Young Martin Adventures

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A Tale Of Young Martin Steeves_The Pirate Balthasar Secret Santa 2011. By elianthos He could still not get used to the cold, and to the soft yet crunchy whiteness under his feet. So much for Irish family roots… And he always have to mind his head unless he wished to bump it against the porches here. But at least with so many towers around he felt less out of scale. Or so his university mates liked to tell him. Ditto on the ladies. The ladies from Bologna were really pretty and looked just like out of Carracci’s and Guercino’s paintings, and they whispered with a lovely, vaguely hypnotic accent even if this made occasionally hard for him to understand the words… he got the ‘ bellissimo’ and the ’towering, tall, handsome Hercules’ but what was all that ‘feed the salami’ talk about? Surely his university fellows would clarify the subtleties of Italian language and of the ladies’ talk to him yet again… ‘Oy, watch it Martin!’ . *PAFF* *SPLAT* down his neck the freshest fresh snowball went, courtesy of one of the aforementioned uni fellows grinning from ear to ear and prancing around gloveless and without a cape nor hat, blond hair and glinting eyes and glowing cheeks like some tipsy elf. Luckily for Martin’s neck the third member in their little company seemed more into sketching than into playing hide and seek plus snow fight under the Garisenda tower. And, Martin noticed with a smile while shaking his head and fingercombing some snow dust off his own blond strands, their third companion was sitting on the other blonde’s cape, happily soaking half of said cape in the fresh snow , half covering his head with a welcome extra layer of warmth. ‘It’s just a bit of… heaven’s flour as they’d say in your country, isn’ it ?’ Steeves replied as soon as the shorter blond came closer, while patting him on the neck oh-so-casually with his snowcoated glove. The other youth stiffened and shuddered for an instant before retaliating with his cold fingers as high as he could reach… when a twin set of snow balls met both of them full in the face. And then a soggy cape fell on them like a blanket. ‘Behave, kids. It’s getting dark. And you, don’t tease your big brother…’ The third guy brushed off the snow from his hands and laughed at the muffled (combined) replies ‘I’m not his brother!’ ‘Why do they always take us for brothers?’ - ‘I go along with it out of the goodness of my heart’ as he herded their blanketed forms to the closest trusty tavern. --One ‘Ooh, my dearest customers! My little daughters really enjoyed your drawings and chatters about them all day! Ah, Lucia, bring two servings for the blond brothers and his cousin! And warm wine! Enjoy our Christmas student menu!’ later, the trio landed a good seat and table, in a niche against the wall but not too far from the fireplace. Martin knew his looooong legs would get cramps later but couldn’t really complain… the food there was excellent and so was the ‘special oltremontani brothers discount’. ‘Now, this is heaven’s flour! And it’s piping hot! Don’t you agree, brother dearest? ‘ said brother would have glared at Martin over a mouthful of lasagna if he wasn’t already busy exchanging glances with the tavern maid – or, to be more precise, diverting her glances from his ‘brother’ and ‘cousin’ to completely towards himself - . ‘Let him have his own style of piping hot, cousin Martin. By the way this must feel good after the cold meals in the collegium.’ ‘Indeed it is. The warm wine smells delicious too’ ‘How can you tell when you never drink wine? Ah yes, because of *that*’.

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