Computer Sciences & Engineering / Informatik & Technik 2025 | De Gruyter

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N. Gayathri, S. Rakesh Kumar, Ramesh Chandran, Seifedine Kadry and Vishal Jain (Eds.) VIRTUAL INTERNET OF THINGS

Smart Environments, Smart Healthcare, Industry 4.0

Augmented and virtual reality 04/2025. Approx. X, 290 pp. Hardcover

*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-138841-0


*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-138858-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-138870-0

Saurav Mallik, Sandeep Kumar Mathivanan, S.K.B. Sangeetha, Ben Othman Soufiene, Saravanan Srinivasan and Aimin Li (Eds.)


Data-Driven Decisions, Predictive Modelling, Personalized Medicine

03/2025. Approx. X, 290 pp., 80 fig. Hardcover

*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-154107-5

Ranjith Rajamanickam, Amit Sharma, Dhivya Ranjith and J.Paulo Davim (Eds.) MACHINE LEARNING FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS

Computational Drug Discovery, Bioimaging, Smart Biomaterials

Advanced Mechanical Engineering 03/2025. Approx. X, 390 pp., 100 fig. Hardcover

*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-150318-9


*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-150320-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-150374-5


*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-154123-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-154245-4

Mohit Mittal, Swadha Gupta (Eds.) BIOMEDICAL COMPUTER VISION

IoT and Sensor Technologies in Healthcare Informatics 03/2025. Approx. X, 240 pp., 60 fig. Hardcover

*RRP € 139.95 [D] / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

ISBN 978-3-11-142936-6


*RRP € 139.95 [D] / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142945-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-142995-3

João A. Sousa, Alistair B. Forbes, Gertjan Kok and Markus Bär MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL METROLOGY

Sensor Networks, Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence

De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences 07/2025. Approx. X, 240 pp., 80 fig. Hardcover

*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-153603-3


*RRP € 164.95 [D] / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-153704-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-153741-2

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit diesem Verzeichnis unsere 2025 Neuerscheinungen in den Programmbereichen Engineering und Computer Sciences vorstellen zu dürfen. Die Hauptthemen dieses Jahres für Informatik sind Künstliche Intelligenz, Algorithmen, Datenbanksysteme und Maschinelles Lernen in der Medizin, und für Ingenieurwissenschaften Robotik sowie Metrologie, Mobilkommunikation und Biotechnologie. Sie werden auch zahlreiche Bücher zu Big Data, Maschinelles Lernen, Industrie 5.0 und ERP-Systeme finden. Wenn Sie sich über unser Gesamtprogramm informieren wollen, empfehle ich Ihnen die entsprechenden Kataloge, die Sie auch auf finden.

Neben Bücher bieten wir Ihnen selbstverständlich auch wieder eine breite Auswahl an Zeitschriften an. Besuchen Sie uns auf und entdecken unser umfangreiches Angebot. Wir lieben den Kontakt zu unseren Lesern und freuen uns jederzeit auf Anregungen zu weiteren Publikationen. Berücksichtigen Sie uns als Verlagspartner für Ihr Werk!

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern,

Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present you our 2025 catalogue of the new publications in the subject areas of Engineering and Computer Sciences. This year’s main topics for Computer Science are Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Database Systems and Machine Learning in Healthcare, and for Engineering Robotics, Metrology, Mobile Communications and Biotechnology. You will also find numerous books on Big Data, Machine Learning, Industry 5.0, and ERP Systems.

For further information on our complete program, I recommend the corresponding catalogues, which you can also find at . In addition to books, we also offer a wide selection of journals. Visit us at and discover our extensive portfolio online. We love the contact with our readers and are always looking forward to receiving suggestions from you for further publications. Please consider us as a publishing partner for your work! Have fun browsing and take care,

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N. Gayathri, S. Rakesh Kumar, Ramesh Chandran, Seifedine Kadry, Vishal Jain (Eds.)

Virtual Internet of Things

Smart Environments, Smart Healthcare, Industry 4.0

Series: Augmented and Virtual Reality

May 2025

English, Approx. X, 290 pp.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-138841-0

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-138858-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-138870-0

In recent years, the fields of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have witnessed significant advancements. This edited book explores the intersection of AR, VR, IoT, and AI, and their combined applications. It delves into the latest research, trends and practical implementations, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving landscape.

Augmented Reality; Virtual Reality; Internet of Things; Artificial Intelligence

N. Gayathri, R. Kumar, GITAM U; R. Chandran, Vellore Inst. of Techn.; V. Jain, Sharda U, India; S. Kadry, Noroff U, Norway.

Rishabha Malviya, Shristy Verma, Sonali Sundram, Harshil Shah

Digital Blockchain

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality in Healthcare Ecosystem

Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 350 pp., 40 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

ISBN 978-3-11-157386-1

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-157428-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-157485-1

The book is focused on big data analysis in the healthcare care system with a particular focus on smart pharmaceuticals. It explores digital blockchain modeling for pharmaceutical development, quality assurance, manufacturing, clinical trials, ethical considerations, and regulatory affairs. This book serves as a resource for academics interested in applications of virtual reality and big data analysis to biotechnology.

Big Data; Health Care Ecosystem; Blockchain; Virtual Reality; Electronic Health Records

Rishabha Malviya, GU, IN; Shristy Verma, GU, IN; Sonali Sundram, GU, IN; Harshil Shah, Cosette Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA.

Rakesh Kumar, Geeta Arora

Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms

Symbiotic Relationship Between Mathematics and Similarity Measures.

Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 220 pp., 50 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 160.99 / £ 133.00

ISBN 978-3-11-149238-4

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 160.99 / £ 133.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-149427-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-149576-7

Thos book examines cutting-edge mathematical methods like graph theory and optimization for examining robust clustering systems. By connecting theory and practice, it enables academics, professionals, and students to effectively use mathematics to enhance fuzzy clustering across domains.

Fuzzy Clustering; Mathematical Analysis; Algorithm Optimization; Data Clustering; Interpretability

Rakesh Kumar, Lovely Professional Univ., India; Geeta Arora, Lovely Professional Univ., India.

Deepti Aggrawal, Adarsh Anand, Yoshinobu Tamura, Mohini Agarwal (Eds.)

Operational Perspective of Modeling System Reliability

Research Tools for System Dynamics

Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences

October 2025

English, Approx. X, 400 pp., 201 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-147540-0

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-147610-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-147713-8

The book is designed to capture the growing application areas of systems and software modelling, intelligent decision making, manmachine interface, menu generators, analysis of user acceptance, pictures archiving and software systems. Use of Operational Research tools for handling the system dynamics. The book will provide a concerted platform for system reliability students and researchers.

Decision and Information Science; Computational Techniques Information Science; Machine Learning; Optimization Techniques; Mathematical Modeling

D. Aggrawal, DTU, IN; A. Anand, DU, IN; Y. Tamura, Yamaguchi University, JP; M. Agarwal, GCU, USA.

Reengineering Cyber Security Process

Quality Management

Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences

November 2025

English, X, 190 pp., 15 fig.

HC *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.00

ISBN 978-3-11-144382-9

eBook *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144463-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144480-2

This book creates and develops a new perspective in information security management, and it introduces a new concept which is called total quality information security management. This book presents a pragmatic methodology to analysis information security components within your organization, and putting together a total quality information security management program of implementing quality information security within an organization.

Cyber Security; Reengineering Cyber Security; Information Security Management; Cyber Security Awareness; AI in Cyber Security

Mehrdad Sharbaf, California State University, USA.

Rishabha Malviya, Shivam Rajput, Mukesh Roy, Irfan Ahmad, Saurabh Srivastava

Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare

Machine Learning and Diagnostics

Series: De Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences

November 2025

English, Approx. X, 350 pp., 45 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-154758-9

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-154972-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-154984-2

This book explains how integrating AI-based machine learning and deep learning technology works by managing data, facilitating early disease detection through diagnosis and imaging, and monitoring patients in various healthcare sectors, from primary care to major surgeries. It will elucidate the methods for using AI in several specialized healthcare fields, including bone health, otorhinolaryngology, pregnancy, dentistry, surgery, and others.

Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare and E-health; Patient Care and Diagnostics; Machine Learning; Deep Learning

Malviya, Rajput, GU, IN; Roy, Baptist Hospital South Florida, USA; Ahmad, King Khalid U, SA; Srivastava, KPJ Healthcare U, MY.

OOpen Access

Emmanuel Gillain (Ed.) Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Symbolic, Data-Driven, Statistical and Ethical AI

Series: De Gruyter STEM

July 2024

English, XVI, 460 pp., 186 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 69.95 / US$ 76.99 / £ 64.00

ISBN 978-3-11-142567-2


PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142614-3

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-142630-3

The book provides an overview of the different AI technologies, demystifying terms such as search, reasoning, learning, adapting, understanding, and interacting. It covers the two dominant paradigms in AI, both the “data-driven” and “symbolic” AI systems, showing how they can complement each other. The theory is illustrated with 22 realworld examples from industry, giving a solid understanding of AI concepts, applicability, and limitations.

Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing; Neural Networks; Logic Reasoning

Emmanuel Gillain, Belgium.

Saurav Mallik, Zubair Rahaman, Soumita Seth, Anjan Bandyopadhyay, Sujata Swain, Somenath Chakraborty (Eds.)

Drug Discovery and Telemedicine

Through Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and IoT

Series: De Gruyter STEM

April 2025

English, Approx. XX, 280 pp., 100 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 109.95 / US$ 117.99 / £ 97.50

ISBN 978-3-11-150398-1

eBook *RRP € 109.95 / US$ 117.99 / £ 97.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-150466-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-150476-6

Drug discovery has a huge impact in pharmacology and toxicology while telemedicine has high demand in current scenarios, especially in pandemic situations. It is hightime to cover various computational framework of drug discovery and telemedicine and case studies of patients’ health in different time periods to identify novel therapeutic compounds, enhance drug development pipelines, and deliver personalized healthcare remotely. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare; AI-Driven Drug Discovery; Telemedicine Innovations; Machine Learning Applications; Ethical AI in Pharmaceuticals

S. Mallik, USA; Z. Rahaman, USA; S. Seth, A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Swain, India; S. Chakraborty, USA.

