Defining Women Magazine Summer 2016

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Connecting Women to Their Passion & Potential™

Summer of

M.A.S.H. Making Amazing S#!$ Happen Magic of Divine Flow • Is She Ready? • Making Great Videos

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- Vol. 2 • Issue 3

Defining:Women PUBLISHER Kathlyn Eversole - Jaramillo EDITOR IN CHIEF Elaine Odeh CREATIVE DIRECTOR Andria Smith GUEST EDITORS Kathy Stubbs Jessica Baity CONTRIBUTING AND GUEST WRITERS Danielle Ford Desiree Ryan Elaine Odeh Jacqui Simpson Katie Rose Waechter Kimberli A. Harkess Linda Tallon Lisa Ulshafer Dr. Patricia Beckstead, D.C. Patti Stewart Patty Morgan Ruth Furman Solange Mikucki Sondra Pariser Terri Baity COVER CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS TO COVER PHOTOGRAPHER & STYLISTS Photographer Johnny Hendry Photo Assistant Taw-cre-nee Redhawk Stylists Alicia Mejia and Iliana Kemp QUESTIONS AND FEEDBACK Phone: 877.502.8928 Fax: 877.729.0105 Email: Online: Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that defining:Women Magazine articles and other information on the website are up-to-date and accurate as possible, at the time of publication. No responsibility can be taken for any errors or omissions contained herein. defining:Women Magazine or its agents are not responsible for any losses, damages or distress resulting from the content herein. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of defining:Women Magazine.


Publisher's Pearls It's Summer and while some of us complain about how hot it is, there are just as many focusing on what is really important to them. Some will plan days off with the family. Some will take a moment to reflect on how far they have come the first six months of the year and still others will keep their head down growing their business and enriching their life. One of the brilliant things I have learned so far in 2016, this year of completion, is that who I hang out with makes a BIG difference in my life and my results! This summer I have loved to hang with the ladies. It is who I am and really my purpose in life. What I learn from the beauties I hang with is to be open, be kind, be smart about my business, to do the things I want to do with my life, to be accountable and to be available for making amazing stuff happen. I am grateful to each of them, around every corner, for inspiring me to be my best me. I wish for you this summer a fresh look at how you are showing up, a revelation about your strength and courage, an infusion of ideas, a great group of peeps to hang with and the opportunity to make amazing stuff happen for you, your business and your life! w

- Kathlyn

Contents In This Issue 06 | Kat’s Summer Picks By Kathlyn Jaramillo

10 | Just Ask Jacqui...Spiritually Guided Advice By Jacqui Simpson

14 | Important Things to Do Before Vacation By Desiree Ryan

18 | Sexy is Not a Size, It’s an Attitude By Linda Tallon

20 | Follow Your Dream Until Your Dream Comes True By Elaine Odeh

22 | The Magic of Divine Flow By Lisa Ulshafer

34 | Toxic What?


Making Amazing Shit Happen By Kathlyn Jaramillo

By Sondra Pariser, Patty Morgan & Terri Baity

42 | Is She Ready?

By Patti Stewart

46 | Business Bliss By Kathlyn Jaramillo

Making Amazing Videos that Sell


By Danielle Ford


Defining: Your Summer


There is so much deliciousness happening during the summer months and I love the heat! Born and raised in Las Vegas I know the tricks to staying cool, calm and hydrated! Here are my picks for this summer! First up, a must for your keeping your body moist and supple. Heather Marianna has, hands down, the most incredible line of body products I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Her Skin Polishes leave your skin feeling moist, smelling fabulous and like you have been at the spa all day! This blend is Pomegranate Plum Perfection! Precious Pomegranate seeds and sweet smells of Plum permeate this exotic citrus scent. Crisp and complex, this fruit is sure to awaken your senses. Made with organic fine sugar, rice bran oil, and Beauty Kitchen’s proprietary blend of oils. 16oz resealable pouch! Order yours today at www.HeatherMarianna.TV

Next up, PURE™ Essential Oil Lighten Stress Blend. Sold exclusively by, this oil blend is a vibrant, refreshing blend of tangerine, bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, cedarwood, and roman chamomile that help create a comforting experience whether applied topically or diffused. I love it so much and on a busy day or during a particularly stressful project I keep it near by to inhale or diffuse! Pick yourself up a bottle or discover all the available oil blends from

Finally, LuLaRoe anything! Pure COMFORT Clothing for the heat or cold air conditioning. LuLaRoe was the vision of DeAnne Stidham who, at a crucial time in her life, raising seven children and trying to balance time at work and at home. She was desperate to find a way to be at home, be a mom and provide for her family. DeAnne met a pair of dress wholesalers and was inspired to start liquidating end of season dresses to friends and family. The wholesalers heard her pitch to start a clothing line and saw in DeAnne the talent and drive to make her dreams a reality. They believed in her. This was born out of DeAnne’s desire to be at home with her children and the faith that others showed in her. Prior to LuLaRoe DeAnne had found success in network-based marketing. It was during this time that she learned an important lesson; if you want to be someone who gets things done, act like you already are. This self-empowering idea crystallized in her mind and directly led to her success with LuLaRoe. An inspiring company and great clothing! Anything from their very popular buttery soft leggings to dresses, skirts, including my favorite maxi, cardigans and lacy vests. I get all my good stuff from LuLaRoe local Lori Lou Knight via her Facebook Group: Cool stuff for your summer and fall fashions!w 6

Good Follows

Defining: Your Summer

This summer choose the good stuff! Whether growing your business or seeking personal development, here are my top follows for your path to success as you define it! w

In Direct Sales? Home Based Business? Following Desiree Wolfe is a must!

Desiree Wolfe is a professional trainer and admired mentor for women in Network Marketing, Direct Sales and Small Business. Known as the Rebel Mamapreneur, she is quickly gaining popularity with women who want to start playing bigger in their home-based business while creating a lifestyle they love. Great follow!

Be an Inspired Female Entrepreneur!

Alex Bratty realized in going Follow Alex Bratty for the good stuff! through her various career transitions and then making the leap to entrepreneur that she is not alone – there are so many women who want to carve out a professional path they feel passionate about. Alex combines her love of coaching with her experience and knowledge from the multiple professional hats she has worn over the years – to serve women like you and help you build that business or career you love. Awesome follow!

Alex Bratty

Find motivation, inspiration and great ideas!

Defining:Women is all abut connecting women to their passion and potential. They offer thought provoking commentary on relevant topics of the day about your life and business! Follow Defining;Women and instantly get access to pretty printables, their online magazine, inspiration and much more! A Must follow!

Do you have some good follows you would like to tell us about? Let us know at w


Defining:Women Magazine We bring women together to motivate, mentor, empower and encourage personal and professional growth with: • Monthly events and activities for our women’s community in person and online to bring women powerful inspiration and valuable tools to navigate their business ventures and personal passions! • “Defining Women Presents” videos! A few minutes of fun from the founder and friends to infuse our readers’ day with fresh ideas, tips, and thoughts to support them in business and life. • PLPs & Printables! Periodically we create PLPs (Pretty Little Packages) and Printables readers can download and print to use daily, monthly and quarterly to help move them in the direction of their dreams and desires! • Master & Mentoring Classes!

Defining Women Magazine is our free, quarterly magazine that educates, informs and inspires our friends and members. The magazine is currently distributed to more than 2000 (and growing) subscribers. 1000 copies are distributed by our members throughout their own business and personal networks, and another 1500 copies are placed in highly targeted businesses across the Las Vegas valley such as salons, doctors’ offices, Whole Foods and WinCo stores. Total distribution: 4500 copies AD RATES: Full Page Ad Full Page Ad with Article Back Cover Inside Front Cover Half Page Quarter Page

1 to 3x $550 $650 $1000 $750 $275 $150

4x $450 $550 $900 $650 $240 $125

All rates are per issue (4 issues per year). Discounted Rates for Defining Women Ambassador Members. Complimentary ad design with full page ad.

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Time to Shine!

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Defining: Your Spirit

Your Spiritual Guides love you and have no ego or judgement, so their message is always helpful, gentle information for your highest good. Please know that they are aware of your desires and where all the components are which can fulfill your desires. These are very powerful resources and you have been blessed to be able to open your mind and heart to their messages. Coins are just one way they can garner your attention! Enjoy! Dear Jacqui, I was recently shopping and in a bit of a rush. When I went to check out 2 nickels seemed to drop from nowhere. They were bright and shiny, one fell on the right of me and one fell on the left of me. I turned to look at the cashier who also noticed the coins. Of course I checked my purse to see if it was open at all and to see if anything could have fallen from was not. The cashier and I looked at each other stunned, giggled a bit and I got the chills. I instantly felt it was definitely from someone trying to get a message to me. Could you possibly explain what this means? Thank you! Perplexed by Nickels from Heaven! Blessings Dear Perplexed! Your guides love you and gifted you with this beautiful information packed demonstration of their love. You were given nickels because the number 5 is the number of “the star”. Not the ones in the sky, but rather the ones on earth. The coins appeared shiny and almost twinkling to modify their appearance to most closely resemble the message of you being the star. One on each side, because both sides of you will be fully engaged in this newest group of endeavors. The masculine; linear, deeply rooted in earth side, as well as the feminine; circular, all inclusive of all possibilities side. Stop selling yourself short. Stop thinking (and acting) as if you are only worthy of the minor 10

upticks in money and fame, which have been ingrained in you from your parents, particularly your father. Blessed one..DO WHAT YOU LOVE! You will succeed, not by tiny bits, NO! by large gulps of golden elixir, your success will explode and you will look back in a short 2 years and wonder…who was that scared little girl? Know that you are loved. The sales girl, watched in amazement. “Stunned” was the word you used. She represents many around you who will stunned by your success and learn from it. Some will pick up their dreams and start to expand them because they have seen your progress. Your integrity will inspire others. Much Love and many blessings…. Jacqui

Defining: Your Spirit Dear Jacqui! I have been finding dimes all around me. I have tried to pay attention to what I’m thinking about when I find a dime, but I get so excited when I see another I forget what I was thinking about! I just say thank you and go about my business a little happier, because I know someone out there cares about me. There has been nothing special that I noticed about them - not dull or super shiny, and they are always in different places at home and in public.

