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Our Advice and Insight

Introba is one of the leading firms to design energy efficient public and private educational facilities.

Colleges, universities, and primary education institutions require resilient and adaptable systems that provide long-term value. Whether designing a new campus geo-exchange system or performing an energy audit of an outdated classroom building, we improve the comfort and health of occupants within the built environment while sustaining and enhancing our natural environment. Introba’s sustainable designs have proven to significantly reduce our operating and maintenance costs for our educational clients. As your responsible partner, we are dedicated to finding the most innovative and appropriate solutions that improve the quality of life and provide exceptional value to faculty, staff, and students.

Our designs embody whole system thinking, where the interconnectedness of all elements is the guiding principal. Saving energy and improving indoor air quality are important design goals, and when they are achieved, buildings also become more attractive, comfortable, and conducive to social interaction, increased productivity, collaboration, and innovation. Furthermore, the building can serve as a teaching tool, where sustainable elements are demonstrated and exposed so that the occupants or children in this case, can experience the design and environmental implications firsthand.

The making of a green school building goes far beyond the benefit of saving money for the school, and it’s the non-energy benefits that often times outweigh the energy benefits. By demonstrating to future generations that green buildings that use half the energy or are fully energy self-sufficient are attainable, we can inspire them to implement sustainability into their thinking and in their lives.

We provide a full range of building and district systems engineering, analysis and sustainability consulting services, delivered by staff widely regarded as innovative leaders in their fields. Our work spans the globe, delivered from offices in Canada, Australia, Europe and the United States. Our projects are located in over 30 countries - more than 100 are net zero energy buildings. We are proud to be founding signatories of the World Green Building Council’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment.


Accelerating critical change in sustainable building practices.


Providing access to fresh air and reliable power, light and water.


Generating awareness of how the built environment affects our well-being.


Finding the best design solutions for changing environments.

We combine our deep knowledge of sustainable building engineering systems with design expertise to develop green solutions for educational facilities and the communities that surround them.

• Net Zero Energy

+ Net Zero Carbon Design

• All Elecric + Decarbonization

• PassiveHaus

• Carbon Assessment / Lifecycle Cost Assessment

• Energy Retrofits

Our approach to building design ensures that many sites are capable of functioning during disasters, to continue to serve students, teachers, critical functions and the community without disruption.

• Energy Storage

• Passive Design

• Water Systems

COVID-19 has reminded everyone of the connection between our indoor environment and our health.

Adapting to new and evolving guidelines for health and wellness in schools requires an integrated assessment of space planning, building operations and mechanical systems.

• Outdoor Learning Spaces

• HVAC Audit

• Flexible Spaces

• Living Building Materials

• Natural Ventilation

We design systems that are constantly evolving, and we work hard to anticipate the needs of students and teachers by preparing for the future of the built environment.

• Distance Learning

• Enhanced Security Systems

• Integrated Design

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