Deerfield Academy Viewbook 2014-2015

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A Portfolio of Essays by Students and Faculty


SPIRIT AND TRADITION “Days of Glory” 1797–2014 • A New England Place • Customs and Community


LEARNING AT DEERFIELD Faculty Who Challenge and Inspire • Diploma Requirements • Course Programs • Academic Schedule • Pursuit of Excellence • A World of Academic Opportunities • The Frank L. and Helen Childs Boyden Library • Information Technology • The David H. Koch Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology • Course Offerings • College Advising


A VIBRANT COMMUNITY Residential Living • Advising • Daily Schedule • Dining Hall • Co-curricular Opportunities • Athletic Program and Facilities • Visual and Performing Arts • Clubs and Organizations • Community Service • Cultural and Educational Programs • Diversity and Multicultural Affairs • Weekends • Hitchcock House • Health Care • Religion • The Deans’ Office


ADMISSION, EXPENSES AND FINANCIAL AID Application Procedure • Late Candidates • Day Students • Postgraduate Program • Expenses • Payment • Financing a Deerfield Education • Endowed Scholarship Funds • Regional Admission Representatives


GENERAL INFORMATION Trustees, Faculty and Administration • Geographical Distribution • Academic Calendar • Campus Map • Facilities and Residences • Finding Deerfield

a letter from the head of school As I begin my ninth year as Head of School, I know exactly why leading this dynamic institution means so much to me, and why I hope you will consider joining us at Deerfield: In our caring and vibrant community, you will be motivated to take ownership of your intellectual and moral growth, and to develop the self-esteem and courage you will need to deal successfully with the challenges and opportunities you will face in life. The frequent interaction and dialogue among our students, faculty, and staff foster quality relationships based on trust and respect. It is this supportive environment that encourages inquisitiveness and continuous learning.

As the pace of change and the volume of

new knowledge and information reach ever more bewildering proportions, we at Deerfield Academy face the future confidently, anchored in the strength of our founding values. After more than two hundred years, our ideals and our ethos of service prevail. We continue to pursue excellence in the development of our students’ interests, talents, and character, while fulfilling our commitment to nurture ethical leadership and global awareness.

I invite you to visit us so that you can

experience the Deerfield spirit in person. We are delighted to learn of your interest in our school and look forward to answering any questions you might have.

Head of School Margarita O’Byrne Curtis






experience an



To wrestle with ideas; to see another’s point of view; to discover something about how the world works; to live with people of different backgrounds, beliefs or interests. These are the challenges and opportunities of a fine education. n Buildings, libraries, and modern laboratories are important, but the human quality of education is the measure of a school. Gifted teachers who can convey both the excitement and order in learning, and smart, enthusiastic students are what Deerfield seeks because what each will demand from the other is excellence. n At Deerfield, education also concerns itself with character—a sense of responsibility to oneself and to others—which comes from being a citizen of this unique community. School service is important, for citizenship at Deerfield is rooted in the awareness that one’s actions and choices create and define the standards by which a community can flourish. n Regardless of a student’s background, schoolmates respect a musician, a quick mind, a hard-working swimmer, or a fluent linguist. Every student at Deerfield can have an experience shaped for and by his or her abilities and interests. What each experience shares is a commitment to the values—tolerance, honesty, decency—on which responsible citizenship is founded. n Deerfield embodies the value of things that endure. Set in a 300-year-old village—itself a treasure of our colonial past—the Academy offers those who study here a history that can be encountered in the visible past of 18th-century houses, the tree-lined street, the headstones of English settlers. While life at Deerfield fosters change and growth, each graduate will leave the school with memories of the space and beauty of the New England countryside and of an intellectual and moral tradition—sturdy and honest—that stands the test of time. n Deerfield prepares its students for both college and the world beyond, yet its graduates return often, remembering the Academy for the important role it played in their lives. Friendships, teachers who made a difference, perspectives broadened and refined, pride in the Academy and loyalty to its tradition: these are the hallmarks of a Deerfield education. Students come hoping to make a mark on the Academy, and leave discovering that Deerfield has made a mark on them.




reflections A




by students and faculty




clowning around I noticed his jewelry first. Silver rings and bracelets with tiny squares and triangles of indigo decorated his thin arms and fingers. He had silver hair to match, tied loosely at the nape of his neck and parted down the middle. “I like your colors,” he said, commenting on the silky outfit I had gotten at the Salvation Army. I looked like one of those vacationers on a Caribbean cruise, but for now it was my “clowning” costume. “Thank you,” I replied, “I’m Jackie from Deerfield Academy.” I extended my hand and he held it for a moment. “May I sit down?” He nodded in agreement. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I was in the oncology unit of Franklin Medical Center. There were five patients receiving treatment at the time and two of my fellow clowns were laughing and striking up conversations with the other patients. Coming here had become part of our weekly routine in the “Clowning Around Club.” I started the club in 2006 after

doctor and clown Patch Adams’ visit to campus, and our hope was to spread Patch’s vision of laughter and joy to local healthcare facilities. To do this, we “clowned” each week with colorful clothes, red noses, and reassuring smiles. This afternoon I found myself sitting with a man I did

There is no better way to describe what Deerfield has given me than Robert’s notion of positive energy and endless possibilities. not know, while he received chemo through an IV in his wrist. “I like your rings,” I said, hoping to spark conversation. “Oh, these,” he chuckled, “Sorry, I did not even get a chance to introduce myself. My name is Robert Runningfox.” And so it began. Robert told me his life story—how he was a Seneca Indian from upstate New York who grew up in teepees and was raised by his

grandmother. He revealed the meaning behind his various adornments and told me his grandmother was a shaman, a medicinal healer. He explained the concepts of negative and positive energy and the various centers of the body and then he extended his hands palm-up towards me. I placed my hands in his. “I’m going to read your energy,” he said. He closed his eyes and after a moment he said, “You have a positive energy. You will do great things.” He let go of my hands and smiled. “I wish I had a name like yours,” I laughed. “You can,” Robert said, “what would it be?” I thought for a second, “Jackie Dancingdeer,” I replied. There is no better way to describe what Deerfield has given me than Robert’s notion of positive energy and endless possibilities. Deerfield Academy is a busy place, but it is busy with what you love to do. Whether you are going from class to a sports game, a club meeting, a dance rehearsal, or

an evening in the Greer with your friends, Deerfield is alive with positive energy. Upon one’s arrival on campus, there are some things that one notices immediately, like Robert’s silver rings—the historic brick buildings, the glowing Koch Center, the impeccably mowed quads, but if you ask the right questions, and take the time to explore, there are unforgettable stories and unlimited possibilities within. I have read the classics, done physics labs with magnets, and struggled through math problems in the classroom, but Deerfield is as much about what you learn beyond the classroom as it is what you learn inside. While I may not change my name to Jackie Dancingdeer, I know that I have the ability to do so. Deerfield has opened my eyes to what is possible, and now, has left it to me to decide what exactly it is I want to do. Jaclyn Fleishman Tampico, Mexico



deerfield of dreams “I’ll just take the Times and a grande coffee Frappuccino.” When I felt particularly saucy I’d go with the venti Frappuccino. On long days, I’d keep it good and simple: a double shot of espresso—intravenous, please. This is how I passed my summer leisure time—that between classes and on Friday mornings when I didn’t have any, but just wanted to unwind and waste time. At Starbucks. I developed an addiction. To the coffee and the New York Times, which you can’t get on home-delivery in my neighborhood. For three months I devoured the paper ravenously and washed it down with the sturdiest stuff I could convince them to make—“A triple shot? Is that possible?”— and I loved it. For a while in the middle of working class suburban Michigan, I could let the concerns of middle-class middle America melt away from me into fivedollar-a-hit coffee and a Blue Note soundtrack, and pretend I was somewhere else. Somewhere very East coast. Somewhere where there would be someone on the other side of the table with whom I could analyze life. And day-by-day I built Deerfield in my mind, a spectacular gold-dusted 10

place where conversations meant more, people thought more, had bigger aspirations than in Charlotte. You can’t understand Jay Gatsby until you’ve been

a Midwestern 16-year-old burdened with the urge to be someplace else. By September I lusted for Deerfield. As is to be expected, when I left to come to DA, the

emotional void (and probably, I’ve reasoned, a physiological one, considering my summer caffeine diet) was draining. But I learned the second week here that I could subscribe

to the Times. I did promptly. I didn’t have time to read beyond page one but I felt the happier —perhaps more at home—for it. I discovered that they carry Frappuccino at the Greer Store. And I sipped and read a couple of free periods away. Deerfield grew on me. I took my first piano lesson — ever!—here in September. I’m notoriously tone deaf and music dumb and have long regretted that music is some place I’ve never been (like Paris, Beijing and Katmandu). So I determined to see what would happen. I walked into the campus music center, whence the most beautiful strumming, plucking and hornblowing roll out across campus all day. As I stood in the lobby of the one building on campus I’d never been in (contributing to the mystique), a middleaged, energetic woman leaned over the railing 20 feet above and said, “You must be Brett. Come on up!” First day of class, I practiced on a Steinway grand in an enormous room, empty, save the piano, with light-colored wood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, over-

looking most of campus. I was the only student for 70 minutes. Deerfield amazed me. Convocation. “A Deerfield tradition, marking the beginning of the academic year,” Mr. Widmer had said at dinner Saturday night. “Convocation will be held in the Memorial Building auditorium at 5:30. Class dress is required.” [groans]

You can’t understand Jay Gatsby until you’ve been a Midwestern 16-year-old burdened with the urge to be someplace else. By September I lusted for Deerfield. It rained most of that Sunday. A long, slow, cold rain. It was slightly foggy by evening. I had spent all day in my room studying (literally!)—I skipped breakfast and lunch, adjusting to the Deerfield workload and spending time wondering at the people and landscape around me and had only seen the rain through my window. I left DeNunzio at 5:25 and had

a long walk to the Memorial Building. There were few other stragglers. I would have to hurry. As I stepped outside I noticed how beautiful things are after a rain, and realizing I had not seen a New England rain before (everything in New England seems a little different), regretted not having stepped outside all day. The sounds of bagpipes—they “call Deerfield to convocation” by having two fully-regaled bagpipers stand out in front of the pillared Memorial Building—drifted across the quad, through the rain and fog, causing a twinge and tickle on the back of my neck. At convocation I heard the story of Frank Boyden, Deerfield headmaster and legend—who brought Deerfield from a small farm school with 14 students into the kind of place where seven U.S. presidents sent their children, and couldn’t bring himself to part with the place until he was 90. The alums who knew him appeared fiercely loyal to Deerfield. Forget Harvard and Princeton and their companies and countries—alums worship this place. I thought, maybe I will, too.

When I left the building, not alone this time, it was darker and the sensation was there again. And I knew why I had come here. I had never played the piano or talked with people the way I could here. I had never learned in the wonderful way I was learning here. Growing up different in a factory town, I had never felt I belonged anywhere. After one day in American Studies discussing St. Jean de Crevecoeur’s Letters from an American Farmer, I knew I belonged here. I found Deerfield on the internet one day while searching for summer programs I hoped I might attend on scholarship and stretch my legs academically for a summer in a way that I couldn’t at Charlotte High School. Deerfield came up on the screen. Folks at home, who had never known anything about prep schools, thought I was nuts, but... Ostensibly I came to Deerfield in search of greater academic opportunities, but I wanted something else, too. I found both. Brett Masters Charlotte, Michigan 11


the leap With more bounce in her brunette curls than in her tentative springs on the onemeter board, Melissa stood stiffly above the water, gathering her thoughts before leaping into a head-first dive. Sprinting the pool’s corridor, my wrestlers and I had already seen many of Melissa’s splashy jumps but now were marking laps not by the clock but by a freshman’s extended confrontation with her diving fears. Three months earlier, Melissa had fearlessly walked onto the pool deck and introduced herself to me, announcing her eagerness to try water polo, a sport she had never seen, let alone played. Not a strong swimmer and untutored in the art of throwing and catching, she seemed unsuited for the demanding game. Nonetheless, she worked hard each day, practicing at her pace and measuring her progress stroke by stroke and catch by catch. At the season’s end, Melissa’s


self-discipline and desire led her to the diving well, home of the Deerfield Diving Divas. In truth, I don’t remember how many times Melissa, buoyed by her coach’s and teammates’ encouragement, walked to the end of the board, tried to summon her confidence, and then faltered. It may have been days, weeks even, but each afternoon, she stepped to the edge. One late-winter day on the way to the gym, I asked Melissa, among the liveliest thinkers in my English class, about her latest challenge. “Any good dives yet?” “Not really,” she admitted. “I’m not what you’d call a diver.” “Well, are you enjoying yourself?” “I wouldn’t say that, but Ms. Robertson and the girls are great. They believe in me.” Trusting in our hours together at polo practice and in the classroom, I then probed further. “So just why did you try diving?”

Melissa, eyes bright and voice bold, responded, “Mr. Scandling, I promised myself that if I went to Deerfield, I’d try things I would have never done if I’d stayed at home.” Then, she was off to the pool for a few more weeks of diving. Although she didn’t return to the Divas in succeeding years, Melissa did continue

“I promised myself that if I went to Deerfield, I’d try things I would have never done if I’d stayed at home.” with water polo. Her swimming and ball skills improved, and despite never becoming an impact player, her influence on the team endured. Showing their respect, Melissa’s admiring teammates elected her a co-captain in her senior season—even though she had never started a contest and rarely played more than a few minutes a game.

Always undaunted, Melissa turned from the arcs and angles of diving and plunged instead into the graceful arrangement of words on paper. Having seen her first freshman poem, “Heinz 57 Varieties,” appear in Albany Road, the Academy’s literary magazine, she pursued her passion for poetry here on campus and at Bread Loaf and the University of Iowa before crafting in her senior year tiny trees and people, the first poetry collection written by a student to be published by the Deerfield Press. She had made a leap after all and cherished the rewards that had balanced the risks. Mark Scandling English Teacher, Varsity Water Polo Coach



abc (american born chinese) A sense of belonging is a powerful feeling. Belonging in a group of friends allows for someone to have confidence in himself and to open himself up to others, giving him courage and support. Looking back on my childhood, I now realize this is the feeling that I lacked. I took my first steps in the United States when I was three. Back in China, I was recognized and acknowledged as a citizen. Here I was a foreigner. But, despite the feelings that I didn’t belong here, this was where my future was going to be. First I had to learn the language. My mother had an interesting way of learning English. Her philosophy was that if you want to learn a new language you have to listen to it as much as possible. Thus my mother and I spent three hours each day watching soap operas. My favorite was General Hospital. Not only did I learn some vocabulary and lingo, I learned that in the American culture everyone had big issues in their lives and something tragic happened every day in America.


With my new artillery of knowledge I was off to preschool. Preschool days were happy days. It didn’t matter that my hair was darker or that my English wasn’t as good as the other kids. Here I was accepted. It wasn’t until elementary school that my peers began to notice the differences between me and the other students. Aside from my hair, they commented on my slightly tanner skin color. They noticed that for snack time I didn’t bring Pringles Chips or Dunkaroos like everyone else but instead pulled from my lunch bag strange Chinese treats. Wearing glasses didn’t help my case either. My peers tagged me with the Asian stereotype. I was supposed to be good at math and science. I must play either the piano or violin. I couldn’t be athletic. Sadly, this was exactly how my life went from elementary to middle school. I was a nerd, one of the lowest of the childhood social classes. As a nerd, I secretly wanted to be one of the “cool” kids but my popularity was strictly limited to the classroom. Whenever

the teacher assigned projects that required partners, everyone swarmed to me like I was a rock star giving out autographs but I knew they wanted to be my partner for my knowledge, not for who I was. I started to attend Chinese school on Friday nights. It was there that I finally felt a sense of belonging. The other kids that attended these classes

It seems like my entire life has been an endless search for my place in the community and the world. Well, the search finally came to an end when I arrived at Deerfield. with me were from similar backgrounds. These kids gave me confidence and support so I could be myself. I was no longer a nerd, nor was I shy. To my surprise, I was, in fact, very much a gregarious person with excellent social skills. Now I led two lives; one as the nerdy introvert and the other as the courageous extrovert.

During the winter of eighth grade I learned that my family was returning to China for the lunar New Year. I was ecstatic. This would be my first time back in China since I left at three. I imagined that in China I wouldn’t feel like such a foreigner anymore. I would fit in with everyone else. How wrong I turned out to be. One day my uncle took my brother and me out to lunch. Since the menu was in Chinese, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use what I had learned all those Friday nights at Chinese school. I said to my uncle, “Wo yao shoa long bao.” (I want dumplings). After completing this phrase, I overheard a lady sitting not far from our table snicker and say in Chinese, “That boy speaks like a foreigner!” That did it. The wall had finally crumbled. I realized that I had no place here. Instead of the comfort I expected, I felt more foreign here than I did back in the States. In China, I wasn’t Chinese. I was what they called an ABC (American born Chinese).

It seems like my entire life has been an endless search for my place in the community and the world. Well, the search finally came to an end when I arrived at Deerfield. This school provided me all the belonging I ever longed for. Here, diversity was accepted and not shunned. I became friends with Caucasians, Hispanics, Blacks and other Asians as well. Despite our ethnic differences we found that we all shared some common ground. The strength I gained from these bonds allowed me to explore myself outside of my stereotypical limitations. At Deerfield I lost my interest in violin and piano and began to express more fascination with sports. Deerfield filled a huge void of my childhood. I understand that I am different from many of my peers. But differences don’t matter; it’s the things we have in common that are important. Sharing brings everyone together and leaves everyone with a sense of belonging. Charley Lu Hollis, New Hampshire



a marriage of true minds The questions typically come with a tone of dawning realization, “Are you married to Ms. Valk?” “Is Mr. Pitcher really your husband?” These are reasonable student queries given our different last names and the divergent daily teaching and coaching responsibilities that rarely find us together in the same space on campus. Yet Deerfield was the backdrop of our marriage—vows exchanged in the Caswell Library, a reception amid the murals of the Memorial Building lobby—and the bucolic place that has united us in close and permanent relation both personally and professionally for over two decades. Heidi and I are only one of several faculty couples who married on campus and raised our families in sync with the seasonal rhythms of the school year. Frank and Helen Boyden nurtured three children in this valley, while their sixty-plus year partnership built this school one boy and one brick at a time. Smith College awarded Helen Boyden an honorary degree citing that she “with some small help from her husband, built a great school.” 16

Deerfield has always been and remains a rich tapestry of interwoven families, and fertile ground for the marrying of true minds and hearts. For us, the dividends from entering into this community, establishing a family here, and rising to the challenge of educating and caring for our students have never ceased to flow. We share family-style meals, support each other on the athletic field, on stage, and in the concert hall, and remember each other’s birthdays. Through the years, Heidi and I have taught more than a dozen of our colleagues’ children, and shared seminar tables with whole lines of siblings and cousins from families that have made Deerfield their school. Students and teachers not only come to know each other well here, but find their familial bonds extending and intersecting in ways that indelibly shape us and sustain our efforts to meet Deerfield’s rigors and challenges. Jamie leapt into historical debates in my U.S. History class with an enthusiastic

bounce and fierce desire to compete similar to the characteristics she displayed on Heidi’s soccer and lacrosse fields. Heidi and I would like

For us, the dividends from entering into this community, establishing a family here, and rising to the challenge of educating and caring for our students have never ceased to flow. to think we both had a hand in helping point Jamie along the spectacular trajectory that took her from Deerfield to Harvard and then to a bronze medal with the Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team. But, for us, what Jamie and her family gave back to our family has equal resonance. Learning how to pull lobster traps out of frigid Maine waters with Jamie’s dad, bringing our sons to the Big Apple Circus with Jamie and her sister’s family, sharing in Jamie’s fears and hopes as she sat on

our porch three summers ago contemplating her post-hockey future as a prep school teacher and administrator. Jamie has generously entwined her family story with ours in the magical manner that the openness and intimacy of Deerfield makes possible. These kinds of familial interactions will never appear on a Deerfield student’s transcript or an Academy faculty member’s resume, yet they help make us who we are and fortify our connection to this school. Deerfield is a place where the twenty-pointa-game scorer I coached on the boy’s basketball team is also willing to babysit our kids, reading to them from the children’s book written by his mother. A community where the father of two sisters, who raced up and down Heidi’s soccer field, took weekend time to give her sons and historical-minded husband a tour of Charlestown’s Revolution-era sites. After fourteen years in the dorm, in an ironic twist to our evolving family story, we moved into a cavernous brown Victorian house overlooking

the marsh and farmland at the south end of Deerfield’s idyllic main street. The house sits twenty-five yards away from the spot I proposed to Heidi in the early evening glow before a Sunday sitdown dinner nineteen years ago. Periodically, I’ll look out to that point from the arched, leaded glass window on our home’s second floor, as students and faculty jog or bike past, and think of the opening line of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116: “Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.” We’re grateful for the ways Deerfield has deepened, not impeded, our love, and for the myriad affections and attachments that radiate back and forth from the students in our care and families in our trust. Conrad Pitcher History Teacher, Boys Varsity Basketball Coach (pictured with his wife, Heidi Valk, Science Teacher and Girls Varsity Soccer Coach, and sons)



an exchange Hi Charles, Many thanks for showing my parents and me around the Deerfield campus. I must say that the campus visit is very impressive. You said you are from New York, where we know there are many good boarding schools. I’m interested to know why you chose to attend Deerfield. Please tell me what are those things you are most satisfied with, and the things you think Deerfield needs to improve on in the future. Thank you in advance for your answer. Kevin

Dear Kevin, No problem! If I had to choose my three favorite things about Deerfield, I would choose the community, the school spirit, and the general environment for living that it has provided for me.