Well... it is all about dimes for you. They are small, relatively shiny and often overlooked. They tell the story of your romantic life. Your friends think you are fabulous, beautiful and smart. Blessings Dear One! Well... it is all about dimes for you. They are small, relatively shiny and often overlooked. They tell the story of your romantic life. Your friends think you are fabulous, beautiful and smart. However, the men in your life have not shown you any of these deeply loving, greatly respectful experiences or compliments. Of course, men say you are attractive, but you don’t feel it from them. Their actions are not as respectful and are often given mixed messages. Another message is found in the numerology of the dime. The number 10 is “the end”, done, finished, good-bye, over and out, adios, sayonara... or even better it is COMPLETION. You have completed the lessons which we notated above. You have found your voice and are actively emerging from your cocoon. The beauty of your guides choosing 10 is that it has a double message. It is the completion of the number 10, then it becomes reduced to the number 1. ONE is the new start. It is not a “start over”, but an emergence from the completed lessons into the new understanding of yourself, your choices and your power. Your love life is not over, rather it is new and improved. A man filled with love, respect and gratitude, for who you truly are, is about to emerge, as he is coming out of his personal size cocoon. I see fireworks for you in business and in pleasure. PS.... Please know that your spirit guides are so

happy that you are aware of them and that they are adding joy to your day. If that was all the info you ever received about the dimes, they would feel they had done a good job. This was a funny little reading. I actually mean funny, not odd. I felt so much laughter and giggles from your guides as they spoke to me., as if they were tumbling over each other to be the one to chat with you, thru me. Without the message about your “future man”, it would have evolved anyway, but they wanted to share the secret, as if they were planning a surprise party but just had to blurt it out. Much love & many blessings… Jacqui

Dear Jacqui! Good morning, my sister said to write to you, because she has had some healing sessions with you and knows about your great mystical visions. I hope you can explain my pennies, which randomly arrive out of nowhere. The first one was April of last year. I had pulled into my garage, got out of my car, looked down and saw 4 pennies, perfectly aligned in a square. I was in awe. I wasn’t sure how or why this happened. I didn’t think anyone would believe me so I snapped a pic. (Yes! There was a picture of the 4 pennies forming a square) Just last night, I looked down on my table and saw a penny, sitting in the center of the empty table, as if carefully placed. Just as I was getting ready to write to you today, I saw another penny in my kitchen. (2 more pictures showed the pennies, sitting by themselves) Thank you Jacqui.


Defining: Your Spirit Dear One! Your pennies are placed very carefully to give us a great deal of information is a simple picture. Of course, you know that you are being guided by the outside forces, be they spiritual beings of light, angels or even your own inner wisdom. The first picture shows 4 pennies in a perfectly aligned box shape, which you notice as you stand over them and look down. This is a wisdom nugget concerning your career. You see many people in a box and you have the courage and knowledge to help them expand into greater joy and health. You mentioned that the picture is over a year old. It would be beneficial for you to look at your life over the past 14 months and see where this sacred symbol, helped to motivate you toward your present career course. They gave you this message as a kick start to the changes you have embraced since then. Your next penny was sitting on a low wooden table. When we sit around a coffee table, we are relaxed and casual. You are best in the casual,


helpful fields of influence. Please stay true to your nature. Your gifts include almost a motherly embrace, which people feel thru your words and concern. You listen for other people’s values. Once you know what they want, you advise (in business and socially) according to what they want to pursue. Finally, you found one simple, copper penny sits under a large, ornate religious symbol in your home. This brings together your past ( you were taught that you & God are separate) and your present, which knows in your heart that God is within you. Dear one, It is the godliness within you that is watching for pennies, addressing people’s concerns and showing them a path into a greater level of health. Much Love & Many blessings… Jacqui w

Do you have a spiritual question? Are you looking for direction? Just ask Jacqui!

Defining: Your Spirit

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Defining: Your Future 3 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know You Need Before You Travel this Summer… Lessons from Prince By Desiree Ryan

Its summer time and everyone is planning amazing fun and vacations. Whether you are a young couple just starting out, you have a family with kids to entertain, or you are empty nesters trying to find something to do with your time now that the kids have left the home. Whatever the situation, chances are you are going to travel somewhere this summer. After all, what is summer for? Summers are for enjoying your loved ones, playing in the pool or the beach and soaking in the sun. So what does this have to do with Estate Planning you ask, or Prince for that matter? Well, planning or going on vacation is one thing, but what happens if, God forbid, the unthinkable happens? What if you or your spouse or significant other becomes sick and is hospitalized? What if, even worse still, one of you passes away due to a tragic accident? These are things no one wants to consider while planning a fun vacation. But, it is necessary. Let’s consider the great music legend who was Prince. As we all know, Prince passed away recently and suddenly. While the world lost a music legend, what did his family lose? What happens to his estate now? Fox Business and many other news sources reported almost immediately, “Prince didn’t have a Will….do you need one?” What? Surely someone with hundreds of millions of dollars like Prince must have done the most basic of basic estate 14

plans of establishing a Last Will and Testament? But sadly it appears he did not. What does this mean? Well, for someone with Prince’s estate size, a Will really wouldn’t have helped much, other than to tell the Probate court how he wanted his vast estate distributed. Beyond that, his estate would still be locked in probate for a very long time. Without a Will, his estate is still going to be locked in probate for a very long time, but also, there is likely to be much fighting over who is getting what, and I’m sure there are going to be long lost relatives coming out of the wood work. But, even more tragically, the only real winners of Prince’s estate are going to be the IRS, the State of Minnesota, and the attorneys handling the case.

Let’s consider the great music legend who was Prince. As we all know, Prince passed away recently and suddenly. While the world lost a music legend, what did his family lose? What happens to his estate now? ... news sources reported almost immediately, “Prince didn’t have a Will….do you need one?”

What he really should have had in place is a Trust, and probably several of them with the size of estate that he had. That is a subject for a later time. The very, very basic things everyone should have, as far as Estate Planning goes, is a Last Will and Testament, a Durable Power of Attorney for financial and personal matters, and a Healthcare Power of Attorney or Advanced Healthcare Directive. These are the basic three things everyone should have before they leave on their amazing vacations this summer. A Last Will and Testament, as mentioned above, nominates an Executor to handle the probate estate after you pass and also gives that Executor and the Probate Court the necessary instructions as to what to do with your estate. A Durable Power of Attorney for financial and personal matters nominates an Attorney-in-Fact (agent) to be able to gain access to your assets, pay your bills, handle tax matters, and real and personal property for you if you were to become incapacitated and not able to handle things yourself. It is not used for when you die; it is used while you are still living, but only if you are incapacitated, unless you direct that it can be used immediately. A Healthcare Power of Attorney or Advanced Healthcare Directive nominates an agent to speak to the doctors on your behalf if you were to become hospitalized and unable to communicate your wishes for healthcare matters. These documents should also include a Nomination of Guardian in case you are ever in need of someone to actually be appointed as your guardian over your person or estate in extreme cases. Trust me, you do not want the guardianship court to nominate someone for you. They can and have picked anyone, and sometimes those people are not interested in your welfare. This is the most basic Estate Planning package you can have, and if you don’t do anything else before you go on vacation, make sure you have these documents in place.

Passport Tips Before You Travel!

#1 Apply early for a passport, or renew your old one. It should be valid at least six months after you return home, and have two or more blank pages. Otherwise, some countries may not let you enter. #2 Check all family members’ passports. Adult’s are valid for 10 years, children’s passports only for five. Make two photocopies of all your travel documents in case of emergency. Leave one copy with a trusted friend or relative at home and carry the other separately from your documents in case of loss or theft. For More go to checklist.html

Defining: Your Future

So while you are planning your amazing summer vacations, don’t forget your Estate Plan needs to be included in those plans. Also, don’t make it the last thing you plan. Make it the first thing you plan. Throwing an Estate Plan together on the fly because you are leaving in 2 days may not be sufficient, and may be lacking because it was just thrown together. I would suggest you think about your Estate Plan before you choose your destination. Make an appointment with an estate planner, (does not have to be an attorney unless you think you need complex legal advice) but it should be someone who is familiar with estate planning and who does it for a living. Set an appointment, discuss with your estate planner your needs and your desires and make sure you give them all necessary information. Then schedule a signing for those documents. After you have executed your documents, then your next step should be to plan your amazing vacation, free from worry. You now don’t have to worry that if something tragically happens to you or your loved ones on vacation, your surviving loved ones and family will not be left with more questions than answers about what to do with your estate, or what your desires were regarding end of life decisions. We all hope no one has to go through the turmoil that Prince’s family is currently going through. We also all hope that we go on vacation and have an amazing adventure and if the unthinkable does happen, at least you’ll be rest assured you have a plan.w Desiree Ryan is a registered document preparation service and an Estate Planning and Probate Paralegal. Additionally, Desiree has a GEPC which is a graduate estate planning consultant designation from the National Institute of Estate Planners. Desiree began her career in Estate Planning in 1998.

Credit Card Tips Before You Go!

#1Let card issuers know you’re traveling. Remember as a teen when you had to let Mom and Dad know you were leaving the house, where you were going and when you’d be back? Now it’s your card companies that get that call. Many credit card and debit card issuers are using security software and other means to fight fraud. #2 Before you pack those vacation cards in your wallet for an overseas trip, call the issuers to find out about currency conversion fees. Several U.S. issuers no longer levy the fees -- which can be as much as 3 percent or more on every transaction.


Defining: Your Health

It’s Not His Fault…It Could Be By Dr. Patricia Beckstead, B.S., D.C.


he conversation about how hormones affect women is ongoing and ever changing the way we, as women, choose to take care of ourselves. AND if you are ready to support the man in your life with having more energy, better moods, higher libido and weight loss, it is important to understand that his hormones play a big role.


