Defining Women Magazine Love Issue 2015

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Connecting Women in Business and in Life and so much more...

Volume 1/No. 1 February/Love Issue 2015 LAS VEGAS EDITION

Wishing YOU Bliss!

Loving the Inner-Child • defining:Friendship Fall in Love with Public Speaking 1


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Publisher Kathlyn Eversole-Jaramillo

Creative Director Andria Smith Director of Photography Connie Palen Executive VP of Marketing JR Jaramillo Contributing & Guest Writers Dr. Patricia Beckstead, B.S., D.C. Kathlyn Eversole-Jaramillo Solange Mikucki Paola Seminario Susan Sprague Anna-Thea Lisa Ulshafer Alexis Vernon

Guest Makeup Artist Kayla Hofbauer 4 Love Issue 2015

Publisher’s Pearls Happy LOVE Issue 2015. February is typically a month of love and bliss. Well maybe. Finding a sweet balance in life hasn’t come easily to me and I suspect to you either. Sure we have people, places and things we LOVE, however, checking in with myself occasionally to ask if I am really doing what I want or if I am even enjoying my life, is easier said than done. What I do know is there is a process, intentional to be sure. We can go through life, loving it. And we can still be missing the sweetness of life that comes from being truly happy with who we are, as women, lovers, friends and sisters. Setting our intention to actually give attention to what we want, need or desire is critical to loving ourselves first. Life gives us so many lessons. Getting quiet enough to notice is the trick, right? I have a little grand-daughter, Juliette, and when she discovers something deliciously new and wonderful, she says, “Whoa.” Her wonderful discoveries, all new to her, teach me to embrace every moment, because they really are new to us too! All we need to get quiet enough to notice the WHOA moments! Discover anew that girl in you. Give her what she needs, give her some LOVE and a whole lotta WHOA! Please enjoy this issue and share the love with the women in your life!

o f love, Wishing you tubs Kathlyn


Defining:WOMEN Magazine LOVE ISSUE 2015 Love Your Business, Love Your Body, Love Your Life, Love YOU!



A Sweet Success

Business, Love & Beauty



We made time to change the conversation for 2015!

Lost That Lovin’ Feeling?

One woman’s journey to passionately never give up!



Fall in love...

It could be your hormones, stress Remembering true friendships. With Public Speaking! Come on be a girl again! or relationship.



Reclaim your body by deeply loving and nurturing it.

A Mother/Daughter Duo taking on Las Vegas!

Reclaiming Your Body

Family LOVE!


It’s a Lucky Life

A story of HOPE & a new little family!

Questions and feedback: Phone: 877.502.8928 Fax: 877. 279.0105 E-mail Publisher: Online: Reasonable care is taken to ensure that defining:WOMEN Magazine articles and other information on the web site are up-to-date and accurate as possible, at the time of publication, however, no responsibility can be taken by defining:WOMEN Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through the website or in print is not the responsibility of defining:WOMEN Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of defining:WOMEN Magazine. Comments are welcome. Love Issue 2015


Indeed a Sweet Success! Sweet Success, an annual event presented by Defining:Women kicked off 2015 with a terrific roar! Some sixty women gathered together to share time and get behind the theme of “Changing the Conversation” for 2015. Fabulous speakers lined the stage all day presenting topics from nurturing your inner child to waiving a magic wand, empowering yourself by loving your body, getting out of your comfort zone, trying on a spiritual journey and embracing the possibility of telling your story as a public speaker. Speakers included: Lisa Ulshafer, Transformational Life Coach Joy Huntsman, Master Coach, Coach of Coaches Anna Thea, Intimacy Coach Jacqui Simpson, Divine Channel & Mentor Alexia Vernon, Women’s Communication & Leadership Expert Angelique Daniels, The Shoe Chick The event energy was palpable and as I emceed the event I loved watching the women love on each other! As the founder of Defining:Women I was so pleased with the caliber of attendees as

6 Love Issue 2015

well as the speakers. This was truly an elevated event. We are all continuing the conversation in a private Facebook group. Cheering one another on daily is a good reminder that anything is possible with the love and support of good friends and our sister’s in business. Stay tuned for more Defining:WOMEN events throughout the year! A luncheon is scheduled for February 24th and a Gratitude Hike is Scheduled for March 29th! To see a full calendar of events go to: or give us a call at 877.502.8928. If you are not in Las Vegas we are happy to connect with you and arrange a Sweet Success in your area! We all have this one life. Don’t you think it’s time we all try on a few new ideas? Come on...Go Ahead...It’s Time! DEFINE YOURSELF!!

Kathlyn xo Love Issue 2015


Who wants to be romantic when they are exhausted?

