ree Donor Program
Deerfield Park Foundation
Supporting the programs and services of the Deerfield Park District
Deerfield Park Foundation
TREE DONOR PROGRAM WHY HAVE A TREE DONOR PROGRAM? Planting trees make our community more aesthetically pleasing. To meet our needs and your expectations for your park system, we created our Tree Donor Program through the Deerfield Park Foundation. We hope that interested citizens and community groups will participate in this environmental partnership. Weather, disease and time often destroy the trees in our parks and at our golf course, and these trees need to be replaced. Although money is allocated to replenish and care for our trees, they are costly. We believe we do a good job of replacing lost trees, and we'd like to do more. WHEN IS A TREE THE PERFECT GIFT? Most of the trees purchased through our Tree Donor Program have been planted in memory of someone special or in honor of a person, organization or event deserving of recognition. We can think of no better contribution than to present the community with a growing gift of nature which will benefit all of our citizens and serve as a living tribute for years to come. HOW CAN YOU JOIN THE MANY RESIDENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS ON OUR TREE DONOR PLAQUES? When you purchase a tree through the Tree Donor Program, your contribution is acknowledged on a permanent plaque located in the Jewett Park Community Center (if your tree is at one of our park sites) or in the Deerfield Park District Golf Club (if your tree is at our golf course). There is no additional charge for your name being added to this plaque. WHAT VARIETY OF TREE MAY I SELECT? Many varieties of trees and site locations are available for your selection. Just choose from the tree options listed, then indicate your preferences on the order form on the back of this brochure. Final selection of site and tree will remain with the horticultural specialists on our park district staff. They will be happy to consult with you about your options. WHEN DOES PLANTING OCCUR? Planting occurs in the Spring and Fall and is dependant on the type of tree choosen.
WHAT IS THE COST OF A TREE? Tree donation is $350 and includes an engraved nameplate “In Honor of…” or “In Memory of…” (displayed on the wall in the main entrance of Jewett Park Community Center). All trees are carefully chosen, healthy specimens, grown in selected nurseries in the area. All donations are tax deductible.
TREE OPTIONS MAPLE Symmetrical tree with lustrous dark green foliage; 45'-70' at maturity. OAK Spring planting only. Round, densely branched with deep green foliage; 50' at maturity.
LINDEN Oval form with straight trunk, deep green foliage with fragrant flowers in spring; 60-70' at maturity. EVERGREEN, PINE, SPRUCE, FIR Dark green, long needled pyramidal pine; 50' at maturity. FLOWERING CRAB Beautiful flowering tree; flowers bloom in white and shades of pink. RED BUD Flowering tree with small, budlike, pink flowers. PEAR Abundance of showy flowers; blooms in early Spring. Pricing and availability are subject to change. Please call 847-945-0650 for more information.
Deerfield Park Foundation
TREE DONOR ORDER FORM Name of Donor______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City____________________________State________Zip_____________ Phone (_____)_______________________________________________ Email______________________________________________________ Tree Selection (from reverse)___________________________________ Site: Park (site)______________________________ or Golf Course______ Wording on Plaque: _____"In memory of..." _____ "In honor of..." _____________________________________________________________ Name and Address for the Foundation to acknowledge your tree order _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Please enclose this form along with a check made payable to: Deerfield Park Foundation Tree Donor Program 836 Jewett Park Drive, Deerfield, IL 60015 or You may charge your payment by filling out the following information: ___ Mastercard
___ Visa
___ Discover
Expiration Date__________
Card #_____________________________ Total Payment: $___________ Signature________________________________________ Thank you for participating in our Tree Donor Program! Your generous gift will add to the beauty in all our lives and enhance the community for years to come. For more information call 847-945-0650.
Deerfield Park Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit nongovernmental entity. Your contribution is deductible to the extent allowed by IRS laws. Messages subject to our approval. We reserve the right to determine color and placement of the items. Additional procedures and policies may apply and will be sent if needed.