Günther Görz, Ute Schmid, Tanya Braun, Eyke Hüllermeier (Hrsg./Eds.)

Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz

[Handbook of Artificial Intelligence]

7. Edition/7th Edition Juni/June 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 990 S./pp., 200 Abb./fig.

Geb./HC *€ 164.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 176.99 / UVP/RRP £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-138649-2

eBook *€ 164.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 176.99 / UVP/RRP £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-138669-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-138687-4

Das Handbuch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über grundlegende und moderne Methoden und Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Die Themen reichen von Kognition, Neuronale Netze, über Maschinelles Lernen bis hin zu Robotik und SoftwareAgenten und Anwendungen in der Industrie 4.0. Diese neue und überarbeitete 7. Auflage umfasst die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der generativen KI sowohl für Sprache als auch für Bilder.

Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen, Informatik, Neuronale Netze

This handbook provides an extensive overview of the fundamental and contemporary methods and applications of artificial intelligence. Its topics covered range from cognition, neuronal networks, and machine learning to robotics, software agents, and industry 4.0 applications. This new, revised seventh edition also encompasses the latest advances from the field of generative AI in relation to both language and images. Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Informatics; Neural Networks

Ute Schmid, Bamberg, Tanya Braun, Lübeck, Eyke Hüllermeier, München, Deutschland.

OOpen Access

Chandrasekar Vuppalapati

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Agriculture

Specialty Crops and Climate Change


December 2024

English, Approx. XX, 612 pp., 746 fig.

HC *RRP € 169.95 / US$ 186.99 / £ 154.50

ISBN 978-3-11-143841-2


PDF ISBN 978-3-11-143889-4

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143945-7

This book presents some of the most important applications of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning for questions arising in agriculture. The book introduces data sources and methods used to estimate crop yields and prices under different climate scenarios. The methods and models introduced in the book can be applied across a large set of concrete questions across technology, industry, economics and sustainability.

Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Agriculture; Specialty Crops; Climate Change

Chandrasekar Vuppalapati, San Jose State University, USA.

S. Balasubramaniam, Seifedine Kadry, Aruchamy Prasanth, Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj (Eds.)

Generative AI and LLMs

Natural Language Processing and Generative Adversarial Networks

September 2024

English, XIV, 275 pp., 68 fig.

HC *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

ISBN 978-3-11-142463-7

eBook *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142507-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-142551-1

Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and large language models (LLM) are machine learning algorithms that operate in an unsupervised or semi-supervised manner. These algorithms leverage pre-existing content, such as text, photos, audio, video, and code, to generate novel content. The primary objective is to produce authentic and novel material. This book delves into the exploration of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and LLM.

Artificial Intelligence; Generative AI; Machine Learning; Neural Networks; Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

S. Balasubramaniam, S. Kadry, Norway; A. Prasanth, R. Dhanaraj, India.

Umesh Kumar Lilhore, Surjeet Dalal, Vishal Dutt, Magdalena Radulescu (Eds.)

Industrial Quantum Computing

Algorithms, Blockchains, Industry 4.0

Series: Quantum Computing

December 2024

English, Approx. X, 272 pp., 70 fig.

HC *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 171.99 / £ 141.50

ISBN 978-3-11-135480-4

eBook *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 171.99 / £ 141.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-135484-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-135513-9

“Industrial quantum computing” (IQC) covers the applications of quantum computing innovations in general industry and industry 4.0. This book presents the application of quantum computations to the financial sector, medical services, the logistics industry, and the manufacturing industry.

Industrial Quantum Computing; Deep Learning; Algorithms; Blockchain in Industry

Umesh Kumar Lilhore, U of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA; Surjeet Dalal, Vishal Dutt, India; Magdalena Radulescu, U of Pitesti, Romania.

Pethuru Raj, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Somenath Chakraborty, Ambika Paranthaman, A. Jayanthiladevi (Eds.)

Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks

GANs, Semi-Supervised GANs, Variational Autoencoders

Series: Quantum Computing

March 2025

English, Approx. X, 340 pp.

HC *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 171.99 / £ 141.50

ISBN 978-3-11-135478-1

eBook *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 171.99 / £ 141.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-135493-4

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-135522-1

GANs represent a generative model leveraging the growing power of deep learning (DL) algorithms. This book presents the breakthroughs, applications and latest research innovations of GANs and of quantum GANs. In particular, the book includes contributions on Autoencoders and Variational Autoencoders, Semi-Supervised GANs, Quantum GANs and Quantum Data Privacy, and Quantum GANs for image manipulation.

Artificial Intelligence; Deep Neural Networks (DNNs); Generative Adversarial Networks; Quantum Computing; Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

Pethuru Raj, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Somenath Chakra Borty, Ambika Paranthaman, Jayanthiladevi, India.

Srinjoy Ganguly, Saurav Mohanty, Sanjay Kumar Vishwakarma, Surbhi Bhatia, Adarsh Kumar (Eds.)

Sustainable Blind Quantum Computing

Series: Quantum Computing

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp., 80 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

ISBN 978-3-11-126391-5

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-126434-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-126517-9

Quantum computing systems that make it possible for a client to carry out a quantum computation on one or more distant quantum servers while hiding the underlying structure of the calculation are placed under the general rubric of “blind quantum computing”. This volume enquires into the need for shifting from a conventional system to a custom system while factoring in the user's particular sustainable computing needs and budgetary constraints.

Quantum Computing; Artificial Neural Networks; Quantum-safe Cryptography; Information security

Ganguly, Vishwakarma, IBM, USA; Bhatia, U of Salford, UK; Mohanty, Amity U; Kumar, U Petroleum and Energy Studies, India.

Rishabha Malviya, Sonali Sundram, Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj, Seifedine Kadry (Eds.)

Digital Transformation in Healthcare 5.0

Volume 2: Metaverse, Nanorobots and Machine Learning

Series: Smart Computing Applications 9/2

May 2024

English, XIX, 378 pp., 203 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

ISBN 978-3-11-139738-2

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-139854-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-139911-9

Presents the evolution of healthcare through the integration of advanced technologies and it provides a practical exploration of how healthcare organizations are adapting to the digital age. The book explores the use of metaverse, digital twins, nanorobots, machine learning for early detection of diseases, and cognitive computing with AI to create smart healthcare systems.

Machine learning; Digital Twins; cognitive computing; artificial intelligence; healthcare

R. Malviya, S. Sundram, Galgotias Univ.; R. Kumar Dhanaraj, Symbosis International, India; S. Kadry, Noroff Univ. Norway.

Rishabha Malviya, Sonali Sundram, Babita Gupta

Sustainability in Healthcare

mHealth, AI, and Robotics

Series: Smart Computing Applications 10

July 2024

English, XIII, 302 pp., 27 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

ISBN 978-3-11-143635-7

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-143643-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143658-6

As digital technology advances, healthcare systems are presented with opportunities to enhance the delivery of services in a sustainable manner. This book stresses the importance of sustainable healthcare, focusing on design, waste management, supply chain efficacy, and emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and telemedicine. It highlights the need for environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible healthcare services.

Sustainable healthcare; artificial intelligence; robots; healthcare supply chain; biomedical engineering; mHealth; telemedicine; additive manufacturing

Rishabha Malviya, Sonali Sundram, Babita Gupta, Galgotias University, India.

Saurav Mallik, Sandeep Kumar Mathivanan, S.K.B Sangeetha, Ben Othman Soufiene, Saravanan Srinivasan, Aimin Li (Eds.)

Machine Learning in Healthcare

Data-Driven Decisions, Predictive Modelling, Personalized Medicine

April 2025

English, Approx. X, 290 pp., 80 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-154107-5

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-154123-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-154245-4

This book explores the applications of machine learning techniques in the healthcare industry to optimize decision-making processes. The book delves into the ways in which machine learning can be used to analyze large and complex healthcare data sets, such as electronic health records, medical imaging, and wearable device data, to extract valuable insights and improve patient care.

Data-driven decision making; Healthcare; Predictive analytics; Artificial intelligence; Electronic health records

S. Mallik, USA; S. K. Mathivanan, S. K. B. Sangeetha, S. Srinivasan, India; B. O. Soufiene, Tunisia; A. Li, China.

Alessandro Vinciarelli, Sartajvir Singh, Narayan Vyas, Mona Abdelbaset Sadek Ali (Eds.)


Remote Sensing Data Analysis with Artificial Intelligence

November 2025

English, Approx. X, 290 pp., 70 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-157261-1

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-157297-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-157320-5

RADAR stands for “Remote Sensing Data Analysis with Artificial Intelligence”. This book discusses how AI augments the capability of RADAR in diverse applications. From state-of-the-art techniques to real-time challenges and the huge potential that AI has in enhancing RADAR applications, this book provides comprehensive resources to learn about RADAR-based remote sensing

Remote Sensing; Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR); RADAR Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing Data Analysis; RADAR Remote Sensing with Artificial Intelligence

Alessandro Vinciarelli, UK; Sartajvir Singh, Narayan Vyas, India; Mona Abdelbaset Sadek Ali, Saudi Arabia.

Stefan Höltgen (Hrsg./Ed.)

Medientechnisches Wissen

Band 1: Logik, Informations- und Speichertheorie

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

März/March 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. IX, 291 S./pp., 300 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 54.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 58.99 / UVP/RRP £ 47.00

ISBN 978-3-11-103622-9

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-103654-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-103714-1

Das mehrbändige Lehrbuch vermittelt Studierenden und Medienwissenschaftlern eine Einführung aus den Naturwissenschaften und Technik-Disziplinen. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Lesekompetenzen für die jeweilige Disziplin aufzubauen und zu verbessern, damit Fachtexte in medien- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen diskutiert werden können. Diese aktualisierte zweite Auflage enthält ein neues Kapitel über Medien- und Computerarchäologie.

Elektronik, Interdisziplinär, Medientechnologie, Computertechnik

This multi-volume textbook offers students and media scholars an introduction to the disciplines of science, engineering, and technology. It aims to build and improve reading competency in each discipline, thus enabling intelligent discussion of specialized scientific and technical texts in the media and cultural sciences. This new and updated second edition contains a new chapter on Media and Computer Archeology.

electronics; interdisciplinarity; media technology; computer engineering

Stefan Höltgen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Deutschland.

