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Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser, wir freuen uns, dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal einen eigenen Ka talog für die Islam- und Nahostwissenschaften zu präsentieren! Unser Programm ist in den letzten Jahren stark gewachsen und reicht vom Alten Orient über Koranforschung bis hin zu Politik und Wirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert.
Dr. Torsten Wollina Acquisitions Editor Islamic Torsten.Wollina@degruyter.comStudies

Dr. Sophie Wagenhofer Senior Acquisitions Editor Sophie.Wagenhofer@degruyter.comHistory

Neben unseren etablierten Formaten wie der Reihe Studies of the History and Culture of the Middle East und der Zeitschrift Der Islam setzt De Gruyter viele Reihen des Klaus-Schwarz-Verlags fort, darunter die Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker und die Islamkundlichen Untersuchungen. Viele unserer Inhalte sind dank starker Partner wie dem Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient und der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft als Open Access Publikation frei zugänglich (p. 32). Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Kooperation mit der Interna tional Association for Quranic Studies, deren Buchreihe und Zeitschrift wir ab 2023 im Programm haben (S. 8) und die unser Profil in der Koranwissenschaft weiter stärken. Wir danken allen Autorinnen und Herausgebern für die Projek te, die sie uns anvertrauen, sowie unseren Leserinnen und Lesern für ihr Interesse. Wir wünschen eine spannende Lektüre!
Dear Readers,
We thank all authors and editors for the projects they entrust to us and our readers for their interest. We wish you an exciting read!
A special highlight is the cooperation with the Internatio nal Association for Quranic Studies (IQSA), which further strengthens our profile in Quranic studies. IQSA’s book series and journal will be included in our program starting in 2023 (p. 8).
We are pleased to present, for the first time, a catalog dedicated to Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies! Our program has grown considerably in recent years and ranges from the Ancient Near East and Quranic Studies to Politics and Economics in the 21st InCentury.addition to our established formats, such as the book series Studies of the History and Culture of the Middle East and the journal Der Islam, De Gruyter took over in 2019 the program of the Klaus Schwarz Verlag and continues to develop series like Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker and Islamkundliche Untersuchungen. Thanks to strong partners like the Leibniz Center for Modern Oriental Studies and the Swiss Asia Society, more and more titles are freely available in open access (p. 32).
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Cover Vivien Böhme
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Die Cover der Kataloge von De Gruyter präsentieren den Siegerentwurf eines Grafikwettbewerbs, den der Verlag in Kooperation mit dem Lette-Verein Berlin jährlich durchführt. Die Aufgabe war, ein serielles Bildkonzept mit einer eigenständigen Gestaltungsidee zu entwickeln. Die Motive sollten sich als Fortsetzung über alle Ka talogcover durchziehen. Wir danken der Gewinnerin Vivien Böhme für ihre gelungene Umsetzung.
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Textbooks: the eBook prices in this catalog are only valid for institutional customers. Individual customers can purchase the eBook at list price through one of our vendor partners. ORIENT ANCIENT NEAR EAST UND RELIGION QUR’AN AND RELIGION UND GESELLSCHAFT AND SOCIETY UND LITERATUR LANGUAGE LITERATURE UND WIRTSCHAFT AND ECONOMY UND JAHRBÜCHER
HC *RRP € 129.95 [D] / US$ 149.99 / £ 118.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074405-7
Michael Blömer und Engelbert Winter, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster.
Francis Breyer Schrift im antiken Afrika

[Writing in Ancient Africa: Multiliteralism and Writing Adaption in the Ancient Cultures of Numidia, Egypt, Nubia and Absynnia]
Funded by European Research Council (ERC) December 2022
Michael Blömer, Engelbert Winter (Eds.) Exploring urbanism in ancient North Syria

