Preview Spring 2024 | Birkhäuser

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Spring 2024

Contents 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25

To the Ends of the Earth Borrowed Sceneries Spielraum Le Corbusier on Camera Who are Godwin and Hopwood? Form Follows Love Conceptual Design of Structures Architecture Follows Climate Basics Thermal Protection Basics Climate-friendly Planning and Building Holzbau mit System Grundlagen der Materialkunde Inverse Utopia Design Thinking and Storytelling in Architecture Set Pieces The Architect’s Sourcebook Hybrid Urbanity / Urbanité hybride A History of Collective Living

26 27 28 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Architecture and Welfare. Scandinavian Perspectives Building for Everyday Life Stars, Feathers, Tassels Bauen am Limit Mapping Cities in the MENA Region Conservation Theory and the Urban Realpolitik Architektur alpiner Sicherheit Malerei mit Licht und Glas Der Wiener Prater. Labor der Moderne The Vienna Prater. A Place for Everyone Architecture for Medicine Metropole Wien Behördlich autorisiert. Staatlich beeidet. Im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt. forA on the Urban Issue #1


42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 54 55 56 57 59

Nicht einfach ausstellen „Sonderfall“ Angewandte Radikale Universität Abstraction & Economy Ricarda Denzer – ganz ohr / all ears Probelauf Bare Bodies. Thresholding Life The Octopus JENNY. Ausgabe 11 EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024 Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology Green Facades Natural Building Materials S M L Architecture and Climate Change Architecture of Transformation in Flanders Backlist: selected titles


2 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 54 55 56 57

To the Ends of the Earth Borrowed Sceneries Spielraum Le Corbusier on Camera Who are Godwin and Hopwood? Form Follows Love Conceptual Design of Structures Architecture Follows Climate Basics Thermal Protection Basics Climate-friendly Planning and Building Holzbau mit System Grundlagen der Materialkunde Inverse Utopia Design Thinking and Storytelling in Architecture Set Pieces The Architect’s Sourcebook Urbanité hybride / Hybrid Urbanity A History of Collective Living Architecture and Welfare. Scandinavian Perspectives Building for Everyday Life Stars, Feathers, Tassels Bauen am Limit Mapping Cities in the MENA Region Conservation Theory and the Urban Realpolitik Architektur alpiner Sicherheit Malerei mit Licht und Glas Der Wiener Prater. Labor der Moderne The Vienna Prater. A Place for Everyone Architecture for Medicine Metropole Wien Behördlich autorisiert. Staatlich beeidet. Im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt. forA on the Urban Issue #1 Nicht einfach ausstellen „Sonderfall“ Angewandte Radikale Universität Abstraction & Economy Ricarda Denzer – ganz ohr / all ears Probelauf Bare Bodies – Thresholding Life The Octopus JENNY. Ausgabe 11 EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024 Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology Green Facades Natural Building Materials S, M, L Architecture and Climate Change Architecture of Transformation in Flanders


Backlist: selected titles

9 783035 627930

Richard Weller


To the Ends of the Earth A Grand Tour for the ­ 21st Century PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

312 133 color 19.0 × 14.0 cm


978-3-0356-2793-0 EN 978-3-0356-2794-7 EN


€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50



The book takes the reader on an intellectual adventure through a carefully curated selection of 120 places that can be understood as metaphors of contemporary global culture. Spread across all seven continents, from the depths of the ocean to outer space, these ­places are divided into six chapters: Paradises, Utopias, Machines, Monsters, Ruins, and ­Instruments. The spectrum ranges from Steve Jobs’ Apple Park in California to a national park in Costa

All illustrations by Oliver Atwood, © Richard Weller


Rica, a small field station for the protection ­of wild orangutans in Borneo, the Great Green Wall in Central Africa, the Trump resort ­Mar-a-Lago, to the border wall between Israel and Palestine. This book is a grand tour of ­the most pertinent places in the world today. Richard Weller professor of landscape architecture and urbanism at the University of Pennsylvania

> A unique and fascinating journey around the world of today > Featuring custom-made maps created especially for this publication


All illustrations by Oliver Atwood, © Richard Weller


Borrowed Sceneries The Influence of Japanese Garden Art on Swiss ­Landscape Architecture


9 783035 626476

Rahel Hartmann Schweizer

Borrowed Sceneries


320 250 color 24.0 × 28.0 cm


978-3-0356-2647-6 EN 978-3-0356-2648-3 EN


€ 78.00 / $ 89.99 / £ 68.00

APRIL 2024

Rahel Hartmann Schweizer

The Influence of Japanese Garden Art on Swiss Landscape Architecture Birkhäuser


The garden embodies a condensed version of nature, just as, in Japanese philosophy, the ­entire world is thought to be reflected in a s­ ingle dewdrop. This notion may be the inspi­ra­tion for the Swiss imitation of Japanese ­gardens in the 20th century, the impetus for the incor­po­ ration of Japanese design elements more ­generally, and the conversion principle from alpine landscapes to Japanese stone ­gar­dens. Taking ten Swiss landscape architecture ­studios as examples, the author illustrates how they drew inspiration from miniaturized ­gardens


© Ernst Cramer, Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur, ASLA

(bonsai), borrowed scenery (shakkei), ­succumbed to the allure of the imperfect ­(wabi-sabi), and captured the spirit of Zen ­Buddhism. This book reveals parallels to the assimilation of Chinese influences in Japan and situates the phenomenon within the ­general reception of Japan in the West.

> Attractive and previously unpublished visual materials > Well-researched content presented in a clear and appealing manner > Japanophilia in Swiss landscape architecture

Rahel Hartmann Schweizer Swiss art and architecture historian and journalist

© Ernst Cramer, Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur, ASLA

© Adolf Zürcher, Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur, ASLA

9 783035 624731

Hansjörg Gadient, Jan Robert Dünnweller


Spielraum Kindergerechte Freiräume planen und bauen PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

352 160 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2473-1 GER 978-3-0356-2476-2 GER


€ 59.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 51.50

MAY 2024

Children who live in towns and cities need spaces where they can freely play, explore and encounter other children. Today, many children suffer from obesity, developmental ­disorders and social disabilities. The causes include lack of exercise, lack of safety and ­insufficient stimulation. This book offers professionals and interested laypeople a practical tool to make quick and direct decisions on issues of architecture and planning relating to children. The topics

Politischer Wille →

Alle Akteure involvieren

Ziel kindergerechter Freiräume planerisch sichern

Auf allen Planungsebenen Kinderanliegen hoch gewichten

Zertifizierung als kinderfreundliche Gemeinde bzw. Kommune

Spielraumvernetzung →

Gesamten Siedlungsraum als möglichen Spielraum betrachten

Gesamten Siedlungsraum für Kinder sicher machen

Alle Flächen auf ihre Nutzbarkeit für Kinder hin überprüfen


Genügend Flächen für die Freiraumversorgung sichern

Richtwert Freiflachenversorgung: 6 bis 7 m2/E

Erreichbarkeit von Freiflächen für Kinder berücksichtigen

Streifraum-Radius von Fünf- bis Zehnjährigen: ca. 250m


Alle für Kinder nutzbaren Orte mit sicheren Fuswegenetzen verbinden


ist Spielbrachen →


gerechten Entwicklung einig sein. Der Konsens muss mittels übergeordneter Planungsinstru-

öffentliche Plätze und Parks

> Presents the latest expertise in landscape architecture and open space planning > Establishes standards for the design of open spaces for children > Illustrated by Robert Dünnweller



Permanente Brachen als Orte für Veränderung planen

Die erste Bedingung für eine gelingende kinder-

> Clear, practical and user-friendly guide

öffentliche Anlagen können Defizite der privaten Freiräume auffangen

öffentliche Anlagen sind Begegnungsverstanden wird, müssen Freiflächen frühzeitig raume für alle planerisch gesichert werden. Flächen für Nah-

öffentliche Anlagen als Teile des Spielräume und grüne Vernetzungskorridore. sicheren Fus- und Fahrradnetzes planen

Auch wenn die Siedlung als Ganzes als Freiraum

und Nächsterholung schaffen die Grundlage für

Öffentliche Freiflächen sichern zudem den Zugang für alle. Kindergerechte Freiräume können

→ Besonders sinnvoll in Kombination mit → Verkehrsfreie Platze sind attraktiv für Fuswegenetze auch an Grünräume, mente wie Richtplänen, Bau- undGemeinschaftszentren Zonenordnun- Spielraum sowohl besondere Spielplätze sein als auch anüberall!1 Kinder halten sich nicht Siedlungsränder und Naherholungsorte oderist Schulen Fahr- und Bewegungspiele gen bzw. Bebauungsplänen, Sondernutzungs- an die Vorstellungen Erwachsener, wo und wie dere Freiflächentypen wie zum Beispiel Parks, anschließen vorschriften und Ähnlichem→gesichert werden. die sicher sind und sich für Spiele eignen. Die Richtwerte für die Freiraumversorgung gespielt oder werden soll. für Sie erobern sich mindern jeden zu-die Hitze, bieten → Parks Planerisch als Spielplatz Flache «kinderfreundempfehlenswerten Größen richten sich nach gänglichen Raum und nutzen ihn für ihre Zwe→ Finanzielle Beiträge von BauträgernEine für UNICEF-Zertifizierung alsoffentliche Einrichtungen sichern vielseitige Spielmöglichkeiten liche Gemeinde bzw. Kommune» kann hilfreich cke. Deshalb sollte eine Siedlung insgesamt als der örtlichen Situation der Siedlung und der gemeinschaftliche Spielräume Spiel- und Sportflächen sein, Akzeptanz für Kinderanliegen zu fördern. großer Spielraum gesehen werden: Straßen sind → Parks bieten Naturbegegnung undDichte ihrer Nutzung. Außer den angemessenen Eine systematische Darstellung der AkteursGrößen sind vor allem die Distanzen der öffent- Bis 2500 Einwohner/innen nicht nur Fahrbahnen, sondernBewegungsmoglichkeiten auch ÜbungsMäßige bauliche Dichte →

Hohe bauliche Dichte landschaft mit Checklisten, Handlungsanwei- plätze für Kickboards und Rollschuhe, Velos hohe baulicheund Dichten sungen und Fallbeispielen →istZu der Leitfaden Go-Carts. Bäche und Teiche sind nicht nur und Multifunktionalität «Planung schaden Freiraumqualitäten und Gestaltung von kinderGewässerräume oder Naturschutzzonen, son-


Politischer Wille

Verinselung der Spielorte aufhebenfreundliche Planung ist der→ politische Brachen anstelle Wille. konventioneller Spielplätze planen Die Zivilgesellschaft selbst, besonders aber Pla→ Unterschiedliche attraktive Spielorte nungsverantwortliche und Mitglieder von Be→ Ungenutzte Spielplatze abbauen und als schaffen und mit sicheren Wegen hörden müssen sich über das Ziel einer kinderBrachen betreiben verbinden

Spielraum ist überall →

Hansjörg Gadient professor of design and planning of urban open spaces, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil

Stadt- und

Eine gute Freiraumversorgung mit vernetzten und sicheren Freiflächen ist ein unverzichtbarer Beitrag zur Gesundheit und zum Wohlergehen von Kindern. Im Idealfall sind Siedlungsräume durchgehend als Spielräume geeignet, und Kinder können ihre Streifräume selbstständig nutzen.

i­ nclude urban and traffic planning, architecture and landscaping, the use of materials and plants, participation, and prevention. 160 drawings illustrate the topics and center them on children and their experiences.

lichen Freiräume von den Wohnbereichen von Bedeutung. Sie sollten in der Regel 250 m nicht übersteigen. Das ist die Distanz, die Kinder zwiIn der Stadt- und Freiraumplanung bieten sich freundlichen Lebensräumen» von dern auch Forschungslabore für Kinder, wo sieEinflussmöglichkeiten schen und zehn Jahren selbständig bewältidie größten auf fünf die künfHohen Nutzungsdruck auf Freiflachen → Bauliche Dichte inFließverhalten oder Froschmetamorphosen UNICEF Schweiz und Liechtenstein in gen.werden Die Freiräume tige Qualität von Freiräumen. Hier die müssen groß genug sein, dass durch hohe bauliche Dichte beachten Wohnsiedlungen studieren. für Kinder Der Schulweg ist nicht nur eine WegZusammenarbeit mit der Paul-Schillersiezugängliche ihren Zweck erfüllen. Richtwerte für die FreiWeichen gestellt, ob Kinder sichere, zw. 0.6 und 1.0 AZstrecke, bzw. die zurückzulegen ist, sondern Stiftung. flächenversorgung und in ein Ort Straßenräume Ausweichmoglichkeiten für Kinder und anregende Räume finden, die sie sich selber gehen in Deutschland GFZ halten der Schweiz von minimal 6 bis 7 m2/Einwohner/ für Begegnungen und Erfahrungen. «Trotz hoschaffen erschließen und aneignen können. Deshalb ist Strasen von Anfang an in für die wohnungsnahe Versorgung aus. In die her Verdichtungsgrade in Städten gibt→ es sie → Hohe bauliche Dichten es unabdingbar, die gesamte Planung auf Kinderals multifunktionale Räume dennoch: die versteckten Ecken, Baulücken, Berechnung dürfen nur tat-sächlich erreichbare Flächen multifunktional planen, nur bei Wohnsiedlungen anliegenplanen hin auszurichten. Im Rahmen dieses z.B. verkehrsberuhigte Straßen Zwischenräume und Siedlungsränder, mitten in Flächen einfließen. Nachstehend einige Richtnahe großer, sicherer Buches kann das große Thema Stadtund Freiden Städten mit Baumhäusern, Erdhöhlen und werte2 für die Freiraumversorgung. Es ist zu beFreiräume → Straßen raumplanung beleuchtet inkursorisch Wohngebieten Kindernutzungen auf möglichst Parcoursstrecken für das BMX-Fahren. Die un- nur achten, werden. dass es sich um Minimalangaben hanverkehrsberuhigt mit vertiefte Beschäftigung eignen sich die allen Flächen zulasen geordneten «wilden» Freiräume, Für mit eine Sukzessidelt. 1 max. Tempo 20 in der und Fußnote onsgrün bewachsen, üben für Kinder Ju- aufgeführten Publikationen. Stadtpläze bespielbar machen gendliche eine große Faszination aus und → Hauptstraßen mit breiten werden intensiv von ihnen genutzt.»2 So beFahrrad- und Gehwegen Temporare Nutzungsüberlagerungen schreibt das deutsche Bundesministeriumplanen für zulasen Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung die Möglichkeiten der Stadt. Dieser Fokus auf Kinderanlie→ Räumliche oder bauliche Institutionelle Freiräume temporar für gen im urbanen Umfeld soll in den folgenden Abgrenzung zu schnell Kindernutzungen öffnen Abschnitten illustriert werden. befahrenen Strasen

5 m2/E

2500 bis 10.000 Einwohner/innen

3.5 m2/E

über 10.000 Einwohner.innen

2.5 m2/E

Mindestgrößen von Spielflächen Wohnungsnah bei offener Bauweise bei geschlosener Bauweise.


500 m2 5000 m2

10.000 m2

Spielflächen Für Kinder bis 6 Jahre.


30 m2




0,5 m2

Kinder 6–12 Jahre

Minimalfläche brutto netto

500 m2 0,75 m2/E 0,5 m2

Fur Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren Minimalfläche

800 m2

Institutionelle Freiräume Schulhof Kindergarten und -tagestätte.


Stadt- und Freiraumplanung

Stadt- und Freiraumplanung



5 m2/SchülerIn 10 m2/Kind


9 783035 627282

Veronique Boone


Le Corbusier on Camera The Unknown Films of Ernest Weissmann

9 783035 627299


176 110 b/w, 30 color 27.0 × 21.0 cm


PRINT SC 978-3-0356-2728-2 EN PRINT HC 978-3-0356-2729-9 EN SPECIAL ED. 978-3-0356-2730-5 EN E-BOOK 978-3-0356-2787-9 EN

9 783035 627305


SC € 68.00 / $ 74.99 / £ 59.50 HC € 98.00 / $ 107.99 / £ 85.50 SE € 399.00 / $ 440.00 / £ 347.00



Special Edition

Across six chapters, the book shows impressive stills from these films and places them in the ­respective historical and personal context of Le Corbusier in introductory texts. Two introductions are devoted to the history of these ­pioneering amateur films and to Ernest ­Weissmann’s life and his life-long relationship with Le Corbusier.

