W E14 Statua in fusione di bronzo patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP302SX - CP303DX Table lamp L 25 P 25 H 103 Max 1x100W E14 Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 60 Artikel: CP302SX - CP303DX pg. 60 Tischlampe L 25 P 25 H 103 Max 1x100W E14 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

Articolo: CP304SX - CP305DX pg. 61 Lampada terra L 25 P 25 H 197 Max 1x100W E14 Statua in fusione di bronzo patinata, base in marmo botticino, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP304SX - CP305DX pg. 61 Floor lamp L 25 P 25 H 197 Max 1x100W E14 Bronze patined object, hand-made Murano glass, botticino marble base.

Artikel: CP304SX - CP305DX pg. 61 Bodenlampe L 25 P 25 H 197 Max 1x100W E14 Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas, botticino Marmor Basis.

Articolo: TF466 Tavolo pranzo D 135 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata.

pg. 63 Article: TF466 Dining table D 135 H 75 Bronze patined structure.

pg. 63 Artikel: TF466 Esszimmertisch D 135 H 75 Bronze patineirt Struktur.

pg. 63

Articolo: TF468 Specchiera L 65 H 97 Struttura in legno decorata, specchio anticato a mano.

pg. 65 Article: TF468 Mirror L 65 H 97 Decorated wood structure, mirror hand painted.

pg. 65 Artikel: TF468 Spiegel L 65 H 97 Decorated wood structure, mirror hand painted.

pg. 65

pg. 65 Artikel: TF467 Konsole L 102 P 35 H 81 Bronze patiniert Struktur, gruen Marmor Top.

pg. 65

Articolo: KW1403A pg. 67 Article: KW1403A Tavolo pranzo Dining table D 135 H 75 D 135 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata argento. Bronze structure, silver patined.

pg. 67 Artikel: KW1403A Esszimmertisch D 135 H 75 Bronze Struktur, silber patiniert.

pg. 67

Articolo: SP132 Specchiera L 70 H 102 Struttura in legno decorata, specchio anticato a mano.

pg. 68 Artikel: SP132 Spiegel L 70 H 102 Holzstruktur, Spiegel handdekoriert.

pg. 68

Articolo: TF467 pg. 65 Console L 102 P 35 H 81 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, piano in marmo verde alpi.

Article: TF467 Console L 102 P 35 H 81 Bronze patined structure, green marble top.

pg. 68 Article: SP132 Mirror L 70 H 102 Decorated wood structure, mirror hand painted.

Articolo: KW962A pg. 68 Console L 143 P 42 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata argento, base marmo travertino.

Article: KW962A Console L 143 P 42 H 75 Bronze patined silver structure, travertino marble base.

pg. 68 Artikel: KW962A pg. 68 Konsole L 143 P 42 H 75 Bronze Struktur, silber patiniert, Travertino Marmor Basis.

Articolo: KW964A pg. 69 Tavolo salotto L 146 P 76 H 43 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata argento, base marmo travertino.

Article: KW964A Tea Table L 146 P 76 H 43 Bronze patined silver structure, travertino marble base.

pg. 69 Artikel: KW964A pg. 69 Salontisch L 146 P 76 H 43 Bronze Struktur, silber patiniert, Travertino Marmor Basis.

Articolo: KW963A pg. 71 Tavolo pranzo L 240 P 110 H 75 Struttura in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata argento, base marmo travertino.

Article: KW963A Dining table L 240 P 110 H 75 Bronze patined silver structure, travertino marble base.

pg. 71 Artikel: KW963A pg. 17 Esszimmertisch L 240 P 110 H 75 Bronze Struktur, silber patiniert, Travertino Marmor Basis.

Articolo: CP066L pg. 72 Lampada tavolo D 50 H 107 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo verde alpi, paralume pongè.

Article: CP066L pg. 72 Artikel: CP066L pg. 72 Table lamp Tischlampe D 50 H 107 D 50 H 107 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, green marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, gruen Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: CP065V pg. 73 Lampada tavolo D 24 H 85 Max 1x100W E14 Hal Statua in fusione di bronzo patinata, vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP065V Table lamp D 24 H 85 Max 1x100W E14 Hal Bronze patined objcet, hand-made Murano glass.

pg. 73 Artikel: CP065V pg. 73 Tischlampe D 24 H 85 Max 1x100W E14 Hal Bronze patiniert Objekt, handgeblasenes Murano Glas.

pg. 75 Artikel: KW1583 pg. 75 Articolo: KW1583 pg. 75 Article: KW1583 Table lamp Tischlampe Lampada tavolo D 55 H 108 D 55 H 108 D 55 H 108 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, green marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Gruen Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm. Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmoverde alpi, paralume pongè.

