Architectural Thesis - Museum of Paper Culture

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architectural thesis 2021-2022

museum of paper culture

viphob manopanjasiri architectural thesis handbook

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

01 architectural thesis I /cumulation of things 02 architectural thesis II /from words+meaning to design approach 03 architectural


/architectural design + architectural atmosphere

manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 5


Amidst the rapid digitalization in our contemporary society and the world, paper tend to lose its significance in the world. Yet, paper is therefore not a simple white sheet of void or nothingness, but it predominantly behaves as material that fulfills itself with senses of touch and tactility that fosters creativity and the evolution of mankind. With the creation of paper allows the emergence of arts and cultures in Thailand such as the culture of note taking and prints that prospers thewisdom of the time, from the culture of wrapping and enveloping things to the cultivation of hands which embellishes into handicrafts of festivities and traditions. Therefore, paper is acreative material that contributes to the culture of mankind and the worldview.

"Paper is therefore not a simple white sheet of void or nothingness, but we use it as a world onto which we unleash thoughts and imagination, record knowledge and hide secrets, define love and express grief, reveal life and conceal self, etc. A multitude of human stories have been endlesslyrelayed and transferred. In this sense, paper is fascinating — as fascinating as magic."

exerted from initials from Bangkok Book Festival 2021 within the theme "Magic of Paper"

The Museum of Paper Culture aims to gather, preserve and exhibit the significance of the prosperity culture through the materiality of paper which contributes to the dimension of arts and culture in Thailand, reflected through the diverse dimension in the concurrence of the heritage and the folk arts, beliefs, handfuls of traditions and festivals and the identity of Thailand. Furthermore, The Museum of Paper Culture opens up to become an inclusively true creative public space for the city that eagerly fosters urban creative activities and events, including recreation and tourism.

The site area is 5 rai 1 ngarn 10 sq.wah, located in Maitrichit Road, Pom Prap Sattru Phai that is filled with the cultural heritage asset, both tangible and intangible, of the place and district. The site is located in the old charming districts and streets of Nana District which will soon become a new creative district regarding the transfiguration of Hua-Lamphong Station that will soon be developed as a new center of the arts and culture for the people in the city.

01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture
viphob manopanjasiri

1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life

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paper has feeling

prints knowledge

from birth to death

does paper love ink?

religion printmaking a tactile quality im print emboss paper


a diary a sense of touch

threshold key understanding handmade

image writing


texture hands

evidential memory documents paper

imprinted traditions knowledge


sense of place care

sense of touch art memory keeper love

traditions etiquette layers tactile notes samut - thai typesetting

beauty delicacy small details craft

thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture


ambiguity origami




simplicity genius loci goodness emotions

01architectural thesis I
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01 architectural thesis I /cumulation of things

The work of architectural thesis I starts from architectural issues that the students of the faculty would really look forward into searching, reserching, discovering and looking into the pieces of information that are crucial into developing the architectural thesis as solutions or embellishments to these architectural issues in the architecture. The students start from looking deep into one's soul, minds and bodies, into interrogating the main issues that have been the sparks of the students' interests, wheter it be arts and crafts, social values, political or even sustainable issues of the physical worldview that spark architectural issues that at the end of the day would create a meaningful and prosperous physicality of forms.

After searching the issues of the students' own, they would later on interrogate the possibilities of the issues into creating a significant yet vital architectural programs that ultimately tackle these issues, then later on into finding the site of the program that truly captures the identity of the program and cherishes the spirit of the place. The Museum of Paper Culture initiated from one's opening ceremony of the semester and the creator forgot to buy stationeries and paper noteboko. Then, within each paper notebook reminisces into the love of paper, a touch of tactile experiences that create an ambiguous yet artistic interpretations between mass industrialization or craftsmanship, object or material, art or thing.

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture

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1 2 from sketches and collection of notebooks paper is all around you (through the eyes)

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

The Museum of Paper Culture initiated from the love of oneself into hand-sketching and collection of paper notebooks. It is perspicuously seen that the love of these two activities persist not from the any other elements of notebook, or writing materials, but predominantly from the existence of paper. The texture when writing materials are superimposed into a plain sheet of paper. Some is soft. Some is rough. These senses of touch create a tactile and meaningful experiences in the physical world of life. It is the art of the existence of paper that intertwined the people into creating the culture of paper.