> A documentary treasure trove on the life of Le Corbusier > Featuring 80 previously unpublished film stills > Available as softcover, hardcover and limited special edition with three photographic prints

Veronique Boone professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles


The book is based on amateur films, shot by the architect Ernest Weissmann (1903–1985) with a Pathé Motocamera in the years 1 ­ 929–1933 at, among other places, the Atelier Le ­Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. These ­films cap­ture ­moments from Le Corbusier’s life ­­that have never been seen before. It also documents ­­­​his friendships with Pierre ­Jeanneret, Josep Lluís Sert, Charlotte Perriand, Norman Rice, Kunio Maekawa, ­Sigfried Giedion and others.

© FLC / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich


© FLC / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich


© FLC / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

© FLC / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich



9 783035 626681

WHO ARE Exploring Tropical Architecture in the Age of the Climate Crisis

Ben Tosland

Who are Godwin and ­Hopwood? Exploring Tropical Architecture in the Age of the Climate Crisis PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

320 200 b/w, 200 color 28.0 × 22.0 cm


978-3-0356-2668-1 EN 978-3-0356-2677-3 EN


€ 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

MAY 2024


Ben Tosland


After studying at the Architectural Association in London, John Godwin and Gillian Hopwood moved to Nigeria, where they significantly shaped the country’s architectural landscape for more than sixty years. When Nigeria became independent in 1960 following British dominance since the 19th century, the couple worked to create architecture that was site-specific, modern, and adapted to the climate relevant to Nigeria’s aspirational political and economic policies.


© Gillian Hopwood and James Godwin


In this richly illustrated monograph, organised by typology, Ben Tosland examines Godwin and Hopwood’s form of tropical modernism and illuminates its contemporary meanings and concluding with its relevance in times of the climate crisis. Ben Tosland architectural historian, London

> First comprehensive monograph about the architecture of James Godwin and Gillian Hopwood > Image-rich publication on one of the most important architectural practices for post-colonial, independent Nigeria > Insightful findings for passive structural cooling techniques


© Gillian Hopwood and James Godwin



According to Anna Heringer, “Beauty has noth­ing to do with money or finance, but every­thing to do with creativity and love.” With statements like this she clearly has her finger on the pulse of our time, judging by the packed lecture halls, international awards such as the 2007 Aga Kahn Award or the 2020 OBEL Award, and exhibitions at MoMA, MAM Sao Paulo, and the Venice Biennale. In Form Follows Love, Anna Heringer talks to ­author Dominique Gauzin-Müller about her ­career as an architect, her studies, her experiences during a workshop by Martin Rauch, her


© photo: Kurt Hoerbst, architecture: Anna Heringer and Eike Roswag


Form Follows Love Building by Intuition – from Bangladesh to Europe and Beyond PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

144 70 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2854-8 EN 978-3-0356-2859-3 EN


€ 38.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 33.50

APRIL 2024



9 783035 628548


Anna Heringer, Dominique Gauzin-Müller

practice in the Global South, and current pro­ jects in the Global North. She shares with us the insight that clay is not only an environmentally friendly material, but in the best cases it can even trigger socially beneficial processes. Anna Heringer UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, architect Dominique Gauzin-Müller UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, architect

> Essential text describing the work of Anna Heringer, an architect specialized in clay > How architecture can have a positive impact on the environment and society > Building with local resources to maintain ecological balance

© Anna Heringer

© photo: Gabrijela Obert, architecture: Heringer&Rauch

© Laurenz Feinig, architecture: Studio Anna Heringer

© Studio Anna Heringer

© photo: Josef Heringer, architecture: Anna Heringer


© Günter König


© Gabrijela Obert, architecture: ARGE Studio Anna Heringer and Romstätter Architekten und Stadtplaner

9 783035 627954

Pierluigi D’Acunto, Patrick Ole Ohlbrock, Roland Pawlitschko (Eds.)


Conceptual Design of Structures Connecting Engineering and Architecture PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

208 100 color 28.0 × 22.0 cm


978-3-0356-2795-4 EN


€ 64.00 / $ 70.99 / £ 56.00



Conceptual Design of Structures is working at the interface between structural engineering, architecture, and art. The book seeks to answer the complex question of what needs to be considered when conceiving a building structure. What influences the process of conceptual thinking? How do space and structure interact? In what ways do architects and engineers work together? The book thus sheds light on the topic of multidisciplinary interrelationships in design, showing numerous different perspectives. Renowned practitioners and ­researchers from architecture and engineering share their insights, as do artists and historians who cross


© ETH archive

the disciplinary boundaries. Furthermore, this book also provides an ­outlook on possible future developments and aspects of sustainable design and construction. Pierluigi D’Acunto assistant professor of structural design, Technical University Munich Patrick Ole Ohlbrock structural engineer, post-doctoral researcher, Technical University Munich Roland Pawlitschko architect and author, Munich

> Bridging practice, academic, and research > Holistic perspectives through contributors from different disciplines > Numerous essays, interviews and project reviews provide direct insights > Selected works from engineering, architecture, and art

© Maxime Delvaux


9 783035 627794

Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

Architecture Follows Climate Passive Techniques of ­Traditional Architectures in Extreme Climatic Areas

Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum





464 350 color 21.0 × 14.5 cm


978-3-0356-2779-4 EN 978-3-0356-2781-7 EN


€ 69.00 / $ 75.99 / £ 60.00

JUNE 2024

Passive Techniques of Traditional Architectures




Climate-friendly construction is essential if we are to ensure that future generations can enjoy comfortable living spaces. Design and the choice of materials help to considerably reduce the climate impact of buildings. The techniques featured in this book come from all five climatic zones and many are drawn from non-European and bygone soci­ eties. The low-tech approaches, illustrated in schematic drawings and explained in texts, ­are a source of inspiration for the design of

sustainable and energy-autonomous building structures. Architecture Follows Climate provides the first in-depth and comprehensive overview of ­passive building techniques that have been tried and tested for centuries.

© Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

© Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

© Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

© Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

Alexandros Vassileios Emilios Ioannou-Naoum architect, Vienna

> Traditional architectural techniques as a guide for low-tech planning > The book’s structure is based on the earth’s five climatic zones > Building solutions, spatial concepts, materials, structural physics, design elements, urban planning

© Alexandros Ioannou-Naoum

BASICS: the indispensable series for architecture students





Thermal Protection

Climate-friendly Planning and Building

Ann-Christin Siegemund

Bert Bielefeld

Print SC 978-3-0356-2747-3

Print SC 978-3-0356-2756-5

E-Book PDF 978-3-0356-2750-3

E-Book PDF 978-3-0356-2757-2

E-Book EPUB 978-3-0356-2754-1

E-Book EPUB 978-3-0356-2759-6

Price EUR 24.00 [Germany] /

Price EUR 24.00 [Germany] /

USD 26.99 / GBP 21.00

USD 26.99 / GBP 21.00

May 2024

May 2024

The BASICS series is a customized tool for first-year architecture students which addresses the most important key subjects: architectural design, architectural presentation, construction, professional practice, building systems, urbanism, and landscape architecture. All BASICS titles are also available as eBooks (PDF and EPUB).


Price regular title: EUR 22.00 [Germany] / USD 24.99 / GBP 19.50 / Price compendium: EUR 54.00 [Germany] / USD 59.99 / GBP 47.00 *temporarily only as eBook available.



Basics Office Design

Bert Bielefeld


Basics Spatial Design

Ulrich Exner, Dietrich Pressel


Basics Materials

Manfred Hegger, Hans Drexler, Martin Zeumer


Basics Design Ideas

Bert Bielefeld, Sebastian El Khouli


Basics Design Methods

Kari Jormakka


Basics Design and Living

Jan Krebs


Basics Barrier-free Planning

Isabela Skiba, Rahel Züger


Basics Architectural Design (compendium)

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)


Basics Freehand Drawing

Florian Afflerbach


Basics Technical Drawing

Isabela Skiba, Bert Bielefeld


Basics Architectural Photography

Michael Heinrich


Basics Modelbuilding

Alexander Schilling


Basics Detail Drawing

Björn Vierhaus


Basics CAD

Jan Krebs


Basics Architectural Presentation (compendium)

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)


Basics Facade Apertures

Roland Krippner, Florian Musso


Basics Concrete Construction

Katrin Hanses


Basics Steel Construction

Katrin Hanses


Basics Glass Construction

Andreas Achilles, Diane Navratil


Basics Masonry Construction

Nils Kummer


Basics Loadbearing Systems

Alfred Meistermann


Basics Roof Construction

Ann-Christin Siegemund


Basics Timber Construction

Ludwig Steiger


Basics Building Construction (compendium)

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)


Basics Electro-Planning

Peter Wotschke


Basics Lighting Design

Roman Skowranek


Basics Water Cycles

Doris Haas-Arndt


Basics Fire Safety

Diana Helmerking


Basics Sound Insulation

Dominic Kampshoff


Basics Room Conditioning

Oliver Klein, Jörg Schlenger


Basics Building Technology (compendium)

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)


Basics Project Control

Pecco Becker


Basics Building Contract

Bert Bielefeld


Basics Construction Scheduling

Bert Bielefeld


Basics Budgeting

Bert Bielefeld, Roland Schneider


Basics Tendering

Tim Brandt, Sebastian Franssen


Basics Project Planning

Hartmut Klein


Basics Site Management

Lars-Phillip Rusch


Basics Project Management (compendium)

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)


Basics Urban Building Blocks

Thorsten Bürklin, Michael Peterek


Basics Urban Analysis

Gerrit Schwalbach


Basics Designing with Water

Axel Lohrer


Basics Designing with Plants

Regine Ellen Wöhrle, Hans-Jörg Wöhrle









9 783035 626438

Josef Kolb, Hanspeter Kolb, Andreas Müller

Holzbau mit System Tragkonstruktion und Schichtaufbau der Bauteile

Josef Kolb, Hanspeter Kolb, Andreas Müller


4th edition PAGES ILLS.

Tragkonstruktion und Schichtaufbau


352 300 b/w, 75 color, 450 monochrome drawings, 75 tables 30.0 × 24.0 cm


978-3-0356-2643-8 GER 978-3-0356-2644-5 GER


€ 86.00 / $ 98.99 / £ 75.00

MARCH 2024

Vierte Auflage, vollständig überarbeitete Neuausgabe Birkhäuser


Timber construction can justifiably be called the building method of the future, having gained significant market share over other ma­terials in recent years. This book approaches the subject in way that is both comprehensive and easy to understand. The most up-to-date knowledge in the field of timber engineering is presented in such a way that novices are inspired to get started while experts can expand their knowledge quickly and purposefully. ­ In this fully revised edition, all subsections are up to date: design and construction, supporting structure and building envelope, layered

structure of building components, fire protection, sound insulation, etc. With ground plans, tables, drawings and ­images, this book pre­ sents the current and ­future state of the art of timber construction. Josef Kolb timber construction engineer Hanspeter Kolb professor of timber construction Andreas Müller professor of structural design Bern University of Applied Sciences

Rundholz: im Wald geerntet

Vielstufige Kaskadenverwendung Erstes holzbasiertes Zweites holzbasiertes Produkt (Stoffliche Produkt (Stoffliche Nutzung) Nutzung)

nachhatlige Waldwirtschaft

Verwendung als Sägereiprodukte



> Systematic and clear information on designing and building with wood > Over 1,000 drawings of components and constructions, as well as tables, graphs and illustrations specially created for this book

Drittes holzbasiertes Produkt (Stoffliche Nutzung) Wiederverwendung als Bauprodukte oder Bauproduktrecycling

Weitere Materialverwendung Verwendung für Energiegewinnung oder Pyrolisierung

Wiederverwendung oder Pyrolisierung




CO2 Erste Kaskade



Wiederverwendung als Sägereiprodukte oder Handelsware

> Fourth, fully revised edition of a successful standard work



Zweite Kaskade


Dritte Kaskade



Restholzverwendung als Koppelprodukte (Holzwerkstoffe wie Span-, Faser- und OSB-Patten sowie bioökonomische Verwendungszwecke usw.)



© Atelier Brunecky, Zürich


9 783035 628364

Silke Vollenhofer


Grundlagen der ­Materialkunde Farbstoffe, Kunststoffe, Textilien, Metalle Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

560 197 b/w, 42 tables 23.5 × 16.5 cm


978-3-0356-2836-4 GER 978-3-0356-2837-1 GER


€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50


This book presents a clear overview of the most important design materials, their production, properties, composition, and use. It also pre­ sents a concise outline of cleaning agents and dyes, and the basics of organic and inorganic chemistry. Materials are the starting point for every design process, whether in architecture, art, or crafts. Ancient artifacts show that people have always manipulated materials to derive practical ­and/ or aesthetic benefits from them. The scientific interest in the properties of ­materials did not begin until the dawn of the


Atommodell nach Bohr (z. B. Natrium)


→ 5p 4d

M-Schale 5s

→ 4p




x 2s


z y

z y




Allgemeine Chemie


z y

schalen des Bohrʼschen Atommodells. Diese Zahl gibt BEISPIELE FÜR AMINE die Form eines Orbitals an. Die Form unterscheidet sich nämlich für s-,p-,d- und f-Elektronen. l = 0,1,2, …, Methylamin Geruch nach Fisch. Auch in Gülle enthalten. (n-1) HexamethylenUrotropin. Konservierungsmittel für Meeress: 2 Elektronen tetramin früchte, Desinfektionsmittel, Edukt zur p: 6 Elektronen Sprengstoffherstellung. d: 10 Elektronen Anilin Phenylamin. Cancerogen. Wichtige Farbf: 14 Elektronen stoffkomponente. Früher aus SteinkohlenDie magnetische Quantenzahl: Diese Zahl gibt diegewonnen. Buchstabe A im Namen teer räumliche Orientierung eines Orbitals im dreidimensioBASF. Toxische Farbstoffkomponente. Farbnalen Raum an. m = - l, …,- 1,0,1, …+ l fotoentwickler. Die Spinquantenzahl: Ein Orbital kann mit zwei Elek- Amin. Ankergruppe für Anionenp-Phenylendiamin Quartäres austauscher. tronen besetzt werden. Um diese zwei Elektronen zu Quartärer Aminoalkohol, verestert im Aceunterscheiden, wurde die Cholin Spinquantenzahl eingeführt. tylcholin (Vagustransmitter) und im Lecithin. s = - 1/2,+ 1/2

Allgemeine Formel

y Energieniveaus der Unterschalen

| Trinitrotoluol NH₂ |

Allgemeine Chemie


Allgemeine Formel Nitrobenzol Trinitrotoluol Hexogen

| p-Phenylendiamin

CH₂ – O – NO₂ | CH – O – NO₂ | CH₂ – O – NO₂

Allgemeine Formel Nitrocellulose


R – COONH₂ oder R – CO – NHR'


Organische Chemie

Sind substituierte Säureamide, Polyamid wird nicht nur als Faser eingesetzt, sondern auch für technische Produkte wie z. B. Zahnräder.

R – NO₂ Ist unter anderem der Grundstoff für Farbstoffe, hat einen Mandelgeruch. Abgekürzt TNT. Trinitrotoluol wird als Sprengstoff verwendet. Ist ein Hochbrisanzsprengstoff.




säurediamid stoff. Harnstoff ist auch ein biogenes Produkt der Stickstoffausscheidung (im Nach oben ergibt sich eine zunehmende potenzielle Energie. Die menschlichen Urin enthalten). Technisch Lageenergie kann im Bohrʼschen Atommodell gedeutet werden, wird es aus Phosgen hergestellt und vielals zunehmende Entfernung zum Atomkern, in der das Elektron fältig eingesetzt, unter anderem als Düngerum den Atomkern kreist, d. h. die Besetzung der Schalen erfolgt substanz. von unten nach oben.

