The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
PUBLISHER | EDITOR tHE uRban nEtwoRk foR solid cREations
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e, at the present time, cover the San Diego demographic. Our magazine provides a network through which anyone may have the opportunity to get published, including musicians, designers, models, photographers and much more. The Resource is an urban magazine on the border of groundbreaking topics. Our goal is to enlighten and expand the information that exists to one another. In our world of mass media, an over saturation of a lack of creativity has been accepted. Propaganda has colored our world and laziness and blindness has coated our thinking. The articles that we provide will make you think. The Ads and art will make you feel. The network and connections we provide will allow you to be a part of this emerging repertoire of thought and art form.
Robert Austin
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Brett Winterford John “J” Trinckes David Gersten, M.D. Ben Original Jerry Smith Steven Rattner
WEB SERVICES Robert Austin
Editorial: (818) 763-7063 defiance@imperialhustle.com
Advertising: (818) 763-7063 info@imperialhustle.com
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©2008 Timeline Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from this publisher. The photographs, graphics, artwork and advertisements are the property of Timeline Publishing, Inc. All artwork created by SMM SPI are copyrighted and any reproduction is expressly denied. The magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for claims made by advertisers. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Timeline Publishing, Inc. or it’s owners. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
PRINTED IN THE USA Sovereign Mind Magazine is published 6 times per year by Timeline Publishing, Inc. The Urban Network for Solid Creations
HomEland sEcuRity to scan finGERPRints of tRavEllERs ExitinG tHE us By Brett Winterford
29 May 2009 05:53AM The US Department of Homeland Security is set to kickstart a controversial new pilot to scan the fingerprints of travellers departing the United States. From June, US Customs and Border Patrol will take a fingerprint scan of international travellers exiting the United States from Detroit, while the US Transport Security Administration will take fingerprint scans of international travellers exiting the United States from Atlanta. Biometric technology such as fingerprint scans has been used by US Customs and Border Patrol for several years to gain a biometric record of non-US citizens entering the United States. But under the Bush Administration, a plan was formulated to also scan outgoing passengers. 4
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
tHE Exit finGERPRint scanninG is onE of sEvERal fRonts in wHicH tHE dHs is usinG...
Michael Hardin, a senior policy analyst with the US-Visit Program at the United States Department of Homeland Security told a Biometrics Institute conference today that the DHS will use the data from the trial to “inform us as to where to take [exit screening] next.” “We are trying to ensure we know more about who came and who left,” he said. “We have a large population of illegal immigrants in the United States - we want to make sure the person getting on the plane really is the person the records show to be leaving.” The original exit scanning legislation planned by the Bush administration stipulated that airlines would be responsible for conducting the exit fingerprints. But after much protest, Hardin said the new Obama administration re-considered this
legislation two weeks ago and is “not as sold that private sector should be agency for exit fingerprints.” “The new administration feels that perhaps it is more appropriate that Government should take that role.” Mulling mobile biometrics The exit fingerprint scanning is one of several fronts in which the DHS is using biometric technology to secure its borders. Every day, the US-VISIT scheme uses fingerprint scans to enrol or verify the identity of 86,400 visitors to the United States.
U.S. and Canadian citizens will be authenticated to travel between the two countries using identity cards fitted with radio-frequency embedded chips. Hardin said Americans and Canadians have traditionally been able to travel between the two nations with little fuss. But since the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, the DHS has insisted on the use of a passport, passport card, drivers license or some other form of documentation approved by U.S. States or Canadian provinces to verify identity.
These scans are conducted on a purpose-built, cubeshaped fingerprint scanner. “We specified to vendors, it had to be no more than 6 x 6 x 6 inches - it had to fit on counter and light enough to walk around with,” Hardin said. “We also told them the reader light had to be green people tend to think red is hot to touch.” The DHS is testing whether it can adapt the same biometric technology to enrol or veify identities from remote locations using wireless connectivity. Hardin said the DHS is seeking an identity verification system for the US Coast Guard, which tends to operate in a difficult environmental conditions. “We’ll do this the way we did the Cube at customs - we will go to the industry with some specifications and say, if you build it we’ll buy it.” RF identity cards trial on track The DHS is also set to go-live with a trial of RF-enabled biometric identity cards on June 1, aimed at securing the border between the United States and Canada.