Articolo: KW1558 pg. 76 Article: KW1558 Lampada tavolo Table lamp D 40 H 65 D 40 H 65 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, paralume pongè. Bronze patined object, pongè shade.

pg. 76 Artikel: KW1558 Tischlampe D 40 H 65 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, pongè Schirm.

pg. 76

Articolo: CP065L Lampada tavolo L 38 P 25 H 112 Max 1x100W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo patinato, paralume pongè.

pg. 77 Artikel: CP065L Tischlampe L 38 P 25 H 112 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, pongè shade.

pg. 77

pg. 77 Article: CP065L Table lamp L 38 P 25 H 112 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined objcet, pongè shade.

Articolo: KW1487 pg. 78 Lampada tavolo D 40 H 63 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW1487 pg. 78 Artikel: KW1487 pg. 78 Table lamp Tischlampe D 40 H 63 D 40 H 63 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: KW0153 pg. 79 Lampada tavolo D 40 H 65 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

AArticle: KW0153 pg. 79 Artikel: KW0153 pg. 79 Table lamp Tischlampe D 40 H 65 D 40 H 65 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: KW0263 pg. 80 Lampada tavolo D 40 H 57 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW0263 pg. 80 Artikel: KW0263 pg. 80 Table lamp Tischlampe D 40 H 57 D 40 H 57 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: KW0174 pg. 81 Lampada tavolo D 28 H 56 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW0174 pg. 81 Artikel: KW0174 pg. 81 Table lamp Tischlampe D 28 H 56 D 28 H 56 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: KW1481 pg. 81 Lampada tavolo D 28 H 54 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW1481 pg. 81 Table lamp D 28 H 54 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade.

Articolo: KW1147 pg. 82 Article: KW1147 Table lamp Lampada tavolo L 25 P20 H 41 L 25 P20 H 41 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, pongè shade. Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, paralume pongè.

Artikel: KW1481 pg. 81 Tischlampe D 28 H 54 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

pg. 82 Artikel: KW1147 Tischlampe L 25 P20 H 41 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patiniert Objekt, pongè Schirm.

pg. 82

Articolo: KW1521 pg. 83 Lampada tavolo D 28 H 54 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW1521 pg. 83 Artikel: KW1521 pg. 83 Table lamp Tischlampe D 28 H 54 D 28 H 54 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: KW0297 pg. 83 Lampada tavolo D 28 H 57 Max 1x100W E27 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato, base marmo botticino, paralume pongè.

Article: KW0297 pg. 83 Artikel: KW0297 pg. 83 Table lamp Tischlampe D 28 H 57 D 28 H 57 Max 1x100W E27 Max 1x100W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, pongè shade. Bronze patiniert Objekt, Botticino Marmor Basis, pongè Schirm.

Articolo: CP065 Oggetto bronzo D 24 H 74 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato.

pg. 84 Article: CP065 Object bronze D 24 H 74 Bronze patined objcet.

pg. 84 Artikel: CP065 Gegenstand bronze D 24 H 74 Bronze patiniert Objekt.

pg. 84

Articolo: CP064 Oggetto bronzo D 26 H 74 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato.

pg. 84 Article: CP064 Object bronze D 26 H 74 Bronze patined objcet.

pg. 84 Artikel: CP064 Gegenstand bronze D 26 H 74 Bronze patiniert Objekt.

pg. 84

Articolo: CP066 Oggetto bronzo D 22 H 67 Oggetto in fusione di bronzo patinato.

pg. 85 Article: CP066 Object bronze D 22 H 67 Bronze patined objcet.

pg. 85 Artikel: CP066 Gegenstand bronze D 22 H 67 Bronze patiniert Objekt.

pg. 85

Articolo: CP301 pg. 86 Lampada terra D 38 H 200 Max 1x150W E27 Statua in fusione di bronzo a cera persa patinata, base in marmo botticino e vetro di Murano soffiato a mano.

Article: CP301 pg. 86 Artikel: CP301 pg. 86 Floor lamp Bodenlampe D 38 H 200 D 38 H 200 Max 1x150W E27 Max 1x150W E27 Bronze patined object, botticino marble base, hand-made Bronze patiniert Objekt, botticino Marmor Basis, handgeblasenes Murano glass. Murano Glass.








Sono proposte eleganti e comode sedie di legno massiccio o in ferro battuto di pregevole fattura artigianale. Proposte rispettivamente con finiture in foglia oro e argento o patinate in oro e ruggine. Le sedute sono in tessuto di cotone e seta adatte ad essere inserite in qualsiasi raffinato ambiente. This collection includes elegant and comfortable chairs in solid wood and wrought iron of excellent workmanship. They are either finished with golden and silver leaves or with golden and rust brown coating. The seats are made of cotton and silk fabric and are suitable for being placed in refined interior environments. Vorgestellt werden elegante und bequeme St端hle aus Massivholz oder Schmiedeeisen von auserlesener Handwerkskunst. Sie sind entsprechend mit Vergoldung und Versilberung ausgef端hrt, oder mit Vergoldung und Oxidation. Die Sitzfl辰che besteht aus Seide- und Baumwollstoffen, die sich ausgezeichnet in jedes beliebige raffinierte Ambiente einf端gen.


