Page This Is Du POnt. . . . . . . . . . .. 1 A Brief History. . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Du POnt Today ..... . . . . . .. 4 riculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 oal 5 Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Electronics 7 Fibers 7 The Global Operations of DuPont 8 to Health Care Imaging Systems to Leisure 11 Petroleum 12 Transportation 12 Du Pont, the Innovator 13 A Company of Principles 14 Safety Is Fundamental 14 A Concern for People 14 Environmental Sensitivity 15 The Unending Quest for Quality 15 Looking to the Future 16
In 1802, E. I. du Pont de Nemours formed a company on the banks of he Brandywine River near Wihtington. Delaware. to manufac ure black powder The original Du Pont powderworks have been res ored and are now par of the Hagley Museum, which deplc s the Industrial development of he United States.
I E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company was founded in 1802, on the banks of the Brandywine River near Wilmington, Delaware, to manufacture black powder. From these modest origins, rhe company has grown to become one of the largest and most diversified industrial corporations in the world. With more than 140,000 employees and 200 manufacturing and processing planrs worldwide, the company has annual sales that have exceeded $30 billion. Today, Du Pont has largely withdrawn from the explosives business. Meanwhile, however, the company has ventured into more than 90 other major businesses. DuPont products can currently be found in most major market sectors. From agriculture to transportarion, the company's products are improving the quality of life around the world~ne reason Du Pont proudly says it is "making a difference."
Beneath a portrait oj the famed chemISt Lavoisier and hls protege, E. I. du Pont five contemporary Du Pont scientists display some of the tools 0 their trade.
• A BRIEF HISTORY Eleuthere Irenee du Pont de Nemours emigrated co the United States in 1800. In his native France, he had been an apprentice co the famed chemist Lavoisier, and was well-versed in the crafe of manufacturing black powder. Discovering a need for quality powder in his adopted country, he decided co go into the business. The Du Pont Company remained essentially a black powder manufacturer throughout its first century. During this period, it achieved growth primarily by expanding its markets geographically, first co the American frontier and later overseas. Within three years afrer the company was founded, Du POnt powder was being sold in Europe, marking the beginning of the company's evolution into the global corporation we know coday. By the mid-1800s, Du POnt products were being sold around the world, and the company had achieved a worldwide reputation for quality.
Ie has retained that reputation, and the company's international character has continued co evolve. Du Pont has manufacturing or processing operations in about 40 nations on six continents-a global diversification few other corporations can match. One of every four Du POnt employees works outside the United States. The company markets in more than 150 countries. Its international sales now account for more than 40 percent of revenues -a figure expected to increase co 50 percent by the mid-1990s.
Among he industries thaI Du Pont has entered through acqUisitions are pharmaceu ica s, electronics, petroleum, and nuclear medicine.
Acquisitions have become another important avenue of growth for DuPont. The company made its first acquisition more than a century ago, when it purchased a powder mill in Pennsylvania, its first manufacturing expansion outside the Wilmington area. Its first important acquisition outside the explosives business was the 1910 purchase of "Fabrikoid" , an artificial leather used by the fledgling automobile industry. Over the years, DuPont has acquired interests in many other companies, some of which remain among its core businesses. The more significant acquisitions that have helped lead the company inco new markets include Remington Arms (1933), Endo Laboratories (1%9), Berg Electronics (972), and New England Nuclear and Conoeo (both 1981). These mark the company's diversification into the sporting arms, pharmaceuticals, electronics, nuclear medicine, and energy businesses, respectively. In recent years, the company has pursued an aggressive acquisitions strategy; in the 1980s alone, it has invested more than $10 billion co fund more than 50 major acquisirions and joint ventures with other companies. Much of the company's growth has been generated internally. This was the outcome of a strategic decision to diversify by developing new products through research. The year was 1902, the company's 100th anniversary. A laboracory was opened in nearby New Jersey, among the first research facilities operated by any corporation. A year later, the Experimental Station was established on a 152-acre site on a bluff overlooking rhe Brandywine River JUSt downstream from the original powderworks. The decision co underrake a formal research program rransformed
3 Du Pone into a science-based company, and gave birth to a tradition of discovery and ovation that it has nurtured ever since. Initially, the research concentrated on ways to expand the company's exisring explosives business. The focus soon broadened to a variety of chemical processes unrelared to explosives. To extend the company's new "Fabrikoid" synrhetic leather business, research intO other synrhetic fabrics was undertaken. This efforr subsequently resulred in the discovery of nylon, rhe first of many man-made fibers ro be developed by Du Ponr scieneists. In fact, rhe announcement of nylon in 1938 marked the dawn of an era of synrhetic marerials superior to their natural counterparts. Another key discovery made thar year was "Teflon" fluoropolymer, a substance wirh applications thar ge from elecrronics ro nonick coatings used in a vasr array of indusrrial and consumer products. "Orlan" acrylic and "Dacron" polyester followed in 1948 and 1950-and many other synrhetic fibers have since been developed by company scieneists, most notably "Kevlar" aramid (introduced in 1970), a fiber thar pound for pound is five times stronger rhan sreel. DuPont's prominence in the field of polymer chemisrry is legendary. Of the roughly 50 major polymer groups known to science, Du Pont participares in more than half on a commercial basis, and has developed 16 separate businesses based on polymers. This is one of the reasons Du Pone has achieved a worldwide reputarion as a "discovery" company.