As of June 1, travellers crossing the border will be asked to carry an RF-enabled card which transmits a passport photo image and information about the traveller to border control staff systems, who can then check that photograph against the physical appearance of the traveller or their vehicle. Editors Note - This story originally contained a representation that the biometrics trial in Atlanta and Detroit included the fingerprint scanning of US citizens. This has since been proved to be incorrect and the story has been modified - only non-US citizens will be expected to provide a biometric record. The Urban Network for Solid Creations
The Urban Network for Solid Creations
Policy REviEw: anotHER stEP to intERnEt contRol
By John ‘J’ Trinckes May 31, 2009 NewsWithViews.com
A recent report entitled Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure just came out of the White House. This report was written by a team of government cybersecurity experts that “inventoried relevant presidential policy directives, executive orders, national strategies, and studies from government advisory boards and private-sector entities.” The comprehensive review occurred over 60days and intended to “assess U.S. policies and structures for cybersecurity.” The team came up with ten (10) recommendations (or near-term action plans) that are ultimately supposed to mitigate cybersecurity-related risks. (Note: The report was not conducted by an independent group or even provides the names or affiliations of the individuals on the team of experts.) Reading through the seventy-six (76) page report, I couldn’t help myself critiquing the quality of work that went into the report. First, the run-on sentences were plenty and confusing. I found myself reading sentences two and three times just to make out what the author(s) were trying to explain. I consider myself to be an intelligent individual and a published author as well. 8
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
I guess the old saying that ‘it is good enough for government work, still applies.’ Second, the report states that “the engagement process included more than 40 meetings and yielded more than 100 papers that provided specific recommendations and goals.” If this were the case, then why are most of the ten recommendations provided general in anture and rather vague in substance? It is hard for me to believe that a comprehensive report could be completed in 60-days with as much information that would have to be reviewed from 40 meetings and over 100 papers on the topic of cybersecurity policy. This is especially true when the report defines cybersecurity policy to include: “strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations in cyberspace, and encompasses the full range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, incident response, resiliency, and recovery policies and activities, including computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, diplomacy, military, and intelligence missions as they relate to
the security and stability of the global information and communications infrastructure.” Wow! That was a mouthful. Don’t worry, the scope of the report did not include “other information and communications policy unrelated to national security or securing the infrastructure.” I’m not really sure what this means since the report defines cyberspace as pretty much all encompassing: “as the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, and includes the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers in critical industries.” The definition further goes on to say that “common usage of the term also refers to the virtual environment of information and interactions between people.” (Interesting, government control of the interaction between people.) Why was this review necessary? “America’s failure to protect cyberspace is one of the most urgent national security problems facing the new administration.” (Source: Report by the Commission of
Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, December 2008). The report also states that: “Our digital infrastructure has already suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information.” Really, we had sensitive military information stolen? When? Where? Who? Why was this not reported to us earlier? (I usually try to keep up on these types of things, but never heard about this one. While other sources were referenced in the report, this sentence had none.) It is a known fact that “information and communications networks are largely owned and operated by the private sector, both nationally and internationally.” In addition, the private sector “designs, builds, owns, and operates most of the digital infrastructures that support government and private users alike.” The report indicates that there are many ways that the Federal government can work with the private sector. One way is by examining “existing public-private partnerships to optimize their capacity to identify priorities and enable efficient execution of concrete actions.” That’s nice, but it is nothing new. I mean, let’s keep doing the same things that we have been doing and hopefully, we will get a different result. What are some of the other ways that the Federal government can work with the private sector? How about setting up an “incentive mechanism,” per the report, to make more secure products and services available to the public? “Include adjustments to liability considerations (reduced liability in exchange for improved security or increased liability for the consequences of poor security), indemnification, tax incentives, and new regulatory requirements and compliance mechanisms.” OK, we need more regulations to make cyberspace safe, right? Of course, “protecting cyberspace requires strong vision and leadership and will require changes in policies, technologies, education, and perhaps laws.” (You can be assured that there will be more laws coming down the pipe as I already hinted to in my last column Proposed Bill: Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (SB773) – How the President of
the United States Can Control the Internet.) No report from the government would again be complete without including the part about how much it is going to cost us [The American People]. “The Federal government should initiate a national public awareness and education campaign informed by previous successful campaigns.” (If these campaigns were successful in the past, then why are we at the point of urgency now in terms of our cybersecurity risks?) “The government needs to increase investment in research that will help address cybersecurity vulnerabilities while also meeting our economic needs and national security requirements.” “Appoint a cybersecurity policy official…” and “designate a privacy and civil liberties official…” (Just curious what the salaries and benefits would be for these two positions, heck, if it’s good, I may apply…. NOT!) Let me digress for just a moment and explain how we’ve gotten to this point. According to the report, “the impact of technology on national and economic security needs has led the Federal government to adapt by creating new laws and organizations.” (Not a shock here.) The report indicates that even back to 1918, Congress authorized the President, through a Joint Resolution, to assume control of any telegraph system in the US and operate it as needed during World War I. In 1934, The Communications Act formed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to establish a broad regulatory framework for all communications, by wire and radio. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite. It was the peak of the cold war and the US and the Soviet Union considered each other enemies. Americans were scared of this news and thought that since the Soviet Union was able to launch a satellite into space, they could launch a missile at us. In response to this and to give the US a technological edge over other countries, President Dwight D. Eisenhower (not Al Gore) created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1958. ARPA enlisted help from Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) to create the first computer network connecting four computers running different operating systems. They called the network ARPANET. A lot of the protocols used on the Internet today were developed through ARPANET. As soon as larger networks joined, the Internet was born. (Source: computer.howstuffworks.com) The Brooks Act of 1965 gave the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), now the Department of
Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), responsibility for developing standards and guidelines for federal computer systems. In 1984, Executive Order 12472 re-chartered the National Communication System (NCS) to include telecommunication assets owned or leased by the Federal government. (In 2003, the Department of Homeland Security inherited the NCS.) In 1994, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act authorized the Department of State control over international communication and information policy. Now, we have the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 sitting in committee to give the President (or his designee) full control of the Internet under the disguise of security. (Or mabye it is War since we are still fighting two wars abroad and a war against terrorism, in all forms and on all fronts, at home.) Back to the topic at hand, the report recommends “leading from the top” and appointing a cybersecurity policy official; however, “the cybersecurity policy official should not have operational responsibility or authority, nor the authority to make policy unilaterally.” What? Let’s assign someone responsibility for cybersecurity, but not give them any authority to implement any changes. Maybe we need to run our government like successful private companies do. Most large companies have a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (i.e. the President) that has full authority to run the company governed by the Board of Directors (i.e. Congress) that reports to the business Owners (i.e. the People). They put Chief Information Officers (CIO) or Chief Technology Officers (CTO) in charge of technologies to align with business goals. They also have Chief Security Officers (CSO) or Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) that report to Security Committees (made up of high level executives) or the Board of Directors directly to create an independence element. Security is normally in direct conflict with operations, but they both need to work together to create effective systems for continued business prosperity. I found this to be pretty interesting as the report goes on to say: “A paucity of judicial opinions in several areas poses both opportunities and risks that policy makers should appreciate—courts can intervene to shape the application of law, particularly in areas involving Constitutional rights. Policy decisions will necessarily be shaped and bounded by the legal framework in which they are made, The Urban Network for Solid Creations
and policy consideration may help identify gaps and challenges in current laws and inform necessary developments in the law. That process may prompt proposals for a new legislative framework to rationalize the patchwork of overlapping laws that apply to information, telecommunications, networks, and technologies, or the application of new interpretations of existing laws in ways to meet technological evolution and policy goals, consistent with U.S. Constitutional principles. However, pursuing either course risks outcomes that may make certain activities conducted by the Federal government to protect information and communications infrastructure more difficult.” Well we can’t have laws enacted to make the Federal government’s job more difficult, can we? I guess that is one of the reasons why President Obama nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Judge Sotomayor is first nominee with cyberlaw record. Coincidence? I think not. The report does a fairly good job in pointing out some hesitations that private sector industries have in partnering with the federal government. “Industry has also expressed reservations about disclosing to the Federal government sensitive or proprietary business information, such as vulnerabilities and data or network breaches.” “Industry may still have concerns about reputational harm, liability, or regulatory consequences of sharing information.” You think? As a former police officer, one of the ploys we used was to have the suspect tell on themselves. We would give the suspect some false sense of hope that we were on their side, they should trust us, and things would go easier if they would just tell us ‘the truth’. (More times than not, the information the suspect provided to us created the case against them in the first place. Until the suspect started talking, we didn’t really have anything on them.) Do you think it would be any different if a company admitted to not following certain laws? Or, if they did, would the government grant some additional protection as the report puts it: “The civil liberties and privacy community has expressed concern that extending protections would only serve as a legal shield against liability.” So if a company is not keeping to its obligations in protecting their client’s information, but as long as they 10
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
tell the government about it and followed their standards in good faith (although these standards may have been lacking or not followed during a specific time frame that led to the security breach), they will be protected from lawsuits? Here is another statement in the report that concerned me: “Responsibility for a federal cyber incident response is dispersed across many federal departments and agencies because of the existing legal, but artificial, distinctions between national security and other federal networks.” If my interpretation is correct, the report writers are pretty much saying that there is NO distinction between national security and other federal networks, thus any federal department or agency would be considered under the umbrella of a national security incident even if the department or agency doesn’t deal in national security related activity. Interesting, no? I really like this one, “the government needs a reliable, consistent mechanism for bringing all appropriate information together to form a common operating picture.” Computer systems and networks have been around for about 50 years now and although technology has advanced, the government still hasn’t gotten a good operating picture of their systems? This brings to my mind Cybernet in The Terminator movies. (I’m not saying we will have metal robots come to life to kill all humans, but if you recall the basis of the Cybernet program, it was to effectively monitor/control all government systems under one system. Unfortunately, Cybernet took over all these systems. It also contained some ‘artificial’ intelligence components. Wait, haven’t I heard this word ‘artificial’ before somewhere else?) The report indicates that “we cannot improve cybersecurity without improving authentication, and identity management is not just about authenticating people.” It isn’t? “The Nation should implement, for high-value activities (e.g., the Smart Grid), an opt-in array of interoperable identity management systems to build trust for online transactions and to enhance privacy.” I bolded the ‘opt-in’ since I always take this as meaning optional. We all now how easy optional becomes mandatory through varied
mechanisms of control. We are all to familiar with the government ‘enhancing privacy’ matters. What privacy means to me is not what privacy means to the government. “The Federal government also should consider extending the availability of federal identity management systems to operators of critical infrastructure and to private-sector emergency response and repair service providers for use during national emergencies.” Again with the national emergencies since we all know how well the Federal government has handled these in the past. As far as I’m aware, the current administration still hasn’t got anyone in control of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). There are fourteen (14) additional midterm action plans, but again, they are all pretty general and vague with no direct guidance on how or what impact these recommendations would ultimately have in the real world or on cybersecurity. As a point of reference, I highlighted the words ‘global’ and ‘international’ above. I counted at least 35 times that ‘global’ was used throughout this report and at least 76 times that ‘international’ was used. Coincidence? I think not. (Can anyone say New World Order?) In conclusion, I’m a huge proponent of Information Security and making the Internet (i.e. cyberspace or whatever you want to call it this week) more secure. It is very important to me. I live it, I breath it, and I know some of the risks and threats are real; however, I don’t believe this report to provide a clear, concise solution to the problems. It appears more to me to be some sort of mission statement or one group’s agenda on how to take control of the Internet (i.e. cyberspace) under the disguise of assuring a trusted and resilient information and communication infrastructure. (I don’t know about you, but my Internet (i.e. cyberspace) connection has been on and running pretty well over the last few years. I mean, there are those moments that it doesn’t work just the way it should, but these occassions are rare and far in between.) Isn’t this the reason why we need more regulations and control, from the government to ensure a 100% uptime, right? I do have to agree with at least one statement from the report: “The Federal government is not organized to address this growing problem [cybersecurity] effectively now or in the future.”
