Deelish April 2013

Page 1

APRIL 2013

elegance is a question of choice

Cook like

a Chef

Diary of

a Wine Harvest

Mothers Day must knows

So TANTRA you say? Creative home




BE Irresistable!


h D !! ee




Cape Town

April already!! Where is this year going to? Mother’s Day is almost upon us again and it seems like just yesterday that my daughter was bringing me breakfast in bed and offering to massage my feet for “Mother’s Day”. A day, us as mom’s are either giving or receiving , yet not really knowing how Mother’s Day came about…. This month we explore the origin of this beautiful day and pay tribute to those women that came before us and worked tirelessly to see the day officially recognized. We also visit one of my favourite cities in the world, Cape Town. With so much to offer it is a city that has just got to be experienced for yourself . And though we gave the Winelands just a short mention, please don’t be disappointed, it was intentionally done because the Winelands has so much to offer that it warrants its own feature. So look out in a future edition for a feature dedicated to the Cape Winelands. For all those who know or those that are curious about Kopi Luwak we bring you Haas, the only ‘coffee shop’ in SA that offers this rare and controversial coffee. The Haas Collective certainly has made waves and their story is certainly worth a read. As it is on most oenophile’s bucket lists, we share a personal diary of a wine harvest which gives so much insight into just one bottle of this “Drink of the gods”, that I’m sure will have you thinking differently about wine. From this month we’ve added a new dimension to the recipes which everybody loves, we’ve invited our “local” chefs to share their recipes with you, so that you can “Cook like a Chef” at home, using recipes by some of SA’s most celebrated chefs. This has proven so popular that unfortunately we couldn’t print them all but all recipes and more information about the chef’s and their restaurants will be available online. We introduce “Elle on the Inside” who shows us great ways to keep our homes up to date and trendy without breaking the bank. And of course, being us, always on the lookout for unusual or trendy or even just different, we take you on an introduction to Tantra. I’m pretty sure this article will have you reaching for your candles and incense in no time at all. The mag as always is jam packed with something for everyone and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as the team and I enjoyed putting it together.

The Crew: Editor: Aaliyah Mia 083 661 4322 Sales & Marketing: Nick Dewing 071 881 4978

Publisher and Designer: Stephanie Lambert 083 321 4521

It is always an absolute pleasure bringing you fun and exciting content and even with late nights, deadlines and overdosing on caffeine, none of us would have it any other way. To all the Mom’s out there, we wish you a Blessed Mothers Day

Until Next Time, ps: don’t forget to follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook, we share what we know with you as soon as we hear of it, so don’t miss out!!!! DeelishLifenStyle

We have 3 exciting ‘Ways to Win’ this month

Win Now!


stand a chance to win 1 of 6 vouchers by simply going to our Facebook page and tagging yourself in the Mangwanani ad or email us the name of the Mangwanani Spa closest to you


Win 1 of 4 Agave hampers by answering the simple question on page 23 and emailing your answer to


Win a bottle of Great King Street. Go to page 45 for competition details

Advertise Now! - By advertising with us you appear in both our print and online media - Our magazine is nationally distributed ensuring value for money - All ads placed can be tracked and monitored with monthly stats available on request For further info contact:



5/What is Mothers Day


On The Cover...

7/Make- Up of the Moment 11/Wardrobe Savy Fashion Tips and Advice

72/Cook Like a Chef

15/Our Pick Of

67/Diary of a Wine Harvest


5/Mothers Day

Discover the Mysteries of Tantra

17/Tantric Sex 30/Creative Home Colour 60/Discerning Discoveries 37/Be Irresistable 46/Explore Cape Town 4/Win

Mothers Day Forget-Me-Nots

17/Hello Tantric Sex 21/Sportswear

Sports bra vs sports shoes


More about this wonder product

27/What Your Cravings Mean

Find out your healthy alternative to chocolate


30/Chic Classy Colour

Colours to inspire your creativity


37/How to be Irresistable




Surfing? Flying a kite? We discover more

Creater of Compass Box

Things every guy needs to know



42/Gadgets for Guys Techno toys

ENTERTAINMENT 43/Leisure What to watch, rent, read and listen to


45/Compass Box


46/Cape Town

Pack Your Bags We’re Off

51/Local Lingo

Low down on the Mother City’s lingo

60/The best of South Africa 65/John Glaser

67/Diary Of a Wine Harvest 72/Cook Like a Chef

Recipes from renowned S.A chefs


What is

Mothers Day?

Who started it and where did the idea come from? Earliest History of Mothers Day

The earliest history of Mothers Day dates back to the ancient annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses. The Greeks used the occasion to honor Rhea, wife of Cronus and the mother of the gods in Greek mythology. Ancient Romans, too, celebrated a spring festival, called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. Ceremonies in honour of Cybele began some 250 years before Christ was born. The celebration made on the Ides of March by making offerings in the temple of Cybele lasted for three days and included parades, games and masquerades Early Christians celebrated a Mother’s Day of sorts on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In England the holiday was expanded to include all mothers. It was then called Mothering Sunday.


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Julia Ward Howe In 1872, Julia Ward Howe, an activist, writer and poet loosely inspired by the British day, suggested that June 2 should be annually celebrated as Mothers Day and should be a day of peace. She wrote a passionate appeal to women and urged them to rise against war in her famous Mothers Day Proclamation, written in Boston in 1870. She also initiated a Mothers’ Peace Day observance on the second Sunday in June in Boston and held the meeting for a number of years. Julia tirelessly championed the cause of an official celebration of Mothers Day and having it declared an official holiday and a day of peace. This is a landmark in the history of Mother’s Day in the sense that this was to be the precursor to the modern Mother’s Day celebrations. To acknowledge Howe’s achievements a stamp was issued in her honor in 1988. It should also be noted that Howe’s idea was influenced by Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis, who in 1858 had attempted to improve sanitation in what she called “Mothers Friendship Day”. Although her dream came to pass, Mothers’ Day is now celebrated in May and is thanks in part to another tireless campaigner who saw the dream realized many, many years later and is the daughter of Ann Marie Jarvis. 05.April

Anna Jarvis Recognised as the Founder of Mothers Day in the US, Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids. She is known as the “Mother” of Mothers Day, a fitting title for the lady who worked tirelessly to bestow honour on all mothers. The idea for Mother’s Day was inspired by her own mother, Mrs Anna Marie Reeves. Mrs Reeves had been an activist and social worker herself and she would often express to her daughter her desire that ALL mothers living and dead be honoured for the contributions made by them. Anna never forgot her mothers wish and when her mother died in 1905, she resolved to see the fruition of her mother’s hearts desire of having a “Mothers Day” The growing negligent attitude of adult Americans towards their mothers and a desire to see her own mother’s wish come true, she tirelessly pursued the dream. Carnations were her mothers favourite flower and Anna felt they symbolized a mother’s pure love for her child. In 1907, she handed out 500 white carnations at her home church in Grafton, West Virginia, one to each mother, in honour of her own mom. Anna, gave up her job in her quest to have Mother’s Day recognized and together with her many supporters wrote letters to politicians, lobbying for “Mothers Day “ to be officially declared a holiday. By 1911, the hard work had paid off, Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed the resolution which declared the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day, a day to pay tribute to the role of the woman in the home.

Mothers Day As We Know It! Now widely celebrated across the globe in many different countries including India, Australia,the US, the UK and here at home in South Africa, mothers all over the world are being honoured on the same day. We all take the day as an opportunity to pay tribute to our mothers and thank them for all their love and support. The day has become so popular that phone lines can get maximum traffic and in some countries mobile services get jammed. The tradition of gifting flowers, cards and other gifts to mothers is widespread and mothers the world over get treated to something special by their families on this day we call, Mothers Day. However, when she noticed the huge trend toward the commercialization of Mother’s Day, Ms. Anna Jarvis, who had devoted her life to the recognition of Mothers Day as a holiday she again went to work trying to restore Mothers Day to its roots. Though she could have profited from Mothers Day, she never did and railed against those who did. It cost her everything, both financially and physically.

So from all of us at Deelish, we take this opportunity to Salute ALL mothers and pay homage to the women who made Mother’s Day a reality, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis!!

Have a H


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f o k c i P r Ou



Day forget-Me-Nots”

‘‘The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.”- Honore de Balzac

So often we stress ourselves out trying to find the “perfect’ gift for Mother’s Day, yet so often its just the simplest, gestures that make the biggest impact. A Mother’s Day gift needn’t cost the earth, but it should be well thought out and “perfect” for YOUR mom or wife.

1. A bouquet of her favourite flowers 2.

Breakfast in bed – She makes breakfast everyday, this one day give her a special treat and let her lie in while you cook up something.

“God c ou everyw ldn’t be here an d so, He ma de -Rudya mothers” rd Kipli ng


A box of chocolates, not just any chocolates, get her something unusual like, the J C Leroux Perfect Pair.


A morning or day at the spa – Even just a mani or a pedi, women love to feel pampered, but hardly find the time between running around after dad and the kids.

5. All women love to smell good, so a bottle of perfume is always a great gift…after all when you smell good, you feel good.

6. A silk scarf , it can be dressed up or down,

worn in various ways and adds style & glamour to any outfit.

Any one of these or a combination of a few, depending on what your pocket can afford is bound to bring a smile to any mom’s face.

“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother!” -Theodore Hesburgh 16.April


Hello Tantric Sex!

We’ve all read about it, wondered about it and come up with our own versions of what it is. I mean long lengthy kisses, hours and hours of staring into our beloveds eyes, orgasms that go on for days, but what is is the hype really all about? After all we are a society obsessed with sex and sexuality, every magazine carries an article on it, every movie has a sex scene and the number of sex experts that abound clearly proves this.But,so much of what we read, watch and experience seems to be about performance and heaven help us if we don’t achieve that wonder of wonders, “the multiple orgasm”. As for the guys, they seem to be on some mission to get Gold, in the Bedroom Activities Olympics. And when you’re married, often sex is the last thing on your mind, what with running around after kids, the pressures of the daily grind, getting dinner etc etc.

Enter Tantra.

SO WHAT IS TANTRIC SEX EXACTLY? Tantric sex is directed to not only having pleasure through intercourse, but rather to acknowledge your mind and body. It is about weaving the spiritual and the physical together ,man to woman and humanity to the divine. Tantric sexual techniques have been used in India for centuries. The basic idea involves using your natural sexual energy to expand and explore everyday life, with enlightenment being the purpose. The end goal of Tantric sex is to arouse a divine feminine energy in the universe (Shakti) and the most common method used involves developing sexual energy through acts of ritual sexual intercourse in which orgasm doesn’t happen. Now, Tantra is not an advanced quest for the G-spot, nor is it a modern day reply to the Kama Sutra, rather it is an ancient technique that has been practiced by Hindu’s and Buddhists for centuries. With new studies showing that the brain reacts the same way to meditation as it does to sex, it makes sense then that the Buddhists were on to something long before science proved it. Tantra is intended to develop the “awakened mind” of meditation in a sexual context. It is about finding aspects of the divinity in one’s beloved. Now you don’t need to be an avid reader of smut and porn to know that there certainly aren’t many of these books that talk about using and changing erotic energy to a higher, more refined state of consciousness. However, it must be said at 17.April

this point, especially for beginners, that for the mindblowing experience and sensation kundalini (sexual energy), an intimate relationship is a pre-requisite. There is no point trying to have a mind blowing spiritual experience if you’re nervous or uncomfortable with your partner, in other words this is not for the one night stand. . The practice of Tantric Sex will enhance both your relationship and your sexual pleasure, which is always a good thing for a couple. I mean in our busy, fast paced lives how often do we stop to focus on our partners? So lets go ahead and give it a try and here are some pointers to get you started.