T TStefan Höltgen (Hrsg./Ed.)

Medientechnisches Wissen

Band 2: Informatik, Programmieren, Kybernetik

[Volume 2: Computer Science, Programming, Cybernetics]

Mit Beitrag v./With contrib. by Thomas Fischer, Thorsten Schöler, Johannes Maibaum

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

September/September 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 440 S./pp., 150 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 64.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 70.99 / UVP/RRP £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-117951-3

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-118035-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-118076-2

Das mehrbändige Lehrbuch vermittelt Medienwissenschaftlern/-innen eine Einführung aus den Naturwissenschaften und Technik-Disziplinen. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Lesekompetenzen für die jeweilige Disziplin aufzubauen und zu verbessern, damit Fachtexte in medien- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen diskutiert werden können. Alle Kapitel dieser zweiten Auflage wurden überarbeitet, um die neuesten Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen. Medienwissenschaften, Informationstheorie, Computerwissenschaften, Programmieren

This multivolume textbook provides an introduction to the natural sciences and technology disciplines for media studies students. The book aims to develop and improve reading skills for the disciplines in question, allowing readers to discuss specialist texts in media and cultural studies programs. All the chapters in this second edition have been revised to take into account the latest developments. Media sciences; information theory; computer science; programming Stefan Höltgen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Deutschland.

TStefan Höltgen (Hrsg./Ed.)

Medientechnisches Wissen

Band 3: Mathematik, Physik, Chemie

Mit Beitrag v./With contrib. by Bernd Ulmann, Martin Wendt, Ingo Klöckl

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition September/September 2025 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 440 S./pp., 150 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 64.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 70.99 / UVP/RRP £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-117966-7

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-118024-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-118083-0

Das mehrbändige Lehrbuch vermittelt Medienwissenschaftlern/-innen eine Einführung aus den Naturwissenschaften und Technik-Disziplinen. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Lesekompetenzen für die jeweilige Disziplin aufzubauen und zu verbessern, damit Fachtexte in medien- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen diskutiert werden können. Alle Kapitel dieser zweiten Auflage wurden überarbeitet, um die neuesten Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen.

Naturwissenschaften, Technologie, Chemie, Medizin

This multivolume textbook provides an introduction to the natural sciences and technology disciplines for media studies students. The book aims to develop and improve reading skills for the disciplines in question, allowing readers to discuss specialist texts in media and cultural studies programs. All the chapters in this second edition have been revised to take into account the latest developments. Natural sciences; technology; chemistry; medicine

Stefan Höltgen, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Deutschland.

Andrea Kienle, Gabriele Kunau

Informatik & Gesellschaft

Sozio-Technische Systeme für die digitale Transformation

[Computer Science and Society 2.0: Sociotechnological Systems for the Digital Transformation]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

September/September 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 240 S./pp., 25 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 64.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 70.99 / UVP/RRP £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-147720-6

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-147855-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-147959-0

Das Lehrbuch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die vielseitigen Grundlagen für das StudienfachInformatik & Gesellschaft und setzt diese in Beziehung zueinander. Das Lehrbuch hat mit seinen Grundlagen eine langlebige Beständigkeit für das Fach Informatik & Gesellschaft und bleibt durch die Kombination mit wechselnden, Anwendungsbeispielen auf der Lernplattform aktuell und flexibel einsetzbar.

Digitale Transformation, Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, Digitale Ethik, Digitale Ökosysteme, Digitales Design

This textbook provides an extensive overview of the multifaceted principles of the subject computer science and society, which it effectively sets in relation to one another. With its principles, the textbook is of long-term relevance for the subject computer science and society, while combining it with changing case studies on the learning platform ensures that it remains up to date and flexible.

Digital transformation; Social responsibility; Digital ethics; Digital ecosystems; digital design

Andrea Kienle, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW, Düsseldorf; Gabriele Kunau, FH Dortmund, Dortmund.

Birgit Vogel-Heuser

System Engineering mit SysML

Mechatronische Produktionssysteme und Modellbasiertes Engineering

[System Engineering using SysML: Mechatronic Production Systems and Model-Based Engineering]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

November/November 2024

Deutsch/German, VIII, 146 S./pp., 131 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 54.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 58.99 / UVP/RRP £ 49.00

ISBN 978-3-11-142929-8

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142971-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143080-5

Systemisches Denken ist gefordert, um immer komplexer werdende mechatronische Systeme zu gestalten. SySML ist eine Beschreibungssprache, die genau auf diesen Zweck zugeschnitten ist. Das Buch enthält eine Vielzahl von Modellen mechatronischer Produktionssysteme und das Zusatzmaterial bietet die Quelldateien in Power Point bzw. im Modellierungswerkzeug Enterprise Architect. Die Anwendungsbeispiele werden Stück für Stück detailliert ausgearbeitet. Systems Engineering, Modellbasiertes Engineering, Systems Modelling Language, Mechantronische Systeme, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

Systematic thinking is required to design ever-more complex mechatronic systems. SySML is a modeling language that is precisely tailored to this purpose. This book contains a range of models for mechatronic production systems, while the additional material provides source files for PowerPoint and the modeling tool Enterprise Architect. The application examples are developed in detail step by step.

Systems Engineering; Model-Based Engineering; Systems Modelling Language; Mechatronic Systems; Mechanical and Plant Engineering

Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technische Universität München.

TBirgit Vogel-Heuser System Engineering with SysML

Mechatronic Production Systems and Model-Based Engineering

Series: De Gruyter Textbook

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 140 pp.

Pb. *RRP € 54.95 / US$ 58.99 / £ 49.00

ISBN 978-3-11-144165-8

**eBook *RRP € 699.00 / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144290-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144341-6

Systemic thinking is required to design increasingly complex mechatronic systems. SySML is a description language that is tailored precisely to this purpose. This book contains a large number of models of mechatronic production systems and the supplementary material provides the source files in Power Point or in the Enterprise Architect modelling tool. The application examples are worked out in detail step by step.

Systems Engineering; Model-Based Engineering; Systems Modelling Language; Mechatronic Systems; Mechanical and Plant Engineering

Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technische Universität Munich, Germany.

TThomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein Algorithmen

Eine Einführung

[Algorithms: An Introduction]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

5. Edition/5th Edition

Juli/July 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. XX, 1380 S./pp.,

200 Abb./fig.

The content is published in 2 volumes

Br./Pb. *€ 129.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 141.99 / UVP/RRP £ 117.50

ISBN 978-3-11-132636-8

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-132747-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-132760-0

Der „Cormen“ bietet eine umfassende, klar strukturierte Einführung in das moderne Studium von Computeralgorithmen. Es stellt viele Algorithmen vor, behandelt sie mit beachtlicher Tiefe und macht zudem deren Entwurf und deren Analyse allen Leserschichten zugänglich. Diese 5. neue Auflage enthält mehr als 150 neue Übungen und Probleme, und drei neue Kapitel über Bipartite Graphen, Online-Algorithmen und Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens.

Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen, Entwurfstechnik, Programmiersprache, Quicksort

The “Cormen” provides an extensive, clearly structured introduction to the modern study of computer algorithms. It presents a number of algorithms, addresses them in remarkable depth, and makes it easy for all reading levels to understand how they are designed and analyzed. The new fifth edition contains more than 150 new exercises and problems, as well as three new chapters on bipartite graphs, online algorithms, and machine learning algorithms. Algorithms; data structures; design technology; programming language; quicksort

Thomas H. Cormen, Dartmouth College; Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, MIT; Clifford Stein, Columbia University, USA.

Tarkeshwar Barua, Ruchi Doshi, Kamal Kant Hiran, Avinash Sharma Mobile Applications


With Python in Kivy Framework

Series: De Gruyter STEM

2. Edition/2nd Edition

July 2025

English, Approx. X, 340 pp., 110 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 64.95 / US$ 70.99 / £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-129319-6

eBook *RRP € 64.95 / US$ 70.99 / £ 58.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-129353-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-129407-0

The book covers the concepts of Python programming language along with mobile application development. Starting from fundamentals, the book continues with the explanation of mobile app development using Kivy framework. All the chapters offer questions and exercises for to better understanding of the subject. This second revised and updated edition covers the most recent developments in Kivy since the publishing of the first edition.

App development; Programming; Kivy; Python

T. Barua, REGex; K. Kant Hiran, Symb. Univ. of Appl. Sc.; A. Sharma, Maharishi Markandeshwar, India; R. Doshi, Univ. Azteca, Mexico.

George Dimitoglou, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Hamid Arabnia (Eds.)


Cyber Defense, Privacy and Cyber Warfare

Series: Intelligent Computing

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 390 pp., 120 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

ISBN 978-3-11-143641-8

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-143654-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143656-2

The depth of our dependence on technology in our interconnected world underscores the critical role of cyber security. This book provides essential insights into the latest research and best practices and techniques for protecting against cyber threats, emphasizing the critical relevance of cyber security in safeguarding personal information, businesses, and national security.

Cybersecurity; Cyber Defense; Privacy; Cyber Warfare; Cyber Threats

G. Dimitoglou, Hood College; L. Deligiannidis, Wentworth Institute of Technology; H. Arabnia, University of Georgia, USA.


Brock (Hrsg./Ed.)

Datenzentrierte Unternehmen

Grundlagen der IT-Architektur –Transformationspfade – Fallstudien

[Data-centric companies. IT Architecture Basics – Transformation Paths – Case Studies]

In Gemeinschaft mit/Together with HewlettPackard GmbH

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM

August/August 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 390 S./pp., 65 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 84.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 80.99 / UVP/RRP £ 76.50

ISBN 978-3-11-104770-6

eBook *€ 84.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 91.99 / UVP/RRP £ 76.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-104867-3

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-104976-2

Das Wachstum der Datenwirtschaft wird künftig vor allem auf industriellen und professionellen Daten beruhen, also auf Daten aus Fahrzeugen, Fabriken oder Laboren. Dieses Potenzial zu nutzen, erfordert allerdings eine Transformation der IT-Architektur der Unternehmen. Dieses Buch beschreibt den Status Quo in der Industrie, Design-Prinzipien einer datenzentrischen Architektur und praktikable Transformations-Pfade. Informationstechnik, Daten, IT Architektur, Strategie, Management

In the future, the growth of the data economy will be based primarily on industrial and professional data, i.e., data from vehicles, factories, or laboratories. However, exploiting this potential requires a transformation of the company's IT architecture.