My favorite thing about Deerfield would definitely be the community. There is a very open relationship between the faculty and students.

Deerfield is an amazing place and incredibly fun, but it doesn’t pretend to be perfect. The student-to-student relationships are also very close. The divide between older students and younger ones that I have experienced at previous schools does not exist at Deerfield. This is largely due to having proctors, seniors who live in underclass dorms. I often spend time with proctors—including ones outside my dorm. Whenever I have a problem, they are the first people to whom I turn.

One of the first things that your proctors teach you is to appreciate the place where you live. The school spirit of Deerfield is crucial to me because it shows how important Deerfield is to the students. In all of my past schools my peers and I couldn’t wait for vacation to arrive. But at Deerfield that is not true. Going to school here is actually fun. At Deerfield there is such a concentration of talented and motivated people that it can be an inspiration in your own efforts. No matter how well I do, I always get this feeling that I am capable of more and it makes me work harder. Deerfield is an amazing place and incredibly fun, but it doesn’t pretend to be perfect. This past Monday the school gathered to recognize Martin Luther King, an icon of civil rights and social equality. As a school we talked about

the strengths of our current community, but also the weaknesses. So far in my career at Deerfield I have not run into any major shortfalls; but Deerfield’s ability to accept that it is not perfect gives it the ability to change, and I think that the student body and the school is consciously trying to make the school a better place each day. I hope this helps, Charlie Charles Ughetta New York, New York



every little thing... When the Pocumtuck hills blaze with color in the fall, tiny snowflakes twirl and tumble to a white-blanketed ground, or the morning mist lifts off the quad, I wonder if I dreamed up Deerfield. I close my eyes and remember how I became a Deerfield student long before I first stepped foot on the brick pathways. As I looked outside my bedroom window to the hills that cling to the Ohio River, the idea of boarding school seemed far away on the pages of novels I read growing up. Letting my fingers drag across the glossy pages of every pamphlet, paper, and picture I got caught up in a world foreign to my own. I let the images piece together Deerfield, and I imagined myself in a different valley studying under the shade of blossoming trees, or discussing issues around a wooden table. Sitting at home, I never imagined that my Deerfield experience would be defined, not just by time spent in the


classroom, but by moments in the dining hall, at the river, or in a friend’s room. The first time Deerfield felt like home was late one night my junior year. I had just spent the past few hours with friends sharing a batch of brownies my mom had sent, and as we ate, our conversation weaved through different cultural ideas and political views. As I lay down to sleep, my mind buzzed with fresh notions of the world. I watched the luminous moon gleaming down through my window, and I stayed awake a few hours longer, just thinking. When I went home to West Virginia that Christmas, I asked my dad to drive me past my old high school. I was once again reminded of its enormous beauty—it’s a large historical building, with a brick façade and long horseshoe driveway—but as we circled the school, I felt empty. There were no students laughing happily as they walked to class with friends and teachers, and the looming football stadium cast its gray shadow on the

back of the school. I missed my new campus—the one laced with flowered walkways and adorned with majestic trees. As my dad and I drove away, I felt lucky, incredibly lucky.

Sitting at home, I never imagined that my Deerfield experience would be defined, not just by time spent in the classroom, but by moments in the dining hall, at the river, or in a friend’s room. I still try to explain Deerfield to friends at home, but no story, no picture, could ever describe the feeling as bagpipers march down Albany Road, “Sweet Caroline” blares at a hockey game or the school sings the Evensong. Even as I celebrate the holidays with family, there is still a part of me that yearns to return to the classrooms, the Greer Store, and the beautiful homes of Main Street.

Now, as I prepare to graduate, I find myself envious of the underclassmen girls on my hall, who have a few more years to enjoy this place and every little thing it offers. During school meetings or at sit-down meals, I find myself in awe of the students sitting around me and realize that I may never again live in a place with such a concentration of talented and remarkable people. I am privileged to have been taught by some of the best teachers in the country, but regardless of what I learned seated in the classroom, what I prize the most are my relationships with friends, teachers, proctees, advisors and coaches. Those treasured bonds will last forever. My two years in this home will always seem too short. Meridith McGraw Vienna, West Virginia



finding yourself Coming to Deerfield Academy is one of the bravest things I’ve ever had to do. I remember leaving home on a Sunday evening. As is our culture, a ceremony had been organized at my home and everybody I knew had been invited. Amidst the feasting and sharing of fond memories, there was a subtle tension that had pervaded the afternoon. My parents were happy that I was getting a chance to study abroad but were also very apprehensive about my departure and imminent loneliness in a far away country —a country to which they had never been. My three sisters and two brothers were all over me wishing me the best, beside themselves with pride and telling me that they hoped I would invite them to join me in that cool place that I was going to. “All alone? How awesome is that?” Coming to Deerfield, I was faced with the challenge of having only one year, when most of my classmates had had three or four years, to take advantage of all that Deerfield has to offer and to make my mark on the 22

Academy. Upon arrival, I was almost immediately struck by the talent possessed by the wonderful student community. Whether it was someone getting up to speak at school meeting, or to dance at the showcase, or to perform in the black box theater, everybody seemed to possess immense passion and drive. Having come from a totally different culture and system of education, I faced a number of challenges but I never once felt lonely or afraid or that I wanted to leave. The Deerfield community took me in as one of its own and from the first day, when I stood and announced my name to my fellow new students in the Memorial Building lobby, to today that I think about what my Deerfield career has meant to me, I have felt loved, wanted, and that I belonged. The best thing about the Deerfield community is that it’s big enough to provide one with a wide variety of experiences and encounters with students from all over

the world and at the same time small enough that we all know and care for each other. Some of my fondest memories are of being on the cross country team which

The Deerfield community is big enough to provide one with a wide variety of experiences and encounters with students from all over the world and at the same time small enough that we all know and care for each other. allowed me to explore the surrounding woods and get to know the valley in its splendor. Whether it was on warm fall days, with the sun rays filtering through the leaves and forming patterns as unique as the leaves themselves or on wet, rainy days with the droplets dripping from the canopies and making small puddles underneath, I learned to appreciate nature

and its beauty. Many are the days when after running as hard as we could, blazing the leaf spattered trails, we would stop and slowly walk taking in the cool, calm, quiet surroundings. Running with my training partner, who was not only my roommate but also my best friend, we would run long and hard and only stop when both of us were completely worn out, when we would either fall down laughing at a wise crack or just lie down on our backs and simply relish the joy that is cross country running. We both came from countries that were both distance-running power houses and so the rivalry, even though not aggressive, was always there. Whenever we ran a race, it was never between me and Melaku. It was always between Kenya and Ethiopia. On a cool spring Sunday afternoon, as I sit on the second floor of the library looking out the window, I think about all these things. In the course of the past year, Deerfield has taught me that

it’s neither the books nor the grades nor the achievements attained while at this school that matter the most. It’s the friendships forged, the experiences shared, the life lessons learned, and the people who meant something— people who made a difference for me. As I move on to Stanford University, this is what I shall treasure most about my experience here in the Deerfield valley, and I now know that I am not sad that my stay was too short, I’m just happy and thankful that it happened. At Deerfield, I became “The kid who is going to become the president of Kenya” and even though I do not have a clear plan as to how I am going to get there, Deerfield has laid the foundation for my goal, and I shall strive to always be worthy of my heritage. Peter Kariuki Nairobi, Kenya




forming connections As the sun begins to dwindle over the Deerfield campus, students and faculty rush from sports practices over to the dining hall for sit-down dinner. Entering one of the three double-doors into the dining hall lobby introduces an overwhelming and slightly chaotic scene. Laughter and compliments over girls’ outfits echoes off the stone floor as students wait for the long-esteemed Mr. Morsman to open the main doors and usher them inside. Upon his call, the crowd of students swells into the hall, filling it with the same sprightly noise as before. Friends

leave each other and hurry to their respective tables where they engage with students and faculty previously unfamiliar to them. It’s here where the hockey star from Canada becomes acquainted with the actress from India. Or where the new foreign exchange student from Colombia enlightens her table with a funny story from back home. Teachers recount their own days of glory at Deerfield to eager ears. Freshmen joke with seniors over a hot meal of turkey and mashed potatoes at one table, while a current events debate develops at another. It’s here in the dining hall where hundreds

It’s here in the dining hall where hundreds of geographic backgrounds, thousands of experiences, and a million different thoughts come together

that wouldn’t normally exist. To me, the Deerfield community means connections such as these that transcend origin, race, age, likes or dislikes, or any other differences. Alexys Leija Fort Drum, New York

and form connections that wouldn’t normally exist. of geographic backgrounds, thousands of experiences, and a million different thoughts come together and form connections



to a prospective student You may have already had an official tour at Deerfield. Even if you haven’t, perhaps you’ve gained a sense of the school on our website. May I invite you on another stroll on our pathways, encompassing a few moments in time and with people and places that make them special. Here’s where I want you to go…. It is early October and Deerfield is gloriously ablaze in color. To gain a birds eye view of the school I’d have you venture to the Rock (there is only one) up on Pocumtuck Ridge. There will be a crackle under your feet as you make your way up the path, wondering “will the next turn in the trail be the last?” A short time later, you will be awed there by the patchwork landscape of the valley floor, and you’ll undoubtedly make out a landmark on the campus…a steeple, a goalpost, perhaps a man on a giant lawnmower. You’ll come to understand the meaning of valley. If it happens to be Saturday, after your descent you may run into security officers 26

Tom, Matt or Dave standing next to the buttonball tree or whisking past you on their golf cart (because they can!). Pretend to be lost, so you have an excuse to engage them. You won’t regret the time. Tom may appear intimidating at first, but your angst will vanish in a matter of seconds. Making your way down Albany Road, you’ll begin to hear cheers and horns from the lower level, and your pace will quicken – there could be several games that day, each with its own atmosphere, narratives, heroes and memories. If you come through the gym on your way back, stop to see if Norm is in the Stockroom. He is DA’s incarnation of the oracle of Apollo, and you will have a Delphic understanding of the place when you’ve spent some time at their windows. Legions of Deerfield students before you can attest. Though we acknowledge winter’s arrival far sooner on the calendar, snow seems to come later to our village than in years past. Mother Nature holds us in a tease, for often we think we’ve escaped

her clutches by the early February, only to awaken the next morning to an overnight delivery from the sky. The trees do their best to hang onto their payload, and an early campus navigator has the chance to make fresh tracks. The campus holds a few passages where you will pay homage to winter, if but for a moment, and respect its seasonal hegemony: the turn west between Arms and

A feature of any good stay at Deerfield is that philosophy abounds here, whether delivered in a Sophist text or from a perch on a tractor seat. the Main School Buildings where the prevailing wind hits home, the exposed plain along the homeward turn of the small loop in the meadows, the walkway towards the Dining Hall between Dewey and Denunzio. If your trek requires a winter warmer, go see Roger, Shirley, Bruce or

Nan in the kitchen and have your ears bent and your chill extinguished. Keep an eye out for the raspberry filled cookies on the glass counter! It is early May. The river at the western edge of the campus has crested and receded, finding its best depth for the months to come and reminding us of the farmer’s intuition to be adjacent to the flood plain. The trees blossom in advance of the leaves and you won’t be able to get far along the path without the scents of the season slowing your pace. You may encounter Denise on “The Maltese Falcon”, yet another of Deerfield’s golf carts not used for golf. Her thumbs are greener than the colors of the school she fortifies. In addition, the man you spotted from the Rock is now at close hand, traversing across the outfield grass on his mower. He may want to shut the machine down for a few minutes to ask you about your visit, your plans for the summer, or your favorite topping on a bagel. A feature of any good stay at Deerfield is that philosophy abounds here, whether delivered in a Sophist text or from a perched tractor

seat. Before you depart Albany Road, turn and look west at day’s end to savor the golden light that befalls this valley in the spring. By June the students have ventured away. The air in the valley heavies, the foliage thickens, and the school is for a moment, at rest. In late afternoon, were you to come upon the river, you’d likely find a jovial collection of swimmers, some of the canine kind, in a playful frolic. Intrepid children exhilarate as they ride the river’s current and then vigorously kick to the shoreline, lest the current pull them further downstream. Others are working with the dirt on the river bank, fashioning the day’s mud monument or earth slide into the water. This may be a day where a rumble of thunder and a darkening sky moves its way over the adjoining pastures and vows to chase you up the hill as the skies open for a few minutes of force. “I’ll be back,” you may think to yourself, undaunted by this fleeting tempest. “So will I”, answers back the river. Charles F. Davis Jr. Economics Teacher and Athletic Director (pictured with his family) 27


a moment of clarity “So where are you going next year?” “Deerfield Academy.” “Where?” “Deerfield Academy. It’s a prep school.” “What’s a prep school?” “It’s basically a high school you live at.” “Oh, wait, I thought you graduated?” “I did. I’m doing a postgraduate year.” “A what?” “A postgraduate year. It’s like a fifth year of high school. I want to play football in college and even if I can’t, I’ll be able to go to a better college than I got into this year.”

The sun shined through the windshield as I reclined my seat and closed my eyes. I could only remember a handful of times I had ridden on the Mass Pike. Should I be excited to be moving onto another stage of my life? Embarrassed to be going back to high school? Sad to be leaving my family, friends, and my hometown, the only things I have ever truly


known? Before I knew it, my father and I were approaching Deerfield’s campus. “I think we go there,” I said to my father, pointing toward the Academy Building. A massive flock of people was converging on the door. Adults were chatting. Girls hugged each other. Boys patted each other on the back. Tears swelled up in the eyes of a girl walking by me. These weren’t tears of sadness. These were tears of joy. Tears of joy on the first day of school? That’s when I started to realize that maybe I wasn’t just going back to high school. I began to feel comfortable in my first football practices, but when classes began the next week, I faced new challenges. After coming from a public high school where some students would literally complete their homework in a few minutes before class started, “rigorous” seemed like too gentle a term for Deerfield. There were no more rows of desks. No more white boards. No more slackers. I took a seat on the side of the seminar table that was farthest away from the chalkboard hoping to hide

in the back of the class, but there was nowhere to hide. Ms. McConnell took a seat right next to me and began to explain the expectations of the class. This was my first European History class. In front of me there was a stack of books and a syllabus which told me I was going to read all these books by Thanksgiving. Staring blankly at the stack, I realized it was greater in number than all the books I read last year combined. Normally, when a student is faced with a challenge this great, a lot of them would simply decide not to do the work. However, I quickly knew this was not an option. Quizzes would follow every reading and an intense discussion of the novel would be the cornerstone of the class. Every class would be just as demanding, even dance. When I was younger, I used to mimic the dance moves to music videos. So, dancing has always been one of my hidden hobbies. The opportunity arose to take a dance class and after months of practicing, I was asked to perform in the Winter Showcase.

The hours of rehearsal, the will and determination to create an outstanding piece, and exhibit composure and confidence while performing in front of hundreds of people, gave me a newfound respect for all the artists at Deerfield.

All my life I was the kid who knew the answer, but never raised his hand. Who could make the shot, but was afraid to shoot. Who had an opinion that was never heard. The lesson I learned is not to be afraid of my own light, but to be myself to my full potential. I understand that they take the arts just as seriously as I take athletics and as others take academics. If hard work were a song, there would be many different ways to dance to it. My overall academic experience at Deerfield has made a serious impression

on me. My writing is more descriptive and sound. I know how to show, not tell in an essay. I read with the purpose of getting something from a story, not just to finish it. I can apply the concepts of theories formed in the past to contemporary situations. I have a better understanding of how the world works. And, I can dance. All these things, however, pale in comparison to the most significant lesson I have learned from my postgraduate year, a lesson I learned from the students at Deerfield: All my life I was the kid who knew the answer, but never raised his hand. Who could make the shot, but was afraid to shoot. Who knew the lyrics, but was afraid to sing. Who had an opinion that was never heard. The lesson I learned is not to be afraid of my own light, but to be myself to my full potential and be proud of what I can do. For this, I thank them. John Murphy Walpole, Massachusetts





spirit and tradition

In 1997, when Deerfield Academy celebrated the 200th anniversary of its founding, a banner on the Main School Building proclaimed the theme of the bicentennial: “Days of Glory,� a phrase from the Deerfield "Evensong." Generations of Deerfield students have sung these words by firelight, in the Dining Hall, at School Meeting and Commencement, and on countless other occasions. For the Academy, the anniversary presented a time for both reflection and renewal, to draw strength from its cherished heritage and to reaffirm, as it does at the beginning of each new school year, its promise to offer an extraordinary education to a remarkable group of girls and boys.


the academy “Days of Glory” 1797–2014 The sycamore tree now towering in front of the Main School Building still bore the bare branches of a New England winter on March 1, 1797, when Governor Samuel Adams signed a bill granting a charter for the founding of an academy in Deerfield. The school’s trustees pledged Deerfield Academy to “the instruction of youth, and the promotion of piety, religion, and morality.” The arrival of Frank L. Boyden, a recent Amherst College graduate, in 1902 marked the beginning of the second significant phase of the Academy’s history. Mr. Boyden’s legendary tenure has been immortalized in the book The Headmaster, by Deerfield alumnus John McPhee (Class of 1949), the noted author and a recipient of the Academy’s Heritage Award. In 1968, after 66 years of leadership, Mr. Boyden retired. He was succeeded by David M. Pynchon under whose leadership the size of the faculty was increased and the curriculum greatly strengthened and expanded. Mr. Pynchon also continued his predecessor’s efforts to strengthen the Academy’s economic support, and today Deerfield’s endowment ranks among the very highest for American secondary schools. Mr. Pynchon left Deerfield in May 1980, and Robert E. Kaufmann, then Associate Dean for Finance and Administration for Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, was appointed Headmaster. Mr. Kaufmann had been a teacher at Deerfield during the 1960s under Mr. Boyden. In his 14-year tenure as Headmaster, his priorities included overseeing the transition from an all-boys to a coeducational institution and completing a major building and renovation program. Mr. Kaufmann retired in 1994.



Eric Widmer, a graduate of Deerfield’s Class of 1957, was appointed Headmaster in July of 1994. During his 12 years of leadership, Mr. Widmer remained true to the principles of excellence set by his predecessors. He strengthened the Academy’s commitment to financial aid, which has made a Deerfield education increasingly accessible to a talented and more diverse student population; he initiated exciting international learning opportunities to help educate Deerfield students for global citizenship and leadership; he strengthened faculty recruitment, compensation, and benefits; and he enhanced the physical environment for both living and learning by introducing state-of-the-art technology throughout the campus, creating an environment conducive to innovative learning. In addition, he spearheaded major renovations and building projects including the Koch Center for science, mathematics, and technology. Mr. Widmer retired in June of 2006, leaving a legacy of intellectual curiosity, kindness, and wise leadership. He went on to serve as the founding Headmaster of King’s Academy in Madaba, Jordan , conceived of and funded by King Abdullah II, Deerfield Class of 1980. Margarita O’Byrne Curtis was appointed Deerfield’s 55th Head of School in July of 2006. Dr. Curtis had been a member

Dr. Curtis’s educational philosophy is centered around the

of the faculty at Phillips Academy Andover for 16 years, most

welfare of the students; she genuinely enjoys, understands,

recently serving as Dean of Studies. Dr. Curtis graduated

and respects young people and inspires them with insight, a

from Tulane University and earned her doctorate in Romance

sense of humor, and a high level of energy. She believes that

Languages and Literature from Harvard University. Before

Deerfield, because of its traditions, close-knit community, and

joining the Andover faculty, she taught at Harvard where, for

dedicated faculty, is uniquely positioned to provide a superior

four consecutive years, she won the Certificate of Distinction

education of the whole child, building character along with a

in Teaching from the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and

commitment to educational excellence. She engages the skills

Learning. Margarita Curtis brought with her to Deerfield the

and talents of a devoted and caring faculty and staff as she

highest qualities of leadership, character, and intellect. She

collaboratively develops a bold vision that will carry Deerfield

is a rare scholar/educator with the skills to inspire, to lead,

into its third century.

and to manage Deerfield’s global educational community.