...And who wants to be bothered with LOVE when they are stressed out or have other more important things on their mind? In today’s busy world, most women wear several different hats all in the same day and by the time they get home, make dinner, clean the kitchen, take care of the kids, straighten up the house, do laundry and several other chores before they finally have a few minutes to themselves, the last thing on their minds is romance, sex or love. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural steroid and precursor hormone to TESTOSTERONE. It is produced by the adrenals. DHEA is an important part of the hormone balancing act because it boosts your testosterone levels, energy and your libido! DHEA is also very useful for women with adrenal overload and fatigue due to stress. DHEA is called the “mother hormone” because your body uses it to make your other sex hormones, but its chemical structure and function is most like testosterone. Similar to the nick-name for Progesterone cream, DHEA has been called the “feel-good” hormone by Suzanne Somers and many other natural hormone advocates, including myself. Clinical studies over the past 15 years show that healthy levels of DHEA may be the most critical single chemical in predicting health and disease and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, depression, osteoporosis, heart disease and obesity, just to name a few.

By Dr. Patricia Beackstead, B.S., D.C.

Lost that Lovin’Feelin’?


Dr. William Regelson of Medical College of Virginia in his book, The Super Hormone Promise, says DHEA is one of the most powerful tools available for enhancing and extending life. I believe when taking into account that in addition to the natural aging process, chronic stress, poor diet, not enough sleep, and your lifestyle can all lead to adrenal exhaustion where your adrenal glands can no longer produce enough DHEA to support a healthy hormonal balance. This can cause fatigue, depression, sleeping disturbances, sexual dysfunction and many other symptoms of hormone imbalance. Adults produce about 25 mg of DHEA a day which declines continually until we reach our retirement years and only making about 20% then. So it makes sense that a dosage of 25mg is safe since the body manufactures that Love Issue 2015

much normally, but what about the effects of our environment and stress? With these road blocks to hormone balance, I usually recommend slightly higher dosages, especially in the beginning - in addition to diet and lifestyle changes. There is no standard dosage of DHEA. Some studies have used capsules dosed between 25 and 200 milligrams a day, or sometimes even higher. Once your body returns to balance, I recommend lowering dosages because in a healthy body we’re usually more than capable of making some DHEA and only needing to supplement smaller dosages. Unfortunately, in recent headlines, testosterone therapy has received a lot of negative attention causing people and physicians to be confused about the benefits and use. Probably the most confusing item is the FDA warning about prescription testosterone and all the studies linking testosterone to heart attack, stroke and death. Natural DHEA is not a drug and does not require a prescription. Therefore, the warning does not apply but causes much confusion just the same. Adding to the fact that there a thousands of conflicting internet articles about everything, trying to become informed is often difficult. That’s unfortunate, because DHEA is a wonderful hormone supplement that has made all the difference in the world for many of my patients who have previously tried everything else under the sun to boost their energy and libido (without success). As with all medications, natural or not, care should be used when ingesting a powerful hormone like DHEA. Because it is used by the body to produce other hormones, it can be unpredictable sometimes. Typically, most people can take DHEA and have positive results in achieving the desired effects they were looking for. However, for some people, new symptoms may arise, in which case it would be advisable to lower dosages, stop taking DHEA or contact your healthcare provider for guidance. I offer complimentary phone consultations and for more complex cases I take on new patients. There may be some increased risks associated with DHEA for women with a history of breast cancer — so always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns. Remember, DHEA is natural and the amount our bodies make is dependent on our diet, stress, activity level, hormonal balance, emotional state, etc. So try to practice good healthy habits in all you do. Dr. Beckstead can be reached at or CALL 702-263-0844

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Retreats to Mt. Shasta & India Love Issue 2015 Love Issue 2015


“I fell in love with social media at first sight. It was a perfect outlet for someone like me, a social butterfly and a huge tech nerd, with a love for analytics.”

You too ve o L n i l l a F Can dia! e M l a i c o S with

By Paola Seminario, MBA

From the early MySpace days, where we had the ability to personalize our profiles by changing some HTML codes, to the evolution of Facebook, and now the plethora of platforms we have at our fingertips… I’m in heaven! This is not the case for everyone however. There are many people that do not like social media, and {gasp} some that even fear it! So what can they do to get over their fear and fall in love? Here are a few tips… There are four key reasons people fear social media: • Privacy • Technology • Time Consuming • It’s too complicated Privacy is fairly easy to tackle, but you do have to stay on top of it since updates might tamper with your privacy settings. All you need to do is check your settings on the platforms you use, and make them completely private, public, or anywhere in between. It’s all up to you. Although technology is constantly changing and evolving, the good news is that it is typically user friendly… particularly in the social media world. Most social platforms make it as easy as possible to navigate their sites. Worst case scenario, you can Google any questions you have and have a very high chance of finding the answer. If you are worried about getting sucked into the Twilight Zone that can be social media, fear not! One way to overcome this is by setting scheduled times and/or time limits to your social media perusing. For your business, you can schedule posts so that your content will still go out even when you’re not online. Finally, if you think social media is too complicated, stop over thinking it. It’s actually pretty simple. Create content that relates to your business and industry. Make it fun and interesting. Add a touch of personality. Remember to engage. After all, if you don’t engage, how can you expect your audience to? Once you no longer fear social media, you are one step closer to opening your heart and falling in love with it. Paola Seminario is the Founder and CEO of SocialMedia AMP’d, a full service social media marketing company. Paola is ready to support you with your Social Media needs. Contact her at: or (702) 624-1543 Visit SocialMedia AMP’d on LinkedIn,LIKE SocialMedia AMP’d on Facebook and Follow SocialMedia AMP’d on Twitter 12 Love Issue 2015