This book describes the status quo in the industry, design principles of a data-centric architecture, and viable transformation paths. IT; data; IT architecture; strategy; management Stefan Brock, Hewlett Packard GmbH, Germany.

TJürgen Cleve, Uwe Lämmel Data Mining

Datenanalyse für Künstliche Intelligenz

[Data Mining: Data Analysis for Artificial Intelligence]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

4. Edition/4th Edition Mai/May 2024

Deutsch/German, XII, 336 S./pp., 176 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 74.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 82.99 / UVP/RRP £ 68.50

ISBN 978-3-11-138726-0

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-138770-3

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-138809-0

Data Mining liefert Methoden und Algorithmen, um bisher unbekannte Zusammenhänge bei großen Datenmengen zu entdecken. Das Buch deckt den Stoff einer einsemestrigen Vorlesung an Universitäten oder Fachhochschulen ab und ist als klassisches Lehrbuch konzipiert. Diese vierte überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage berücksichtigt die neuesten Entwicklungen in den Bereichen KI, Big Data, Data Science und maschinelles Lernen.

Big Data, Data Mining, Künstiliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen

Data mining provides methods and algorithms for discovering previously unknown correlations in large volumes of data. The book covers the material of a one-semester lecture at universities and is designed as a classic textbook. This fourth revised and updated edition takes into account the latest developments in the fields of AI, big data, data science and machine learning.

Big Data; Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning

TTAlfons Kemper, Viktor Leis


[Database Systems]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter studium 11. edition/11th edition mai/may 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./approx. XX, 880 s./pp., 350 abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 69.95 / uVp/rrp us$ 77.99 / uVp/rrp £ 64.00

isBn 978-3-11-124965-0

**eBook *€ 699.00 / uVp/rrp us$ 769.00 / uVp/rrp £ 599.00

pDf isBn 978-3-11-124979-7

epuB isBn 978-3-11-125024-3

Das Buch bietet eine systematische und ausführliche Einführung in moderne Datenbanksysteme. Die aktuell marktführende relationale Technologie ist besonders umfassend dargestellt. Die 11. Auflage aktualisiert und erweitert die Darstellung der neuen Entwicklungen: Hauptspeicher-Datenbanksysteme und BigData-Anwendungen. Durchgehende Beispielanwendung veranschaulichen die Konzepte, so dass sich das Werk auch hervorragend zum Selbststudium eignet. Datenbanksysteme, Big Data, SQL

This book offers an in-depth, systematic introduction to modern database systems and provides a particularly detailed overview of the current market leaders in relational technology. The eleventh edition has been updated and expands on the presentation of new developments: main memory database systems and big data applications. Continuous case studies illustrate the concepts, making the volume very well suited to self-study. Database systems; Big Data; SQL Alfons Kemper, Viktor Leis, Technische Universität München, Deutschland.

Karl Kurbel ERP und SCM

enterprise resource planning und supply Chain management in der industrie

[ERP and SCM: Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management in Industry]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter studium

10. edition/10th edition mai/may 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./approx. X, 640 s./pp., 280 abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 89.95 / uVp/rrp us$ 94.99 / uVp/rrp £ 78.50

isBn 978-3-11-158936-7

**eBook *€ 699.00 / uVp/rrp us$ 769.00 / uVp/rrp £ 599.00

pDf isBn 978-3-11-158968-8

epuB isBn 978-3-11-159023-3

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) und Supply Chain Management (SCM) sind Kernaufgaben jedes Industrieunternehmens. Neben den Grundlagen von ERP und SCM und der Umsetzung theoretischer Konzepte in praktischen Systemen behandelt diese zehnte Auflage auch aktuellste Entwicklungen im Bereich Industrie 4.0 und Internet der Dinge.

Enterprise Resource Planning, Produktionsplanung, Supply Chain Management

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supply chain management (SCM) are the key tasks of every industrial enterprise. Alongside the basics of ERP and SCM, and the implementation of theoretical concepts in practical systems, this tenth edition also addresses the latest developments in the field of industry 4.0 and the internet of things.

Enterprise Resource Planning; production planning; Supply Chain Management

Karl Kurbel, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Shiv Naresh Shivhare, Thipendra P. Singh, Joshi Deepa, Anitesh Mishra

Computer-Aided Intelligent Imaging

artificial intelligence in healthcare informatics

Series: De Gruyter stem

July 2025 english, approx. X, 290 pp.

Pb. *rrp € 109.95 / us$ 117.99 / £ 97.50 isBn 978-3-11-138902-8

eBook *rrp € 109.95 / us$ 117.99 / £ 97.50 pDf isBn 978-3-11-138905-9 epuB isBn 978-3-11-138934-9

The field of biomedical image analysis has evolved as a significant resource in the process of healthcare informatics and computeraided disease diagnosis. This book addresses the problem of staying up to date with the rapidly evolving landscape of automated computer-aided disease diagnostics and biomedical image analytics, and provides practical solutions and best practices to help practitioners and researchers effectively.

Computer Vision; Biomedical Imaging; ComputerAided Diagnostic; Artificial Intelligence

Shiv Naresh Shivhare, Thipendra P. Singh, Deepa Joshi, Anitesh Mishra, India.

Mohit Mittal, Swadha Gupta (Eds.) Biomedical

Computer Vision

IoT and Sensor Technologies in Healthcare Informatics

March 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp., 60 fig.

HC *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

ISBN 978-3-11-142936-6

eBook *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142945-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-142995-3

This book addresses the critical confluence of biomedical computer vision with the rapidly advancing Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor technologies, illustrating their transformative role in healthcare diagnostics, imaging, and patient monitoring. It includes the analyses of wireless sensor networks in healthcare, the impact of IoT on social media analytics in medical contexts, and the implementation of smart systems in health services.

Sensor Networks; Internet of Things; Medical Imaging; Ethics in Technology

Mohit Mittal, Swadha Gupta, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Yousaf Bin Zikria, Vinod Kumar Shukla, N. Pradeep, Manoj Kumar, Harry Haoxiang Wang, Ali Kashif Bashir (Eds.)

Industry 5.0

A New Revolution Through HumanCentric Solution

Series: De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence

April 2025

English, Approx. VIII, 450 pp., 50 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 195.99 / £ 155.00

ISBN 978-3-11-073955-8

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 195.99 / £ 155.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-073616-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-073623-6

The new paradigm “Industry 5.0” promises great shifts not only in industry, but also in business and consumption models. With the help of data science and internet of things, manufacturers focus on delivering in real time, and customers will benefit from personalized products. Robots and cobots will collaborate with the humans. This book explains various facets of Industry 5.0, focusing on its applications on medical research and manufacturing.

Industry 4.0; Industry 5.0; Internet Of Things; Artificial Intelligence; Human-Centric Solution

Y. B. Zikria, Yeungnam Univ., S. Korea; V. Kumar Shukla, Dubai; N. Pradeep, India; M. Kumar, India; H. H. Wang, USA; A. K. Bashir, UK.

Stamatios Papadakis, Georgios Lampropoulos (Eds.)

Intelligent Educational Robots

Toward Personalized Learning Environments

Series: De Gruyter STEM

January 2025

English, Approx. X, 270 pp., 47 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 99.95 / US$ 105.99 / £ 88.00

ISBN 978-3-11-135206-0

eBook *RRP € 99.95 / US$ 105.99 / £ 88.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-135269-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-135296-1

This book covers the recent advances in maker education while focusing on the integration of intelligent educational robots in P-12 education. Emphasis is given on the adoption of artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent agents, and social robots to create adaptive, interactive, and personalized learning experiences that promote students.

Educational robots; Artificial intelligence; Social robots; Maker education; Problem-based learning

Stamatios Papadakis, University of Crete; Georgios Lampropoulos, International Hellenic University, Greece.

Michael Has Grenzen von Nachhaltigkeit und Ecodesign

Läuft uns die Zeit davon?

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Reihe

Oktober/October 2024

Deutsch/German, XII, 192 S./pp., 100 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 34.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 38.99 / UVP/RRP £ 32.00

ISBN 978-3-11-144640-0

eBook *€ 34.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 38.99 / UVP/RRP £ 32.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144684-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144691-2

Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, was Privatpersonen / Privathaushalte tun können um nachhaltiger zu agieren, zu leben ist Thema dieses Buches. Um dieses Verhalten zu motivieren ist ein holistisches Verständnis von Nachhaltigkeit sowie das Erkennen und Bewerten von Nachhaltigkeitsparametern, die in Haushalten relevant sind, nötig – dies soll vermittelt werden.

Nachhaltigkeit; Umwelt; Privathaushalt; Resssourcen

This book delves into the question of what private individuals / households can do to live more sustainably. In order to motivate this behavior, it is essential to have a holistic understanding of sustainability and the ability to recognize and evaluate sustainability parameters relevant to households – which is what this book aims to convey.

Sustainability; Environment; CO2 Footprint; Ressources; Nachhaltigkeit; Umwelt; CO2 Fußabdruck; Rohstoffknappheit; Nachhaltiges Leben in Haushalten; Ecodesign

Michael Has, Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique, Saint-Martin d'Hères Cedex, Frankreich.

Michael Has Klima, Rohstoffe und Prognosen

Nachhaltigkeit und Megatrends

[Climate, Raw Materials, and Prognoses: Sustainability and Megatrends]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Populärwissenschaftliche Reihe

Oktober/October 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 190 S./pp., 60 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 39.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 41.99 / UVP/RRP £ 34.50

ISBN 978-3-11-161085-6

eBook *€ 39.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 41.99 / UVP/RRP £ 34.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-161088-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-161091-7

Trendanalysen zu Ende gedacht. Klimawandel und Rohstoffmangel sind spürbar: Reserven wichtiger Metalle reichen weniger als 80 Jahre. Rohstoffabbau und -aufbereitung erfordern fossile Energie. Erdöl und -gas reichen lediglich für 60–80 Jahre, Kohle ~ 200 Jahre. Heutige Trendanalysen und Zukunftsszenarien berücksichtigen oft diese ineinandergreifenden Effekte nicht. Das vorliegende Buch befasst sich mit Trends in einem integralen Blickwinkel.