ERE ARE THE FACTS: Low-T (low testosterone) is a major concern for men and women of all ages. Clinics have popped up everywhere with the sole purpose of treating male and female “antiaging” testosterone deficiencies with prescription hormone replacement therapy. But as many people have already discovered, prescription strength testosterone is not always the magic bullet that it is touted and advertised to be and can actually cause more problems and health risks. Non-prescription, safe and natural hormone supplements are the best alternative to expensive and risky hormone drugs. n Jerome Groopman’s New Yorker Magazine article of July 29, 2002, he concludes that the present surge of testosterone replacement therapy by approximately a quarter of a million American men to be a vast uncontrolled experiment, whose consequences remain uncertain. He feels that what is needed is a large scale study involving “many thousands of men” over a period of many years, such as was done for women in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study of conventional HRT. omen are not left out of the testosterone equation by any means. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and compounding pharmacies have been just as popular over the last several years as the “anti-aging” clinics designed for both men and women. Most people want to look and




feel younger and healthier and will do whatever it takes to get there. radition prescription testosterone can be difficult to manage with dosages varying depending on levels of stress, diet, lifestyle and many other factors. Like all prescriptions, it’s a drug. Even compounded hormones from the compounding pharmacy are drugs – although many people are misled into thinking they are natural. So what are natural drug-free alternatives for those who would rather take the safer route? hen considering holistic, over-the-counter hormones and hormone stimulating supplements, DHEA and USP Progesterone Cream are the two most popular items for men and women. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is generally known as the mother of all hormones, but for this article we will also call it the father of all hormones. It is commonly known as a testosterone precursor (the human body uses it to make testosterone and other hormones) and is much safer, gentle and easy to use when compared to prescription testosterone. HEA is mostly produced by the adrenal glands which sit on top of the kidneys. DHEA is an amazing steroid; it has the capacity to become any number of other intermediates and full-fledged hormones that the body needs whether you are male or female. DHEA rules many of the other organ




Defining: Your Health

HIS Hormones systems in the body through its hormonal production, and has protective capabilities. t is the most abundant hormone in humans and other mammals, and it plays a critical role in many different bodily functions. In fact, a decrease in DHEA levels is being increasingly used as an indicator of reduced immune response, loss of libido and lack of a sense of general wellbeing. linical studies over the past ten years show that DHEA may be the most critical single chemical in predicting health and disease. DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. Reduced levels of DHEA mean reduced amounts of steroid hormone metabolites and as a result, DHEA deficiency is associated with an array of chronic conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and various immune deficiencies, including autoimmune diseases. r. William Regelson of the Medical College of Virginia, in his book; The Super Hormone Promise, calls DHEA “the superstar of hormones” and “one of the most powerful tools” available for enhancing and extending life. linical results show that oral supplementation with products such as the DHEA 50 mg supplement available at BalancingHormonesNaturally. com can have numerous beneficial effects for men and women including: • Improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. • Reduced risk of coronary artery diseases. • Lower obesity/waist-to-hip ratio. • Enhanced libido. • Reduced depression. • Increases cognitive ability. • Feelings of energy and wellbeing. *Give DHEA a try! Typically men and women notice a huge increase in their level of energy right away along with many other benefits. SP PROGESTERONE CREAM is a natural hormone (bio-identical and the same as that made by the human body). In both men and women, it acts like a testosterone booster and an estrogen blocker. Estrogen dominance (not enough progesterone to balance with estrogen) is a major cause of breast and prostate cancer. USP Progesterone Cream is a protective hormone with duel benefits for men and women; increasing testosterone levels and reducing the risk of breast and prostate cancer.






n his commentary, “Testosterone, Male Menopause and Hormone Balance in Men”, Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. points out the following: As men age, their estradiol levels gradually rise, whereas their progesterone and testosterone levels gradually fall. The hormone balance changes. These gradual changes lead to reduction in testosterone benefits and eventually to estrogen dominance. That is, his estradiol effects emerge since his testosterone level is not sufficient to block or balance them. strogen dominance stimulates breast cell growth and endometrial cell proliferation in women. In men, estrogen dominance stimulates breast cell growth and prostate hypertrophy. Estrogen dominance is responsible for the majority of breast cancers and is the only known cause of endometrial cancer in women. Since the male prostate is the embryonic equivalent of the uterus, is should not be surprising that estrogen dominance is also a major cause of prostate cancer. SP Progesterone Cream is recommended for men and women as a safe way to balance their hormones without dangerous side effects. It is ideal for men as an estrogen blocker to battle gynecomastia or “man boobs” and to help avoid weight gain, which are two main indicators of too much estrogen or estrogen dominance. It is also ideal for men and women as a testosterone booster. y addressing the hormonal needs of both you and the guy in your life you will be taking a big step toward empowering yourselves as a couple. Feeling and being at optimum health leads to living your best life filled with energy, health and peace of mind. w



Dr. Patricia Beckstead, B.S.,D.C. is a holistic physician and graduate of the National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL. She is the founder of Balancing Hormones Naturally® www. BalancingHormonesNaturally. com. She is a published author, speaker, and expert in holistic health-care issues for women. She also founded and was CEO of the Wellness Institute of Nevada, one of the leading multidisciplinary wellness clinics in Nevada for many years. Most importantly, she is a wife, mother and grandmother.

Contact Dr. Patricia Beckstead, B.S., D.C. at 702.263.0844 or visit her website at


Defining: Your Sensuality

Sexy is not a Size.. It’s an Attitude! By Romance Specialist, Linda Tallon

I have been dieting all of my life. I have clothes from size 8 to 18 in my closet. I don’t care if you are 100 lbs. or 215 lbs., your honey will desire you every time you bend over or breeze by. Your partner loves you for who you are, BUT...

If you think about it, you get up in the morning, you fix your hair, your makeup, you apply your lipstick and put on some perfume. You look FABULOUS---for everyone at work. Then when it is time to come home to your soul mate, the person who works 10 hour days, your makeup comes off. You pull your hair back in a ponytail and you pull out the sweats, or the t-shirt and bunny slippers. Now I am sure you are very cute and I KNOW you are comfortable. BUT… did you ever think about how your partner feels? TIME to get your sexy back! It hurts me when I listen to a client who says 18

to me, “I’ve been married for 30 years and he just left me. I don’t know what happened, I thought we were happy.” No one ever thinks this will happen to them. Busy or not, you have to pay attention! Think back when you bought a new red bra and panties. (If you never have, you should!) You strutted around for days, no one really knew what was going on, but you walked differently, you felt differently. When you are wearing beautiful under things it kind of feels like you have a secret that no one knows about. You stand a little taller. And whether you are or you aren’t, you feel a little more

self-confident! And self-confidence is very sexy! My suggestion is to try it for ONE week. Try a thong, or a sexy, silk chemise. Start out with just a sexy pair of panties. Then try a lacy peek-a-boo bra! At least one day, try something you thought you would never do in a million years, maybe a corset and stockings, or a sexy nightgown as you relax and watch television. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A PARTNER to wear sexy lingerie. You might even feel a little silly at first. If nothing else, buy a matching bra and panty. When you have silk or satin against your skin, research shows

Defining: Your Sensuality it heightens sensitivity. You will be more aware of your sexiness! You will become more aware of your body. You will become more comfortable in your own skin. Some think it takes a lot of nerve to be naked! Some women like to hide what they consider flaws, like with a flared teddy that will hide your hips. There are plenty of options to make you feel seductive, or some that will emphasize your curves, your best bits. If you want to try something really daring, try a costume and use your imagination. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Pick something that fits you properly. Pick colors that you love. There are so many new materials you don’t have to go to real silk today! Corsets were popular in the 1800’s and they have been making a comeback for the past few years! They cinch in your waist, defining your waistline and curves. There is an actual science behind the female waist-hip ratio and attraction factor from men. Not to mention how much sexier we feel as women with a slimmer waist. A corset might just do the trick. The good news is lingerie does not have to be uncomfortable. You can find comfortable, sexy or suggestive lingerie just about anywhere. Why not purchase a piece of lingerie and send

your partner a picture of what he might see when he gets home. If he gets home before you, I can guarantee you he will be showered and shaved and have the kids to bed early! Take time to play! It just might be addictive! Again, my suggestion would be to try it for one week. See how you feel at the end of the week. Whether for yourself or your partner, I promise you will FEEL special! YOU will feel sexy and confident and more like a woman with attitude, no matter your size! w Linda Tallon is an Executive Director with the Pure Romance Company. She has been supporting women with their sexual health and wellness for over 30 years. Linda loves what she does by empowering women to take charge of their sexual pleasure and fulfillment. Linda is discreet and available to support you! Give her a call at 702.592.8405 or via email at:

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Defining: Your Life

Follow Your Dream Until Your Dream Comes True By Elaine Odeh

Photography Courtesy of Ms. Mckenzi Taylor, Taylored Photo Memories Makeup By Teresa Mohn, Mary Kay Advanced Color Certified


ho decides at nearly 50 years old that she needs to go back to school and fulfill her childhood dream of making people well? Dr. Cheryle Pettigrew, that’s who. Growing up, Cheryle remembers being told, “You are a girl. You can’t do that.” However, like so many of us, she had big dreams. At the age of just 12 she knew she wanted to be a doctor, but everyone around her told it wasn’t possible – “females are teachers or nurses, if they must work at all.” In high school, she was informed she should graduate, get married and have children, again thwarting her ultimate goals and dreams. For a very long time, she bought into the messages that were impressed upon her in her formative years. She told herself the same story; she could never be a doctor because being a female made it true. Ultimately this made no sense to her and like many of us it takes years to undo limiting beliefs that have been drilled into 20

our heads. On one hand she knew that being a female should not keep her from her true calling. But, on the other hand she was in conflict with herself because she knew she wanted much more than just having kids and staying home and that didn’t seem right thinking. Cheryle had more inside of her longing to be fulfilled. Can you relate? We can sometimes spend years letting go of the internal conversations holding us back before acknowledging our truth. Cheryle eventually did exactly what was expected of her. She got married and had kids. While in the midst of having a family, the desire to heal people never left her. She got as close to it as she could at the time by working as a lab technician for 12 years. For her she thought, “at least I’m in the medical field.” Still the nagging feeling in her gut told her there was more to do, more to discover, more for her life. Finally, determined to follow

her inner voice, Cheryle decided to go back to school to become a physician’s assistant. She believed strongly she needed to treat patients directly and felt this may be the path. Then, as often time has it, when we get what we have longed for, things did not turn out exactly as planned. Of course, Cheryle learned a lot while studying to be a physician’s assistant, but as she completed her education and it came time to put what she had leaned to practice, she had a feeling inside and she knew this was not right for her. Treating sick people was one thing; however, she knew 90% of them were sick because of the medications they were ingesting. She said “I knew there had to be a better way”. Cheryle wanted to do something more holistic, something that considered the whole person, not just their symptoms. The next stepping stone on her path lead to Chiropractic, a discipline where she could do even

