7 minute read
Theoriesofgroundedcognitionstatethatthereisameaningfulconnection betweenactionandcognition. Althoughtheseclaimsarewidelyaccepted, thenatureandstructureofthisconnectionisfarfromclearandisstillamatterofcontroversy. Thisbookarguesforatypeofcognitiverepresentation thatessentiallycombinescognitionandaction,andwhichisfoundationalfor higher-ordercognitivecapacities. Action-relatedrepresentationisamodeof representingfeaturesoftheenvironmentintermsofpossibleactions.Central tothisconceptisthateventhemostbasicactions,suchasgraspingorreaching,areoutcomesofrepresentingfeaturesoftheenvironmentinrelationto featuresandskillsoftheactingsubject.Theauthordiscussesthehierarchical developmentfromegocentric,context-specificaction-relatedrepresentations toabstractrepresentationsofgeneralactions.FindingsfromPhilosophy,NeuroscienceandEcologicalPsychologyareanalysed,andanovelapproachto theunderstandingofGibson’sTheoryofAffordancePerception,akeyelement oftheconceptofaction-relatedrepresentation,isintroduced.
Thisseriesexploresissuesofmentalrepresentation,linguisticstructure andrepresentation,andtheirinterplay.TheresearchpresentedinthisseriesisgroundedintheideaexploredintheCollaborativeResearchCenter ‘Thestructureofrepresentationsinlanguage,cognitionandscience’(SFB 991)thatthereisauniversalformatfortherepresentationoflinguisticand cognitiveconcepts.
9783110663785 Action-RelatedRepresentations
DissertationsinLanguageandCognition 6
Action-RelatedRepresentations AnAction-BasedApproach toGroundedCognition
Terry Janzen, Barbara Shaffer (Eds.)
The volume brings together research in the field of cognitive linguistics that focuses on critical topics and current studies of signed language and gesture. Authors contributions comprise five sections including guiding research principles, iconicity, multimodality, blending, depiction and metaphor, and grammatical constructions. The pioneering work of Sherman Wilcox is highlighted throughout, scaffolding much of the work of these contributors.
Cognitive Linguistics; Signed Languages; Gesture; Multimodality
Terry Janzen, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada; Barbara Shaffer, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA.
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2021
Series Cognitive Linguistics Research [CLR] 67
Approx. 430 pp., 100 fig. HC RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070367-2 eBook RRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070378-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070389-4
Tim Seuchter
An Action-Based Approach to Grounded Cognition
Theories of grounded cognition state that there is a meaningful connection between action and cognition. Although these claims are widely accepted, the nature and structure of this connection is far from clear and is still a matter of controversy. This book argues for a type of cognitive representation that essentially combines cognition and action, and which is foundational for higher-order cognitive capacities.
Grounded Cognition; Embodied Cognition; Representationalism; Theory of Perception; Visuomotor Pragmatic Processing
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2020
Series Dissertations in Language and Cognition 6
262 pp., 60 fig. Pb. RRP € 59.95 / *US$ 68.99 / *£ 54.50 ISBN 978-3-11-066378-5
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-066379-2 düsseldorf university press
Samuel D. Taylor
This book evaluates whether or not we can decide on the best theory of concepts by appealing to the explanatory results of cognitive science. It undertakes an in-depth analysis of different theories of concepts and of the explanations formulated in cognitive science. As a result, two reasons are provided for thinking that an appeal to cognitive science cannot help to decide on the best theory of concepts.
Concepts; Cognitive Science; Cognitive Scientific Explanations; Mental Representations
Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2020
Series Dissertations in Language and Cognition 8
Approx. 215 pp., 13 fig. Pb. RRP € 59.95 / *US$ 68.99 / *£ 54.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070803-5 eBook RRP € 59.95 / *US$ 68.99 / *£ 54.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070816-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070822-6 düsseldorf university press
Syuzan Sachliyan
[Nominal Determination in Bulgarian and Macedonian] Funder: CRC 991: The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition, and Science
Bulgarian and Macedonian are the only Slavic languages with definite and indefinite articles. Macedonian is among the few languages that differentiate the definite article deictically. This innovative study presents a complete semantic analysis of nominal determination in both languages, including article-less nominal phrases.
Semantic Definites; Pragmatic Definites; Definite Article with Deictic Differentiation; Weak Definites
Monograph, German, 4th quarter 2020
Series Dissertations in Language and Cognition 7
Approx. 170 pp., 30 fig. Pb. € 59.95 [D] / RRP *US$ 68.99 / RRP *£ 54.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070801-1 eBook € 59.95 [D] / RRP *US$ 68.99 / RRP *£ 54.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070815-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070821-9 düsseldorf university press Götz Keydana, Wolfgang Hock, Paul Widmer (Eds.)
The present volume surveys the means of expressing comparison and gradation in ancient IndoEuropean languages covering all branches of the language family. This detailed documentation complements existing data collections dealing with modern Indo-European varieties and thus provides a solid basis for exploring the distribution, history, and dynamics of the linguistic expression of comparison, an ability fundamental to human cognition.
Indo-European, Typology, Gradation, Comparison
Götz Keydana, Georg-August-University Göttingen; Wolfgang Hock, Humboldt-University Berlin; Paul Widmer, University of Zurich.