The Experimental Sta ion is one of the largest private indus rial research centers in the world.
The company pioneered the science of industrial medicine to help ensure the safety of its employees, cus orners, and neighbors.
Du Pont polymers are used in packaging food and other consumer products around the world.
As its 200th anniversary draws near, the Du POnt Company is the prototype for the global corporation that is expected to be preeminent in the 21st century. The company actively pursues a global strategy that utilizes its traditional strengths of research and development and manufacturing to focus on strategic markets, rather than on products per se. This strategy is an evolutionary process, driven by a need to be competitive on a world scale, not solely in isolated markets, however large they might be. DuPont has long been known as one of the world's premier science companies and for the excellence of its manufacturing processes. A current goal is to achieve the same level of perceived excellence in marketing. This entails a recognition that in a very real way the company is in partnership with its customers, because it has a vested interest in their success. The following pages contain a brief overview of the company's diverse businesses and product lines, grouped broadly by the markets they serve. The number of prodUCtS and services offered by Du POnt is now in the thousands. The majority of the product offerings are sold as basic or semi-finished materials to other manufacturers. Most of the products supplied by Du Pont will undergo further processing before becoming consumer goods.
Du Pool products range from fiber for hosiery to ndustnal finishes such as paints used on sealll1Q at he Astrodome. from oplica fibers 10 liouid petro eurn gases s:ored in this underground cavern in he United Kingdom.
Pont has become one of the largest suppliers of agricultural J,emicals, with manufacturing cilities in nine countries on five continents. The company's fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are used in more than 100 countries on six continents. These products help increase both the volume and the quality of such major crops as soybeans, corn, rice, wheat, cottOn, sugar cane and beets, and a variety of other fruits and vegetables. DuPont is also a leader in products for industrial weed control.
subsidiary since 1981, Consolidation Coal Company is Du POnt's coal mining and matketing arm. Known in the industry as Consol, the company is the second largest producer of coal in the United States, and has one of the largest coal reserves of any coal mining company.
In a typical year, the company produces more than 50 million tOns of coal at some 30 underground and surface mines in the United Scates and Canada. Most of the output is steam coal, sold mainly to electric utilities. The balance is metallurgical coal, used in the production of steel. The company is also the largest exporter of coal from the United States.
The company recently strengthened its international marketing capability in the agricultural sector by acquiring four companies in Europe and enrering a joint venture in Argentina. Through agrichemical research, DuPont is seeking to increase its worldwide market penerration with low- or non-toxic compounds that control weeds, insects, and ant diseases, yet break down pidly in the environment and are compatible wirh beneficial species. The objective is to develop important, COSt-effective crop-protection chemicals for all major crops-prodUCtS with high selectivity for target pests, low use tates, and high safety co man and environment alike. Another important avenue of agricultural research is biotechnology-the combined use of advanced molecular techniques and more traditional science to add value to seed, food, feed, and fiber production and processing. The company looks to agriculrure as one of irs most significant avenues for growth into the next century.
Widely respected as one of the safeSt and the most efficient operator of coal mines in North America, the company maintains the only laboratOries in the coal industry performing tesearch on safer, more efficient ways to produce coal and environmentally sound ways to use it.
Du Ponl is researching the development of safer, more effective crop protection chemicals, to increase yields of crops such as grapes in Europe and wheat in the Pacific Northwest.
