list of entrance exams for a bank job

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Here’s The List of Entrance Exams For A Bank Job


 A number of entrance exams are conducted for bank recruitment. Are you aware of them? If you are looking for a job in the banking sector, then, you ought to be aware about these top entrance exams.  So, SayTooLoud would like to tell you about these entrance exams. Take a look….


1. SBI PO: ď‚´ State Bank of India holds an examination for openings for the post of Probationary Officers in the bank. The format of the written examination of the PO exams by State Bank of India incorporates a written paper which falls under Phase-I of the selection procedure for the enlistments of Probationary Officers. Further, this exam is divided into two sections; Section A and Section B. Section A of the exam will comprise of Objective questions, though; Section B will comprise of a Descriptive Paper. ď‚´ Plan your entrance exam preparation accordingly.


2. COMMON EXAM FOR SPECIALIST OFFICER:  A Common Written Examination (CWE) is organized for the post of Specialist Officers in Public Sector Banks facilitated by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). There are diverse post prerequisites and distinctive Scales which rely upon the openings right now. E.g. – Law officer, Marketing Officer, IT Officer, HR Officer and so on. So, the qualification will vary as per the post and the scale of the officer position.


3. SBI CLERICAL EXAM:  State Bank of India arranges its exclusive test for the enrollment of Indian citizens for recruitment in the Clerical Cadre posts in its bank. Aspirants apply online through Bank’s site or Final recruitment will be done based on the performance in the entrance test and interview held together. The written exam will be of Objective sort comprising of sections like General English, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge.  Check out the detailed entrance exam syllabus.


5. IBPS COMMON ENTRANCE TEST FOR PO:  A Common Written Examination (CWE) is held by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) as a requirement for recruitment of Probationary Officer/Management Trainee posts within the Public Sector Banks. This arrangement of Common Examination for enlistment of Probationary Officers/Management Trainees has been endorsed by each of the 22 participating Public Sector Banks and the Managing Committee of the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) with the approval of the Government of India. IBPS will organize arrangements for conducting an online competitive exam, to announce results of the online exam and inform he shortlisted hopefuls regarding the interview. Saytooloud/Entrance-Exam

6. COMMON ENTRANCE FOR REGIONAL RURAL BANKS:  A Common Written Examination (CWE) is organized for selection of Officers (Scale-I, II and III) and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) within Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). The following Common Written Examination for (RRBs CWE-III) for enrollment of Group “A”- Officers (Scale-I, II and III) and Group “B”- Office Assistants (Multipurpose) is held online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS).


7. IBPS ENTRANCE TEST FOR CLERICAL RECRUITMENT FOR PSUS:  Common Written Test (CWE Clerk-IIV) is a pre-essential for recruitment of work force for Clerical cadre posts in the Public Sector Banks which is held online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) mostly in November/December. Applicants who show up and are shortlisted in the examination, will consequently be called for a Common Interview to be led by the Participating Organizations and arranged by IBPS.




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