Researcher, Gemma O’Brien found that people meditating and having an orgasm both experience “diminution of self-awareness” and “alterations in bodily perception.” When you meditate, the left side of your brain lights up and when you have sex, the right side of your brain lights up -- both experiences leading to a stoppage of mental chatter in your brain and helping you lose physical and mental boundaries.

GETTING STARTED: 1. SET THE MOOD Make sure you have a few hours to explore this new idea and arrange a quiet place with no distractions. The idea is to assault the senses with sexy lighting and a sweet smelling room. Light some candles, Get out your incense, sandalwood and musk are good for stimulating your senses. Dress in loose clothing that can come off easily, Red is the color of fertility, and would be preferred over other colors. Keep some aphrodisiacs close by to feed each other,like strawberries, oysters, or chocolates. Play soft romantic, soothing music in the background.

2. EYE CONTACT Begin by facing each other and gazing into each other’s eyes— clothes on. Focus on one of your partner’s eyes; this keeps you intimately exposed And remember by gazing into each others eyes, you are gazing into the soul of the other. So look your man in the eye all the way through. 3. BREATHE Now Breathe. First you breathe in and out together, at the same cadence. Then you move into Breath Exchange. This is where you inhale when he exhales, then exhale when he inhales, basically, you’re breathing each others breath. Do this for at least 10-15 minutes. Concentrate on each breath as you breathe in. Breathe out as slowly as possible. Do this either sitting side by side or facing each other or lay on his chest and breathe his breath. Now your breathing should be synchronized which will allow you to relax and concentrate on your body. Breathing helps you to become centred. 4. GET NAKED Now you can take your clothes off. Sit on his lap, facing him and wrap your legs around his waist. Do the breath exchange while still in the seated position. 5. TOUCH THAT BODY There are so many erogenous zones that get no attention so touch, kiss, lick, massage or stroke your way to your Nirvana. But make sure that the genitalia are the very last to get attention. Don’t forget those forgotten spots like, behind the knee or inside of the thigh.


H E NOW IT GETS INTERESTING: A At this point penetration can occur, but WITHOUT breaking eye contact. Now this might be a little awkward L at first but generally, men love to see the look on your face when you’re climaxing or going down on him. Use T slow and controlled movements to stimulate each other. The slow pace of tantric lovemaking will allow you to explore the sensual range of your bodies and minds. Now remember, the Grand finale is NOT the orgasm, as H this is not the primary objective of Tantra. Rather, attempt to prolong the act ,which will increase dynamite sexual energy and intimacy with your partner. So don’t focus on the ‘end’ result rather enjoy the new and exciting feelings that holding off will bring.

Tantra is

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Don’t restrict yourself, in terms of time. Learn to control your orgasm - when you feel release is imminent stop all movement and concentrate on breathing. . Avoid that urge to come for as long as possible and when you do, keep genital contact afterwards for as long as possible as well. While you may balk at the idea of avoiding climax these practices can help you both develop sexual ecstasy and connectedness far beyond that of a typical orgasm. That’s right, not coming makes you hornier in the long run. It also increases overall sexual energy, which, if you get really into it, can then be channeled into non sexual activities. At the point of climax for both women and men, you remain at the peak of ecstatic pleasure without climaxing. There are all the feelings of a typical orgasm, but it lasts for many minutes (or even hours), without a traditional orgasm. This leads to profound sexual and emotional merging. Throughout the experience both partners should focus on harmonizing each others energies. All thoughts should be on the body and its sensations. Remember to breathe and concentrate. Partners should now be able to relax fully into the waves of pleasure. As the experience gets more intense you may feel the urge to talk or giggle, but stay with it. Just concentrate and enjoy the waves of energy as they take you on this journey of exploration to a pleasure you’ve probably not felt before. And use only NON verbal communication. As you become more proficient, your experience becomes more intimate and the shared energy, looking into each other’s eyes and breathing each other’s breaths becomes transcendent. The kissing is electric and there might be no penetration, no genital stimulation, but chances are you will be more turned on than when having regular sex. The euphoria experienced can be described as being on a ‘high’.

All you have to remember to do is PAY ATTENTION, use your imagination and RELAX! “One basic tantric tenet is that men can withhold ejaculation and prolong erection, and that seminal fluid contains drops of vital energy, the spending of which ages the body and dulls the senses.” 19.April

Sports Bra VS p o r t s

S h o e s


Liza Clifford, of Liza Clifford Professional Bra Fitting Studio, is always amazed by women who start running or take up a new sport and do the right thing by buying a good pair of running shoes or cross trainers, but neglect to provide support for their breasts. ‘’The new athlete is so concerned about getting injured by wearing the wrong sports shoe, but what about the irreparable damage they will do to their breast tissue by wearing the wrong bra?’’, says Liza. ‘’I encourage people to get fit and lose weight, but why have sagging breasts when you reach your goal weight?’’, she asks. ‘’I often hear ladies justify not investing in a good sports bra from the outset of their fitness regime, by saying Shoe prices range between R950 and R1500 and, according to Justin, he has yet to encounter a customer who does not believe that the ultimate running shoe or cross trainer is worth this financial outlay.

that they are going to lose weight and that the size of the bra will change. If you need to invest in buying a sports bra at the outset and then another one six months later, it is worth it. Think about it. The bigger your breasts are, the heavier they are and the more likely they are to sag’’, explains Liza. are to sag’’, explains Liza. Liza Clifford has teamed up with sports shoe expert Justin Hand of D. North Runner to educate women on, not only making sure that they have the right shoe, but also the correct fitting bra and not just the closest fit. This also applies to women who have had breast implants.

‘’Although we are based in Durban North, our customer base comes from all over KwaZulu Natal, as they are prepared to travel for the right advice’’, comments Justin. ‘’Having run track, road races and cross country, and being a coach and competitor in Iron Man, gives me the experience and, in turn, the credibility to give sound advice’’.

When you book an appointment at Liza Clifford Professional Bra Fitting Studio you will be fitted for your ultimate sports bra in a private and uninterrupted environment. The fitter will first measure you and use this measurement as a guideline. She will then use all aspects of your proportions, as well as your requirements of the bra, to base a bra choice on. The When a potential customer comes fitter will fit the bra on you, using a scooping action, and make asto see Justin, he asks them what sessments that you cannot make, sport they are planning to do, such as whether the band is too as well as the frequency and the tight or too lose, and whether the intensity of their training. He looks at their stride and the way that their strap length is correct. The fitter will teach you how to put on your foot lands, by making them run up and down the walkway outside bra, how to scoop and how to take the D. North Runner shop. He then care of your bra. evaluates the structure of their foot and assesses whether they need a neutral shoe or one for supination or pronation. Only then does he choose a shoe to best suit their foot and their sporting regime.


Liza Clifford Professional Bra Fitting Studio has just imported a bra which won the sports section of the UK Lingerie Awards. ‘’I am terribly excited about this product because it is the ultimate sports bra and it completely ‘beats the bounce’’’, says Liza. Liza Clifford Professional Bra Fitting Studio has standards of sizing that are unparalleled. If they don’t have your size, you are unlikely to find it anywhere else in this country. They stock the widest range of sizes in South Africa, 61 sizes in sports bras and many more in other bras. The new Liza Clifford (LC) Sports Bra starts at a size 28 back (this is important for elite sportswomen who carry very little body weight) and continues up to a size 40. ‘’In my experience, if you are wearing a size 42-46 and exercising, you are probably wearing the incorrect size bra’’, explains Liza. The LC Sports Bra sells for R790, and with its moulded cup giving a rounded shape and the practical “T-Bar’’ back, which can be adjusted to be a normal over the shoulder strap, it gives brilliant support and a great shape. So if you are participating in the Two Oceans half or ultra-marathon on the 30th March, training for the Comrades Marathon, taking up a new exercise challenge or simply walking, running, cycling or gyming to keep fit, ensure that you are not only wearing the right shoes, but a correctly fitted sports bra for your size.

D.North Runner can be found at shop 62E, Astra Building, Adelaide Tambo Drive in Durban North, telephone 031 564 1200. Liza Clifford Professional Bra Fitting Studio is based at 25 Uplands Drive in Kloof. You can email them at should you wish to book an appointment or if have any queries.




“So if you would like to cut normal table sugar out of your diet but still get the benefit of ‘sweetness’ AND be healthy! Maguey Agave should be your ‘healthy’ alternative.”

It is mentioned so often on the food network in such shows as Marcela Valladoloid’s “Mexican Made Easy” , “Cooking For Real” with Sunny Anderson and many others, yet not many know that this wonder product is made right here in South Africa. The health benefits of Maguey Agave are many, most especially for Diabetics. But it is definetly good for all consumers especially in view of the fact that all of us want to have healthier eating habits. Maguey Agave is also used extensively in the manufacture of Chocolates, Yoghurts, Mayonnaise, Cereals, Baked Goods, Ice Cream and a number of other food products.


he story of Maguey Agave The Blue Agave which originated out of South America is used to make Agave Syrup and Sugar and though not endemic to South Africa, they have long since made their home here. The plants arrived hundreds of years ago on our coast line via vessels especially Spanish Galleons that were wrecked and ran aground. These Galleons travelled mainly between South America and the East and carried Agave plants as ballast and feed for the stock on board these wooden ships. Many of these galleons succumbed to the harsh weather conditions of the South African wild coast and were lost, but the Agave plants which were on board floated off and landed on the beaches. These plants adapted well and started growing and when the 1820 settlers arrived in South Africa, it was noted that the Agave 23.April

plant was indeed very hardy and would be well suited as an alternative feed source in arid areas such as the Karoo, where many settlers had been given farms. Around about this time a Miss Rubridge (Whose father farmed in Graaff-Reinet and her decendants still do) was on holiday in Port Alfred, and on her return to the farm brought back half a dozen Agave Pups for her dad to plant out. Mr Rubridge was initially not interested, but after leaving the Agave Pups in a shed for a year and noting that they were still alive, planted them out adjacent to his house. Within a few years these pups had become giants and had started to produce their own off spring under the mother plants. Mr Rubridge then experienced a severe drought and as a last resort to save his sheep herds started mashing up the Agave plants which proved an ideal feed

in these harsh times. Immediately more plants were brought in and large plantations eventually settled, which in years to come proved not only a source of emergency feed but also a source of fibre, which was used to make ropes, bags, mats and bedding in mattresses and pillows. In 2006 Brian Neary was asked to consult at an Agave Distillery that had been set up in Graaff-Reinet which produced a ‘Tequila’ like product from the Blue Agave plants that grew in abundance in this area. After completing this Consultation work he then proceeded to formulate Agave Syrup and Sugar and after two years of trial and error eventually started his own business making Agave Syrup, Agave Sugar and later Agave Inulin. P



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enefits of Maguey Agave Syrup and Agave Sugar:

pplications of Maguey Agave Syrup and Sugar:

Flavour Enhancement Agave’s sweetness perception peaks and falls earlier than that of glucose and sucrose, unmasking fruit and spice flavours.

Jams and Fruit Preparations Agave enhances taste, aroma, consistency and fruitiness, significantly improves the sweet flavour, aroma, consistency and fruitiness of fruit jams and marmalades. The best natural sweetener, ideal as the sweetener component in the manufacture of jams, jellies and fruit preparations.

Ingredient Synergy The interaction of Agave with other sweeteners and starches creates a synergy that boosts sweetness, viscosity or cake height (in baked goods) of foods and beverages. Shelf Life & Stability Agave does not hydrolyse in acidic conditions like sucrose, therefore the sweetness and flavour profile of finished products remains stable over extended storage periods. Solubility/Resistance to Crystallization While sold in crystalline form, Agave Sugar re-crystallizes with difficulty once it is dissolved in foods. This attribute makes the production of soft cookies possible. Humectant Feature (“Humectancy”) Agave binds and retains moisture so well it can replace sorbitol and glycerine in foods to improve taste. A good example is low-moisture granola-type bars. Surface Browning The appeal of baked and roasted foods comes mainly from the crisp, brown surface colour and alluring aroma, produced by a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids. Agave is perfect in this respect.

