deFerrers.COMmuniqué Evening of the Arts
Number 055 Christmas 2010
COMMUNICATING THROUGHOUT DE FERRERS SPECIALIST TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE principal@deferrers Dear Parents As you can see from this newsletter, a tremendous amount has happened this half-term. This is despite the extreme weather we have experienced! I regret having to cancel or postpone events but we had little choice in the circumstances. The PSFA had worked so hard to prepare for the Christmas Fair and it was a difficult decision to cancel. Equally, the decision to postpone the “Celebration of Success” evening was not taken lightly. The event will now be held on Friday 7th January. Fortunately, we were able to run our other main events with considerable success. In the year that de Ferrers celebrates 25 years it is fitting that we look to the future and in particular “The de Ferrers Academy”. We have worked hard to secure the conversion from January 1st and if all goes according to plan the change will be seamless from that date. There is still a lot to do but the move will secure considerable additional funding for de Ferrers art a time of major cuts in public services. I am looking forward to spending even more time back at de Ferrers next term and working hard to establish the new academy. I would like to thank you for your on-going support this term and take this opportunity of wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
M A York Principal
Our annual Evening of the Arts concert certainly brightened up a dark and cold winter evening back in November. With over two hundred and fifty tickets sold in advance the evening was a resounding success.
Our musicians excelled themselves with excellent and very professional performances from our wonderful soloists, with special mention to Bekki Lycett and Megan SIner on the flute, Emma Margetson with her beautiful and stylish performance of a Debussy Arabesque and Sian with her lovely rendition of that Torvil and Dean favourite!! Also an amazing performance on the piano from Adil Zaidi left our audience astounded by his skill and virtuosity. De Ferrersʼs own Glee Choir gave a spectacular first ever performance along with 'Double Helix' our new contemporary band who, one day might be famous! (get your autograph now!)
The Sign Language choir as usual excelled themselves and our Senior Wind Band, Senior Wind Ensemble and DeFJO performed to their usual excellent standard. Drama throughout the evening was superb with special mention to the Key Stage 3 Drama Club and all of the devised work which was very well received by our audience throughout the evening.
Evening of the Arts de Ferrers
Specialist Techn ology
Friday 19th Novemb er 2010 7.30pm Trent Hall
Acts include: DeFJO, Drama Performances, Sign Language Club, Solo Wind Band, Dan ists, ce LICENSED plus Art Displays and many mor BAR e
Our art exhibition around the hall and throughout the evening was outstanding, displaying the variety of our enormous talent we have in this college.
A lovely contrast to all of this was provided by our very talented dancers who amazed us with their wonderfully choreographed moves.
To conclude, the whole evening was a fantastic display of all we have to offer from our wonderfully talented students in the Creative Arts Curriculum Area. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time and worked so hard to produce such an amazing evening.
Season’s Greetings from Governors, Staff and Students of the College