Reclaiming Your Body Similar to a beautiful flowering plant that is well cared for; our bodies come with natural abilities to express creativity, sensuality, beauty, goodness and love. An Exerpt ...By Anna-Thea


nfortunately, society and today’s environment are not always conducive to supporting the expression of these natural abilities that are feminine in nature. They are abilities that are expressed so beautifully through the feminine form and female body. In a sense, our bodies have not been ours to enjoy. Our bodies have even been labeled “sinful.” For centuries, women’s bodies have served for others to enjoy.


woman’s body is the source of creation. We gestate and give birth to our species. We surrender our bodies to this powerful and important process. The female body has been taken for granted, and we have forgotten how important it is to honor our bodies. The idea of what the female body is has become distorted with a focus on outer beauty. The female body has been used for the propagation of the human race and a placeholder for men’s pleasure.


reating a new world based on love, connection and the affirmation of life is a journey of women re-claiming their bodies. How do we do that? By putting more love in our bodies, feeling more pleasure in them and speaking our truth from our hearts. How do we do that? That is what this book is all about, so I invite you to read on!

big bones, you will never have a petite build. Your body is only going to get older (from a less accepting perceptive) and even less “perfect.” You may lose or gain weight; however, you can’t change your body type. We only get one body in a lifetime. We may be able to rearrange a few external things, but we can’t change it very much. Ultimately, if you want to experience your body as your temple and feel empowered in it, you need to love, accept and honor it as it is.




ou reclaim your body by deeply loving and honoring it, all of it. This is how you make your body a sacred temple, by putting love into it. You’ve misperceived your body. You’ve inherited a number of habits from society that lead to unhealthy ways of thinking about yourself. You see the feminine “ideal” conveyed through magazine photos, TV shows, movies, billboards, love stories and all the other pictures of society-approved perfection painted around you. They become sources of self-criticism and self-loathing when women compare themselves to these impossible depictions of femininity.

t is important to be aware of the fact you are bombarded with information, displayed all around you in society, that causes you to think you are not thin enough, pretty enough or something enough. This is the first part of reclaiming your body. Once you realize this, you can begin the process of re-education, changing your perspective about who you believe you are.


ost likely, you did not learn in school or from your parents how to care for your body in a nurturing way or how to accept a “non-perfect” body, a body that doesn’t look like the ones seen on TV, billboards, advertising, etc. All bodies are unique and perfect in their imperfection. If you don’t like your body, then you have been brainwashed. It is important to learn a new way of living. Making a commitment to learn a new way is crucial for reclaiming your body and regarding it as sacred. Are you willing to expend the time, energy and effort to create a more loving way of living with your body? Are you willing to own your body as if it is one of the most precious things in your life? If you are, then you will be greatly rewarded.


ou will have the body type you have right now for the rest of your life. Your body type will never change. If you are short and stout, you will never be tall and slender. You can’t change that. If you are a tall person, you will never be short. If you have

is an author, speaker and intimacy coach. Her heart warming teachings, filled with wisdom, will open your heart. As an intimacy coach she is dedicated to helping women live more sensually alive and speak confidently from their hearts. Anna-Thea offers practical and loving solutions for women with food issues, body image issues, intimacy, or sexual issues.

“You reclaim your body by deeply loving and honoring it, all of it.”


t is crucial to know that your body, no matter what shape or size, is worth learning to love. No matter what our worldly pursuits or life goals, we are here to learn to love. This process begins with learning to love YOU. Learning to love your body is a fantastic way to start! Make loving and connecting with your body part of your “normal” life.

