Polytechnic Education in India-Job Oriented Courses After 10th Most of the students are unaware about the Polytechnic education options before them. These happen to be a bit ignored in-spite of the fact that they offer you with some good career options. The purpose of this blog from SayTooLoud is to make you aware regarding the various Polytechnic courses after 10th.
WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND BY POLYTECHNIC EDUCATION? In short, Polytechnic can be described as a technical diploma course. The course contains vocational training in the specialized streams such as technology, science, engineering or some other technical subject. There are numerous polytechnic colleges of the state government and private organizations. Affiliation is provided by the state specific technical education boards.
WHICH ARE THE EDUCATION PROGRAMMES UNDER POLYTECHNIC? Polytechnic comes with a number of specializations. The span of the course happens to be of 3 or 4 years according to the branch. The prominent branches happen to be Automobile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Fine arts etc. Polytechnic diploma courses after 10th also included. In spite of the fact that the majority of the courses are offered in full time, some colleges offer a few of the courses in a part time manner. Maybe a few of the colleges additionally arrange programmes just for girls. The courses arranged by the colleges differ as per the accessible sources. Numerous courses incorporate theoretical and practical examinations and additionally project work. This enables one to accumulate the detailed knowledge of the subject.
CAREER PLANNING: The basic qualification for the Polytechnic is passing the 10th standard. The state particular technical boards organize the entrance test. The admission as a rule is done through the counseling based on the score acquired in the entrance test. Back ward class and women reservation are given amid the admission process.
WHY POLYTECHNIC? There happen to be a number of reasons as to why go the Polytechnic way. E.g. Polytechnic courses after 10th. Some of them are as follows: – Ensures a job post completion of the course – Offers you with self employment opportunities – Compared to engineering, their fee structure is less – One can find less competition over here – The project works associated with the courses or the universities offer practical work experience which can likewise be valuable amid the employment.
– Opportunity of qualification improvement as polytechnic permits the admission to B.Tech. 2nd year or 3rd semester, in the vast majority of the states. – Assures minimum guaranteed income. – Can be pursued post class 10 and facilitates early earnings – Practical knowledge accompanied by industrial visits and technical or industrial exhibitions held by the colleges at various levels. – Numerous colleges additionally offer campus selections and the employers are of esteemed organizations.
WHAT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF POLYTECHNIC COURSES AFTER 10TH? One can pursue either earning or proceeding with studies in the wake of completing Polytechnic diploma courses after 10th. The individuals who proceed with the studies can either seek admission to B.Tech. or on the other hand go for a AMIE engineering degree which is identical to a bachelor degree (B.Tech.). Government bodies such as Railways, Water supply, HIL, BHEL, BCPL, Communication services and so on hire the individuals of the field. IT organizations, fashion designing, painting companies etc. are amongst the alternate fields available for you. Machinery producers such as automobile and auto parts manufacturing, Electrical companies, defense services, Rail Industry, Aviation related organizations, Shipping firms and Technology Centers are amongst the significant recruiters. The individuals who wish to earn have the openings as a junior engineer. The position and the field relies upon the branch one takes up. Self employment happens to be the best opportunity in this very field. One can own a retail shop, repairing shop or become a contractor. Keeping in mind the above things, wisely choose whether to go the polytechnic diploma courses after 10th path or not.