Yogurt and Dairy Desserts Improved fruitiness, aroma, consistency and taste in dairy products. Yogurts and dairy desserts become creamier, sweeter and fruitier, and its fruit-filled aroma is an added plus. All of these enhance flavour for an enhanced eating experience. Ice Cream and Sorbets Soft, smooth and taste tingling - one can reduce the caloric content of ice cream and sorbet formulas with the use of Agave as the sweetener component. Agave’s high freezing point depression makes ice creams and sorbets softer and easier to spoon. Diet and Energy Drinks The sweetener that flavours beverages: excellent synergism empowers the natural taste of fruit drinks and nectars. All you need is a small amount of Agave to get a large dose of sweetening strength. The unwanted aftertaste of non-caloric sweeteners is masked. Agave, an energizing sweetener, gives a significant energy boost to health drinks. Baking The baker’s choice for a sugar substitute: baked goods stays moist and fresh longer. Agave reduces water activity and is an amazing browning aid that browns cookies and other baked goods.

Frozen Applications Agave maintains the integrity of frozen fruit by controlling water and preventing damaging ice crystal formation, which can destroy fragile fruit tissue.

Cereals Cereal manufacturers use Agave Syrup and Sugar as a sweetener in the process of producing certain Breakfast Cereals and Muesli. These cereals are often coated and baked with Agave bringing out the natural flavours of the cereal and Muesli. The end product is often sold as a low GI, low calorie solution, but also for children with symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes and Hyper activity.

Glycaemic Index/Insulin Release The Glycaemic Index has been advocated as a method of gauging the compatibility of foods with the special needs of diabetics. Agave has a very low Glycaemic Index and results in moderate release of insulin to the bloodstream when compared to glucose and sucrose.

Chocolates Chocolate manufacturers use Agave Syrup and Sugar as a sweetener component in many Low GI, Low calorie and Diabetic friendly chocolate products. Agave enhances the sweet flavour and smoothness of the chocolate and due to its neutral taste will not alter the consistency of the finished product. Shelf life and stability is also enhanced with the use of Agave.



AGAVE MOJITO Ingredients 3 oz. white rum 2 Tbsp. light agave nectar 3 Tbsp. fresh squeezed lime juice (approx. 2 limes) 40spearmint leaves 1 can (12 oz.) chilled club soda 1 dozen ice cubes Method 1. Place rum, agave nectar, lime juice and mint in small bowl and crush mint with pestle or back of a spoon. If desired, sample mixture at this point and adjust sweetness balance to taste. 2. Strain mixture, pressing excess moisture from mint. Divide between two glasses (approx. 2.5 fl. oz. per glass) 3. Add 6 fl. oz. of club soda to each glass and add ice to fill. Garnish with mint sprig and/or lime wedge. Servings: 2 Yield: 2 drinks, approx. 9 oz. each Preparation time: 5 minutes Ready in: 5 minutes

BLUE AGAVE MARGARITA Given that we’re big fans of Blue Agave, it’s probably not a surprise that we also enjoy (in moderation, of course!) Blue Agave in its other form--tequila. We’ve never been much for shots, but rather enjoy sipping tequila slowly, savoring its complexities and nuances. We always recommend pouring the best you can find. Ingredients 1½ ounces tequila ¾ ounce Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Light Blue Agave ¾ ounce water juice from one large lime ice Method Mix and serve blended or frozen, as preferred, and enjoy.


PECAN PIE Ingredients 2 cups Maguey Agave Nectar 3 Large eggs 1/3 cup butter at room temperature 1 ½ cups broken pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon salt 1 uncooked pie crust

BANANA BREAD Mix together and set aside: 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking!soda In mixer bowl: 3 ripe bananas,mashed ½ cup butter,room temperature 2 eggs ½ cup Maguey Agave Nectar ½ cup nuts (and/or raisins or sunflower seeds)

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. 2. In a dry skillet, roast pecans over medium heat for 5 minutes. Set Aside. 3. Cook Maguey Agave Nectar in a pan and gently boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. 4.Beat eggs lightly and gradually pour into the heates agave, beating constantly to prevent eggs from scrambling. 5. Cut the butter into little chunks and add to the mixture while you are beating the eggs and agave nectar. Stir in the vanilla extract. 6. Add roasted pecans to the uncooked pie crust. Pour mixture over the top. 7. Crefully place your pie in the oven and bake about 30 minutes, then remove,place pie crust shield on it and return to the oven for another 30 minutes. A total of 1hr in the oven.. 8. You can test the pie by sticking a toothpick in the middle . If it comes out clean, the pie is done. If not, it needs about 10 more minutes in the oven.. 9. Cool pie on a wire rack

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease a regular loaf pan and set aside. In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients and set aside. Mash the bananas add eggs and nectar. Blend together. Stir in dry ingredients a little at a time until well mixed together. Add nuts and blend. Pour mixture into loaf pan. Bake at180° C for 45minutes or until loaf springs back slightly to a light touch or test with a toothpick until it comes out clean. Makes one loaf or two mini loaves. (Bake half the time for mini loaves.) (If doubling the recipe bake in two regular loafpans together for 60+min.;test with toothpick to make sure center is done) 26.April


What Your Cravings Mean!

Ever wake up in the middle of the night craving chocolate? Or you’re thirsty and the only thing that will quench your thirst is an ice cold coke? Well, those cravings mean you’re actually missing or needing something far healthier! We have a look at the healthy alternatives.


your body needs





Chromium Broccoli,Chicken,Cheese Carbon Fresh Fruit Phosphorous Chicken,Fish,Eggs,Beef ,Dairy Sulphur Cabbage,Cranberries



Fatty snacks & Fizzy Drinks


Nuts,Seeds, Fish

High Protein Food: Beans,Fish,Meat,Nuts



Phosphorous Sulphur Salt Iron


Protein Meat,Nuts,Seafood Calcium Broccoli,Chicken,Cheese Potassium Black Olives,Seaweed

Salty Foods


Goat milk,Fish,unrefined sea salt


Silicon Tyrosine

Nuts, Seeds, Avoid refined starch Orange, Green or Red fruit & Vegetables


Poultry,Dairy,Legumes Egg yolk,Red Pepper,Garlic Sea Salt,Apple Cider Vinegar Black Cherries,Meat, Poultry




Red meat,leafy veg, root veg

Lacking an appetite

Vitamin B1 Nuts,Seeds,Beans, Vitamin B3 Tuna,turkey,Seeds Manganese Walnuts,Almonds,Blueberries Chloride Goat milk,Fish,unrefined sea salt

Overeating Silicon Nuts,Seeds, Tryptophan Cheese,Lamb,Sweet Potato,Spinach Tyrosine Oranges,Green & Red Fruit,Vegetables

So NO, if you’re craving chocolate it does not mean that your body has a chocolate deficiency. Also, when you experience those cravings, before you tuck into that slab of chocolate or that packet of chips, drink a tall glass of water first. Very often you give your body what it wants with a glass of water which can thus alleviate the craving.








Colour of the year - Emerald Paint an entire wall in a room in emerald and combine with fresh white accessories for a cost effective way to have a trendy home. Or introduce this beautiful colour into your room with some bold accessories , paint some of your existing furniture pieces in an emerald enamel to make them a focal point or recover old dining chair seats in a fun geometric white and emerald fabric .

elleontheinside cell: 083 445 1554 tel: 021 433 0920



Black is Back In a big way ! Add it to your home as a bold graphic wallpaper or recover some old chair in a crisp black and white fabric with a nature motif or a geometric pattern. The black and white duo, like a well fitted tuxedo is a combination that will always be timeless and fun!


Animal Patterns Animal patterns are a big trend in 2013. Use on upholstery, wallpaper, bedding, accessories and rugs.

Feathered out Feathers are everywhere in 2013 , incorporate them in your decorative accessories and add as accents in your home. Find them as motifs on all types of fabrics and lighting or even artwork.



Gold & Metallics Gold accents and finishes throughout the home are a super trend in 2013 . . Whether you want to cover an entire couch in a glamorous gold fabric or simply add accents of it in your lighting , ornaments and picture frames – gold and brass is timeless and adds opulence to any room .


Be Inspired by nature Fresh nature inspired accessories and bringing the outside in as much as possible is what’s hot in 2013. Add some interest to your server or coffee table by grouping together some shells, corals, stones or driftwood pieces . . . something as simple as a beautiful green delicious monster leaf in a clear glass vase can create this trend and is also an easy but effective way of bringing the “green” in.




ta go lk t wo thr o w an yo ma oug ome y m u a n. h n en re He life . Be are n’t re w c ma are itho aus nev u e e yo king 15 t th of r ta u’d m tip e a thi ug lik ista s t bili s m ht h ty a o e t ke o o a s w he to ny g w to ttr ith lp m attr uy ac t a ac s t: he ke t a wo su me re n






Talk about “emotional” topics like childhood memories, future ambitions, or her passions. These conversation topics will open up her emotional floodgates. Women want a guy who is not afraid to lead her. Take control of the conversation. Dont wait for her to dictate what you’ll be talking about. Pay attention to non verbal cues she’s giving you. If you’re standing too close to her, accidentally spitting when you talk, or making her feel uncomfortable in any way… she will send you hints. Pay attention to them. Remember the motto “Fun not Funny.” Women are attracted to men who allow them to have fun. Don’t concentrate on having the funniest jokes. Concentrate on showing them the most excitement and enjoyment.

Do tease. One of the easiest ways to take a conversation to a fun and flirty level is to begin to tease women. Think back to your time on the playground. In the world of dating… what worked on the playground is effective all over again. Use things like “cold reads” to turn women on. Women love to hear opinions about themselves. Tell her what you observe about her.

Avoid complimenting her too much. Women are turned off by men who come across as “needy.” If you are complimenting a woman too much she will think you’re trying to impress her. Which will have the opposite effect. If you want to know how to talk to women in a way that doesn’t bore them… Avoid “interview” style questions. Instead state your opinion about things.

Don’t hide your identity. Don’t be afraid to talk about whatever

you’re passionate about.

Let her know that you view her in a “sexual” way. If you don’t, you run the risk of winding up in the “friend zone”. Don’t give away your hand too fast. Women like men who are a challenge. If you want to keep a woman’s interest she has to feel like she is slowly winning you over. If she thinks you’re too easy… she’ll lose interest.

The best way to think about how to talk to women is to think about what kind of fun, playful, and sexual conversation you would most enjoy. Talking to a woman doesn’t have to be difficult. You just need to be aware of what they are turned on by and what turns them off. Follow the list above and you’ll do just fine. 38.April



Have you been to the beach lately and noticed those surfers attached to those beautiful kites? Or driven along a beach road and all you could see were colourful kites out in the middle of the sea and wondered what that was. Well, chances are what you were seeing is KiteSurfing in action. Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing are interchangeable names for the same thing. What is Kiteboarding?

A watersport that combines wakeboarding, windsurfing, surfing, paragliding, and gymnastics into one extreme sport. A kitesurfer or kiteboarder harnesses the power of the wind and waves with a large controllable power kite to be propelled across the water on a kiteboard similar to a wakeboard or a small surfboard, with or without foot-straps or bindings. Kiteboarding is a cross over sport from windsurfing. There are different styles of kiteboarding, including freestyle, freeride, downwinders, speed, course racing, wakestyle, jumping and wave-riding Your body is the only connection between the kite and the board and you have to control them both at the same time.

for this style which is very popular amongst younger riders. Waveriding- Combines kiteboarding with surfing. Definelty need a location with a wave break. A directional board with enough flotation and turning ability to surf the wave is required. A regular surf board is easily used. The kitesurfer follows the kite when riding the wave, so the pull of the kite is reduced. This style is popular with surfers since it’s not too dissimilar to tow-in surfing.

