7 minute read
Laura Wright (Ed.)
In Part One (the Orthodox Version) the contributors to this volume show how monolingual explanations of the origins of Standard English are incorrect. Part Two (the Revised Version) provides an alternative sociolinguistic, multilingual history, where it is argued that English came to take over the roles, registers and written conventions of Anglo-Norman French, and that standardisation was the result of fourteenth-century socioeconomic shift.
Standardisation of English; Medieval Multilingualism; Historical Sociolinguistics
Laura Wright, University of Cambridge, UK.
Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2020
Series Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] 107
545 pp., 114 fig. HC RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068751-4 eBook RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068754-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068757-6
Peter J. Grund, Megan E. Hartman (Eds.)
Boundaries and Boundary-Crossings in the History of English
This volume collects essays that approach notions of creating, maintaining, and crossing boundaries in the history of the English language. Rather than taking one particular theoretical or methodological approach to boundaries, the authors explore how analyzing various types of boundaries – linguistic, conceptual, analytical, generic, physical – helps us study, illuminate, and account for historical use, variation, and change in English.
History of the English Language; Corpus Linguistics; Boundaries; Empirical
Peter J. Grund, & Megan E. Hartman, University of Kansas, USA.
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2020
Series Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] 108
294 pp., 20 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062725-1 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064328-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063985-8
Robert Mailhammer
The Synchronic and Diachronic Dynamics of Contact and Variation
This book presents the first description of English spoken on Croker Island, Northern Territory, Australia, in terms of its history, linguistic features and connections to local Aboriginal languages. It demonstrates that English on Croker Island shows significant variation and embedding in a longstanding multilingual contact situation, both of which challenge existing models of variation and language contact.
Australian Aboriginal English; Language Contact; World Englishes; Australian Languages
Robert Mailhammer, Sydney, Australia.
Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2021
Series Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] 109
Approx. 300 pp., 10 fig., 103 Examples, HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070775-5 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070785-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070794-6
Caroline Gentens
This study offers a reconceptualization of the factive presupposition. It presents a cognitivefunctional account based on three central features: the event structure of semantic classes of matrix predicates, the sources of modal stances in the complement clause, and the coercive potential of predicate-complement combinations. In this way the study complements the dominant formal pragmatic and formal syntactic theories on factivity.
Complementation Constructions; Transitivity; English
Caroline Gentens, University of Leuven & Stockholm University, Leuven, Belgium.
Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2020
Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 342
270 pp., 10 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-066607-6 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066969-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-066631-1
Charlotte Maekelberghe
A Cognitive-Constructionist Account
This book presents a corpus-based analysis of Present-day English nominal and verbal gerunds. By adopting theoretical insights from the cognitivefunctional tradition and drawing on constructionist approaches towards grammatical variation, the book develops a descriptive framework for the study of gerunds and contributes to our understanding of the variation between nominal and verbal gerunds at different levels of abstraction.
Nominalization and Verbalization; Grammatical Variation; Syntax-Semantics Interface
Charlotte Maekelberghe, KU Leuven, Brussels, Belgium.
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020
Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 343
285 pp., 42 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068650-0 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068666-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068681-4 Christoph Gabriel, Randall Gess, Trudel Meisenburg (Eds.)
The volume provides a comprehensive overview of the phonetics and phonology (including prosody) of a breadth of Romance languages, as well as an indepth presentation of the central topics of research in Romance segmental and suprasegmental phonology. The volume can be read both as a state-of-theart report of research in the field and as a manual of Romance languages with special emphasis on phonetics and phonology.
Romance languages; Romance linguistics; Phonetics; Phonology
Christoph Gabriel, Mainz Univ., Germany; Randall Gess, Carleton Univ., Canada; Trudel Meisenburg, Osnabrück Univ., Germany.