The company's Consolidation Coal subsidiary operates its own fleet of tugs and barges to deliver coal to its many utility customers. lis Bailey Mine in southwestern
Pennsylvania has a produclion capacity in excess of five million tons per year, the largest of any underground mine in North America.
Ou Pont has long played an important role in providing products for use in construCtion, ranging from home building to large-scale industrial projects. Neoprene, the world's first commercially successful synthetic rubber, was jointly discovc::red by scientists from otre Dame University and DuPont in the early 1930s. A versatile product with many applications, neoprene pads are used to support bridge structures, and neoprene gaskets are used to anchor the glass in modern glass wall buildings. The company is the world's largest producer of titanium dioxide, a white pigmcnt used in paints, textiles, papcr, plastics, and many othcr products.
Much of the elcctrical wiring in high-risc construction uses insulation manufactured from Du Pont produCts, including "Teflon" fluoropolymer, "Kapton" polyimide, and "Mylar" polycster film. "Tyvek" spunbondcd olcfin is used to insulatc buildings to improve their cnergy efficiency, and the company's adhesives are used for many construCtion applications, including roofing. Safety glass using "Butacitc" polyvinyl buryral resin sheeting is finding wide applications for commercial construction. "Lucite" glazing is often specified as the material of choice in applications where glass is not practical. And, instcad of the traditional steel pipe, many utilities arc now using corrosionresistant polyethylcne pipe manufaCtured by Du Pont. Some of the company's mose important produCts for the construCtion industry are also among the most visible. "Corian" countettops for bathrooms and kitchens offer elegance and ease of use, twO reasons they are gaining increasing popularity for commercial applications such as offices, hotels, restaurants, and other public buildings. Du POntcertified "Stainmaster" carpets and carpeting of "Antron" nylon offcr many advantages for both home and commercial applications and have gained wide acceptance. "Stainmaster" is now the most successful new produCt introduction in DuPont's history.
Among the many materials Du Pont manufactures far the conslruction industry are "Carian" counterlops; nylon liber for Du Pont-certified "Stainmasler" carpeting; "Ti-Pure" titanium dioxide for paints, paper, and olher products; neoprene synthetic rubber and "1mron" industrial coatings used in bridge construction and mainlenance; and "Butacite" used in safely glass in aulomobiles and commercial buildings.
â&#x20AC;˘ ELECTRONICS The company's involvement with electronics dates back to the 1930s, 'hen company scientists invented stes of silver and glass that constituted a workable capacitor, and the 1950s, with the invencion of metallic mixtures that could be fired to form stable resistOrs. Since then, Du Pont has introduced high-quality products for electronic circuitry, interconnection, and stOtage media applications in the instrumencation, data processing, telecommunications, automotive, and military markets worldwide. Today, it is one of the latgest suppl iers ofmaterials, components, subassemblies, manufactutingptocesses, and services to the electronics industry, with half of its business outside the United States. Among new ateas of intetest ate optical disks for storage of data, sound, and images; and optical fiber technology, which uses hair-thin strands of glass that '<tn replace less efficiene copper ires linking computer networks. These interests in recent years have led to two international joint vencures. In partnership with the Dutch firm . V. Philips, the company is developing, manufacturing, and markering optical disks for all audio, video, and data markets worldwide. With British Telecom, Du Pone is working to develop new optoelectronics technology and applications.
Pont's fibers business dates back to 1910 and the acquisition of a company that manufactured coated fabrics for the autO industry. Expanding on this early expetience, in 1921 Du Pont began producing a European discovery called "Fibersilk", a manmade fibet more commonly known today as tayon. The company's commercial introduction of nylon in 1938 marked the beginning of the man-made textile industry worldwide. Since then, Du Pone has grown to become the world's largest and most diversified supplier of man-made fibers to serve consumets and industry, with wholly owned subsidiaries or joint-veneure planes in orch and South America, Europe, and Japan. Many of the company's fibers are household names, not only in the United States but also around the
world. These include "Lycra" spandex, "Dacron" polyester, "Orlan" acrylic, and "Ancron" nylon, used for a variety of innerand outerwear, ranging from lingerie and hosiery to children's clothing, sweaters, and men's suits. "Kevlar" and "Nomex" aramids and "Tyvek" sponbonded olefin are used for special-purpose apparel, offering such features as ballistic and thermal protection and disposabiliry (for surgical gowns and drapes). These materials are also used in a variety of industrial applications. "Kevlar" and "Lycra"--along with "Teflon"-were among the products selected by Fortune magazine for its" 100-best" list, which features U.S. products unequaled for quality and performance by the products of any other coun try.