118 Atommodelle

CH₃ | NO₂


Elektronenkonfiguration: Gibt die Elektronenverteilung BEISPIELE FÜR SÄUREAMIDE in einem Atom an, z. B. Chloratom 1s22s2p63s2p5

Glutamin ENERGIENIVEAUS DERIst eine Aminosäure. Kohlensäureamid Auch Carbamidsäure genannt und ihre Ester sind Bestandteil von Polyurethanen. UNTERSCHALEN KohlenSehr bekannt unter der Bezeichnung Harn-

Ist ein sehr wichtiges, mindergiftiges Lösemittel. Cyclisches Amid. Monomeres von Perlon.


R – O – NO₂ Wird auch als Schießbaumwolle und im Bereich der Kunststoffproduktion als Celluloid bezeichnet. Ist ein Sprengöl und verbunden mit Kieselgur wird Dynamit hergestellt. Weiters wird Nitroglycerin in der Medizin eingesetzt.



3p 3s


Die Hauptquantenzahl: Sie entspricht den Schalen Amine stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen der Kohlenwasserdes Bohrʼschen Atommodells. Diesind Hauptquantenzahl stoffe gibt die Größe eines Orbitals undund diestellen Energiesomit an, die Basen der organischen Chemie dar. sind Verwandte dessind Ammoniaks und je nach Anzahl der C-Ndie ein Elektron aufweist. Sie Hauptquantenzahlen Verbindungen wird zwischen primären, sekundären und tertiären natürliche Zahlen: n = 1,2,3,4, … _ N. Aminen unterschieden. Die allgemeine Formel lautet R = Die Nebenquantenzahl: Sie entspricht den Unter-




Dimethylformamid EpsilonCaprolactam Polyamid, Peptid




> Understandable, thorough and clearly arranged, this is a reference book for students, pupils, professionals and anyone interested in materials science

In der quantenmechanischen Vorstellung kommen vier verschieD dene Quantenzahlen vor, die folgendermaßen heißen: →



> An overview of materials, their production, properties, and composition, including practical applications

Silke Vollenhofer head of the art and cultural management M.A. program art & economy, University of Applied Arts Vienna

»Alles Leben ist Chemie.«1 Jedes Lebewesen, ob Menschen, Tiere oder Pflanzen ob Planeten, Objekte oder Werkstücke alles besteht aus Atomen, die sich zu den unterschiedlichsten Verbindungen zusammenschließen und dahinter liegen mehr oder weniger komplizierte Formeln, die Auskunft über Eigenschaften, Aufbau und mögliche Verwendung geben. Selbst die Zuneigung oder Liebe, wie es genannt wird, ist ein chemischer Prozess, der an Hand von chemischen Abläufen erklärt werden kann. Die kleinste Einheit eines chemischen Prozesses woraus wiederum Verbindungen entstehen, ist das Atom. Atome bestehen aus Protonen und Neutronen, die sich im Kern befinden und Elektronen, die um den Kern kreisen. Ein Elektron kann sich nur auf bestimmten, diskreten Kreisbahnen aufhalten. Diese diskreten Kreisbahnen werden auch Energieniveaus genannt. Die Bahnen sind konzentrisch um den Atomkern angeordnet, wobei jede Bahn mit einem Buchstaben (K, L, M etc.) bezeichnet wird.


> Everything you always wanted or needed to know about dyes, plastics, textiles, and metals

industrial age in the early nineteenth century. With this book we finally have a solidly grounded textbook on the fundamentals of materials science.

NH₂ O= NH₂ Kohlensäurediamid

Übersicht über die organische Chemie

CH₃ – C



Allgemeine R – CN Formel Alle Nitrile sind wie die analoge Blausäure HCN giftig. Acetonitril Ist ein hochgiftiges Lösemittel. Acrylnitril Ist in reiner Form ebenfalls giftig. Wird als Grundstoff für Polyacrylnitril-Textilfaser verwendet und ist Bestandteil des Sekundenklebers.

Organische Chemie

Übersicht über die organische Chemie


9 783035 627008

Albert Pope


Inverse Utopia Urbanism and the Great Acceleration PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

304 285 color 23.5 × 18.5 cm


978-3-0356-2700-8 EN 978-3-0356-2712-1 EN


€ 56.00 / $ 64.99 / £ 48.50

APRIL 2024

Inverse Utopia looks at urbanism from the perspective of modernism and postmodernism, as well as at how commercialization has transformed the modern city. In his earlier book Ladders (1997), the author described the emer­ gence of the cul-de-sac as a typical manifes­ tation of this trend. In this new book, Inverse Utopia, he argues for the development of architectural and ­urban forms that respond to contemporary ecological

and social challenges. The title r­ efers to a­­ statement by the philosopher ­Günther Anders: whereas utopians are unable to make the things they imagine, others are unable to imagine the things they make. This book is a stand-alone volume but may be read as a sequel to Ladders.

> Collection of essays and profiles of design projects > The urban design project of modernism and postmodernism > Connections between architectural morphology and the consumer economy

Albert Pope Rice University, Houston, Texas


© Albert Pope


© Albert Pope

9 783035 628111

Peter G. Rowe, Yoeun Chung


Design Thinking and Storytelling in Architecture PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

168 13 b/w, 132 color, 7 monochrome drawings 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2811-1 EN 978-3-0356-2812-8 EN


€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00


This book offers a systematic account of the process of designing in architecture. Design thinking can be regarded as a fundamentally different way of knowing the world and a particular form of addressing creative problems. In this publication, the authors undertake to explore multiple and often controversial theoretical stances on the topic. Underlying prin­ ciples of inquiry are present in all designing and a process takes place involving empathy or

listening carefully before storytelling. Prototyping and testing of solutions are illustrated in the book with many examples, seen from different vantage points. In short, design thinking is a way of knowing and enabling being in the world and leads to a better understanding of architecture.

> Brilliant tour de force through several centuries of design thinking > Peter G. Rowe is the internationally renowned author of some thirty books > Lavishly illustrated volume with attractive graphic design

Peter G. Rowe, Yoeun Chung, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design




©Stan Allen Architects

© Carlos Arnaiz Architects

9 783035 627237

Diamond Schmitt Architects


Set Pieces Architecture for the Performing Arts in Sixteen Fragments­ PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

256 50 b/w, 200 color 26.0 × 22.0 cm


978-3-0356-2723-7 EN 978-3-0356-2724-4 EN


€ 72.00 / $ 80.00 / £ 63.00

JUNE 2024


Why does live performance continue to engage us? In a world saturated with recorded entertainment, we seek out the intimacy and immediacy of live music and theater. What is the relationship between design and the experiences, perceptions, and memories it engenders? At its best, architecture, a collection of elements – some apparent, some hidden – shapes and intensifies the process and expe­rience of performance. Set Pieces pairs the words of leading artists and critics with details showcasing the design and inner


© Matthew Lella

workings from projects by Diamond Schmitt ­Architects for some of the world’s most remarkable performing arts buildings. The book provides an immersive study of sixteen design elements that enhance and transform the perception of performance, and evoke ­experiences that surpass visual understanding. Diamond Schmitt Architects, Toronto with contributions by Justin Davidson, Robert Lepage, Mimi Lien, Robert Pietrusko, and Kate Wagner

> In-depth documentation of David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center, New York, National Arts Centre, Ottawa and others > A photo essay looks at the backstage world of these famous halls > Exploration of the unique typology of performing arts buildings from various angles

© doublespace photography


9 783035 628456

Stanislas Chaillou

The Architect’s Sourcebook Dimensions and Files for Space Design

Stanislas Chaillou

The Architect’s Source ook Dimensions and Files for Space Design


448 800 b/w 26.3 × 21.8 cm


978-3-0356-2845-6 EN 978-3-0356-2847-0 EN


€ 58.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 50.50

MAY 2024



Structural design manuals are an essential tool for architects from their studies to their everyday practice. The Architect’s Sourcebook is intended as a supplement to existing standard works. It combines correct floor layout planning for resi­den­ tial, office and outdoor spaces with the digital workflows of everyday office life. ­Designers can select from over 1,000 CAD blocks of generic elements for their floor plans from typologically bundled examples – from plants, animals and people to furniture and playground equip-


ment. The DWG files are loaded via QR code (e.g., via smartphone), transferred to a computer and flexibly integrated into the user’s own 2-D plan at an appropriate scale. The CAD blocks are provided by the software company Rayon and are compatible with all CAD programs. Stanislas Chaillou architect and co-founder of the software company Rayon, Paris

> More than 1,000 CAD blocks to download for 2-D floor layout planning > Design for living, working and outdoor life (leisure and sports) > Introductory texts on the typologies and the use of the book




9 783035 625417

Bruno Marchand (Ed.)


Photographies de Beat Schweizer Tonatiuh Ambrosetti Yves André

Text by Bruno Marchand


Entre forme urbaine traditionnelle et transition écologique Between traditional urban form and ecological transition



160 21 b/w, 70 color 30.0 × 23.0 cm


978-3-0356-2541-7 FR/EN 978-3-0356-2543-1 FR/EN


€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 43.00

JUNE 2024


Countering the phenomenon of sprawl in the often anonymous or chaotic urban periphery, the Oassis neighborhood in Lausanne takes a unique approach based on urbanity and ­hybridization. Located on a former industrial wasteland in the west of the city, Oassis ­reflects the compositional principles of the ­traditional city, while also engaging in the ­dynamics of ecological transition and climate resilience. This ‘urban fragment’ is both an


Photographies by Beat Schweizer Tonatiuh Ambrosetti Yves André

Urbanité hybride / Hybrid Urbanity Entre forme urbaine traditionnelle et transition écologique / Between traditional urban form and ecological tran­sition

© photo: Yves Andre

­urban fabric, compatible with future developments in the neighborhood, and an architectural object characterized by urbanity. The contemporary challenges of regenerating suburban areas are addressed here through ­diverse development programs and a profusion of gardens. Prof. em. Bruno Marchand ETH Lausanne

> Skilful combination of economic, ecological and social factors with high-quality architecture > With unpublished documents and specially commissioned photographs > Follow-up volume to the book on Quartier Ecoparc in Neuchâtel by Bauart Architects

© photo: Beat Schweizer


9 783035 628005

Susanne Schmid, Dietmar Eberle, Margit Hugentobler (Eds.), Susanne Schmid

A History of Collective Living

A History of Collective Living Forms of Shared Housing 2nd edition

Edited by Susanne Schmid, Dietmar Eberle, Margit Hugentobler ETH Wohnforum / ETH Case


332 208 color, 183 maps 27.0 × 18.0 cm


978-3-0356-2800-5 EN 978-3-0356-2803-6 EN


€ 64.00 / $ 70.99 / £ 56.00

APRIL 2024

Birkhäuser Forms of Shared Housing


The book tells the story of communal living from about 1850 until today. Three motives of sharing – the economic, political, and social intention – divide the residential objects, which are investigated in a historical analysis and allocated to nine development phases. The author investigates and compares different forms of housing and the way they developed from their origins until today; she illustrates how everyday shared living and the degrees of privacy in housing are practiced in Europe. Owing to its comprehensive documentation, the analysis of typologies, layout plans, and


BKK-2 Architektur, housing project Sargfabrik. © Hertha Hurnaus

user and expert interviews, the book can also be considered to be a lexicon or handbook on communal living. A detailed overview that is unique in this form. Susanne Schmid Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dietmar Eberle professor em., architect, Lochau Margit Hugentobler ETH Zürich

> Illustration of European housing concepts since 1850 > Over 30 case examples on how and why people live together > Corrected new edition in a new design and layout



9 783035 627961

Thordis Arrhenius, Ellen Braae, Guttorm Ruud (Eds.)

Architecture and Welfare Scandinavian Perspectives PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

328 70 b/w, 70 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2796-1 EN 978-3-0356-2799-2 EN


€ 62.00 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.00

JUNE 2024


Thordis Arrhenius Ellen Braae Guttorm Ruud (eds.)


The decades after the Second World War saw ambitious building programs to ensure social welfare. The Scandinavian countries in parti­c­ ular underwent an intense modernisation phase with the aim to distribute welfare to all. Yet, the relationship between welfare values and design in Scandinavia is anything but sta­ble. The spatial and political legacy of post-war construction varies amongst ­Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and their welfare models have been changed, contested, and copied over time. This book explores how architecture, once ­seen as a medium for universal welfare, inclusion, and political participation, is now


© photo: John Håkansson


often associated with the opposite, such as alienation, exclusion, and segregation. The ­volume offers new perspectives on the history and redesign of post-war architecture and ­urbanity. Prof. Thordis Arrhenius School of Architecture, KTH Stockholm Prof. Ellen Braae Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen Dr. Guttorm Ruud Oslo School of Architecture and Design

> With attractive photo essays on post-war architecture in Scandinavia > Based on interdisciplinary research projects by internationally renowned scholars > Reflecting new aspects of the relationship between architecture and welfare

© photo: John Håkansson


9 783035 628388

Gerd Jäger, Claudia Klein, Corinna Moesges (Eds.)


Building for Everyday Life Bauen für den Alltag 2010–2025 Baumschlager Eberle Architekten Berlin PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

304 263 color, 54 monochrome drawings 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2838-8 EN/GER 978-3-0356-2839-5 EN/GER


€ 54.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00

APRIL 2024



Baumschlager Eberle Berlin (BE Berlin) was founded in 2010 by Dietmar Eberle and ­­Gerd Jäger with a very specific mission. In its early years, this renowned architecture firm designed global competition bids for Baumschlager Eberle. As a result of its successes, ­especially in residential architecture in and around Berlin, the Berlin office increasingly also took on the work of implementation planning. The guiding maxim of BE Berlin has always been to focus on projects that will stand the test of time. This dovetails with Dietmar ­Eberle’s motto of building for everyday life.


© Ulrich Schwarz, Berlin

In addition to about 40 project profiles, this book contains an interview with Gerd Jäger by Jürgen Tietz, an essay on residential construction in Germany and especially Berlin by ­Gerd Jäger, and a photo essay by Claudia Klein. Gerd Jäger co-owner and partner at BE Berlin Corinna Moesges BE Berlin Claudia Klein graphic designer and photographer, Zurich

> Monograph on BE Berlin > Specialized in the design of subsidized public housing in Berlin and internationally > Supplement to the monograph Baumschlager Eberle Architekten 2010–2020

© Baumschlager Eberle Architekten

9 783035 628401

MAK, Lilli Hollein, Anne-Katrin Rossberg (Eds.)


Sterne, Federn, Quasten / Stars, Feathers, Tassels Die Wiener-Werkstätte-­ Künstlerin Felice Rix-Ueno (1893–1967) / The Wiener Werkstätte Artist Felice Rix-Ueno (1893–1967) PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

192 65 color 24.0 × 16.8 cm


978-3-0356-2840-1 GER/EN


€ 39.00 / $ 42.99 / £ 34.00



Felice Rix-Ueno studied under Josef Hoffmann, a co-founder of the Wiener Werkstätte (1903– 1932). Inspired by the Japanese formal language, she formed her own style, which was expressed in particularly imaginative fabric and wallpaper patterns, fashion and home ­accessories, and wall paintings. After her marriage to the Japanese architect ­Isaburo Ueno, she moved to Japan in 1926. There they created joint works that received much attention, such as the Star Bar in Kyoto,


Felice Rix, WW fabric spun, 1924 © MAK

which was shown in the famous exhibition Modern Architecture in New York’s MoMa in 1932. Felice Rix-Ueno, who was already prominently represented in the successful MAK exhibition Women Artists of the Wiener Werkstätte, is given a substantial monographic treatment for the first time outside Japan with this catalog. Lilli Hollein, Anne-Katrin Rossberg MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna

> Important artist of the Wiener Werkstätte and beyond > Fabric patterns, wallpapers, fashion and home accessories, commercial graphics, and wall paintings > Large exhibition at the MAK in Vienna, 22 Nov 2023–21 Apr 2024

Felice Rix, Cigarett Box, 1929 © MAK Tamara Pichler

Felice Rix, Design for a beaded bag, 1925 © MAK


Felice Rix (décor), Josef Hoffmann (form), “Kriegsglas”, 1915 © MAK Georg Mayer


Felice Rix, photo anonymous, about 1925 © MAK


Some things are more important than others. Bauwelt Fundamente were quite literally pillars of my formative years. Wolfgang Fiel ©Ece Karatas



Each volume Bauwelt a foundation Fundamente

9 783035 628609

Werner Lorenz, Roland May (Eds.)


