What’s The Best Way To Name Your Resume and Cover Letter? We have seen a number of blogs on resume writing, that includes resume tips, from SayTooLoud. In this one, we are going to see pointers on how to name your resume and the cover letter. While applying for various job positions, it’s essential to name your resume with a title that clarifies that the resume is yours, not that it is of any random applicant. This is especially essential when you send the recruiters your resume and cover letter as attachments (either by means of email or through an online job application framework). You thus need the title to be professional, and to obviously state your identity. So, following are some of the best ways to write a resume name or a cover letter name: 1. STAY AWAY FROM GENERIC TITLES: Do not email or upload your resume using the name resume.doc, unless you need a harried HR executive to save your file with somebody else’s. With a non-specific file name, there will be no real way to recognize it from the rest of the resumes with a similar name. 2. DO NOT USE VERSION NUMBERS: In the event that you are applying for jobs regularly, it’s likely that you have a number of versions of your resume saved on your PC. Abstain from including them. A recruiter may get the feeling that the job is mid-way down a lengthy rundown of potential opportunities. Build up a filing framework on your PC to monitor the diverse forms of your resume, as opposed to utilizing the document name for that reason, and ensure that verified, ready-to-go resumes are put away in a different storage from drafts. A professional resume service can guide you on this. 3. GO NAME AND BEYOND (MAYBE): You could opt to reveal a bit more details inside the title than basically your name. You can likewise incorporate the title of the position in your resume document name for your resume and cover letter. You can utilize spaces or dashes within words; capitalization of words may help influence the document and make it feasible to read. 4. CONSISTENCY: What is imperative while giving name to your resume, cover letter and rest of the application documents is consistency. So, utilize a similar format for all. For instance, on the off chance that you essentially utilize your last name and a document description for one title (“Gupta Resume”), utilize a similar format for all your different materials (“Gupta Cover Letter”). Ensure any capitalization, spacing, utilization of dashes, and other style choices are same between documents. 5. KEEP EDITING: Before presenting your resume or cover letter, go through the document title. It sounds illogical, yet a typo in the title may influence an employer to think that you don’t concentrate on details, and that you are amateurish. SAVING OPTIONS FOR YOUR RESUME: It’s essential to send or upload your resume in a PDF or a Word document format. Along these lines the beneficiary will get a copy of your resume and cover letter in the original form. Saving your resume and cover letter in a PDF format will guarantee that the formatting remains the same, regardless of whether the recruiter utilizes an alternate word processing software or O.S. Be that as it may, if the job listing expects you to present your documents in an alternate format, ensure to do as such. Not following guidelines could cost you an interview. You must have got an idea by now, as to how to name your resume and cover letter. SayTooLoud would continue to provide you with basic resume tips in the future as well.