The company's electronics business offers more than 15,000 different designs lor high-pertormance connectors for the electronics industry. At a customer service facility. Du Ponl technicians demonstrate slate-ol-the-art techniques lor the production of electronic circuit boards. The company is a leading player in the emerging technology 01 optical disks for information storage and retrieval.
Du Pont fibers include many of the world's best known, most popular man-made materials. including "Lycra:' "Dacron," and "Kevlar." The company is the largest supplier of synthetic fibers to the textile industry worldwide.
DuPont and its su/;.ridiarits operate some 200 manujtKturing and processing plants in about 40 countries on six continents. The company also conducts petroleum exploration and production operations in about half ofthese cortn/ries. The company maintains marketing offices in more than 60 fOlmtries. Du Pont products are marketed in more than 150 wuntries.
Du Po"t's global operations employ more than 140, 000 people-onefourth of whom work outside the United States. The photographs depict some of the company's facilitits ill the 40 nations in which Du Pont has manufacturing or processing operations, or conducts petroleum production and/or exploration,
Pont is forging a productive scientific link between chemistry, biology, electronics, and engineering, to understand and meet the needs of the health care industry. The company's role spans the industry from fundamental research in its labs to manufacturing products used around the world for research, diagnosis, and treatment. The company's rOOtS in health care date back to the 1930s, when Du Pone began manufacturing X-ray film. Over the years, its involvement increased as it made ncw discoveries that found a role in meeting the needs of the medical community.
Among the targets of Du Pont's medical research are AIDS. cancer, and cardiovascular disease, as well as finding opportunilies to use the company's advanced materials as replacement parts for the human body, The company got its start in the medical business manufacturing a line of X-ray films, and is now a major supplier of imaging materials and systems, including a device to transmit X-ray images electronically that allows physicians to consult specialists and obtain second opinions quickly and reliably.
â&#x20AC;˘ IMAGING SVSTEMS Du Pont is building to be a leadcr in medical research. It is using knowledge accumulated in molecular chemistry to help understand the complex processes of life-research that may alleviate cancer, AIDS, and other dreaded illnesses. The health care market is expected to continue to expand, and the company expects to capture a significant share of that growth.
To focus its efforts to become a substantial supplier of health care products across the board, DuPont consolidated its various medical programs into a single business unit in 1983. This business has grown in size and diversity through internal research, dozens of working relationships with high-technology firms and academic institutions, and joint ventures and acquisitions. Today, Du Pont's broad range of health care ptoducts and its research objeCtives aim at medical centers worldwide, especially in Noah America, Europe, and Japan.
lOne of the most promising areas for future growth is "imaging systems"-products and systcm designed to capture, store, repr duce, and transmit information in many forms, on the printed page and electronically. With plants on five continents, Du POnt has long been a major supplier to the printing industry, providing many different techniqucs to transfer words, photographs, and graphics to the printed page. The product lines range from films and photographic papers to processors, chcmicals, and printing plates and equipment such as "Cromalin" proofing systems, which provide reliable pre-press color proofs in less time and cost than traditional proofing systems. Increasingly, the industry focus today is on replicating elements of conventional printing processes electronically, a technology that has many potential advantages to users, including reduced COSts and greatcr efficiency. To complemcnt its research and develol ment resources in a manner that will bring these new technologies to world markets more rapidly, the company has enteted into joint ventures, made acquisitions, and undertaken marketing and development agreements with a number of other companies, both large and small, in the United States, Europe, and Japan. For example, a joint venture between Du POnt and Xerox is developing electronic color proofing technology for the printing industry.
The company offers a broad range of products, from centrifuges to DNA sequencers for medical researchers, from diagnostic kits for HIV infection to sophisticated clinical analyzers for those who diagnose disease, and from antiflu medications to short-acting beta blockers for those who treat illnesses.
The company's imaging technology has made it a leader in supplying the printing industry with devices such as this electrostatic procter that simulates a printed page in as Iitlle as one minute, compared with as much as 20 minutes using conventional processes.