Order this book now at Love Issue 2015


Business, Love & Beauty

By Kathlyn Jaramillo Not just another pretty face Heather Mariana, Founder & CEO of Beauty Kitchen is a smart, savvy business woman. Armed with a love for the finer things in life, Heather has set out to inspire women everywhere that beauty can be affordable and fun. o be sure, this fireball of energy is part girl T next door, beach babe and aspiring media mogul. She knows what it takes to move and

shake with the best of them and has her brand out there playing in all arenas, including the Oscars, Emmys and Grammys. eather appreciates beauty. She surrounds H herself with it. She is a kind and loving woman who at first may be under estimated as just another Vegas transplant without a care in the world. However, after spending some time with her, I find her to be a woman, like most of us, who is carving out her place in the world in the most wholesome, yet sensuous ways possible, by creating a product line that makes us all feel fabulous. She’s delightful, she’s funny and she knows how to have a good time!

mask that will survive the shipping process.” Those requests kept coming and since relocating to Boulder City, Nevada in 2011, Heather has thrown herself into developing the Beauty Kitchen brand. Heather has shown us all that with a little of this and a touch of that, a beauty and/or spa treatment is born. From delicious scrubs, creams, lotions, cellulite shrinking potions, and my personal favorite, amazingly luxurious body butters, Heather has a very high end quality product without the major hit to your pocket book. The Beauty Kitchen products are organic, all natural and truly divine and, the best news is, you can have them all shipped right to your door. The Beauty Kitchen actually offers 2 VIP Beauty Boxes by way of a monthly subscription. Each month you can expect a delivery of scrumptious spa treatments that are absolutely to die for!

ow Heather got started down this road is H he biggest lesson I have learned as I watch similar to many entrepreneurial women’s T and follow this beautiful woman is to be stories. There was a need, then came the idea and so it began. A professed ‘clay mask’ junkie, passionate about your product and NEVER Heather has been making clay masks for herself and her friends since college. She had the idea to create a YouTube Channel to demonstrate to her subscribers how to make simple, yet effective, beauty treatments from ingredients you could find right in your kitchen pantry. Soon after, her viewers started requesting completed recipes. Heather giggles as she recalls telling one viewer, “I don’t think I can make you an avocado face 14 Love Issue 2015


ecently the Beauty Kitchen has moved into R their new digs and you are welcome to shop the lux shelves by appointment. For more information and to keep up on all the latest delicious offerings of the Beauty Kitchen go to: www.HeatherMarianna.TV Love Issue 2015



ar too often I have heard women say they do not F get along with women or they prefer to hang out with the guys. For a moment I am perplexed

and then I remember the harsh reality of so called girlfriends past or working with women in my twenties. Some women can be the most devious, scandalous, back biting, name calling, cunning, conniving, and heartless human beings I’ve ever met; and trust me I could have thrown a few more adjectives in there if I didn’t feel I was overstating my point. To be sure, I have met, worked with and been related to, for a short time, some doozies. I have asked, pondered and wondered so many times, WHY?

defining:Friendship a girl again!


fter all, I have had glorious friendships. Take Jenna for example. Jenna was my fifth grade friend. She was spectacular. She wore dresses almost every day and always had matching leotards (tights). She had long hair and was a dancer. Her Mom and Dad happened to run the neighborhood dance studio. Jenna and I roller skated our weekends away. I would skate to her house, just one street over, and she would have the record player all set. She would give me a quick choreographed demonstration of what we were going to do on skates and then a 5,6,7,8, we were off skating to Tommy Roe’s, “Dizzy’. How did we come to be friends? Well, one day at school a bunch of us were playing on the rings, on the playground (if you need more explanation, suffice to say these were fabulous times). Jenna thought she would give it a try and I spotted her, not knowing her yet and I certainly didn’t know what ‘spotting’ was either. She hopped up to the first ring and grabbed for the next and down she came landing on her knees in the rough gravely sand. She was wounded and started to cry. I scooped her up and walked her to 16 Love Issue 2015

the little girl’s bathroom, the real little girl’s room, and immediately went to work cleaning up her wound with these little square pieces of toilet paper soaked in cold water. What happened next was the solidification of our friendship forever. I started to cry too. She looked into my face and asked, “Why are you crying?” To which I replied, “You are hurt and it makes me sad.” Jenna and I have remained friends for years now. We have shared man stories, horrible first marriages, and even lived together once. If we go sometime without talking, we just pick up where we left off. Friendships should be like that. o why, with all the nurture, love and empathy S that we women can muster are we so typically stereotyped as caddy, malicious and cruel? WOMEN, come on now! We are better than this.

hat I have found in my recent associations W is mostly a delightful blend of thoughtful, supportive women ready at the helm to connect in sisterly love and to cheer one another on. Yet there still remains that percentage that is set to ‘go up against’, ‘malign with good reason’, or just plain old fashioned ‘tearing another down to make themselves feel better’. You know what I am talking about. Not to mention with shows like Real Housewives, the Bachelor and those of the sister wife variety, we have evidence that all of the aforementioned adjectives are alive and well.