A New England Place Deerfield lies in a setting that John Quincy Adams described as “not excelled by anything I have ever seen, not excepting the Bay of Naples.” First settled in 1669, the historic village of Deerfield, Massachusetts, occupies a rich meadow valley bordered by the hills of the Pocumtuck Range to the east and the Deerfield River, a tributary of the Connecticut, to the west. Today the main street of Deerfield is much the same lovely mile of arching trees and 18th-century houses as when the Academy was founded over 200 years ago. The school is settled seamlessly within the town and in the midst of Historic Deerfield, a restored and preserved portion of the village operated as a museum. On Deerfield’s 330-acre campus, one is never far from a meadow of grazing cows, a field growing corn, and the wooded hills. The changing of seasons in this graceful corner of New England, from the brilliant colors of autumn to winter snows to the sudden green of spring, enriches the lives of the Academy’s students, faculty, and staff. In the Connecticut River Valley of Western Massachusetts, education is as dominant an enterprise as farming. Two fine pre-preparatory schools are located in the immediate area: Bement School on Main Street in Old Deerfield, and Eaglebrook School, at the foot of the nearby Pocumtuck Ridge. Only 20 minutes south is the Five College area of Amherst, Smith, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and the University



of Massachusetts, a rich cultural and intellectual resource. The nearest town, Greenfield, is only five minutes north and is available for shopping, movies, and a weekend meal. The lively college towns of Amherst and Northampton, to the south, offer galleries, bookstores, a wide variety of restaurants, coffee houses, movie theaters, and a unique collection of shops.

Customs and Community Tradition is a living process at Deerfield, and the character of the Academy is shaped in large part by its traditions. Certain habits of community—songs, cheers, stories of the village and the school, family-style meals, school meetings—are important reminders of the value of things that have been passed on to each new generation of students. Equally, traditions serve to instill an immediacy of community, a sharing of customs that forges a Deerfield identity for students from many different backgrounds, states, and countries, and with a multitude of interests and talents. Still, the importance of balancing tradition with the Academy’s central task is recognized: addressing the collective and individual needs of young people at a critical period in their development and growth, and preparing them to become citizens of a busy, ever-changing world. Deerfield is a school where sound values, courtesy, and a strong work ethic guide school life. The Academy’s 630 students live and learn in an atmosphere of warmth and support. The spirit of mutual respect and caring, which pervades virtually every activity at Deerfield, is to a great degree derived from the friendships among students and with mentors on the faculty—in classrooms, dormitories and the Dining Hall, and on the playing fields. It is the tradition of this spirit that Deerfield feels is worth preserving, and that is what is treasured by the Academy’s 10,000 alumni.


learning at


Deerfield students pursue a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, distinguished by a devotion to excellence and a richness of intellectual and creative opportunities. Students share an enthusiasm for learning, working hard, and taking an active role in their education; they are surrounded by supportive teachers in every endeavor. Small classes— 12 is the average size—encourage a lively exchange of ideas and the exhilaration of being part of an exciting academic enterprise. The Academy’s many course offerings enable students to enroll in classes appropriate to their abilities and interests and engage in sophisticated advanced work. Throughout the school year, the public sharing of work— in class, at school meetings, in literary journals, and through artistic performances and exhibitions—is a revered school tradition, both for the student writer, speaker or performer and the appreciative audience of peers and teachers.


academics Faculty Who Challenge and Inspire Since the time of the Agora in Greece, teaching has been recognized as a noble calling. More than any other measure of a school, the quality and commitment of its faculty are paramount. The Deerfield faculty is exceptional in its intellectual breadth and depth, its dedication to the education of young people, and its belief in the values encapsulated in the Academy’s motto “Be Worthy of Your Heritage.” Faculty members live in dormitories on campus or in Academy houses in Historic Deerfield. They work with students in many ways—academic, co-curricular, residential, and in every informal interaction a boarding school experience allows. They teach, coach, and counsel students. They supervise dormitory life, oversee tables in the Dining Hall for family-style meals, and advise the full range of student publications, club activities, performing arts groups, and science project teams. The Academy community is well served by this extraordinary group of men and women. The intellectual caliber of the Deerfield faculty can be gauged in many ways. Their contributions extend well beyond the campus and include service to their profession; 91 have advanced degrees, and many are actively involved in advanced study. Faculty members have served as writers of Advanced Placement examinations and as national readers of those exams. Their number includes a Rhodes Scholar, four Klingenstein Fellows and Fulbright Fellowship holders, and numerous recipients of the prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships. Independent projects for faculty advancement are supported by the Academy’s professional development fund.


Diploma Requirements A student in good standing is eligible for a Deerfield diploma upon successful completion of all courses; her or his typical academic program includes the following requirements:

• English in each of four years • Three years of mathematics • Three years of one foreign language • Two years of history (one year of non-U.S. History taken in either freshman or sophomore year and one year of U.S. History usually taken in the junior year)

• Two years of laboratory science • Two terms of visual or performing arts (three- and four-year students only) • One term of philosophy or religious studies (three- and four-year students only) • One term of Health Issues (taken as a sixth course required of all sophomores) While students who enter Deerfield as juniors or seniors are not strictly held to these requirements, the school believes they offer appropriate guidelines and expects all students to fulfill them as best they can. In addition to completing the academic requirements listed above, participation in athletics, theater, community service or some significant afternoon activity or program each term is required of all students.


Course Programs All students must carry five graded courses each term. Both philosophically and practically, Deerfield believes that this pattern is best suited to students’ sound educational development during their secondary school years. Listed on this page is the usual schedule of courses for each grade level. Except for the English placement, no entering student is required to adhere strictly to this sequence. Other factors, such as a student’s previous academic program and preparation, are considered in planning a course program at the Academy.

Academic Schedule The academic year is divided into three terms: fall, winter, and spring. Classes are held Monday through Friday; there are no Saturday classes. Each course meets four times a week:


three 45-minute, single periods; and one 70-minute extended period. Between Wednesday and Thursday, each course meets once for an extended period. On Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, the academic day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. On Wednesday, classes run from 8:15 to 12:45; on Thursday, from 8:30 to 3:20. In 2008, persuaded by compelling scientific research proving the health benefits of sleep, and the deleterious effects of stress, the Academy decided to run a schedule experiment: Classes began at 8:30 a.m. and all time commitments were reduced by 10 percent. An extra hour of sleep was gained by beginning the day a half-hour later, and by having students check in a half-hour earlier. The results of the experiment were dramatic. Students did, indeed, gain an extra hour of sleep, and they: earned higher grades; ate more breakfasts; visited the health center far less frequently; and performed better in athletics. Teachers reported that first-period discussion classes were uncharacteristically vibrant from the beginning bell. 42





English I

English II

English III

English IV




Foreign Language

Foreign Language

Foreign Language

An elective

History or Humanities*

History or Humanities*

U.S. History

An elective

Science or Humanities*

Science or Humanities*

Science or an elective

An elective


Health Issues * Humanities here refers to courses offered by Visual and Performing Arts and the Philosophy and Religious Studies Departments.

Convinced of the efficacy of the later start, the faculty voted resoundingly to continue beginning classes at 8:30 every term. Course work is rigorous and involves approximately 20 hours of outside preparation each week. From 7:45 p.m. until 8:30 a.m., a quiet campus exists to provide an environment conducive to study and sleep. Dormitories are supervised by faculty for study between 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.

Pursuit of Excellence Deerfield Academy believes that attendance in class is essential


The three-term academic calendar provides the structure needed to offer enriching elective opportunities to juniors and seniors. The great benefit of the one-term course is that it gives teachers and students alike a chance to work in areas of special interest or expertise. In the English, History, Visual and Performing Arts, and Philosophy and Religious Studies Departments, where many upper-level courses run for two terms rather than three, a wide range of spring electives is available to students. A complete catalogue of spring term electives is published each January.

to individual academic success and community health.


However, when appropriate opportunities to pursue excellence

During their final spring term at Deerfield, seniors enjoy the

arise outside of classes Deerfield allows students to miss up to five class days a year. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Curriculum Committee.

opportunity to pursue an Alternate Studies project that allows them to determine their own direction and pursue a special interest. Each senior is invited to submit a proposal outlining an individualized program that can take place on or off campus.

A World of Academic Opportunities

An alternate study program is intended to complement a student’s prescribed and elected senior coursework. Projects


range from the equivalent of one to five courses of normal study.

The Deerfield curriculum offers accelerated course sequences

A senior alternate study program is supervised by a faculty

in most academic departments to encourage and challenge students to pursue advanced scholastic work and to prepare them for the College Board Advanced Placement exams in May. Advanced Placement credit may exempt a student from introductory-level courses in college or may be applied toward a college degree, depending on the regulations of the college or university. Last year, over 300 Deerfield students wrote more than 700 Advanced Placement examinations in 27 different subject areas. Students with a deep interest and talent in a field who exhaust the curricular offerings in that subject, be it mathematics, the visual and performing arts, science, writing or the humanities, may enroll in an advanced tutorial or arrange to work with a teacher on an individual basis.

advisor selected by the student, and each student must present a report at the completion of the project. Recent projects include work in music, art and creative writing; volunteer work at hospitals, schools, Historic Deerfield and local service agencies; and internships with businesses, law firms, research facilities, and surgical and veterinary practices. OFF-CAMPUS ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES

Deerfield endorses and participates in off-campus and exchange programs located around the world. These programs offer exciting and valuable educational opportunities, while at the same time maintaining academic programs of high quality. Whether living with a host family and attending school in


France, helping maintain a working farm in central Vermont, or becoming immersed in Chinese culture in Beijing, students are challenged, stimulated, and inspired to grow in new ways. Students receive regular academic and college advising, as appropriate, while participating in these programs.

Round Square Deerfield is one of several US members of Round Square, an organization of more than 100 schools from around the world that share the ambitious goal of developing every student into a whole, internationally aware person through academic, service, and adventure experiences. Through Round Square, both students and teachers have opportunities to exchange, to participate in international service projects, and to attend an annual conference. In the fall of 2013 a group of six students and two faculty members traveled to Cape Eleuthera in the Bahamas and St. Andrew’s School in Florida to attend the annual conference. In the fall of 2014, Deerfield will send a delegation of six students and three faculty members to the annual conference, which will be held at King’s Academy in Madaba, Jordan. During the 2013-14 school year we hosted visiting students from Uruguay, Hong Kong, India, and Germany. Round Square activities at Deerfield are managed by a steering committee composed of 12 students and two faculty members. Their ongoing duties include selecting conference delegates and raising funds to provide school fees for a student at Starehe Boys’ Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.

of cultural activities in the Loire Valley region is offered as well as weekend excursions in Brittany and Normandy. A four-day stay in Paris will give students the opportunity to visit famous museums and monuments, and to immerse themselves in the life of the city.

Spain and Uruguay Faculty members who teach Spanish organize and supervise summer study abroad trips each year. Students spend one month living with host families, attending language classes in the mornings and exploring, as well as taking cooking, traditional dance, and pottery classes in the afternoons. These programs offer our students a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture and become more

Programs Abroad Directed by Deerfield Faculty

proficient in Spanish.



A three to four-week summer program in Tours and Paris is chaperoned by French teachers of the Language Department. The program offers a daily classroom language component focused on oral skills, and a homestay with a French family, an integral part of the linguistic experience in France. A multitude


In alternate summers, students of Chinese and two Deerfield faculty members travel throughout China for a month. Students spend 18 days in Beijing living with host families, studying the language, interacting with Chinese students at Beijing Shi Yan High School, learning about China’s history and culture, and

seeing the Great Wall; they then travel to Dunhuang, Yunnan

with the organization Cambiando Vidas. When work begins

(Dali and Lijiang), and Shanghai for 10 days.

on Sunday morning, the house is one cinderblock high. By

Classics In alternate summers, students enjoy an opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of Greece and Rome, supplemented

Thursday afternoon, the house will be finished—complete with running water and electricity. Deerfield has built six houses in the Dominican Republic.

by itineraries that may include various sites in Greece, Sicily,


and the Italian Peninsula. Under the supervision of Classics

In March 2014, a group of thirteen Deerfield students and four

faculty at Deerfield, students stay in hotels throughout the trip

faculty members traveled to Tanzania to work with the Janada

and visit sites and museums along the way. Highlights of recent

L. Batchelor Foundation for Children (JBFC). Located on

trips include the Acropolis at Athens, the sanctuary of Apollo

the shore of Lake Victoria in rural Tanzania, JBFC strives to

at Delphi, the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the

alleviate rural extreme poverty by providing refuge for abused

Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, the Villa Romana del Casale

and abandoned girls, quality education, access to healthcare,

near Piazza Armerina, as well as numerous sites in and around

and sustainable agriculture. Students led classes, spent time

Rome. This trip helps add a dimension Classics students' work

with local students, and helped with renovation projects around

in the classroom; they see how the ancient world lives on in its

the school. Students and faculty also participated in a two-day

modern context and bring that deeper understanding back to

safari in the Serengeti.

the classroom.

Poland, Germany, and France


In the summer of 2016, students interested in World War II will

Students in our Arabic program may explore one aspect of the

have the opportunity to travel to Poland, Germany, and France

Middle East by spending ten days based at King ’s Academy,

with Deerfield history faculty. The trip will begin in Paris, where

Jordan. Students also have the opportunity to spend a term or a

the group will examine the cultural and political ferment of

full year on exchange at King’s Academy.

the interwar years, and then move to Nuremberg and Berlin,

Great Britain Deerfield offers students in the Oxford: Literature and Form class the chance to spend two weeks in residence at Oxford, attending lectures and exploring topics under the guidance of professors and other experts in literature and art. Students will also visit museums, libraries, and other cultural and

Germany, and ultimately Krakow and Auschwitz to witness the destructive results of the war.

Other International Opportunities

Brazil We have a developing relationship with Escola SESC, located

literary landmarks.

in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. There are opportunities for both

Dominican Republic

and four students from SESC spent several weeks on Deerfield's

Every year, a team of Deerfield students travels to the Dominican Republic to build a house for a family in the village of Lavapie

teacher and student exchanges, and in April 2014, two teachers campus.


Toin International Exchange Program Students interested in studying Japanese language and culture

Round Square Conference: Mayo College; canopy tour in Costa Rica; planting in Tanzania

have the opportunity to do so during the summer months. They attend Toin High School in Yokohama, Japan, while living with a host family. In the spring term, a Japanese student from Toin High School often lives and studies at Deerfield Academy.

African Leadership Academy for all or part of the school year.

Exchange Programs in Africa

for Deerfield Academy graduates at Mara a Pula, Starehe Boys’

Deerfield students have opportunities to study in Botswana, Kenya, and South Africa. We welcomed our eighteenth Maru a Pula student to Deerfield in September of 2013 and our thirteenth student from Starehe. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy hosted our Round Square delegation in Johannesburg and we invited one of their students to Deerfield for the spring term. Two of our students attended the


Opportunities to work as a gap-year student are also available Centre, and Tiger Kloof Educational Institution.

Geelong Exchange Program Deerfield Academy is associated with Geelong Grammar School, a leading independent school in Victoria, Australia. We have sent 13 alumni to work as gap-year assistants at Geelong’s Timbertop campus in the Australian Alps.

Hong Kong Exchange In 2007 we introduced an opportunity for Deerfield Academy students to spend their spring vacation in Hong Kong at St. Paul’s Co-educational College. One or two students from St. Paul’s spend three weeks at Deerfield each February.

Programs in the United States

The Mountain School of Milton Academy Located in Vershire, Vermont, a half hour north of Hanover, New Hampshire, The Mountain School is home to 40 boys and girls from 20 participating independent schools who spend

The Island School

one-half of their junior year running a farm while attending

Students spend a fall or spring semester living and learning on

classes. The school offers a rigorous academic program of study

beautiful Cape Eleuthera, Bahamas. While certain disciplines are

comparable to Deerfield’s, while fostering a sense of stewardship

taught using a traditional classroom setting, the Island School

of the environment through ecological studies and farming

takes full advantage of its locale in setting up the educational

responsibilities. In addition to acquiring life-long skills in

experience. With an emphasis on environmental science and field

practical crafts and outdoor activities, students learn the value

research, students study the ecology of a tropical island. Similarly,

of personal and group responsibility in a close-knit, cooperative

the study of literature and history draws upon the rich Caribbean

farm community.

heritage. Students also engage in an outdoor education component as well as a community outreach program which allows students to contribute to the wider community of Eleuthera.

Chewonki Semester This half-year program provides a small number of students with the opportunity to live on a spectacular 400-acre coastal

School Year Abroad

peninsula in Maine. Developed for the junior year, the semester

Deerfield is an associate member of the School Year Abroad

combines a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum with studies

Program. A student who has completed two years of language

of environmental issues of particular concern to people in Maine.

study may apply to spend the junior or senior year in Beijing,

Surrounded by salt marsh, tidal inlets and bays, and several miles

China; Rennes, France; Viterbo, Italy; or Zaragoza, Spain. The

of shoreline, the setting is ideal for academic study in the morning

program in China is open to beginners in Mandarin Chinese.

and work on the farm or woodlot in the afternoon.

The SYA program offers students intensive study and immersion in the language, culture and history of the host country, while continuing the academic work of independent secondary schools. Students live with host families and attend school with their SYA group. The academic curriculum parallels what is normally offered at Deerfield, with the exceptions of US history and laboratory science, which students complete at Deerfield. In each program all courses are taught in the language of the host country by native teachers, with the exception of English and mathematics, which are taught by experienced members of the faculties of the sponsoring or associate schools.

Rocky Mountain Semester Located at the High Mountain Institute in Leadville, Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Semester is an outdoor-oriented program for 38 students in their junior year, focusing on environmental, experiential and traditional educational traditions. An honorsand AP- level curriculum is offered, designed to match the pace and rigor of Deerfield so that students will not feel out of step academically upon their return. Spending time in the wilderness is emphasized, offering both physical and intellectual challenges and enhancing work done in the classroom throughout the semester. Leadership skills are an integral part of the program.


The Frank L. and Helen Childs Boyden Library The Boyden Library supports intellectual growth, personal exploration, and creative opportunities by providing students with comfortable spaces for individual or group study, a broad-based collection of more than 85,000 titles, access to online resources, and the Academy’s “Innovation Lab.”

The library is committed to facilitating student access to

information by increasing their understanding of information resources and research strategies. Online research guides in all subjects steer students through the research and document citation process and provide recommendations for the best print and online resources. Librarians provide reference service and formal library instruction, working extensively with individual students in cooperation with academic departments. The goal of the library instruction program is to provide students with research skills necessary to attain their academic goals and prepare them for lifelong learning in a society in which information is organized in increasingly complex ways. The collection of books, ebooks, periodicals, CDs, audio books, and DVDs meets the diverse curriculum and leisure needs of the Academy community. Using the library website ( from their dorm rooms or off campus, students may access the library’s catalog, area college catalogs, the Library of Congress and worldwide catalogs, as well as many electronic resources, including JSTOR, Lexis-Nexis, American Periodicals and Historical Newspapers, EBSCOhost databases, and the Oxford English Dictionary, as well as many history, science, biography, arts, and literature databases. Interlibrary loans with public and college libraries augment the Boyden Library’s resources. The library also houses the Academy Archives, a rare book collection, the Deerfield Authors and Publications collection, and the Center for Service and Global Citizenship.




