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ESG Credentials
Leading By Doing
Our fifth annual CSER report was published in 2022. Some of Introba’s key initiatives include our Introba Gives programme, a global framework formalising our commitment and approach to Giving Back. Another initiative is our global impact fund, where employees submit applications which impact our industry, resulting in white papers to develop thought leadership. We hold the JUST™ 2.0 social justice label - the first company to achieve this benchmark and are founding signatories of the WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment.
Sustainability Strategy Workshop
We offer Sustainability Strategy Workshops on all of our projects that include the following:
Identify strategic ambitions, goals and performance targets tailored to the project context
Develop contextually appropriate, scientifically robust, and stretching key performance indicators
Raise project team awareness of how delivering our Client’s ESG commitments will affect project decision making, option evaluation and selection
Establish a roadmap for delivering the ESG strategy including responsibilities and governance
Esg In Practice
A recent example of how we embed ESG thinking on all our projects is for a Confidential Media Client, which we delivered the CAT B design for their london HQ. Following the sustainability workshop, we developed a bespoke score card for the key objectives of the project, which was checked at all RIBA stages, where the design team were held to account on deliverables. Example below. We also carried out embodied carbon studies to support our review and decision making throughout the design.
As an outcome of the sustainability workshop, we mapped against a variety of certifications to assess the alignment of the certification schemes to the project objectives and KPI’s set. Below is a summary of the ten key themes which address the objectives identified for the project.
Embodied Carbon
Tackling embodied carbon becomes ever more important, with MEP systems playing a disproportionate and largely hidden role.
Introba developed with CIBSE an internationally recognised methodology for calculating the embodied carbon of MEP systems published as CIBSE TM 65, followed by TM65.1 Embodied Carbon in Building Services : Residential Heating. In 2020 we published Refrigerants & Environmental Impacts: A Best Practice Guide - a free resource for industry.
Our colleagues in California led the MEP peer review for the first version of the WEll Building Standard, and our UK team provided free WEll training to over 1,000 built environment professionals in 2015. Introba’s london office became Europe’s first Fitwel certified workplace in 2017. We are the lead authors of the BCO’s roadmap to wellbeing in the workplace Wellness Matters.
Social Value
Our social value initiatives are measured against the five government social value themes and in coordination with the TOM’s framework:
Theme 1 – Covid 19 Recovery
Theme 2 – Tackling economic equality
Theme 3 – Fighting Climate Change
Theme 4 – Equal opportunity
Theme 5 – Wellbeing
We also have experience using the Social Value Portal, most recently on one of our large scale mixed use projects for Enfield Council. Using the social value calculator, we can record the hours we have committed to each initiative, which is then converted into physical costs for each output. Introba update the portal monthly with any new activity, we are then measured against our targets by the client.
Design For Performance
For over a decade our energy modelling team have been applying design for performance principles to design MEP systems and optimise the performance of building form and envelope to achieve real energy savings, and to assess overheating risk and climate change resilience. With extensive experience in NABERS transferred from our colleagues in Australia.
Epping Town Centre Regeneration: Exciting new residential led, mixed use development focussing on bringing affordable/ social housing, health & wellbeing and sports facilities to residents, enhancing the social value of the area.