’d like to believe that we have come further than Icomes that. I’d like to believe that every woman who into my space is a friend indeed, a friend to see where it goes or a friend to hang with 24/7. I’d like to believe that when I meet a woman we will make a silent, sacred agreement to stand for one another and to cheer one another on, sometimes in the privacy of our thoughts and sometimes in living color, or on Facebook, whichever is louder!

o what do you say ladies? Why nitpick? Look S around at the glorious women in our lives. I have been and am still sometimes guilty of prejudging, to be sure.

have, however, over time,

“Don’t Let Go of Them.”

“This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they’re your true best friends. Don’t let go of them.” ~Marilyn Monroe~

Besties Forever!! learned to reserve judgment, to give the benefit of the doubt, to see the good in the woman who stands before me and the most remarkable thing happens. I see a girl, like a fifth grader, who wants to be loved, be known and to be friends. How could I not love her and think only favorable happy thoughts about her?


trust you will join me and be a girl again, the girl who was always inclusive and adventurous, the girl who loved her friends. If you just so happen to be hanging out with the doozies, it’s definitely time to change the scenery. Be the kind of girlfriend you want. Be true, loving, kind and inclusive. Define the friendship you want and go for it!

Jeri Taylor-Swade

Independent Distributor 866.224.5477

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Family Love...


In today’s ever changing real estate market, it can sometimes be difficult to find someone you can trust. Meet dynamic Mother/Daughter duo, Diane Dobson and Chelsea Chipello. Diane Dobson started in the real estate industry as a loan officer, serving her customers for twelve plus years. Finding herself a single Mom when her daughter, Chelsea, was just two years old, these ladies have been joined at the hip since and are very close. Diane reflects on how she would take Chelsea with her on appointments to receive mortgage applications in the homes of her clients. “We would bring a juice box and snack and set her up somewhere near us. She grew up watching me work and listening to me on the phone. As Chelsea grew up she developed good work habits and recognized my passion for customer satisfaction and what it meant to have an exceptional reputation. I think growing up and watching me take care of everything on the home front, from the landscaping to the house cleaning, to providing us with a comfortable lifestyle, making good choices every day, Chelsea has become a very independent, smart, young woman.” Originally from Connecticut, Diane and her husband Craig, visited Las Vegas often and were married at The Chapel at Mandalay Bay in 2004. They both knew there was much more to do and see above and beyond the lights of the strip. They would visit good friends in Henderson and loved the community. Diane and her family relocated here about six years ago and couldn’t be happier. Diane knew she wanted to be a real estate agent when she moved to Vegas. Diane remarks, “I love opening the doors of homes and seeing what they have to offer. I tend to be just as excited as my clients!” Diane has been in real estate now for over five years and Chelsea is in her third year. Having been in the mortgage business for thirteen years, Diane has a distinct advantage when working with buyers. She has a deep understanding of how to support people with achieving the dream of home ownership. Diane started her real estate career side by side with the Owner/Broker of RE/MAX Advantage working with Buyers only. Within a short time 18 Love Issue 2015

she was taking her own listings, as well as working with buyers and could definitely use some help. Soon, Chelsea joined her Mom in the business. Chelsea now specializes in working with buyers and Diane has time to specialize in working with listings, marketing, property management and networking their team. While Diane is quick to point out, “Everyone knows a handful of Realtors.” She is also able to confidently share that with the Dobson Team working for you, their goal is to always be exceeding your expectations, bringing double the professionalism, expertise, and value to their clients. “We know that communication is the key ingredient in successful transactions.” As would be expected from this delightful pair, their down time is filled with family fun. Chelsea has just purchased her own home and loves decorating, enjoys cooking and living a healthy lifestyle. She is a member of the Young Professionals Network and enjoys soccer, shopping and sushi. Diane enjoys date nights with her husband, wine, good food and watching the Housewives of Any County in her free time. Diane confesses she is more of a coffee, chocolate and wine girl, and not necessarily in that order. They love being together and play off one another in business and life. They are both dedicated to their work and pride themselves in all that they do. These remarkable ladies would love to take great care of your friends, family or co-workers. Who do you know that is looking to buy or sell in the near future or wants to get the ball rolling in that direction? Whether you are a first time buyer, a savvy investor, or a retiree looking for the simple life, let them support you with all of your real estate needs, all the while, EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS.

The Dobson Team “Exceeding Your Expectations” Are you ready to buy, sell or invest? The Dobson Team is ready to support your Real Estate needs. We are poised to negotiate, guide and represent you. We are inspired, positive, ethical and informed. Contact us today and let’s get started!

702.715.5174 Diane Dobson & Chelsea Chipello RE/MAX Advantage 10075 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 103 Henderson, NV 89052

Each Office Independently Owned & Operated Love Issue 2015


How to Fall in Love with Public Speaking BY ALEXIA VERNON

Seeking the Spotlight?