Information Technology Deerfield Academy supports the important role that technology plays in education by providing ubiquitous access to a variety of technologies and the knowledge to use these tools appropriately and effectively. Deerfield launched its first student and faculty laptop programs in 1998. These initiatives served to firmly establish our commitment to the support of academic computing. Today, every faculty member and all students have laptops; every academic building and all dorm rooms and most public spaces have wireless networking available; and student rooms are wired with high-speed network ports. Our faculty laptop and iPad programs have encouraged teachers to discover new ways to integrate technology into their teaching. In addition, professional development grants support summer study of the pedagogical uses of information technology. Noteworthy examples are the use of Skype and web conferencing to connect students with authors and other subject experts, data capture and recording devices used in physics and math classes that allow students to record and analyze real-world data, the use of blogs to promote communication skills, and video and audio recordings to enhance the learning of foreign languages. All entering students receive a MacBook Air. Deerfield believes that providing a standard laptop to every student guarantees compatibility and reliability and provides access to our rich technology resources from the first day of school. Many students are also given access to iPads, depending on their class requirements. Teachers are using new technologies as extensions of traditional classroom tools to support active thinking, collaboration, communication, and inspiration. Teaching and learning have truly become “anywhere, anytime.� 51

The David H. Koch Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology The Koch Center, dedicated in the spring of 2007, is a stateof-the-art 80,000 square foot Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold-rated building. It includes a planetarium, 30 classrooms and laboratory spaces, including dedicated spaces for independent research, a 225-seat auditorium, an astronomy viewing terrace, and a central atrium, all three levels of which are unified by the stars of the northern and southern hemispheres embedded in the ceiling and in the floor of the Starfield Commons below. The Koch Center’s Louis Cafe is a popular gathering spot for students.


The inspiring design of the Koch Center embraces the surrounding Deerfield Valley environment and practices stewardship of that environment by incorporating green architecture. Throughout construction, respect for the environment dictated choices in methods and materials. Recycled materials were chosen when possible. The bricks (more than a million) came from a local supplier. Double insulated windows save heat. A vegetative roof limits storm water run off. All the interior surfaces are made from low-emitting materials that do not contain formaldehyde or other harmful chemicals. Planning for the Koch Center spanned a number of years and included the installation of several prototype spaces from which inspiration was drawn for building classrooms for the 21st century. Koch Center classrooms are enhanced by state-of-the-art technology that serves as an adjunct to teaching and learning rather than the focus, and encourages interaction and collaboration among teachers and students. A key component is the “teacher station,â€? featuring a touch panel that provides control over all the technology in the room, including lights and shades. Teachers have access to an array of modern tools including a digital whiteboard (Sympodium™ by SMART Technologies) that allows them to annotate and display any type of material with digital ink and still be face to face with the students. Digital document cameras, virtual calculators, data collection devices, wireless projection, and BluRay/DVD capability offer a rich environment in which to teach and learn. The Tanoto Planetarium and Digital Theater makes use of a sophisticated computer projection system to display the heavens on a 33-foot dome. This same technology allows presentation of full-dome IMAX-type programs. In addition, it generates a blank digital canvas that


offers creative opportunities for imaginative students and faculty, across the entire curriculum. Directly outside the Tanoto Planetarium is a 50-inch plasma screen monitor that continuously displays NASA Viewspace, a direct and continuous link to the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute. This dynamic building, which uniquely merges the indefinable inspirations of art and architecture with the exactness of science, mathematics, and technology, fosters discovery, innovation, and learning, and will support an atmosphere of intellectual excitement for generations of Deerfield students and faculty.






2 0 1 4 – 2 0 1 5

Complete course descriptions are listed online at


english In the richness of its course offerings, its

from memory. Seniors construct longer

small classes typically conducted in a

essays called meditations—reflections

seminar format, and its emphasis on

linking personal experience to something

writing and discussion, the English

larger in the world. The reading of selected

Department exemplifies the academic

meditations at School Meetings in the

rigor and standards of excellence found

spring is an important Deerfield tradition.

across the Deerfield curriculum. English

Numerous opportunities to publish

classes at Deerfield develop a student’s

work exist in student publications such as

ability to use and appreciate the English

Albany Road, Deerfield’s literary maga-

language. All courses stress careful

zine. In addition, the department publishes

reading, insightful thinking, and clear,

its own volume of prizewinning and

precise expression of ideas. Students

exemplary student writing, Little Brown

study a broad range of works representing

House Review. The department often

various historical and cultural

hosts an actor or writer-in-residence

perspectives, with a particular emphasis

and offers special study opportunities

during the sophomore and junior years on

abroad, most recently during spring break

British and American literature.

at Oxford University for seniors in the

S t u d e n t s a l s o s h a r e t h e i r


department’s Honors Oxford course.

talents and develop poise in required

Believing that reading remains

declamatory experiences. As freshmen,

one of life’s great pleasures and an

students orally interpret a short story in

important means of broadening

a prepared reading. Sophomores present

students’ horizons of knowledge and

a memorized excerpt from any work of

experience, the faculty assigns summer

literary merit. Juniors write essays on

reading books, paving the way for the

American experiences or themes of their

themes and coursework students will

own choosing and then speak the piece

encounter in the upcoming year.

COURSES English I: Classic and Contemporary Literature English II: Defining Literary Traditions English III: Topics and Themes in American Literature American Dreams (focus on cultural history) American Frontiers (focus on the environment) American Illusions (focus on disillusionment and dreams) American Stories (focus on universal and individual experience) American Styles (focus on writing styles) American Power (focus on the power to create stories) American Currents (focus on water) American Studies (combines literature and history) American Voices (focus on short fiction and novels)

English IV: Selected Topics in Literature Coming Apart: Literature of the 1960s Creative Writing Workshop City Lights Creative Nonfiction Modern Memories The Empire Writes Back Future Shock: Apocalypse and Dystopia in Contemporary Literature Fifty/Fifty: Literature and Culture of the 1950s Honors Literature: Deerfield Honors Literature: Oxford Matters of Perspective Reading Insanity: “Am I Crazy?” The Jazz Age and the Lost Generation: 1920s America The Walking Shadows: Shakespeare’s Plays and Players English as a Second Language

Recent spring term electives for seniors

Contemporary Fiction Existentialism: Live Dangerously Getting Absurd: Drama in the 20th Century No Small Parts Public Speaking Hemingway and His Descendants Styron’s Sophie’s Choice The Craft of Poetry The Literature of 9/11 War Novels





The study of history at Deerfield encour-

and interpretive essays, and by engaging in

ages students to become informed, per-

original research. The Academy’s location

ceptive, and engaged citizens of the

in the town of Deerfield, described by one

world both during their time at the Aca-

historian as the “best-documented village

demy and after they have graduated.

in America,� presents a unique opportunity

Through a variety of courses, the History

for research.

Department introduces students to the

The History Department seeks to

challenges and rewards of studying the past.

show students that thinking historically

In all courses, teachers urge students

about the world is a source of fascination,

to become more knowledgeable about the

wisdom, and joy. In exposing students to

many peoples, cultures, events, contro-

the moral and ethical issues that have faced

versies, and ideas that have shaped hu-

other people in other times, in studying the

man history. The department also teaches

struggles and triumphs that have marked

students to read, write, speak, and think

human history, and in understanding the

more clearly and precisely. Students hone

purposes that have divided people as well

these skills and gain practical experience

as those that have united them, the History

as historians by reading a range of sources,

Department believes that the study of

participating in discussion-oriented semi-

history is a crucial part of a fulfilling liberal

nar classes, preparing a variety of analytical

arts education.

COURSES Africa and Latin America Asia in World History Topics in Western Civilization Big History United States History American Studies Honors United States History

Advanced Placement Cambridge: Global H20 Modern Times: 20th Century World History India and China: 2.5 Billion and Change American Empire Honors European History Honors Economics

Recent spring term electives

Understanding the Holocaust The Court and the Constitution The History of Opium New Americans: Voices Then and Now


languages Classical Languages Through the program of courses in Greek and Latin at Deerfield, students learn to read and interpret classical literature in its original form. Encounters with timeless words, personalities, stories, historical events, customs, ideas, and ideals provide students with a unique opportunity to understand and appreciate ancient Greek and Roman society and culture, which form the basis of both the liberal arts and studies in the humanities. Beginning students develop basic language skills and read simplified or contrived stories in Latin. Later they focus on the actual works of specific authors or kinds of literature, starting out by mastering the characteristic vocabulary, syntax, and elements of style that are needed for a full understanding of the written word. Advanced students ve n t u r e b e y o n d t h e l i t e r a l t e xt t o consider how Greek and Roman authors expressed their thoughts and what they mean. Throughout the sequence, the curriculum pays attention to people, places, and events, placing them in both human and historical contexts.


While the study of classical lan-

Classical Studies Program

guages offers a challenge and satisfaction all its own, it also makes students

The Classical Studies Program at

aware of how much classical literature

Deerfield affords students rigorous

influences the literature of modern

engagement with the language, history,

languages. This sharpens their insights

and art of the the Classical world. The

into reading and equips them with

interdisciplinary nature of the program

greater precision in writing and speak-

enriches each course individually and

ing their own language.

invites students to make meaningful

connections during their academic careers. Four levels of Latin (including taking the Advanced Placement Vergil Exam) and one year of ancient Greek provide the foundation of the program. In addition, students are also required to take either the Topics in Western Civilization or Advanced Placement Art History. The program culminates in a research-based Classics Seminar, taken during the spring term of senior year, and covering topics such as the epic tradition, ancient drama, Roman and Greek mythology, and Greek and Roman philosophy. Candidates who successfully complete the curriculum will receive recognition from the Classics faculty and will become eligible to be considered for the John B. Dicklow Award for Excellence in Classics. COURSES Latin I Latin II Latin III Latin IV: Vergil’s Aeneid Latin V: Roman Elegy and Lyric Advanced Tutorial Classics Tutorial Greek I Greek II


Modern Languages While the study of one or more languages has always been an important component of a Deerfield education, such study has

which are organized and chaperoned by Deerfield faculty members. These programs take students to China, Jordan, France, Italy, Spain, and Uruguay.

become increasingly vital in today ’s


rapidly changing world. Deerfield offers

Arabic I Arabic II Arabic III Arabic IV Arabic V

instruction in four modern languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, and Spanish. In the modern language courses at Deerfield, oral proficiency, competency in written expression, and cultural literacy are equally important. The beginning levels stress rapid acquisition of vocabulary, fundamental grammatical skills, and cultural awareness. Thirdyear courses provide a comprehensive review of grammatical structures and an introduction to reading and composition. Fourth-year courses are usually devoted to the development of oral proficiency and literary skills. In the fifth and sixth years (and seventh in Spanish as well), students delve into the literature in the language being studied. Texts are read and discussed in the target language and classes resemble a typical English

Chinese I Chinese II Chinese III Chinese IV Chinese V Chinese Tutorial French I French II French II Honors French III French III Honors French IV French IV Honors French V French V Honors French VI Honors French Tutorial

course based on discussion and analysis of different works. Each year several Deerfield juniors and seniors live with host families and attend school in France, Spain, Italy, or China through the Academy’s association with the School Year Abroad Program. The Language Department also offers summer study-travel programs, 62

Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III Spanish III Honors Spanish IV Spanish IV—Community Service Spanish V Spanish VI Honors Latin American Literature Spanish VII—Advanced Seminar in Spanish


mathematics In the Mathematics Department, the

department offers a variety of courses

faculty encourages students to develop

and places its students into a level of

the ideas, skills, and attitudes that will en-

mathematics that will provide appropriate

able them to function with confidence and

challenges and successes. For example,

intelligence in a swiftly changing world.

the department teaches three levels of

In pursuing this goal, teachers strive

Geometry, Algebra II, and Precalculus

to instill a sense of excitement for the

and, at the higher end of the spectrum,

concepts and aesthetic qualities of math-

outstanding students may study college-

ematics. Deerfield students will learn

level mathematics in tutorial classes.

how to solve mathematical problems

Technology is widely used in Deer-

with a variety of strategies, how to

field mathematics classrooms. All students

communicate their solutions clearly, how

are required to have a graphing calculator;

to work effectively on projects with their

in some courses students will frequently

peers, and how to use technology. The

use their laptops as well. COURSES Algebra I Geometry Honors Geometry Algebra II Honors Algebra II Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry Precalculus Honors Precalculus Discrete Mathematics and Precalculus Calculus Advanced Placement Statistics Advanced Placement Calculus AB Advanced Placement Calculus BC Advanced Calculus, Differential Equations and Computation Advanced Mathematics Tutorial Independent Study in Mathematics


philosophy and religious studies Courses in philosophy and religion en-

Courses at the freshman and sophomore

gage Deerfield students with the sources,

levels address the foundations of ethical

principles, and applications of those

decision-making and the place of

ideas that influence our actions and

religion in both Eastern and Western

assign meaning to human experience.

cultures. Junior- and senior-level cours-

Deerfield believes that as part of their

es give the student an opportunity to

education, students should examine

explore philosophical and religious ideas

their own values, and to do so properly

in greater depth and to see their connec-

they should be aware of some of the

tion to Eastern and Western cultures

historical, philosophical, and theological

and political issues.

foundations underlying their assumptions and beliefs. The department’s courses prompt students to examine their knowledge and insights from other disciplines. At the same time students are introduced to philosophical and religious ideas that demand careful reading and a distinct type of thinking unique to philosophy. By stressing critical thinking, deep inquiry, written expression, and class discussions, students develop intellectual skills.

COURSES Ethics Eastern Philosophy Political Philosophy The Bible Religions of the World Recent spring term electives

Introduction to Psychology Existentialism* Understanding the Holocaust The Meaning of Life

History of Human Rights Welfare, Freedom and Virtue * denotes an interdisciplinary course


science At Deerfield, science stands out as a major cross-cultural and unifying discipline in the liberal arts, a structure of ideas created by some of history’s greatest thinkers. The educated person will be conversant with these ideas; the aesthetic person will appreciate the beauty they reveal in the world; the practical person will enjoy knowing how things work. The department’s courses spring from several disciplines, but are unified by the philosophy expressed above and by common techniques, procedures, and ideas. The faculty aims to provide students with the basis for understanding the scientific and technological aspects of our society. These goals are: • the development of scientific literacy; • an understanding of the methods, the potential, and the limitations of science and technology; • an understanding of how to gather information, test it for reliability, reach valid conclusions, and apply them to new situations; • an understanding of logical and causal relationships; • the development of skills and ingenuity in the laboratory; and


• the development of a base of infor-

study of the subject. Advanced research,

mation and skills from which further

project-based courses are available

work may be accomplished.

in biology, chemistry, physics, and

Most Deerfield students take more

astronomy. Given the mathematical skills

than the two full years of science required

often required in chemistry and physics,

for graduation. In physics, chemistry, and

students should pay attention to their

biology, courses are available at varying

progress in mathematics.

degrees of difficulty, from a basic, introductory class to an advanced, in-depth

COURSES Biology I Biology I Accelerated Advanced Placement Biology Advanced Placement Environmental Science Biochemical Research Biomedical Research Synthetic Biology Research Anatomy and Physiology Chemistry I Chemistry I Accelerated Advanced Placement Chemistry Chemistry Research

Physics I Physics I Accelerated Physics I (Jr/Sr) Advanced Placement Physics B Advanced Placement Physics C Electric Vehicle Engineering Experimental Design and Robotics Astronomy Experimental and Observational Astronomy Advanced Placement Cambridge: Global H20 Environmental Science Projects Geology

computer science health The computer science curriculum is designed for students who

A one-term course called Health Issues is required

are interested in learning effective programming methods,

o f all sophomores and must be successfully

algorithm development, data structures, and advanced use

completed in order to graduate. Students examine

of various software applications. The Advanced Placement

topics related to human sexuality, alcohol and other

course offered prepares students for the Advanced Placement

drugs, stress management, general adolescent

exam in computer science.

development, and other issues of school life. Through classroom presentations, guest speakers,


and discussions, students study a variety of topics

Introduction to Computer Science Advanced Placement Computer Science

that are especially pertinent to their own personal awareness and development.


visual and performing arts The faculty of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Deerfield are inspired by the words of Dan Hodermarsky, who taught art at the Academy for many years: “Young people are awakened by the unique and universal power of the creative arts and discover that the fine arts offer freedoms and powers unlike any other in today’s world.” Visual Arts courses offered at Deerfield include architecture, drawing, calligraphy, digital photography, and videography. Performing Arts courses at Deerfield include a range of dance classes, music theory and composition, acting tutorials, and more. The arts play a significant role in the life of the school, both through academic courses and co-curricular activities. Theater productions, dance and music concerts, and art exhibitions by students and faculty, as well as by visiting artists, help shape each student’s cultural awareness and aesthetic sensitivity. Deerfield takes pride in the fact that each faculty member within the Fine Arts Department is a practicing professional artist. This year is particularly exciting for both the Visual and Performing Arts Department and the entire Deerfield community, as the Academy celebrates the opening of the Hess Center for the Arts, with its concert hall, dance studios, black box theater, art galleries, choral and orchestra rooms, studios for art, architecture, and photography, and more.


The Performing Arts DANCE Deerfield’s comprehensive dance program provides training in modern, jazz, ballet, pointe, hip-hop, and contemporary dance techniques as well as instruction in the craft of choreography and improvisation. Classes are tailored to meet the needs of all experience levels from beginners to pre-professional dancers. There are opportunities to perform in, and choreograph for, dance concerts that are presented each of the three trimesters. Dance is offered as both an academic and co-curricular option at Deerfield. All students may study dance during the academic day either as a credit or pass/fail option on a term-by-term basis in order to accommodate the requirements of their academic schedules. Opportunities within Deerfield’s dance program are supplemented by an extensive series of performances and master classes by such outstanding dance companies as Alvin Ailey, Momix, Ballet Chicago, and David Parsons. Additionally, each year the works of distinguished guest choreographers are commissioned for dancers in the program. There is also a ballet coaching program that provides private and semiprivate instruction for dancers of all experience levels. MUSIC Deerfield supports a vibrant music program consisting of various instrumental and vocal ensembles, as well as individual lessons. In a typical year, more than 200 students are involved in music. Opportunities for ensemble performance include the Deerfield Choral Society and the Academy Orchestra, which frequently collaborate to present great masterworks of choral-orchestral literature, such as Handel’s Messiah and Mozart’s Requiem. Ensemble classes, including Academy Chorus, Bands: Wind/Rock/Jazz, and Chamber Music, offer a deeper and more enriching level of engagement with musical performance, and can be taken as part of a normal course load or as a sixth course on a pass/fail basis. This allows students the freedom to pursue other co-curricular interests such as athletics or community service, without diminishing their level of involvement in music. Advanced singers in the Academy Chorus are eligible to audition for several advanced vocal ensembles, including the Madrigal Choir, the Chamber Singers, and two student-led a cappella groups: the all-male Mellow-D’s and the all-female Rhapso-D’s. An adjunct staff of over twenty teachers offers private instruction on all ensemble instruments, as well as piano, guitar, organ, bagpipes, voice, and composition.


THEATER Deerfield is proud of its exciting, vibrant theater program. In a typical year, over 100 students participate as actors and technicians and more than 4000 patrons attend productions in the Academy’s black box theater and auditorium. Recent shows include: The Dining Room; Medea; Brighton Beach Memoirs; Little Shop of Horrors; The Elephant Man; Almost, Maine; and many more. Productions range from classical theater, to contemporary works and musicals. Since 2002, Deerfield has been selected five times to represent the United States in the American High School Theater Festival at the worldrenowned Edinburgh International Fringe Festival in Scotland.

Deerfield also offers a variety of popular courses: Acting,

Advanced Tutorial in Acting and Directing, Film Studies and Directing for the Theater. Student written and directed productions are strongly encouraged, and new students are always welcome as performers and technicians—no previous experience is ever required to work on any production. Since rehearsals are held in the afternoon, students choose to participate in theater in lieu of athletics and other co-curricular options.

In addition to classes and productions, each year Deerfield

welcomes several guest artists from film, TV, and theater, who present master classes, workshops, and individual performances.


Visual Arts The visual arts play a significant role in the life of the school. Lively academic courses, unique co-curricular options, and substantive exhibitions captivate our students and inspire the community. Our course offerings provide an essential creative outlet and a means by which students can apply their artistic scholarship to real-world applications. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of beginning and advanced students, those looking for a single-term elective, or those who may pursue their interest in the arts beyond graduation. The program is grounded in the formal principles of design, while being a fertile hive of creative invention. We use a variety of media, styles, and techniques to communicate deeply felt work that is rich with narrative content. All courses draw upon art history and reference contemporary work, and each project allows for personal expression, with each unit of study culminating in an interactive group critique. Our more ambitious students submit portfolios to the College Board and include art supplements with their applications to college. Members of the visual arts faculty are practicing artists who regularly show their work in professional galleries and on campus—now in the new von Auersperg Art Gallery; other local and international artists’ work is also exhibited throughout the school year. Additional inspiration may come through visits to nearby venues, such as the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the Clark Museum, and the outstanding collections of the museums at Williams College, Smith College, UMass (Amherst), and Amherst College.