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"from the passion of things to the thing itself "

paper handicrafts and festivities - the gatherings of people

paper wrappings and packagings - the enveloping of things

paper prints and books - the publishing of knowledge

paper arts and creative paper - the aesthetics of creativity

paper treasure - the note - taking culture paper structures and architecture - the spatial dimension

01architectural thesis I architectural
viphob manopanjasiri 00 5 3 1 6 4 2
thesis handbook
paper culture

From the materiality that persists senses of touch and tactile experience, paper has been one of the main materials in creating arts and cultural dimension of life

Thus, it's inevitably intriguing where a plain sheet can be constituted into planes of thinness, creating precious spatial and structural culture of people

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On Creative Placemaking

"Creative Placemaking" is generally understood as the use of creative arts and culture by diverse partners to strategically define the physical and the social character of a place and improve the physicality of the district and the city ultimately

01architectural thesis I
00 event meeting place things scenarios creative space public space activities experience creativity time art placemaking 1 creative placemaking - where people and city
merged creatively
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

1 museum - a place that not only act as a house of arts and culture, but also a house of the public

Museum as Civic Space,

manopanjasiri 15
"not only does museum preserves cultural object, but also a creative civic space for the public"

1 2 the urban worldview of the site the spirit of the district - the city's memories

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

"on the being of site paper + people + place "

Finding Mr. Site for Paper Culture is as creative as it could be

In locating the site, the creative placemaking takes form into creating significant ideologies of urban public space that accounts for the significance of paper culture. Creative Districts in Thailand commenced from Charoenkrung, a prototypical district that emerged from multiculture and cultural diversity. Yet, Charoenkrung is fully developed and urbanized into certain degrees. Meanwhile, Hua Lam Phong District, circumsbring the Nana - Yaowarat District, is soon to become a new creative hub of arts and culture in the city, intertwined with the existence of Paper Community in Charoenchai District.

01 02 0 3
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01architectural thesis I
1 Hua Lam Phong Station in transition
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

In the upcoming 2022, Hua Lam Phong Station will be reimagined into becoming a new creative hub for arts and culture, and mixed - use of urban uses and activities. The District is fulfilled with creative and visionary prospects into developing the area full of architectural heritage, regarding the Nana - Yaowarat District, a charming heritage of buildings and shophouses, and Khlong Padung Krung Kasem Canal that will artisticly be revitalized into the people's canalside public space, full of lively urban activities such as flee market, an artistic performance and creative events that will flourish and fulfill the life of the spaces.


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00 19 1
"from the center of mass transportation into a new creative hub of arts and culture for the people "

1 the genius loci ; the spirit of place ; nana - yaowarat

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

Not only the physicality of the site, the spatial and structural ideologies of the spaces in the district, it is also vital that intangible heritage of cultural values of the spaces is to be recognized

From Nana - Yaowarat, regarding Yaowarat and the Prom Prap District, the genius loci or so called the spirit of place is "Cute - Thai - Chinese / Multicultural Spirituality"

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1 the genius loci ; the spirit of place ; the charming buildings of the district

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I
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01architectural thesis I
1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

Not only the charms of the old district of Pom Prap District that capture the memories of the city and the people, it is inevitably seen that aged buildings that have been around for such times is the key into the understanding the heart of the place, the district and the city. The aged building that have been used over and over the times is an architectural heritage of the place.

Not only Nana - Yaowarat is fulfilled with dearest old buildings, but the site also consist of aged buildings that are meaningfully related with paper culture. The site is filled with shophouses of spiritual paper shop that is related with the shrine opposite. Furthermore, the district accounts for the typology of resting spaces based on resting space in transition with the train station.

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"Cities need old buildings so badly it is probably impossible for vigorous streets and districts to grow without them."
1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life Jane Jacobs, 1961, The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

Within the process of architectural thesis, the project seek to not demolish the significant buildings that is intertwined with paper culture, but seek to revitalize the spirit of each building through Architectural Conservation Process - Adaptive Reuse that preserve the character of the buildings in order to spare and preserve the identity of the place, regarding three main buildings.