Defining: Your Life more than she even imagined as a child, really heal people. To Dr. Cheryle, it means much more to set her patients on a course of healing, rather than just having them feel a little bit better. Her goal is to facilitate her patients’ whole being well, mind, body and spirit. Dr. Cheryle’s patients are everything to her. As she discusses what she does with us, her face is glowing and her devotion so clear. She spends at least an hour with each new patient, really getting to know them; beginning to uncover what is behind their pain. She works to find the root cause of their discomfort or dis-ease and she treats the root cause for true healing.

Treating sick people was one thing; however, she knew 90% of them were sick because of the medications they were ingesting. she said “I knew there had to be a better way”. Remarkably, Dr. Cheryle often discovers what is actually ailing the patient is not at all what they originally came in for. Sometimes people carry a lot of trapped emotion which puts the body off balance. Dr. Cheryle has seen negative emotions; the patient did not even realize existed, clear away after a single adjustment. She is able to do all of this because of the time she takes to form an intuitive connection with her patients. Still, Dr. Cheryle’s road to where she is now did not come without some obstacles. In fact, the biggest challenge she faced in starting her own practice was actually getting the funding together. When she was applying for a business loan the banker asked how much

money her husband makes, “like that had anything to do with my business,” she said. It reminded Dr. Cherlye of how her parents told her it was stupid at her age to go back to school. That she should be more concerned with her grandkids. “I do love my grandkids”, Cheryle says, “But I knew in my heart that this is something I needed to do.” Dr. Cheryle and her patients are glad that she did not let those obstacles stop her from fulfilling her dream. Wendy, Dr. Cheryle’s friendly receptionist says, “Guys especially cannot believe how little she is. They take one look at Dr. Cheryle and ask, ‘How could she possibly help me?’ Without fail, on the way out their faces are lit up and she’s done it again, another patient feels better.” Patient Regina says she can

come in and talk to Dr. Cherlye and after just having a simple conversation Dr. Cheryle gets to root of the problem. “She really encourages you to listen to your body, and she really listens to what you’re saying. She feels it. I don’t know any other doctor who does that. She is amazing.”, states Regina. It is evident from her patients that Dr. Cheryle loves what she does. It pleases her to see someone feeling good when they walk out the door. “I feel great when patients hug me after their visit, especially when they doubted my treatment would help.” There was one patient who had been seeing another doctor in Dr. Cheryle’s practice, and when that doctor left the patient did not even want to give her the opportunity to treat him. After a year of visiting other doctors he finally came back to give Dr. Cheryle a try. After the first visit he said, “I don’t know why waited so long”, gave her a hug, and has been a patient since. Following your dream, a dream you may have had for a very long time is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage and determination and a realization that we have this one go around, this one life. Dr. Cheryle Pettigrew is an example all women and shows us to never stop, keep growing, keep learning and keep dreaming! w


Defining:Your Life

The Magic of Divine Flow By Lisa Ulshafer Author, Life Coach, Speaker


mazing stuff happens when you’re living in divine flow. I’ve experienced being both in and out of divine flow and and it can be absolutely magical when you’re in it. In fact, it was pouring through my life while writing my book, Journey with an Angel. So much so that much of the book became about what was happening while writing the book. So how do you get in divine flow and what does it look like once you’re there? Divine flow is around you at all times, the key is allowing yourself to ride along it’s magical stream. One of the signs you’re in it, is when synchronicity shows up at every turn. Famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity after having many seemingly coincidental experiences with his patients. He described synchronicity as the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. Synchronicities may catch your attention here and there at first, but over time, they may derive more meaning as they show up more consistently. Experiencing greater synchronicity in your life is indicative of reaching higher levels of awareness and being more connected to your spirit. When you move beyond critical thinking, a shift occurs and synchronicities often lead the way. They may validate something you have been thinking about, confirm a direction, or sometimes just drive home a point. Not only can you experience synchronicities, but you can also receive messages in other ways. They may come to you because you are getting the information you need when you need it most. These messages often come as a result of asking 22

for guidance through prayer or intention. Other people can relay messages to you knowingly or unknowingly in conversation, or in passing. So, where are these messages coming from? Many of your messages come from angels. After all, the word angel is derived from the ancient Greek word angelos, which means messenger. Another indicator that you are opening up and connecting more is through the recurring presence of numbers and their sequences in your life. The angels communicate to people a great deal through the use of numbers. Perhaps it’s easier to get our attention that way because we are continuously surrounded by numbers. One of the greatest gifts I’ve received from connecting with my angels is how much I treasure seeing the numbers that are significant to me. I’ve been seeing the numbers 722 and 227 consistently and in the most surprising ways since 2008. When I see them I always smile and recognize that my angels are present.

" M a g i c i s wh a t h a p p e n s wh e n y o u h a ve e n c o u n t e r e d t h e D i vi n e . I t i s t h e l i f e - a l t e r i n g e x p e r i e n c e s of c o n n e c t i n g t o t h e d i vi n i t y t h a t d we l l s w i t h i n yours elf an d in th e worl d.” ~ Phyllis Curott ~ Intuition is a major gateway to divine flow. It’s how your spirit brings you information as a way to guide you in your life journey. Following my intuition is what has served me the most in my coaching practice. The more you follow it, the stronger it gets, and to this day has never failed me. So how can you move into more divine flow in

your life? By asking! One way is to ask your angels to assist you. They are always at the ready. Asking for their assistance will let them know you’re ready to receive their support. Heartfelt prayers can also move things along. Whenever you pray, it is important to recognize that the most important part is the feeling behind the prayer. Prayer is received more through our vibration than anything else, and our feelings are what create the strength of vibration. If you are just thinking a prayer, it doesn’t have the same effectiveness as when your prayers are heartfelt. Being aware and consciously pursuing your transformational pathway puts everything into high gear. You’re a multi-dimensional complex being on a physical, psychological and spiritual level. Understanding who you are and how you work while applying what you learn, raises your vibration and opens the doorway to divine flow. Meditation is another way to relax and calm your body and mind while allowing more connection to occur with your spirit and angels. Higher vibrational music activates your spirit. Its harmony is soothing, and its inspiration comes from the soul. In the words of Ludwig van Beethoven, “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.” Taking walks and getting out in nature can be a wonderful way to lift your spirit. Nature has its own magical way about it and is always in divine flow. I believe that we all want to experience magic in our lives. We want to feel fulfillment and meaning and that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. That’s how you feel when you are in divine flow. Are you ready to make amazing stuff happen by finding your flow? w

Lisa Ulshafer’s mission is to guide you in taking that inner journey, where you connect to the power within you so you can live the life you were destined to live. Learn more at OR Contact Lisa via email at


Defining: Your Life

Making Amazing Shit Happen I

By Kathlyn Jaramillo & the M.A.S.H. Team Photography Courtesy of Johnny Hendry & Photo Assistant Taw-cre-nee Redhawk

recently discovered a mastermind group of incredibly talented entrepreneurial women I cannot live without! M.A.S.H. stands for the title of this feature. What happens when this group gathers is nothing short of amazing, pardon the pun. Born out of a need to solve a problem that was bigger then her, Alicia Mejia created this mastermind group based on her reading from Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich. Some of these women are new to the group and some have been meeting for a number of years. What they have learned about themselves and how they have taken on their life as a result is inspiring. Get to know these women. Follow them and have a Summer of M.A.S.H.!


Alicia Mejia

y day, Alicia Mejia is the Director of Small Business Magic at Heroes Incorporated. Combining her love for the written word, making connections that matter, and an eye for the big picture, she and her team translate her clients’ mission, methods and magic for the digital world. She is a matchmaker of small businesses and the loyal fans, customers and brand ambassadors who love them. Especially the ones who don’t know it yet. By night, she is a matchmaker of another kind. As founder of the Worldwide Love Story, Alicia is putting love on the map interviewing couples and collecting love stories, real stories of real people in love. She believes that by sharing the stories that demonstrate both the depth and simplicity of love, the more apt we each will be to recognize, appreciate and participate in love in the everyday moments. When she’s not writing about other people’s love stories, you will find her volunteering for Hero School, a local non-profit working to empower homeless people to become free to live the lives they were meant for. You can also catch her on WBKE Wednesdays at 8:00 PST on the “Good Mörgen” show where she and co-host Robert Morgen riff on current events and all things social. Find and Follow Alicia Mejia at: T: @romanceceo F: LinkedIN:



regnant at 17 and divorced with 2 small children by the age of 21, Danielle went to school on herself and opened an Esthetic Studio. While learning how to grow her business she became aware of the potential that online marketing had and she closed her studio to work from home. Danielle runs a “for purpose” organization helping teen moms create a better life for themselves and their kids. She held a TEDXWomen talk about her mission called “Reinventing Teen Motherhood” and was named a “2015 Woman to Watch” by Vegas Inc magazine. She uses YouTube, social media, live video and email marketing to attract members and grow the community. Danielle’s official title is “Creative Video Marketing Strategist” she turns closet geniuses into industry leaders. How? By helping them hop in front of the camera and become the one moment their customers look forward to all day. She despises traditional networking and when Alicia approached her with the idea of a mastermind, she jumped at the opportunity to create a space where instead of shoving business cards down each others throats, they offered real support, advice and accountability. MASH has become all that and more. You can learn to expand your business and influence online by attending one of Danielle’s live webinars, inperson workshops or live broadcasts on Periscope.