Bauen am Limit Traditionen und Transformationen eines hochmodernen Leitbilds Kulturerbe Konstruktion, volume 1

New Series


Spurred by the development of new building materials such as steel and reinforced concrete, and facilitated by ever more reliable structural engineering models, designers in the high ­mo­dernity (around 1880-1970) strove as never ­before to increase buildings’ width and height while minimising their use of materials. This exploration of structural boundaries at the ­limit of what was possible contrasted with an increase in confining, codified limits to what was permitted by growing systems of regu­ lation. This volume brings together various


Enclosure of the Berlin TV Tower, 1968–72; picture: private archive Rolf Heider

c­ ontributions examining the practices, thought patterns and attitudes of designers and ­builders in the tension between these contrasting facets of high-modern construction. This novel approach to recent construction history is complemented by exploration of continuities and breaks between high-modern notions of ­efficiency and today’s building industry.


300 150 b/w 24.0 × 20.0 cm


978-3-0356-2860-9 GER 978-3-0356-2861-6 GER


€ 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00

MAY 2024

> Building and construction in the high modernity > A new approach to the recent history of construction with contributions by recognized experts > Results of the DFG priority program “Construction as cultural heritage”

Werner Lorenz, Roland May University Cottbus-Senftenberg

Enclosure of the Berlin TV Tower, © photo: Wolfgang Bittner, 2020

9 783035 628623

Zeido Zeido, Suna Çağaptay (Eds.)


Mapping Cities in the MENA Region Visualising the Untold Narratives of Heritage Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten, volume 9

Mapping Cities in the MENA Region Visualising the Untold Narratives of Heritage

Edited by Zeido Zeido and Suna Çağaptay


240 43 color, 8 b/w, 53 maps 28.0 × 20.0 cm


978-3-0356-2566-0 EN 978-3-0356-2567-7 EN


€ 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

APRIL 2024

This volume outlines the urban development of eight cities in the Middle East and North ­Africa: Aleppo, Alexandria, Ankara, Cairo, Casablanca, Dubai, Nouakchott, and Shiraz. Ottoman rule and colonial powers, French or British, operated differently and over various time spans in most of these cities to influence architecture and the urban scene. Global movements such as modernism and socialism reshaped the cityscapes of intersecting his­ tories and cultures. Maps, sketches, and other visuals trace the ­urban outcomes of Ottoman rule, colonial

powers, and post-independence governments to show how they altered these cities. Class ­distinctions, informal settlements, and devalued built heritage are common urban issues that the cities of the MENA region still face ­today. Suna Çağaptay St Edmund’s College, Cambridge / Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey Zeido Zeido University Cottbus-Senftenberg

> Focuses on political and social developments as they influence each city’s built environment > Discusses all types of built heritage and forms of architecture in the eight exemplary cities > Visualizes the urban development through many coloured maps, sketches, and charts

9 783035 628623

Solmaz Yadollahi (Ed.)


Conservation Theory and the Urban Realpolitik Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten, volume 11

Conservation Theory and the Urban Realpolitik


224 20 color, 20 maps 28.0 × 20.0 cm


978-3-0356-2862-3 EN 978-3-0356-2863-0 EN


€ 52.00 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

MAY 2024


Edited by Solmaz Yadollahi


The book delves into the realpolitik(s) of conservation endeavours in complex urban settings. It highlights discrepancies between formal policies and pragmatic realities, revealing the factors contributing to this divide. Drawing on cases from Iran, Turkey, Egypt, and India, the volume explores the myriad factors that undermine the realisation of conservation ideals. Stories of conservation projects presented in the book illustrate how political, economic, and ideological dynamics mould on-the-ground outcomes, diverting them from academic principles and national or international policies.

Authored by scholars intimately familiar with local dynamics, the chapters weave a tapestry of disciplinary, bureaucratic, and socio-political structures that shape urban heritage planning across diverse contexts. Solmaz Yadollahi University Cottbus-Senftenberg

> Deals with the challenges encountered by international conservation doctrine in local contexts > Focuses on local complexities > Results of the DFG project titled “Assembling Iran’s Urban Heritage Conservation Policy and Practice: Problematised in Tehran”

9 783422 801677

Doris Hallama


Architektur alpiner Sicherheit Lawinenverbauung zwischen Technologie und Ästhetik PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

400 190 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-422-80167-7 GER 978-3-422-80168-4 GER


€ 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50

MAY 2024


The use of protective measures against natural hazards is a key factor in alpine culture. It is surprising that discussion of this is conducted internally, but scarcely perceived by the public. A synopsis of the protective architecture, the perceived image of the Alps, and the slow process of adapting public images to the condition of the structures brings together what has been considered separately in the past. That is, the landscapes consumed by tourists must first be stabilised at considerable cost. This book shows how the production of safety


zones is effective in the field of tension between aesthetics and technology and offers perspectives on landscape that extend beyond the assumed unspoilt quality of nature. Doris Hallama Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design, Technical University Munich


Interdisciplinary study explaining image production relating to safety architectures in the Alps for the cultural exploitation of service-providing landscapes

> Tapping into a broad field of image documents > Instructive contribution to the topic of “political landscape”

9 783422 801912

Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg (Ed.), Cornelia Heller, Doreen Pöschl, Sabine Ullrich, Holger Brülls


Malerei mit Licht und Glas Baugebundene Glaskunst in und aus Magdeburg PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

400 260 color 28.0 × 22.0 cm


978-3-422-80191-2 GER


€ 54.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00

MARCH 2024


The “Glass Flower” in the former Palast der Republik in Berlin is probably the best-known work of glass art from Magdeburg. The artists’ association “Glasgestaltung (Glass design) Magdeburg”, which was active after the end of the Second World War until 2000, was involved in prominent building projects throughout the GDR with art in architecture. The closure of the workshops marked the end of a phase in which artistic glass design in Magdeburg had a supra-regional significance. The city of Magdeburg has been researching and publishing its architectural-historical inventory and holdings of architecture-related art for decades. This publication traces the history and significance of stained glass, with a special focus on the state capital, introduces important glass artists and glass workshops, and offers a fresh view of fascinating, colourful


© Frank Pudel

works. The outcome is a reference work ­focused on stained glass and the history of art in Magdeburg, which will be a valuable aid not only for the preservation of historical monuments.

> Major overview of glass art in architecture featuring modern works from the GDR until today

Sabine Ullrich Head of the Art Collections of the Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg Cornelia Heller journalist with a focus on architecture, Berlin and Magdeburg Doreen Pöschl art historian, Zentrale Kustodie of the Universität Halle Holger Brülls art historian, conservator, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie SachsenAnhalt

© Reginald Richter

9 783035 628555

Susanne Winkler, Werner Michael Schwarz (Eds.)


Der Wiener Prater. Labor der Moderne Politik – Vergnügen – Technik PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

448 500 color 30.0 × 24.0 cm


978-3-0356-2855-5 GER


€ 55.00 / $ 60.99 / £ 48.00

MARCH 2024

The Prater represents like no other place the history of Vienna and its growth into the modern metropolis of today. The opening of the Prater in 1766 under Emperor Josef II marked the beginning of a new era. From then on, the imperial hunting grounds were open to all ­Viennese citizens for recreation and pleasure, for walks, musical performances as well as ­eating, drinking, and dancing. From optical curiosities to soccer, balloon flights and rockets, May Day and flower parades, all novelties were presented to a large audience for the first time here – in the Wurstelprater amusement

park, in theaters, cinemas, variety shows, zoos, circuses, at the World’s Fair in 1873, in the vivarium, plane­tarium, or stadium. In the Prater, the major themes of modern life are condensed: the relationship between nature and city; man and animal; modern technology and the human body. Susanne Winkler historian and curator, Wien Museum, Vienna Werner Michael Schwarz historian and curator, Wien Museum, Vienna

> In-depth essays on more than 250 years of urban history: “The Prater and the City, ”“Nature and Technology,” “Body and Desire,” “Grand Theater” > With contributions from more than 40 renowned authors > With numerous illustrations and photo spreads


© Wien Museum


© Wien Museum

© Wien Museum

9 783035 628579

Susanne Winkler, Werner Michael Schwarz (Eds.)


The Vienna Prater A Place for Everyone PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

128 180 color 25.0 × 20.0 cm


978-3-0356-2857-9 EN 978-3-0356-2871-5 EN


€ 29.00 / $ 31.99 / £ 25.50

MARCH 2024

At the center of the Wurstelprater amusement park, on the site of a former amusement arcade, the new Prater Museum, one of Vienna’s first public buildings to be constructed in wood, will open in 2024. The role of the Prater park as a traditional place of leisure and amusement is a special ­focus of the Wien Museum. In addition to original ­objects – including carousel figures, parts of a ghost train, early slot machines, ­and Punch and Judy figures – the collection includes plans, models, photographs, admission tickets, program booklets, posters, and works of art.

This book introduces the highlights of the more than 300 objects in the new Prater ­Museum. It deals with the big issues of modern life: the relationship between nature and city; man and animal; modern technology and the human body. Susanne Winkler historian and curator, Wien Museum, Vienna Werner Michael Schwarz historian and curator, Wien Museum, Vienna

> The catalog for the exhibition of the new Prater Museum of the Wien Museum, Vienna > Published together with the essay collection entitled Der Wiener Prater. Labor der Moderne to mark the opening of the new Vienna Prater Museum in March 2024 > With numerous large-format illustrations


© Wien Museum


© Wien Museum

© Wien Museum

9 783035 627770

Markus Müller, Stefan Oláh, Ulrike Matzer (Eds.)


Architektur des medizinischen Wissens Eine Kulturgeschichte des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses und der Medizinischen Universität Wien

Architecture for Medicine A Cultural History of the General Hospital and the Medical University of Vienna

Architektur des ­medizinischen Wissens / ­Architecture for Medicine Eine Kulturgeschichte des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses und der Medizinischen ­Universität Wien / A Cultural History of the General ­Hospital and the Medical University of Vienna PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

248 150 color 32.0 × 24.0 cm


978-3-0356-2777-0 EN/GER 978-3-0356-2780-0 EN/GER


€ 64.00 / $ 70.99 / £ 56.00

MAY 2024

Birkhäuser Birkhäuser

The Vienna General (AKH) is one of Europe’s largest hospitals. Incorporating the clinics of the Medical University of Vienna, it is also an internationally renowned research institution. Founded in 1784, it has since then continually expanded through the addition of research and teaching institutes. Most Viennese are ­familiar with today’s AKH, which has become an indispensable part of the cityscape. But ­behind its façade lies an immense and largely invisible machinery. The photographer Stefan Oláh was fascinated by these hidden technical and infrastructural facilities. At the invitation of the MedUni Wien, he spent three years




docu­menting numerous hidden aspects of the Hospital. The result is an impressive anam­ nesis of this institution. In addition, the book traces the rich history of the AKH and the ­MedUni Wien. Markus Müller Rector of the Medical University of Vienna Stefan Oláh photographer, Vienna Ulrike Matzer cultural scientist, Vienna

> A glimpse behind the scenes of the AKH and MedUni Wien in a series of images by Stefan Oláh > Essay by Ulrike Matzer on the cultural significance of this institution > Operating rooms, medication robots, disinfection lines, phantom rooms and much more


6.2 (33)



Metropole Wien Eine Anthologie zu ­Architektur und Stadtkultur 1850–1940

Metropole Wien


9 783035 626759

Ruth Hanisch, Harald R. Stühlinger, Iain Boyd Whyte (Eds.)


416 40 b/w 24.5 × 16.5 cm


978-3-0356-2675-9 GER 978-3-0356-2676-6 GER


€ 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

APRIL 2024

Eine Anthologie zu Architektur und Stadtkultur 1850–1945 Ruth Hanisch, Harald R. Stühlinger, Iain Boyd Whyte (Hrsg.)


The period of Viennese Modernism is widely regarded as Europe’s cultural heyday. This was when Vienna, with a population of two million, was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy and a melting pot of European cultures. Around 1850, a fundamental push for urban renewal was initiated with the re-planning of the city’s Ringstrasse. As a result, new palaces and novel building types emerged throughout Vienna, reflecting both social change and technological progress. 265 contemporary texts construct a picture of Vienna in the period between 1850 and 1940.

The authors’ polemics, critiques, and descriptions provide vivid testimony to this urban transformation whose impact is felt to this day. Summarized in chapters, they reflect the decisive tendencies of the time. An indispensable compendium. Ruth Hanisch ETH Zurich, Switzerland Harald R. Stühlinger TU Vienna, Austria Ian B. Whyte University of Edinburgh, Scotland

> The most important contemporary texts on Vienna in the period 1850–1940 > Chronologically structured and thematically arranged > Texts by contemporary architects, sociologists, political theorists, critics, novelists, and journalists


Illustration for Der neue Hofpark by Joseph Roth, from Der Neue Tag, 12. October 1919, p. 3


© Parliament and Ringstrasse, post card 1905; Photochrom Print Collection, Library of Congress

© Franz Holluber, Stephansplatz with Fiaker and bus at Pentecost, 1914. Wien Museum Inv.-Nr. 77501/417, CC0

9 783035 628500

Ingrid Holzschuh, Alexandra Wachter, Bundeskammer der Ziviltechniker:innen (Eds.)


Behördlich autorisiert. Staatlich beeidet. Im Nationalsozialismus verfolgt. Die Geschichte der öster­reichischen Ingenieurkammern und Ziviltechniker:innen 1860–1957 PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

304 150 color, 20 graphics 27.0 × 19.0 cm


978-3-0356-2850-0 GER 978-3-0356-2852-4 GER


€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 43.00

MARCH 2024


This book is the first history of Austria’s Chambers of Chartered Engineering Consultants from the foundation of the institution of chartered engineering consultants in 1860 up to the passage of the Ziviltechnikergesetz. In addition to tracing the history of the organization, the book tackles head-on the controversial issue of collaboration with the Nazi regime and the fate of those chartered engineering consultants who were persecuted. Selected biographies ­reveal the extent of the chambers’ autonomy and show how members’ careers were made and broken during this period. A special con-


cern of this book is to keep alive the memory of those chartered engineering consultants who fell victim to the Nazi regime. With this thorough and scientific reappraisal, Austria’s Federal Chamber of Chartered Engineering Consultants has taken an important step in taking responsibility for its own history. Ingrid Holzschuh art historian, Vienna Alexandra Wachter historian, Vienna

> An important contribution to the historical reappraisal of the Nazi period and the history of Austria’s institutions > Selected biographies of chartered engineering consultants > With contributions by Ingrid Holzschuh, Inge Korneck, and Alexandra Wachter, as well as numerous historical illustrations and infographics

© Verzeichnis der Kammermitglieder nach dem Stande 1. Juni 1938, 1. ­Österreichisches Staatsarchiv/AdR, RK Materie 2100, 2.175/3

© Archiv der Kammer der Ziviltechniker:innen W/NÖ/Bgld, member file Viktor Beer

9 783035 628494

Andrea Börner, Cristina Díaz Moreno, Efrén García Grinda, Baerbel Mueller, Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Eds.)


forA on the Urban Issue #1 Eleven Frictions from an Urbanized World PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

156 40 b/w, 69 color 21.9 × 17.0 cm


978-3-0356-2849-4 EN 978-3-0356-2851-7 EN


€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00



The first issue of the interdisciplinary periodical forA on the Urban explores the open, multilayered, interconnected, complex, and unbridled nature of urban design. Through eleven contributions from eighteen international experts on architecture, art, social criticism, and activism, this issue illuminates specific realities of fraught spaces – urban frictions – in different parts of the world. Everyday frustrations, manifest inequalities, and social and political conflicts are examined throughout this issue in a process of descrip-


© photo Wang Ziling

tion, discussion, and designation. The relationships between urban objects reflect the emergence of plurality and coexistence within and beyond what can be seen and understood as urban within an expanded concept of architecture. Andrea Börner, Cristina Díaz Moreno, Efrén García Grinda, Baerbel Mueller, Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

> First issue of the periodical forA on the Urban from the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna > With contributions by Keller Easterling, Phineas Harper, Hira Nabi, Ou Ning and Xu Tiantian, Lola Sheppard and Mason White, among others > Elaborate and innovative design (Studio Lin)

© Hira Nabi

9 783111 364490

Monika Sommer, Nora Sternfeld, Luisa Ziaja (Eds.)