Introduction to Studio Art Visual Design Calligraphy Graphics Information Design Architecture Advanced Architecture Architectural Tutorial Advanced Placement Art History Digital Photography Videography Advanced Videography *Advanced Placement Studio Art (Photography) *Advanced Placement Drawing *Advanced Placement Studio Art *Topics: Post Advanced Placement Studio Art *Topics Tutorial

Applied Music—Individual instruction in various musical instruments and voice Independent Study in Music Theater

*Acting *Directing for the Theater *Advanced Tutorial in Acting and Directing Recent spring term electives Topics in Architecture Advanced Video Art Graphic Design Film Studies Explore Watercolor * denotes a course that may be elected as a sixth course pass/fail.


*Introduction to Dance *Dance I *Dance II *Dance III *Advanced Dance Ensemble Music

Composition: Songwriting *Academy Chorus Fundamentals of Music *Bands: Wind/Rock/Jazz *Chamber Music Ensemble (Strings and Piano) *Orchestra Studio/Production Advanced Placement Music Theory


College Advising Deerfield’s program of study and activities provides an excellent opportunity for its students to meet the admission requirements of the most demanding colleges and universities. Deerfield graduates are consistently accepted to highly selective universities and liberal arts colleges. Students must realize that by itself, however, attendance at Deerfield does not guarantee college admission to these or any other institutions of higher learning.

A systematic program of college counseling begins in the junior year; information sessions, small group discussions, and workshops help initiate plans for higher education. Each junior is assigned to an individual college advisor who further develops, with parental consultation, a list of prospective colleges. In the fall of senior year, the college advisors assist students in narrowing their college choices and in making the most effective presentation of their candidacies. Students are responsible for college research, summer interviews and visits, and applications. College advisors assist by offering appropriate counsel, application review, coordinating the Deerfield visits of over 175 college representatives, and by compiling the Academy’s summary report on each senior applicant. All parents are provided with a college advising handbook and parents of younger students are invited to general sessions sponsored by the College Advising Office on Parents’ Weekend in the spring and fall and are welcome to call the College Advising Office with questions. A week in early January is set aside specifically for individual meetings with sophomores.

Additionally, as a test center for The College Entrance Examination Board, Deerfield offers most of the appropriate examinations for college admission and placement. Usually, sophomores and juniors take the PSAT in October, juniors take their first SAT I in January or March, SAT II Subject Tests in December, May, and June, and appropriate Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in May. Seniors, whenever advisable, take the SAT I and SAT II Subject Tests again in the fall, and additional Advanced Placement tests in May. Some students may prefer to take the ACT, which is administered at Deerfield in September, December, and April. International students may take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) by appointment. Within one year of graduation, 100 percent of each class over the past five years has entered accredited colleges and universities. Several students each year decide to pursue alternate educational opportunities before attending college.



During the period from 2010 to 2014, ten or more Deerfield students have been accepted at each of these colleges and universities.

American University

Emory University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Amherst College

Fordham University

University of Richmond

Barnard College

Franklin & Marshall College

University of St. Andrews - Scotland

Bates College

George Washington University

St. Lawrence University

Boston College

Georgetown University

University of San Diego

Boston University

Gettysburg College

Skidmore College

Bowdoin College

Hamilton College

Smith College

Brown University

Harvard University

University of the South - Sewanee

Bucknell University

Hobart & William Smith Colleges

University of Southern California

University of California - Berkeley

Johns Hopkins University

Southern Methodist University

University of California - Davis

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

Stanford University

University of California - Los Angeles

Kenyon College

Syracuse University

University of California - San Diego

Lafayette College

Trinity College - CT

University of California - Santa Barbara

Lehigh University

Tufts University

Carnegie Mellon University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tulane University

College of Charleston

University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Union College

Colby College

McGill University

Vanderbilt University

Colgate University

University of Miami

Vassar College

Colorado College

University of Michigan

University of Vermont

Columbia University

Middlebury College

Villanova University

Connecticut College

Mount Holyoke College

University of Virginia

Cornell University

New York University

Wake Forest University

Dartmouth College

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Washington University - St. Louis

Davidson College

Northeastern University

Washington & Lee University

Denison University

Northwestern University

Wellesley College

University of Denver

Oberlin College

Wesleyan University

Dickinson College

University of Pennsylvania

Williams College

Drexel University

Pomona College

College of William & Mary

Duke University

Princeton University

Yale University





For each Deerfield student, life beyond the classroom is filled with opportunities for personal discovery and community involvement: the chance to live with friends from all over the United States and the world, to captain a team or debate in an international competition, to act or sing or dance and applaud the performance of others, to learn from and receive the support of enthusiastic teachers and coaches, to experience the thrill and the pride of being a Deerfield girl or boy.


student life Residential Living At Deerfield, an extraordinary amount of thought and attention is given to creating a warm and supportive community within each dormitory. The Academy believes its responsibility to students and parents is to make every effort to ensure that this school is a healthy and stimulating place to live and learn, where the spirit of openness, honesty, and concern for others prevails. Many prospective families are surprised by the Deerfield faculty’s high level of involvement in the non-academic lives of students, and nowhere is this more obvious than in the dormitory. Within a dorm, the corridor is the focus of life for Deerfield’s boarding students. Typically, 12 students live on a corridor with a faculty resident. The campus-wide student/faculty ratio of 5/1 ensures personal attention and support. Teachers who do not live in a dormitory supplement the work of the corridor’s faculty residents as faculty associates. Workshops and training sessions assist faculty residents and associates with the management of their corridors. The faculty’s deep belief in what they do day to day, along with their good humor and ability to deal with diverse demands on their time, significantly shape the positive and wholesome atmosphere found across the Deerfield campus. It is in their daily lives on their corridor that students begin to achieve a sense of community. Learning to live with others—to balance a need for privacy with a growing sense of the needs and rights of others—is key to the success of each student’s Deerfield experience. On the corridor, students make their first friends and develop productive study habits. Through living with others of different backgrounds and interests, they discover that learning at a boarding school is a continuous and lively adventure. 76


Students live in 18 dormitories that range in size from John Williams, housing 14 students and two faculty members, to Johnson-Doubleday, housing 78 students and six faculty members and their families. Most Deerfield students—over 80 percent—live in single rooms. The classes are housed by gender in dorms comprised of ninth graders and sophomores or juniors and seniors. Returning students register their housing preferences each spring.

Advising Although teachers and coaches are actively involved in the daily life of a student, each student also has his or her own advisor. In addition to acting as an informal mentor, guiding and supporting students through the inevitable triumphs and trials of boarding school life, an advisor attends to the academic needs of the student. Together with the student and his or her parents, an advisor examines the student’s educational and personal goals in relation to special interests, strengths, and weaknesses. An academic program is then chosen to fulfill these goals. Students ultimately assume responsibility for their course selections and academic performance, but advisors guide and support them through the process. For first-year students, the advisor is typically the faculty resident on their corridor. In addition to the support students receive from their faculty advisors, corridors housing ninth graders and sophomores have proctors. Proctors, chosen from the senior class, are not disciplinarians, but act as role models and student mentors to the younger students. They are chosen for their maturity, their interest in helping others, and their ability to relate to people of different backgrounds and personalities.



Dining Hall opens for breakfast.

8:30 a.m.

Classes begin. The class day is divided into seven periods ranging in length from 45 to 70 minutes.

10:45 a.m.

All School Meeting (Wednesdays)

12:00 noon Lunch in Dining Hall (On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, faculty preside over family-style lunches.) 12:40 p.m.

Classes resume.

3:45-5:30 p.m. Athletic practices, theater or dance rehearsals, community service activities 6:15 p.m.

Dinner in Dining Hall (On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, faculty preside over family-style dinners.)

7:00-7:45 p.m. Extracurricular organizations meet. 7:45-9:45 p.m. Quiet study hours 7:45 p.m.

9:45 p.m.

Dorm sign-in for all freshmen and sophomores on weeknights (Sign-in is 10:30 p.m. on Friday and 11:00 p.m. on Saturday. Lights-out for freshmen only is 10:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.) Dorm sign-in for all juniors and seniors on weeknights (Sign-in is 11:00 p.m. on Friday and 11:30 p.m. on Saturday.)

Athletics and activities are scheduled four afternoons a week. On Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, varsity and JV teams participate in interscholastic competitions. Extracurricular organizations generally hold meetings between dinner and study hours or on weekends.

Dining Hall Mealtimes at Deerfield provide an important opportunity for strengthening friendships, exchanging ideas, and enhancing community spirit. For this reason, family-style meals are served seven times per week. Boarding students are required to attend all “sit-down” meals. Day students must attend all sit-down lunches and are encouraged to stay for the evening meal. Each student is assigned to a different faculty member’s table every three weeks, which not only allows students to become better acquainted with their schoolmates, but also lets them get to know faculty members in a relaxed environment. All students take turns waiting on tables and performing kitchen duties. Food is prepared in the legendary Deerfield kitchen—a "scratch kitchen"—it is always good and there is always plenty of it.


Co-curricular Opportunities ATHLETIC PROGRAMS

Deerfield’s commitment to excellence extends beyond the classroom to the playing fields, where the school has a long and proud tradition in athletics. The special school spirit of Deerfield is derived in part from the pride, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm that is found on the Academy’s playing fields. The classical ideal of a sound mind in a sound body remains very much the guiding principle of athletics at Deerfield. Each student’s physical development is an important element of the curriculum, not only because a sound physical condition is necessary for mental and spiritual well-being, but also because an awareness of the importance of exercise for lifelong health should be developed in adolescence. Finally, sports provide a unique o p p o r t u n i t y f o r m o l d i n g c h a r a c t e r a n d b u i l d i n g l a st i n g friendships, and for the great but simple pleasure of play. The Athletic Department and its programs do not exist apart from the Academy’s academic program. Athletics and physical development are an integral part of the total learning environment, where the teacher is seen as coach, the coach as teacher. About 70 percent of the faculty coach at least one sport. The ability of the faculty to serve in a variety of roles and to engage students in a common endeavor outside the classroom contributes to the uniqueness and special quality of the Deerfield experience.




Deerfield’s outstanding athletic facilities include the Dewey Squash Center, featuring ten championship international squash courts; two gymnasiums housing three basketball courts and a spacious wrestling room; an indoor hockey rink; and an eight-lane pool with a separate diving well. In the fall of 2010, Deerfield opened a 5000+ square-foot fitness center with stateof-the-art cardiovascular and weightlifting equipment. For outdoor programs there are 90 acres of athletic fields, including two Sportexe synthetic turf fields; 21 All-Weather Ultracushion Surface tennis courts, two paddle tennis courts, a distinctive boathouse and crew facility; and an eight-lane, 10mm full pour track surface with high and long jump, pole vault, shot put, and discus areas. INTERSCHOLASTIC COMPETITION

Deerfield maintains a strong and varied athletic program that provides students the opportunity to participate in interscholastic competition, from the top level of New England athletics to first learning experiences. Deerfield offers 34 varsity sports, and fields over 65 interscholastic teams ranging from the frosh-soph to varsity level. Varsity teams provide student-athletes the opportunity to pursue excellence in their respective fields and have achieved a notable record of accomplishment in New England competition. Juniors and seniors who fulfill two terms of interscholastic team participation are allowed to petition








Cross Country Field Hockey Soccer Volleyball

Alpine Skiing Basketball Hockey Squash Swimming and Diving

Crew Golf Lacrosse Softball Tennis Track Water Polo




Cross Country Football Soccer Water Polo

Alpine Skiing Basketball Hockey Squash Swimming and Diving Wrestling

Baseball Crew Golf Lacrosse Tennis Track

for an athletic concentration in one term, for primary sport training. At the sub-varsity level, students have the opportunity to enhance their skills and experience the fun and camaraderie of team sports. Every Deerfield student has the chance to participate in an interscholastic sport at her or his level of ability. Teams at all levels play a full schedule of interscholastic games against such schools as Andover, Choate, Exeter, Hotchkiss, LoomisChaffee, Northfield Mount Hermon, and Taft. 82


For students who choose not to participate in a competitive team sport, Deerfield offers supervised club and recreational programs, including skiing, dance, Elements and Outdoor Skills, Special Exercise, yoga, instructional swimming, soccer, squash, Step Dance Team, Ultimate, and tennis.




Deerfield students and faculty are extraordinarily productive in the performing and visual arts. Numerous exhibitions and performances enliven the school calendar, drawing enthusiastic audiences and providing showcases for individual talents as well as group efforts. On campus exhibitions provide recognition for promising young artists and photographers, while numerous dramatic productions provide the stage for Deerfield actors and enlist the expertise of student technicians. Student musicians and dancers have the opportunity to share their talents at various times throughout the year as well. Recent highlights include participation in the American High School Theater Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland; concerts by the Wind, Rock, and Jazz


bands; performances of Faure’s Requiem and Schubert’s Mass in G by the Academy Chorus and Orchestra; and theater productions of The Dining Room, Medea, and Brighton Beach Memoirs. Musical groups include the Chamber Music Ensemble, Jazz, Wind and Rock Ensembles, Academy Chorus, Madrigal Choir, and a cappella groups. Many opportunities exist for acting as well. In addition to three major theater productions each year, plays and scenes are also performed by advanced acting classes. Students interested in dance may explore modern, jazz, hip-hop, ballet, and choreography, with the opportunity to perform all three terms. All Deerfield students are encouraged to participate in the visual or performing arts regardless of their level of experience.


Africa Club Archery Club Asian Student Alliance Backstage Black Box Drama Club Ballroom Club Black Student Alliance Business Management Group Camericans (Canadian & American cultures) Chess Club Chick Flick Appreciation Club of Deerfield China Care Club Chinese Current Affairs Club Cinema Club Classics Club Community Service Student Board Cooking Club Current Events Club Deerfield for a Cure Deerfield Diversity Alliance Feeding America Footsteps to Freedom Gay Straight Alliance Gluten Free Club Hand Reach Club Hip Hop Dance Club International Student Alliance Investment Club Jewish Student Alliance Juggling Club Latin American Alliance Locks of Love M.E.A.T. Club (Men eating animals together) Mock Investment Alliance Model United Nations Multicultural Alliance Paddle Tennis Photography Club Picture Book Studio Political Club Rocketry Club Room to Read Round Square Science Olympiad Club TOMS Shoes for Tomorrow Trap & Skeet Club Ultimate Alliance Vegetarian Club Young Democrats Young Republicans


Participation in extracurricular activities enriches the Deerfield experience for all students. Aspiring writers, journalists, and designers work on the staff of the yearbook, Pocumtuck; produce an award-winning campus newspaper, The Deerfield Scroll; and contribute to and edit magazines, including Albany Road, a literary journal, and the Language Department’s Lingua Franca Deerfield. Future politicians and diplomats form debate teams, political clubs, and participate in Model UN. Clubs and organizations also play a major role in life at Deerfield, such as hosting weekend events during the school year. The Black Student Alliance sponsors the annual Jammy Jam, a hip-hop dance, to which all students wear their pajamas. The International Student Alliance sponsors a luau, complete with hula dancers. The French Club organizes a Mardi Gras festival, and the Ballroom Club learns the cha-cha, tango, and salsa. No matter how diverse a student’s interests, there are always new clubs and activities. In early October students learn about the many established clubs on campus and sign up for new ones at a club fair. Some of Deerfield’s clubs and organizations are listed on the left of this page.



An ethic of service permeates life at Deerfield Academy. All students and faculty members participate in a wide range of service projects on campus and throughout Franklin County, as well as at national and international sites. Deerfield believes that establishing habits of empathy and active commitment prepares one for responsible citizenship and a life of enhanced meaning. The Community Service Program assumes many forms. Students engage in service work as part of an athletic team or other co-curricular group; they may also elect community service as a co-curricular activity. Students mentor and tutor at nearby public schools; assist at social service agencies, the local animal shelter, food banks, and organic farms; visit nursing home residents; teach computer skills to adults in the community; or clear and maintain trails on Pocumtuck Ridge. Additionally, more than one hundred Deerfield juniors and seniors serve as Big Brothers and Big Sisters to Franklin County children. Every Monday the school provides food for “Second Helpings,� our local community meal; students help prepare, transport, and serve the food. The Community Service Student Board organizes various weekend projects, ranging from environmental clean-ups, yard work for senior citizens, and musical performances at assisted living facilities, to Habitat For Humanity. The Board also organizes fundraisers to benefit local and national organizations such as Franklin County Community Meals and UNICEF. Every year, a group of Deerfield students and faculty travel to the Dominican Republic to help Cambiando Vidas build a home for a family; and over a dozen students receive annual grants for self-initiated summer community service projects in their home communities or participate in Round Square International projects, thus extending Deerfield’s commitment to service beyond the school year and across the globe.



The intellectual and cultural environment at Deerfield is enhanced every year when distinguished artists, authors, performers, and scholars visit campus. For example, the entire community was captivated by a performance by Alvin Ailey II, the critically acclaimed dance company of the American Dance Theater. The performance and afternoon master classes for students in the dance program were sponsored by the Academy Events Committee. The Committee has also sponsored inspirational visits from two-time US Poet Laureate Billy Collins, the Reduced Shakespeare Company, Irish tenor Ronan Tynan, the Grammy Award-winning Take 6, and National Geographic “Explorer in Residence” Wade Davis, among others.

Deerfield welcomes numerous visiting professors and

authors to campus each year, including: award-winning author and staff writer for The New Yorker, Philip Gourevitch, who spoke about the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath; Ken Burns, the renowned documentary film maker; Faces of Homelessness, a five-person panel of speakers from the National Coalition for the Homeless; philosopher and writer Jack Bowen, who serves

potent and durable instruments of cultural expression.” Deerfield

as Senior Lecturer for the Great Book Program at Stanford

graduate and Federal Communications Commissioner Robert

University; and poet, songwriter, and novelist Naomi Shihab

McDowell attended classes and addressed the entire school as

Nye, who was named one of’s first peace

a Wilson Fellow. Deerfield’s concert series, named in honor of

heroes in 2009.

beloved, longtime music teacher J. Clement Schuler, included a

Several annual programs, events, and awards also bring

performance by The Jeff Holmes Big Band. Additional events are

notable figures to campus, such as Ambassador Ralph Earle II ’46,

often sponsored by student-led clubs and organizations.

who was the recipient of the Academy’s Heritage Award. Mr. Earle

was the chief negotiator of the SALT II treaty, and is recognized

dance, theater and music, art shows, film festivals, and The

as a primary architect of the United States’ nuclear disarmament

Widdies, Deerfield’s award show for student films. Additionally,

strategy; he served under six US Presidents and was involved

students are able to enjoy a wide range of outside performers, such

with nearly every major arms control treaty of the 20 century.

as live bands, comedians, and hypnotists. Students also have easy

As the keynote speaker for the Wick Huffard Visiting Architect

access to performances and events at the nearby Five Colleges:

Program, Gary Hilderbrand, a landscape architect, explained

Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Smith, and the University

his firm’s belief that “the designed landscape is among the most

of Massachusetts at Amherst.