Kitesurfing Rules

Kite High Rule - A kiter who is upwind (closest to the wind) must keep their kite high to avoid Kite surfing combines elements of their lines crossing those surfing and windsurfing. of downwind kiters. This The sport began to increase in applies regardless of popularity in the late 1990s and towhether kiters are on day has thousands of followers who the same, or opposing can perform gravity-defying tricks. courses. The first competition was held on Clearance Rule - A kiter Maui in September 1998 and won by while jumping must have Flash Austin. a clear safety zone of at least 50m downwind because they will move Some examples of the differdownwind during the ent styles of Kitesurfing are: jump. Kiters are also Free ride- Anything you want it to considered as sailing be and the most popular style of kitesurfing. Most modern boards are vessels – so some standard sailing rules apply designed for free ride. such as: Free Style- The kite and board are Starboard Rule When kiters apused to get big air (jumps) so that proach from opposite directions various tricks can be done while the kiter who has the wind on the airborne. This style also used for starboard (right side, right leg/arm competitive events and is freeleads in direction of travel) has right format and “go anywhere”. Wakestyle- Tricks and aerials, using of way. The kiter who has the wind on the a wake-style board with bindings. port side (left side, left leg/arm are May also include tricks and jumps leads in direction of travel) shall involving ramps. Crossover from keep out of the way of the other. wakeboarding. Flat water is perfect


In simple terms, this means “keep right” with the kiter coming in the opposite direction passing on the left. A kiter with right of way is entitled to “insist” on exercising that right by shouting “starboard” very clearly and in good time. Other boating rules such as no-go zones, distance from shore and swimmers also apply.

Kitesurfing Terms

1. Body dragging: being pulled through the water without standing on a board. This is an early step in the learning process, and is recommended before trying the board after flying a trainer kite. 2. Boost: to suddenly become airborne

3. DP: dawn patrol; a very early morning session. 4. Facial: total loss of flying kite control whilst on the beach resulting in rider being dragged face first down wind, along the beach. 5. Heel side: the side of a board on the edge where a rider’s heels are (opposite of toe side). “Riding heel side” is riding with heels down. 6. Power zone: is the area in the sky where the kite generates the most lift (pull), this is generally between 0 to 60 degrees arc from the center of the downwind direction. 7. Send it: to move the kite aggressively up through the power zone. 8. Schlogging: this is riding extremely underpowered. A rider has no power to plane and definitely not enough to jump. A rider and their board bounce from planing on the surface to being dragged in the water. 9. Tea-bagging: popping out of and falling back into the water intermittently due to light or gusty wind, poor flying skills, twisted lines etc. 10. Kiteloop: is a powered group of tricks where a rider loops the kite through the power zone while spinning through the air 11. Wind-dummy: a person who goes out to test if the wind is rideable or not. If it is, others start riding too. Also known as a Guinea pig. 12. Zenith: the location in the wind window directly over the kiter’s head. This is the neutral position where kitesurfers can place the kite to stop moving or prior to movement. 13. Dookie Dive: loss of power during air time resulting in a crash into the water. 14. Stomp: to successfully perform a trick. 15. Luff: when the air flow stalls around the kite. It may then stall and fall out of the sky. When launching the kite, if the kite is luffing, the rider should move farther upwind, or the person holding the kite should move downwind.

Kitesurfing is a sport that requires a fair amount of instruction to get going, yet the great thing about it is that once you do have the hang of it, how to control your kite, and have your technique down, the progression is really fast! Kitesurfing schools in SA: Cape Town – Kite Kahunas – www. Durban/PE/Cape Town - KiteSports SA – Durban/PE/Cape Town/Langebaan/ Knysan -

Some ‘hotspots’ of Kite Surfing in SA Western Cape – Big Bay/Kite Beach/Dolphin Beach KZN- Durban Kite Beach/Sodwana Bay/Palm Beach Eastern Cape- St.Francis Bay Lagoon/Cape St Francis-Seals Transkei- Coffee Bay Garden Route- Plettenberg Bay Keurbooms

Equipment You will need:

A kiteboarding kite (with a certain degree of water relauncheability), A kiteboard, A kite control bar, Accessories (safety release system, harness, life jacket, wet suit, helmet.)


Gadgets For Guys Epson EH-TW9100

State of the art home cinema equipment that beams images in 3D with certified colour accuracy. Ideal for movie fanatics who want that high definition movie experience in the comfort of their own home. Tech Specs: Full HD 3D projector 2,400lm Colour Light Output 2,400lm White Light Output 320,000:1 contrast ratio Available Colours: Black Distinguishing Features: Convert 2D high definition images into Full HD 3D projections at the press of a button. Two pairs of active 3D specs are thrown in, so you can show your new-big-TV owning mate exactly how much better your setup is.

G-SHOCK Watch with Bluetooth V4.0

Working with your iPhone enables a host of useful features and functions, including incoming call and mail alerts on your GSHOCK, Phone Finder, Link Loss Alert Alert, Auto Time Update and more. Bluetooth v4.0 wireless communication links your watch with your smartphone. Tech Specs: Bluetooth v4.0 Battery life up to 2 years Available Colours: Black Distinguishing Features: Shock-resistant Construction and 200-meter Water Resistance Original G-SHOCK construction stands up to shocks and vibration like no other. 200-meter water resistance lets you wear it with confidence even at the beach or around the pool. Currently only supported by iPhone.4 S or iPhone 5.

Tylt Vu

If your smartphone charges wirelessly using the Qi standard, it’s your next must-have accessory. The TYLT VU Wireless Charger is the future of smartphone charging. Simply place your QiTM Compatible Smartphone onto the VU and it starts charging. The VU was designed at a 45 degree angle so you can see your screen while the phone charges. Tech Specs: Output Voltage: 19V 1Amp Output Current 5 Watts Length: 7.5 inches Width: 3.5 inches Thickness: 1/2 inches Weight: 5.7 ounce Available Colours: Yellow,Blue,Red or Black Distinguishing Features: Definetly not a shoe horn or a fun slide for mice. For more info:

The HTC One X

It’s huge, slim and comes with a NVIDIA Tegra quadcore Brace yourself for lightning-fast web browsing, remarkable picture quality and seamless gaming visuals thanks to the powerful quad-core processor. You’ll love the minimalist design and the camera that captures every moment (even in low light) with crisp, vivid, beautiful photos. It also lets you take a photo while shooting HD video. Tech Specs: WEIGHT: 130 grams with battery DISPLAY: 4.7-inch super LCD 2 1.5 GHz, quad-core Total Storage: 32 GB RAM:1 GB 8 megapixel camera with auto focus, smart LED flash, & BSI sensor (for better low-light captures) Available Colours: Grey, White and the HTC One X + comes in black Distinguishing Features: To mention but a few, KeyboardScreen, Size,Sound Quality ,VídeoCamera,Messaging,Productivity & most of all incredible Web Experience




Jobs The story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gad, Annika Bertea Genre: biography drama

G.I. Joe The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence. Stars: Channing Tatum, Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis GENRE: action sci fi

OBLIVION A court martial sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he has to destroy the remains of an alien race. The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and himself. Stars: Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Andrea Riseborough Genre: action sci fi

42 The life story of Jackie Robinson and his history-making signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers under the guidance of team executive Branch Rickey Stars: Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Alan Tudyk genre: biography sport

A WEEK IN WINTER Stoneybridge is a small town on the west coast of Ireland where all the families know one another. When Chicky Starr decides to take an old, decaying mansion set high on the cliffs overlooking the windswept Atlantic Ocean and turn it into a restful place for a holiday by the sea, everyone thinks she is crazy. Helped by Rigger (a bad boy turned good who is handy around the house) and Orla, her niece (a whiz at business), Chicky is finally ready to welcome the first guests to Stone House’s big warm kitchen, log fires, and understated elegant bedrooms. 43.April

Les Miserables In 19th-century France, Jean Valjean, who for decades has been hunted by the ruthless policeman Javert after he breaks parole, agrees to care for factory worker Fantine’s daughter, Cosette. The fateful decision changes their lives forever. Stars: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway Genre: musical drama

Zero dark 30 A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 in May 2011 Stars: Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt Genre: history drama

SKYFALL Bond’s loyalty to M is tested when her past comes back to haunt her. Whilst MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost. Stars: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem Genre: action

From David Baldacci #1 bestselling author comes the most thrilling novel of the year, THE HIT. Will Robie is a highly skilled assassin. Robie is the man the U.S. government calls on to eliminate the worst of the worst-enemies of the state, monsters committed to harming untold numbers of innocent victims. No one else can match Robie’s talents as a one, except Jessica Reel.

Dido Girl Who got away Pop Rock

Justin Timberlake The 20/20 Experience Pop TORNADO WATER SLIDE

Josh groban All that Echoes Easy Listening

This thrilling tornado water slide is having enthusiasts lining up for the experience. Guests get to head down an enclosed tunnel, 0.75 meters in diameter, 9.5 meters high and approximately 25 meters in length, where they are then swirled round and round before exiting through “the eye of the storm” into a 6 metre splash pool below. This type of slide has proven extremely popular with water park junkies in America and Canada over the past eight years and is the top three of all water slides in the world. Now Durban has its very own! CEO, Shawn Thompson, said it was uShaka Marine World’s business to lead the way when it came to the ultimate water thrill. “We have to keep surprising our guests to keep them coming back for more”. According to Thompson, the Tornado slide has joined uShaka’s Plunge Freefall Slide, Kamikaze ride and the Drop Zone, Africa’s highest water slide, amongst others, to create an unforgettable experience at Wet ‘n Wild. Being the first of its kind in South Africa, this slide will put the popular Durban theme park on a par with the best in the world!

Charlie wilson Love, Charlie RnB

uShaka Marine World continually aims to deliver an unmatched, fun experience to all its visitors, forming an integral part of the overall Durban beachfront offering and in so doing, continues to be a major tourist attraction for both national and international visitors alike. Last year, the park was rated as “the coolest, fun destination” in KZN by The Sunday Times Generation Next Survey and uShaka strives to maintain this title this year and for the years to come. For more information contact uShaka Marine World on 031 328 8000.

Dan Brown - Inferno, release date may 14th. In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of symbology, Robert Langdon, is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpieces . . . Dante’s Inferno. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Drawing from Dante’s dark epic poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered.


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’ We’re off!




Cape Town is fast becoming the no.#1 travel destination of choice for both locals and foreigners alike. The people of Cape Town are a colourful, hospitable and vibrant lot. From the moment you arrive you feel welcome and don’t be surprised if when you ask for directions, you are either escorted to your destination or invited to join your guide either at their home or wherever he/ she is going. Whilst Cape Town has something to offer everyone from the most daring adventurer to the refined oenophile, there are certainly a few “must do” things for any visitor to the Cape.


Robben Island – Another World Heritage site which since the 17th century had been used as

a place of banishment and imprisonment, but most famously known as the place where our beloved Madiba spent 27 years of his imprisonment. Robben Island is now widely recognized as a symbol of Freedom. Take the tour around the prison site, visit the quarry where inmates worked during the day and get to interact with an ex prison inmate. The cells are well preserved and you can get a feel for what it must have been like back when it was still an operational prison. Be prepared for the wealth of emotion you are sure to feel.

stands guard over the city and one of Unesco’s World Heritage sites is the natural home to ‘fynbos’ and over 2000 species of plants and is one of the richest areas of plants in the world. Table Mountain is also home to the ‘dassie’, which resembles a rabbit but is most


Table Mountain – Enjoy a scenic walk or use the cable car, but no visit to Cape Town is complete without a visit to this grand old lady of the Cape. Or get ‘thrown’ off the mountain at about 1000metres above sea level, one of the worlds longest abseils. An exhilirating experience for any adrenalin junkie. The majestic Table Mountain which

closely related to the elephant. The views from the mountain at sunset will find the romantic in you.