/Thai Wattanapanich Printing House

/Sahai Sahakij Hotel

/Bae Jek Luk Heung ; Spiritual Paper Shop

01architectural thesis I
Khlong Padung Krung Kasem - the recreation spaces for the people along the canalside
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture
"It is Thaiwattanapanich Printing House that is filled with memories of paper and ink, the paper culture at the times."
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01architectural thesis I
00 หัวลำาโพื่ง คลองผ่ดุงกรุงเกษมื ย่านเมืืองเก่า เยาวราช ศาลเจ้าจ่นไทำย เสื่น่ห์เมืืองเก่า เล่าเรื�องราวต่กแถว ป็ระวัติศาสื่ตร์ + พื่หุวัฒนธรรมื ยานเกา + ใหม อยางสรางสรรค กระดาษในฐานะวัสื่ดุเก่า กระดาษในฐานะวัสื่ดุใหมื่ กระดาษในฐานะวัสื่ดุสื่ร้างสื่รรค์ วัสดุเกา + ใหม อยางสรางสรรค place adaptive reuse / creative reuse paper culture สื่ำานักพื่ิมืพื่์กระดาษ นานา ไทำยวัฒนาพื่านิช โรงแรมืเพื่ื�อสื่หาย เบเจกลักเฮ้ง อาคารเกา + ใหม อยางสรางสรรค
thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture

architectural thesis II

/from words and meanings to architectural design

In architectural thesis II , from the research given and extracted from architectural thesis I , the students are able to accumulate certain data and information, physicality of the site and place , and also the tangibility of the program that accounts for the totality of the architectural thesis II. The students will now start to develop certain words and meanings, that will soon lead to the realization of the physicality of spaces, form and architectural characters of the spaces in order to existentially turn a site into a place. Furthermore, the students will start developing preliminary sketches and drawings in order to visualize the actirivites and the relationship between activities in to the physical form of architecture

The Museum of Paper Culture starts from analysis of site and program, into developing a set of words and terms that is connected with the archtiecture of the museum of paper culture. The student start from scratching the morphology or the urban fabric, the site mobility, activities and spirituality. From then, the student start to extract certain words and meanings, including related terms of written language of meanngs into developing certain ideas. Moreover, it is evidently crucial that distinctive physical characters are now introduced into creating an inclusive creative public space for the peopl of the city. and how can architecture play a role physically?

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture

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1 2 the urban fabric of the site - closed yet not open the three dimensional morphological quality of the site

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

The realization of concept and ideas from paper to architecture

The heart of the Museum of Paper Culture is not only a plain sheet of paper, but a relationship between paper and people. Therefore, from the analysis of the urban fabric of the site, it is seen conspicuously of urban density and the small unit of urban blocks in condition with the old district uses. Yet, there seems to be no open spaces for the district. Hence, the main heart of the project is to give "openness" of space (open space) back to the people of the city, to make the spaces of the museum act as a plain sheet of paper that can creatively be fulfilled with urban activities of the city

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00 31
"what if paper is a creative void / openness (of spaces!) "

The conceptual idea started from giving back open public space into the city, and integrating the times between the old and the new values of the program and the site to creative placemaking. The design then starts with putting an enough mass of program along the site. Yet, no open spaces and transitory spaces between the two streets are found. The design then break the masses into three masses, leaving a whole some of open space in the center of the building, cascading the architectural form to let open spaces flow vertically. Ultimately, characters of open spaces are defined

1 2 integrative transparency - to integrate activities and culture of the place and the people to characterize each open space into handfuls of varying creative events

01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri
"integrative activities museum as urban platform of the city"
The Design Development of the Conceptual Architecrtural Ideas

1 the design development - creating a plain sheet of space!

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01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri 1 from sketches to conceptual ideas
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architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

03 architectural design

/architectural design + architectural atmosphere

The architectural design initiated from the existence of words and meanings mentioned. Fromthe scratches of ideas of things , the museum of paper culture takes part into developing the idea full of wonders where the museum could not only provide but give life to the people in the city. With the analysis of the morphology, the area seems to be lacking an open space that can act as space for recreation and the gatherings of people . Another factor contributing to the developing of ideas and schematas is that the materiality of paper and the quality of space that tend to be blended into one . The design take uses of disciplinary subtility of translucency and transparency, of lightness and lights that the architectural space can give to

certain atmosphere, whether it be space, form or character. Moreover, the museum of paper stands firm between the two open streets of the city, one old and one new. The strategty introduces such architectural solutions for the museum to become inaugurated within the old and the new context. Not only the district, but the aged building that serve as the spirit of the place in tangible asset of the architectural heritage of the district, the city and the country.. It is the intangible cultural asset that these buildings that are related with paper culture be conserved under adaptive reuse, and superimpose new functionality , architectural space, form, elements and character that reveals the genius loci , the spirit of the place

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture

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01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri 1 exterior perspective - the overalls of the museum
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architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