S803P - L75 H92


FB112OB - RB - L40 H100


ST21S - L54 P48 H102


S929SB - L48 H96


S926C - L58 H100


S914S - L44 H90


Articolo: S803P Poltroncina L 75 H 92 Struttura in legno, finitura argento, tessuto cotone.


pg. 95 Article: S803P Armchair L 75 H 92 Structures in wood, finish silver, tissue cotton.

Articolo: FB112OB - RB pg. 96 Sedia L 40 H 100 Struttura in metallo, finitura patinato oro o ruggine, sedile tessuto avorio.


pg. 95 Artikel: S803P Lehnstuhl L 75 H 92 Holz struktur, Feinbearbeitung siber, Baumwolle stoff.

pg. 95

Article: FB112OB - RB pg. 96 Artikel: FB112OB - RB pg. 96 Chair Stuhl L 40 H 100 L 40 H 100 Metal structure in patined gold or rust finishing, seat in tessue Metallstruktur, gold oder rost patiniert, Sitz in beige Stoff. ivory colour.

Articolo: ST21S pg. 97 Article: ST21S Sedia Chair L 54 P 48 H 102 L 54 P 48 H 102 Struttura in metallo, finitura argento, tessuto seta + argento. Metal structure, finish silver, tissue silk + silver.

pg. 97 Artikel: ST21S pg. 97 Stuhl L 54 P 48 H 102 Metallstruktur, Feinbearbeitung siber, Seide stoff + siber.

Articolo: S929SB Sedia L 48 H 96 Struttura in legno, finitura argento, tessuto cotone.

pg. 98 Artikel: S929SB Stuhl L 48 H 96 Holz struktur, Feinbearbeitung siber, Baumwolle stoff.

pg. 98

pg. 98 Article: S929SB Chair L 48 H 96 Structures in wood, finish silver, tissue cotton.

Articolo: S926C Poltroncina L 58 H 100 Struttura in legno, finitura argento, tessuto cotone.

pg. 99

Article: S926C Armchair L 58 H 100 Structures in wood, finish silver, tissue cotton.

pg. 99 Artikel: S926C Lehnstuh L 58 H 100 Holz struktur, Feinbearbeitung siber, Baumwolle stoff.

pg. 99

Articolo: S914S Sedia L 44 H 90 Struttura in legno, finitura oro, tessuto cotone.

pg. 100 Article: S914S Chair L 44 H 90 Structures in wood, finish gold, tissue cotton.

pg. 100 Artikel: S914S Stuhl L 44 H 90 Holz struktur, Feinbearbeitung gold, Baumwolle stoff.

pg. 100

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Digital catalog A digital version of this Catalogue in .pdf (Acrobat) format is available at our Internet site It can be downloaded to your computer in a few minutes free of charge. Technical notes The descriptions and dimensions of the light fixtures illustrated in this catalogue are provided as purely an indicative. Gammadeltagroup s.r.l. reserves the right to make any modifications that may be necessary. The dimensions and colours described in the technical clarification have a leeway due to the characteristic of the hand-blown glasses which can be altered by Gammadeltagroup s.r.l. at any moment, without notice.

Digitaler katalog Eine digitale Kopie dieses Katalogs im Format .pdf (Acrobat) steht Ihnen unter unserer Internet-Adresse zur Verfügung. Sie können diesen in wenigen Minuten frei auf Ihren Computer abrufen. Technische anmerkunger Die Beschreibungen und die Abmessungen der in diesem Katalog dargestellten Leuchten sind als richtungsweisend anzusehen. Gammadeltagroup s.r.l. behält sich das Recht vor, Änderungen vorzunehmen, falls dies erforderlich sein sollte. Die in den technischen Hinweisen beschriebenen Abmessungen und die Farbe haben aufgrund der Charakteristiken der geblasenen Gläser eine Toleranz, die von Gammadeltagroup s.r.l. jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden kann. Simboli - Symbols - Symbole - Dichiarazione di conformità - Declaration of conformity - Konformitätserklärung - Montaggio su superfici normalmente infiammabili - Mounting on inflammable surfaces normally - Montage auf normal entflammbaren Oberflächen - Apparecchio classe II - Fixture class II - Leuchte Klasse 2 - Regolatore di tensione - Dimmer - Dimmer - Terra - Earth - Erde

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