Experience the city on foot – Meander down Adderley street and stop by the famous Flower Market which has been there for the past 100 years. Stroll up to St.Georges Mall, bustling with entertainment. This once busy street is now a pedestrian area alive with the sounds of buskers, dancers, drummers and street artists. There are a number of cafes and restaurants where you can just kick back and watch the passers by while enjoying the vibrancy of the area. Or you can stop at any of the curio shops and art galleries that line the route. This area is also known for the many Jewellry stores. Make your way to Long Street, which has long since become synonymous with ‘fun vibes’ and a great excuse to stay out all night. Long Street Café is an institution and you simply must enjoy at least a cocktail at this viby, noisy, always busy spot. Or move on to the Dubliner for a spot of Live Jazz. The Bokaap is another vibrant, colourful area which can be explored on foot. The colourful homes, many of which date back to the 1750’s are national monuments. This area is a throw back to the apartheid era when it was declared that this area was exclusively for Cape Muslims and people of other ethnicities were forced to leave. It is now known as the Malay Quarter. A short walk away is Cape Quarter, a unique shopping experience, filled with lifestyle shops, excellent restaurants and lively entertainment.

4/Camps Bay - Certainly

“THE” spot for people watching and if you sit in any one of the restaurants along the strip you are bound to spot a celeb or three. The most popular being Café Caprice, This beachside café is an institution with both locals and frequent visitors alike. During the busy seasons it is wise to book in advance. Camps Bay Beach is also extremely popular with its large expanse of white sand it is perfect for a game of Frisbee or just suntanning. A short walk up the road are the beaches of Clifton, here the beaches are numbered and Clifton 4 has been give “blue flag” status for its adherence to strict environmental standards. This area is known as Cape Town’s answer to St Tropez.(Atlantic Seaboard)


The V & A Waterfront – Well, what can I say….A shopping mecca for all who enjoy that blissful of pastimes….Retail Therapy. Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, Burberry you name it, there will probably be store. Restaurants, novelty stores, bars, entertainment…All to be found at the V & A.


25 kms North of the city is Bloubergstrand and Big Bay. Very popular with windsurfers and surfers alike. A melting pot of South African culture you will be spoilt for choice when it comes to meal time, the

5/Chapmans Peak Drive - Home to both the Argus Cycle Tour and The Two Oceans Marathon it is one of the most spectacular marine drives in the world. 9km of unadulterated views as it winds its way from Noordhoek to Hout Bay. Soak up some country charm in Noordhoek Farm Village while exploring the art galleries and craft shops. Then on the other side, in Hout Bay be sure to stop at Snoekies for their famous fish n chips, but if time is of the essence and you’d rather make your own, buy fresh fish straight off the trawlers for that epic ‘fish braai’. From Hout Bay you can take a ‘glass bottomed’ boat to Seal Island and explore the wonders of marine life in the area. (Atlantic Seaboard)


Enjoy a sunset cruise which departs from the V & A waterfront. There are many options but the Jolly Roger pirate ship is lots of fun and quite an experience. The views of the city from the sea are spectacular. Take along your own oysters and enjoy complimentary bubbly from the captain.

restaurants are many and even the fussiest palette will find something to enjoy. Some of the most magnificent views of the city and Table Mountain can be enjoyed here.(Atlantic Seaboard)


South of Cape Town is the False Bay Coastline – For many and definetly for locals far preferable than the ‘trendy’ Camps Bay. Being on the Indian Ocean side of the city, the waters are warmer and off unlimited opportunities for swimming and a variety of watersports.


10/Kalk Bay -Retro, bohemian and moving along

at its own pace, its hard to believe Kalk Bay with its pretty cobbled streets is part of Cape Town. Interesting people, quirky artists, antique shops, book shops. This little fishing village has an identity all of its own and after your first visit, you will be sure to be back again and again. For a place to eat you can enjoy the Brass Bell, a short walk under the train lines or quirky Cape to Cuba, but my suggestion is, ask the locals where they’d eat. And prepare to be delighted with their suggestions. If you can drag yourself away, catch a water taxi to Simonstown. The main road linking Kalk Bay to Simonstown is under construction so to prevent irritation use the water taxi.(False Bay Coastline)

Cape Point – Where the Atlantic and Indian oceans are said to meet. Rugged rocks and sheer. Cliffs and a variety of flora and fauna make this a nature enthusiast’s paradise. (False Bay Coastline).

12/The Cape Winelands – This will require

planning and time. Either choose a route, for eg Stellenbosch or Franschoek and visit the area. Or choose your favourite vineyard and then visit others in that area. The choices are many and one can never do the wine route justice. Each return visit will have something more or different to offer. Tokara, Spier, Rust en Vrede & La Motte definetly need a visit. And closer to Cape Town is The Durbanville Hills wine estate. One is most certainly spoilt for choice but no matter which you choose, the experience will be memorable.


Simonstown – Home to the SA Navy. An historical seaside village with a very different feel to Kalk Bay. Boulders Beach, is home to the Jackass Penguin. Fish Hoek boasts one of the safest swimming beaches in Cape Town. Colourful Victorian bathing boxes give it a festive feel. Muizenberg and its aptly named Surfers Corner is a popular beach amongst the surfing crowd and locals just out for a stroll.


13/A visit to Cape town will be incomplete

without what is fast becoming the ‘hip’ thing to do…a visit to Mzoli’s. An experience you will cherish long after the hangover is forgotten. Mzoli’s started out as a butchery in Gugulethu, but has grown into one of the most popular places to hang out. Celebs flock here for that ultimate township experience. Buy your meat at the butchery, it gets braai’ed and served to you in colourful plastic containers accompanied by ‘baked beans salad’ and that South African staple, pap. While you’re waiting for your ‘nyama’ you can order a cocktail from across the road or you can enjoy a beer (a quart) from the shebeen. You need to buy a glass and cutlery is not provided. What it lacks in sophistication it makes up for in merry making and great fun. Don’t be surprised to find yourself seated next to a famous actor or singer whether local or international, such is the appeal of Mzoli’s.

Well, I can go on about the many things to do and experience in Cape Town but all I can promise you is this, once you’ve experienced the charisma and hospitality that personifies Cape Town, you will return, again and again. Guaranteed, you will fall in love with her!

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The low-down on the Mother City’s colourful language, ek sê... Slang is prolific in the Cape, not surprising in a nation that boasts 11 official languages and in a city, Cape Town, that’s home to an eclectic mix of cultures. Capetonians and the residents in the surrounding Western Cape, more so than, arguably, other South African provinces, have their own unique way of talking smack. Credit for the broad spectrum of slang must be given to the coloured people from the Cape Flats, vibrant and colourful in many ways but most especially for the way they communicate. Yet funnily enough, sayings and words from all the nations languages find their way into arguments, disagreements and expressions of delight and excitement. So when you’re visiting the Cape and want to feel like a local, here are some pointers to get you started (and also to help you understand what on earth’s being said around you).

Aa Ag (ah-ch): An expression of irritation or resignation. “Ag no man!” “Ag, these things happen” Awê (ah-weh): A greeting. “Awê, brother!”

Bb Babbelas (bah-bah-luss): Derived from the isiZulu word, ‘i-babalazi’, meaning drunk; adopted into the Afrikaans language as a term for ‘hangover’. “I am so babbelaas, I dont think I can join you today!” Bakkie (bah-kee): 1. A bowl. “Just a small bakkie full of oats is enough.” 2. A pick-up truck. “We can load the fridge on the back of my bakkie.” Befok (buh-fawk): 1. Really good, amazing, cool. “The Cape Town Jazz Festival is going to be befok!” 2. Crazy, mad, insane. “You went there on your own? Are you befok?” Bergie (bear-ghee): Derived from berg, Afrikaans for ‘mountain’. Originally used to refer to vagrants living in the forests of Table Mountain, the word is now a mainstream term used to describe vagrants in Cape Town. Bra (brah), bru (brew): Derived from broer, Afrikaans for ‘brother’; a term of affection for male friends; equivalent to dude. “Howzit my bru!” “Jislaaik bra, when did you get a tjappie?” 51.April

Dd Duidelik (day-duh-lik): Cool, awesome, amazing. “That concert was duidelik!”

Ee Ek sê, Eksê (Eh-k-s-eh): Afrikaans for, ‘I say’. Used either at the beginning or end of a statement.“Ek sê my bru, I’m not keen to go there.” “This pizza is duidelik, ek sê!” Eina (Ay-nah): An exclamation used when in pain , ‘ouch!’. “Eina! Stop poking me.” Eish (ay-sh): isiZulu interjection; an exclamation meaning ‘oh my’, ‘wow’, ‘Really?’, ‘U serious? ’.A: “Did you hear? My brother got into a fight with a bergie!” B: “Eish! Is he alright?” Entjie (eh-n-chee): A cigarette. “You have a entjie for me, my bru?”

Gg Guardjie, gaatjie (gah-chee): The conductor who calls for passengers and collects the fares on a minibus taxi.

Hh Haibo (isiZulu), hayibo (isiXhosa) (haai-boh): An interjection meaning ‘hey’; ‘no way’. “Hayibo wena, don’t throw your cigarette butts on the floor!”

Ii Is it?: Used as acknowledgement of a statement, but not to ask a question – as one might assume. Most closely related to the English word ‘really’. A: “Ann tells me she and Joe got divorced” B: “Is it?”

Ji Ja (yaah): Afrikaans for ‘yes’. A: “Do you want to go come to movies tonight?” B: “Ja, why not?” Ja-nee (yah-near): Afrikaans for yes-no. Meaning ‘Sure!’ or ‘That’s a fact!’ Usually used in agreement with a statement. A: “Its so hot these days it’s like a living sauna.” B: “Ja-nee, even the airconditioning doesn’t help.” Jislaaik (yiss-like): An expression of astonishment. “Jislaaik, how fast was he driving?” Jol (jaw-l): (noun and verb) 1. Night club/party/really good time. “We’re going to the jol.” “That party was an absolute jol!” 2. Used to describe the act of cheating. “I heard he was jolling with her sister.”

Kk Kak (kuh-k): 1. Afrikaans for ‘shit’. Rubbish/nonsense/ inferior/not good “What a kak day.” “Your spelling is kak.” 2. Extremely, very. “Shew! That girl is kak hot in that bikini !” Kwaai (kw-eye): Derived from the Afrikaans word for ‘angry’, ‘vicious’, ‘bad-tempered’. Cool, awesome, great. “Those jeans are kwaai.”

Ll Lekker (leh-kah): 1. Nice, delicious. “That milkshake was lekker!” 2. Extremely, very. “I am lekker hungry now!”

Nn Naar: 1. Irritating, “He makes me naar” 2. ill,sick – “That pie made me naar”

Ss Shame: A term of endearment and sympathy (not condescending). “Ag shame, sorry to hear about your accident.” “Oh shame! Look how big she’s grown!”

Tt Takkies (tack-kees): Trainers, sneakers, running shoes. “I need new takkies for gym.” Tjappie: Slang for tattoo Tjommie: Afrikaans slang for ‘friend’. “I will ask my tjommie where he bought it”

Vv Voetsek (foot-sek): Afrikaans for ‘get lost’, much like the British expression, ‘bog off’. “Hey voetsek man!” Vrot (frawt): Rotten; most often used to describe food that’s gone off or a state of being sick.“Those tomatoes are vrot.” “The smell of meat makes me feel vrot!”