Nachhaltigkeit; Klima; Megatrends; Rohstoffe

Trend analyses taken to their logical conclusion. Climate change and raw material scarcity are tangible. Reserves of important metals will last less than 80 years. The mining and processing of raw materials requires fossil fuels. There is enough oil and gas for 60–80 years and coal for around 200 years. Trend analyses and future scenarios often do not take these effects into account. This volume addresses trends from an integrated perspective.

Scarcity of Raw Materials; Climate Change; Megatrend; Trend Analysis; Recycling; Rohstoffknappheit; Klimawandel; Megatrends; Trendforschung

Michael Has, Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique, Saint-Martin d'Hères Cedex, Frankreich.



Angewandte Differentialgleichungen Kompakt

Festigkeits- und Verformungslehre, Baudynamik, Wärmeübertragung, Strömungslehre, Grenzschichttheorie

[Applied Differential Equations in Brief: Strength of Materials and Theory of Deformation, Structural Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Boundary Layer Theory]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition März/March 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. XV, 785 S./pp., 180 Abb./fig.

Geb./HC *€ 89.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 98.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00

ISBN 978-3-11-134508-6

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-134576-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-134621-2

Dieses kompakte Werk befasst sich mit den Anwendungen von Differentialgleichungen in diversen Bereichen des Ingenieurwesens, der Physik und Mathematik. Es wird die Theorie einleitend behandelt, dann die verschiedenen Anwendungen und Beispiele im Detail erklärt und durchgerechnet. Neu: Der methodisch-didaktische Ansatz wurde für ein besseres Verständnis neu strukturiert und die Übungen und Lösungen in den Text intergriert.

Analysis; Angewandte Mathematik; Differentialgleichung

This compact work addresses the application of differential equations in diverse areas in the fields of engineering, physics, and mathematics. It provides an introduction to the theory, before explaining and calculating the various applications and examples in detail. New: The book’s methodological and didactic approach has been restructured for better understanding, with exercises and solutions integrated into the text.

Analysis; Differential Equations; Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Modlels; Applied Physics

Adriano Oprandi, Basel, Schweiz.

TAdriano Oprandi

[Set: Differentialgleichungen Band 1-6]

[[Set: Differential Equations Volumes 1–6]]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

November/November 2024

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. LX, 1400 S./pp., 400 Abb./fig.

Set *€ 289.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 320.00 / UVP/RRP £ 263.00

ISBN 978-3-11-134840-7

Dieses 6-bändige Werk befasst sich mit den Anwendung von Differentialgleichungen in diversen Bereichen der Physik, Ingenieurwesen, Mathematik, Biologie und Soziologie. In jedem Buch wird die Theorie einleitend behandelt, dann werden die verschiedenen Anwendungen und Beispiele im Detail erklärt und diskutiert. Der methodischdidaktische Ansatz wurde für ein besseres Verständnis neu strukturiert und die Übungen und Lösungen in den Text intergriert. Analysis; Angewandte Mathematik

This six-volume work addresses the application of differential equations in diverse areas in the fields of physics, engineering, mathematics, biology, and sociology. Each book provides an introduction to the theory, before explaining and discussing the various applications and examples in detail. The methodological and didactic approach has been restructured for better understanding, with exercises and solutions integrated into the text.

Analysis; Applied Mathematics; Differential Equations; Mathematical Models

Adriano Oprandi, Basel, Schweiz.

TWalter Strampp

Elementare Mathematik

Trigonometrie, Analytische Geometrie, Algebra, Wahrscheinlichkeit

[Elementary Mathematics: Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Algebra, Probability]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

August/August 2024

Deutsch/German, VIII, 582 S./pp., 329 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 94.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 100.99 / UVP/RRP £ 83.00

ISBN 978-3-11-150313-4

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-150363-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-150383-7

Das Buch festigt und erweitert das Fundament elementarer mathematischer Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten für Ingenieur*innen und Informatiker*innen. Diese zweite, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage geht insbesondere auf die gestiegenen mathematischen Anforderungen vor allem in der Informatik ein, mit einem neuen Kapitel zur Strukturmathematik, ergänzt durch neues Material zur Kombinatorik und Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Grundlagenmathematik; Problemanalyse; Logisches Schließen; Aufbaumathematik

This book consolidates and expands on the foundations of elementary mathematics knowledge and skills for engineers and computer scientists. This second, completely revised edition specifically addresses the growing mathematical requirements in above all computer science, with a new chapter on structural mathematics, supplemented with new material on combinatorics and probability calculations.

basic mathematics, problem analysis, logical reasoning, advanced mathematics

Walter Strampp, Universität Kassel.

Mouffak Benchohra, Abdelkrim Salim, Yong Zhou

Integro-Differential Equations

Analysis, Stability and Controllability

August 2024

English, XII, 284 pp., 0 fig.

HC *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

ISBN 978-3-11-143779-8

eBook *RRP € 139.95 / US$ 153.99 / £ 127.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-143791-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143795-8

This book explores evolution equations with a focus on quantitative and qualitative aspects, including the existence and uniqueness of solutions, approximate controllability, complete controllability, stability, and attractivity. The study encompasses integrodifferential equations, delay equations, and impulsive equations, which feature both instantaneous and non-instantaneous impulses. Integro-differential equations; Evolution systems; Fixed point; Stability; Controllability.

M. Benchohra, Djillali Liabès University, DZ; A. Salim, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, DZ; Y. Zhou, Xiangtan University, CN.

Qing-Hao Zhang, Jun-Guo Lu, Yang-Quan Chen


Singular Systems

Robust Control Problems, Admissibility and Stabilization

Series: Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering

April 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp.

HC *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 175.99 / £ 145.50

ISBN 978-3-11-162856-1

eBook *RRP € 159.95 / US$ 175.99 / £ 145.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-162864-6

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-162882-0

This book explores robust control strategies to manage the inherent uncertainties and maintainthe admissibility and performance of fractional-order singular systems. It covers essential topics such assystem admissibility, robust stabilization, H∞ control, positive real control, fault detection, delay systems, and provides a comprehensive framework for both the theoretical analysis and practical implementation of robust control methods. Fractional order system; singular system; robust control; uncertain systems; linear matrix inequality Qing-Hao Zhang, Jun-Guo Lu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Yang-Quan Chen, University of California at Merced, USA.

Produktmanagement –Innovation –Digitalisierung

Moderne Produktplanung, Entwicklung und Vermarktung

[Product Management – Innovation –Digitalization: Modern Product Planning, Development, and Marketing]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Dezember/December 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 290 S./pp., 100 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 69.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 77.99 / UVP/RRP £ 64.00

ISBN 978-3-11-155749-6

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-155880-6

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-155900-1

Dieses Lehrbuch für Produktmanagement führt den Leser durch den Prozess der Produktplanung, Entwicklung und Vermarktung. Durch Integration moderner Konzepte des Marketings, des Innovationsmanagements und der Produktentwicklung wird Schritt-fürSchritt die Entstehung eines innovativen und erfolgreichen Produktes erläutert. Daneben werden die Anwendungspotenziale moderner Methoden wie Digitaler Zwilling oder Künstlicher Intelligenz aufgezeigt

Produktmanagement, Innovationsmangement, Digitalisierung, Produktmarketing, Produktpositionierung

This product management textbook guides the reader through the process of product planning, development, and marketing. Integrating modern concepts from marketing, innovation management, and product development, it explains how to develop an innovative, successful product step by step. It also reveals the potential applications of modern methods such as digital twins and artificial intelligence.

Product management; Innovation management; Digitalisation; Product marketing; Product positioning

Gerd Schwandner, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Deutschland.

Michael Krystek

Bayesian Methods in Metrology

Bayesian Statistics, Probabilistic Reasoning, Decision Theory

Series: De Gruyter Textbook

October 2025

English, Approx. X, 190 pp., 50 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 74.95 / US$ 82.99 / £ 68.50

ISBN 978-3-11-145357-6

**eBook *RRP € 699.00 / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-145370-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-145400-9

This book covers the basic concepts of Bayesian statistics and its applications in metrology. It elucidates fundamental concepts such as probabilistic modeling, prior distributions, and uncertainty quantification. Through insightful exploration of practical applications, it illuminates the significance of Bayesian methods in achieving precision measurement and informed decision-making. Measurement science; Probabilistic modeling; Uncertainty quantification; Bayesian statistics

Michael Paul Krystek, Berlin, Germany.

TTMichael Krystek

Measurement Uncertainties

Error Propagation, Probabilistic Modelling, Statistical Methods

Series: De Gruyter Textbook

August 2024

English, X, 386 pp., 41 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 94.99 / £ 78.50

ISBN 978-3-11-145343-9

**eBook *RRP € 699.00 / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-145371-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-145396-5

This book elucidates the complexities surrounding measurement uncertainties, offering detailed insights into uncertainty analysis, error propagation, and calibration methodologies. Through rigorous examination, it provides practical strategies for mitigating measurement errors and enhancing precision. An essential reading for students seeking a thorough understanding of uncertainty quantification.

Uncertainty analysis; Error propagation; Metrology; Measurement errors

Michael Paul Krystek, Berlin, Germany.

Mohammed Elmusrati

Modelling Stochastic Uncertainties

From Monte Carlo Simulations to Game Theory

Series: De Gruyter Textbook

December 2024

English, Approx. X, 340 pp., 93 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 94.99 / £ 78.50

ISBN 978-3-11-158470-6

**eBook *RRP € 699.00 / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-158505-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-158545-1

This accessible textbook features practical programming applications, dozens of Monte Carlo simulations, and over 150 solved examples. With minimal complex math, it's perfect for students, self-study, and professionals. Enhance your understanding of uncertainties, programming skills, and decision-making with this comprehensive resource.