First, you want to stop saying, “I’m scared of public speaking.”

s a professional speaker and women’s econd, we need to shift from seeking to A public speaking and leadership coach, Sbe liked to making a point. For close to I have the privilege of supporting women to three decades I was the quintessential people clarify their ideas and articulate them with confidence and competence. While I know this work is my calling, it did not come easily to me. As a child and young adult I struggled to speak up and out and suffered from horrible self-talk. As female business owners, getting comfortable with public speaking and sharing our expertise with virtual and live audiences is one of the greatest ways for us to reach the people who need our products and services. If you are anything like me—and most people around the world—and public speaking frightens you a bit, here are a few tips to make it more fun and effective. you want to stop saying, “I’m scared First, of public speaking.” While sensation still

comes up for me when I think about sharing my message with an audience, I know that when I label what I’m feeling as fear it means that I’m thinking more about myself than about my audience. While there are a lot of ways to get comfortable with public speaking, the most effective way is to focus on our audience—and how we will positively impact them with our message. When we are focused on the people we are speaking to both while we are preparing to speak and when we are actually on stage, it shuts down our fearbased self-talk. Our speaking becomes an act of service rather than an exercise in ego—or self-hatred!

pleaser. I wanted people to like me, think I was smart, and be my friend. As a result, I rarely said what I really thought—on stage and even with my friends, colleagues, and loved ones. And by playing it safe, I was playing small. I didn’t secure top speaking opportunities, and audience members rarely signed up to work with me. Our community is hungry for women who have a distinct viewpoint that they can clearly articulate and stand behind. While not everybody will agree with what I have to say about business, motherhood, or spirituality— among other topics I’m passionate about—the people who do subscribe to my worldview often become raving fans and now are hungry to coach with me. (And those that vehemently disagree, well, at least they don’t forget me!). And I’m pretty sure they respect me for being clear on what I stand for, even if they have a different perspective. to be an impactful speaker it’s Finally, essential to deliver a strong call to action.

When you tell an audience exactly what you want them to do with the information you have shared—be more flexible in their thinking, adopt a new behavior, or purchase a product or service—you ensure that they are not just entertained or inspired by you. You make it easy for them to follow through on your message and achieve the results you want for them and they seek for themselves.

About Alexia Vernon Branded a “Moxie Maven” by the White House for her unique approach to women’s communication and leadership development, Alexia has become the go-to expert for helping women use public speaking to build successful businesses and make big impact in the world. Alexia is the co-organizer and co-host of Las Vegas’s TEDxWomen event, TEDxFremontEastWomen. You can learn more about Alexia and dive into her free video training, Go From Hot Mess to Hotshot Speaker, at 20 Love Issue 2015

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any people have inquired about, “What does a Feng Shui Consultation include?” “How Much does it cost?” followed by, “What type of Feng Shui do you practice?” and last but not least, “Is Feng Shui an Intuitive Practice?” Interestingly enough, to my surprise, very seldom does the client or potential client inquire about “The Credentials.”

To Chi or not to Chi, Part 1... By Solange Mikucki Feng Shui Consultation and what it involves A will vary from consultant to consultant; depending on how much knowledge they have

about Feng Shui and what type of consultation is being done. For instance, if the consultation is for a new building site, or renovation, it is completely different than for a consultation for addressing the problems of an existing building. Feng Shui Consultation AProfessional includes the followingmost basic essentials: he birth data of each resident or employee T involved if possible, including time and place of birth. This information is used to analyze

how the home or office space is affecting each occupant within his or her designated space. Sometimes Chinese Astrology is included in the consultation to provide an extra analysis on the type of “luck” the person may be in. Difficult events or health issues are not always due to bad Feng Shui; sometimes it’s our Destiny.


study of all exterior and interior forms and shapes. What type of forms and shapes and their influence on the exterior and interior environment. Are they auspicious and how can it be enhanced, if it is an inauspicious influence what measures have to be applied in order to correct or lessen the effects.


Chinese compass or “Lo Pan” as it is commonly known as is a must, it is an extremely complex compass with many intricate systems and technical information, that can only be read and understood by a practitioner that has done all sorts of extensive studies with world known Feng Shui Masters of recognized lineage. 22 Love Issue 2015

n accurate to scale floor plan, to determine A where the good and negative “CHI” is located is required. Natal Chart of the building is created, this A “Flying Star Chart” based on the year of construction and facing degrees of the building which requires a practitioner to have done all sorts of extensive studies with the Chinese LoPan, allows the practitioner to analyze how the life force “CHI” flows throughout the building and identifies the location of these unseen energies and how they will affect different people at different times and locations. There are several types of buildings that can be identified very quickly, through a Lo-Pan measurement.

building’s potential can be one of sickness or A accident, one of prosperity such as wealth, good relationships and health. A building can

also carry the potential for legal entanglements, divorce, arguments, break-up of relationships, bankruptcy and robberies. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to know what are the influences that create these effects, what will activate it further and how can these influences can be remedied to avoid negative events. ext time, I will share how the Year, the N Month and the Day all have underestimated types of “CHI”! Solange Mikucki is a Feng Shui Master Pratitioner and has been practicing for 22 years.