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
tHE baREfoot REvolution David Gersten, M.D. – Encinitas, CA Progress is a combination of evolution and revolution. Most of modern medicine’s advances have been through the baby steps of evolution. We are now at the threshold of the Barefoot Revolution. It has been scientifically proven that the consequences of having lost barefoot contact with the earth and its natural bioelectrical fields has been catastrophic to health. A new technology called “Earthing” re-connects us to the earth, reduces inflammation, normalizes adrenal function, and optimizes “all” biochemistry. In thirty years of medical practice I have never found a product or technology that comes close to the healing power of reconnecting to the earth’s bioelectrical field – through Earthing. I’m seeing elderly people with years of arthritic pain that decreased by 80% after sleeping earthed for three nights. 95% of my patients report the best sleep in decades. MS and autism improve significantly. We all know that it feels good to walk barefoot on the ground or on the beach. The reason we feel good is because we are bio-electrical beings that are only in balance when we are in direct contact with the earth’s bioelectrical field and natural rhythms. We became totally disconnected from the earth between 1957 and 1960, when the soles of our shoes became plastic based. Plastic soles cut us off completely from the earth. Ten years later, doctors’ offices began to swell with people with inflammatory diseases like arthritis, lupus, and MS. I’ll explain why shortly. There are two main aspects of our barefoot contact with the earth. All of our circadian rhythms are synched up with the earth’s natural rhythms. Our circadian rhythms, including adrenal function, have been running without the master “control” (the earth) for decades. Prolonged barefoot contact with the earth normalizes adrenal function. The second aspect of the earth’s bioelectrical field is a layer of free electrons that covers the earth. When we are in barefoot contact with the earth, billions of free electrons enter our bodies every second. After 30 minutes of barefoot contact our bodies are filled to maximum capacity with free electrons, like a battery.
That is our natural state. Through prolonged barefoot contact with the earth remarkable healing occurs. Barefoot Connection™ products were invented to bring the earth’s bioelectrical fields indoors. We could heal our lives if we slept naked on the earth every night, but that is rather impractical! Barefoot Connection products are conductive sheets that, through our home or work’s grounding system re-connect us with the earth. When we sleep earthed, we are sleeping on a bioelectrical field identical to that of the earth.
sprays healthy joint tissue with free radicals, stripping electrons from healthy tissue until we have loss of bone and cartilage. If the problem is chronic, the inflammatory process never turns off, and so free radicals are sprayed inside us – forever. Free radicals are also created through normal biochemistry. One percent of the oxygen we breathe turns into free radicals, totaling about one pound of free radicals per year. In addition, each cell produces millions of free radicals per day during normal metabolism.
Inflammation is easy to illustrate by examining what happens when we get a cut. When our skin is cut, the inflammatory response moves in. Circulation to the area increases, and white blood cells spray the area with free radicals called “reactive oxygen species,” that cook everything in their path. It’s a shotgun approach that kills bacteria and other pathogens. While the cut is healing, it will be inflamed, meaning it will be red, hot, swollen, and painful.
We carry a gigantic load of free radicals, positively charged particles that endlessly strip electrons f r o m healthy tissue. It’s a fire that cannot be put out solely by supplementing with anti-oxidants. The solution to inflammation and free radicals is simple, but revolutionary. When we are in prolonged contact with the earth, in about two months the earth’s free electrons neutralize nearly all free radicals, putting out the fire of inflammation, along with the pain, insomnia and depression that are part of the vicious cycle of inflammatory disease. Whether we have obvious inflammatory disease or not, we are all living with a huge positive charge that can now be healed through Earthing. It is time to wake up to the reality of the Barefoot Revolution.
Eighty chronic diseases are caused by inflammation. Every “itis,” like dermatitis, arthritis, and hepatitis – is an inflammatory process. So are lupus and MS. In the case of arthritis, the inflammatory process
For more information please visit www.earthfx.net
wE bEcamE totally disconnEctEd fRom tHE EaRtH... Free Radicals and Inflammation In order to begin to understand this revolutionary discovery, we need to understand inflammation and free radicals. Free radicals are positively charged particles that become neutralized by stripping electrons from healthy tissue.
The Urban Network for Solid Creations
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
The Urban Network for Solid Creations
ee n e R i
You may know
Ebon aka . E . H . G.P.O
ee n e R
from Television’s XXL Eye Candy or one of your favorite music videos, but we bet you didn’t know she could rap and sing...until now.
Miss Eboni “G.P.O.H.E.” Renée, could you give us some history? Okay my first video was JA Rule’s “Living It Up”, that was like a while ago. So far I’ve done plenty of videos with people (such as) 50 cent, Kanye West, Jay-z, Janet Jackson and others. I work as a host on a short lived MTV show; I was a cheerleader and toured in my undies (laughs) for the lingerie bowl super bowl Sunday. I work for a few clothing lines and more recently worked on HBO’s entourage with Somaya Reece, two movies Issues and Devine intervention out this summer and I’m still grinding it out. But my passion is music, songwriting and dance. I’ve got some stuff in negotiation right now. I’ve been recording in Atlanta, New York and Miami.
about whatever’s going on with you. What about representation? Do you have a manager or do you just Myspace it out like a lot of newcomers in the game? Yeah, I work with E.M.A, Jonathan Berrum, Otto models, Ethnicity Models and Czar World ENT right now. I have a Myspace page too (myspace.com/ebonireneebelladc), but it’s funny because there are quite a few fake pages of me on there too. So I plan on getting a new page done soon. Do the fake pages on Myspace make you mad? Not really… at first it kind of surprised me
but, I just let them be because if someone is really trying to find a way to contact me they will… and its not too hard to tell the real from the fakes when it really comes down to it (laughs). It’s cool though. I think it’s funny. Have you decided on a record label? If not, what kind of offer are you looking for? A certain major is interested… and a few independent labels but I can’t say any names right now. The right deal to me will be one where everybody at the company gets behind you and believes in your project, and is able to make it all come together in a beautiful way.