Reference Work, English, 3rd quarter 2021
Series Manuals of Romance Linguistics 27
Approx. 600 pp., 15 fig. HC RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00
Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work € 179.95 / *US$ 206.99 / *£ 163.50
ISBN 978-3-11-054835-8 eBook RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-055028-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-054867-9
Wiltrud Wagner
Phrasal and Compositional Readings of Idiomatic Expressions
The present study explores the aesthetic productivity of idiomatic ambiguity in children’s literature. Looking at the connection between context and understanding of idiomatic expressions in either their phrasal or their compositional reading, the study investigates how ambiguity is activated, if, how, and when it is perceived on the different levels of communication, and how literary texts use this ambiguity in playful ways.
Linguistic ambiguity; Idioms; Children’s literature; Speaker-hearer-interaction
Wiltrud Wagner, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2020
Series The Dynamics of Wordplay 9
331 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068543-5 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068545-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068549-7
Guido Mensching, Frank Savelsberg (Eds.)
This manual focuses on the Romance languages as they appear in texts written by Jews, mostly using the Hebrew alphabet. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Jews and the Romance languages in the Middle Ages (part I) as well as after the expulsions (part II). 20th- and 21st-century JudaeoSpanish varieties are discussed and described in a section apart (III), given that Judaeo-Spanish can be considered as a language of its own.
Judaeo-Romance Varieties; Linguistics
Guido Mensching and Frank Savelsberg, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Reference Work, English, 1st quarter 2022
Series Manuals of Romance Linguistics
Approx. 600 pp., 25 fig. HC RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00
Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work € 179.95 / *US$ 206.99 / *£ 163.50
ISBN 978-3-11-030211-0 eBook RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-030227-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-039415-3 Johannes Kabatek, José da Silva Simões, Albert Wall (Eds.)
This handbook offers the first comprehensive account of the current state of Brazilian Portuguese linguistics, combining different theoretical and methodological viewpoints. Intensive research on a wide range of synchronic and diachronic issues, carried out over the last decades, has allowed to give completely new insights into the formerly understudied reality of this language.
Brazilian Portuguese; Language History/Brazil; Language Description
Johannes Kabatek and Albert Wall, Zurich University, Switzerland; José da Silva Simões, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Reference Work, English, 3rd quarter 2021
Series Manuals of Romance Linguistics 21
Approx. 600 pp., 15 fig. HC RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00
Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work € 179.95 / *US$ 206.99 / *£ 163.50
ISBN 978-3-11-040586-6 eBook RRP € 199.95 / *US$ 229.99 / *£ 182.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-040595-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-040606-1
Klaas Willems, Cristinel Munteanu (Eds.)
Past, Present and Future
This collective volume, published on the occasion of the birth centennial of Eugenio Coseriu (1921–2002), bears testimony to the importance and continuing relevance of his scholarly work. Coseriu scholars from around the world discuss various aspects of Coseriu’s “Integral Linguistics”, including topics in structural-functional linguistics, the theory and philosophy of language and the history of the language sciences.
Eugenio Coseriu; Linguistic Theory; History of the Language Sciences; Philosophy of Language
Klaas Willems, Ghent University, Belgium; Cristinel Munteanu, Danubius University of Galati, Romania.
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2021
Approx. 300 pp., 15 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071233-9 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-071239-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-071241-4 Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou
The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure
The book concerns the European branch of semiotic theory, originating in the work of Ferdinand de Saussure. It presents the Saussurean theory of langue in a fresh way deals with communication theory from the semiotic point of view and thus advancing well beyond Greimasian sociosemiotics. The authors try to make semiotics operational, and want to show how it can be useful for actual analysis.
Saussurean Semiotics; Langue; Narratology; Communication Theory
Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Athens, Greece.
Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2020
Series Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] 28
Approx. 320 pp., 48 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-061623-1 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061880-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061630-9
Gianfranco Marrone
This books aims not only to demonstrate how semiotic models of textual analysis can be used to study any social reality or cultural process, but also how semiotic models work, using examples from everyday life and social praxis, communicative processes and modes of consumption, online interactions and cross-media procedures, political experiences and scientific universes. Gianfranco Marrone, University of Palermo, Italy.
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2021
Series Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] 31
Approx. 250 pp. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068888-7 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068898-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-068903-7