Dynamic systems; Game Theory; Monte Carlo Simulations; Stochastic systems; Estimation theory

Mohammed Elmusrati, University of Vaasa, Finland.

Bruno Grösel

Stage Technology

August 2024

English, X, 442 pp., 372 fig.

HC *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 98.99 / £ 82.00

ISBN 978-3-11-136623-4

eBook *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 98.99 / £ 82.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-136696-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-136748-4

Whereas simple manual drives were often used in stage technology in the past, today highly specialized know-how is employed. Therefore, personnel must be trained accordingly. This training ranges from courses for craftsmen to higher education at technical colleges and universities. The book therefore appeals to the entire range of interested parties; only one chapter requires basic technical knowledge.

Stage Sets; Stage Technology; Construction Technology; Lighting Technology

Bruno Grösel, Technische Universität Vienna, Austria.

Modellbasierte Entwicklung Mechatronischer Systeme

Mit Funktionsmodellen für Rapid Control Prototyping bei Servoantrieben

[The Model-Based Development of Mechatronic Systems: With Functional Models and Lab Projects for Servo Drives]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Februar/February 2026

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 350 S./pp., 150 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 44.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 49.99 / UVP/RRP £ 37.50

ISBN 978-3-11-074444-6

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-074446-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-074448-4

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Bands liegt auf der modellbasierten Funktionsentwicklung im Maschinenbau und deren Anwendung in der Entwicklung von Steuerungs- und Regelungsfunktionen für Antriebs- und Positioniersysteme. In diesem Band werden zwei Anwendungsbeispiele als Laborprojekt jeweils für die rotatorische bzw. translatorische Positionierung behandelt. Als Modellierungs- und Simulations-umgebung wird MATLAB®/Simulink® verwendet. Mechatronik; Maschinenbau; Servosysteme

This volume focuses on functional, modelbased development in mechanical engineering and its application in the development of control and regulation functions for drive and positioning systems. It provides with two examples of application as lab projects for rotary and translatory positioning. MATLAB®/Simulink® is used as a modeling and simulation environment.

Mechatronics; mechanical engineering; servo systems

Jürgen Baur, Hochschule Aalen, Germany.

T TPeter Jung


Innere physikalische Schicht

[Mobile Communication: Inner Physical Layer]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Juni/June 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 740 S./pp., 131 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 64.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 70.99 / UVP/RRP £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-144564-9

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144609-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144617-2

Dieses Buch ist eine umfassend ausgearbeitete Abhandlung über Konzepte der physikalischen Schicht der mobilen Mobilkommunikation. Ausgehend von der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung des Autors in der Hochschullehre deckt das Buch alle Aspekte der Kommunikationstechnologien ab, von der Abtastung über Mehrantennenkonzepte bis hin zu Polarcodierung. Dieser erste Band konzentriert sich auf Transceiver der physikalischen Schicht. Mobilkommunikation, Physikalische Layer, ArrayAntennen, Polar-Codes, Sampling-Theorem

This book provides an in-depth exploration of physical layer concepts in mobile communication. Drawing on the author’s decades of experience in university teaching, it covers every aspect of communication technologies, from sampling and multi-antenna systems to polar coding. The first volume specifically focuses on physical layer transceivers. Mobile Communications; Physical Layer; Array Antennas; Polar Codes; Sampling Theorem Peter Jung, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.


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TPeter Jung


Anspruchsvolle Kanalcodes

[Mobile Communication: Advanced Channel Codes]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Juni/June 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 490 S./pp., 68 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 54.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 58.99 / UVP/RRP £ 49.00

ISBN 978-3-11-144572-4

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144608-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144614-1

Dieses Buch ist eine umfassend ausgearbeitete Abhandlung über Konzepte der physikalischen Schicht der mobilen Mobilkommunikation. Ausgehend von der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung des Autors in der Hochschullehre deckt das Buch alle Aspekte der Kommunikationstechnologien ab, von der Abtastung über Mehrantennenkonzepte bis hin zu Polarcodierung. Dieser zweite Band konzentriert sich auf anspruchsvolle Kanalcodes.

Mobilkommunikation, Physikalische Layer, ArrayAntennen, Polar-Codes, Sampling-Theorem

This book provides an in-depth exploration of physical layer concepts in mobile communication. Drawing on the author’s decades of experience in university teaching, it covers every aspect of communication technologies, from sampling and multi-antenna systems to polar coding. The second volume concentrates on advanced channel codes.

Mobile Communications; Physical Layer; Array Antennas; Polar Codes; Sampling Theorem Peter Jung, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

TPeter Jung


Volume 1 + Volume 2

[Mobile Communication: Volume 1 + Volume 2]

Juni/June 2025


Set *€ 89.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 98.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00

ISBN 978-3-11-145274-6

Dieses Buch ist eine umfassend ausgearbeitete Abhandlung über Konzepte der physikalischen Schicht der mobilen Mobilkommunikation. Ausgehend von der jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung des Autors in der Hochschullehre deckt das Buch alle Aspekte der Kommunikationstechnologien ab, von der Abtastung über Mehrantennenkonzepte bis hin zu Polarcodierung.

Mobilkommunikation, Physikalische Layer, ArrayAntennen, Polar-Codes, Sampling-Theorem

This set provides an in-depth exploration of physical layer concepts in mobile communication. Drawing on the author’s decades of experience in university teaching, the two volumes cover every aspect of communication technologies, from sampling and multiantenna systems to polar coding.

Mobile Communications; Physical Layer; Array Antennas; Polar Codes; Sampling Theorem

Peter Jung, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Barbara Goldstein, Jay H. Hendricks (Eds.)

Quantum Metrology

Sensors, Phase Measurements, Superconductors

Series: De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences

March 2025

English, X, 290 pp., 40 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

ISBN 978-3-11-914980-8

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-161316-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-161386-4

This book covers the way in which advances in quantum physics are being used to advance metrology (quantum metrology), and the way in which metrology is needed by the broader community to accelerate the development of commercial quantum technologies (metrology for quantum). It includes the latest developments on how measurements will be needed to turn quantum innovations into commercial products.

Measurements; Quantum Physics; Sensors

Barbara Goldstein, PML; Jay Hendricks, NIST on a Chip; Nicolas Spethmann, Quantum Technology Competence Center, USA.

João A. Sousa, Alistair B. Forbes, Gertjan Kok, Markus Bär (Eds.) Mathematical and Computational Metrology

Sensor Networks, Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence

Series: De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences

July 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp., 80 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-153603-3

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-153704-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-153741-2

This book gives a thorough overview of the current state of the art of mathematical and computational approaches in measurement science (metrology). It covers both the application of classical mathematical tools to metrology as well as novel topics like digital twins, sensor networks and artificial intelligence. The theory is clearly explained and in addition illustrated with examples from metrological practice.

mathematical modelling; metrology; uncertainty evaluation; computational tools; data analysis

João A. Sousa, IPG, Portugal; Alistair B. Forbes, NPL, UK; Gertjan Kok, VSL, Netherlands; Markus Bär, PTB, Germany.

Wolfgang Koch (Ed.)

Artificially Intelligent Sensing

Advances and Applications

Series: De Gruyter Series in Measurement Sciences

August 2025

English, Approx. XV, 285 pp., 30 fig.

HC *RRP € 179.95 / US$ 210.00 / £ 161.50

ISBN 978-3-11-079509-7

eBook *RRP € 179.95 / US$ 210.00 / £ 161.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-079514-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-079518-9

“Intelligence” is an omnipresent phenomenon in the biosphere. In the technosphere, artificially intelligent signal processing and sensor data fusion provide cognitive sensors that enhance the perceptive mind of humans who alone perceive consciously. This book thus opens up AI-enabled sensing, which comprises not only machine or deep learning, but exploits a whole world of algorithms for comprehensively sensing in real applications. Cognitive/AI-based Sensing; Sensor Data Fusion; Situational Awareness; Bayesian Learning; Sensor Resources Management

Wolfgang Koch, Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany.

TManfred Rost, Sandro Wefel Sensorik

Erfassung und rechnergestützte Verarbeitung nichtelektrischer Messgrössen

[Sensor Technology: Measurement and Computer-Based Processing of NonElectrical Variables]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

2. Edition/2nd Edition

November/November 2024

Deutsch/German, XII, 293 S./pp., 161 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 54.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 60.99 / UVP/RRP £ 48.50

ISBN 978-3-11-077267-8

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077273-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077281-4

Das Buch stellt Prinzipien der Sensorik dar und geht auf Fragen der Signalverarbeitung und -auswertung. Behandelt werden Grundlagen, Primärelektroniken, Ansteuerung von Sensoren-Schnittstellen, Verfahren und Algorithmen zur Sensorsignalverarbeitung, Methoden zur Signalbewertung, Effektive Visualisierung von Ergebnissen. Die 2.Auflage inkludiert neue Inhalte: Internet der Dinge, Kernstrahlungsensoren und neue Sensorkonzepte (Lidar, Biosensoren).

Sensorik; Messtechnik; MIkrocontroller; Datenanalyse; Lidar; Biosensoren; Internet der Dinge

This book presents the principles of sensor technology and addresses questions of signal processing and analysis. It discusses primary electronics, how to activate sensor interfaces, methods and algorithms for sensor signal processing, signal evaluation methods, and how to effectively visualize results. The second edition includes new information on the Internet of Things, nuclear radiation sensors, and new sensor concepts (Lidar, biosensors). Data analysis; Sensor technology; Signal processing; Internet of Things; Lidar; Biosensors Sandro Wefel, Universität Halle; Manfred Rost, EKF-diagnostic GmbH, Deutschland.

Nicole Sauerland

Digitale Messtechnik für die Laborarbeit

Messungen und deren mechanische, thermische und elektrische Störungen

[Digital Measurement Technology for Laboratory Work: Measurements and Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Disruptions]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Juli/July 2024

Deutsch/German, XII, 180 S./pp., 84 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 64.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 70.99 / UVP/RRP £ 58.50

ISBN 978-3-11-147732-9

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-147886-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-147967-5

Die Beschäftigung mit Messungen in einem Labor erfordert mancherlei Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen, die dem Betroffenen meist zunächst nicht vorliegen. Dieses Buch soll dem Experimentator das Sammeln von Erfahrungen erleichtern und verkürzen. Praktikable Lösungen für alltägliche messtechnische Probleme stehen dabei im Buch immer im Vordergrund. So soll dieses Buch dabei helfen, beim Aufbau von Mess- und Testsystemen Fehler zu vermeiden.