How long have you’ve been into hip-hop? I’m into all good music, period. And Hip Hop, I love it. I wrote my first song when I was 9, trying to make my home girls practice on the school stoop for the Apollo that we weren’t even going to go to. Do you find it hard for people to take you seriously as an emcee because you are an established model? Do I ever! Usually what happens is when people first meet me, they doubt that I can flow or when they hear me they doubt that I wrote it. When they work with me, they are either really cool or the opposite. I deal with so much hating, but it’s cool. What separates you from other female artists in the game right now? My style is like whatever I am feeling at the moment. I am an emotional person. I write everything. I’ve been through a lot in my life. You would be surprised. Does the industry seem to push women to take on a sultry “Lil’ Kim” or “Foxy Brown” image? I have had many people tell me that you need to flip it and make it super sexy. I like to be sexy a lot of times depending on how I’m feeling. I just don’t want to be stereotyped cause if I feel like changing the next day that’s what I am going to do. I have had many people classify me or expect me to talk nasty. I rather you feel my vibe. If you had to choose between music or modeling, which would you pick? It would definitely be music. I love it. It’s like music has the power to make you feel better when you are down. It’s all about how it feels when the club is rocking with you. Or when you’re just kicking back at home vibin’ 17
tHE Painful tRutH about
cHEmtRails I have been aggressively researching “chemtrails” since 1996. I first heard the phrase in 1995 and witnessed them in 1996 while working on my book “HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy.” I devoted 100 pages to this subject in my next book on the subject: “WEATHER WARFARE: The Military’s Plan To Draft Mother Nature.” In “WEATHER WARFARE” I documented (from the open scientific and military literature and other mainstream sources) that there are indeed extremely high altitude atmospheric releases for scientific and military purposes (mainly releases of barium and aluminum). These are primarily used for Surveillance and Communications, such as for over-the-horizon radar and creating artificial radio bounce spots. These releases are at altitudes two or three times higher than commercial jet aircraft fly and do not leave visible “trails.” Jim Keith & I likewise proved the existence of covert low-level spraying operations in his book “BLACK HELICOPTERS OVER AMERICA: Strikeforce for the New World Order” (which I helped write, edit and research). These “on the deck” releases are largely biological in nature and may be aimed at drug eradication, population control or biological experimentation. They are conducted primarily from helicopters (not black, but a very dark green) at treetop level. Government agencies at all levels deny their existence, but credible, reliable eyewitness reports and 18
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
physical evidence proved otherwise. After over 10 years of digging for the facts I have concluded that while there is a possibility of involvement, the likelihood is that commercial jet aircraft are not a part of these operations. Yes, commercial jet air craft, flying on special fuel, were considered as a possible way to mitigate global warming. However, those same scientific studies, such as those conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, which proposed using commercial jets, later abandoned the idea as doing more harm than good as commercial jetliners fly too low to make the idea work. THE HIGH BYPAY TURBOFAN The first generation of jet engines were used from the 1950s to the 1980s. The current generation began appearing in the early ‘80s and the conversion to them was completed by 1995 or earlier. The first gener-ation jet engines had the appearance of a short cigar with the inlet nozzle and the outlet exhaust nozzles about the same size, about 3 feet in diameter. The new next generation jet looks a bit like a side-ways funnel, with the front nozzle opening about 6 times larger than the exhaust in the back, with a tapered cowling running from the large opening in front to the small one in the back. Inside that cowling, at the front, is the “High Bypass Turbofan.” It is like a turbocharger add-on for a car. It pumps in extra air into the jet engine. But most of the air flows around and past the engine,
By Jerry Smith
between the engine and the cowling. This maintains a constant sea-level air pressure on the engine – during high thrust takeoff and in the extremely thin air at normal cruise level. The new generation engines never “starve” for air and thus never dump half-unburned smoky fuel out the back. This increases the efficiency of the engine, produces more power and eliminates all the sooty oily black exhaust. You may remember that in the 1970s there were debates and articles about the problem of the unburned and partially burned hydrocarbons jets were spewing into the atmosphere – and in the 1980s those debates went away – because the unburned and partially burned hydrocarbons went away, thanks to the High Bypass Turbofan. The primary outcomes of the invention of High Bypass Turbofan was to increase the efficiency of the jet engine – which it did by a huge amount – and to produce persistent contrails, now called “chemtrails.” First generation jet engines were less than 20% efficient, and the High Bypass Turbofan made them more than 90% efficient! This means it took significantly less fuel to fly an airliner equipped with the High Bypass Turbofan from point A to B, thus a huge increase in profit for the airlines. Plus the same plane could now fly farther on the same tank of fuel. This is a substantial improvement and boon to the airline industry – just by slapping a big ol’ fan on the front of the old jet engine. When this simple technique was
discovered in the late 1970’s all existing jet planes were quickly retrofited with a strap on modification to the front of the engines. By the mid-1990s all old jets had been upgraded to the new engine configuration and all new planes coming off the assembly line were equipped with the most modern versions. But this new next generation of jet engines had one curious “side effect.” They produced contrails that can persist for more than 24 to 36 hours! Condensation trails from first generation jet engines generally only lasted for about 10 or 20 minutes and then they disappeared. But these new “chemtrails” persist all day long – and with 35,000 commercial flights in the US air lanes each day, these new persistent contrails produce numerous crisscrossing, tic-tac-toe patterns all over the sky. So, why do the new contrails now last all day? In the old-style sooty-exhaust jets, and
even some old piston engine planes of WWII, the condensation of high altitude hot exhaust gases and atmospheric vapor caused by the passage of the aircraft produced freezing ice crystals which usually formed around tiny droplets of the oily exhaust soot particles. This was like a small dirty snowball with an oily spot at the center. These particles, broadly called aerosols, are droplets of sulfuric acid, specks of soot and other substances that serve as seeds called condensation nuclei. While it was proposed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories to secretly add additional condensation nuclei to jet fuel to increase the reflectivity of the resultant clouds (to reflect more sunlight, and heat, back into space to mitigate global warming) there is absolutely no evidence (beyond alleged eyewitness reports anonymously posted to the Internet) that this has ever actually been done. The black oily spot from the first generation engines quickly absorbed the heat from