These presentations supplement student performances in


and inclusion throughout life at Deerfield. These groups provide leadership opportunities for members and help to run workshops that address issues of social justice, socio-economic diversity, religious tolerance, sexual orientation, and age/gender and ability stereotypes. Deerfield’s dedication to community building begins with orientation and opening day activities when students and adults gather to engage in activities about our seen and unseen identities. To increase dialogue on topics of social justice, diversity, community, and identity, speakers are welcomed to campus such as historian Howard Zinn; advocate for non-violent civil action Jim Lucas; antiracism educator Tim Wise; community builder Clifton Taulbert; and art professor and slam poet Kip Fulbeck. We invite others to come to Deerfield and learn with us, and collaborate with other schools and attend outside events with our peers and at local colleges and universities. In addition, we provide opportunities for all community members to attend INCLUSION AND COMMUNITY LIFE

national conferences such as the People of Color Conference,

At Deerfield, the fostering and nurturing of an educational

Privilege Conference, and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education

community that embraces diversity is much more than a

Network Conference.

comforting phrase—it is a way of life.

the Student Diversity Leadership Conference, the White

Deerfield weaves themes of inclusion and support

The Office of Inclusion and Community Life provides

throughout academics, athletics, and residential life. All mem-

support and services to all members of the Deerfield com-

bers of the Deerfield community contribute to our diversity. We

munity, including supervising seven student groups (the

do not see diversity as simply race or ethnicity. We view diversity

Deerfield Black Student Alliance, the Latin American Alliance,

in its broadest sense and include race/ethnicity, socio-econom-

the Jewish Student Alliance, the Asian Student Alliance,

ics, geography, age, occupation, sexual orientation, (dis)ability,

International Student Alliance, Deerfield Multicultural Alliance

family structure, and gender. We believe this is the only way to

and the Deerfield Gay Straight Alliance) that meet biweekly. The

truly live the goal of fostering an educational community that

Deerfield Diversity Alliance meets to discuss issues of diversity

embraces and celebrates diversity.



Because there are no Saturday classes, weekends bring a change of pace to life at Deerfield. Students relax with friends in their dormitory or at the Greer Store, participate in or attend interscholastic games, hike to the Rock, canoe on the Deerfield River, and take excursions to nearby towns for pizza, shopping, and movies. Members of the Student Programs Committee plan and sponsor social and recreational events throughout the school year. On-campus activities include video dance parties, live concerts, lectures, films, an a cappella fest, comedians, pool parties, hypnotists, karaoke, and more. Special events, held annually, include the DeNunzio Disco, Casino Night, the Luau, Spring Day (an outdoor concert and carnival), The Widdies (a student film festival), student choreography showcases, the Semi-formal, and the Prom.


Hitchcock House Hitchcock House, the red wooden building on Albany Road, is Deerfield’s campus store. Items for sale include a broad range of school supplies, computer accessories, toiletries, and Deerfield clothing and logo merchandise of nearly every type. Books available include classic and contemporary literature, non-fiction, poetry, and reference books, as well as a selection of books for children. (Please note that textbooks are supplied by the Academy and need not be purchased.) Greeting cards, note cards, small gifts, stationery, gift wrap, and a limited selection of art supplies are also available. Associated with Hitchcock House, the Athletic Store is located downstairs in the West Gym and is open every afternoon except Sunday (during the school year). The Athletic Store sells additional athletic apparel and equipment not found in the main store.

Health Care Comprehensive health care services are available at Dewey House, the Academy’s health center. The health center is open 24-hours a day when school is in session, and is staffed by a full-time physician, a nurse practitioner, and registered nurses. With both inpatient and outpatient facilities, Dewey House is well equipped to care for the illnesses and injuries common to Deerfield students. The closest hospital, Baystate Franklin Medical Center, is located in Greenfield, five miles to the north. The Health Center provides transportation for off-campus

social adjustment, emotional growth, or boarding school life. Members of the health care team (school physician, nursing staff, and psychologists) are always available to students in need of personal support. A consulting psychiatrist is also available to the Health Center. Should a student have needs beyond our resources, the Health Center works with a referral network of professional consultants outside the Deerfield Academy community.

appointments. Three professional athletic trainers also work closely with medical staff in providing preventive care as well as appropriate rehabilitative therapy.

Religion at Deerfield Academy

Two full-time psychologists are an important part of

While Deerfield is non-sectarian and does not require partici-

the Dewey House staff. They are available for individual

pation in religious activity, members of the Academy’s diverse

counseling as well as for consultation on issues relating to

community share a commitment to respect and celebrate the


values and traditions of different faiths. The school encourages reflection, supports spirituality and religious curiosity, and assists each student in the pursuit and practice of his or her own beliefs. Programs organized and coordinated by the Dean of Spiritual and Ethical Life offer students the opportunity to engage in questions of meaning and existence in an open and safe environment. Logistical support, such as transportation to services at nearby places of worship, is provided when requested by students and their families. Ecumenical services are held in the historic First Church of Deerfield adjacent to our campus.

The Deans’ Office Deerfield’s commitment to the quality and structure of the student’s non-academic life is led by the deans of students. The Deans’ Office acts as a liaison among students, parents, and faculty, develops programs in response to student needs, and is responsible for dormitory life, counseling, and discipline. In all communities, a healthy tension exists between the need for individuality and the need for common values and standards. A community’s shared values define the place, giving it a distinct sense of itself. At Deerfield, students learn to conduct themselves according to high standards of citizenship. In all facets of school life, the Academy strives to teach that honesty, empathy, compassion, and responsibility are essential to the well-being of the individual, the school, and society. Expectations are clear, and the response to misbehavior is timely and as supportive as possible of the student involved. In responding to a major rule infraction by a student, a dean of students works closely with members of the Discipline Committee. The dean serves as chair of the group and is joined by a class dean, who presents the case, three students, two faculty members, and the student’s advisor. Any action taken through this process seeks to be constructive and balance the Academy’s concern for the student’s welfare with the health of the school community. 93

admission The admission process at Deerfield is designed to give candidates and the school as much information about each other as possible. We encourage students and their families to visit our campus for a tour and an interview. A visit to the school gives candidates and their families the opportunity to see our facilities, meet students and faculty, and learn about the Deerfield community. At the same time, the Admission Committee can begin to get to know the prospective student.

An application to Deerfield includes the Candidate Profile, two essays, school and teacher

evaluations, standardized test results—usually the SSAT—and an interview. Each application is reviewed by at least three members of the Admission Committee, comprised of teachers and admission officers, before it is discussed by the entire Committee. Although strong academic credentials are the most important criteria, the Committee also looks for qualities of character, maturity, and empathy, as well as the ability and willingness to contribute to the life of the school community. Differences in background, circumstance, and educational opportunity are valued and weigh in our decisions. Above all, we strive to bring a bright, interesting, and diverse group of motivated students to Deerfield—students who are eager to take advantage of the many opportunities the Academy has to offer.

We understand that applying to schools can be a time-consuming, and sometimes

intimidating, process. Please know that we are eager to assist families and students in answering questions and resolving difficulties that arise during the application process. We hope that visiting and applying to Deerfield is a positive personal experience.


applying to deerfield Application Procedure CANDIDATE PROFILE AND THE APPLICATION TO DEERFIELD

To begin the application process, the Candidate Profile and the $60 application fee should be submitted to Deerfield as soon as possible. (The application fee for candidates who live outside the

105 is required for application. Candidates who do not have access to the SSAT or TOEFL, or have questions about using other tests, should contact the Admission Office.

United States and Canada is $125.) The Candidate Profile is


found on our website,, and can be completed

Interviews are required for all admission candidates. Those who

online and submitted electronically. The Application to

live within a 350-mile radius of Deerfield must visit Deerfield for an

Deerfield, consisting of short answers and essays, should

on-campus interview. Personal interview appointments should be

be completed and submitted on or before January 15, 2015.

scheduled well in advance. Weekday appointments are encouraged

For detailed instructions on applying to Deerfield, including the

because they provide candidates with the opportunity to see the

electronic submission of your required teacher recommendations,

school on a class day. Appointments are also available, however, on

please consult the Admission section of our website,

Saturday mornings from September through January. Interviews should be completed by the application deadline.


All candidates are required to submit standardized testing taken during the school year prior to entrance. Candidates for grades 9 and 10 should take the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT). Although most students take the SSAT, the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE), administered by the Educational Records Bureau, is also acceptable. Candidates applying for grade 11 should take the SSAT, Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) or the ISEE. Candidates applying for grade 12, or for a postgraduate year, should take the PSAT, SAT Reasoning Test or ACT. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) must also be taken by any student for whom English is not spoken at home or for whom English has not been the primary language of instruction for at least three years. A minimum TOEFL score of


Although visiting Deerfield and talking to students and faculty is most helpful in getting to know the Academy, we are fortunate to have Regional Representatives throughout the United States and the world who help bring Deerfield closer to those who cannot visit our campus. In addition to serving as a general resource for prospective families, our Regional Representatives are available to conduct interviews. An interview conducted by a Regional Representative will be both informational and evaluative, and must be completed by our deadline. A complete listing of Regional Representatives begins on page 100. If you are unable to visit Deerfield for an interview and a Regional Representative does not reside in your area, please contact the Admission Office to arrange a telephone or Skype interview, available on a limited basis.

weekend activities, and school functions. Like their boarding counterparts, day students have proctors, and are assigned to a residential corridor, where they are encouraged to attend feeds and all other events.

Postgraduate Program The postgraduate program is designed for qualified students who wish to spend a transition year enhancing their academic and extracurricular profiles between high school graduation APPLICATION DEADLINE

Candidates should submit their final application forms by the January 15 deadline. By agreement with other independent schools, our admission decision notification date is March 10. Families are, in turn, required to confirm enrollment by April 10.

and college entrance. (A student entering in grades 9–12 is not eligible for the postgraduate year.) Deerfield typically enrolls between 18–25 postgraduate applicants who have achieved a considerable measure of success in the classroom and in their extracurricular endeavors. Postgraduates are considered members of the senior class, reside in upperclass dormitories, and are eligible to participate

Late Candidates

in all school programs. A postgraduate course of study normally

Candidates who do not complete the application process by

other elective courses. Because of the breadth of course offerings

January 15 are considered late applicants, and their chances

at the senior level, postgraduates have considerable flexibility in

for admission are limited by the number of spaces available

their course selection and may elect an academic program that

after April 10. Late candidates should file their applications as

best meets their needs, interests, and college aspirations.

includes an English elective, a mathematics course, and three

soon as possible. The Admission Committee meets periodically throughout the spring to make decisions on this group of candidates.

Expenses Tuition for 2014–2015 for boarding students is $52,615 and for

Day Students

day students is $37,715. However, tuition provides only part of the cost of educating a student at Deerfield, which at present amounts

Each year, approximately 75 of Deerfield’s 630 students come

to over $80,000 per student annually. The difference is made

from the surrounding area and live at home. For some families,

up through the Academy’s endowment funds along with annual

the boarding versus day choice is a complicated one, but the only

contributions from alumni, parents, and friends.

students who must attend Deerfield as day students are those

Tuition covers instruction, room, board, use of laboratory

who reside in Franklin County.

equipment and material, physical training and athletic privileges,

Day students are complete members of the Deerfield

studio art supplies, band and chamber music instruction, admis-

community; they often remain on campus until late evening to

sion to all athletic contests, and almost all weekend campus en-

study and socialize with friends. They are welcome at all meals,

tertainment. International programs may be offered at additional 97

expense. The only mandatory fees beyond tuition are a $1020

separate process, all families who are interested in financial aid

textbook and academic services fee, a $765 technology fee, and

are encouraged to apply. For approximately 50 percent of our

$450 ($185 for day students) for the infirmary and health care.

families, applying for financial aid is just another step in the

When a student is accepted at Deerfield, parents will be

process of applying to independent schools.

asked to confirm the acceptance and forward a tuition deposit

Financial aid at Deerfield comes in the form of grants. A

within four weeks. This deposit is non-refundable and will be

grant is an award that does not need to be repaid and may range

credited to the tuition bill.

from $5,000 to full tuition. All financial aid awards are based solely upon the family’s need as determined by the Financial

Payment Tuition is payable in two installments on August 1 and December 1. Alternatively, parents may subscribe to an installment payment plan through Educational Data Systems, Inc. Information concerning this plan is available from the Admission Office and is sent to all parents of accepted students.

Aid Committee. No aid is awarded based on the academic, athletic, or other talents of the applicant. To apply for financial aid: 1. Check “yes” for financial aid on the Candidate Profile. 2. You must complete a Parent Financial Statement (PFS) online at by January 15, 2015. You will be required to submit signed copies of your 2013 and 2014 1040s (with all schedules) and W-2s by February 10, 2015. All tax information

Financing a Deerfield Education Deerfield is committed to enrolling a talented and diverse student body. We believe that the cost of an independent school education should not be a deterrent to prospective families. The Academy seeks to meet the full demonstrated need of all admitted students who qualify for financial aid. For the 2014–2015 school year, the Academy awarded over $8,000,000 in financial aid to 33 percent of its students. Our financial aid program is designed to bridge the gap between what a family can afford and what it actually costs to attend Deerfield Academy. It is important to note that all applicants are evaluated with no distinction made between applicants who are applying for financial aid and applicants who are not applying for financial aid. Decisions regarding admission to the school and eligibility for financial aid are made independently by the Admission and Financial Aid Committees respectively. Since admission is a


must be uploaded to the SSS website. Do not send any income tax information directly to Deerfield Academy. Financial aid award letters are sent at the same time as admission decisions, on March 10. For additional information, assistance in completing forms or questions about financial aid in general, please email: Melissa Persons, Director of Financial Aid, at or call Ms. Persons at 413-774-1448.

ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Following is a partial list of endowed scholarship funds that support the financial aid program at Deerfield: Annie Laurie Aitken Scholarship Tom Ashley ’11 Fund Babson Scholarship Fund Theodore S. Bacon III ’65 Scholarship Fund Ball Family Fund Stuart M. Barclay Memorial Fund Robert N. Bass Family Scholarship Fund Beidler Family Scholarship Fund Bent Family Scholarship Fund Ernesto F. Blohm Memorial Scholarship John T. Booth ’47 Scholarship Peter and Monette Booth St. Croix Scholarship Fund Theodore and William Wood Booth Memorial Boyden Scholarship Fund Thomas G. Brown Jr. ’42 Financial Aid Fund Brill Family Scholarship Fund William N. Brockway ’39 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. James G. Brooks ’28 Scholarship Fund W. Creighton Brown ’33 Fund Robert M. Buddington ’35 Scholarship Frederic L. A. Cady, Jr. Scholarship Fund Robyne and Herbert L. Camp Endowed Scholarship Canty-Woodhouse Family Scholarship Fund Cashin Family Financial Aid Fund Leslie Cheek P’64 Scholarship Fund D. Wheeler Clark Scholarship Clarkeson Family Fund The Classes of 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1964, 1985, 1986 Scholarship Funds Cohen Family Financial Aid Fund Delbert W. Coleman Family Fund

Collester Endowed Scholarship Fund Aaron M. Daniels ’53 Financial Aid Fund Robert and Barbara Day Scholarship Fund Deerfield Club of Hong Kong Financial Aid Fund Ralph DeNunzio Scholarship Fund Jacques and Mari de Saint Phalle Scholarship Fund Doubleday Scholarship Fund Dunning Family Fund Walter A. Forbush Jr. Scholarship Fund Brooke Emmens Gonzalez ’97 Memorial Scholarship David Gregg III ’51 Financial Aid Fund Hale Family Scholarship Fund Hardman Scholarship Fund Samuel C. Harned ’48 Scholarship Fund Alan G. Hassenfeld Scholarship Fund Gates and Mary Ellen Hawn Financial Aid Fund Gordon T. Heald ’54 Scholarship Edwin I. Hilson Memorial Scholarship Fund Jameson Financial Aid Fund Timothy Jenkins ’79 Scholarship Kahle Family Scholarship Fund Anna Goldblatt Katz Fund Edwin Augustus Keeble, Jr. Scholarship Fund Kempner Family Scholarship Fund Clarence D. Kerr III Fund Malcolm Kerr ’49 Scholarship Yong Hyun Kim ’85 Family Fund Kirmse Financial Aid Fund Klingenstein Family Scholarship Fund William W. Knight Jr. Scholarship Kurt Koegler ’58 Scholarship Fund Lane Family Fund Esther E. and John C. Leggat Scholarship

Loening Grant Fund John J. Louis ’43 Scholarship Fund Michael W. Louis ’49 Financial Aid Fund Denham C. and Helen C. Lunt Memorial Scholarship Anne Carolyn Lynch Financial Aid Fund Macleod Family Scholarship Fund Lydia Buhl Mann Scholarship Fund J. Paull Marshall ’30 Scholarship Fund Louis Marx Financial Aid Fund McCabe Scholarship Fund McEniry Family Scholarship Fund Michael J. Meek Memorial Fund Charles E. Merrill, Jr. Fund John R. Miller ’62 Scholarship Fund John Broten Morton Scholarship Murphy Scholars Marilynn Hale Nottage Scholarship Fund Martha Forrer Oelman Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Osathanugrah Scholarship Fund Peierls Family Scholarship R. Thomas B. Peirce, Jr. Memorial Fund Pescosolido Scholarship Fund Paul W. Polk Memorial Scholarship Naomi and Gordon Reed Fund Richardson Rock Fund Mark and Nelson Rockefeller Scholarship Fund Marjorie Doyle Rockwell P’51 Scholarship Fund Rocky Mountain Scholarship Fund Rosenwald Family Scholarship Fund Thomas L. Rourke Scholarship Fund Rousseau Family Fund Rubin Family Scholarship Fund Helena Rubinstein Fund Rutledge Family Scholarship Paul G. Sanderson, Jr. International Scholarship James S. Schoff Fund

John Carroll Schultz Memorial Scholarship Fund Frank H. Sincerbeaux Scholarship Ellery Snyder Financial Aid Fund James P. Soper Jr. Prize and Scholarship Richard Star ’87 Financial Aid Fund Robert L. Stone Scholarship Fund Suhl-Kalemjian Scholarship Fund Suitor Scholars Fund James Irvine Swinden ’72 Scholarship Fund Joseph T. “Brud” Talbot Memorial Scholarship Fund Kenyon & Mary Taylor Scholarship Fund Rupert C. Thompson Jr. Financial Aid Fund Charles and Ellen Tooke Family Scholarship Fund Turko Family Scholarship Fund David F. Upton ’41 Scholarship Richard C. Van Dusen Scholarship Fund Vernon Scholarship Viswanathan/Hassenfeld Scholarship Fund Wareck Financial Aid Fund Wean Financial Aid Fund Weinberg Family Scholarship Mark C. Wheeler Scholarship Fund Whitney Family Fund F. Earl Williams ’19 Scholarship Fund Robert Whitelaw Wilson Fund Woodward Family Scholarship Fund

We thank alumni, parents, and friends of the Academy for their commitment to providing access to Deerfield to deserving students.