Ww Wys (vay-ss): Show, tell, describe. “I’ll wys you how to get to her house.”

So, whether you’re asking for directions, engaging with the locals or just eavesdropping in a taxi, let’s hope this guide will give you some insight into what’s being said. And keep in mind, if anyone says “Joe Mah Sah...” just know, it’s not a compliment.


, ê w



Arabella Hotel & Spa The Arabella Hotel & Spa is situated just over an hour’s drive from Cape Town, South Africa. The hotel delivers grandeur in design and style that pays homage to the rare beauty that surrounds it. Luminous colours, soaring wooden beam ceilings and unique designs welcome you while attentive and gracious service enhances the experience of complete comfort and warmth. Embraced by the majestic Kogelberg Mountains and bordered by the vast Bot River Lagoon, the hotel invites you to indulge in a sensory experience that will leave you with treasured memories beautiful aromas of fresh salty sea air and fynbos; distinctive sounds of exotic birdlife and enriching sights of emblematic green mountains and sparkling waters that meet an indigo sky. +21 430 5302 | www.


One & Only Cape Town From the moment guests check in to their luxurious room and suite surrounds to downtime in the One&Only Spa, Afternoon Tea spoils at the Vista Bar & Lounge and gourmet experiences at Reuben’s, there is no doubt that One&Only Cape Town knows how to ensure guests’ time at their awardwinning five-star resort is memorable indeed. Situated in the heart of the V&A Waterfront, guests can stroll to the nearby sights or simply spend their days at the resort, enjoying the sprawling surrounds and the likes of the superb One&Only Spa facilities and its signature treatments. With 10 treatment rooms situated in an impressive 1000m2 pavilion on a private island of its own, the One&Only Spa is a world-class facility. Hotel guests have full access to the sauna, steam room and specialised indoor spa plunge pools situated here. Families will especially enjoy The Island rooms and suites. Situated on their own island and surrounded by waterways, these spacious ground and first floor villa-style rooms and suites boast marina views and their own private balconies. Decorated in contemporary finishes with a host of luxe details guests can stroll from their Island suite to the nearby One&Only Spa or the alfresco-style Isola Restaurant and adjacent pool area also situated on the island.

For accommodation enquiries

call (27) (21) 431 5800 or email For restaurant reservations call (27) (21) 431 4511 or email to restaurant.reservations@ For further information about One&Only Cape Town visit www.oneandonlycapetown. com

With a special focus on children and numerous activities to keep young and old entertained, the One&Only Cape Town Easter Holidays look set to be a delightfully decadent time for all concerned. Special accommodation offers for South African residents are available and priced from R2999.00 per room per night in a Marina Harbour Room.* *Subject to availability. T&C’s do apply.



Shimmy beach club S

et on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean in Cape Town, from the kitchen of celebrated culinary master, Seelan Sundoo, Shimmy Beach Club’s menu presents a stellar array of gastronomic offerings set to delight the most discerning of pallets. With a fun dining approach to food and a wide selection of fresh seafood, tender steaks and high quality meat options, as well as mouthwatering sushi and gourmet, wood-fired pizzas, Shimmy not only caters for groups of friends with eclectic tastes but is also the perfect venue for an intimate lunch or sumptuous dinner for two. A highlight at Shimmy is the phenomenal sushi from the hands of master sushi chef, Yasuhiro Yoshimura who has spearheaded sushi at some of South Africa’s top sushi restaurants. A personal friend of Nobu Matsuhisa and consultant to Sol Kerzner’s restaurants, Yoshimura ensures that each order of sushi is expertly prepared using top quality ingredients.

Meanwhile, the wood-fired pizza oven cooks thin crusted gourmet pizzas to perfection and the small plate menu offers a collection of hamburgers and light meals. For the calorie-conscious, Shimmy Beach Club has put together their “Skinny Liscious” menu which is available between 17h00 and 19h30 daily. The menu combines elements of the existing menu but allows patrons to stay within their calorie “budget” by stating how many calories are contained in each meal. Along with the sushi and pizza menu, the dishes on the “Skinny Liscious” menu can be ordered from the luxury of one of the Shimmy Beach Loungers. The panache does not however end on the plate, as Shimmy Beach Club offers a fusion of fun, elegant dining and beach chic. Shimmy Beach Club is located in South Arm Road, V&A Harbour Waterfront, Cape Town


THE TEST KITCHEN With Luke Dale-Roberts A

name synonymous with the finest, most creative and innovative food in Cape Town. As its name implies, The Test Kitchen, though primarily a restaurant, affords Luke the opportunity for maximum innovation as a chef, as well as being a space to use as “the creative hub” for a variety of different projects, including regular cooking. There’s always something new on the menu at this global gastronomic destination, the ever-evolving fare reflects Luke’s philosophy of enhancing the natural flavours of seasonal fare through playful food combinations and imaginative interpretations of fresh market produce. “It symbolises a stage in a creative process,” he says. The intimate 40-seater restaurant provides guests with the option of a casual or more formal dining experience, but always a taste of Luke’s apparently limitless culinary imagination and exquisite presentations. Every dish is paired to a wine by glass or bottle from a good selection of top Cape wine labels suitable for every pocket.

His newest venture The Pot Luck Gallery, located next door to the Test Kitchen, is another source of culinary and visual inspiration for diners. Part eatery and part contemporary art gallery with a dedicated cocktail bar and an accompanying list of boutique wines, The Pot Luck Club features a menu consisting of a multitude of “small plates” of modern global dishes.

“My mantra is ‘taste, taste, taste!” While Luke’s remarkable talent, as well as consistency and innovation,continues to push culinary boundaries without losing sight of the expectations of diners which ensures his eateries are fully booked months in advance, he remains humble. Luke’s culinary creations are for the discerning diner in search of imagination and superb technique. He starts with the thought that a dish has to be understandable and have bold flavours. “From there I build it and add textures and presentation. I’m always tweaking and refining to find a dish’s full potential,” says Luke. “My mantra is ‘taste, taste, taste!’” Time magazine pin pointed the date November 24, 2010, as the day “Woodstock of-

Tomato gooseberry caprese with goat’s Snow balls & olive tuils

ficially became Cape Town’s hottest district…when Luke Dale-Roberts opened The Test Kitchen there.” Worthy praise indeed. It is certainly no wonder then that Chef Luke Dale Roberts has been the recipient for the most coveted awards in the industry.

Chef of the Year at the prestigious 2011 Eat Out Dstv Food Network Restaurant Awards. Best Restaurant of the Year at the 2012 Eat Out Dstv Food Network Restaurant Awards Bookings are essential to secure your opportunity to dine at either of the restaurants.

The Test Kitchen is located at Shop 105a, The Old Biscuit Mill, 375 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town. To book your table call (27) (21) 447 2337, email reservations@ or book online via Opening hours: Lunch Tuesday to Saturday: 12.30pm to 2pm and Dinner from Tuesday to Saturday: 7pm to 9.30pm. Tuna tataki- red Cabbage 3-ways with apple dressing & horse raddish emulsion

Sloppy Sams

Hooman Saffarian is the chef/owner of Sloppy Sam Restaurant. His food is inspired by the flavours of the Mediterranean and his Persian childhood. The two regions blend together very well because so many ingredients are the same. Hooman’s cooking relies on quality produce and simplicity. This is followed through in the relaxed décor and ambiance of his restaurant. Diners get to sample dishes containing ingredients they recognize like brinjal, lamb, fish, chicken and chickpeas. However, Hooman uses flavours like saffron, cumin, unripe grapes, turmeric, dried Persian limes, rosewater, mint and dill to add an exotic undertone to many dishes.

Sloppy Sam Restaurant is based on friendliness and generosity where diners come to enjoy a selection of tasty mazzeh, fresh salads, hearty mains and desserts with a good wine, beer or soft drink. By the way, chef is not averse to spontaneously cooking a curry that could be described as “Persia meets India” i.e. “subtle meets fiery”. He has a high regard for the complex spice skills of Indian cuisine and enjoys the heat (being a chilli devotee). Hooman loves food and cooking but does have another great interest, aviation. He believes every cook needs an activity to get him or her out of the kitchen, just for awhile. Reading, chatting and plane gazing does just that.


Sloppy Sam Restaurant 51a Somerset Road, Green Point, CT Ph. 021-4192921 Web: Twitter: @SloppySamEat


Formed in February 2010 by Francois Irvine, Tess Berlein and Glynn Venter, Haas, as it’s casually known, is home to collectibles, gallery and studio space, a coffee shop and an advertising agency. Originally started as a platform to showcase the work of local artists and designers, Haas has evolved over time into The Haas Collective. When the shop was first opened, clients started asking for coffee and it was this demand that catapulted a little art/collectibles shop in Bokaap into something more than just a coffee house or coffee roaster in a true example of one thing leading to another. The Haas Collective now consists of the Haas Coffee Collective, Haas Design Collective and Haas Advertising Collective. The three industries have been remarkably effective as a collective, creating very exciting business possibilities for ‘Haas’ in general. In true Haas style, only the best blends were sought for the coffee shop, with the team sourcing blends from as far as Brazil and Indonesia.

The Coffee

Coffees are served with custommade pastries and wholesome sandwiches. For those in a rush, coffee-on-the-go is also available. In addition to selling coffee beans for at-home consumption, Haas caters to the hospitality trade, including guesthouses, hotels and restaurants.

Kopi Luwak

A very contentious subject for a very long while, so it must be pointed at this point that: None of the beans served at Haas are retrieved from caged animals. Though the practice does exist, Haas never has and never will condone this.

So what is KOPI LUWAK?

Kopi – is the Indonesia word for coffee Luwak - the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) that feasts on the ripest, sweetest red coffee cherries growing on coffee trees in Sumatra. Once the Luwak eats the cherry, the parchment-covered coffee beans inside are passed through its digestive system, with a unique combination of enzymes in the stomach breaking down the proteins to remove all traces of bitterness. Still intact even after being excreted, the parchment cover protects the green coffee beans. In a very labour-intensive process, the beans are collected from

the faeces of civets and the parchment is removed. The coffee is then thoroughly cleaned and sun-dried before being sold. The beans are then roasted like any other coffee beans. The resulting coffee is rich with flavour and no hint of bitterness sometimes associated with ordinary coffee. The flavours hint at the forest floor, fermenting vegetation and moist earth. It is a taste that cannot really be described but almost every person who tastes it swears that they have never tasted a better coffee, ever. All our kopi luwak beans are collected in the wild by farm workers out in the coffee plantations of Indonesia. Haas has personal relationships with the farmers and have gone to the farms and witnessed the processes first hand. “Unfortunately uninformed people in the coffee industry have tried very hard to create negative publicity around the beans. Strangely enough, all these attempts have only fueled the excitement around the beans and we now actually struggle to keep up with demand.” Kopi Luwak is just one of the fine and rare coffees you can enjoy. There is also Yemen Mocha Matari, one of the oldest grown coffees in the world and Jamaican Blue

Mountain which carries a globally protected certification mark of origin and said to be a favourite of Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond. The highlight of the Haas Collective could be many things but they pride themselves on their honest, down to earth approach, which keeps their loyal customers returning time and time again. There is a warm hospitality which pervades and the same honest approach is taken in all things Haas, which includes the Art and Design, the Coffee and the Food. The best thing to do, would be to get yourself down to and share the Haas experience for yourself. The Haas Collective - We love what we do and every day brings new and wonderful experiences and endless knowledge with it.