Defining: Your Life Danielle Ford

Find and Follow Danielle at: @DanielleFordLV across all social media and Snapchat and on YouTube

“More gold had been mined from the mind of men than the earth it self” Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich


Ronda Taylor

onda Taylor is a publishing expert, awardwinning book designer, author, and TEDx speaker. She is most passionate about bringing an author’s vision to life...what she calls her “heart work”. Through her company, HeartWork Publishing, Ronda works with dynamic entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have a compelling story to tell. Before HeartWork Publishing, she spent twelve years designing book covers, including Chicken Soup for the Soul—Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction. An entrepreneur since 2003, Ronda leverages her years of experience to give women a voice, to tell the story of their own “heart work”. As a woman who has successfully overcome many obstacles in life, Ronda is an advocate for those without a voice, and volunteers by conducting workshops with local organizations for homeless teens and women who are also survivors of abuse. As a MASH member (aka MASHer) for the past two years, Ronda is especially grateful for the camaraderie as well as the level of professionalism the group brings to every meeting. In fact, she credits her fellow MASHers, in part, for helping her overcome her fear of public speaking. She auditioned for and was selected as one of 11 women to share the stage as a TEDx FremontEast speaker in 2015. Find and Follow Ronda Taylor at: T: @heartworkpub F: Web:


Defining: Your Life Jodi Harris


nergizing! Fun! Passionate! Experience! These are all words you hear to describe the CEO of Fun, Jodi’s 25 years in the special event business has made her a highly sought after DJ entertainer, event director and event producer. Her experience encompasses a wide variety of jobs that include disc jockey entertainer, video producer, photographer, event producer, marketing and hospitality expert and #GirlBoss. Jodi alongside with her husband Patrick is owner of Sight & Sound Events which just celebrated its 21st year creating FUN celebrations in Las Vegas. Amazing Shit Jodi is Up to: Producing 300 fun events a year! She is also the host of 2 successful podcasts. Her ‘WEDDINGS DONE RIGHT RADIO, THE HOW TO FOR THE I DO’ is on iTunes and You Tube. Jodi uses this show to interview wedding experts to help couples plan their weddings. She produces another podcast with her husband, Pat called ‘Staying up with Pat and Jodi’. lots of fun as they discuss current events. MASH keeps Jodi accountable for her actions. She loves her fellow MASHers because it’s pure synergy. It’s a safe and energetic place for ideas and feedback. Find and Follow Jodi Harris at: T:@JodiHarris F:

In his book, Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states the “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.


ikki Suchy-Belanger is a certified Curvy Yoga instructor, focusing on yoga for people of every size, age and ability in the greater Las Vegas area. Specialities will include: yoga for beginners, back pain and mobility circuits, restorative yoga and derby yoga (yoga for roller derby players and volunteers under the brand name: Curvy Derby Yoga Studio). After several years struggling with anxiety, depression, and a compulsive eating disorder, Nikki has turned around in using these attributes and is now utilizing them to create relationships with all walks of life in Social Media, Sports, Rehabilitation, and women’s empowerment tools. Currently, Nikki is creating a following in the Las Vegas Valley for curvy yogis while also pursuing the publication of self development journals for the sport enthusiast in roller derby. Feel free to reach out to her through email at or through Facebook under Curvy Derby or Curvy Yoga Las Vegas. MASH supports every area of her life and the ideas exchanged are relevant to her business as well as everyone elses! Find and Follow Nikki Suchy-Belanger at: Curvy Derby Yoga Studio, derbyCAKE podcast LinkedIn: 26

Nikki Suchy-Belanger

Defining: Your Life “Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Ideas are products of the imagination.” Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich


hile calling herself a Personal Trainer is the quickest way of explaining what she does, a Vision Holder is who she is. With 15 years experience, Anna understands that clients begin their fitness journeys full of hope and excitement, with the belief they are able to create change in their own lives. Her experience is professional and personal. “I thought having a 6 pack would eliminate all of my problems. Self-esteem, financial, personal, you name it, I thought my belly fat was to blame. I busted my butt, dropped 40 lbs, 6 sizes and rocked a 6 pack. Not only did all of my problems still exist, but now I was hungry too. At the end of the day we want to move without pain, feel healthy, strong and capable. Those elements breed happiness.” As a Vision Holder, her job is to bring her client’s vision of their better self into alignment with what is truly desired, probable and healthy. Quick fixes and unhealthy expectations are replaced with an honest look at motivation, both positive and negative, and a space is created for clients to work through and toward their goals. Being at MASH is like being in a mall full of all of your favorite stores and anything you need is just given to you. At any given time there is decades of experience at the MASH table. Find and Follow Anna Tomasiello at: F:

Sandi Herrera


Anna Tomasiello

n entrepreneur, inspiring thought leader and passionate school culture coach. Sandi is the Founder of Got Core Values, a nonprofit designed to deliver school culture consulting, teaching school communities how to create their unique core values for every facet of school life. Sandi’s background was with Tony Hsieh’s company, Delivering Happiness as Culture Ops Diva, in charge of internal culture and operations. While at Delivering Happiness, she found her passion in helping schools define their unique culture. Throughout her career her focus has always been on culture first knowing that a positive environment is the key. Sandi is a TEDx speaker, and has been featured on the Downtown Podcast. Her volunteerism includes being an active board member for Vegas PBS, the Women’s Engagement Council, What’s Next Nevada as well as supporting Create A Change Now and Girls In Tech. MASH has been an incredibly inspiring and invaluable group of professionals to be connected with. She states, “I would not have been introduced to the right people to begin my work at the university level nor been encouraged to take some of the leaps of faith I have taken to grow Got Core Values had it not been for this amazing group making amazing shit happen!”

Carol Ann Weber

Find and Follow Sandi Herrera at: T: @schoolsandi F:


Defining: Your Life Carol Ann Weber


arol Ann spent 15 years as a professional singer touring the country, before becoming a writer. After her first article was purchased by an international bodybuilding magazine, her career took off. She is an award-winning journalist whose cover stories were published in every major fitness magazine in the US and Canada. She owns Motion is Medicine, and has conducted active lifestyle workshops at senior centers all over the Las Vegas Valley. At 69, she is the living, breathing example of what she teaches - practical (not boring) ways to live a happier, healthier, fitter and more vibrant life. What really lights her fire these days is the series she developed on the reawakening of the divine feminine in contemporary society. She calls herself a “Goddess Archeologist,” in that she keeps digging up Goddesses previously buried in human history, dusts them off and presents them as true as possible. After asking MASH members how to find the focus for her book on Goddess lifestyles Carol Ann got the answer! The MASHers stated something no one else had said: “We need you, and the world needs you.” She heard them and she actually got started! Sheis grateful for this group who will hold her accountable until it’s complete! Find and Follow Carol Ann Weber at: F:

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed..” Napoleon Hill

Tribute to Iliana Kemp~ By Alicia Mejia

MASH was born as result of Iliana expressing an interest in studying abroad her sophomore year. I had just finished an incredible 13 week course studying the principles of “Think & Grow Rich” and thought, ‘This sounds like a question for a mastermind group.’ My first call was to Danielle and together we developed the format, and name, for MASH. It was born thanks to a girl with a dream and cultivated in the spirit of those who understood the power of collective thinking. It immediately became a place where people regularly brought their dreams and worked together to help make those dreams become a reality, one idea at a time. From one dream came a environment in which countless ideas have been born that wouldn’t have otherwise. Encouragement has been given, relationships developed, risks taken, wins celebrated and setbacks overcome. Amazing Sh!t truly has happened. Another reason I will forever be grateful for this beautiful young woman, and all the dreams she wants to accomplish.w


Iliana Kemp

Defining: Your Style Public Relations Pro Promotes Authentically By Kathlyn Jaramillo


as Vegas public relations professional Ruth Furman exudes warmth and whimsy. She’s clever and fun. She embraces her quirky side and presents authenticity at every turn. I have personally enjoyed getting to know the woman and her work and love her authentic style and skill. Ruth, a newspaper and magazine reporter-turnedpublicist-turned community engagement specialist, has evolved as a business owner, learning to follow her heart as she attracts new clients and projects. “I’ve learned I can handle a lot of different types of projects,” Ruth said. “Community engagement is truly what makes my heart sing. When I can pursue my passion and monetize that, I consider it a total win.” Ruth loves using her know-how to make connections, whether matching journalists with stories or pairing clients, particularly locally owned businesses, with strategies to improve. She especially likes spotlighting low-cost and no-cost opportunities small-business owners can use to tie in with the community and boost revenue. She always asks prospective clients, “Why keep your success a secret?” In 2015, Ruth planned and promoted a tequilatasting fiesta to benefit a veterans’ nonprofit group and hosted the event at a local family-owned business, the Salt Room in Summerlin. All of the brands aligned. One of her locally owned restaurant clients, Table 34, donated desserts and a locally owned fitness studio donated passes to classes. The event fit the mission of Fubar Tequila, a brand supporting veteran’s causes. Both Fubar Tequila and Alien Tequila donated samples for the tasting. And the Salt Room sells shot glasses in its retail section and was willing to sell them at cost. “I love chances to promote multiple brands while helping a nonprofit,” she says. “A friend and collaborator of mine, Luke, calls me Santa Claus and when we are talking about community engagement we like to say we are ‘Santa Clausing’ a promotion.” To Ruth, “Santa Clausing” means donating goods or services to generate traffic to a business, build buzz for an event or help a worthy cause. I find that community engagement is like catnip for media,” she said, “so the public relations potential of an event