Regional Admission Representatives:

Sarah Vaughan P’06 Santa Barbara

Deerfield’s Regional Admission Representatives are current and


Ted & Penny Ashford A’82, P’14 Wilmington

past parents and alumni who have volunteered to answer questions


about Deerfield and to interview prospective students. If you are

Scott Davis P’14


Sarah Pember P’11

Mr. & Mrs. David DeCamp A’76, P’13,’15

interested in speaking or interviewing with any of these regional representatives in your area, please contact our office directly in order for us to provide you with their contact information: call (413) 774-1400 or email You are welcome to contact these representatives at any time during the admission process, whether prior to visiting Deerfield, while completing the application or after the candidate has been admitted. Regional Admission Representatives are listed in alphabetical order within their state/country. A = Alumni P = Parent F = Former Faculty

Louisville Aspen

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rand A’65, P’09,’13 Englewood


Joan Marie Stewart P’04

Dr. & Mrs. George A. Norton P’98


Tom & Katie Thagard P’15 Birmingham


Winthrop & Audrey Faulkner P’15 Anchorage


Charles & Erika Cramer P’16 Scottsdale

Jon & Tiffany Horton P’14 Scottsdale

Jon & Carrie Hulburd P’05,’07,’10,’14 Phoenix

Little Rock


Mr. David HoSuk Chung P’15 Rancho Palos Verdes

Mr. & Mrs. John Kramer P’08

John M. Allen & Christina B. Wagner P’14 Mr. David Bierut & Mrs. Karen Grethel-Bierut, P’17 Windsor, CT

Brad & Serena Bowman P’13, ’15 Darien

Denise Easton P’10 Stonington

Ted & Wendy Henderson P’13,’15

Mr. & Mrs. Leverett S. Miller P’96,’99 Palm Beach

Mr. Hunter Reichert P’14 ’16 Tampa

John & Kathleen Rhodes A’71, P’12 Boca Raton

Geoffrey & Gayle Swinerton A’87, P’15, ’17 Weston



Allan & Susan Dragone P’14


Mr. & Mrs. Marc Johnson A’74, P’08,’11,’14,’17

Mr. John Hochhausler & Dr. Stacy Brightman P’16

George & Meghan Knight P’16,’17

San Gabriel

New Haven

Hilary McInerney P’10,’13,’16

Liz & Scott Logie P’10,’13,’16

San Francisco

New Canaan

Marco Quazzo A’80, P’13

Carol Moeckel P’16

San Francisco



Barbara J. Thomson P’05

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swindell P’08,’11,’14,’16


Mr. Inho Alex Kim A’81, P’08, P’11, P’14

San Francisco

Alexandra S. Toth A’03 San Francisco


FLORIDA Vero Beach




Washington DC



Clifton & Louise York P’15 Norwalk


Mrs. Wanda Lavely P’00,’02 Atlanta

Alan LeBlanc A’80, P’06 Atlanta

Stephen & Michelle Sullivan P’12 ’16

Geoffrey Lewis A’83 Honolulu





Ms. Pamela Fleischer P’15

Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Donohoe P’98

John Clementi A’68, P’98,’01,’05

Dan Cranshaw A’86

J. Scott & Susan Hamilton P’14

Maria & Jim Emanuel P’05,’08

Mr. & Mrs. David & Kathryn Ilsley P’16,’17

Dr. & Mrs. James E. & Sally Miller P’97,’01,’02,’09,’12

Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Natalia O’Brien P’17


Ketchum (also Seattle & Los Angeles part time)

Peter F. Palmedo A’73, P’99,’03 Ketchum

David & Sarah Woodward P’04’09 Ketchum


Ms. Karyn Collymore-Chalmers P’13 Chicago

Jack & Charmaine Comerford P’10 Lake Forest

Shannon Horn A’10 Hinsdale

Matthew Lu A’09 Chicago

Jeff & Meredith Lytle P’15

Mission Hills

Dr. & Mrs. William Schaetzel P’06,’07 Lawrence


Mr. & Mrs. Warner Brown P’13,’16 Crestwood

Jon & Andrea Shastid P’07 Anchorage


Ms. Marta Bordeaux P’10 New Orleans

Bert & Danni Jones P’04 Simsboro

J. Courtney Wilson P’99 Metairie

Lake Forest

Stephen & Deborah Quazzo A’78, P’08 Chicago

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scott P’07,’10 Kenilworth


Margaret & David Nichols P’09 York Harbor

Mr. Thomas Reed & Dr. Kathleen Reed A’82, P’10,’13 Woolwich


Mark Ewing A’69, P’99,’07 Vincennes

Grace Hemaida P’11 Newburgh

Jonathan Brand & Rachelle LaBarge P’16 Mount Vernon


Alan & Louie Hoblitzell P’06 Brooklandville

Jon & Lynn Horowitch P’16,’17 Bethesda





Ned Philie & Phyllis Powers-Philie P’09,’10,’13

Kansas City St. Louis

Kansas City

Greg & Kathleen Trapp P’15,’16 Townsend

East Sandwich


Paige & J. Hilary Rockett P’11

Dr. Roland Chen & Mrs. Shirley Llorens-Chen P’17


Gil & Sue Roddy P’14 Concord

Andrew & Julie Savage P’15 Marblehead

Ann & Andrew Wardwell P’09,’12 Marlborough

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Tyler F, G’02 Dennis


Charles & Beth Mott P’12 Grosse Pointe

Incline Village


Mr. & Mrs. Douglas & Eleni Wenners P’17 Bedford

Walter & Christine Chapin P’11 Concord

Heidi & Cam Eldred P’05,’08,’11 Hanover

Louisa & Keith Erf P’10,’11,’14,’16 Weare

Mark & Holli Hadley P’14,’16,’17 MINNESOTA


Mr. James Lindsay A’70, P’96

Eric & Teresa Rosenberger P’98,’03



Dr. Fredric Meyer A’73, P’17 Rochester




Jenny Beimfohr P’09,’17

Mr. Andrew Wagman & Dr. Robin Conwit P’12

Lamar Burrow P’02

Drs. Leonard & Tyra Kane P’17



Short Hills

Chris & Kristin Doyle P’10,’15 Glen Rock


Rick & Susan Hrabchak P’15 Princeton

Henry & Sheila Klehm P’15

William & Megan Ziglar A’82, P’13 Chapel Hill

New Vernon


Paul & Sally Morris P’09,’14,’15

Rebecca Kiesel P’15



Tom & Arlene Bloomer A’49, P’79,’84,’98


Ms. Diana Gillard P’15

Columbia Station


Meg & Noel Clinard P’09

Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Luc Moreau P’11,’14

Mr. Joshua Lipman A’90



William Coakley P’98

T. Mike & Jayne Field P’95 Lubbock

Oklahoma City

Mr. & Mrs. McManemin P’ 17

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Mary Beth Donohue P’14


Kathy Gahagan P’12,’13

James & Julie Alexandre P’06,’08,’11,’13

Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Karen Roussos P’15

David Koeppel P’14,’15 New York

Mr. & Mrs. David McDonald P’07,’13 New York

Mrs. Barbara Meachin P’00,’03 New York

Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Reycroft III A’68, P’92,’94,’96 Ithaca

Mr. & Mrs. Bryant W. Seaman III P’11


Mr. Michael Aroesty A’99 Pittsburgh

Jeff & Shauna Binswanger A’74, P’09,’11 Philadelphia

Bill & Alison Thompson P’09 Fort Washington


Tom Davin & Mary Kesler P’12


Mr. Jeffrey McDowell A’92

Manuel & Teri Retana P’15 Brownsville


Wendy Cryan-Saffir P’98 Park City

Bradley & Ashley Dewey P’11,’14 Vergennes


Henry & Julia Sharpe P’13

Graham Goldsmith A’01



Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cornelson P’09 Spartanburg

Mrs. Cate Wyatt P’14 Waterford


Ms. Pamela Fleischer P’15 (part time in Seattle)

Dr. Daniel McGraw & Dr. D’Ann Duesterhoeft P’08,’13,’15



Ross & Katherine Hamilton P’16


Mr. Geoffrey Newton A’80, P’12

Darrell & Jennifer Lucente P’14


Robin & Robert Seabolt P’10


Salt Point


Steven Collins P’15



Ade & Saidat Akande P’15








Mrs. Katherine Walker Buxton A’92

Glen Cove

Mr. William F. Adams A’77, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Jan W. Baran P’00,’08


Oyster Bay



Skaneateles Canton

Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Dial, Jr. P’95


Mrs. Laura O’Connell P’13,’16 South Burlington

Norman Ward & Patricia King P’11 Burlington



Jenner Weston McLeod & Eric McLeod P’13,’17 Madison

Mr. Dongho Moon P’13,’16 Madison


Mrs. Susan DeMuro P’14 Wilson

Bill Simpson A’76 Powell





Seid & Svjetlana Custo P’14

Twenty Regional Admission Representatives are available to interview prospective students in Hong Kong and China. To schedule an admission interview with one of our Regional Admission Representatives, please contact:

Tomas M. Gilmore A’84, P’16



Mujib Mashallah A’ 06

Mr. & Mrs. Mladen Dragicevic P’09



Mr. & Mrs. Hugo C. Maldonado P’05


Dr. Nestor & Alejandro Duhalde P’15

Tlokweng, Gaborone

Chaco CP

Curuzu Cuatia


Mr. Qiang Chen P’15 Perth


John & Daphne Delaney P’13 New Providence

Sean & Kara Nottage A’83 Nassau

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fashole-Luke II P’11


Mr. Richard Palmgren A’89 Sao Paulo

Mr. Humberto Tupinamba & Dr. Marcella Alves P’16 Rio de Janeiro


Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stefanova P’93 Sofia


Ms. Leiza Munn Blakeley P’11 St. Michael


Michael & Kimberley Burns P’07 Hamilton

Pamela Doherty P’16 St. Georges


Roland & Valerie Kyllmann P’12 La Paz

Claude Genereux & Myriam Legault P’15,’17 Westmount, Quebec City

Mr. & Mrs. Blair & Debbie Mackasey P’03,’10 Beaconsfield, Quebec City

Mr. Arif Rawja & Dr. Shameela Karmali-Rawji P’15 Calgary, Alberta

Monique Ng

Santa Barbara de Heredia


Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Francis P’04,’07

Supported by the following regional representatives in China and Hong Kong:

Santo Domingo

Bernard Auyang A’87 Oliver Blade Duncan Barron A’03 Jack Chen A’08 John Gray A’08 Dai Feng A’93 Stanford Kuo A’78, P’13,’16 Brian Lee A’91 Danny Lee A’84 Junwoo Lee A’88 Marcus Lim A’04 Katharine Lai A’98 Eddy Lui A’91 Dario Pong A’87 Elizabeth Schieffelin A’09 Hamilton Tang A’81 Evan Todd A’85 Chun Wei P’ 16 Ken Wong P’13 Fred Yau A’93

Philip Adkins P’11


Mariana Baptiste P’08,’13

Mr. Alan Victor P’11,’14

Diego Munoz-Tamayo & Adriana Vasquez P’16

Westmount, Quebec City

Dr. Nathaniel (DVM) & Rosamond Grew P’98,’99

19-31 Ma Tau Pa Road Tsuen Wan, N.T. Hong Kong, P.R.C. B/ 852-2942-3419 Fax/ 852-2279-0319 E-Mail/

Mr. & Mrs. John & Karra Greenwood P’16 Toronto, Ontario

San Jose





Margarita & Manuel Tavares P’11

ENGLAND Peterborough

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry & Elizabeth Louis A’81, P’18 London

Mrs. Alison Sola P’13 London

Ms. Mutzy Probyn A’01 London


Mathias J. Doerr A’81 Berlin

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Eva Keochakian P’15 Hamburg


Dr. Dilip & Jacqueline Kapur P’13 Pondicherry

Rahul R. Mehra A’03 Mumbai





Mr. Peter Fallon F

Donald Manasse P’98,’00

Ms. Nadejda Papernaia P’13

Co. Meath


Monte Carlo

Mrs. Sophie Ayad P’15

St. Petersburg





Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad Abdul Al Tobaishi P’97

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jardim P’06,’08,’12

Mr. Aditya Chellaram P’01

Florence S. Hugh-Sam P’03

Freeport, Montego Bay

Anne Chang & Raymond Therrien P’15 Montego Bay


Mr. Babatunde Irukera P’14 Victoria Island Lagos

Deputy Chief of Royal Protocol Riyadh

Mr. Ahmed M. Alkhereiji P’89 Jeddah

Dr. Dennis Cai P’11,’14,’16 Dhahran


Mrs. Kazuyo Masutani P’00,’04 Tokyo


Alena Bartoli A’97 Aqaba Governorate

Dr. Yahia & Mrs. Bridget Khalayleh P’09 KAZAKHSTAN

Mr. Salavat Cheryazdanov P’12 Almaty


Mr. & Mrs. Jose Castello P’10 Mexico City

Helge & Else-Cathrine Lund P’10 Oslo

Ms. Carolyn Tiemann P’16


Mr. Wissanggeni Lauw & Ms. Evi Tjandinegara P’10,’11,’14

Mr. & Mrs. Roberto de la Guardia P’06,’08 Panama City


Mr. Anderson Tanoto A’07


Maria Camino A’08 San Isidro Lima


Dr. & Mrs. Jose deAsis-Benitez P’02,’03 Makati, Metro Manila


Carlos Williamson P’15

Mr. Matthew Tebeau & Mrs. Monica Switakowska P’ 16, ’17

Bosques de las Lomas


Julie Wolf Deffense A’91 Alcabideche




Mr. Tomas Milmo A’82, P’15 Garza Garcia


SOUTH KOREA Ten Regional Admission Representatives are available to interview prospective students in South Korea. To schedule an admission interview with one of our Regional Admission Representatives , please contact:

Mrs. Vivian Jungeun Lee P’16 Seoul KOREA Cell/ 8210-4802-9908 E-Mail/

Supported by the following Regional Representatives in South Korea: Inwoo Chang A’90 Kunho Cho P’03,’05 Tay Cho P’03,’05

Dr. EunJew Kim P’12 Bom Suk Kim A’96 Yong Hyun Kim A’85 Hee Jae Lee A’90, P’15 Terry T. Lee A’84, P’16 Jae Hong Park P’13 Sang Hyuk Park A’86


Mrs. Patricia Aresti P’11 Madrid

Mrs. Anne Tracy Mut P’92 Barcelona

Mr. Antonio Velasco & Dr. Monica Tamames P’11 Madrid


Mr. Jon Asberg & Ms. Alexandra Montgomery P’13 Stockholm

Inger Ohlsson P’93 Falsterbo


Louise E. Turner P’08,’13 Bern


Paul & Jade Chien P’10 Taipei

Cindy Yeung A’97 Taipei


Somsook & Malee Sertthin P’13,’15 Bangkok

Ms. Nalin Vanasin A’92 Bangkok


Mr. Zafer Gedeon Achi & Ms. Anne Vangheluwe P’13, ‘15 Dubai

Segun & Shola Faniran P’14 Dubai

Pargol & Mohamad Sotoudeh P’10 Dubai

Ms. Anne Van Gheluwe P’13 Dubai


Ms. Cristina Castro P’06 Montevideo


Eduardo Blohm A’83, P’13 Caracas


Mr. & Mrs. Tuan Do P’16, ‘17 Ho Chi Minh City




• Trustees, Faculty, and Administration • Geographical Distribution • Academic Calendar • Campus Map • Facilities and Residences • Finding Deerfield



trustees, faculty and administration Leila S. Govi ’93 London, United Kingdom Elected April 2014

Mark F. Rockefeller ’85 P’18 New York, New York Elected April 2012

A. Richard Caputo P’14, ’17 Riverside, Connecticut Elected April 2014

Philip Greer ’53 P’94 G’13, ’16 San Francisco, California Greenwich, Connecticut Elected April 2003

Alice A. Ruth P’13, ’17 New York, New York Elected April 2012

H. Rodgin Cohen ’61 P’99 Irvington, New York Elected April 2006

Matthew Grossman ’94 New York, New York Elected April 2008

Margarita O’Byrne Curtis, H ’57 Head of School Deerfield, Massachusetts Appointed July 2006

Robin Grossman P’03, ’06 Greenwich, Connecticut Elected May 2005

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sam Bronfman ’71 P’15 Atherton, California Elected May 2005

David A. DeNunzio ’74 P’12 Greenwich, Connecticut Elected April 2009 Anna M. Edwin ’03 Jersey City, New Jersey Elected April 2014 Sidney Evans ’73 P’09, ’12 Washington, D.C. Elected May 2005 Katherine Textor Farmer ’92 New York, New York Elected April 2009 Gregory J. Fleming Sr. P’14 Bedford, New York Elected April 2014 Daniel B. Garrison ’94 Boston, Massachusetts Elected April 2012


Robert T. Hale Jr. ’84 P’15, ’17 Hingham, Massachusetts Elected April 2013 David Koch ’58 New York, New York Elected January 2010 Stanford Kuo ’78 P’13,’16 Hong Kong, China Elected April 2012 Roger S. McEniry ’74 P’07, ’10 Chicago, Illinois Elected May 2007 Daniel L. Mosley P’11,’13 Greenwich, Connecticut Elected April 2012 J. Spencer Robertson ’93 Brooklyn, New York Elected April 2008

Brian P. Simmons P’12, ’14 Chicago, Illinois Elected April 2010 Diana S. Strandberg P’10, ’12 San Francisco, California Elected May 2007 Luther L. Terry, Jr. ’63 Bedford Hills, New York Elected May 2007 Susan Wallach New York, New York Elected April 2008 Linda Foster Whitton P’01, ’04, ’09, ’12 Bermuda Elected April 2008 Victor L. Wright ’84 Los Angeles, California Elected May 2011

FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Margarita O’Byrne Curtis (2006) B.A., Tulane; B.S., Mankato State; A.L.M., Ph.D., Harvard Head of School Nils Ahbel (1997) B.S., Cincinnati; M.B.A., Chicago Mathematics, Class of ’52 Chair in Mathematics Nicholas W. Albertson (1978) A.B., Brown; M.A.L.S., Dartmouth History, Garret Schenck Mentor’s Chair Jeffrey R. Armes (1998) B.A., University of New Haven; M.A., Suffolk University Senior Associate Dean of Admission Bernard Baker (1998) B.A., Miami University; M.A., University of Rochester; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve History Ben E. Bakker (1997) B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Massachusetts Physics, The 2013 Greer Chair, S. Truman Olin Jr. ’50 Chair Darnel E. Barnes (2007) B.S., Morehouse; B.S., M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology Mathematics Kate L. Bergeron (2009) B.S., Springfield; M.S., Middle Tennesee State Assistant Athletic Trainer R. Stuart Bicknell (1985) A.B., Middlebury; M.Ed., Ed.D., Massachusetts Counseling Psychologist Samuel Bicknell (2010) B.S., Union Spanish, Student Activities, Residential Head

Pamela A. Bonanno (1979) B.A., College of Mt. St. Vincent (N.Y.); M.A., Columbia Mathematics, Helen Childs Boyden Chair in Science and Mathematics, The 2011 Greer Chair, Chair of the Mathematics Department Richard A. Bonanno (1979) B.S., Manhattan College; M.S., Massachusetts Mathematics, Helen Childs Boyden Chair in Science and Mathematics Jose J. Briones III (1996) B.A., Boston College; M.B.A., Boston University Associate Director of Admission Lauren Brozovich (2013) A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Harvard University English Jamie Bucci (2013) B.A., Duke University; J.D., Harvard Law School College Advisor Katherine Burd (2014) B.A., Davidson College English Teaching Fellow John W. Burke (2002) B.A., Cincinnati; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin-Madison Latin, Greek, The 2012 Greer Chair Kimberly Butz (2014) B.S., Boston College Director of ITS Sheryl Ann Cabral (1989) B.A., St. Olaf; M.A., SUNY at Albany Mathematics, Assistant Academic Dean, Co-Director Community Service, Helen Childs Boyden Distinguished Chair in Teaching Eric R. Calhoun, Jr. (2007) A.B., Bowdoin; MSSE, Montana Science, Planetarium Director Kate Bishop Calhoun (2007) B.A., Williams; M.S.T., New Hampshire Mathematics

Michael S. Cary (2010) A.B., Bowdoin; M.A.T., Brown; M.A., Yale English, 2013 Greer Chair, Deerfield Chair in Social Science Jaime Correa (2013) B.A., Universidad Nacional de Colombia; M.A., Université Paris Language Amie W. Creagh (1999) B.A., Haverford Dean of Students, Spanish Brendan Creagh (1997) B.S., Vermont Science Dennis M. Cullinane (2005) B.S., Maryland; Ph.D., Cornell Science, Chair of the Science Department, Garret Schenck Mentor’s Chair Marc J. Dancer (1990) B.S., St. Lawrence; Sc.M., Brown Mathematics Charles F. Davis, Jr. (1993) A.B., Bowdoin; M.S., Massachusetts; M.A.L.S., Dartmouth History, Athletic Director, Deerfield Chair in Social Science David A. Dickinson (1987) B.F.A., Tufts, Boston Museum School Art, Louis Chair in the Humanities, John S. Hilson Chair in Fine Arts, The 2009 Greer Chair Allison A. DiNardo (2010) B.A., Amherst; M.Ed., Harvard Associate Director of Admission Francoise Ellis (2000) B.A., Mount Holyoke; M.A.T., Smith French, International Student Advisor, Murphy Senior Faculty Chair, The 2010 Greer Chair Dana K. Emerson (2002) B.A., Emmanuel Associate Director of Admission

Jeffrey Tobin Emerson (2001) B.A., Colby; M.S., Boston College Assistant Dean of Students, Junior and Senior Dean, Chemistry Ada M. Fan (2007) A.B., Harvard; M.S., Boston University School of Communication; M.A., Ph.D., Rochester English Cindy Feng (2007) B.S., Xi’an Jiao Tong University M.S., Wayne State University Chinese Keith C. Finan (2011) B.A., Miami University (Ohio); M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton Associate Head of School for Operations and Chief Financial Officer Jan R. Flaska (2005) B.A., Bowdoin, M.A., Boston College Religious Studies, Science, Robertson Distinguished Chair in the Teaching of Religion Chair of the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department Andrew Freda (2001) B.A., St. John’s; M.A., Columbia Mathematics Mary Ellen Friends (1995) B.A., Brown; M.A., M.Phil., Yale History, The Deerfield Schoolmaster’s Chair, Distinguished Young Teacher Sheila Fritz (2008) B.A., Kentucky; M.Ed., Louisville; Ed.D., Northern Illinois School Counselor Eve Goldenberg (2012) B.A., Columbia; M.A., New York University English Robert C. Graves (2002) B.S., Bridgewater; M.S., Springfield College Head Athletic Trainer 109