the sun and caused the ice crystal balls to melt within several minutes. When the ice crystals melt, they disappear. The old contrails usually only lasted for several minutes (although there were problems with persistent contrails during WWII that required bomber squadrons to take alternative return routes to base, and in 1953 a Navy weatherman wrote a book on the dangers of persistent contrails if commercial jet travel became popular). The new ultra-clean exhaust of the next generation jet has no black oil spots in the center of the contrail ice crystal balls. The heat and light from the sun pass right through the clear ice crystals of these next generation contrails as if they were transparent. They do not absorb any solar heat and thus do not melt. They may remain frozen and persist, looking like long thin high cirrus clouds for 24 to 36 hours before they simply disperse but do not melt and disappear.
continued on page 20
Ironically, technical advances in engine efficiency have resulted in jet engines that burn fuel more completely, thus combining more hydrogen with oxygen and yielding more water for contrail formation. New fuel was formulated to run cleaner in these new engines, producing the clear or white condensation nuclei that traps and holds the growing ice ball around them. Better engines also have resulted in cooler exhaust temperatures, making it easier for the contrails to form. Warmer global temperatures have also increased the amount of atmospheric moisture present (the warmer the air is, the more moisture it can hold) contributing to the production and persistence of contrails. Thus, the engines have changed, the fuel has change and the atmosphere itself has changed – all of which contribute to the formation of persistent contrails, and all of this happened without the general public getting “the memo.” The prospect of a hydrogenfueled jet that would be environmentally clean (zero emissions) but would leave a massive contrail of water vapor would surely raise aesthetic questions — if not charges of conspiracy! “Chemtrails” theory then, is that “normal” jet aircraft contrails disappear in a few minutes, whereas “chemtrails” persist for hours, and therefore are not “normal” and must contain some covert element to make them persist. This, however, is based on ignorance of aviation technological advancement and a working knowledge of atmospheric physics – neither of which were the general public kept abreast of by the mainstream media or public education. Persistent jet contrails can be entirely explained by science without having to resort to a “conspiracy theory” scenario. They appear to be no more than the natural result of the introduction of the hi-bypass turbo fan, improved jet fuel (JP-8) and “global warming.” These persistent contrails, however, are not benign as the government claims. They are a huge environmental disaster in that they are a major factor in climate change over the northern half of the planet. They hold in heat radiated from the earth’s surface like a blanket, altering the climate under them. Rather than mitigating global warming they are in fact exacerbating it! In short, there are provable covert releases (spraying) – but probably not from commercial jetliners. “Chemtrails” is a popular misconception that actually plays into the hands of the military, as all this Chicken Little nonsense has kept the mainstream media from investigating and reporting on the real releases and the real environmental dangers. Sadly, “chemtrail” activists are doing more harm than good. Rather than agitating against “chemtrails” we should be advocating “blue skies.” Unfortunately, that might ground the aircraft industry as we know it. Jerry Smith is the author of a number of books; Much of this article has been taken from his book Weather Warfare, to find out more about Jerry’s work and to purchase Weather Warfare and his other books please visit www.jerryesmith.com 20
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The Urban Network for Solid Creations
Whitney Ault Design Graphic Design/Photography Mobile:(206)356-9899 Loobila@hotmail.com
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
The Urban Network for Solid Creations
wHitE HousE Had lonG
Gm and cHRyslER bankRuPtciEs - Jerry White Global Research June 9, 2009
While the Obama administration publicly claimed it was seeking to avoid bankruptcy filings by Chrysler and General Motors, behind the scenes the White House was determined to throw the two Detroit automakers into the bankruptcy courts. Documents filed with the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York make it clear that Obama’s Auto Task Force—headed by millionaire private equity manager Steven Rattner—had decided as early as Inauguration Day that a courtordered restructuring of GM and Chrysler was needed. The administration saw this as the most effective means for the companies to jettison unprofitable factories, brands and dealerships, gut the jobs and living standards of current auto workers and escape obligations owed to hundreds of thousands of retirees. In the aftermath of the two bankruptcy declarations, both GM and Chrysler have announced nearly two dozen plant closings, massive layoffs and the elimination of more than 3,000 car dealerships. Under the terms of Section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code, the two automakers’ most profitable assets are being sold to 24
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
“new” auto companies. This legal fiction will allow them to sidestep state laws protecting dealerships from the violation of franchise agreements and other legal liabilities, including court cases involving unsafe vehicle claims and asbestos exposure. These liabilities, along with other assets deemed to be unprofitable will languish in the courts for years until they are wound down and liquidated. In the case of GM, the US Treasury will take a controlling share of the new company in exchange for nearly $50 billion in public assets. President Obama has made it clear the government will not interfere with the prerogatives and interests of private investors and will leave it to a corporate board, made up of proven cost-cutters, to return the company to profitability. “The federal government will refrain from exercising its rights as a shareholder,” Obama said last week, “In short, our goal is to get GM back on its feet, take a hands-off
approach, and get out quickly.” The government plan involves handing the company—once it is reduced to a fraction of its size and freed from the “legacy costs” of decent wages and retiree benefits—to private investors as soon as possible, at a bargain basement price. This is why Wall Street celebrated the GM bankruptcy last week with a 221-point rally on the New York stock exchange. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that GM will use a portion of the public assets from the US Treasury to subsidize a private equity firm’s buyout of the bankrupt auto parts supplier Delphi. GM will provide more than $2.5 billion of the $3.6 billion necessary for Beverly Hills, California-based buyout firm Platinum Equity to gain control of Delphi, the Journal reported. The newspaper added, “Such transactions can prove hugely profitable for a buyer, depending largely on financing costs and the buyer’s ability to turn around the business.”