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074795-9ISBN 978-3-11-074810-9
Series: Doliche Urban Excavations 1 July English,2022V, 411 pp., 244 fig.
This volume offers new editions of the major first-millennium technical compendia concerned with gastrointestinal disease in ancient Mesopotamia, including the standard therapeutic subcorpus from the Royal Library of Assurbanipal as well as other related com pendia that focus on ghost-induced illness and treatments for diarrhea. Three millennia ago these handbooks were assembled from symptom descriptions, recipes and incanta tions.
Francis Breyer, Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn, Deutschland.
Geb./HC *€ 123.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 142.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068083-6UVP/RRP £ 112.50
August/August Deutsch/German,2021IX, 455 S./pp.
Babylonian medicine; gastrointestinal illness; technical recipes; incantations
eBook *€ 123.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 142.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 112.50ISBN 978-3-11-068086-7ISBN 978-3-11-068087-4
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-0657-4ISBN 978-1-5015-0645-1
Open Access
eBook *RRP € 129.95 [D] / US$ 149.99 / £ 118.00
3Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NCIENTOALTERRIENT ANEAREAST
Fieldwork in Doliche 2015–2020
English, Other Languages, Approx. 300 pp., 20 fig.
This book accounts for the results of field work in Doliche, located in Gaziantep, South East Turkey. Doliche was an important city of ancient North Syria and home of Jupiter Dolichenus. For the first time, an interna tional research project started to explore the site in 2015. The chapters collected in this volume discuss main discoveries of the first seasons. They address the city`s development from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. Doliche, Kingdom of Commagene, Fieldwork, Survey
Founded by Franz Köcher
J. Cale Johnson and Markham J. Geller, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Egyptology; Nubiology; African Studies; Berberology; Linguistics; History of Writing
Afrika gilt heute vielen immer noch als »schriftloser« Kontinent, obwohl dort bereits in der Antike mehrere Schriftkulturen exis tierten. In dem vorliegenden Band werden die teils wenig erforschten Schriftsysteme, die im antiken Nord(ost)afrika in Gebrauch waren, umfassend dargestellt. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, wie sich die einzel nen Schriften entwickelten und gegenseitig beeinflussten. Schriftkontakt; Schriftentwicklung;Multiliteralismus;AntikeSchriftsysteme
Africa is still considered by many to be a continent without writing, even though a number of written cultures have existed since as early as the ancient period. This volume provides a comprehensive presentation of the writing systems that were in use in ancient north (east) Africa. It focuses on the question of how these writing systems each developed and influenced one another.
J. Cale Johnson, Krisztian Simko Band 11: Gastrointestinal Disease and Its Treatment in Ancient Mesopotamia

An Edition of the Medical Prescriptions Dealing with the Gastrointestinal Tract
HC *RRP € 154.95 [D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1526-2
Multiliteralismus und Schriftadaption in den antiken Kulturen Numidiens, Ägyptens, Nubiens und Abessiniens
Nils P. Heeßel, Marten Stol (Eds.) Die UntersuchungenMedizinbabylonisch-assyrischeinTextenund
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-1-5015-1191-2ISBN 978-1-5015-1164-6
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Edward O. D. Love, Würzburg, Germany.
Series: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete – Beihefte 45 July English,2021XVIII, 214 pp., 40 fig.
were found in House 17, a dwelling which has been considered the habi tation of a well known personage of Karanis, the tax-collector Socrates, who lived in the 2nd century AD.
Keilschrift; Materialität; Assurbanipal; Tontafel
Traditions in Transmission

Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Studie ist die Materialität von Texten. So gibt sie Auskunft zur Gestaltung der mit Keilschrift versehenen Tontafel, berücksichtigt aber auch andere Beschreibstoffe und Schreibwerk zeuge. Anhand der Bibliothek Assurbanipals wird der Umgang mit Schriftzeugnissen beispielhaft diskutiert. Auch die in diesem Zeitraum vorhandene Mehrschriftigkeit wird behandelt.
[Studies on the Written Culture of Mesopotamia in the First Century CE] Reihe/Series: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER) November/November29 2022
Mohamed Gaber El-Maghrabi, Cornelia Römer (Eds.)
eBook *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077891-5ISBN 978-3-11-077900-4
Cuneiform; clay tablet; Assurbanipal; materiality Babette Schnitzlein, Britisches Museum, London, England.
The starting point of this study is the mate riality of texts. It provides information about how cuneiform clay tablets were designed, but also takes into account other writing materials and tools. It looks at the Library of Ashurbanipal to discuss examples of how writing tools were used and also addresses the multilingualism of this period.
This book offers an edition and translation of a parchment codex from Egypt of the fourth century CE with Greek and Coptic recipes for healing through magic and pharmacol ogy (Michigan Ms. 136). An accompanying study traces the ritual and medical traditions to which the codex belongs and its position in the linguistic landscape of Egypt.
Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. 500 S./pp., 78 Abb./fig.
This volume contains 35 texts written on pa pyrus, which were found during excavations of the University of Michigan around 1926 in the ancient village of Karanis in the Fayoum MostOasis/Egypt.ofthetexts
Magic; Medicine; Religion; Egypt
Papyri from House 17, Level B, and Other Locations in Karanis (P. Cair. Mich. III)
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071452-4ISBN 978-3-11-071456-2
HC *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077875-5
Roman Egypt; Village Life; Papyri; Karanis Mohamed El-Maghrabi, University of Alexandria, Egypt and Cornelia Römer, University of Vienna, Austria.
More Texts from the Archive of Socrates