Thomas C. Hagamen (1989) B.A., Oberlin; M.D., Dartmouth Medical School School Physician, Dewey Chair for Adolescent Health Nicholas Hall (2013) B.S., University of Oklahoma; M.S., Ph. D. University of California Science Andrew B. Harcourt (1978) B.A., Vermont; M.Ed., Massachusetts Chemistry, Biology, The 2000 Greer Chair, Robert B. Crow Schoolmaster’s Chair Karinne T. Heise (1988) B.A., Bowdoin; M.A.L.S., Dartmouth English, Deerfield Chair in the Humanities Thomas A. Heise (1988) B.A., Dartmouth; M.A., Wisconsin, M.S., Indiana History, Mary and Robert Merriam Distinguished Chair in American Studies, The 2004 Greer Chair Lydia G. Hemphill (1995) B.A., Amherst; M.A., Williams Director of Studies, Fine Arts, Curator of the Russell Collection, Class of 1989 Junior Faculty Chair Frank C. Henry, Jr. (1977) B.A., Princeton; Ed.M., Harvard English, John J. Louis Chair in English, The 2003 Greer Chair Jael Hernández-Vásquez (2013) B.A., Columbia Language Teaching Fellow Ivory D. Hills (2011) B.S., North Carolina; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Science Catriona Hynds (2011) B.A., St. Denis and Cranley School; M.A., Glasgow University, Scotland Director of Theater Visual and Performing Arts


Peter Hynds (2013) B.A., Ohio Northern University Associate Director of Admission

Juan Lopez (2014) B.S., B.A., Trinity College Science Teaching Fellow

Cheri L. Karbon (1999) B.A., Northern Michigan Spanish, Robert E. Kaufmann Distinguished Young Faculty Chair (On Sabbatical 2014 - 2015)

Claudia A. Lyons (1978) B.A., Albertus Magnus; M.A., Tufts French, Associate Director of Admission, Independence Foundation Chair, The 2001 Greer Chair

Sean D. Keller (1993) A.B., Harvard University Mathematics Kevin Kelly (2012) B.S., University of Maine, Augusta M.Ed., University of Massachusetts Assistant Dean of Students, Day Student Dean, Freshman and Sophomore Dean Patricia M. Kelly (1978) B.A., Massachusetts; M.L.S., Hawaii, M.A.L.S. Dartmouth Associate Director of the Boyden Library Xiaofeng Kelly (2000) B.A., Ning Xia University; M.A., Beijing Language Institute Chinese Amy Lareau (2014) B.A., Bates College College Advisor Sarah S. Latham (2009) A.B., Bowdoin; Ed.M., Harvard Mathematics James W. Laughner (2011) B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Pennsylvania Science Robin Lempicki (2006) B.S., Massachusetts Laboratory and Research Supervisor A. Heather Liske (2010) B.A., Haverford; M.A., Middlebury English Kristin P. Loftus (1996) B.S., Vermont; M.S., Massachusetts Health Issues, Robert E. Kaufmann Distinguished Young Faculty Chair

Joseph C. Lyons (2008) A.B., Harvard; J.D., Pennsylvania History, Chair of the History Department

Michael T. O’Donnell (2001) B.A., Boston College; J.D., University of Richmond; M.Ed., Columbia Philosophy, Religion Sonja K. O’Donnell (2000) B.A., Boston College; M.A., Delaware English Haley O’Neil (2013) B.A., Skidmore College; M.A., Ph.D. University of California Language

Wayne S. Marge (2000) B.A., Haverford; M.F.A., Oregon Mathematics, The 2008 Greer Chair

Mark P. Ott (2007) B.A., Wisconsin; M.A., Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Hawaii-Manoa English Leave of Absence

Timothy McVaugh (2008) A.B., Bowdoin History, Class of ’89 Junior Faculty Chair Leave of Absence

Charlotte Patriquin (2013) B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Director of the Library

Gregg Meier (2001) B.S., Vermont Mathematics

David Payne (2014) B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.S., University of Vermont; M.A., University of Miami; Ph.D., Clemson University Visual and Performing Arts

Christopher Menard (2014) B.A., Colgate University Dean of Advancement David Miller (2012) B.A., Bates College; Ed.M, Harvard Graduate School History, Global Studies Director Samar Moushabeck (2006) B.A., Massachusetts Arabic Asvelt Nduwumwami (2013) B.A., Williams College Chemistry Yanik Kerr Nichols (2011) B.A., Vermont; M.A., Rochester French, Admission Officer Peter B. Nilsson (2009) B.A., Middlebury; M.A., Columbia Robert E. Kaufmann Distinguished Young Faculty Chair, Assistant Dean of the Faculty, English

Melissa Persons (2008) B.S., Saint Michael’s College Director of Financial Aid and Student Accounting Andrew Philie (2013) B.A., University of Vermont Assistant Director of Admission, Director of Student Activities Conrad B. Pitcher (1992) A.B., Princeton History, Robert W. McGlynn Chair in the Humanities, Distinguished Young Teacher Genevieve Pitt (2008) B.A., Colby Associate Director of Admission David G. Pond (1981) A.B., Tufts; M.A.L.S., Dartmouth Associate Head of School for Alumni Affairs and Development

Ramesh John Rajballie (2006) A.B., Harvard; M.A., Toronto; A.B.D., Balliol College, Oxford History

Michael P. Schloat (2008) B.A., Williams; M.A., Columbia English, Robert E. Kaufmann Distinguished Young Faculty Chair

Jennifer Taylor (2014) B.S., Keene State College; Sc.D., Dartmouth College Science

Julia Rivellino-Lyons (2010) B.A., Bryn Mawr; M.A., New York University; M.A., University of Maine History

Rebecca Sherburne (2009) A.B., Bowdoin; M.A., Brown; M.A., Boston College History, Distinguished Young Teacher’s Chair, Residential Head

John D. Taylor (2005) B.A., Dartmouth; M.A., Columbia Dean of the Faculty, Associate Head of School Spanish

Maaja Roos (2014) B.A., Lawrence University; M.A., Manhattan School of Music Visual & Performing Arts, Director of Music

Michael S. Silipo (1996) B.A., Hobart History, Robert B. Crow Chair in History

Mercedes Taylor (2008) B.A., Smith College Spanish, Visual and Performing Arts

Mary Ross (2012) B.S., University of Tennesee, Knoxville; Ph.D., University of Cambridge Science, Yearbook Advisor Pamela Safford (2013) B.A., Carleton College; M.S., University of Pennsylvania Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Caroline Savage (2012) B.A., Columbia University Associate Director of Admission Sam Savage (2009) B.A., Columbia University Latin, Spanish, Chair of the Language Department , Edwin T. Meredith III Junior Faculty Mark W. Scandling (1987) B.A., Davidson; M.A., North Carolina; M.A. Columbia English, Rupert C. Thompson, Jr. Chair, The 2007 Greer Chair

Miriam Singer (2011) B.A., Connecticut College Math Katherine Speed (2014) B.A., Emerson College; M.A., Central School of Speech and Drama Theater Teaching Fellow William Speer (2014) B.A., Williams College Math Mark Spencer (2013) B.A., Hartwick College; M.S., SUNY Oneonta Director of College Advising Andrew Stallings (2014) B.A., University of Washington; M.A., University of Iowa English Caroline Stedman (2013) B.A., Amherst College Associate Director of Admission

Jill Schaffer (2014) B.S., M.A., Cornell University Director of Summer School

Anna Steim (2013) A.B., Harvard University English

Carmel Schettino (2011) B.A., Manhattanville; M.A., Boston; Ph.D., SUNY at Albany Mathematics; Data Coordinator

Stephen F. Taft (1984) B.A., Williams; M.A., Virginia Spanish, John J. Louis Chair in Languages and Literature

Julianne M. Schloat (2011) B.A., Middlebury; M.A., Middlebury Assistant Academic Skills Coordinator, English

Sarah Tarrant Madden (2014) B.A.,Wesleyan University; M.A., Columbia University College Advisor

Mark Teutsch (2007) B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Illinois Science David A. Thiel (2008) B.A., M.B.A., University of Rochester Director of Communications, Visual and Performing Arts Joel N. Thomas-Adams (1988) B.A., Indiana; M.S., Montana English, Louis Chair in the Humanities Timothy M. Trelease (2005) B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art Visual and Performing Arts Heidi J. Valk (1991) B.A., Mount Holyoke College Science, Class of ’89 Junior Faculty Chair

Megan Washburn (2014) B.S., Bates College Science Spencer Washburn (2014) B.A., Princeton University College Advisor Jennifer Whitcomb (1989) B.A., Sarah Lawrence Dance, Chair of the Visual and Performing Arts Department Kimberly J. Wright (1996) B.A., Massachusetts; M.A., Georgetown; Ph.D., Maryland English Marjorie Young (2013) B.A., Rutgers University; M.H.S., Lincoln University Director of Inclusion and Community Life, Admission Associate Amanda Zranchev (2012) B.A., Colgate University Science

ADJUNCT FACULTY Kristopher Wiemer (2005) B.S., M.Ed., Massachusetts Academic Technology Coordinator Xiao Lan Wang (2007) Diploma, Curtis Institute of Music Music

John Van Eps (2008) M.Mus., New England Conservatory Music Kristen K. Viega (2009) A.B., Bowdoin Mathematics Class of 1989 Junior Faculty Chair Leave of Absence Peter C. Warsaw (2007) A.B., Harvard D.M.A., M.M., Eastman School of Music Academic Dean, Visual and Performing Arts


geographical distribution

Girls Boys Total

Seniors 82 113 195 Juniors 81 83 164 Sophomores 83 87 170 Freshmen 53 48 101

299 331 630

Total Boarding Students Total Day Students

556 74



512 students from 38 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands

118 students from 37 countries*

Alabama 1 Alaska 1 Arizona 2 California 40 Colorado 2 Connecticut 59 District of Columbia 3 Florida 17 Georgia 4 Hawaii 1 Idaho 1 Iowa 1 Illinois 19 Kentucky 1 Louisiana 1 Maine 7 Maryland 8 Massachusetts 128 (74 day students) Minnesota 5 Mississippi 1 Montana 2 North Carolina 9 North Dakota 1 Nevada 1 New Hampshire 6 New Jersey 26 New York 106 Ohio 4 Oregon 2 Pennsylvania 5 Rhode Island 5 South Carolina 2 Texas 18 U.S. Virgin Islands 2 Utah 1 Vermont 7 Virginia 7 Washington 2 West Virginia 1 Wisconsin 3

Argentina 1 Australia 1 Bahamas 1 Bermuda 1 Botswana 1 Brazil 1 Canada 14 China 24 Colombia 2 Costa Rica 1 France 1 Germany 1 Hong Kong 13 Indonesia 2 Jamaica 4 Japan 1 Kazakhstan 1 Kenya 1 Korea 13 Lithuania 1 Macau 1 Mexico 3 Monaco 1 Nigeria 1 Norway 1 Poland 2 Russian Federation 1 Rwanda 2 Senegal 1 Singapore 5 Spain 2 Switzerland 1 Taiwan, Republic Of China 1 Thailand 4 United Arab Emirates 1 United Kingdom 4 Vietnam 2 * Based on place of current residence, not necessarily citizenship.



academic calendar 2014

Tuesday, September 2 Student Leaders and New International Students arrive Wednesday, September 3 New Students and Varsity Athletes arrive Thursday, September 4 Returning Students arrive Friday, September 5 First day of classes Sunday, September 7 Convocation, 4:30 P.M. Saturday, September 20 ACT tests given on campus Saturday, October 4 College Entrance Examination Board tests (SAT I and SAT II) given on campus Friday and Saturday, October 17-18 Parents’ Fall Weekend Monday, October 20 Fall Term Holiday, return by 7:30 P.M. Saturday, October 18 PSAT/NMSQT exams given Saturday, November 1 SAT I and SAT II tests given on campus Friday, November 21 Thanksgiving Vacation begins at 12:30 P.M. Dormitories will be closed during vacation Sunday, November 30 Students return from vacation by 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 6 SAT I and SAT II tests given on campus Saturday, December 13 ACT Tests given on campus Thursday, December 18 Winter vacation begins at 12:30 P.M. Dormitories will be closed during vacation 2015

Sunday, January 4 Students return from winter vacation, 7:30 P.M. Saturday, January 24 SAT I and SAT II tests given on campus Thursday, February 5 Winter Term Long Weekend begins at 12:30 P.M. Dormitories will be closed during vacation Monday, February 9 Students return from vacation by 7:30 P.M. Friday, March 6 Spring vacation begins at 12:30 P.M. Dormitories will be closed during vacation Sunday, March 22 Students return from spring vacation, 7:30 P.M. Saturday, April 11 ACT tests given on campus Friday and Saturday, May 8-9 Parents’ Spring Weekend Saturday, May 2 SAT I and SAT II tests given on campus Monday May 4-Friday, May 15 Advanced Placement Exams Saturday, May 23-Sunday, May 24 Commencement Weekend Friday, May 29 Summer vacation begins at 12:30 P.M. 114







7 32




17 37

18 19



18 26 20 1 4 2 33



22 31

35 30





map: victor a. lazzaro




campus map





32 McAlister

23 Bewkes

33 Pocumtuck

24 Chapin

34 Rosenwald-Shumway

25 Barton

35 Scaife

26 DeNunzio

36 Harold Webster Smith

27 Field

37 John Williams

28 Johnson-Doubleday

38 New Dorm

29 John Louis 30 Louis Marx 31 Mather

ACADEMIC, ATHLETIC, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES 1 Main School Building 2 Arms Building 3 Kendall Classroom Building 4 Hess Center for the Arts 5 Frank L. and Helen Childs Boyden Library

6 David H. Koch Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology 7 Hockey Rink 8 Gymnasium 9 Koch Pool 10 Dewey Squash Center

11 Athletic Fields 12 Tennis Courts 13 Rowland Family Field 14 North Turf Field 15 Dining Hall 16 Little Brown House 17 Hitchcock House

18 Dewey House (Health Center) 19 Service Building 20 Ephraim Williams House 21 The Manse 22 The Brick Church


ACADEMIC, ATHLETIC, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES Arms Building History/English office and 12 class­rooms. Athletic Fields 90 acres of well­-groomed fields for soccer, football, field hockey, cross country, track, softball, baseball, lacrosse, and 21 tennis courts. Two synthetic turf fields include a Sportexe Victory Turf surface primarily for field hockey, and a Sportexe Powerblade monofilament surface that is multipurpose. Boathouse 5900 square-foot rowing facility located on the Connecticut River housing 20 rowing shells, ranging from singles to eights. Two team rooms are equipped with rowing ergometers, free weights, and exercise and video equipment. Frank L. and Helen Childs Boyden Library A collection of approximately 85,000 books, periodicals and films; seating for 450 including conference rooms for group study, carrels for individual study, the Academy Archives, and the Center for Service and Citizenship. Dewey House Inpatient area for 15, nurses’ station, living quarters for 13 students, four counseling offices, Health Issues classroom, and coin laundry area. Dining Hall Seating for 640 upstairs and 125 downstairs in the Parker Room. Gymnasium, Pool, and Fitness Center Three basketball courts, athletic store, Greer Store, student mailroom, 5000+ square-foot fitness center with state-of-the-art cardiovascular and weightlifting equipment, trainer’s room, Deerfield and visitor locker rooms. This facility also includes the largest prep school natatorium in New England; an 8-lane, 25-yard pool with separate diving well.


Hess Center for the Arts Opening September 2014: main auditorium, concert hall, two dance studios, black box theater, art galleries, choral and orchestra rooms, acting lab, studios for art, architecture, and photography, and a recording studio. Hitchcock House Academy store Hockey Rink Deerfield and visitor locker rooms, bleachers, and lobby. Kendall Classroom Building Nineteen classrooms, language lab, an audi­ torium seating 160, and the Day Student Room. Koch Center Eighty-thousand square-foot building housing a planetarium, 30 state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratory spaces, including dedicated spaces for independent research, a 225-seat auditorium, a Star Terrace, and a central atrium, all three levels of which are unified by the stars of the northern and southern hemispheres embedded in the ceiling, and the Louis Cafe and Starfield Commons below, a gathering space for students and faculty. Main School Building Ten classrooms and the Academy’s administrative offices, including the Admission Office, offices of the Head of School, Dean of Students, Student Activities, Community Service, Multicultural Programs, Human Resources, and Finance. The Manse Head of School’s house Service Building Offices for the Physical Plant staff, carpentry and paint shops, grounds office and shop, Shipping and Receiving, van garages and key shop, Environmental Management Office, HVAC office, and EMS computer.

Dewey Squash Center A 16,000 square-foot facility that includes ten international squash courts, tournament seating and a soaring multi-purpose lounge overlooking the south athletic fields. Track Eight-lane, 10mm full pour track surface with high and long jump, pole vault, shot put, and discus areas. Ephraim Williams Alumni and Development Office RESIDENCES Barton (33 students, 7 student proctors, 3 faculty residents) Bewkes House (10 students, 2 faculty residents) DeNunzio (32 students, 2 faculty residents) Dewey House (11 students, 2 student proctors, 2 faculty residents) Doubleday (41 students, 3 faculty residents) Field (33 students, 6 student proctors, 3 faculty residents) Johnson (41 students, 3 faculty residents) John Louis (38 students, 4 faculty residents) Louis Marx (36 students, 4 faculty residents) Mather (23 students, 4 student proctors, 2 faculty residents) McAlister (30 students, 6 student proctors, 3 faculty residents) New Dorm (26 students, 4 student proctors, 3 faculty residents) Pocumtuck (49 students, 4 faculty residents) Rosenwald (26 students, 2 faculty residents) Scaife (24 students, 4 student proctors, 2 faculty residents) Shumway (34 students, 3 faculty residents) Harold Webster Smith (16 students, 4 student proctors, 2 faculty residents) John Williams (13 students, 3 student proctors, 2 faculty residents)

finding deerfield Deerfield Academy is located in western Massachusetts, 30 miles north of Springfield and five miles south of Greenfield in “Historic Deerfield.” Driving to the Academy from the south, take I-91 North to Massachusetts exit 24 and turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Head north on Routes 5 and 10 for five miles, turning left at the “Historic Deerfield” sign onto Main Street. Proceed about a half mile to the Academy. Driving from the north, take I-91 South to exit 25 and turn left at the end of the exit ramp. At the traffic light, turn left onto Routes 5 and 10 and proceed north for approximately four miles. Turn left at the “Historic Deerfield” sign onto Main Street and proceed about a half mile to the Academy. Driving from the east, take I-90 West (the Massachusetts Turnpike) to exit 4. Head north on I-91 and follow “from the south” directions above. Or take Route 2 west to I-91 South and follow “from the north” directions above. Driving from the west, take I-90 East (the Massachusetts Turnpike) to exit 4. Head north on I-91 and follow “from the PHYSICAL ADDRESS

Deerfield Academy 1 Albany Road Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

south” directions above. Or take Route 2 east to I-91 South and follow “from the north” directions above. GPS: Use 1 Albany Road, Deerfield.


Airline service to the area is through Bradley International

Deerfield Academy 7 Boyden Lane, P.O. Box 65 Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

south of Deerfield on I-91.

Airport, which is outside Hartford, Connecticut, 55 miles

The Admission Office telephone number is 413-774-1400. 119


Deerfield Academy Mission Statement

Admission Office

Deerfield Academy is an independent secondary school committed to high

Deerfield Academy P.O. Box 65 Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

standards of scholarship, citizenship, and personal responsibility. Through a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, extensive co-curricular program, and supportive residential environment, Deerfield encourages each student to develop an inquisitive and creative mind, sound body, and strong moral

413-774-1400 Email:

character. Set in a historic village bounded by river, hills, and farms, Deerfield inspires reflection, study and play, abiding friendships, and a defining school spirit. A vibrant, ethical community that embraces diversity, the Academy prepares students for leadership in a rapidly changing world that requires global understanding, environmental stewardship, and dedication to service.

Deerfield Academy does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, age, disability, status as a veteran or being a member of the Reserves or National Guard, or any other classification protected under state or federal law.

Photography: Jeff Brown, Gabriel Amadeus Cooney, Stephanie Craig, Brent M. Hale, David Thiel Woodcuts: Timothy Engelland Printing: Quality Printing Company, Inc.

Admission Office Deerfield Academy P.O. Box 65 Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342 413-774-1400 Email:

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