Obama’s Auto Task Force has focused on one thing from the beginning: how to exploit the crisis of the auto industry to create conditions for Wall Street to reap huge profits. Its leading figures—Secretary Treasurer Timothy Geithner and White House economic advisor Lawrence Summers— played a key role in the Wall Street bailout, opposing the slightest restrictions on compensation paid to banking executives receiving public money. When it has come to the auto industry, however, they have demanded the most brutal job cuts and wage and benefit concessions from auto workers. Task force advisors include Wall Street investors Rattner and Ron Bloom. Another advisor, Brian Deese, was described in a recent New York Times article, entitled, “The 31Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M.” The “not-so-graduate of Yale” who “never set foot in an auto plant” until this year has pushed for a court restructuring of the two auto makers from the earliest days of the Obama administration. After the Auto Task Force’s first meeting with Rick Wagoner, GM’s former chief executive said publicly that bankruptcy was not a viable option. However, the Times article noted, “from before Inauguration Day, few in Mr. Obama’s circle saw any other choice.” In late March the Obama administration would fire Wagoner—who continued to oppose bankruptcy—and made it clear it would withhold any additional funding unless the company imposed far more “painful” cuts than outlined in its initial plan. That plan called for the elimination of 47,000 jobs worldwide, including 21,000 hourly workers in the US.
government left GM no choice but to file for bankruptcy. In the months leading up to the bankruptcy filing, GM had sought desperately to raise cash, cut costs and seek a potential partner. This was taking place in the face of what Henderson said were deteriorating economic conditions, “which can only be described as the worst economic downturn and credit market environment since the Great Depression,” including a fall in per capita vehicle sales to the lowest levels in half a century.
“Rattner had met with Ron Kolka, Chrysler’s chief financial officer, and told him how it would go. ‘We need a deal with Fiat today. We were told to pretty much take it,’ Kolka wrote in an e-mail to [Chrysler CEO Bob] Nardelli, Vice Chairman Tom LaSorda and Robert Manzo, a financial consultant Chrysler hired in November. Rattner and his colleague Ron Bloom ‘will call the union in and tell them what will happen. Then they’ll tell the banks, ‘Here’s the deal: take it or liquidate it.’”
Given the company’s massive debt burden, Henderson said, the US Treasury was the only entity with the financial wherewithal and willingness to purchase the company.
Rattner, too, has no knowledge or experience in the auto industry. His major qualifications seem to be his Wall Street connections and an aptitude for raising millions of
National Committee, an accomplishment which has
moniker of the “ATM of the DNC.” Rattner, whose net worth is estimated at $600 million, owns a Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan, a private jet and horse farm. This is the man who has demanded that retired auto workers and their dependents go without dental care and optical benefits. The forced bankruptcies and GM The US Treasury made it clear, Henderson said, that it was “only willing to proceed in the context of an expedited sale process authorized and approved under the bankruptcy code.”
Despite its claims to the contrary, the administration was putting its plans into motion for the forced bankruptcy of Chrysler on April 30 and the century-old GM on June 1.
The same was true for Chrysler. As late as April 29, the automaker’s executives reportedly still hoped to avoid bankruptcy after extracting concessions from the United Auto Workers and achieving an agreement with most bondholders. According to an article in the Detroit Free Press, “Reluctantly, however, the leaders were recognizing the harsh decision Rattner made weeks earlier: Chrysler was filing for Chapter 11, no matter what.”
In his affidavit to the bankruptcy court, Frederick Henderson, who took over from Wagoner as GM’s CEO, made it clear the
Basing itself on correspondence recently released during the Chrysler bankruptcy proceedings, the Free Press continued,
dismantling and
demonstrate the massive influence Wall Street exerts over economic and political life in the US generally and the Obama administration in particular. While the White House officials lambasted auto executives for poor economic decision-making and made any government assistance contingent on massive givebacks from workers, they have treated the financial masters of the universe with nothing but deference, and handed them trillions in public cash. The outcome of the dismantling of the auto industry will mean that the industrial base of the US will shrink even more and the economy will be further dominated by the type of reckless and socially destructive speculation that is responsible for the worst economic and social crisis since the 1930s. The Urban Network for Solid Creations
A ashionable Life…
nown in the San Diego fashion scene as Drea Couture, her close family and friends know her as Andria Hull, CEO of the up and coming fashion line “Sugar Couture”, and she has been in love with fashion since childhood. Drea finds beauty in everyday life. Her styles are fun, funky and at times wildly beautiful. A Nor-Cal native, Drea draws her inspiration from the streets of San Francisco. “Fashion is not just clothing, it’s a way of life.” She believes that it is not about function but about the theatrics of life and living. Dressing for her moods is very common for this young designer and mother of two, a chameleon in her everyday life and her career. Keeping it fresh and new is a must for this emerging couturier and an imperative in the industry. Her pieces often reflect her signature style: wild, colorful, in-your-face fashion that still maintains its reputation of quality and hand details. Drea blends gutter punk style, and an eclectic mix of hip hop, and chic luxury. Somehow this blend works and this fusion is “Sugar Couture.”
