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Park District Board Meetings

Deerfield Park District is a municipal governing agency established to provide parks, recreation facilities and programs for residents. Five elected commissioners govern the district and set general policies. Regular meetings of the Board of Park Commissioners are held at Jewett Park Community Center at 7:30 PM on the third Thursday of each month. Virtual meetings may be held when in person public meetings are deemed not safe or practical. The public is welcome to attend. Schedule changes are posted at Jewett Park Community Center and here. Board Workshop Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month as needed. For more information, call 847-945-0650.

Advisory Committee Members

Affiliate Advisory: Brandon Bashkin, Mike Delaney, Rich Goldman, Mike Irvine, Keith Londo, John Mann, Daniel Moons, Dan Schwab, Debbie Serota (board liaison), Stuart Slutzky

Golf Advisory: Jack Butler, Joe Cohen (board liaison), Paul Franson, Seth Howard, Robert Klein, Casey Kremer, Dan Mazur

Pool Advisory: Gerard Bonar, Michael Fleming, Andy Kettlewell, Lauren Patinkin, Rick Patinkin (board liaison), Sari Winick

Recreation Center Advisory: Alan Barasky, Michael Brown (board liaison), Anne Dickerson, Lauren Gordon, Jay Keltner, Nicholas Solomon, Ilyse Steiner

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