1 1 entering from the canalside sensing the arrival! - maitrichitr street

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01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri 1 pedestrianing from nana alley!
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From Krungkasem (the new) and Maitrichit (the old) street entrance, the users will experience "the folding paperscape" that rises up with subtility as the main common space into gathering with people. The design take usage of light and transparent structure that enact both as outdoor exhibition of cultural paper of the district according to the time of the year that also act as shade, creating a light and pleasant atmosphere.

the terrace (charn) that predominantly act as the main gathering place for the people the concept take usage of folding the paper into the paperscape of open space

จากกระดาษพับ ... สูลานกระดาษพับ “ ลานกระดาษพับ พับแผนกระดาษ พับลานกระดาษ ” 01architectural thesis I architectural
viphob manopanjasiri 00 1 2
thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture
จากกระดาษพับ สูลานกระดาษพับ “ ลานกระดาษพับ พับแผนกระดาษ พับลานกระดาษ ” จากกระดาษพับ ... สูลานกระดาษพับ “ ลานกระดาษพับ พับแผนกระดาษ พับลานกระดาษ ”
manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 45
1 different time, different paper culture, different paper exhibition!

1 the masterplan - the lightness and lights of space

From the main terrace, the people will enter the museum by the right wing of the building, meeting a light foyer of the museum that act as "ใต้้ถุุน" (a space under a thai house) that is airy and light.

Then, when the people pass the museum foyer, they will experience a light mezzanine of lovely potted-plants with the Hua Lamphong Train Station view, between the main folded plaza of the museum

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2 museum foyer - where lightness is connected with the main spaces museum mezzanine foyer - creating a subsequential entrance of the museum hall

1 2 from sketches and collection of notebooks paper is all around you (through the e

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I

Once the people experience the mezzanine of the museum, the people will enter the museum hall, that is designed to captivate the moment of the spatiality, where the volume is elegantly augmented to create a phenomenological aspect of percieving the space of the hall.

From the right side of the hall, the museum holds the ticketing and locker area that is designed to sleekly be used as a plain space of interest, captivating the people with lowering floor space, the materiality of translucency and light materials to lightly occupy the space.

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Within the design of translating words and meaning into architectural language, the uses of papery atmosphere are introduced into designing the spatial configuration of the space and architectural qualities of the museum in the exhibition space of the museum.

1 2 from paper to papery architecture the storyline - what is your paper?

01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

It is intriguing where the paper culture is connected with certain acts of the hands that touch the paper, for example, the touchings and the foldings. Hence, the design of the exhibition space takes the spatiality of light boxes floating in the air. Yet, a folded surface is to be introduced into creating the linkage between the boxes. The surface will also act both as transition space and circulation.

1 1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life

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01 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 3 07
1 paper as life - introductory space 01architectural
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

"paper as life paper as plain sheet"

The first exhibition space to be experienced is called the "paper as life", as the introductory space. Filled with natural sky-lighting, the clear elliptical space act as collages of life paper and screen shows of introdution.

Entering the second room to be called "paper as plain sheet", the space is designed to be a light papermaking pavilion. The space is voided with natural trees and balcony, alongside with artistic materials that originated paper sheet.

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paper as material of festivities and cultural gatherings
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

as festivals paper as knowledge"

1 paper as knowledge - where the old and the new is intertwined

To let people activate the festivals of paper, the space is designed to gather and circumscribe people into a double volume of floating and suspending pieces of paper that is filled with people

The room of knowledge is a space of Thaiwattanapanich Printing House on adaptive reuse. The design keep the old structures from ground contrasting light cables of new exhibition.

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1 paper as treasure - the elegance of note taking culture of the people
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

"paper as art paper as treasure"

The Paper as Art space is to be designed as a hall of contemporary planes of translucent yet new materials that envelope the hall. People will be able to contemplate art from any point of views.

Where paper is deeply and highly cherished in the form of note taking culture, the space is defined lightly with the power of lighting, focus and elegantly spotted to the value of paper

1 2 paper as art - where paper as object ends, and the materiality begins paper as future - what is the future of paper

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"paper culture as physicality of life"

1 the overall exhibition - what is your paper?