Nicht einfach ausstellen Kuratorische Formate und Strategien im ­Postnazismus Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

272 30 color 21.0 × 14.7 cm


978-3-11-136449-0 GER


€ 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

JUNE 2024

How can museums and institutions deal with the continuities of Nazism in the 21st century? This anthology is dedicated to curatorial formats and strategies that address mechanisms of repression and denial of Nazi history. The contributions analyze the normalization of fascist aesthetics and discourses. They position themselves within new debates about the politics of memory, seek ways to confront histories of violence, and reflect on contexts and projects in museums, universities, and public spaces. What role does memory play in curatorial projects that confront the tendency to ignore or

dismiss Austria’s Nazi past? Do we deal with the topic in order not to have to deal with it? Or do we confront it in order to confront the continuities in the present? Monika Sommer director House of Austrian History Nora Sternfeld professor HFBK Hamburg Luisa Ziaja chief curator Belvedere, Vienna

> Practices of dealing with Nazi continuities in relation to monuments, art collections, and institutional structures > 7th volume of the /ecm series, with texts by international experts from theory and practice and works of art > Contributions by Sophie Goltz, Karin Harrasser, Michaela Melián, Ruth Sonderegger, Julia Voss, and more


© photo Klaus Pichler / hdgö


© artist group Schandwache

© Ramesch Daha

9 783111 366326

Bernadette Reinhold, Christina Wieder (Eds.)


„Sonderfall“ Angewandte Die Universität für ­angewandte Kunst Wien im Austrofaschismus, ­Nationalsozialismus und in der Nachkriegszeit Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

448 50 b/w, 100 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-136632-6 GER 978-3-11-137149-8 GER


€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 45.00

JUNE 2024


When the Vienna School of Applied Arts was elevated to the status of “Reichshochschule” in 1941, it saw itself as a “special case” in the National Socialist university system. Based ­on the latest research, this study traces the eventful history of today’s University of Applied Arts Vienna under Austria’s fascist regime followed by the “Anschluss” with ­Nazi Germany, and through the postwar years. This book provides comprehensive insights into the Collection and Archive of the Uni­ver­ sity of Applied Arts Vienna and examines the


© University of Applied Arts Vienna, Collection and Archive, IN 4454/1

history of this Viennese art institution, it classes and workshops, and its teachers and students. Questions are raised about political, cultural, and artistic turning points as well as continuities amid the transformation of democratic and fascist structures that shaped the university from 1933 to 1955. Bernadette Reinhold and Christina Wieder Collection and Archive, University of Applied Arts Vienna

> Critical institutional history in a culturalpolitical context > Research contribution to Viennese Modernism and contemporary Austrian history > With an extensive chronology, biographies of artists, and a lavishly illustrated, annotated catalog section with selected samples (works of art, archival materials, sources)

© University of Applied Arts Vienna, Collection and Archive, IN 7447/8

9 783111 341569

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (Ed.)


Radikale Universität Universitäten in Zeiten globaler Umbrüche. Die Angewandte und Rektor Gerald Bast Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

308 19 b/w, 24 color 23.5 × 16.0 cm

hardcover PRINT SC E-BOOK

978-3-11-134156-9 GER 978-3-11-134167-5 GER


€ 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 45.00



This book serves not only to document the symposium “Radical University,” which highlighted the contribution of the university to ­social development, it also discusses interdisciplinarity and dialogue between art and science in relation to social relevance and responsibility. Furthermore, it pays tribute to the work of Rector Gerald Bast at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. By establishing several new programs of interdisciplinary study, par­ticularly pertaining to the convergence of art and science, and by taking a clear sociopo­


© photos Marlene Mautner

lit­­ical stance, he laid down important markers for the university. This publication explores three core themes: art and science; the development of a campus university; and educational reform. All of the texts in this book discuss the future of education in times of radical change, revealing ­radical perspectives on the university as an ­institution. University of Applied Arts Vienna

> On the challenges faced by universities in the 21st century > Contributions by Aleida Assmann, Klaus Bollinger, Brigitte Felderer, Olga Grjasnowa, Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Lisz Hirn, Anab Jain, Judith Kohlenberger, Meinhard Lukas, Helga Nowotny, Ferdinand Schmatz, and others > With photographs and renderings by Marlene Mautner

9 783111 366340

Eva Maria Stadler, Jenni Tischer (Eds.)


Abstraction & Economy Myths of Growth Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

272 96 b/w, 32 color 23.5 × 16.0 cm


978-3-11-136634-0 EN 978-3-11-137134-4 EN


€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00

APRIL 2024


This anthology explores the tension between abstraction and economics from the perspectives of art, art theory, art history, as well as law, sociology, philosophy, and economics. It poses questions about the current challenges of a global capitalist economy with claims to expansive growth in relation to aesthetics, technology, and democracy. The relationship between abstraction and ­economics is discussed in a series of theoretical and artistic contributions. The main focus is on the role of art in mediating between the


© photo Elmar Bertsch

concrete and the abstract, on formalist approaches to art theory, and on the social and economic cues that help us trace the aesthetic regime of capitalism. Ultimately, this book asks, “how can artistic-aesthetic practices counteract the regime of accumulation and abstraction?” Eva Maria Stadler prof., Vice Rector, Univ. of Applied Arts Vienna Jenni Tischer artist and teacher, Univ. of Applied Arts Vienna

> The visual arts in a socioeconomic context > Reflecting on the relationship between abstraction and economics from capitalist-critical, decolonial, ecological, and queer-feminist perspectives > Contributions by Brenna Bhandar, Christina von Braun, Sabeth Buchmann, Nikita Dhawan, Sven Lütticken, R. H. Quaytman, Marina Vishmidt, and others

© Galerie Barbara Weiss Trautwein & Herleth and Monika Baer

9 783111 342160

Ricarda Denzer, Christian Höller (Eds.)


Ricarda Denzer – ganz ohr / all ears Audio Trouble, Para-Listening, and Sounding Research Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

192 55 b/w, 46 color 23.5 × 16.5 cm


978-3-11-134216-0 EN/GER 978-3-11-134223-8 EN/GER


€ 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 41.00



The act of hearing the sound of spoken language forms a fluid, sometimes fractured act of change in time. At the same time, orality and the human voice are situated in space and thus create new places. This publication brings to the fore the performative character of the human voice and the unifying, spatial quality of sound and presents works by the artist ­Ricarda Denzer from the last ten years. The starting point of this book is the thesis that thinking has a voice and that this voice has a body. Listening as a physical, performa-


© photos Michael Giefing

tive act is understood as a creative process of “becoming world,” of participating in the world. The book explores questions of how we think, how we remember, and how we relate to the world. Ricarda Denzer artist, University of Applied Arts Vienna Christian Höller springerin – Hefte für Gegenwartskunst, author, Vienna

> An overview of the artistic work of ­ Ricarda Denzer in the period 2013–2023 > Artistic practice as situated listening; experimental artistic approaches from sound and voice studies > With contributions by Fouad Asfour, Christa Benzer, Ricarda Denzer, Christiane Erharter, Christian Höller, Brandon LaBelle, and Jaimini Patel

9 783111 337166

Parlamentsdirektion, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Pascal Petignat (Eds.)


Probelauf Performative Szenen zum parlamentarischen Betrieb Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

196 45 b/w, 90 color 29.0 × 22.5 cm


978-3-11-133716-6 GER


€ 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00



To mark the return of parliamentary business to the renovated Austrian parliament building, this book documents an artistic and photographic examination of parliamentary processes, and of parliament as a stage and a core institution of the democratic system. Sensitive buildings such as the parliament must be tested for functionality and security after reconstruction or renovation. Employees of the Parliamentary Administration, the ministries, and others tested the various processes according to a script. In this cooperative pro­


ject, students from the University of Applied Arts Vienna created numerous works of art in the building that interrogate and reconsider social orders in a performative manner.

> A cooperative project between the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Austria’s Parliamentary Administration to mark the reopening of parliamentary business after renovation

Parlamentsdirektion Republic of Austria, Vienna University of Applied Arts Vienna Pascal Petignat artist, photographer, Vienna

> Following on from the publication Temporäre Unordnung (2020), with 782 images from the vacant parliament building > With numerous large-format photographs

© photo Lea Sonderegger and Pia Plankensteiner

9 783111 341378

Mariella Greil (Ed.)


Bare Bodies – Thresholding Life Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

208 50 color 24.0 × 16.5 cm


978-3-11-134137-8 EN 978-3-11-134144-6 EN


€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50



This anthology is dedicated to the theme of bodies – in transition, on thresholds, and at the edges of life. They are discussed in terms of their artistic, political, and existential dimen­sions. The focus of this artistic-philosophical consideration of the intersection of performance practices and life practices is on processes of emergence, survival, and decay, tracing the emergence of bio- and necro­­po­l­itics. The book looks at performative (life) cycles and their temporal dimension, emphasizing


© Christian Schuller / PACT Zollverein

the moment of dwelling at a threshold or ­transition, thus spinning a relational textual web. Mariella Greil brings together contributions from the fields of performance, activism, ­psychoanalysis, and contemporary dance, ­connecting content and form in a unique way. Mariella Greil artist, researcher, writer, focusing on contemporary performance, choreography, somatic practices; based in Vienna

> Following on from the publication Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body (2021) > A multilayered book with a transparent dust jacket, recycled and transparent paper, inserts, and open thread stitching > With contributions by Fiona Bannon, Ashon Crawley, Gurur Ertem, Rebecca Hilton, Pavlos Kountouriotis, and others

© Mariella Greil / Simona Koch

9 783111 365343

Başak Şenova (Ed.)


The Octopus On Diversities, Art Production, Educational Models, and Curatorial Trajectories Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

256 110 color 26.0 × 18.0 cm


978-3-11-136534-3 EN 978-3-11-136554-1 EN


€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50

MARCH 2024

This book presents the results of the Octopus Programme, an innovative fellowship in the field of artistic research. This international network of eleven institutions included selected participants from Europe, the Mediterranean, and Africa, and generated numerous events, workshops, and exhibitions. By promoting international collaboration, new critical perspectives were developed to investigate the diversity of artistic research and practice in different contexts – academic as well as

nonacademic – inside and outside institutions, or in relation to resources. This brings into focus not only different curatorial models, but also different modes of knowledge production. Başak Şenova designer and curator, led the Octopus Programme, senior postdoctoral researcher at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

> Artistic research and collaboration between academies, art institutions, students, and experts > Curatorial forms of presentation, research and documentation, progressive educational methodology > Contributions by Ruth Anderwald / Leonhard Grond, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Maria Lantz, Johan Thom, Barbara Putz-Plecko, and others


© photo Gizem Akgülgil, Courtesy Octopus Programme


© photo Gizem Akgülgil, Courtesy Octopus Programme

© photo Zivanai Matangi

9 783111 351407

Sophia Naomi Eisenring, Grace Oberholzer, Sara Schmiedl (Eds.)


JENNY. Ausgabe 11 es geht sich schon aus Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

128 32 color 25.5 × 18.0 cm


978-3-11-135140-7 GER 978-3-11-135150-6 GER


€ 22.00 / $ 25.99 / £ 20.00


JENNY, the anthology of contemporary literature, is sporting a new look, entering its 11th year in style. Our grandmothers always assured it that “it all works out in the end,” even as memories fade with time. Things that are too shiny eventually lose their luster, powdered cheeks grow dusty, and even the most carefully applied rouge is ­liable to be blown away by a fresh summer breeze. What remains is residual heat, stale air, and texts – about conventions, suppression, and the past that melts through the heat to the surface of the present. But also: the

a­ ttempt to breathe, to take up space, and kiss sunken cheeks awake. Issue 11 of JENNY ponders in a somewhat ­morbid, unapologetically queer-feminist, and thoroughly Viennese manner the issue of ­graduations and new beginnings. Some things remain while others emerge. Sophia Naomi Eisenring, Grace Oberholzer, Sara Schmiedl Institute for Language Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna



Seite 14–21


das ist

Seite 46–49

ein Text über mich



Seite 22–29


(AT) Monolog




Seite 30–33


Seite 56–59


Ich sitze amaSofa und lesestory Stefan-Manuel Eggenwebers Text „Operationen“1, erschienen fragmented out 2019 in der Literaturzeitschrift of the ground: Edit. Das dicke Heft auf den Knien, die linken vier Finger in die Seite geklemmt, sucht der Daumen im Anhang die passende Endnote. Die rechte Hand hält das Smartphone für die schnelle Recherche, der Stift klemmt zwischen den Zähnen. Sobald die rechte Hand wieder frei ist, wird sie ihn greifen, die Spucke an der Hose abwischen und Anmerkungen notieren. Ich stecke wie ein MURI DARIDA klemmender Ast in dieser Leseposition.


Es ist ungewöhnlich warm draußen. Ich schlüpfe in meine grüne Windjacke und gehe nach unten. Die Tür zum gemeinschaftlichen Abstellraum quietscht seit Monaten. Ich schließe mein Rad auf, wickle das Schloss um die Lenkstange und hebe es auf die Straße. Ein paar Wolken hängen am Himmel. Wenig Verkehr. Links, rechts, geradeaus? „Operationen“ hält für die Leser:innen viele Möglichkeiten zum Abbiegen bereit. Der Text verhandelt seine eigene Form. Als Auszug aus einem Roman angekündigt, enthält er Fußnoten in wissenschaftlichem Gestus, Dialoge, die mittels Usernames an Seite 70–79 GRACE OBERHOLZER Chatverläufe erinnern, und schließlich Endnoten, die Erzählungen über die Erzählung schichten und zugleich als Glossar2 funktionieren. Ein Glossar, das zwischen den in der unbestimmten Zukunft liegenden Jahren -njb und der Gegenwart, dem Jetzt des Lesens, übersetzt. Was vermittelt die Form in ständigem Spiel mit dem Inhalt?



Stefan-Manuel Eggenweber: Operationen. In: Edit, Nr. 78/79, Herbst 2019, S. 212–225. 2 Seite 42–45 Glossar, vom Altgriechischen glóssa, lateinisch glossa Sprache, Zunge. Ein Glossar ist eine Form der Anmerkung, meistens in Listenform am Ende eines Textes, die sich der Übersetzung und Erklärung von Worten annimmt. 1


Der Inhalt kurz zusammengefasst: René alias WonderCrip-Woman, Saadet alias FIST of SCIENCE und Sarah alias trisonomieFUcKu2!#%&1!! verkleiden sich in einer als -njb bezeichneten Zukunft als junge cis-männliche HipHopper, um zu Seite 50–55operieren: In ihrer Boombox befinden sich medizinische Utensilien und Hightech-Prothesen. Ihr „Patient“ ist Franz, der in einer Beziehung mit Anatol lebt. Der allwissende Bill aus dem Lieblingspodcast ist womöglich der Erzähler des Endnoten-Glossars. 1

5 Error 404 / sorry, page not found / expired URL

Ein Wurm, der

Wie werden die Leser:innen in der textlich-räumlichen Gestaltung auf Lesekonventionen zurückgeworfen? Stefan-Manuel Eggenweber nützt Verweissysteme, die an Erwartungshaltungen geknüpft sind, für provokative Operationen an der Sprache selbst. Ich trete in die Pedale, strecke den Arm aus, rolle in die Mitte der Straße, blicke über die Schulter nach hinten und nehme die Kurve hügelaufwärts. Gewöhnlich wird der untere Rand eines weißen Blatt Papiers (oder einer Fläche am Bildschirm, die ein weißes Blatt Papier simuliert) für die Fußnote eingeplant und möglicherweise durch eine dünne Linie die Abtrennung vom Haupttext noch visuell betont. Die Reifen für die Fahrt in die akademische Welt. Fußnoten sind da, um Quellen und Ideen nachvollziehbar zu machen. Sie zeichnen nach, woher ich weiß, was ich weiß. Sie bilden einen Chor, ein Rauschen aus Stimmen. Endnoten sind Fußnoten am Ende eines Texts. Beide Noten lassen sich unter dem Begriff Annotation bündeln. Während sie ihren zugewiesenen Ort schon im Namen tragen und dadurch ihr Spezifikum, ist die Annotation, von lat. annotatio, laut dem „dude“3 eine Anmerkung, ein Vermerk, eine generelle Bezeichnung für Hinzugefügtes.4 Ich trete in die Pedale und komme ins Schwitzen. Ich ziehe den Reißverschluss auf, die Jackenteile flattern unter meinen Armen.