Reference Work, English, 3rd quarter 2021
Series The Mouton Handbooks of Indo-European Typology 1
Approx. 700 pp. HC RRP € 259.00 / *US$ 300.00 / *£ 235.50 ISBN 978-3-11-053766-6 eBook RRP € 259.00 / *US$ 300.00 / *£ 235.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-064132-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-063743-4 Björn Hansen, Jasmina Grković-Major, Barbara Sonnenhauser (Eds.)
The Interplay between Internal Development, Language Contact and Metalinguistic Factors
The book is dedicated to the study of the causes and mechanisms of syntactic change in Slavonic languages, including internally motivated syntactic change, syntactic change under contact conditions (structural convergence, pattern replication, shiftinduced transfer etc.): It also explores metalinguistic factors such as ideologically driven selection and propagation of syntactic structures.
Syntactic Change; Slavonic Languages
Björn Hansen, University of Regensburg; Jasmina Grkovic-Major, University of Novi Sad; Barbara Sonnenhauser, University of Zurich.
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2019
Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 315
410 pp. Pb. RRP € 24.95 / *US$ 28.99 / *£ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-068614-2
Klaas Bentein, Mark Janse (Eds.)
Linguistic varieties such as female speech, foreigner talk, and colloquial language have not gone unnoticed when it comes to Classical Greek, but little is known about later periods of the Greek language. This collective volume explores some of the most important varieties of Post-classical and Byzantine Greek, while at the same time paying close attention to the linguistic features that characterize such varieties.
Linguistic Variation; Varieties of Language; Ancient Greek; Historical Sociolinguistics
Klaas Bentein, Ghent University, Belgium; Mark Janse, Ghent, Belgium and Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2020
Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 331
447 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-060855-7 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-061440-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-061463-3 Dariya Rafiyenko, Ilja A. Seržant (Eds.)
Contemporary Approaches to Philology and Linguistics
This volume gathers together contributions on selected linguistic aspects of Postclassical Greek, as well as offering a general introduction to the language of this period. It aims at representing interdisciplinary research on Postclassical Greek from such subdisciplines as corpus analysis, papyrology and paleography, sociolinguistics, multilingualism and historical linguistics.
Grammar of Postclassical Greek; Language Change; Language Contact
Dariya Rafiyenko, University of Leipzig; Ilja A. Seržant, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.
Collection, English, 1st quarter 2020
Series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 335
347 pp., 3 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067672-3 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-067752-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-067761-4
Dirk Meyer
The Shàngshū 尚書 (Venerated Documents) and the “Shū” Traditions Funder: Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
This study uncovers the traditions behind the formative Classic Shàngshū (Venerated Documents). It reveals a genre of “Shū” (Documents) practice that was used creatively by contrasting conceptual communities for socio-philosophical ends. Working from Warring States-manuscript texts, it shows how different communities rewrote old cultural capital, becoming political actors by expanding their scope of action through literary thought production.
Chinese Philosophy; Genre; Text formation; Text Performance; Warring Statets Period; Zhou Dynasty; Codicology
Dirk Meyer, The Queen’s College, Oxford, UK.
Monograph, English, 2nd quarter 2021
Series Library of Sinology 5
Approx. 250 pp., 11 fig. HC RRP € 49.95 / *US$ 57.99 / *£ 45.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070841-7 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070853-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070860-8
Adrian J. Bailey, Ricardo K. S. Mak (Eds.)
New book series
The volume presents a distinctive reading of the mutual transformations between Asian societies, including China, and global society. Asia is broadly understood to encompass a diverse range of states, societies, and networks extending from the eastern Mediterranean to the Pacific Rim. Using concepts and insights from global studies, we examine afresh the circulation of social, political, economic and security issues.
Globalization, Global Studies, Asia, China
Adrian J. Bailey, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong; Ricardo K. S. Mak, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Collection, English, 1st quarter 2021
Series Social and Cultural Changes in China 1
Approx. 200 pp., 9 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1489-0 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0559-1 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0555-3 Alain Peyraube, Thekla Wiebusch (Eds.)
The volume deals with the grammaticalization and lexicalization processes that have marked the evolution of syntactic and semantic structures throughout the history of Sinitic languages. It brings together studies published in Chinese, on the features and pathways of grammatical and lexicalization typical of Sinitic languages. These contributions are now available to a Western audience who has little or no access to the Chinese language.
China; Grammaticalization; Lexicalization; Sinitic Languages
Alain Peyraube and Thekla Wiebusch; CNRS; Paris; France.
Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2021
Series Trends in Chinese Linguistics [TCL] 2
Approx. 250 pp. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071486-9 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-071489-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-071492-0
Danae Perez, Eeva Sippola (Eds.)
This volume studies changes that have taken place in the indigenous and postcolonial languages of the Americas since the colonial era. It sheds light on the current vitality and status of many underdescribed varieties and the social and linguistic factors that condition change and variation in contact situations.
Language Change; Language Documentation; Language Vitality; Language Contact
Danae Maria Perez, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland; Eeva Sippola, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Collection, English, 2nd quarter 2021
Series Koloniale und Postkoloniale Linguistik / Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics (KPL/CPL) 18
Approx. 300 pp. HC RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072390-8 eBook RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-072397-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-072403-5