Communique A4 No 49 Christmas 09 Internet(1)

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deFerrers.COMmuniqué Number 049 Christmas 2009

COMMUNICATING THROUGHOUT DE FERRERS SPECIALIST TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE principal@deferrers Dear Parents, It is the time of year when events flow ‘thick and fast’ and the number of visitors to the college rises significantly. Celebration of Achievement evening was a huge success and I’m grateful for the tremendous support from parents. Year 11 have, once again, entertained, funded, cared for and designed the Senior Citizens’ Party, which took place on Thursday 10th December. Our two Carol Services have also been very well supported and help to really reinforce the seasonal spirits. The year ends with the Sixth Form pantomime – an experience that should never be missed!

All that remains is to wish you all a Happy Christmas, a belated Eid Mubarak, a very happy New Year and an enjoyable holiday.


On Friday 4th December, students celebrated their successes at the annual “Celebration of Achievement” evening. Over one hundred and fifty awards were presented for achievement, progress, service to the college and community and musical and sporting achievement. More than three hundred parents and guests were welcomed to the event by Chairman of Governors, Robert Fraser. The guest of honour was Ian Parry, Deputy Leader of the County Council.

Finally, we will be saying farewell to three long-serving and valued members of the teaching staff: Mrs Pearce, Mrs Briggs and Mrs Heape, who will be retiring this term. Their contributions, over many years at de Ferrers, have been significant. They will be missed and I’m sure you would want me to wish them a long and happy retirement.

M A York Principal


The evening lasted two hours and the theme was Celebrating Achievement to reflect the college’s success over the last academic year. A video prepared by BTec Media students, Amy Sarson and Harriette Evans, gave an impressive presentation of the

The current Head Students, Mohammed Ahmed and Amy Harrison reflected on how the college had developed since they

The College was delighted to welcome back last year’s Year 13 who also attended the celebration

On Thursday 10th December, Christmas came early for over 250 senior citizens from our local community when students from Year 11 hosted the traditional festive party.

The Young Enterprise team took part in the Tutbury Christmas lights switch on, on the 27th November to fund raise for their business campaign. They raised £188 from a tombola, using prizes brought in by team members.

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To fund the Party, students raised over £1,100 through a number of

The event as a whole was a huge success and the team members were congratulated by the event organisers for their hard work and the sales skills they used on the night. The money raised has been invested into their business which will be used for future product development. Congratulations to everyone involved and good luck in their future endeavours. If you would be interested in investing in the de Ferrers Young Enterprise team, please contact either Jamie Boast (S8) or Benjamin Nattrass (S6).


were in Year 7 and commented particularly on the increasing use of technology within lessons. They presented County Councillor, Ian Parry, with a celebration yellow rose and gardening manual.


Terrific Tutbury Switch-on


varied successes that students at the college had made throughout the year. Musical entertainment was provided by DeFJO, a Barbers’ Quartet and soloist, Natalie Brown.


events and activities. The senior citizens were entertained by a wide variety of musical and dance items, and had the opportunity to sing traditional carols.


Congratulations to all of those involved. It was great to see the senior citizens and our young people coming together in such a warm, friendly and supportive way.

Season’s Greetings from Governors, * * Staff and Students * ** * * of the College SS EE EE




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