„üblicherweise werden Nachrufe in Printmedien Verweiszeichen stellen Verbindungen über die räumliche Distanz sicher (*2→). veröffentlicht“ – das bin ich, denkt sich JENNY; Die Leser:innen vertrauen und nehmen an, dass immer die richtigen Stellen miteinander ein Epilog verbunden sind. Führen die Zeichen in eine Sackgasse, werden sie womöglich zu ist offensichtlich kein Nekrolog, sagt das www, ich wär dumm, würd ich meinen, „fuss notes“5, wie sie die Übersetzerin Uljana Wolf nennt, und stiften Verwirrung. einen eigenen, nicht selbst schon bald einmal verfassen Ein Verweis ist auf den ersten Blick ein wohlgesinntes Angebot. Kipptzu das Wort beginnen; ein Ruf statt ein Wort, Danachhinzuan den Anfang stellen – und „verweisen“ aber in der Bedeutung, wird es zur forschen Aufforderung,das woanders gibts Echo; das erste Jahrzehnt gehen. Jemanden eines Ortes zu verweisen heißt auch, dass wohl etwashoffentlich im Argen liegt abgezählt, servus, 11. Ausgabe; broke wie nie und der weitere Aufenthalt nicht länger erwünscht ist. Die freiwillige ist Entscheidung, die nächste Abzweigung zu nehmen, scheint mit dem englischen link eher gewährleistet zu sein. Der Link, ein agiles Gelenk?


Seite 60–65sich durch die zwei Oberflächen desselben Raums frisst, hat ein Wurmloch geschaffen.

Leonardo im Cabrio

Seite 34–41

> Selected texts by innovative authors – poetry, essays, prose, and cross-genre language art

35 9



> JENNY combines tradition with a new look and contains 15 fresh texts



> Issue 11 of the literary anthology JENNY, published annually by students at the Institute for Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Bei der nächsten Ampel fahre ich geradeaus. In der Ausstellung Hungry for Time in der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien haben die Kurator:innen vom Raqs Media Collective die Flügel von Hieronymus Boschs Weltgerichtstriptychon (ca. 1504) fast geschlossen und nur einen kleinen Wurm zu Füßen der Figur am Außenflügel beleuchtet.6 Auf den Wurm, eine Nebensächlichkeit im Bild, ist eine Videokamera gerichtet, die den Ausschnitt filmt und live auf einen Bildschirm vor dem Triptychon überträgt. Die Kurator:innen verweisen im Begleittext auf Sigmund Freuds Suche nach der Sexualität von Aalen. Wie im Gästebuch der Ausstellung nachzulesen ist und Mitarbeiter:innen berichten, zeigten sich viele Besucher:innen sehr verärgert darüber, denn Boschs Triptychon ist das Herzstück der

Im Glossar von Stefan-Manuel Eggenwebers Operationen weist der allwissende Bill darauf hin, dass dude „der verzweifelte Versuch einer zeitgemäßen Neubenennung des guten alten Dudens“ sei. Eggenweber: Operationen, S. 225. Dude: Annotation. Uljana Wolf: Barbar Blechs Ursprech. Homophone Übersetzung und Nursery Rhymes. In: Etymologischer Gossip. Essays und Reden. Berlin: kookbooks, 2022, S. 194. 6 Hungry for Time. Einladung zu epistemischem Ungehorsam mit Raqs Media Collective, in den Kunstsammlungen der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Ausstellung von 9.10.2021 bis 27.2.2022.


4 5

9 783111 365374

Ruth Mateus-Berr (Ed.)


EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024 Educational Turn / Bildungsoffensive Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

120 3 b/w, 30 color 29.7 × 14.8 cm


978-3-11-136537-4 EN/GER 978-3-11-137164-1 EN/GER


€ 26.00 / $ 28.99 / £ 24.00

© Julia Fromm

APRIL 2024

Given the current demands on schools and the challenges they face in an increasingly complex and volatile world, new and visionary educational paths and new educational concepts are urgently needed. Interdisciplinary collaboration within the curriculum can open up new possibilities for education. EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024 presents transversal research findings, offers insights into innovative projects, and introduces interdisciplinary practices from schools and uni-

versities. The contributions deal with topics such as the digital image archive as a teaching and learning space for classes in art or German and the potential of memes for promoting critical Internet use in art and politics classes. Ruth Mateus-Berr professor, head of the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Education, University of Applied Arts Vienna

> Second issue of this periodical on transversal research in education > State of the art of interdisciplinary research in didactics > With contributions by Alessandra Bellissimo, Eva Greisberger, Julia Fromm, Maria Mogy, Gudrun Ragossnig, Birke Sturm, Eva-Maria Schitter, Petra Weixelbraun, and others

9 783111 365237

Georg Glaeser, Franz Gruber


Experiencing Geometry, Physics, and Biology Edition Angewandte PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

248 10 b/w, 825 color 23.2 × 19.5 cm


978-3-11-136523-7 EN 978-3-11-136578-7 EN


€ 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 38.50




This is a highly informative and richly illus­ trated nonfiction book that conveys scientific content in a clear and understandable way. Drawing on numerous examples, it explains topics from geometry, physics, and biology and points out commonalities between the disciplines. The book contains approx. ­300 links to video animations and is accompanied by a freely accessible interactive software that ­allows readers to delve even deeper into the content covered in the book. The content, videos, and software were developed by the Department of Geometry at the

University of Applied Arts Vienna. Georg ­Glaeser’s research focuses particularly on interdisciplinary mathematical and biological ­issues, and he worked for many years with Franz Gruber, who was highly adept at visual­ izing complex issues. Georg Glaeser professor emeritus of geometry, University of Applied Arts Vienna Franz Gruber formerly mathematician and physicist, Vienna

> Includes links to around 300 video animations, accessible via QR codes > Compact, informative, and easy-tounderstand explanations of scientific issues in the disciplines of geometry, physics, and biology > With numerous images and illustrations

Susanne Stacher Architecture en temps de crise Stratégies actuelles et historiques pour la conception de « mondes nouveaux »

Marcel Bois, Bernadette Reinhold (Eds.) Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender. New Perspectives on Her Life and Work

Sven Ingmar Thies (Ed.) Teaching Graphic Design Approaches, Insights, the Role of Listening and 24 Interviews with Inspirational Educators




Print SC 978-3-0356-2774-9 FR E-Book 978-3-0356-2776-3 FR € 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2699-5 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2702-2 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99/ £ 36.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-2600-1 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2602-5 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Caroline Wohlgemuth Mid-Century Modern – Visionary Furniture Design from Vienna

Andrea Graser Light Up – The Potential of Light in Museum Architecture

Hani Rashid (Ed.) Re: Action Urban Resilience, Sustainable Growth, and the Vitality of Cities and Ecosystems in the Post-Information Age




Print HC 978-3-0356-2409-0 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2420-5 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-2705-3 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2706-0 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99/ £ 36.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-2707-7 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2710-7 EN € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00

Barbara Imhof, Daniela Mitterberger, Tiziano Derme (Eds.) Co-Corporeality of Humans, Machines, & Microbes

Baerbel Mueller, Frida Robles, Institute of Achitecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Eds.) Structures of Displacement



Print SC 978-3-0356-2585-1 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book (Open Access) 978-3-0356-2588-2 EN

Print SC 978-3-0356-2304-8 EN E-Book 978-3-0356-2305-5 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on

Klaus Bollinger, Florian Medicus, Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Eds.) Stressing Wachsmann Structures for a Future / Strukturen für eine Zukunft 2020 Print HC 978-3-0356-1962-1 EN/GER € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

The book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Peter Weibel, Katharina Gsöllpointner (Eds.) Ruth Schnell – WORKBOOK Mirrors of the Unseen

Payer Gabriel A plus minus Z Payer Gabriel. Abwesenheit – Zufall / Absence – Accidental

Liddy Scheffknecht, Ernst Strouhal (Eds.) Wenn der Wind weht / When the Wind Blows Luft, Wind und Atem in der zeitgenössischen Kunst / Air, Wind, and Breath in Contemporary Art




Print SC 978-3-11-124998-8 EN E-Book 978-3-11-125010-6 EN € 45.00 / $ 49.99/ £ 41.00

Print SC 978-3-11-106624-0 EN/GER E-Book 978-3-11-106658-5 EN/GER € 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Print SC 978-3-11-078520-3 EN/GER E-Book 978-3-11-078524-1 EN/GER € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 43.50

Cosima Rainer, Eva Maria Stadler (Eds.) Schule Oberhuber Der Künstler, Rektor, Ausstellungsmacher und sein Programm

Stefanie Kitzberger, Cosima Rainer, Linda Schädler (Eds.) Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Régine Bonnefoit, Bernadette Reinhold (Eds.) Oskar Kokoschka: Neue Einblicke und Perspektiven / New Insights and Perspectives




Print SC 978-3-11-106160-3 GER E-Book 978-3-11-106222-8 GER € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

Print HC 978-3-11-078906-5 EN E-Book 978-3-11-078913-3 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Print SC 978-3-11-072420-2 EN/GER E-Book 978-3-11-072422-6 EN/GER € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Martina Griesser-Stermscheg, Christine Haupt-Stummer, Renate Höllwart, Beatrice Jaschke, Monika Sommer, Nora Sternfeld, Luisa Ziaja (Eds.) Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis

Linda Berger, Maria Christine Holter (Eds.) LINDA BERGER – PEACH-BLOW MONOGRAFIE/MONOGRAPH



Sabine Folie (Ed.) Rini Tandon. to spaces unsigned Works, Concepts, Processes 1976–2020 / Arbeiten, Konzepte, Prozesse 1976–2020

Print SC 978-3-11-101452-4 GER E-Book 978-3-11-102717-3 GER € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 38.00

Print HC 978-3-11-074475-0 EN/GER E-Book 978-3-11-074703-4 EN/GER € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

# architecture # visual and media art # design # conservation and restoration # art theory, art pedagogy, and art education # language arts

2020 Print SC 978-3-11-070045-9 EN/GER € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

9 783955 536206

Nicole Pfoser (Ed.)

Green Facades



120 numerous 21.0 × 29.7 cm


978-3-95553-620-6 EN 978-3-95553-621-3 EN


€ 54.90 / $ 74.00 / £ 44.00



Architects face the demand to exploit unused potential and find ways to use plants as tools for design. This is both the case in the development of spaces as well as urban environments, but particularly on buildings themselves. “Green Facades” provides architects with the necessary specialist knowledge to competently deal with the living architecture on the building envelope.


© Nicole Pfoser

Nicole Pfoser head of Landscape Architecture Studies at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University

> Façade greenery: utilisation of unused potential for architecture with a positive effect on climate > Expertise: urban climate benefits via innovative greenery concepts > Practical guide for the successful implementation of blue-green architecture

© Nicole Pfoser

9 783955 536244

Sandra Hofmeister (Ed.)


Natural Building Materials S,M,L 30 × Architecture and ­Construction PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

352 numerous 22.0 × 29.0 cm


978-3-95553-624-4 EN/GER 978-3-95553-625-1 EN/GER


€ 69.90 / $ 94.00 / £ 56.00

MARCH 2024


While timber construction is already established in the field of architecture, there is an increasing focus on alternative construction materials such as clay, straw, cork or bamboo, along with their application features. In full alignment with sustainable construction, they make it possible to plan energy-optimised, recyclable and climate-friendly buildings for the future. The book shows how this can be achieved based on 30 projects of all sizes.


Sandra Hofmeister editor-in-chief, DETAIL

> Presentation of 30 ground-breaking structures using natural materials > Compendium of construction drawings at a scale of 1:20 > Recyclable and climate-friendly: traditional construction materials with future potential

9 783955 536282

Sandra Hofmeister (Ed.)


Architecture and Climate Change 20 Interviews on the Future of Building PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

252 numerous 13.0 × 20.0 cm


978-3-95553-628-2 EN 978-3-95553-629-9 EN


€ 29.90 / $ 40.00 / £ 24.00

APRIL 2024


The book gives 20 architects and urban planners their say on the future of construction. Voices are heard from Mexico to Kenya – from Bangladesh to Switzerland. In the interviews experts give an account of their own experiences with climate-friendly construction as well as regional problems posed by rising CO2emissions. They explain pioneering projects and combine them with their personal desire and political ideals.


Sandra Hofmeister editior-in-chief, DETAIL

> International voices speak out on climate-friendly perspectives for urban planning and architecture > Decarbonisation: personal experiences, political goals and concrete suggestions > Prospects for climate neutral cities, for circular econmy practice and recycling strategies

9 783955 536305

Florian Heilmeyer, Sandra Hofmeister (Eds.)


Architecture of Transformation in Flanders PAGES ILLS. FORMAT

232 numerous 19.0 × 25.0 cm


978-3-95553-630-5 EN/GER 978-3-95553-631-2 EN/GER


€ 49.90 / $ 67.00 / £ 40.00

MAY 2024


Contemporary Flemish architecture stands out with its creative conversions. This book documents outstanding examples of adaptive reuse across the Flanders region of northern Belgium. It presents a portrait of Flanders’ amazingly vibrant adaptive architecture with 24 bold and pragmatic projects by De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Noaa Architecten, Blaf, Korteknie Stuhlmacher, Atelier Kempe Thill, Zaha Hadid and many other architectural ­studios.


© Filip Dujardin

Florian Heilmeyer, architectural journalist, author and curator Sandra Hofmeister, editior-in-chief, DETAIL

> Portrait of regional building culture in Flanders with 24 current adaptive reuse projects > Potential of architecture in existing buildings: bold and inventive examples > Conversion of existing buildings, from small private homes to large public buildings


Building Types Online Language: English Update frequency: annually

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The database Building Types Online is a large international collection of contemporary buildings in typological order, based on the expertise of Birkhäuser authors. It now comprises about 6500 high-quality drawings, 2800 photos, approx. 1300 case studies and 170 background articles. It is in use at some 130 schools of architecture worldwide. Since 2019, the annual updates have been curated and produced in cooperation with Bauwelt. In early 2023, a completely revised user interface with new functionalities was introduced. ≥ Case studies selected from leading German architectural journal Bauwelt ≥ Vector-based and scaled architectural drawings ≥ New in 2024: African modernism and social housing in Scandinavia


Céline Dietziker, Lukas Gruntz Aalto in Detail A Catalogue of Components 2022. 464 pages. 21.5 × 16.0 cm 400 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2332-1 EN € 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 28.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2334-5 EN € 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 28.00

Karl Fleig, Elissa Aalto (Eds.) Alvar Aalto – Das Gesamtwerk / L’œuvre complète / ­ The Complete Work 5th edition 1990. 764 pages. 22.7 × 27.9 cm 1295 b/w ills. Print HC 978-3-7643-5517-3 EN/GER/FR € 249.95 / $ 350.00 / £ 217.50 E-Book 978-3-03821-655-1 EN/ GER/FR € 249.95 / $ 350.00 / £ 217.50

Gerhard Mack Herzog & de Meuron 1978–1996, The Complete Works (Vol.1–3)

Gerhard Mack Herzog & de Meuron The Complete Works

Gerhard Mack Herzog & de Meuron The Complete Works

2018. 754 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 1381 b/w ills., 684 color ills.