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

01architectural thesis I
culture as a tactile work (of art) of things"

not only the paper act as material of life, its existence is the key to the cultivation of the people and the creation of the life of the people and place

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architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture

01 02 04 03 1 the landscape of paper
where trees are grown 01architectural thesis I
viphob manopanjasiri

the landscape of paper (culture) where paper is born from nature

Not only the cultural values of paper is interpreted through the design, the uses and the configuration of the exhibition space inside the museum, the knowledge of paper culture is extended beyond that. By going out the doors of the exhibition space, the people will experience

the origin of paper where paper is born, outside the building, in the form of landscape. The Museum take uses of papermaking trees and vegetation in order to capture the essence of the relationship between paper, people and place, and also sustainably originate and devleop paper in the museum.

กระถินเทพา กฤษณา ปอสา ใหญ 15 - 25 เมตร แผพุมกวาง ใหรมเงาไดดี ขอย ตนกลางๆ 5 - 10 เมตร พุมคอนขางทึบ ไมกระถาง ไมพุมเล็ก ทิวไผ เปนตน เบิรช แอสเพน ยูคาลิปตัส ไมสูง ชะลูด เปลือกไมขาว 01 02 03 04 manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 61 1 the landscape of paper
the atmosphere of being near (paper) nature (is paper nature?)
01architectural thesis I
1 temporary exhibition - the white cube of translucent ceiling
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1 the adaptive reuses - the meetings of the old and the new
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture manopanjasiri

Not only the role of the Museum of Paper Culture is to house the conservation of arts and cultural paper, The Museum of Paper Culture is also the house of the site, the way in which placemaking is the key to revitalize the district. The design decided on conserving three main aged buildings in the plot and creatively uses urban and architectural solutions into keeping the old spirit of the place (the genius loci) which account for the totality, the physicality, the ideology and typology, encapsulating the contemporary worldview into the architectural design in different ways yet creating a significant buildings that charm the street!

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"adapting the aged adaptive reuses are filled with creative uses!"
Architectural Conservation through Adaptive Reuse of the buildings
01architectural thesis I
1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture manopanjasiri

"haiwattanapanich printing house"

One main building in the plot is the Thaiwattanapanich Printing House that will soon become a new creative community for the aesthetics of paper and prints community, yet also the main

exhibition for paper as knowledge. The design conserves the facade of the printing house (facade retention) and superimpose the new space and structure to create a meaningful yet contemporary space.

สํานักพิมพไทยวัฒนาพานิช manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 67
1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life
01architectural thesis I
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri 1 creative community for paper and prints aesthetics
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"from street balcony to social balcony"

The second aged building is a hotel for strollers called "Sahaisahakij Hotel". The main intriguing character of the aged is the balcony that is extended along the old street Maitrichitr

The Design then seek to revitalize these balconies to be filled by the people, layering a new folding elements such as stairs to connect each floors and let people become the eyes of the street

1 2
01architectural thesis I
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Sahaisahakij - From Street Balcony to Social Balcony superimposing social balcony architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture
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from street balcony to social balcony
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

///making space! creating art / collaging paper!

terrace + balcony + pot plants + smoking pot

foldable partition

///relaxing space! microwaving things + small eatery


The building is to be undergoing the adaptive reuse from the hotel of strollers to become a creative art and artist in residence, a creative rooftop bar. The design then try to conserve architectural elements such as columns, beams, the charming green doors and the living rooms.

Hence, in every space of the aged building, the space is not only filled with people and small nature (potted plants). the building take uses of creative activities to become an artistic workstation for the artist to brainstorm and gather around, even in the interior living unit!

1 paper as material that reveals senses of touch - physicality of life

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01architectural thesis I
1 meeting the old and the new - the artist in residence and the museum cafe
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture manopanjasiri

One new building situated along the Maitrichitr street is to be settled along the Sahaisahakij Hotel. In order to captivate the old, yet the charming essence of the site, the design take the uses of

the old architectural elements, which is the folding doors of thaichinese old district and reinterpret the doors to become a new paper wrappings as the facade of the space of the new museum cafe.

1 the museum cafe - reinterpreting the architectural elements (the oldness)

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"rethinking the old, with the new!"
( สวมใหม ... ... ในเกา ) บานเฟยมเล็กๆ 450 * 2700 มม

The exteriority and the interiority of the space is designed to create an ambuguity of space. The main facade, paperly wrapped into a three - storey shophouse Yet, when the space is opened, the interiority is exploded into a onestorey hall full of layers of mezzanine space full of nature and lightness

The materiality of the design take advantageous uses of perforated metal panels that capsulates the character of translucency of paper, creating a contemporary character of the architecture in order for the new to be impinged with the old, creating a new facade of the street that is to its times.