Messtechnik, Messautomatisierung, Messfehler, Digitale Messung

Working with measurements in a laboratory requires a wide range of knowledge and experience, which most people do not initially have. This book is designed to help experimenters gain those skills quickly. Throughout, the book focuses on finding practical solutions to everyday measurement problems. It is designed to help prevent errors when setting up measuring and testing systems. Measurement technology; Measuring automation; Measurement errors; Digital measurement

Nicole Sauerland, Völklingen, Deutschland.

Lena Zentner



Klassifikation, Modellbildung und Design von Mechanismen und Aktuatoren

[Compliant Systems: Classifying, Modeling, and Designing Mechanisms and Actuators]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter STEM

2. Edition/2nd Edition

Mai/May 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. XII, 200 S./pp., 80 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 59.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 67.99 / UVP/RRP £ 53.00

ISBN 978-3-11-075921-1

eBook *€ 59.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 67.99 / UVP/RRP £ 53.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-075988-4

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-076006-4

Das Buch widmet sich unterschiedlichen Methoden zur Modellbildung und Design nachgiebiger Mechanismen und fluidmechanischer Aktuatoren, und bietet zudem ausgewählte Anwendungsbeispiele aus verschiedenen technischen Bereichen, wie Greifer- und Getriebetechnik, Medizintechnik sowie Präzisionstechnik. In der 2. Auflage wird dazu das Thema der Synthese nachgiebiger Mechanismen und Aktuatoren betrachtet. Festigkeitslehre; Nachgiebiger Mechanismus; Nachgiebigkeit; Aktuatoren

This book delves into the different methods for modeling and designing compliant mechanisms and fluid mechanical actuators, and also provides examples of applications selected from various technical areas, such as gripper and transmission technology, medical technology, and precision technology. The second edition also takes into account the topic of synthesizing compliant mechanisms and actuators.

Strength of materials; compliant mechanisms; compliance; actuators

Lena Zentner, TU Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany.

Michael Seidel Thermodynamik Verstehen durch Üben

Zustandsänderungen und Hauptsätze [Thermodynamics – Understanding through Practice: State Changes and Principles]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

3. Edition/3rd Edition

Juli/July 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. XV, 385 S./pp., 66 Abb./fig.

Br./Pb. *€ 44.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 47.99 / UVP/RRP £ 36.50

ISBN 978-3-11-101706-8

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-101757-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-101798-3

Verstehen durch Üben setzt für das Studium der Thermodynamik auf die Kraft des erklärenden Beispiels. Jeder Band enthält einen Überblick über die wichtigsten und praktisch immer wieder auftretenden Fragestellungen auf dem Gebiet der Wärmetechnik. Dieser neue und überarbeitete erste Band enthält interne Zustands- und Prozessgrößen im thermodynamischen System, Zustandsgleichungen und den ersten und zweiten Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik.

Thermodynamik, Energie, Energietechnik, Wärmeübertragung

Understanding through Practice relies on the power of the explanatory example for students of thermodynamics. Each volume contains an overview of the most important issues that come up again and again in the field of thermal engineering. This new, revised first volume contains information about state and process variables in the thermodynamic system, equations of state, and the first and second principles of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics; energy; energy technology; heat transfer

Michael Seidel, Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Deutschland.

Dietrich Eckardt Gas Turbine


The Development of the Power Generation Gas Turbine at BBC – ABB –Alstom

3. Edition/3rd Edition

October 2025

English, X, 490 pp., 120 fig.

HC *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 98.99 / £ 82.00

ISBN 978-3-11-914979-2

eBook *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 98.99 / £ 82.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-161337-6

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-161401-4

This unique, internationally awarded book deals in this reviewed 3 edition with the development of the power generation gas turbine from its origins to the present. It follows the development thread of the legendary Swiss company Brown Boveri from the first GT power generation plant in 1939 up to subsequent engineering contributions of ABB and ALSTOM, including a view on competitors and their parallel developments.

Electric power generation; Thermal engineering; Turbomachinery; Combined cycle power plants

Dietrich Eckardt, TU Dresden.


Green Joining Technologies

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

March 2025

English, Approx. X, 280 pp., 50 fig.

HC *RRP € 189.95 / US$ 220.00 / £ 166.50

ISBN 978-3-11-076865-7

eBook *RRP € 189.95 / US$ 220.00 / £ 166.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-076873-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-076882-4

Joining processes play a crucial role in fabrication of devices, vehicles, buildings and structures. The conventional joining techniques have inherent draw backs like emission of toxic smoke and radiations from the weld area. This book explores modern research in the field of green joining techniques, healthier for the workers as well as for the environment.

Mechanical Engineering; Environmental Technologies; Green Joinings

J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal; V. K. Bupesh Raja, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India.

Raj Kumar Arya, George Verros, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Compressors and Blowers

Maintenance, Practical Guidance, EnergyEfficient Technologies

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

March 2025

English, Approx. X, 400 pp., 300 fig.

HC *RRP € 194.95 / US$ 220.00 / £ 175.50

ISBN 978-3-11-136335-6

eBook *RRP € 194.95 / US$ 220.00 / £ 175.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-136395-0

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-136417-9

After covering basic thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanical principles involved the work presents a wide range of applications from industrial processes to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and highlights the significance of compressors and blowers in enhancing productivity, especially in energy-efficient technologies.

Fluid Machinery; Air Handling Equipment; Gas Movers; Industrial Ventilation; Rotating Gas Equipment

Raj Kumar Arya, Jalandhar, India; George D. Verros, U Thessaloniki, Greece; J. Paulo Davim, U Aveiro, Portugal.

Bupesh Raja, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Nishant Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Verma, Virendra Kumar, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Machining and Tribology of Advanced Materials

From Coatings, Lubrications, Surface Treatments to Modeling and Simulation

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering 12

April 2025

English, Approx. X, 300 pp., 77 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

ISBN 978-3-11-137642-4

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 188.99 / £ 156.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-137729-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-137772-8

The work provides a comprehensive examination of techniques and challenges that underpin the effective processing and long-term utilisation of advanced materials. Covering the broad range of topics from laser and electrical discharge machining, tribological behaviour of materials like friction or wear mechanisms in composites it presents as well case studies in the aerospace and automotive industries and bioengineering applications. Advanced composites; Manufacturing; Tribology; Machining of composites; Simulation; Modelling

Nishant Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar Verma, Yashvir Singh, Techn. University, Uttar Pradesh, India; J. Paulo Davim, U Aveiro, Portugal.

Ranjith Rajamanickam, Amit Sharma, Dhivya Ranjith, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Machine Learning for Medical Applications

Computational Drug Discovery, Bioimaging, Smart Biomaterials

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

April 2025

English, Approx. X, 390 pp., 100 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-150318-9

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-150320-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-150374-5

The fusion of machine learning with medical applications and material science has ushered in a new era of innovation, offering transformative solutions to complex healthcare challenges. This convergence finds applications across a broad spectrum, from precision drug discovery and implantable biomaterials to diagnostic imaging and personalized medicine. This book presents the most recent theoretical advancements and applications in the field.

Machine Learning; Medical Applications; Material Science; Healthcare Innovation

R. Ranjith, Amit Sharma, R. Dhivya, India; J. Paulo Davim, Portugal.

Panagiotis Kyratsis, Athanasios Manavis, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)


Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

September 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp., 40 fig.

HC *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

ISBN 978-3-11-158467-6

eBook *RRP € 164.95 / US$ 176.99 / £ 146.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-158506-2

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-158555-0

The book aims to cover a number of areas in both computer-assisted design and manufacturing advancements, while targeting technologies and methodologies that can push forward research. The topics included range from design methodologies, digital tools, CAD based applications, CAD/CAM/CAE/ PLM developments to product design, computer/experimental based material selection and improved material technology.

CAD/CAM; Computational design; digital manufacturing; Computer Aided Analysis; 3D printing

Panagiotis Kyratsis, Athanasios Manavis, University of Western Macedonia, Greece; J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Yashvir Singh, Nishant Kumar Singh, J. Paulo Davim (Eds.)

Green Manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence Applications

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

September 2025

English, Approx. X, 380 pp., 80 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 192.99 / £ 159.50

ISBN 978-3-11-163095-3

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 192.99 / £ 159.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-163150-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-163157-8

Many approaches for achieving sustainability in the manufacturing field include employing less polluting energy sources, reusing raw materials, and using environmentally friendly techniques supported by specific tools and methodologies, as well as implementation regulations. Artificial intelligence Algorithms as well as Machine Learning Tools and Hybrid Intelligent Systems promise successful new applications.

Materials; Machining; Eco-friendly Materials; Clean Enery Supply; Soft Computing; Machine Learning; Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Yashvir Singh, India; Nishant Kumar Singh, India; J. Paulo Davim, Portugal.

Kaushik Kumar, Chikesh Ranjan (Eds.)

Advances in Coating Technologies

Series: Advanced Mechanical Engineering

November 2025

English, Approx. 300 pp., 200 fig.

HC *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 195.99 / £ 155.00

ISBN 978-3-11-069215-0

eBook *RRP € 174.95 / US$ 195.99 / £ 155.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-069219-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-069256-3

This book focuses on recent developments in coating and especially on those processes that have the potential to improve performance quality. The book shows how application methods, environmental factors, and chemical interactions affect the coating performance. It provides analysis of latest polymers, carbon resins, high-temperature materials used for coatings and describes their properties, synthesis, and commercial uses.

Electronics, Industry, Machine Engineering, Mechanics

Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Kaushik Kumar, Birla Insititue of Technology, India.

Leonidas Deligiannidis, George Dimitoglou, Hamid Arabnia (Eds.)

Imaging Science

Computer Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition

Series: Intelligent Computing

June 2025

English, Approx. X, 390 pp., 200 fig.