1996. 1997. 2000. 33.0 × 24.0 cm

2009. 2017. 2020. 33.0 × 24.0 cm

Print SC: SET 978-3-0356-1718-4 EN/GER € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 91.00

Print HC, each single volume € 124.95 / $ 175.00 / £ 113.50

Print HC, each single volume € 124.95 / $ 175.00 / £ 113.50

Volume 1 (1978–1988) 978-3-7643-5616-3 EN/GER

Volume 4 (1997–2001) 978-3-7643-8640-5 EN

Volume 2 (1989–1991) 978-3-7643-7365-8 EN/GER

Volume 5 (2002–2004) 978-3-0356-1007-9 EN

Volume 3 (1992–1996) 978-3-7643-7112-8 EN/GER

Volume 6 (2005–2007) 78-3-0356-1004-8 EN

Carsten Krohn Walter Gropius Buildings and Projects

Urs Peter Flückiger Donald Judd Architecture in Marfa, Texas

2018. 208 pages. 29.0 × 21.0 cm 27 b/w ills., 435 color ills.

2019. 208 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 250 color ills., 60 monochrome drawings

2nd edition 2021. 208 pages. 25.0 × 22.0 cm 85 b/w ills., 60 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1603-3 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1728-3 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2161-7 EN/GER € 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 37.50

Print SC: as single volumes € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 Volume 1 978-3-0356-1715-3 EN/GER Volume 2 978-3-0356-1716-0 EN/GER Volume 3 978-3-0356-1717-7 EN/GER

Herzog & de Meuron (Ed.), Gerhard Mack Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

E-Book 978-3-0356-1743-6 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Estonian Museum of Architecture (Ed.) Miracles in Concrete Structural Engineer August Komendant 2022. 432 pages. 28.5 × 22.0 cm 300 b/w ills., 200 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2512-7 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2513-4 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Fondation Le Corbusier (Ed.), Guillemette Morel Journel A Little House 2020. 84 pages. 16.0 × 12.0 cm 72 b/w ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2066-5 EN 978-3-0356-2065-8 FR € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00


E-Book 978-3-0356-2069-6 EN 978-3-0356-2070-2 FR € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00


Tim Benton The Painter Le Corbusier Eileen Gray’s Villa E 1027 and Le Cabanon 2023. 136 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 44 b/w ills., 87 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2653-7 EN € 44.00 / $ 51.00 / £ 38.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2657-5 EN € 44.00 / $ 51.00 / £ 38.50

Christophe van Gerrewey OMA/Rem Koolhaas A Critical Reader from ‘Delirious New York’ to ‘S,M,L,XL’ 2019. 464 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 100 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1974-4 EN € 77.95 / $ 89.99 / £ 71.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-1977-5 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Fondation Le Corbusier (Ed.) The Modulor and Modulor 2 2000. 579 pages. 14.5 × 14.5 cm 298 b/w ills. Print SC 978-3-7643-6188-4 EN € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0409-2 EN € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-1981-2 EN € 77.95 / $ 89.99 / £ 34.00

Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov, Max Bill (Eds.) Le Corbusier – Œuvre complète en 8 volumes / Complete Works in 8 volumes / Gesamtwerk in 8 Bänden 11th edition 1995. 1708 pages. 24.5 × 30.0 cm 2687 b/w ills. Print HC 978-3-7643-5515-9 EN/GER/FR € 695.00 / $ 975.00 / £ 604.50

Anthony Vidler Claude-Nicolas Ledoux Architecture and Utopia in the Era of the French Revolution. Second and expanded edition 2nd edition 2021. 168 pages. 25.0 × 22.0 cm 94 b/w ills., 48 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2081-8 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2083-2 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Arthur Rüegg (Ed.) Polychromie architecturale Le Corbusiers Farbenklaviaturen von 1931 und 1959 / Le Corbusier’s Color Keyboards from 1931 and 1959 / Les claviers de couleurs de Le Corbusier de 1931 et de 1959 3rd edition 2015. 268 pages. 28.5 × 23.5 cm 39 b/w ills., 96 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0661-4 EN/GER/FR € 349.00 / $ 489.00 / £ 303.50

Carsten Krohn, Michele Stavagna Erich Mendelsohn Buildings and Projects 2021. 240 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 200 b/w ills., 200 color ills., 120 monochrome drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-2072-6 EN € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Carsten Krohn Mies van der Rohe – The Built Work

Edgar Stach Mies van der Rohe Space - Material - Detail

2014. 240 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 280 color ills., 120 monochrome drawings

2017. 144 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 70 color ills., 300 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0346-0740-7 EN € 69.95 / $ 98.00 / £ 61.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-1156-4 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-03821-287-4 EN € 69.95 / $ 98.00 / £ 61.00

Paul Andreas, Ingeborg Flagge (Eds.), Oscar Niemeyer Eine Legende der Moderne / A Legend of Modernism 2nd edition 2013. 143 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 15 b/w ills., 221 color ills., 19 monochrome drawings Print HC 978-3-03821-448-9 EN/GER € 36.95 / $ 52.00 / £ 32.00 E-Book 978-3-03821-082-5 EN/GER € 36.95 / $ 52.00 / £ 32.00

Edgar Stach Renzo Piano Space – Detail – Light

Carsten Krohn Hans Scharoun Buildings and Projects

2021. 160 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 10 b/w ills., 140 color ills., 240 drawings

2018. 208 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 75 b/w ills., 200 color ills., 75 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-1460-2 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-0691-1 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1457-2 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Frida Grahn (Ed.) Denise Scott Brown In Other Eyes Portraits of an Architect 2022. 256 pages. 19.0 × 14.0 cm 100 b/w ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2624-7 EN € 36.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 31.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2625-4 EN € 36.00 / $ 41.99 / £ 31.50

Peter Zumthor Atmospheres Architectural Environments. Surrounding Objects 2006. 76 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 14 b/w ills., 19 color ills. Print HC 978-3-7643-7495-2 EN 978-3-7643-8841-6 FR € 34.95 / $ 49.00 / £ 30.50

Kurt W. Forster Schinkel A Meander through his Life and Work 2018. 416 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 150 b/w ills., 100 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0778-9 EN € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0683-6 EN € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 43.50

Marcel Bois, Bernadette Reinhold (Eds.) Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky. Architecture. Politics. Gender. New Perspectives on Her Life and Work 2023. 364 pages. 21.0 × 14.7 cm 35 b/w ills., 51 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2699-5 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2702-2 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Oliver Heckmann, Friederike Schneider (Eds.), Eric Zapel Floor Plan Manual Housing Fifth, revised and expanded edition 5th edition 2017. 368 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 1580 b/w ills.

Peter Zumthor Thinking Architecture Third, expanded edition 3rd edition 2010. 112 pages. 23.5 × 14.5 cm 20 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0346-0585-4 EN 978-3-7643-8453-1 FR 978-3-0346-0582-3 FR € 34.95 / $ 49.00 / £ 30.50

Ulrike Wietzorrek (Ed.) Housing+ On Thresholds, Transitions, and Transparencies 2013. 456 pages. 31.5 × 23.2 cm 350 b/w ills., 350 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0346-0614-1 EN € 69.95 / $ 98.00 / £ 61.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-1143-4 EN € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 69.50 Print SC 978-3-0356-1144-1 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1149-6 EN € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 69.50

Sylvia Leydecker Designing the Patient Room A New Approach to Healthcare Interiors 2017. 176 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 250 color ills., 50 drawings Print HC 978-3-03821-493-9 EN € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 52.00


E-Book 978-3-03821-110-5 EN € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 52.00


Élodie Ternaux (Ed.) Materials Encyclopedia for Creatives 2022. 448 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm 1500 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2246-1 EN € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2247-8 EN € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

Cor Wagenaar, Noor Mens, Guru Manja, Colette Niemeijer, Tom Guthknecht Hospitals A Design Manual 2019. 272 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 800 b/w ills., 200 color ills. Print SC 978-3-03821-475-5 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Holger Kleine The Drama of Space Spatial Sequences and Compositions in Architecture 2017. 296 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 150 b/w ills., 200 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0431-3 EN € 69.95 / $ 79.95 / £ 61.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-0435-1 EN € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Sascha Peters, Diana Drewes Materials in Progress Innovations for Designers and Architects

Quang Truong Composite Architecture Building and Design with Carbon Fiber and FRPs

2019. 272 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 350 color ills.

2020. 312 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 80 b/w ills., 300 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1358-2 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1940-9 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1370-4 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-1952-2 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Felix Heisel, Dirk E. Hebel, Ken Webster Building Better – Less – ­Different: Circular Construction and Circular Economy Fundamentals, Case Studies, Strategies 2022. 160 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 90 color ills., 50 maps Print SC 978-3-0356-2109-9 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2112-9 EN 978-3-0356-2635-3 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Mike Schlaich, Regine Leibinger (Eds.), Claudia Lösch, Philip Rieseberg Building with Infra-lightweight Concrete Design, Planning, Construction 2020. 208 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 90 color ills.

Felix Heisel, Dirk E. Hebel, Andreas Wagner, ­ Moritz Dörstelmann Building Better – Less – Different: Clean Energy Transition and Digital Transformation Fundamentals – Case Studies – Strategies 2023. 168 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 65 color ills., 60 maps Print SC 978-3-0356-2117-4 EN € 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2717-6 EN € 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00

Terri Meyer Boake Steel Construction Set in 4 volumes 2022. 808 pages. format 1620 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2534-9 EN € 119.00 / $ 139.99 / £ 103.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1925-6 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

2021. 360 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 171 b/w ills., 20 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2226-3 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2229-4 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Andrew Watts Modern Construction Handbook 6th edition 2022. 504 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 1740 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2494-6 EN € 88.00 / $ 101.99 / £ 76.50 Print SC 978-3-0356-2495-3 EN € 64.00 / $ 73.99 / £ 55.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2496-0 EN € 88.00 / $ 101.99 / £ 76.50

Andrew Watts Modern Construction Envelopes Systems for architectural design and prototyping 3rd edition 2019. 524 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 1500 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1770-2 EN € 86.95 / $ 99.99 / £ 75.50 Print SC 978-3-0356-1769-6 EN € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00


E-Book 978-3-0356-1781-8 EN € 86.95 / $ 99.99 / £ 75.50


Michael Schumacher, ­Michael-Marcus Vogt, Oliver Schaeffer, Luis Arturo Cordón Krumme MOVE AND NEW MOVE Architecture in Motion 2022. 464 pages. 29.5 × 24.5 cm 450 b/w ills., 750 color ills., 500 monochrome drawings Print SC 978-3-0356-2642-1 EN € 99.00 / $ 113.99 / £ 86.00

2020. 208 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 260 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2096-2 EN/GER/ESP € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2098-6 EN/GER/ESP € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 Daniel Mettler, Daniel Studer, Irène von Meiss-Leuthold, ETH Zürich – BUK (Eds.) Hybrid, Masonry, Concrete, Timber, Steel 2023. 128 pages. 30.0 × 22.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 50 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2745-9 EN € 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2748-0 EN € 42.00 / $ 46.99 / £ 37.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1926-3 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

ETH Zürich – BUK (Ed.), Daniel Mettler, Daniel Studer Construction Manual

Matthias Beckh, Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes, Matthias Ludwig, Andreas Schätzke, Rainer Schützeichel Candela Isler Müther Positions on Shell Construction. Positionen zum Schalenbau. Posturas sobre la construcción de cascarones.

Yun Fu Thinking and Building on Shaky Ground On Architecture in Seismic Regions

Andrea Deplazes (Ed.) Constructing Architecture Materials, Processes, ­Structures. A Handbook

2023. 368 pages. 29.0 × 20.0 cm 429 color ills.

5th edition 2022. 608 pages. 29.7 × 24.0 cm 1785 b/w ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2558-5 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2665-0 EN € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2559-2 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2666-7 EN 978-3-0356-2667-4 FR € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Andrew Watts Modern Environmental Design A Project Primer for Complex Forms

Andrew Watts Modern Structural Design A Project Primer for Complex Forms

2022. 224 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 216 b/w ills., 576 color ills.

2022. 224 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 216 b/w ills., 576 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2143-3 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2141-9 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2144-0 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2142-6 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2147-1 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2146-4 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Andrew Watts Modern Construction Case Studies Emerging Innovation in Building Techniques

Uta Pottgiesser, Angel Ayón Reglazing Modernism Intervention Strategies for 20th-Century Icons

2nd edition 2019. 224 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 600 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1771-9 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-1772-6 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

2019. 256 pages. 30.0 × 22.0 cm 300 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1845-7 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1934-8 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1779-5 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Ferdinand Ludwig, Daniel Schönle Growing Architecture How to Design and Build with Trees

Gernot Minke, Benjamin Krick Straw Bale Construction Manual Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture

2022. 224 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 42 b/w ills., 398 color ills., 18 monochrome drawings, 40 drawings

2nd edition 2020. 160 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 302 b/w ills., 100 color ills., 86 monochrome drawings

Print SC 978-3-0356-0332-3 EN € 52.00 / $ 60.00 / £ 45.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-1854-9 EN € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-0339-2 EN € 52.00 / $ 60.00 / £ 45.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1875-4 EN € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Gernot Minke Building with Earth Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture Fourth and revised edition

Gernot Minke Building with Bamboo Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture Third and revised edition

4th edition 2021. 224 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 236 b/w ills., 100 color ills., 280 monochrome drawings

3rd edition 2022. 176 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 67 b/w ills., 1068 color ills., 67 monochrome drawings, 10 drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-2253-9 EN € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Till Boettger and Ulrike Knauer (Ed.)

4th edition 2023. 340 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm 500 b/w ills., 190 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-2570-7 EN € 54.95 / $ 64.00 / £ 48.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2480-9 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2573-8 EN € 54.95 / $ 63.99 / £ 48.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2484-7 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Till Boettger, Ulrike Knauer (Eds.), José Mario Marquez Mono-Material Monolithic, Homogeneous and Circular Construction

Ruth Morrow, Ben Bridgens, Louise Mackenzie (Eds.) Bioprotopia Designing the Built Environment with Living Organisms

Liliane Wong Adaptive Reuse in Architecture A Typological Index

2023. 208 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 165 b/w ills.

2023. 188 pages. 27.0 × 20.0 cm 246 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2606-3 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-2579-0 EN € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2610-0 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2580-6 EN € 58.00 / $ 66.99 / £ 50.50

Heike Oevermann, Levente Polyák, Hanna Szemzö, Harald A. Mieg (Eds.) Open Heritage Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice

Ana Tostões (Ed.) Modern Heritage Reuse. Renovation. Restoration

E-Book 978-3-0356-2255-3 EN € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Mono Material Monolithic homogeneous and circular construction

Klaus Zwerger, Valerio Olgiati Wood and Wood Joints Building Traditions of Europe, Japan and China Fourth, revised and expanded edition

2023. 224 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 170 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2563-9 EN € 59.00 / $ 67.99 / £ 51.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2564-6 EN € 59.00 / $ 67.99 / £ 51.50


2023. 216 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 74 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2680-3 EN € 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2682-7 EN € 48.00 / $ 52.99 / £ 42.00

Florian Nagler (Ed.), Tilmann Jarmer Building Simply A guideline

2022. 264 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 200 color ills., 40 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-2153-2 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2509-7 EN € 60.00 / $ 70.00 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2166-2 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Judith Resch Building Simply: Wooden Windows

Frank Stepper, Timo Carl, Sarah Blahut (Eds.) Experiment in Architecture Thinking the Unthinkable and Realizing the Impossible

2023. 144 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 65 color ills., 65 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-2464-9 EN € 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2576-9 EN € 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2466-3 EN € 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2577-6 EN € 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00

Phillip Bernstein Architecture | Design | Data Practice Competency in the Era of Computation

Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (Eds.) Atlas of Digital Architecture Terminology, Concepts, Methods, Tools, Examples, Phenomena

Print SC 978-3-0356-1188-5 EN € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1044-4 EN € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

2020. 760 pages. 29.0 × 21.0 cm 750 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1990-4 EN € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-1989-8 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00


E-Book 978-3-0356-2011-5 EN € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00


2022. 200 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 120 b/w ills., 166 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2508-0 EN € 60.00 / $ 70.00 / £ 52.00

2021. 128 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 80 b/w ills., 50 color ills.