You can find Haas at 67 Rose Street, BoKaap,Cape Town Or call them on: 021 – 422 4413 Haas is open MonFriday 7am-5pm And Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 8am-3pm







Spotlight On: Enjoy the last of the warm days

with a ‘Chicnic’

Mount Grace Country House & Spa

Pick a spot with a view and enjoy the pleasures of a “chicnic” in the magnificent Magaliesburg Gourmet picnics range in price from R150 to R250 p/p For more information: tel: 014 577 5600 email: 61.April

La Bri

No time for a picnic? No problem, La Bri offers Dalewood cheese platters (local Franschoek) with home-made farm olives and a glass of wine to enjoy your surrounds. For further information tel: 021 876 2593 site:

Picnic Spots

Allee Bleue

A stylish way to lunch al fresco, enjoy a sumptuous sit down picnic with wicker baskets full of delicious food, designed to eat in a leisurely fashion. Elegant yet relaxed, Allee Bleue is the perfect location for your ‘chicnic’ .Price from R155 p/p. For more information tel :021 874 1021 email:



Kzn Hotel


Fordoun, situated in the rolling hills of Nottingham Road in the KZN Midlands, was created and is managed with the goal that every guest should leave feeling uplifted, positive and relieved of stress. Converted from a farmyard and dairy, this boutique hotel is an Ideal spa getaway and cultural experience. Fordoun boasts an oasis of relaxation and sensory bliss. This five star boutique hotel offers a convenient location, luxuriously appointed suites, some with expansive views of the entire Drakensberg range, friendly service, and a superior fine dining restaurant. Combining a hotel with a spa in a great setting like the KZN Midlands gives guests the opportunity to make the most of what both have to offer. As a Destination Spa, the underlying philosophy is that Fordoun is focused on positive energy and the enjoyment of life. Whether guests are combining hotel and spa or just staying in the hotel, they will find delicious food (bordering on the indulgent), an exciting wine selection, and staff who really appreciate the privilege of hosting them. Phone 033 266 6217 or visit for more information. For reservations e mail


S.A’s Best Spa in 2010

Gauteng Restaurants

Rich Real Grill Bar is one of Bedfordview’s most luxurious fine dining restaurants and cocktail bar. This restaurant beckons like a beacon to those with a discerning palate and a taste for the good life. The name rich is entirely appropriate and attention to detail reigns supreme from the outside to the inside. From elaborate chandeliers to mirror like gold ceilings, it’s a wonderful melange of old and new. The menu is just as elaborate, from Fillet on the Bone, creamy camembert parcels, Carpaccio with parmesan, rocket and truffle oil and a variety of steaks with the sauce of your choice that come sizzling to your table. Another favourite is the roasted lamb steak and honey, soy and ginger glazed ribs. An assortment of seafood and pasta is also available. The desserts are just as decadent and the chocolate parcel – warm, velvety Lindt chocolate in a phyllo pastry shell with home-made pecan and praline ice-cream is to die for. The bar has an exotic cocktail menu and an extensive wine list and a fine line up of international bubbly. This fantastic restaurant seats 250 people. Bookings - 011 615 4562 Trading Hours: 11h30 - 22h30 Sunday to Thursday 11h30 - 23h30 Friday and Saturday


Signature boasts an exceptional and exclusive wine list. Having won the 2012 Diamond Diners Wine Club list award and the Platinum award the year previously, Signature is THE place to dine in Johannesburg. Signature hosts a variety of wines and champagnes, only stocking the best and most popular wines of International stature. From Shiraz, Chandon, and Merlot to Pinot Noir, Pinotage and various Cape blends there is something for every palate when you dine at Signature. The modern elegance and ambience that Owner Desmond Mabuza has set his standards to are nothing short of Worldclass. Morningside shopping centre, Sandton Booking - 011 884 888 Trading Hours: 12pm-12am Monday to Saturday 12-4pm Sunday





istening back to the interview I am reminded of the humility of this pioneer in the whisky industry. Unpretentious and simple, the passion he exudes not only for his brands but for the industry in general is contagious and even though I am not a whisky drinker, I could certainly be persuaded. It is early evening at Havana Grill, an hour or so before a Whisky Tasting which will be conducted by John Glaser himself and we have the opportunity to sit down with him and find out more about the man and his brand. After graduating from university where he’d studied Literature, John decided on a career in the wine industry. He wanted

He was moved to London in 1998 where part of his role was Product Development. Having to visit Scotland often, his love for whisky grew and he began blending in his kitchen for friends and relatives as gifts. As an avid whisky collector and as a result from all the Scotland trips, he began thinking ‘what if different barrels were used” or ‘what if different size barrels were used?’ It was at this point that he decided that whisky making needed a different approach. Very much inspired by the world of wine where small wine makers were producing quality product, he decided to create a small whisky label. The idea was to introduce a new style of whisky to a new generation without the association of ‘dad’s brands’, being the older, well recognized brands in the market at the time. The name was inspired by Pyxis, a small constellation in the Southern sky, which when translated from its Latin, means Mariners Compass. The imagery of the ancient box compass struck a chord with John and in the year 2000, Compass Box was born. In 1998 when John first moved to London, he had been married only 6mths and two years later he and his wife were raising their two sons while juggling a new business. But, the adventure continued, with John based in London and the blending and bottling being done in Scotland, under the strict rules of the Scotch Whisky Association.

to become a winemaker but decided to concentrate on the business aspect of the industry. He was offered a marketting position at Johnny Walker who at that time also had wines in their catalogue and he thought he would use this as an entree into the world of wine. However, he was immediately sent to Scotland for two weeks, where he fell in love not only with the place but also with Scotch Whisky. 65.April

Now the role of the Scotch Whisky Association is to protect the interest of Scotch Whisky around the world and needless to say it was only a matter of time until this maverick of whisky blending would have a run in with them. Winner 2011, Best Blended Scotch Whisky

Though the laws are broad enough to allow for creativity, their interpretation can be limiting. And so began the story of Spice Tree. Ever the innovator, John once again, borrowed from the world of wine. Aged in bourbon casks fitted with inner staves of new, toasted French oak which gave the whisky a unique richness and spice, Spice Tree was introduced to the world. However, as it broke with the tradition of the scotch making process, where inner staves were never before used, The Scotch whisky Association asked John to stop selling Spice Tree. After unsuccessful negotiations with them, he discontinued the whisky. He subsequently developed a hybrid cask which used the same quality of oak as the inner staves on the heads of the cask. So what used to take 6 to 9 months to produce now takes about 3 years to get the same character, but allowed them to bring Spice Tree back to the market. Spice Tree had been in South Africa since the beginning and some South Africans were afforded the opportunity of enjoying the ‘illegal’ Spice Tree before it was discontinued. The quality of the oak gives Spice Tree its deep colour. Johns vision is that his boutique brands like Great King Street, grace the bars of high end bars and restaurant in SA as more and more people are becoming aware of the choices available to them and are open to trying them. John Glaser remains on good terms with his former employer and though he may be seen by some as a maverick he has huge respect for the industry, where he sees his role in it as benefiting whisky as a whole. This relationship also allows him unusual access to buy the best quality whiskys that he uses to create his master blends. by this description John Glaser is a Blender not a Distiller, which means that all the whiskies under the Compass Box label are blended and not single malt. These would appeal to drinkers of Johnny Walker, Chivas Regal, Glenfiddich to name but a few. John Glaser is certainly an inspiration and after spending an evening with this infectious personality it is not surprising that our team constantly is on the lookout at any venue we attend for his beautifully crafted products, and we are finding them more and more easily available. for more information go to for a stockist in your area please contact Liquidity, purveyors of fine wines & spirits on or visit



Diary of a Wine Harvest – Kerryne Nico


fresh restaurant

Harvesting Knowledge For any wine lover a trip to the Cape Winelands is a must. Wine farms offer an amazing selection of things to do and there is something for everyone. Tasting rooms vary from glitz and glamour to rustic and homely. Guests are often offered tours of the farm either in the owners Prado or on the back of the farm tractor depending on the impression the wine estate wants to make. Winemakers take time out of their busy schedules to host tours through their cellars to show how their wine is made. The ultimate goal at any wine farm is the same: to educate visitors about their wine, but visitors are very seldom afforded the opportunity to be part of the actual workings of the wine farm, to spend time doing what the farmer does every day, to work in the vineyards with the farm labourers and to be involved in the actual process of making the wine with the winemaker. Lucky me, I got a chance to be part of the harvest at Paul Cluver Wines this year, three days hard work and learning not just a visit. These three days were to forever change my appreciation of wine.

Day 1 The Obligatory Orientation

made by Dr Cluver) I peeped through the window of the award winning Fresh Restaurant, which is unfortunately not open on Mondays. I admired the magnificent vegetable garden in front of the office buildings. The garden supplies Fresh with most of its produce for the table. I was struck by one thing: the Paul Cluver farm is neither glitzy nor rustic, it fits into a category all of its own, it is simply comfortable. After lunch, Dr Cluver took me for a drive (in his Prado) around the 2000+ hectare’s of apple and pear orchards, vineyards and conservation land which is De Rust Estate. Dr Cluver knows every inch of it and he treated me to the most fascinating tour of the floral kingdom on the farm. His endless knowledge and enormous passion made me feel truly honoured to have shared so much time. with so great a man. On our return I met Liesl, Dr Cluvers daughter, who is in charge of marketing. She quickly made me feel like a long lost friend and showed me to the cottage in her garden where I would be staying. She joked about hoping that I was fit enough to cope with the hard work they had planned for me, little did I know, it wasn’t really a joke. She handed me a copy of my itinerary; a 6am start every day, mornings in the vineyards and afternoons in the cellar, evenings at leisure. I couldn’t wait.

the evidence

Day 2 Blood, sweat and shears

The drive from Franschhoek over the Pass and down to the Theewaterskloof Dam is a picturesque one. As you enter Grabouw the road is lined with apple and pear orchards, no surprise as Elgin is the largest single export fruit producing area in Southern Africa, and even though there have been vineyards in Elgin since the early 1900’s, it has only recently become known for its cool-climate wines.

Up at 5:45am on a beautiful, crisp morning. dressed in clothes, I hope will be appropriate for my day in the vineyards I head to wait for Craig, the vineyard manager. The mountains are cloaked in pink clouds and the farm looks more beautiful than ever in the morning light. When Craig arrives he explains how the pickers work.

The De Rust Estate, which is home to Paul Cluver Wines, is one of many farms in this area where deciduous fruit and wine play equally important roles. The Cluver family share the responsibility of the fruit and wine businesses, and when the Cluver family say it’s a family business, they mean it. On my arrival I was immediately made to feel like part of the family. Warm hugs and kisses followed by explanations of where everybody was, made me feel quite at home. As it turned out, everyone was really busy, so I was left to explore the farm until lunch was served in the boardroom. I wandered around the gardens admiring the beautiful wooden furniture (which I later found out was

sorting grapes!!