HC *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

ISBN 978-3-11-143638-8

eBook *RRP € 149.95 / US$ 164.99 / £ 136.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-143642-5

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-143657-9

Imaging Science consists of three core interconnected pillars – Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition. This book showcases groundbreaking applications and provides solid foundation in the theoretical underpinnings and low-level processing techniques of each field. Dive into practical examples showcasing the power of pattern recognition algorithms and emerge equipped to contribute to the vibrant research communities.

Computer vision; image processing; pattern recognition; registration; applications

Leonidas Deligiannidis, Wenworth Institute of Technology; George Dimitoglou, Hood College; Hamid R. Arabnia, University of Georiga, USA.

Yongming He, Kairen Chen, Yingwu Chen Imaging Satellites Task Planning

Learning-Based BI-Level Models and Algorithms

Together with Tsinghua University Press Ltd.

Series: De Gruyter STEM

August 2025

English, Approx. X, 190 pp., 88 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 94.99 / £ 78.50

ISBN 978-3-11-158466-9

eBook *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 94.99 / £ 78.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-158510-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-158519-2

This book introduces a learning-based bilevel imaging satellites task planning theory and applications. Planning systems, optimization models, and learning-based algorithms are designed in detail, to release the contradiction between algorithm versatility and efficiency, between solution efficiency and accuracy. The results of this book can be applied to real-world problems directly, as well as provide ideas for other complex problems. imaging satellite; task planning; combinatorial optimization; deterministic algorithm; reinforcement learning

Yongming He, Yingwu Chen, National University of Defense Technology; Kairen Chen, Tsinghua University Press, China.

Satellite Scheduling Engine

General-purpose Modeling and Intelligent Optimization Methods

Together with Tsinghua University Press

Series: De Gruyter STEM

May 2025

English, Approx. X, 240 pp., 60 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 99.95 / US$ 105.99 / £ 88.00

ISBN 978-3-11-153599-9

eBook *RRP € 99.95 / US$ 105.99 / £ 88.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-153719-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-153732-0

To address the large-scale, networking, and intelligent characteristics of the developing satellite systems, this book proposes a general-purpose scheduling engine for satellite task scheduling problems. The engine integrates a general-purpose modeling method and two high-performance algorithms for different scenarios. Real-world experiments examine the engine and provides reference for the development of related satellite scheduling systems.

satellite task scheduling; scheduling engine; general-purpose modeling; urgent scheduling; adaptive algorithm

Yonghao Du, Lei Li, National University of Defense Technology; Lining Xin, Xidian University; China.

TJosé Luis Guzmán, Tore Hägglund Feedforward Control

Analysis, Design, Tuning rules, and Implementation

Series: De Gruyter Textbook

July 2024

English, VIII, 164 pp., 90 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 54.95 / US$ 58.99 / £ 49.00

ISBN 978-3-11-142930-4

**eBook *RRP € 699.00 / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-142948-9

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-142998-4

Feedforward control is a powerful dynamical process that becomes possible when load disturbances are measurable in a regulation control problem. This book presents the theoretical and practical basis of feedforward control, focusing on the regulation control problem and the contribution of feedforward control. A list of simple tuning rules and performance metrics is analyzed to be used for feedforward control design.

Tuning rules; Disturbance rejection; Practical Implementation; PID control

José Luis Guzmán, University of Almería, Spain; Tore Hägglund, Lund University, Sweden.

Regelungstechnik in der Biotechnologie

Prozessautomatisierung –Bioverfahrenstechnik – Advanced Process Control

[Control Engineering in Biotechnology: Process Automation – Bioprocess Engineering – Advanced Process Control]

Reihe/Series: De Gruyter Studium

Juli/July 2025

Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 240 S./pp.

Br./Pb. *€ 54.95 / UVP/RRP US$ 58.99 / UVP/RRP £ 49.00

ISBN 978-3-11-157273-4

**eBook *€ 699.00 / UVP/RRP US$ 769.00 / UVP/RRP £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-157303-8

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-157336-6

Wie können Versuchsprozesse und Anlagen automatisiert werden? Grundlage dafür ist die Regelungstechnik, die hier anhand von Beispielsprozessen aus der Biotechnologie erklärt wird. Mathematisch fundiert und an praktischen Beispielen angewandt wird der PID-Regler erläutert. Bei komplexeren Problemen kommen weiterführende Reglerstrukturen zum Einsatz: Feedforward-, Kaskadenregelungen und Verhältnisregelungen.

Bioverfahrenstechnik, Regelungstechnik, Automatisierungstechnik, Prozesstechnik, PIDRegler

What is the best way to automate experiment processes and equipment? The basis for this is control engineering, which is explained here by looking at example processes from biotechnology. The PID controller is explained with a solid mathematical foundation and practical examples. Advanced control strategies, such as feed forward control, cascade control, and ratio control, are employed to tackle more complex problems.

Bioprocess engineering; control engineering; automation technology; process technology; PID controller

Margret Bauer, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft (HAW) Hamburg, Deutschland.



Crop Nutrition

Enhancing Healthy Soils, Food Security, Environmental Sustainability and Advancing SDGs

Series: De Gruyter STEM

December 2024

English, Approx. X, 640 pp., 35 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 109.95 / US$ 117.99 / £ 97.50

ISBN 978-3-11-161709-1

eBook *RRP € 109.95 / US$ 117.99 / £ 97.50

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-161767-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-161819-7

In the face of global challenges such as climate change, population growth, and food security, crop nutrition has never been more critical. The book delves into key aspects of crop nutrition, covering the essentials of nutrient management, the role of nutrients, and innovative practices. It also emphasizes the importance of integrated nutrient management approaches, such as the use of biofertilizers, nano-fertilizers, and organic amendments.

Agronomy; Sustainable Agriculture; Soil Management; Crop Production; Biodiversity; Climate Change; Food Production Systems

Amanullah, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan.

Integrated Agriculture

An Approach for Sustainable Agriculture

Series: Integrated Global STEM 3

June 2024

English, XVII, 370 pp., 41 fig.

Pb. *RRP € 89.95 / US$ 94.99 / £ 78.50

ISBN 978-3-11-144801-5

**eBook *RRP € 149.00 / US$ 165.00 / £ 129.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-144807-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-144883-1

Integrated Agriculture offers a comprehensive examination of a transformative agricultural paradigm aimed at revolutionizing farming practices. It explores the core principles and practical applications of integrated agriculture, presenting a holistic perspective that merges traditional wisdom with modern scientific advancements and is the ideal guide to practitioners, policymakers, researchers and students interested in global agriculture. Agronomy; Decarbonization; Climate Change; Global Agriculture; Management

Amanullah, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan.

Khan Amanullah

Anand, Adarsh 4

Arabnia, Hamid 12, 25

Arora, Geeta 3

Arya, Raj Kumar 23 B

Balasubramaniam, S. 6

Bandyopadhyay, Anjan 5

Bär, Markus 21

Barua, Tarkeshwar 11

Bashir, Ali Kashif 14

Bauer, Margret 27

Baur, Jürgen 19

Benchohra, Mouffak 16




Ramesh 3 Chen, Kairen 26

Chen, Yang-Quan 17 Chen, Yingwu 26

Cleve, Jürgen 12

Cormen, Thomas H. 11 D

Dalal, Surjeet 7

Davim, J. Paulo 23, 24, 25

Deepa, Joshi 13

Deligiannidis, Leonidas 12, 25

Dimitoglou, George 12, 25

Doshi, Ruchi 11

Dutt, Vishal 7

Vishal 3


Alistair B. 21 G Ganguly, Srinjoy

Gayathri, N.

Görz, Günther


Guzmán, José Luis

Hewlett-Packard GmbH, 12 He, Yongming 26

Hiran, Kamal Kant 11

Höltgen, Stefan 9, 10

Hüllermeier, Eyke 5

Kumar Dhanaraj, Rajesh

Kumar, Kaushik

Kumar, S. Rakesh

Kumar, Virendra

Kunau, Gabriele


Alfons Kemper, Viktor Leis DATENBANKSYSTEME

07/2024. 11. Edition/11th Edition, Deutsch/German, ca./Approx. XX, 880 S. / pp., 350 Abb. / fig.


*RRP € 69.99 [D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 64.00

ISBN 978-3-11-124965-0


*RRP € 699.00 [D] / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-124979-7

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-125024-3

f Die Standardarbeit im Bereich.

f Neue und gründlich überarbeitete Auflage.

f The standard work in the field.

f New and throroughly revised edition.

Günter Schmitt, Andreas Riedenauer MIKROCONTROLLERTECHNIK MIT AVR Programmierung in Assembler und C –Übungsaufgaben und schaltungsbeispiele

De Gruyter Studium

08/2025. 7. Auflage/7th Edition, Deutsch/German, ca./Approx. XX, 600 S./pp., 200 Abb./fig


*UVP/RRP € 49.95 [D] / US$ 53.99 / £ 44.00

ISBN 978-3-11-121454-2


*UVP/RRP € 699.00 [D] / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-121711-6

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-121857-1

Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein ALGORITHMEN

Eine Einführung

An Introduction

De Gruyter Studium 06/2025. 5. Auflage/5th Edition, Deutsch/German, XX, 1380 S./pp., ca./approx. 200 Abb./fig.


*UVP/RRP € 129.95 [D] / US$ 141.99 / £ 117.50

ISBN 978-3-11-132636-8


*UVP/RRP € 699.00 [D] / US$ 769.00 / £ 599.00

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-132747-1

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-132760-0

f Aktualisierte und ergänzte Neuauflage basierend auf der neuesten Generation von Hardund Software Tools.

f Solide Einführung in Theorie und Praxis der Mikrocontroller Programmierung.

f Zusätzliches Kapitel über funktionale Sicherheit.

f revised and extended edition based on the latest generation of hardand software tools.

f solid introduction into theory and practice of microcontroller programming.

f new chapter on functional security.

f Das Standardwerk in deutscher Übersetzung.

f Vollständig überarbeitete Neuauflage mit 150 neuen Übungen, jedes Kapitel überarbeitet.

f in 2 Bänden.

f classic textbook translated in German.

f completely revised edition with 150 exercises, all chapters revised.

f in 2 volumes.

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