increases exponentially when a nonprofit is involved.” Earlier this year, Ruth helped two locally owned Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shops with Free Cone Day to benefit the CASA Foundation — a program helping foster children find safe living environments. She even recruited celebrity scoopers, including entertainer and impressionist Frankie Scinta. “Giving away free ice cream and giving back at the same time was magic,” Ruth said. “My friends and colleagues were more than happy to support me. And I certainly have an above-average knowledge of this product.” Ruth Furman has a journalism degree from Indiana University and a social nature. She is active in Defining Women, the National Association of Women Business Owners, a “M.A.S.H.” mastermind group, the Nevada Hotel and Lodging Association, Las Vegas Innovation Marketing Association and the Public Relations Society of America. She’s also a social member of Chicagoans in the Desert (a group connecting former Chicagoans in Las Vegas) and attends Creative Mornings Las Vegas, a breakfast lecture series for the creative community. As a regular collaborator with other public relations agencies and entrepreneurs, Ruth receives substantial new business by referral and nurtures her network consistently and proactively. “I never want to be the type of person who has a sense of entitlement,” she says. “Whether it’s a recurring client, a freelance writing project or an introduction, I’m crazy grateful for every opportunity that’s thrown my way.” We are particularly excited that Ruth will discuss “promoting authentically” at the Defining Women luncheon October 24, 2016 at Maggiano’s Little Italy/ Fashion Show Mall. She will share favorite PR dos and don’ts and tips about integrating public relations with social media. Ruth shares how vital it is to present yourself as you are, as opposed to whom you feel the universe expects. She herself said, “When I started truly being myself in business, I became a lot happier.” w If your business needs an authentic facelift in the public relations department please contact Ruth Furman.


Defining: Your Space

Keeping the Outside from Getting in & Other Helpful Maintenance Tips By Kimberli A. Harkess, PC For many people, a home is the most expensive purchase they will ever make. In the harsh Nevada weather, the maintenance of your home comes with some unique challenges. It is all about making your home more efficient, conserving water, and most importantly keeping that blasted heat out of your home. Stucco palaces are everywhere in our Southern Nevada landscape and I know it looks unimaginative. Most production homes in the area are built with wood framing, stucco finish, concrete tile roofs, and slab on grade (meaning no basements). Many homes built in the valley before 1979 were constructed of cement block with or without a stucco finish and composite asphalt shingle roofs.

What we have is a modern version of adobe homes built by Native Americans in the southwest. But, what is common now is just a natural progression of building materials designed to repel our desert environment. Clients frequently ask me why we don’t have more basements since its cooler underground. The simple truth is our geological make-up in Southern Nevada makes it very expensive to excavate for basements in production home building. If you have ever dug a pool and found your soil had high caliche content, you paid extra to the pool company to excavate. It’s the same principal. Caliche is a sedimentary rock that is a natural cement of calcium carbonate. Sometimes just

NEW LISTING! MacDonald Highlands Country Club Custom Lot ~1692 Tangiers Dr MLS 1524872 Contact Kimberli at: 702.416.8502 Don’t miss this opportunity to to buy the last bi-level lot on Tangiers Drive. Full construction clock available, all utilities at the curb. Spectacular view!! Call me for a private showing. 30

Defining: Your Space simply planting a tree can be a challenge! One important aspect of owning a home is having the knowledge of how to keep it maintained to avoid costly repairs and serious damage. Over the years weather and use will wear down both the interior and exterior of your property. Getting into good habits now should hopefully reduce the need for expensive repairs later. Whether you set alerts on your phone or mark your wall calendar, taking care of your home is about keeping a schedule. At least every six months or so, you should be performing an inspection of your property so that you can ensure it is functioning properly and safely. Here are a few important pointers to keep in mind:

Roof and Attic Your roof is the “hat” on your home and protects everything underneath. Make sure to inspect the roof at least once per year or after a strong wind. Look for any loose shingles or damaged roof tiles. If you spot wear and tear early, it will be a lot less expensive to fix than the damage caused by a leaky roof over time. Just a little hint if you have a concrete tile roof, please be mindful of any workers you let on your roof. There is a skill to walking on a roof without breaking the tile. Remember 250 pounds is 250 pounds, light-footed or not. In the attic check for holes under the eaves that can let in all manner of pests. Can anyone say roof rats? Yuck! If your home is more than 10 years old you might want to add upgraded insulation. Newer insulation is more energy efficient; dollar for dollar this project is one of the best returns on investment in the desert. Go to click on insulation. Another hint: Attics can reach 150+ degrees in the summer so whether you do this yourself or hire it out; this project is best done in the cooler months. People work more efficiently when you can’t fry an egg on their head.

HVAC System (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning) Changing your air filters regularly is critical to your HVAC system, 30, 60 or 90 days? How often depends on number of occupants and pets, allergies etc. Start by checking them once a month. If they look dirty change them. When you have many pets or severe allergies, think about investing in washable filters. Have your AC professionally serviced in the spring before the summer heat starts, that way the heater can also

be tested. Make sure part of that service is cleaning the dust and dirt from condensate pan/drain under the air handler in your attic. (WHAT?) If the drain gets clogged, the pan runs over and you could be paying for new ceiling. This is especially prevalent during the summer monsoon seasons when moisture is high and the air handler creates more condensation. Thinking about cleaning your ducts? Make sure it’s a reputable company; don’t be tempted by that discount coupon. Done improperly, your ventilation system could be compromised. There is a comprehensive guide from a Colorado company. Go to: http://www.healthyhomeaircare. com Click on Consumer Guide and get educated before you make that call.

Windows and Doors Take a close look at the windows and doors of your home, see if you need to repair any leaks to save energy. You don’t want excessive air leaks around your windows, doors or electrical outlets. A drafty door or window can really add to your energy bill over time, so it will be worth it to ensure that everything is sealed properly. When it comes to home maintenance you want to be able to keep your cool air inside in the midst of the summer heat or vice versa in the winter. Check your seals to make sure they are holding up well and repair any spots that seem to be problematic. Exposure to sunlight might wear down seals over time. Pests and Insects Check your home thoroughly inside and out for any insects and unwanted pests such as carpenter ants, termites or adult children (kidding). Make sure that there is no point where the wood of your home or wooden patio cover is in contact with the soil. Trim bushes and trees away from the foundation of the property. If you can catch the infestation right away, it could save you thousands of dollars on repairing future structural damage. Be very mindful of standing water of any kind. Kiddie pools, buckets etc. We have mosquitoes and West Nile Virus in Nevada. Zika Virus may not be far behind, just don’t take chances.

Xeriscape (Water Conservation) Some people think it is zeroscape but that’s not how you spell it, you’re welcome. Yes folks we do live in the desert. Conserving water is a way of life. We are not a topography of sprawling lawns, willow trees and Spanish moss, so embrace it. Desert plants and trees can be quite lovely. Your yard does not have to be that pink rock and a


Defining: Your Space cactus. You can intersperse your landscape with edible herbs; basil, oregano, thyme and mint thrive here in this sunny valley. Plant a lovely rosemary hedge; you don’t really need a green thumb for any of these things. Rosemary chicken, pesto and mojitos anyone? Yummy! For more information go to http// One last note on water conservation, the Southern Nevada Water Authority has a landscape rebate $2 per square foot of grass removed. This is a great deal but be mindful the location of the grass you remove could affect the sale of your home in the future. Let me explain. Once you take the rebate, a Restrictive Convent and Grant of Conservation Easement is recorded against your property in the location the grass was removed. This means you or any future buyers can’t replant grass, put in a water feature or (here’s the kicker) install a pool in that location. If you sell your home, you must disclose the easement to the Buyer. If you removed the grass from the only prime pool location, you could lose potential buyers. So, was that $200 rebate worth it? Remove the grass if you want, just don’t take the rebate on rear lawns. This is a question every buyer should ask if they are considering installing a pool. Again, you’re welcome.


These are just a few of many important home maintenance tasks that every Nevada property owner should know. If you are able to practice preventative care on your home, then you will prolong the life of all of its systems and components. Find a good handyman if you are not mechanically inclined. Please go to the websites I have recommended, they are a wealth of additional information. Educate yourself. As always, do not hesitate to contact me directly I am always happy to answer any questions.w

Kimberli A. Harkess, PC has been a licensed Realtor in Nevada since 2001. Prior to that, she was in mortgage lending for 22 years. Kimberli believes this gives her a unique perspective and ability to assist both Sellers and Buyers. Her business model provides a high level of quality service to her clients. Give Kimberli a call at 702-416-8502

Defining: Your Space

Feng Shui and the Wonders of Water By Solange Mikucki

Ah! Summer, BBQ, pool parties, a little chilled wine, and ice cold beer while you watch a beautiful sunset or perhaps just lazing around in a hammock or pool chair it all adds up to thoughts of an ideal summer and enjoying your garden. Whether trickling, splashing or cascading, water features are a beautiful addition to any garden especially in spring and summer adding a refreshing and cooling sensation and relief to the heat of the summer. While water features have the power of relaxing frazzled nerves and nurturing and soothing the human psyche in ways beyond conventional understanding, it is also a key element in attaining good Feng Shui because water symbolizes wealth and attracts “Chi”, the invisible life force who’s unrestricted flow is essential in creating harmonious, prosperous and healthy environments as long as it is correctly oriented through exact Feng Shui calculations according to ancient texts on the creation of the auspicious “ Water Dragon”. The more free flowing and natural the water feature is in its setting, the more “Chi” and wildlife it will attract, creating a peaceful, nurturing, prosperous and a natural balance of nature. A water feature can vary in size from a small bubbling simple container, a wall mounted spout, a slow flowing stream to a pond, spa or pool.

