Top Tips On Effective Use Of LinkedIn For Job Search! As a part of career guidance tips, SayTooLoud would like to share with you, tips for using LinkedIn, for searching jobs. By now, you might be knowing that LinkedIn is amongst the powerful platforms for job search. So much so that an ever increasing number of employers are making use of LinkedIn for posting job listings, and also to connect with potential job aspirants. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you make the optimum use of LinkedIn, for job search. How can you make sure that you’re utilizing the fullest capacity of LinkedIn, to help with your quest for a new job? Well, there are a few ways which you can follow, for the optimum use of LinkedIn. Let’s check them out… Tips for effective use of LinkedIn: • MAINTAIN AN UPDATED AND COMPLETE PROFILE Utilize your LinkedIn profile ala a resume and furnish potential recruiters with in detail information regarding your work experience and skills. Coming up with a attractive headline and elaborate summary that comprises of a professional photograph, and posting your skills and achievements are a few approaches to improve your profile. You can likewise reinforce your profile by including links, e.g. a link to your professional website or an online portfolio. The more detailed and complete your LinkedIn profile is, the more possibility that you will be discovered and reached by an employer. Along with these, also go through our helpful tips for interview. You would find them to be useful. • TAKE THE HELP OF LINKEDIN COMPANY PROFILES TO GATHER INFORMATION ABOUT EMPLOYERS Think about following your dream companies on LinkedIn. This will enable you to stay updated with their accomplishments (which will be valuable to mention in your cover letter or interview), and will enable you to know about any of the job openings. LinkedIn based company profiles are a decent method to discover more information about an organization you’re keen on. You’ll be equipped to view your associations at the organization, promotions, new hires, related organizations, jobs posted and company profile. • FIND CONNECTIONS AND PUT THEM TO USE: While you wish for multiple connections, ensure that you just connect with individuals who you know, or whom you are intending to connect with. You would prefer not to connect with everybody on LinkedIn – the objective is to keep up or set up associations with individuals who are in your field or whom you are at present connected with. Remember, employers search for referrals from their own employees, to hire for positions prior to opening off a job to the majority. So, somebody who is working for the organization or has associations there will have a leg up in recommending you as a job candidate. In addition to this, you can also go for interview preparation for fresher tips,from SayTooLoud. • GO FOR JOB SEARCH OPTIONS: You can look out for jobs using LinkedIn under the “Jobs” tab. Look for jobs based on keyword, country and postal code. Make use of the Advanced Search Option to filter your search and to search based on date posted, particular location, experience level, industry and company. One can even save job searches, and likewise get emails related to new job listings. You can likewise discover job opportunities via hunting down and clicking on particular companies. Numerous organizations post job requirements on their LinkedIn pages. • PUT TO USE REFERRALS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:
In the event that a job is posted on LinkedIn directly, you’ll perceive how you’re associated with the hiring manager and you can ask for a LinkedIn recommendation from somebody you are acquainted at the organization. In the event that you ask for a recommendation, LinkedIn will furnish you with a template you can put to use for your message that you can alter and customize. These suggestions will help enhance your credibility towards the employers. That was regarding LinkedIn and how to use it effectively for job search. (Inputs from- Keep watching this space for career guidance tips, in the future as well.