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recreate outdoors together. Parks provide gathering places for families and social groups, as well as for individuals of all ages and economic status, regardless of their ability to pay for access.



By encouraging private participation, the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation has been successful in developing and maintaining various parks in the colonies. Initially for the development of the park, 30% contribution is paid to the VMC by the public and after the park is developed it is handed over to the park committee .This really helped the V.M.C to minimize the cost and efficiently maintain the parks beautifully. It is a collaborative exercise that promoters shared responsibility and beverages limited resources to create a larger pool of ideas & maintain the parks beautifully. There are 86 parks maintained by the community parks committee in Vijayawada city.

Table 15.2: Comparison of recreational facilities with standards Facility Existing Standard as per urdpfi Existing population Required Gap Remark

Housing area park 86 1 per 5000 population 1034358 206 120 Insufficient

Neighbourh ood park 60 1 per 15000 population 1034358 68 8 Insufficient

Sports Ground 7 1 lakh per unit 1034358 10 3 Insufficient


City has a total open space of 1, 67,955.43 sq. m of area is under parks which are acting as the lung space for the city residents. According to the URDPFI a minimum open space per capita required is 3 sq. m person (9-10 sq. m per person is advisable) is needed weather city has only 0.37 sq. m per person. City has 4 - City level parks, 50 – Neighbourhood parks, 9 – Sports grounds, 45 – fenced open spaces and 35 – unfenced open spaces are there. 7 % of ULB area (i.e. 4.59sq.km) is under parks and open spaces.

Apart from parks there has been green buffer spaces along the road for walking and cycling purposes. From Table-3 It is to be observed that ward number 13, 14, 25, 26, 27,44 and 49 are has deficit of parks. Ward no 41 has ample number of planned open spaces.

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