1 2 sketches of ideas - impinging the old and the new exteriority and interiority - ambiguity


01architectural thesis I
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manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 77 1 interiority - lightness and lights
1 interiority - where spirituality is met with contemporarity
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

the presence of times where cultural paper is being used to fulfill dreams and hopes

Bae - JekLuk - Heung is a cultural paper shop dedicating the presence of the shop to the Chinese shrine opposite to the site. The building is a twostorey building with a

charming architectural elements. The design seeks to conserve every architectural elements to capture the old essence of the aged building, layering new program of a creative paper shop

manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 79
1 the exteriority of the spiritual paper shop
"experimenting the past" of cultural paper"
01architectural thesis I
1 architectural elements of the district to be collaged
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri

"collaging the paper, collaging the district, collaging the city" place. The design seek the potential of these elements, then try to "collage" the elements into a new structures of the street facade, into creating a screen of the pocket urban green space for the people

Within the process of demolishing the aged building of the past, the character of the architectural elements regarding the buildings seem to be very intriguing and show the past of the

ชองเปด ประตูหนาตาง เหล็กดัด พืชกระถาง ตัด + แปะ กระดาษ ตัด + แปะ ยาน ตัด + แปะ เมือง manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 81 1 screening the green open space for the urban - enclosedness
01architectural thesis I
1 reinterpreting the old district Maitrichitr
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri
manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 83

1 elevation and section that capture life of the people and place

architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri


The design not only envisages the old and the new identity of the district, but also signifies the being of the museum that will soon act as the open space for the people of the city. Then , open

spaces in the middle take the difference of the architectural levels for the strollers to connect each spaces through the main open space with the main buildings along the left and the right wing.

manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 85
สํานักพิมพไทยวัฒนาพานิช โรงแรมสหายสหะกิจ / คงเกาใหใหม / สานเกาและใหม / สวมใหมในเกา 1 sectioning the district - adaptive reuses 01architectural thesis I architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri 00
โรงแรมสหายสหะกิจ มิวเซียมคาเฟ รานขาย กระดาษไหวเจา manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 87
1 museum of paper culture - museum as civic space all day and night
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri
manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 89
1 museum of paper culture - museum as civic space all day and night
1 museum of paper culture - along the canalside and the reintervention
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture
manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 91
01architectural thesis I
1 love and care of the people
architectural thesis handbook ; museum of paper culture viphob manopanjasiri


memories, becoming the museum of paper cuture"

special thanks are given to

/Assistant Professor Korkiat Nimmol

/Associate Professor Pinraj Khanjanusthith, Ph.D.

/Associate Professor Piyalada Thaweeprungsiporn, Ph. D.

/Assistant Professor Waricha Wongphyat, Ph.D. for advises in crafting this thesis

and last but not least, thank you... /likaybindery /meung-thong printing house / /tonpao paper crafts community /mr. vijitr srisanga /book clinic /the national library for the love of paper, and the true experiences of craftsmanship that lead paper into magical wonders


aj.kae (pantipa tunchookiat) for enacting the love of paper the people that have made it this far to the museum of paper culture

manopanjasiri 02 architectural thesis II 03 architectural design 00 93


หากกระดาษ เป็็นเหมืือนสื่ื�อ เพื่ื�อความืคิดสื่ร้างสื่รรค์ พื่ิพื่ิธภััณฑ์์กระดาษ ขอทำำาหน้าทำ่�เป็็นกระดาษหน่�งแผ่่น ให้ผ่้้คนของเมืือง ได้ข่ดเข่ยนเรื�องราว สื่ร้างสื่รรค์กิจกรรมื
พื่บเจอความืรัก พื่บเจอความืสืุ่ข ในสื่ถานทำ่�แห่งน่� เป็็นเหมืือนสื่�อ เพื่�อความืคิดสื่ร้างสื่รรค พื่พื่ิธภััณฑ์์กระดาษ ขอทำำาหน้าทำ่�เป็็นกระดาษหน่�งแผ่่น ใหผ่คนของเมืือง ไดข่ดเข่ยนเรื�องราว สื่ร้างสื่รรคกิจกรรมื พื่บเจอผ่คน พื่บเจอความืรัก พื่บเจอความืสืุ่ข ในสื่ถานทำ่�แห่งน่
were paper a material for creativity, the museum of paper culture would act as a plain sheet of paper that fulfills the people of the city with written tales and stories of the place let people meet people, let people define love let people find happiness and joy .... let people dream and hope in this plain sheet of place

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