From a Feng Shui point of view the proper placement location of the water is crucial. Location and direction according to Compass School Feng Shui is vital to success. Wrongly placed it can bring ill events from financial losses to serious health problems. For financial gains, the following sectors can be activated via a water feature such as a pool, fountains and including spa, providing that there are no negative energies residing in any of these sectors. From 2004 to 2024 your Primary Wealth Star is located in the Southwest sector of your garden or home/office, while the Secondary Wealth Star is located in the East sector of your garden or home/ office. In 2016 from February 4th 2016 to February 4th 2017 the Primary Wealth Star “8” is located in the Southwest and the Secondary Wealth Star “9” is located in the East Sector. Another auspicious star is located in the Southeast and can be activated as well for financial gains. These can be activated with water features. In 2016 negative energies such as the San Sha (gathering of 3 negative energies) is located in the entire South sector/direction therefore it is best to avoid water features, digging and renovations in the South sector... Flying Star #5 is located in the Northeast and major constructions and renovations should be avoided as well. A word of caution! Due to the complexity of this system all water placements must be in harmony with the “Flying Stars System as well, as it is not recommended to place a water feature where negative energies reside, there are many systems in Feng Shui, therefore it is always best to seek the advice of a competent and experienced Feng Shui Practitioner. Date Selection is also a very important part of Feng Shui. Through the selection of a positive date according to your Birth Data, an action, project, event or activity can be infused with positive energies present at that time and assuring a positive and successful outcome. Whether you want to find the perfect place for your desired water feature or are planning a special event it is best to seek the advice of Solange Mikucki, Feng Shui Master. Contact Solange at or call 702-838-5838 of 818-618-6178.w


Defining: Your Space

Toxic What?

By Sondra Pariser, Patty Morgan & Terri Baity

With summer in full swing there is a plethora of exciting activities that you and your family are planning in the months ahead. You may be headed to the beach for vacation or perhaps a camping trip some place a little bit cooler. Whatever you have planned, it is worth a little bit of extra thought to make sure you and your family stay away from toxins and harmful chemicals in some fairly recognizable everyday products. Here are just a few items to stay away from or seek a safer alternative for:


If you are planning anytime outdoors in the glorious sunshine, although beautiful and so healthy, it is not so good for your skin to be exposed for any length of time. Mom’s everywhere will be reaching like mad men for the sunscreen believing it will protect their kids without really considering the toxic ingredients it contains, or worse hoping the good will outweigh the bad in this case. The fact is, in general, many sunscreens include toxins, which can penetrate the skin, cause allergic reactions, disrupt hormones, and overall just extremely unhealthy for the body. 34

The bright side (literally) of things is that there are things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from potentially being harmed by those pesky UV rays. You should plan your play around the sun; check the UV Index to help arrange your outdoor activities. Alternatively, you can go outdoors in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky; therefore, significantly lower temperatures. Additionally, wearing light clothing to cover your skin, finding shade (or making it), and donning a stylish pair of sunglasses are absolutely essential for protection from UV radiation. As you consider the absolute best sunscreen option, avoid Vitamin A in any products, as it is shockingly known to increase your risk of skin cancer. Fun fact: it is best not to trust SPF labeling, as they are “inherently misleading” according the FDA. The best choice for a sunscreen should be mineral based as it sits on top of the skin, does not get absorbed and actually reflect the sun’s rays.

Bug Sprays

Nobody likes bugs. Nobody. Doesn’t matter the shape or size, and we certainly don’t want mosquitos the size of birds hovering over us. It’s just not ideal for anyone.

Defining: Your Space If we want to go on a hike, take a camping trip with the kids or enjoy a family picnic, keeping bugs at bay is a must. It should also be a priority to avoid the most widely used chemical ingredient in commercial bug spray, N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, or DEET. It just sounds hideous, right? Believe it or not, DEET is approved by the FDA, however, they have also reported that DEET has been linked to neurological problems in children and has a negative impact on wildlife and water sources. Nasty stuff. Finding a suitable ‘all natural’ bug spray alternative would support you and your family, as well as, the environment. Look for a spray that uses botanicals or essential oils like citronella, tea tree and mint. Ingredients that the average person can actually pronounce. Also, a good trick is mixing Apple Cider Vinegar in with essential oils or fresh herbs for a potent bug repellent, but fair warning; you might smell like a pickle. Last but not least, use common sense here, before you spray anything directly on the skin, make sure to test it first to make sure there is no reaction. It is always best to spray on your clothing, hats and foot wear.

Flea & Tick Products

Here is one for your family pet. With little Max spending more time running around outdoors he may be confronted by fleas or ticks. These unwanted critters cam transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, just to name a few. The best prevention

Queens of Green Living

may be to place your pet on a monthly flea and tick prevention product. However, the commercial products to prevent fleas and ticks are under wide scrutiny. These products are terrible for you, your children, and your beloved pets (which to some are your children). Again, botanicals, essential oils and ACV to the rescue! You can also bath your pup regularly in real soap made with oils and fats. When the oils and fats get on the bug, it disrupts the insects’ cell membranes, causing it to die from dehydration. Therefore, little Max is flea free! You can also make a flea dip or spray from steeping herbs in green tea, add some coconut oil to it, and spray this all-natural bug repellant all over your pets coat and air dry. You can even make your own flea collar by spritzing a bandana in a few drops of cedar oil or lavender oil that has been mixed with a bit of water. Tie it around your pet’s neck in sassy way and reapply the mixture once a week.

Family Solutions

Keeping your family safe this summer can be a task in itself, but finding quick and trustworthy resources take a bit of research. To support your efforts we invite you to explore the Melaleuca line of products for your family and pets. We offer safe, eco-friendly alternatives to almost all of the products you use daily in your home. We all want healthy lives and peace of mind. We invite you to become aware and make the change. Here’s to a happy, healthy, toxin free Summer!w

Sondra Pariser, Patty Morgan & Terri Baity are dedicated to

supporting women and their families with creating and keeping healthy home environments. Take a moment to reach out and explore their natural, botanical product line and experience the different it can make in your life. Whether you are cleaning up your home, your health or your financial situation, these ladies have great ideas to support you! Check out their website at

Be healthy, go green!

Photography Courtesy of McKenzi Taylor



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Defining: Your Results

Applying Psychology Principles to Your Online Marketing By Katie Rose Waechter

Applying psychology principles to your marketing is one of the most effective ways to improve and grow your business. Knowing what makes people tick will give you the edge to close the deal. But what about closing the deal in an online format? Applying these same psychology backed principles can be a challenge online when messages can get lost in the internet jungle, quickly becoming part of the social noise. This is a beast we must face. The fact is, these days your business cannot grow and thrive without an online presence. People are searching for your business online, and if you do not engage in effective internet marketing techniques, then you miss out on a large potential of business. The following are a few psychology principles you can use to apply killer marketing skills to the World Wide Web.

impression through social media. Use these platforms to engage with potential consumers, share helpful content, and spread a positive message with images and videos. Start building your audience today, and when your first product is market ready, you will already have people who are ready to buy.

1. The Theory of Reciprocity

When people want to know something, there is a gap between what they know and what they want to know (Yuan, 2016). To fill that gap in the 21st century, people almost always turn to the internet and search for specific keywords related to their curiosity. In fact, over 40,000 search queries are performed on Google every second (“Google Search Statistics,” 2016). This is important to keep in mind as you create the content that will go on your website/blog. Simply put, it all comes down to keywords. You can create the most interesting and compelling content in the world, but if it is not optimized for keywords people use to search when they want to know something, then your content will be of no use. After all, people can’t read your content and start trusting your brand if they can’t find your content when they search online. The truth is this: Psychology—in one way or another— backs all online marketing techniques. The internet is a place where people gather and search engines like Google work tirelessly to understand and give users what they want as quickly as possible. Psychology is the study of human behavior, and Google has gotten pretty good at studying people’s behavior online.

The principle of reciprocity describes the basic need of a person to give back or take action when someone gives to them. When applying it to the business world and you give something to consumers, they will be more likely to do what you want them to do (“5 Psychological Facts,” 2014). What can you give back to your online audience and potential consumers? The answer is content. If you provide free, engaging, and relevant content to your online audience, they will be more likely to engage with your business because of the principle of reciprocity. Content such as blogs, infographics, quizzes, and free downloads will all work. Just make sure that the content you give actually provides value to your potential audience.

2. The Halo Effect The halo effect is a principle that describes the bias consumers have towards companies they know, like and trust. Think about it. Consumers, once they find a brand they like, tend to stick with that brand (Yuan, 2016). Apple is an excellent example of consumer loyalty. Once people bought and loved the iPod, they bought and loved the Mac laptop, demonstrating thereafter an unwavering loyalty to the Apple brand. You don’t have to have an awesome product to create the halo effect in your digital marketing. You want your audience to like and trust you, it’s all about the impression you give them. You can create a great impression by posting amazing content that shows your industry expertise. You can also create an amazing

3. The Information Gap Theory

If you want to know more about best digital marketing practices or are looking for advice on how to improve your internet marketing techniques for your business, contact Katie at w Article sources are available upon request.


Defining: Your Business

Making Amazing Videos That Sell by Danielle Ford

A majority of time, when a video first-timer messages me with, “Danielle, I just made a YouTube video, can you tell me what you think?” I hold back my instant opinion....

Photo Courtesy of Brian Burge Photography


I do this because I can tell they’ve gone about it completely blind, and frankly they don’t really want to know what I think, they want a pat on the back. Most of the time, their video is nicely put together; they have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on fancy videographers, make-up artists and stylists. Or they have spent a week, and not to mention tons of frustration, filming and editing it themselves. And I just don’t want to be the one to tell them that their investment of money and/or precious time has been a huge waste.

available to big corporations and is now accessible to anyone, at the push of a button. Video is the quickest and most effective way to stand out from your competition, reach your ideal clients, grow your authority in your industry and even multiply your sales.

When making a YouTube video for your business, it is important to understand the factors that separate a run-of-the-mill online video, from a video that works as a stand-alone sales machine. The technology age is here, and as entrepreneurs we can no longer afford to ignore the video aspect and it potential to our bottom line. All businesses require an online presence. It is our NEW business card. This is an opportunity, at one time, was only

You can have the most wonderfully produced, strategically filmed video ready to convert to sales but nothing will happen if no one sees it.

