Deflaming supplements pdf

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DeFlame Supplements –

About Deflame: DeFlaming, or to DeFlame, is the opposite of inflaming. In other words, DeFlaming is about reducing inflammation. This is a very relevant lifestyle consideration as almost all chronic aches, pains, and diseases are caused by chronic inflammation. The focus of is about how poor nutrition promotes chronic inflammation, which leads to aches, pains, depression, fatigue, general ill health, and chronic disease. To combat chronic inflammation consider acquiring The DeFlame Diet book, DeFlaming supplements from Anabolic Labs, and consider DeFlame Consulting. To the right are additional ways you can DeFlame your life.

About Deflame Supplements: Why you should choose Anabolic Supplements at Quality Manufacturing Anabolic Supplements are “pharmaceutically made”. This means that the strict details of drug manufacturing are applied to the manufacturing of Anabolic Supplements, which insures that nutrient levels listed on the bottle label are definitely in the pill. This is a very unique situation; you have the opportunity to acquire nutritional supplements being made to drug specifications by a pharmaceutical manufacturer. It is well known that unless pharmaceutical controls are in place, supplements commonly do not contain the stated dose found on the label. For example, ten different vitamin D supplements were analyzed and the outcomes were shocking: “The mean vitamin D content from 10 different commercially available brands was only 33% of what the label claimed, with the actual content ranging from less than 1% to 82% of the advertised level.” This pdf will take you through the basic steps of how Anabolic Supplements are manufactured. You will see the extraordinary attention to detail that is required to ensure that what is listed on the label is actually found in the supplement.


one of the oldest manufacturers of nutritional products in the world. Anabolic Laboratories was founded as a nutritional products company in 1924 and became a pharmaceutical manufacturer in 1940. Anabolic Laboratories is


the new requirements for nutritional product manufacturing.

Quality Formulas

As a pharmaceutical manufacturing operation, the standards used for raw materials, production and finished product testing exceed

States Food & Drug Administration) Pharmaceutical standards of manufacturing provide nutritional products with label accuracy, potency and purity as dictated by the USFDA (United

A nutritional program and clinical formulas that are based on the specifications used in the scientific research.

The Need To Consider Quality: Of the magnesium supplements tested by, 25% failed to meet quality standards. One magnesium supplement contained only 45.4% of labeled amount, despite boasting a “GMP� (Good Manufacturing Practices) seal on its label, and another supplement provided only 28.8% of the labeled amount. Reference:, Magnesium Supplement Reviews and Quality Ratings, Posted 5/19/09

Tests by have found multivitamins that were short on ingredients, failed to dissolve properly, or were contaminated with heavy metals., New Product Review: Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplements, Posted 4/1/09

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found that manufacturing problems have been associated with dietary supplements. Products been recalled because of microbiological, pesticide, and heavy metal contamination, and because they do not contain the dietary ingredients they are represented to contain, or they contain more or less than the amount of dietary ingredient claimed on the label. Reference: June 22, 2007, FDA @ visit us for more information on our history and manufacturing standards

After specific time intervals, supplements are removed from stability chambers and tested by our Quality Control Laboratory for microbiological growth and to guarantee that nutrient values on the label (potency) will be accurate up to the best by date.


Bottled products are then placed in stability chambers which maintain constant high temperature and humidity to accurately assess the shelf-life of each product.

Vitamin, mineral, botanical and special nutrient raw materials are received from multiple pharmaceutical and nutritional manufacturers, distributors and brokers from throughout the world. Raw material vendors must meet Supplier Qualification criteria developed by our Quality Assurance and Purchasing departments. This program establishes reliable relationships with quality suppliers differentiating them from vendors who offer inferior or impure raw materials.


These Exacting Manufacturing Standards

Guarantee the Exceptional Quality of

Anabolic Laboratories’ Nutritional Supplements

When raw materials are received from quality vendors, they are initially placed into quarantine.

Raw material is held in quarantine during Quality Control Laboratory identification and microbiological testing. As per the Federal current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) regulations and guidelines, raw material is also subject to additional testing to check for potency and or purity.

Finished products are always tested for potency in our Quality Control Laboratory. Additional analysis is then performed such as disintegration testing, which mimics the digestive process. Time-release supplements undergo dissolution testing to ensure nutrients are appropriately released. Only after all Quality Control specifications and procedures are passed will finished products be bottled.

Throughout the manufacturing process, supplements are tested to meet predetermined standards such as weight, hardness, and friability (durability).

If raw materials meet Quality Control Laboratory specifications, they are released for supplement manufacturing wherein the materials are weighed and blended according to strict procedures to achieve uniform distribution of nutrients.

Ingredient blends are loaded into tablet, encapsulation or other manufacturing equipment located in environmentally controlled rooms maintained at proper temperature and humidity with filtered air to prevent microbiological and air-borne particulate cross-contamination.

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