Feng Shui Plus Solange Mikucki

Master Feng Shui Practitioner O: 702.838.5238 C: 818.618.6178 Solange@

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hether you are in love and looking for a romantic getaway or single and looking for short holiday fling, the air in Paris is saturated with LOVE. Paris is brimming with romantic possibilities Paris seduces travelers with picturesque sidewalk cafes, lace curtained bistros, excuisite French food, beautiful parks and gardens for romantic strolls, brilliant lights and of course the French language, all gleaming with romance.


hether you are a wine expert or a novice, wine tasting in Paris is an experience not to be missed. Fine wines, French artisan bread and sumptuous cheeses; a true awakening of all your senses. Also while in Paris it is not uncommon to have a love affair with shopping. Shopping in Paris has been a grandiose affair since the 19th century. A brilliant mix of chic boutiques, French perfume shops and the fabulous fashion houses.


ne of my personal favorite, romantic, memorable experiences in Paris was the Eiffel Tower and Seine River cruise.This deliciously romantic evening started with dinner at one of the fabulous restaurants atop the EiffelTower that offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the city, followed by an hour long cruise. While gliding down the Seine River you will see the Louvre, Notre Dame and many other famous iconic sites illuminated against the starlit Paris sky.


o To Paris; Get inspired by the architectural icons, shop till you drop, take your taste buds on a holiday, fall in love again or for the very first time!!

vel on, Keep Calm & Tra Susan Sprague 24 Love Issue 2015

“Paris is Always a Good Idea� -Audrey Hepburn-

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Does she become more or less afraid? More, and so do you when you overreact, avoid, or run away from your fears. Women are looking to experience more love, joy, and peace in their lives; however, some key pieces of information need to be understood to achieve this. Everything in life is made up of energy, including thoughts and emotions; therefore, it’s important to understand that all energy vibrates at different levels. Negative emotions such as guilt, sadness, fear and anger, vibrate at lower levels, while positive emotions such as love, joy and peace, vibrate at higher levels.

If you want something different, you must do something different. Next time you feel upset or afraid, visualize yourself as a little girl standing in front of you feeling what you feel. Be with her as you relax into your upset feelings. Engage in a dialogue and be there for her. Acknowledge this part of you, and in turn, give her what she really needs from you: reassurance, love, trust, understanding, or whatever would be beneficial in that moment.

A significant step in raising your vibration so you can experience these higher vibrational emotions, is to educate yourself about an aspect of you called the inner child.

As you nurture your inner child and release your trapped emotions, you naturally rise into a higher vibrational emotion. For example, think of a hot air balloon with tiny weights attached to it that keep it on the ground. Each time a weight is removed, the balloon lifts a little higher, until it eventually soars. We are all meant to soar. As you release the lower vibrational emotions that are weighing you down, you too can soar, right along with the angels.

We all have an inner child, the part of us that can be spontaneous and fun, while at times, feel wounded and neglected. It is the part of us that hangs on to all the unresolved issues from childhood. Those unresolved issues are brought forward into our adult life and continue to grow in intensity if not addressed. When you are working with your lower vibrational emotions, you are often working with your inner child. One way to work with these emotions is to relate to your feelings as if they were a child. How you react or respond to your feelings has the same effect on you as it would have on a child. For example, if a little girl were standing in front of you feeling bad because she made a mistake, and you responded to her with harsh criticism, ridicule, and judgment, what effect would that have? Would she learn from her mistakes and understand that making mistakes is part of learning. Or might she learn that making mistakes is bad so she is too? How often have you beaten yourself up for making mistakes? Does that make you feel more secure or more insecure? My guess is—more insecure. What if she is afraid and you respond by overreacting and running away?

Can you start showing your inner child love, understanding, reassurance and affection right now? She deserves it and so do you! Lisa Ulshafer is an Author, Transformational Life CoachÂŽ, and Professional Speaker. To learn more visit or call 702-2547730. Love Issue 2015


It’s a Lucky Life!

