5 Different Types Of Keywords Everyone Should Know!

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5 Different Types Of Keywords Everyone Should Know! We all know the importance of SEO and its basic requirement for a website. For a successful SEO, keywords are the most important thing. It is the keywords in your content that makes your website visible to people who are looking for related topics on search engines. Without the proper keyword, your website will not be able to get organic viewers. In order to attract organic viewers one should also focus on different types of keywords. This way your website will reach a vast majority of public and can increase the chance of connecting a customer to your blog post forever. So, if you’re ready, then let’s get started with the different types of keywords for better engagement.

Long-tail keyword: ⦁ Three words or more than three words are considered as a long-tail keyword. ⦁ They have a lower search volume. ⦁ They can be easily identified by the search objectives. ⦁ It has a low competitive rate and a high conversion rate.

Short-tail keyword: ⦁ They are also known as head keyword and consists of three words or less than three words. ⦁ They have a higher search volume. ⦁ These are difficult to find and a viewer really needs to dig in if they need to find your website. ⦁ It has a highly competitive rate and low conversion rate.

Evergreen Long term Keyword: ⦁ As the name suggests, evergreen keywords are the ones that doesn’t become outdated or irrelevant after a point of time. ⦁ The content in this type of keywords is usually educative and informative for readers.

⦁ The search volumes are average. ⦁ It has a medium competitive rate and a high conversion rate.

Trendy/Fresh Short term Keyword: ⦁ A trendy/fresh keywords are something that gets old with time. For e.g. writing about the latest news or giving a movie review on your website can be a short term keyword. ⦁ The search volume rates are high when it’s fresh and after that, the search volume drops extremely down. ⦁ This can be a simple SEO trick to attract new audiences on your website. ⦁ It has a medium competitive rate and a high conversion rate.

LSI Keyword: ⦁ Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI is a concept that a search engine uses to locate how a keyword and a content work cooperatively to mean the same exact thing. ⦁ For e.g your main keyword is orange, then your LSI keywords can be an orange juice or orange nutrition. ⦁ The search volume rates are low. ⦁ It has a low competitive rate and a high conversion rate. A keyword is very important for your site to get a desired ranking on the search engine. But as important as a keyword is to your site in the same way all the types of digital marketing tool is for your site to get an overall ranking on the SERP. So, if you’re wondering what are those important tools and how you can use it for your own website then head over to the next article.

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