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
Sugar Couture is still in its infancy but the crew behind the name is hopeful that the line will take off. Sugar Couture launched their ofďŹ cial line in the winter of 2004 with the ofďŹ cial website www.sugarcouture. com launched in the spring of 2005. The website boasts a collection of original pieces, hand made by the designer herself as well as some ready to wear pieces. All of the garments available for sale on the website are one of a kind or limited edition pieces. Drea limits the amount of items produced to maintain the quality and value of each piece. Treated as a work of art, often times the graphics for the tees are reproductions of a drawing or painting that was done by Drea as well. She believes that fashion is art and art is fashion. Blending the two seems only natural.
Sugar Couture atlanta san diego san francisco
866.266.1996 The Urban Network for Solid Creations
E l l E H c i m on
mY name is
I am an outgoing and positive person always looking to excel. I am born and raised in San Diego as a professional swimsuit and lingerie model. I was introduced to the modeling industry when I was ten years of age involving print work with clothing designers and worked with agencies as a young child. I then chose to do swimsuit and lingerie at the age of eighteen in 2000. My passion is to be at the beach, so with that passion I chose to pick up on swimsuit and lingerie modeling, since they go hand in hand. I am currently a non exclusive, independent model. I have and am willing to work with other models on projects (co-ed, etc.), promotions, go-go dance, fashion shows, and swimsuit contest. I have also done print work for the following: independent urban artists; all the artists from The Dope Show; spa’s; Spa Science, clothing companies; San Diego Built, AMFM, Elizabeth’s Closet, jewelry store; R&D Collectibles, swimwear; Anna’s Brazil, Eve 7, websites; Sandiegobuilt.com, Missionbeachgirls.com, BuckleyGirls
.com, hair salons; Electric Chair, sporting companies; Ego Extreme, Magazine Magazines; Elevated Magazine, So Cal Beaches Magazine, other models; D-Anna Marie, Lexi, Alana and Andres Carillas, photographers; Flicks By Ryan Hunt, Michael Shane photography, James Steild photography, bar promotions; Long boards Grill, PB Bar & Grill, Liars Club, Coyote Bar, Basic, Johnny V’s, Plum Crazy and lastly, Bands; Buckley’s. I currently also do prom options with Big Orange Productions and Visual Image Events, and Promo Girls. I was in a swimsuit competition Gillette Legs in 2005 and The Wave House in 2005 and 2006, and the Carlsbad Street Fair in 2008, modeling swimsuits in a fashion show.
done collaborations in the past. I have a passion for being involved with urban artists and music productions. I have to say that the best feeling of all is when I have successfully produced work that makes the client ecstatic, and want to work with me again. Building a relationship with the photographer is very important so you can get that shot they were looking for. Best,
Jovon Michelle
The projects that I am currently working on is my first solo calendar coming soon, my very first website, an up and coming surf company that I am currently discussing shoots with and I am also working with a local artist by the name of MoFo who is coming out with a clothing line. MoFo and I have
The Urban Network for Solid Creations
Chicago Born and of Black American and West Indian descent, I came up with a deep heritage, huge imagination and a love for music. My mother and father were both into music - my mother, a contestant on Star Search while my father ran a recording studio. Dance and music came together in an instant for me. I loved stories and I loved writing. I was not blessed with the gift to sing...not at all, but I had the talent to write. Hip-hop life embraced me out here on the west coast at an early age. Rapping embraced me once I started listening to different artists on a national scale. The one thing that I learned growing up is that I can work my own way and develop my own money by being a pioneer or an entrepreneur. So
The Resource Magazine - Premiere Issue - Fall 2009
now I work hard in not labeling what I am or what I do, but independently doing it and sharing it with everyone that I come in contact with. I’d say the best way to describe what I do or who I am is the following: Defiance is an artist that Defies and Defines all that he sees, neither underground nor commercial but holds himself to his own rules and regulations and no Hip-hop limitations. Goes where the beat takes him and where his pen and voice decide to voyage. Concepts that are beyond perception are explained in his rhymes to the street corner raps where your average cat can relate.. The moon and stars hold no difference than the grimy hood tales, so from city to city state to state no topic is too little or
too great for Defiance, unbound to man made laws... Please check out all the projects that Defiance is involved with. I am far from just an Artist, I am an Entrepreneur. We have the Dons Familia, the Super Group that I am involved in: www.myspace.com/ donsfamilia. We also have a magazine for local Artists, Photographers, Designers, Models and Entertainment. Check that out at www.myspace.com/grindharder and www.imperialhustle.com. I also have a Stunt Crew known as IE Dons, our Inland Empire Bike Crew known for stuntin’ and Stayin’ in the streets. Check them out at www.iedons.com. Everything else just Holla @ me! Defiance@imperialhustle.com
The Urban Network for Solid Creations