...dedicated to telling stories about the pets we love and how they touch our lives... It’s a Lucky Life is sponsored by Lisa Pierce-Paquette, Commercial Design Group


A Home for HOPE!


isa Pierce-Paquette is a remarkable woman who has defined herself by looking, forever, at all that is possible. She is a registered interior designer, owns her own company (Commercial Design Group), and manages to graciously juggle work, home, kids, hubby and her passion for saving animals of all species.


ecently, Lisa came to know On My Way Home Rescue, a local 501 (c)(3) non-profit specializing in dogs from puppies to seniors . There Lisa met Hope where the two formed a special bond. Hope, a rescue from Tijuana, Mexico, is one of seven dogs that lived on the streets. A group of kind-hearted individuals who were feeding the dogs reached out to American rescue contacts for support in an effort to save them. From there, On My Way Home Rescue sponsored the rescue opportunity and a total of seven dogs were brought home that day. On December 23, just in time for Christmas, Hope moved in with her new family, Lisa’s family. The remaining six dogs are

26 Love Issue 2015

each safely in Las Vegas being fostered until they find forever homes.


ope’s story continues in that, when rescued, she was in the ‘family way’ with puppies due any day. Guessed to be having her third litter, sweet Hope is approximately three years old. A beautiful girl, Hope settled in, bathing in the new love she had found with Lisa’s family of two great kids and a number of animals. Within a few short days the puppies came and came and came! Ten in all, the pictures will attest they are the most adorable chubby little guys and gals. Lisa observed that Hope truly is a remarkable dog, in that she completely relaxed and accepted the love of her new human family who supported her with the birth of her babies, mostly looking on in awe of the miracle unfolding before their eyes.


t is women like Lisa who exemplify we are here to serve a higher calling for that passion that fuels us. Lisa intends to officially adopt Hope and one of

her spectacular puppies. The other nine bundles of joy will be available for adoption through On My Way Home Rescue in mid-March.


lease consider supporting this amazing rescue any way you can. As of this writing, Hope had a medical emergency from complications due to her pregnancy. She is expected to make a full recovery; however, the veterinary bill for all pups coming through On My Way Home Dachshund Rescue continues to grow upwards of $4,000. Any financial support is greatly appreciated. You also might consider fostering, volunteering at adoptions and/or ultimately adopting one of the 75 dogs available at any given time. Together we can make a big difference as we follow Lisa’s lead and know that all things are possible. Update as we go to print by Lisa;


ifty-one amazing days with the sweetest, best mama I’ve ever known. After the emergen-

cy surgery, Hope came home to recover. She looked great, cuddled right back in and everyone was settled. Sadly, due to complications of the emergency surgery, Hope passed away the following day. Words cannot express the unbelievable impact that Hope had on our life and that of our family. Hope trusted us with her puppies and now we want the absolute best love and care for them so they can enjoy the gift of life that Hope gave to them. A life she left way too soon. PLEASE GIVE TO:

Special Video Tribute to HOPE

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28 Love Issue 2015

Sisters in Business Bazaar Explore, Shop, Connect! Love Issue 2015



At the risk of sounding like you simply must add one more thing to your list of stuff to do, finding your bliss is about getting down to what it is you want for YOU and for your life. I make lists too and when ‘share gratitude’ or ‘meditate today’ wind up on that list, I know I have lost the spontaneity that will bring me the serenity I seek in the first place. I encourage you to start something new, pick up something you left behind or to simply dream the biggest dream and go for it.

I call these Bliss-iplines! SO first, get rid of the lists you may have created on paper or in your mind about what you ‘have’ to do to find some happiness, joy and BLISS in your life and open a space for it to show up! After that, here are a few bliss-iplines to implement to start setting yourself free. Take maybe one a week or one a month and intentionally contemplate what it means for you.

1. Be Curious. Get curious about everything. Your feelings, your judgments, your clichés. Challenge everything, not negatively, but more inquiring. Find your truth. Often times we adopt others truth and neglect to find our own. I read a quote recently that said, “Careful not to follow the masses because sometimes the ‘m’ is silent.” Get curious and test the theories your Mother, Father, Teachers or Preachers taught you. Your own truth will begin to

develop and find its way within you.

2. Be Open. Reserve judgment. Intentionally allow all thoughts, ideas, philosophies and theories in. Then as if you were sorting laundry, decide what stays and what goes. What resonates, what serves? If we are not open we end up missing many new ways of looking at things a little bit differently. You know the quote, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” I could use a change, how about you? 3. Be Proactive. Often times we lack intentional attention to the details of what we say we want. We say we want more joy, yet give very little attention to having joy. We say we want to do this or that and we may go years without ever exploring what it will to have it. Set yourself up to win by proactively setting time aside for you to have what it is you say you want. Want to go on a trip to a blissful land? Do the research, set the date, save the funds and set sail. Getting proactive in all areas of your life will automatically give you less stress equating to more JOY, BLISS and Happiness.

Until next time, liss!

Joy & B e, v o L u o y h is w I “If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up.” ~ Deepak Chopra ~

30 Love Issue 2015

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