I DuPont products and discoveties have found their way into 'ery facet of our lives. Cooks o use pots and pans coated with "SilverStone" and "SUPRA" non-stick coatings are Out of the kitchen faster. A variety of materials made by Du POnt are used both to package the products we buy and as part of the products themselves.
11 wear fashioned from "Lycra" spandex provide comfort as well as design flexibility and attractiveness on beaches from Atlantic City to Cannes and Rio de Janeiro to the South Seas. The company also offers a line of rugged outerwear and accessories in addition to the sporting arms and ammunition sold under the familiar Remington Arms name.
On the playing fields, tOugh, wearresistant Du Pont polymets are used to proteCt balls used in many spOrts, including basketball, soccer, and golf, from cuts and abrasions. Parts for many types of recreational vehiclesfrom hang gliders and experimental aircraft to bicyclesinclude Du POnt materials. Du POnt products have improved the performance of athletes in many sports. For example, "Surlyn" ionomer resins are used to mold high-quality ski boots, ski bindings use "Delrin" acetal sin, and skis often incorporate vlar" acamid for light-weight strength. ailing has also been improved through the use of Du POnt products, including sails made from high-strength "Mylar" and "Dacron" polyesters and "Kevlar" aramid. Even anglers boost their catches by using high-strength "Stren" and "Prime" fishing lines made from DuPont nylon. Nor have personal comfort and safety been neglected. Racing drivers wear heat-resistant suits of "Nomex" aramid, and apparel fashioned from "Orlon" acrylic and "Dacron" polyester provides protection against the elements. Apparel made with "Coolmax" and "Thermax" polyesters provides cooling or warmth, as required by weather conditions and the activity at hand. Swim
Among Du Pont's many products lor leisure and recreation is lhe rugged outerwear produced by its Remington subsidiary, which also manufactures sporling arms. Four oul 01 every five swim suits use "Lycra" spandex. Du Pont nylon is used 10 manulacture highslrengtll "Prime" and "Siren" fishing lines.
The company's engineering plastics are used to fabricate components 01 recreational devices, from bicycles to skis.
I The company entered the petroleum business in 1981 when it acquired Conoco Inc., a major producer of crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas, with operations in the United States, Canada, and some 25 other countries on six continents. The company produces oil and natural gas on four continents and is actively exploring on six. It operates five oil refineries in the United States and one in the United Kingdom, and has an interest in a refinery in West Germany. The company's petroleum products are marketed primarily in the United States and Western Europe. Known throughout the industry as a highly efficient company, Conoco's costs for finding and developing new petroleum supplies are consistently among the lowest in the petroleum industry. As an explorer and producer of oil and natural gas, Conoco has achieved a reputation as an innovator, pioneering the concept of underwater oil storage in the Middle East in the 1960s, and developing the world's first tension leg offshore production platform, a revolutionary new design that permits oil and gas production in waters toO deep for conventional facilities. The company is currently using this advanced technology to develop a field in record depths of more than 1,750 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico and will also apply it to develop a large field in the Norwegian Sea, not far from the Arctic Circle. The company is a major supplier of man-made libers for tires, Conoco. Du Ponl'S petroleum subsidiary. has an aclive exploration program, and is widely respected as a technologica innovator, parlicularly ollshore The company markets gasoline under a number of brands in the United Slates and Western Europe
The company is also an imaginative marketer, one of the first to offer low-cost petroleum products marketed at convenience stores. In Europe, it has pioneered the development of automated, unattended gasoline stations.
company has played a key role in the evolution of transportation, initially by supplying fabrics and tar remover to the fledgling automobile industry. In the early 19205, it introduced a line of automotive lacquers that enabled car makers to deliver cars without waiting weeks for successive layers of paint to dry. Bolstered by the 1986 purchase of Ford's orth American automotive paint business, DuPont is a major world supplier of automotive finishes, both for new vehicles and the automotive repair business, with production facili ties in Europe as well as North and South America. The company is developing new automotive markets through the use of engineering plastics to replace metal parts such as automobile fenders, trunk and hood lids, and bumpets produced by leading car manufactuters in the United States and overseas.
finding specialized automotive applications, including their use as components in tires and brak' systems. In all, the company markets more than 60 different product lines for the automotive induscry alone. An important growth area in the transportation market will be light-weight, high-strength composite materials that can replace metals, particularly steel, in many applications. Based on "Kevlar" and "Nomex" aramids, as well as carbon fibers derived from petroleum, these superstrong materials are already beginning to make inroads in the fabrication of aircraft wing and fuselage components for the worldwide aerospace industry.
