Dewanto Priyanggoro and
The Things He Likes of Japan and the adventure he had
This book is personally curated by Adwitiyo P. Purnomo for Dewanto Priyanggoro, the brother that he is and the only person who have reached my deepest persona within the shortest span of time. My inspiration . My motivation. You are the best of a friend, but what’s more is that... you are the best of a brother the most protective and caring of anything that I have ever met. For the longest time I was lost but... As I found you I found myself
You made me smile so I hoped this makes you...
# Daimu # Shota
#Allowed me to study
Being from the same high school doesn’t always mean that we knew each other. As you are grateful of this chance you got to study here in Japan, so do I. As I got to meet you and be who I am today.
# Train
36キロメートル 距離を詰める
# Winter
Despite your constant complain of winter and how you become lazier cause its cold, you put it as one of the things you like here. Here’s Hokkaido
# Disney
# Famichiki
# Konbini # Coolish
# Action Figures 俺の旅にいつもいてくれている物は 俺の側にいつもいてくれている者に
# Fuji Kaze # Music Hey, I still remember the piano version to Tabiji you sent me early in the morning and I started to listening to it for a while. Might never see me do so, but I actually loved it
# Unagi
# Dating Spots
# Skateboards
# Cute Girls
# Freedom of Travel Swayed by the train Blown by the wind Eagles and pelicans You fell as they flew Laughed us next to the Great big blue
# Basketball
# Yaoko art museum
# Children You said you went as a teacher there once.
# Parks Thank you for the ¥100 back then