Now, before you get too excited and run off to make that video, let’s cover the four most important aspects or factors, none of which have anything to do with fancy production or how you look!

Defining: Your Business # 1 Your Video Should Be About Your Viewers! This is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of entrepreneurs because they’ve been conditioned to think that they need to run down a list of qualifications and certifications for people to hire them or buy from this. The truth is that nobody cares about you or what you’ve done; they only want to know how you can help or solve a problem for them. Your video should open with your viewers struggle, and then it should deliver content to fix that specific problem. That’s it. You can then back up that content by explaining how you know this information or sharing a relatable story.

# 2 Include One Strong Call to Action! Once you’ve given value in your video, let your viewer know there’s more where that came from and tell them exactly what to do next. Use one specific call-to-action per video. If you want to gather email address, say, “Go to www.yourwebsite. com and enter your email.” You can ask them to follow you on social media, visit your online store or visit your place of business. Whatever your callto-action is, make it clear so that the viewers know exactly what to do and how they can reach you, get more great content, hire you and buy from you.

term. If you’ve followed step 1 and 2, your video is sure to start turning those searches into clients and sales. Video is important to the future of your business. Before you jump in, please feel free to reach out and let me know how I can support you. I teach video production and online marketing strategies on all my social media channels! You can find me at @DanielleFordLV on Facebook, Instagram, Periscope & Snapchat. For more in-depth training, jump in to one of my free live webinars at w Danielle Ford is a TEDx Speaker and a Creative Video Marketing Strategist. She shows entrepreneurs how to take their business live, reach thousands and make millions at By helping these individuals expand their influence online, she enables them to make the impact they’re meant to make. A Las Vegas native, she was named a “2015 Woman to Watch” honoree by Vegas Inc. Magazine.

# 3 More Eyes = More Buys You can have the most wonderfully produced, strategically filmed video ready to convert to sales but nothing will happen if no one sees it. It’s simple math… The secret sauce to success on YouTube is SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. In other words, optimize your video to get in front of your target viewer. To do this, you need to know what they’re searching for. Luckily, this information is free and at your fingertips, courtesy of Google. Here’s what you do: Go to Google, type in “keyword planner”, click “Search for new keywords” using a phrase, website or category. Then, type in a few potential title ideas for your video and click “get ideas”. Switch from “ad group ideas” to “keyword ideas” and a list of phrases that your target market is searching for will populate. You can now choose keywords that get thousands of monthly searches and use them in your YouTube titles, descriptions and tags, which will push your video to the top of YouTube and Google when people search for that

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Defining: Your Results

Mid-Year Check-in Review, Re-Target, Re-Define By Kathlyn Jaramillo

Time is flying by and we are already half way through the year! The question is are you on target? Have you been focused, on task and feeling great about your progress? It is easy to get caught up in chasing your time and new ideas even though you started the year with solid goals and the best of intentions. Have you achieved what you want so far? All of a sudden 6 months have flown by and perhaps you’ve not made the progress you wanted to make. You’ve stopped reviewing your goals and may be off on another direction. Time to check-in, review, re-target and re-define!

Step 1. Review What amazing things have you achieved? (Big & small) What top 3 personal characteristics did you use to achieve them? What did you want to achieve, but did not?

Step 2. Re-Target Get clear about what you want to achieve over the next 6 months! Write a vision... By the end of the year what will your life and/or business look like? What do you want to have accomplished?


© Kathlyn Jaramillo,


Defining: Your Results What will it take from you to accomplish it?

Step 3. Re-Define Your Plan What daily, weekly steps will you take to get there? What do you need to learn about? Who could help you? (Mentors, coaches, possible partners, trainers)

Define 1 BIG Goal for each month through the end of the year!

July Goal:

October Goal:









Contact for any questions or support! Let’s Go! Š Kathlyn Jaramillo, Defining:Women


Defining: Your Safety

Is She Ready? Equipping Your Kid for College By Patti Stewart

Congratulations! Your kid finally graduated High School, and you have spent a good portion of your summer so far getting her ready for her next adventure, college! She has prepared academically, taken the tests, determine the courses she will start with, bought the new laptop and she is all set to study hard and do well. You, as her proud Momma, have shopped with her for pretty linens, all the fun dorm room stuff she will need to live comfortably, picked out some new clothes and set the date for the big move-in. Okay, so you are both ready to go right?


ell not exactly. Statistics tell us that sexual assaults on college campuses are on the rise and gravely under reported. Additionally, according to EROC (End Rape on Campus), a movement to bring awareness to this issue, “28 OUT OF THE TOP 50 ‘BEST UNIVERSITIES’ IN U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT ARE UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION FOR THEIR HANDLING OF SEXUAL ASSAULT.” s uncomfortable as it may be, the most important conversation you can have with your daughter and son before they head off to college is that sexual assault is real and not okay. They are not invincible or smarter than anyone else even, if their grades show they are. he other misleading factor is that some kids think that sexual assault only occurs because they are being stupid, drinking too much at a party, or at the wrong place. Sexual assault also happens when studying. In preparing for this article,



I have read a number of stories where students were studying and someone approached them. he point is that you want your adult-child to have the best college experience possible. You don’t want to scare them; however, the conversation needs to be had. No means no. Here are just a few tips to start the conversation.


#1 Check your student’s college sexual assault statistics.

Ask questions about what the policies are for reporting, and get the emergency numbers for reporting suspicious activity and in the case of a sexual assault. Also, who should she/he report it to other than the police, as well as knowing the lay of the campus and where the safe places are in case they need to get there fast.

Defining: Your Safety #2 Preach Safety in numbers.

We are not in Kansas anymore, unless your kid is in school there. She is accustomed to coming and going as she pleases. In her new home away from home that is not the case. She does not know the lay of the land and sadly there is an entire culture ready to check out the freshman girls. Staying in groups, creating a buddy system before heading to the party, or designating a non-drinking leader are just a few ways to make sure no sister is left behind.


There is a lot of controversy over whether or not selfdefense supports the unfortunate rape culture in our society. Whether it does or not, you are the one with the daughter, and it is your responsibility to equip her with more than pretty things for her dorm room. Self-defense can also come by way of her owning a Stun Gun. Make sure she knows how to use it and actually fires it a few times to be comfortable with the sound. Practice how and where she will store it when she is out and about. Practice how she will access it quickly. Pepper spray is another alternative and extremely effective. These tools are meant to throw off a would-be-attacker long enough for her to get to safety. She needs to shoot and run to a safe place.

#4 Equip HIM!

Have the conversation with your son, that NO means NO! He is the key to reversing the accepted norms. Women are to be respected regardless of how they are behaving. Have him assume that no one is looking to hook-up and everyone is out just to have a good time. Be the good time guy not the take

advantage of the seedy situation guy. And if he sees something untoward, say something. Get involved. n closing, we cannot go to college with them. You will worry, you will celebrate their triumphs and you will listen to their woes. You will also have some peace of mind in knowing that you did your part to have a very hard conversation. They will assure you that they will be fine and take precautions, trust them and gently remind them too. Make sure they understand that whatever happens you are here. ust when you think you are done, it begins again! Congratulations!w



Meet Patti Stewart, part girl next door and a woman who owns the streets. To learn more about Patti and her work as a Damsel in Defense Pearl Director, visit her website at She is here to educate, equip and empower you and your family in our changing times.

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Defining: Your Bliss

Entrepreneurial Bliss By Kathlyn Jaramillo Business Strategist


eing a female entrepreneur is a road worth traveling. However, it is not for the faint of heart. In my experience with coaching hundreds of women in business, I have found that we have the tendency to completely underestimate ourselves. Here are just a few words of wisdom as we complete the last six months of the year strong! 1. Don’t be afraid of growth. We have big dreams and a ways to go. It will take stretching ourselves in ways we never thought possible. On the other side of that stretching is big growth. We know when we put our mind to something we accomplish it. Focus on getting it done, being determined and committed and, I promise, the growth will come! 2. Be a public leader. There is a great deal of value to being a public leader for the part of your industry you know best. Put yourself out there as a thought leader, speaker and blogger. Portraying yourself as an expert will have you meeting people you otherwise wouldn’t have met. This also enables you to position yourself as someone with valuable information about your industry, enhancing your ability to attract new clients and partners in business.

3. Work on the business rather than in it. Some of us, myself included, tend to think that no one can do the job better than us. Instead, find people who share your vision and values. Invite them to be part of your business. There can be a tremendous sense of relief when we have enrolled someone to support us and they WANT to! Lay a foundation that affords you to work ON marketing rather than the day to day tasks that someone more talented can handle with ease. When we do, we are free to envision what’s next and put those pieces in place. That’s important, because we can’t grow if we are unable to see where we are going. 4. Have an advisory board. Sometimes we just get stuck. I have said many times we do not have to be islands unless we choose to be. Gathering an advisory board of well respected women and men, if you choose, is worth the time and effort. Next time you need solid, objective advice or council they will be there for you. Fair warning...Be ready to hear something you might not want to. Be open! 5. Find a like-minded community. It can be very affirming to network and connect with other female entrepreneurs with whom we have something in common. We have an opportunity to share advice, vent, be accountable and gather fresh ideas. It’s in a community like this we can truly own our Female Entrepreneurship BLISS! w

Are you looking for a change? Need a mentor, business strategist or business advisor? Kathlyn can help! Reach out to her at and find out more! 46

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702-586-5262 1368 Paseo Verde #200A | Henderson, NV, 89012


Form 10551-Female | 4-14

Products may not be available in all states, and eligibility requirements will apply. Products are issued through AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Galveston, Texas. 1. Form Series ART12. Policy forms may vary by state. 2. You have the option to convert your Signature Term life insurance to a permanent life insurance policy during the policy term or until the insured’s age 65, whichever comes first.


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