The company's "Butacite" PVB resin sheeting is sandwiched between layers of automotive glass to make it shatter-resistant for greater safety. Other Du POnt polymers are used in automotive hoses, gaskets, and belting. Specialty produces such as "Kevlar" and "Nomex" aramid fibers are
Du Pont markets more than 60 dillerent product lines for the automotive industry, and is constantly researching new products. such as this prototype car door frame madr from "Bexley" automotive resi
commitment to excellence has been a corporate hallmark ever ince E. I. duPOnt built his first II to manufacture high-quality lack powder. Nowhere is this commitment more evident than in the company's focus on discovery and technical innovation, the twin mainsprings of Du POnt'S growth. From their pioneering venture into corporate research all the way to the present, Du POnt scientists have discovered and developed high-technology ptOducts to serve a broad range of human needs, giving rise to the slogan, "Better Things for Better Living."
Among the many important inventions made by Du Pont is the Genesis 2000, a device that provides more accurate and faster ways to explore Iile's genetic code
Patalleling the globalization of both its markets and its manufacturing, the company also has globalized its research and development program. It operates more than 100 research, technical support, and customer service facilities around the world, with nearly two-thirds of them conducting basic or applied research. le Experimental Station, one of e largest and most sophisticated industrial research centers in the world, remains the hub of the R&D effort. Roughly 60 percent of the company's tesearch outlays are targeted to suPPOrt existing business-by expanding existing product lines, improving product quality, and reducing manufacturing costs. The balance of the budget is focused on "new directions" research, designed to find and develop new business oppottunities for the company. Polymers and the life sciences currently account for about twOthirds of the company's reseatch outlays. Other areas of particulat interest are chemical processes, electronics, imaging systems and energy. Du Pont spends more on research pach year than all but a handful corporations. The billionollar plus R&D budget supports a staff of more than 51000 scientists and engineers and an equal number of technicians and specialists.
The life sciences account for more lhan a thi rd of annual research expenditures. Much of this research is conducted at a specially designed facility allhe Experimental Station. Innovation in marketing has led the company into many new markets and businesses around the world.
One avenue of innovative research is superconductivity, which promises to have a variety of important applications.
I Du POnt is a dynamic company
Symbolic of the company's concern for people is this medal awarded to Du Pont Canada in recognilion of its efforts to make Ihe workplace better for women.
that maintains the flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing conditions in highly competitive world markets. It is also a company that is dedicated to certain principles that have characterized the company's operations since its founding. These principles have become the cornerstOnes of Du Pont's reputation---as a company that is committed to the safety of its employees, its neighbors, and its customers; as a company of unquestionable integrity and social responsibility; as a company whose operations are environmentally sound; and as a company whose products and services are consistently of the highest quality.
I The safety of its people, products, and operations throughout the world has always been a matter of the highest priority at DuPont. It is the company's long-standing policy that no product will be offered unless it can be manufactured, distributed, stored, used, and eventually disposed of safely. One outgrowth of this policy is a safety record that is among the best of any manufacturing company. In fact, a DuPont employee is many times safer at work than at home. A second result of this commitment is a worldwide reputation for safety excellence. Over the years, so many companies and public-sector institutions have come to Du Pont for advice on how to improve their safety performance that the company is now a major marketer of safety expertise. In its capacity as a consultant, it has been able to help a number of organizations make meaningful improvements in the safety of their operations and products. For example, a study of 178 of these clients indicared they improved their safety records by an average of 37 percent the first year and 89 percent by rhe sixth year.
lOne of DuPont's founding principles has become even more deeply ingrained over the span of two centuries: the company' concern for people. Today, this concern is evidenced in a variety of ways. One is the company's deep commitment to fair and equitable treatment for employees. Another is to maintain its well-earned reputation as a paceserrer in its commitment to equal opportunity and human dignity. Still anothet is the company's effort to encourage employee involvement, with the ultimate goal of tapping the innate talent of people to perform to their fullest potential. In 1935, DuPont'sconcern focche well-being of employees led to its establishment of one of the world's first industrial medicine research facilities, rhe Haskell Laboratory for Toxicology and Industrial Medicine. Today, Haskell has been expanded substantially, and the focus is nOt only on the unique concerns of industrial medicine, but more broadly, on the long-term effects of chemicals in the environment. Over the years, it has collected toxicity information on some 12,000 substances-invaluable data to help measure and reduce the risk in human exposure to hazards during the manufacture, transportation, or use of a substance. Du Pont's ongoing concern for people is also the driving force behind a corporate philanthropic program that recognizes the special needs of the communities in which Du POnt and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies operate around the world.