2018. 200 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 60 b/w ills., 60 color ills.

Ulrich Knaack, Rebecca Bach, Samuel Schabel (Eds.) Building with Paper Architecture and Construction

Bert Bielefeld (Ed.) Planning Architecture Dimensions and Typologies

Bert Bielefeld Spaces in Architecture Areas, Distances, Dimensions

2016. 568 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 1200 b/w ills.

2018. 164 pages. 25.0 × 19.0 cm 250 b/w ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-0323-1 EN € 119.95 / $ 149.95 / £ 104.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-1723-8 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1970-6 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

2023. 152 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 200 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2622-3 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2627-8 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Dietmar Eberle, Florian Aicher (Eds.) 9 × 9 – A Method of Design From City to House Continued 2018. 544 pages. 28.0 × 19.0 cm 875 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0632-4 EN € 79.95 / $ 89.95 / £ 69.50 Print SC 978-3-0356-0633-1 EN € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1099-4 EN € 79.95 / $ 89.95 / £ 69.50

Katrin Trautwein 225 Farben / 225 Colors Eine Auswahl für Maler und Denkmalpfleger, Architekten und Gestalter / A Selection for Painters and Conservators, Architects and Designers 2nd edition 2020. 208 pages. 28.0 × 20.5 cm PRINT HC 978-3-0356-2227-0 EN/GER € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Behnaz Farahi, Neil Leach (Eds.) Interactive Design Towards a Responsive ­Environment

Christian Gänshirt Tools for Ideas Introduction to Architectural Design

2023. 240 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 150 color ills.

3rd edition 2020. 400 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 150 b/w ills., 150 duotone

Print SC 978-3-0356-2688-9 EN € 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 47.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2689-6 EN € 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 47.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2174-7 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Ulrike Brandi Light, Nature, Architecture A Guide to Holistic Lighting Design

2020. 160 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 200 b/w ills.

2023. 160 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 110 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-0356-2043-6 EN € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2415-1 EN € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2428-1 EN € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00

2023. 440 pages. 24.0 × 16.0 cm 218 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2499-1 EN € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 69.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2502-8 EN € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 69.50

Werner Blaser Temple and Teahouse in Japan 2021. 172 pages. 31.0 × 23.5 cm 76 b/w ills., 10 color ills., 20 monochrome drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-2347-5 EN € 78.00 / $ 89.99 / £ 68.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-2349-9 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2351-2 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Julia Jamrozik, Coryn Kempster Growing up Modern Childhoods in Iconic Homes 2021. 328 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 99 b/w ills., 241 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1905-8 EN € 40.00 / $ 47.00 / £ 35.00


E-Book 978-3-0356-2031-3 EN € 40.00 / $ 47.00 / £ 35.00


Albert Kirchengast Continued Building on the ­Village, the Settlement, the City A Plea 2023. 128 pages. 22.0 × 15.5 cm 60 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2650-6 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2651-3 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

2020. 376 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 250 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1874-7 EN € 49.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2208-9 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Andri Gerber (Ed.) Training Spatial Abilities A Workbook for Students of Architecture

Kyle Dugdale Architecture after God Babel Resurgent

Martin Søberg, Anna Hougaard (Eds.) The Artful Plan Architectural Drawing Reconfigured

Klaus Klaas Loenhart (Ed.) Breathe Investigations into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future

Andrea Graser Light Up – The Potential of Light in Museum Architecture 2023. 224 pages. 27.9 × 18.4 cm 10 b/w ills., 63 color ills., 15 tables Print SC 978-3-0356-2705-3 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2706-0 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Peter Herrle, Anna Wozniak Tibetan Houses Vernacular Architecture of the Himalayas and Environs

2021. 290 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 90 color ills.

2nd edition 2023. 304 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 368 b/w ills., 250 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-0356-1210-3 EN € 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2687-2 EN € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1059-8 EN € 45.00 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2690-2 EN € 98.00 / $ 112.99 / £ 85.00

Peter G. Rowe, Liang Wang, Zhanliang Chen Chinese Modern Episodes Backward and Forward in Time

Peter G. Rowe, Yun Fu, Jihoon Song Korean Modern: The Matter of Identity An Exploration into Modern Architecture in an East Asian Country

2022. 336 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 220 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2630-8 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2633-9 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

2021. 336 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 150 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2261-4 EN € 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2262-1 EN € 59.90 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Daniel Korwan Discovering Early Modernism in Switzerland The Queen Alexandra ­Sanatorium

Gérald Ledent, Alessandro Porotto Brussels Housing Atlas of Residential Building Types

2023. 240 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 70 b/w ills., 70 color ills.

2023. 352 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 667 b/w ills., 211 color ills., 623 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-2671-1 EN € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2672-8 EN € 52.00 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00

Sophie Wolfrum (Ed.) Squares Urban Spaces in Europe 2014. 312 pages. 25.0 × 30.0 cm 380 b/w ills. Print HC 978-3-03821-649-0 EN € 79.95 / $ 112.00 / £ 69.50 E-Book 978-3-03821-523-3 EN € 79.95 / $ 112.00 / £ 69.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-2550-9 EN € 72.00 / $ 80.00 / £ 63.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2553-0 EN € 72.00 / $ 80.00 / £ 63.00

Daniel Kaven Architecture of Normal The Colonization of the American Landscape 2022. 456 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 219 b/w ills., 232 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2438-0 EN € 62.00 / $ 69.00 / £ 54.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2440-3 EN € 62.00 / $ 69.00 / £ 54.00

Bauhaus Earth, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Rocío Armillas Tiseyra (Eds.) Reconstructing the Future Cities as Carbon Sinks 2023. 248 pages. 23.0 × 16.0 cm 6 b/w ills., 111 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2697-1 EN € 47.00 / $ 54.99 / £ 41.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2701-5 EN € 47.00 / $ 54.99 / £ 41.00

Christian Schmid, Monika Streule (Eds.) Vocabularies for an Urbanising Planet: Theory Building through Comparison

Sascha Roesler City, Climate, and Architecture A Theory of Collective Practice 2022. 276 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 50 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2414-4 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00 E-Book Open Access 978-3-0356-2416-8 EN

Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger (Eds.) Coping with Urban Climates Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance 2022. 240 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 70 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2421-2 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00 E-Book Open Access 978-3-0356-2424-3 EN

Christian Schmid, Milica Topalovic (Eds.) Extended Urbanisation Tracing Planetary Struggles

Elke Mertens Resilient City Landscape Architecture for Climate Change

2023. 408 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 264 color ills.

2021. 240 pages. 27.0 × 21.0 cm 300 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-0356-2297-3 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-2234-8 EN € 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 37.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2303-1 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2265-2 EN € 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 37.50

Thomas Schröpfer Dense + Green Cities Architecture as Urban ­Ecosystem

Tanja Siems Imparting City Methods and Tools for ­Collaborative Planning

Leonhard Schenk Designing Cities Basics, Principles, Projects

2020. 320 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm 200 color ills., 100 monochrome drawings, 60 drawings

2023. 176 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 110 color ills.

2nd edition 2023. 360 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 90 b/w ills., 720 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2413-7 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-2611-7 EN € 78.00 / $ 85.99 / £ 68.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-2412-0 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2614-8 EN € 78.00 / $ 85.99 / £ 68.00

2023. 396 pages. 28.5 × 21.0 cm 150 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2298-0 EN € 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2301-7 EN € 58.00 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1531-9 EN € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1511-1 EN € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00

Martin Prominski, Antje Stokman, Daniel Stimberg, Hinnerk ­Voermanek, Susanne Zeller, Katarina Bajc, Nengshi Zheng River. Space. Design Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers Third and enlarged edition 3rd edition 2023. 356 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 660 color ills., 210 drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-2524-0 EN € 80.00 / $ 92.99 / £ 69.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2418-2 EN € 68.00 / $ 78.99 / £ 59.00

Daniel Ryan, Jennifer Ferng, Erik L’Heureux (Eds.) Drawing Climate Visualising Invisible Elements of Architecture 2021. 232 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 140 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2360-4 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2361-1 EN € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Frank Lohrberg, Katharina Christenn, Axel Timpe, Ayça Sancar (Eds.) Urban Agricultural Heritage 2022. 240 pages. 27.5 × 21.0 cm 190 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-2251-5 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2252-2 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2527-1 EN € 80.00 / $ 92.99 / £ 69.50




B. Cannon Ivers Staging Urban Landscapes The Activation and Curation of Flexible Public Spaces 2018. 304 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 20 b/w ills., 1000 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1189-2 EN € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1046-8 EN € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Ana Kučan, Mateja Kurir (Eds.) Garden and Metaphor Essays on the Essence of the Garden

Ron Henderson (Ed.) 30 Trees And Why Landscape Architects Love Them

2023. 320 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 10 b/w ills., 110 color ills.

2023. 256 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 235 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-2655-1 EN € 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 39.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-2731-2 EN € 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 43.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-2656-8 EN € 45.00 / $ 49.99 / £ 39.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2732-9 EN € 49.00 / $ 53.99 / £ 43.00

B. Cannon Ivers (Ed.) 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

Hans Loidl, Stefan Bernard Open(ing) Spaces Design as Landscape Architecture

2021. 512 pages. 19.0 × 14.0 cm 280 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2335-2 EN € 32.00 / $ 34.99 / £ 28.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2336-9 EN € 32.00 / $ 34.99 / £ 28.00

2nd edition 2022. 200 pages. 23.0 × 23.0 cm 300 b/w ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2618-6 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2632-2 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Hansjörg Gadient, Sophie von Schwerin, Simon Orga Migge The Original Landscape Designs Die originalen Gartenpläne 1910–1920 2018. 272 pages. 29.0 × 29.0 cm 370 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1359-9 EN/GER € 86.95 / $ 99.99 / £ 75.50

Astrid Zimmermann Elements in Landscape Areas, Distances, Dimensions 2019. 176 pages. 25.0 × 19.0 cm 250 b/w ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-1857-0 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2104-4 EN € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Christian Tschumi Mirei Shigemori – Rebel in the Garden Modern Japanese Landscape Architecture 2nd edition 2020. 204 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 127 b/w ills., 223 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2175-4 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2176-1 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-2306-2 EN € 30.00 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2307-9 EN € 30.00 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-1676-7 EN/GER/ESP € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

2015. 304 pages. 30.0 × 24.0 cm 900 b/w ills., 600 monochrome drawings

3rd edition 2015. 536 pages. 29.7 × 23.0 cm 850 b/w ills., 300 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0346-0760-5 EN 978-3-0346-0760-5 EN € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 78.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-0465-8 EN € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 78.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-0467-2 EN € 54.95 / $ 77.00 / £ 48.00

Darjan Hil, Nicole Lachenmeier Visualizing Complexity Modular Information Design Handbook

Björn Franke, Hansuli Matter (Eds.) Not at Your Service Manifestos for Design

2022. 224 pages. 23.0 × 16.0 cm 120 maps

2021. 528 pages. 21.5 × 16.0 cm PRINT SC 978-3-0356-2272-0 EN/GER € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2506-6 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

2021. 176 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 40 color ills., 10 maps

Print HC 978-3-0356-1726-9 EN/GER/ESP € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 69.50

Astrid Zimmermann (Ed.) Constructing Landscape Materials, Techniques, ­Structural Components

Print SC 978-3-0356-2504-2 EN € 42.00 / $ 48.99 / £ 36.50

Gunter Lösel, Martin Zimper (Eds.) Filming, Researching, Annotating Research Video Handbook

2020. 1072 pages. 15.0 × 11.0 cm 500 b/w ills.

Astrid Zimmermann Planning Landscape Dimensions, Elements, Typologies

Print SC 978-3-0346-0761-2 EN 978-3-0346-0761-2 EN € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 43.50


Gabriele Kiefer, Anika Neubauer Landscape for Architects / Landschaft für Architekten / Paisaje para arquitectos Landscape, Park, Building, Qualities, Use / Landschaft, Park, Haus, Qualitäten, Nutzung

Philipp Stamm Understanding – Combining Typefaces Typeface combination as a stimulus in typography 2021. 360 pages. 20.0 × 20.5 cm 275 b/w ills., 60 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1114-4 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0905-9 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-2275-1 EN/GER € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Ed.), Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm, Susanne Dickel, Dylan Spiekermann, Erik Spiekermann, Tim Danaher Adrian Frutiger – Typefaces Complete Works 3rd edition 2021. 468 pages. 31.0 × 24.5 cm 620 b/w ills., 430 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2362-8 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-2363-5 EN € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Matthias Boeckl, Rainald Franz, Christian Witt-Dörring (Eds.) JOSEF HOFFMANN 1870–1956: Progress Through Beauty The Guide to His Oeuvre 2021. 456 pages. 30.5 × 23.0 cm 310 b/w ills., 480 color ills.


Print HC 978-3-0356-2296-6 EN € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00


Mareike Roth, Oliver Saiz Designing Emotion Methods and Strategies for Designers 2022. 240 pages. 22.0 × 17.0 cm 43 color ills., 55 monochrome drawings, 30 tables Print HC 978-3-0356-2385-7 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2386-4 EN € 48.00 / $ 55.99 / £ 41.50

Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Hermann Czech, Sebastian Hackenschmidt (Eds.) Josef Frank – Against Design Das anti-formalistische Werk des Architekten / The Architect’s Anti-Formalist Oeuvre 2nd edition 2021. 368 pages. 30.5 × 23.0 cm 590 color ills.

Caroline Wohlgemuth Mid-Century Modern – Visionary Furniture Design from Vienna 2021. 296 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 72 b/w ills., 112 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2409-0 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2420-5 EN € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-2472-4 EN/GER € 54.00 / $ 62.99 / £ 47.00

Bernhard E. Bürdek Design History, Theory and Practice of Product Design 2nd edition 2015. 296 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0403-0 EN € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0394-1 EN € 44.95 / $ 63.00 / £ 17.50

Régine Bonnefoit, Marie-Eve Celio-Scheurer (Eds.) Tracing Wiener Werkstätte Textiles Viennese Textiles from the Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection 2023. 208 pages. 33.0 × 24.0 cm 27 b/w ills., 56 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-2764-0 EN € 52.00 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-2771-8 EN € 52.00 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Partner institutions

Architekturmuseum der TU München Bauhaus Earth Bauhaus University Weimar Braunschweig University of Art Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg Bremen University of Applied Sciences Brown University DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt EPF Lausanne ETH Zurich FH Campus Vienna FH Campus Vienna FFHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Graz FH Münster University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Graz University of Technology HafenCity University Hamburg Harvard Graduate School of Design Hildesheim University of Applied Sciences HKDI Hong Kong Design Institute HNU Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences HS Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil Humboldt University Berlin HWTG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner Iowa State University KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Leibniz University Hannover MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna National University of Singapore Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences Newcastle University Politecnico di Torino Portland State University RheinMain University of Applied Sciences Rhode Island School of Design Rice University, Houston Royal College of Art, London Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen Singapore University of Technology and Design Texas Tech University TH Köln University of Applied Sciences Tongji University TU Berlin TU Braunschweig TU Darmstadt TU Delft TU Dortmund TU Wien University of Technology, Vienna TUM Technical University of Munich UdK Berlin University of the Arts

Università della Svizzera italiana, Mendrisio Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels University of Applied Arts Vienna University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences Halle University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern University of Basel University of Groningen University of Hong Kong University of Illinois at Chicago University of Miami University of Sidney University of Siegen University of South Florida University of Stuttgart University of Texas at Austin University of Toronto University of Waterloo, Ontario vorarlberg museum, Bregenz Wien Museum, Vienna Yale School of Architecture ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Winterthur ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts

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