There are a number of teams, each with a Teamleader. Each team is given sections of the vineyard to pick and for each crate of picked grapes they are offered an incentive of R1.20, as well as being paid the basic farm worker wage which is about R112.00 a day. When we arrive at the block of Pinot Noir grapes which are being harvested, the pickers are already hard at work. Craig chats to one of the team leaders and it is decided that I will join a woman named Janine and she’ll show me the ropes. Craig hands me a small pair of shears and says, “Hold the grapes under the bunch and cut the stem, these are new shears, they’re sharp, don’t cut yourself.” I laugh, take the shears and head off with Janine to start picking. Each picker gets a section of vines between two poles, they remove the leaves from the vine by hand in order to expose the grapes and then they begin cutting bunches from the vine and filling their crate. They need to watch out for any rot or under ripe bunches etc. I am immediately struck by the speed at which they work. There is no time to be wasted. I feel as if I am holding Janine back with my constant questions and the snail’s pace at which I am working. It is back-breaking work; for every 10 bunches Janine adds to the crate I manage about three. And then it happens I reach behind some leaves to cut a bunch and snip into my thumb. Janine laughs and calls down the line for the team leader to bring a plaster. In typical broken telephone fashion, by the time the message reaches the Teamleader, it’s become “Call the ambulance the pretty lady has cut her finger off”. Everyone is laughing now as cuts are common with new comers. Then, it’s plaster on and back to work. As soon as the section between poles is complete it’s time to grab the crate and run past the rest of the line to the next section. When the crate is full the pickers yell out their number to the team leader who keeps record of how many crates have been filled by each picker. We work solidly without a break, the chatter amongst pickers is entertaining and the mood jovial amongst all. At about 10am I am feeling a little tired and a lot hungry having missed breakfast. I ask Janine about tea break, she laughs and says,


grwaepescol ected Gobsmacked, I wonder how on earth I am going to make it to lunchtime without food or water, not to mention the caffeine deficiency I feel creeping in. At 11am my knight in shining armour arrives: Craig has come to take me back to the office for tea! I am so relieved but feel horribly guilty, leaving Janine and the rest of the team. Craig notices the plaster on my finger and laughs, “I told you to be careful.” After tea I am assigned to a new job on the sorting table in the cellar. The sorting table is a huge vibrating conveyer belt which bounces the grapes along so that the sorters can pick out any substandard grapes as well as removing leaves, snails and stones which have made their way into the crates. This is back-breaking work of a different kind: you need to keep your eyes on the bunches as they bounce past. Every bunch is inspected and all substandard ones removed. Andries, the winemaker, has eyes and ears everywhere; his cellar team know what is expected of them and they maintain his high standards. I keep working on the sorting table until the end of the day when rain halts the picking, so with no sorting to be done everyone is assigned cleaning jobs. Andries takes pity on me and lets me go early. I can’t wait to get to the cottage to lie down and rest. It has been a very physically demanding day. Day 3 The Exact Science of the Art of Winemaking! Up at 5:45am again waiting for Craig by 6am. Stiff backed and sore I am determined to get back into the vineyards. Again, by the time we arrive, the pickers are already hard at work. Craig is about to assign me to a new team when he comes up with an idea. “Why don’t you spend the morning with Denise? She’s going to collect samples from various blocks so that we can test the ripeness.” Thrilled at the prospect of learning something new I happily hop onto the quad bike with

Denise and head off to pick samples. I close my eyes and savour the fresh farm air, feeling blessed to be on this little piece of heaven. We collect grapes from seven different areas on the farm. There are samples of Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Riesling, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. With all the samples on the back of the quad bike we head back to the cellar to begin the scientific part of winemaking. The grapes are weighed and measured, then placed into buckets and squashed by hand(another arduous task). The juice is poured into labelled bottles and then put through a series of tests to ascertain the percentage of sugar and to work out its acidity. It is a time consuming exercise but of vital importance for the farmer and the winemaker to pick the grapes at their optimum ripeness. After testing, the results were given to Andries and Craig who discussed them, consulted various thermal imaging maps of the farm and then decided the next course of action would be to pick a block of Gewürztraminer the following day. The rest of the day was spent at the sorting table and helping around the cellar. Day 4 Farewell to farming Everyone suggested I sleep in and relax before my trip home , but not me,I wasn’t wasting any of the precious time I had left in Elgin. So up and waiting for Craig at 6am, I was to spend my last hours at Paul Cluver picking Gewürztraminer with Janine and the team. And then alas , though I wished I could stay longer, it was time for me to head for home. I have had a taste of harvest and now I want more. Next year, I will be back, for two weeks at least. It was hard work but incredibly rewarding and I have a new respect for wine. Each time I twist off a screw cap or pull out a cork, I am reminded of how demanding the process is from vineyard to bottle. I think of the many people who work so incredibly hard to make beautiful wine for us to enjoy. With each sip I toast the farmer, the farm labourer, the cellar hands, the winemaker, the cleaners, the store keepers, the marketing department and everyone else. Each precious drop of wine is a testament to the hard work of the people.





Chef Sandren Govender Suncoast Hotel & Towers

Qualifications Swiss Culinary School Of Luzern Supervisory Skills Builder with southern Sun SA Host Work Experience “Waldorf Hotel London”, Queen & Imperial Hotels England,” La Pirogue Mauritius”, Ladysmith Hotel South Africa, SunCoast hotel & Towers Sous Chef”. Achievements “Durban Spice Competition”- Winner 2009 and 2010” Cooked for various celebrities (viz Chris de Burgh, Jay Sean, Queen of Spain, Bryan Adams, Kool & the Gang, Kanye West, Chennai Super kings, Jacob Zuma & King Goodwill Zwelitini & the Prince of Swaziland. Khaya FM Radio Jacaranda.”World Chefs tour’, MasterChef & Annecy Delegation. SABC 3 Durban activation My travels have assisted in me gaining an intense knowledge of cuisine around the globe. This assists me with creativity. I am passionate about cultures, techniques and flavours


STARTER ROAST VEGETABLE SALAD Ingredients 2 Baby Butternut quartered 2 Baby Beetroot quartered 2 Radishes 50g Rocket leaves 1tsp Pumpkin seeds 100g Danish feta Micro herbs Pumpkin seed oil

Method Season baby butternut and beetroot and roast in a moderate oven until tender’ Arrange rocket leaves, butternut, beetroot, and sliced radishes in a bowl. Place Danish feta on top, sprinkle pumpkin seeds and garnish with micro herbs. To make dressing mix together 2tbls of pumpkin seed oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and 2.5ml sugar. Drizzle salad dressing and serve.

‘That food is not merely in the eating but rather in the complete dining experience�. I enjoy working with fresh flavours, being innovative, fusion cuisine and also the tried and tested traditional approaches.




Ingredients 3 big tomatoes - pureed 250 gms Chicken- cubed 2 big onions 1 bay leaf 2 cloves 1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste 1 tsp red chilli powder 3 tbsps cashew nut paste 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp dhania powder (dry coriander powder) 1/2 tsp kasuri methi (dry fenugreek leaves) 1 tsp tandoori masala (optional for colour) 2 tsp garam masala powder salt and lemon juice - to taste 3 tbsp butter 3 tbsp fresh cream fresh coriander - chopped for garnish Method Skin the onions and blanch them in hot water for 3 mins, then puree them to form a paste. 75.April

Do the same with tomatoes, unless you are using tomato puree directly. Take 1 tbsp of ghee, heat in a pan for 2 mins, the saute the Chicken cubes in it till golden brown; Now take 1 cup hot water, add a pinch of salt and turmeric powder to it and immerse the Chicken cubes in it for 10-12 mins add chilli powder, followed by the cashew paste and fry for 5 mins. Add tomato puree, crushed kasuri methi, coriander powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and salt. Stir and let it simmer for some time. Add the Chicken cubes and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add a small cup of water and let it cook on medium heat till you get the desired curry consistency. Remove from heat, stir in remaining butter and fresh cream. Serve with hot garlic naan roti or jeera rice.


Ingredients 400g caster sugar 900ml water 100ml brewed Five roses chamomile tea Juice 1/2 lemons 2 vanilla pods, split lengthways Method Heat the sugar, water and tea with the lemon juice in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and strain through a fine sieve or muslin. Scrape out the inside of the vanilla pods into the syrup, mixing well.


Ingredients 1/3 cup skim milk 1 tsp gelatine powder 2 ½ cups heavy cream 1/2 cup white sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract Five rose’s chamomile


Method Pour milk into a small bowl, and stir in the gelatine powder. Set aside. In a saucepan, stir together the heavy cream and sugar, and set over medium heat. Bring to a full boil, watching carefully, as the cream will quickly rise to the top of the pan. Let Tea infuse with heated milk to required strength. Pour the gelatine and milk into the cream, stirring until completely dissolved. Cook for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla and pour into six individual ramekin dishes. Cool the ramekins uncovered at room temperature. When cool, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight before serving.


Ingredients 500g phyllo dough 200g chopped nuts 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup water

1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup honey Method Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Butter the bottoms and sides of a 9x13 inch pan. Chop nuts and toss with cinnamon. Set aside. Unroll phyllo dough. Cut whole stack in half to fit pan. Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep from drying out as you work. Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly. Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered. Sprinkle 2 - 3 tablespoons of nut mixture on top. Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go. The top layer should be about 6 - 8 sheets deep. Using a sharp knife cut into diamond or square shapes all the way to the bottom of the pan. You may cut into 4 long rows the make diagonal cuts. Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp. Make sauce while baklava is baking. Boil sugar and water until sugar is melted. Add vanilla and honey. Simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove baklava from oven and immediately spoon sauce over it. Let cool. 76.April




Chef Barry Fry Oscars Cafe

Photo By Roxi Larkan

GRILLED PORTOBELLO MUSHROOMS Ingredients 1 Punnet of Portobello Mushrooms slice to about a Âź of an inch 100g Grated mozzarella loaf Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary Picked 1 Clove of shaved garlic Extra Virgin Olive oil Maldon salt flakes and fresh crushed black pepper

Ingredients Ready rolled Puff Pastry 6 Nice firm but ripe figs Brown sugar 2 Tbsp Runny Honey As Much mascarpone cheese as you like (I Like lots) 50ml Bark rum 1 Cinnamon stick Method Cut 6 Rounds from the puff pastry, big enough for the figs to sit on. Bake according to packet instructions. When crisp and golden, put on a wire rack, and sift icing sugar on-top. Set aside to cool completely Cut the figs as if you were going to quarter them, but not going all the way to the bottom. Place in an oven proof bowl, Sprinkle with the sugar, pour over the rum and honey, then snap the cinnamon stick and sprinkle over the figs (Not to finely snapped, as these should be for garnish, and easy to remove during eating) Bake in a preheated at 180 degrees for around 10 minutes Place 3 pastry disks on a plate, and then the figs on-top of them. Pour over the juices, and serve a dollop of mascarpone with each fig. Divine

Method 1. Pre-heat your grill to the highest setting 2. In a bowl, toss your mushrooms with the olive oil, salt and pepper and picked rosemary sprigs. 3. Lay all over an oven proof dish, and sprinkle with the grated mozzarella 4. Place under the grill until the Mozzarella is bubbling and changing colour. 5. Remove and serve immediately, but do be careful, as the plate will be furiously hot. Nice with a beer or a gluggable merlot and a crusty French loaf.


Photo By Roxi Larkan


B O N V I V Chef Hooman Saffarian A Sloppy Sams N T KHORESH BADEMJAN Ingredients Approximately 4 to 6 people 1 ½ kg lamb knuckle (cut up) 1 onion (sliced or chopped) 15 ml oil 4 to 5 sundried limes (substitute with lime or lemon juice to taste) Salt to taste Black pepper to taste 1 tsp turmeric (level) ½ tsp coriander (dried powder) 2 tbsp tomato paste ¼ tsp sugar Water (enough to cover meat) 4 brinjals (large) Method In a deep pot, fry onion in oil for two minutes. Add meat and sundried limes. Fry until meat is browned. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, coriander, tomato paste and sugar and stir well. Cover meat with water and stir. Cover pot with lid; reduce heat to medium; simmer until meat is cooked but still on the bone. Keep checking level of the gravy and add water if necessary. Heat oven to 180 degrees C Peel brinjals Slice each brinjal lengthways into three Brush each slice lightly with olive oil Place on a baking tray Place in oven until slices are tender and golden Place roasted brinjal slices on top of meat in pot. Ensure gravy covers brinjals. Cook contents of pot on a low heat for approximately thirty minutes without lid. The gravy should have cooked through the brinjals and be slightly reduced. The meat and sundried limes should be tender. Serve with basmati rice (plain white or saffron). 79.April

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