Du Pont has nurtured many tradilions in its nearly 200 years of operafion. but no tradition is more important than Ihe safety not only of its products. but also of the people who make and use them. salety training and equipmenl are provided to every employee around the world.
Al the company's Haskell Lab. toxicity data are collected and kept on file to aid in reducing the risk of exposure to hazardous materials.
As one of the first companies
recognize the need for environ""ental stewardship, Du Pont is ed for its extensive, ongoing programs for protecting and enhancing the environment. These programs have been adopted not only to protect the quality of life for people who work at company facilities, but also for those who live nearby. Environmental quality is viewed as a legacy that must be passed from generation to generation. The company continues to exercise industrial leadership in the environmental arena. One of the more significant examples of this leadership was the company's voluntary decision to phase out production of fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons, which have been scientifically related to the gradual depletion of the earth's protective ozone layer.
The most visible aspect of Ihe company's ongoing environmental concern is the pollution control equipment in use at all company sites. The company has invested $1 billion in such equipment, and environmental operating outlays average $500 million r,
rom the outset, the company also has maintained a deep commitment to quality, In the early days, the reliability of its gunpowder and explosives won wide acceptance among the pioneers who explored the vast wilderness that lay beyond the Appalachian Mountains, giving birth to the legend that the American West was won with Du Pont powder. The tradition of excellence continues, as the company has gradually evolved inco a global enterprise with a diverse range of activities. Today, the emphasis is not only on product quality, but also on achieving excellence in every job at every level in the company. This is viewed as the key to marketing excellence, a vital element in Du POnt'S commitment co achieve and maintain a customer orientation in the highly competitive global environment in which it operates.
To help safeguard the earth's protective ozone layer, Du Ponl is hailing the manufacture of fluorocarbons Ihat cause ozone depletion, and is aggressively researching safer alternatives
Another tradition is the company's reputation for quality, which dales back 10 an 1811 Ieller from U. S. President Thomas Jefferson to company founder E. I. du Pont. praising the quality of Du Ponl powder, At the company's Engineering Plastics Center in Japan, a technician subjects a sample to a strength test.
Technology will continue to playa pivotal role in shaping Du Pont's future, In the company's petroleum operations, the development of geophysical workstations brings powerful interpretative tools to the site 01 pelroleum exploration and development, rather than conducti ng the analysis hundreds or thousands of miles away, as was necessary in the past. At the Experimenlal Slation, molecular modeling techniques (in disciplines as diverse as agriculture, electronics, medicine, and polymer chemistry) help researchers avoid pursuing scientific "dead ends" by simulating on the computer the likely results of field experimentation,
POnt has not only survived but prospered far longer than most corporations, One key to i ~ longevity has been to remain faithful to the principles that are its foundation, but at the same time, to adapt its philosophies, strategies, and its businesses to keep pace with the rapidly changing and increasingly more competitive external world. The company is prepared in a variety of ways to build on irs unparalleled status as a discovery company: through utilization of the knowledge and expertise of one of the world's largest research centers to explore exciting new realms of science and technology; through the development of new manufacturing expertise; through joint ventures and selective acquisitions in areas that complement the company's existing businesses and product lines; and through the placement of research and development contracts with universities and commercial research facilities around the world. Although it will surely be different in many key ways, the DuPont Company that eorers the 21st century will have a strong resemblance to the company w~ know today. Like today's Du POnt, the Du Pont of tomorrow will have a dedication to certain fundamental principles, a passion for excellence, an acute focus on markets, and a compelling drive to innovate. This is DuPont.
Just as the powder mills along the Brandywine symbolize the company's past, its peoplerepresenting research, manufacturing, and markeling-symbolize Du Pont's future.
<mIPIID> .. _....... ,.
For more itiformation, write: PubLications Group ExternaL Affairs Department E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 1007 Market Street Wilmington, Delaware 19898