Michael W. Zellmann-Rohrer, Edward O. D. Love
Series: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete – Beihefte 47 March English,2022X,358 pp., 15 fig., 8 Farbtafeln
The Medical and Magical Texts of a Fourth-Century Greek and Coptic Codex (Michigan Ms. 136) in Context
Babette Schnitzlein
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071428-9
Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-1-5015-1747-1UVP/RRP £ 94.00
Christian Langer, Peking University, China.
Soknopaiu Nesos; Sobek; Ägypten <Altertum>; Ritualpapyri
Wissenschaft imWissenschaftlerundAltenÄgypten
[Science and Scientists in Ancient Egypt: Commemorative Studies for Walter Friedrich Reineke]
political economy of deportation; ancient Egyptian governance; Late Bronze Age international relations; economic and societal impact of deportations
eBook *RRP € 119.95 [D] / US$ 137.99 / £ 109.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073211-5ISBN 978-3-11-073220-7
Reihe/Series: Ägyptische und Orientalische Papyri und Handschriften des Ägyptischen Museums und Papyrussammlung Berlin 6 Dezember/December 2021
In recent years, the histories of ancient sci ence as well as historical epistemology have become hot topics in interdisciplinary re search. This volume is a collection of essays on ancient Egyptian science and its agents. Several of the contributions focus on math ematics, the field of expertise of the Berlin Egyptologist Walter F. Reineke, the volume’s honorand, but medicine, magic, astrology, botany, and chemistry are also discussed. Egypt, ancient; ancient Egypt, science; ancient Egypt, mathematics
In den letzten Jahren sind Wissensgeschichte der Antike und historische Epistemologie zu Brennpunkten interdisziplinärer Forschung geworden. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes thematisieren die Wissenschaft des Alten Ägypten in ihren Agenten, den „Wissen schaftlern“ avant la lettre. Ein Akzent liegt auf der Mathematik, aber auch Medizin, Stern- und Pflanzenkunde, Verfahrenstechnik und Chemie kommen zur Sprache. Ägyptologie; Wissenschaftstheorie;Wissenschaftsgeschichte;Medizin
Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-061294-3UVP/RRP £ 94.00
Martin Andreas Stadler, JuliusMaximilians-Universität Würzburg, Deutschland.
This book is the first comprehensive study of Egyptian deportation policies in the Late Bronze Age. Based on primary sources of the time, it traces related short- and long-term developments between 1560 and 1070 BCE and uncovers the profound socioeconomic impacts on the societies of Northeast Africa and West Asia. A comparative outlook on historical deportation policies embeds the Egyptian deportations in global migration history.

Martin Andreas Stadler
Peter Dils, Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert, Ingelore Hafemann, Sebastian Richter (Hrsg./Eds.)
Deutsch/German, Andere Sprachen/Other Languages, XII, 461 S./pp., Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen
Im Tempel des Soknopaios zu Dimê im Fa yûm wurde wie in jedem ägyptischen Tempel täglich ein Ritual für den Hauptgott durch geführt. Papyri des 1. und 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. überliefern die dazu zu rezitierenden, sehr alten Texte, die in ‚unetymologischer‘ demotischer Schrift notiert wurden. Das stellt besonders hohe Anforderungen an die Entzif ferung. Der Band legt diese späten Fassungen des Rituals erstmals in einer kommentierten Edition vor.
Reihe/Series: Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde – Beiheft 9 Juli/July Deutsch/German,2021 IX, 288 S./pp., 18 Abb./fig.
A Study in Political Economy
5Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NCIENTOALTERRIENT ANEAREAST
Texte zum ›Täglichen Ritual‹ im Tempel des Soknopaios zu Dimê (›SPR‹)
Series: Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde – Beiheft 13 September 2021 English, XXII, 464 pp., 115 fig.

eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-3-11-062990-3ISBN 978-3-11-062879-1
At the temple of Soknopaios in Dimeh, the Faiyum, a daily ritual was carried out for the main God as in every other Egyptian temple. Papyri from the first and second centuries CE convey the ancient texts intended for recital, which were written down in “unety mological” Demotic script, which makes it particularly challenging to decipher them. This volume is the first to present these late versions of the ritual in an annotated edition. Soknopaiou Nesos; Sobek; Egypt (Ancient); ritual papyri
Gedenkschrift für Walter Friedrich Reineke
Christian Langer Egyptian Deportations of the Late Bronze Age
Peter Dils, SAW Leipzig; Hans-W. FischerElfert, Univ. Leipzig; Ingelore Hafemann, BBAW Berlin; Tonio Sebastian Richter, FU Berlin.
HC *RRP € 119.95 [D] / US$ 137.99 / £ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072667-1
Das Soknopaiosritual
[The Soknopaios Ritual: Texts Relating to the “Daily Ritual” in the Temple of Soknopaios in Dimeh]
Geb./HC *€ 149.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 172.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-047055-0UVP/RRP £ 136.50

This handbook offers an overview of the po litical, administrative and economic structure of the Hittite empire in a diachronic perspec tive, from the Old Kingdom untill the fall of the Hatti state. It will deal with: the relation between environment and political power;the political and administrative structure; war; religion and power.
Series: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER) 26 August 2020 English, VIII, 668 pp.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-066178-1ISBN 978-3-11-065810-1
Mesopotamian cultic lamenting was per formed for nearly 3000 years as a means of appeasing divine anger and averting imminent catastrophes. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of this important ritual practice in the early 2nd millennium BCE, and includes a new transla tion and philological edition of Uruamairabi (‘That city, which has been plundered’), one of the most widely performed laments in Mesopotamia.
HC *RRP € 115.95 [D] / US$ 133.99 / £ 105.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1946-8
PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1530-9ISBN 978-1-5015-1531-6
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-2180-5
Hittite empire; Hatti state Stefano de Martino, University of Torino, Italy.
Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER) English,December282022Approx. 850 pp.
How To Do Things With Tears

PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1265-0ISBN 978-1-5015-1294-0
Paul Delnero
Ritual Lamenting in Ancient Mesopotamia
In the context of socio-economic studies of the ancient world, Debt and Indebtedness at Emar provides a comprehensive analysis of debts and credit system at Emar. The book engages with many questions related to debts such as their purpose, how they were issued and repaid, their relations to forms of dependency as well as the role of indebted ness at Emar in the context of Late Bronze Age economy.

HC *RRP € 147.95 [D] / US$ 170.99 / £ 134.50 ISBN 978-3-11-065767-8
Series: Empires through the Ages in Global Perspective 1 March English,2022VIII, 799 pp., 50 fig.
Mesopotamia; Sumerian; Lamenting; Ritual Paul Delnero, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
Debts and Indebtedness at Series:Emar
Maurizio Viano
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Emar; debts; ancient Near Eastern slavery; late bronze age
eBook *RRP € 115.95 [D] / US$ 133.99 / £ 105.00
Maurizio Viano, University of Turin, Italy.
Stefano de Martino (Ed.) Handbook Hittite Empire Power Structures
eBook *RRP € 147.95 [D] / US$ 170.99 / £ 134.50

Mustafa Koçak and Detlev Kreikenbom, University of Mainz, Germany.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-079069-6ISBN 978-3-11-079074-0
The book contains facsimiles, transcription and translation of the Vision as it survived, albeit incomplete. A comparative study of the work enables the reconstruction of its missing parts. The Vision may have been composed in the area where al-Muʿtaṣim battled Theophilos in the 830s CE, namely, northern Syria and southeastern Anatolia. It reflects a ‘meeting point’ between three monotheistic religions in the ninth and tenth centuries CE. Apocrypha; Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphs; Antichrist; The Son of the Daughter of Levi Menahem Ben-Sasson, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Menahem Ben-Sasson The ›New‹ Vision of Daniel

Open Access
English, German, XII, 360 pp., 54 fig.
The Marble Statuary
7Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access NCIENTOALTERRIENT ANEAREAST
December 2022
eBook *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 131.99 / £ 103.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075562-6ISBN 978-3-11-075568-8
Seleukid kingship; Seleukid Ideology; cultural interface under the Seleukids; Hellenism
Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Stefan Pfeiffer (Eds.)
Culture and Ideology under the Seleukids of fers a re-appraisal of cultural dynamics under the Seleukids from the establishment of the regime to its submission to the Romans. It contributes to the ever-renewed interest in the Seleukids by endorsing polyphony which, we argue, reflects best the multiple cultural considerations and subtleties that shaped Seleukid royal agendas. No longer elusive to scholars, the Seleukids emerge as pragmatic leaders.

Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, Macquarie University, Australia; Stefan Pfeiffer, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
HC *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 131.99 / £ 103.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075557-2
Mustafa Koçak, Detlev Kreikenbom (Eds.) Sculptures from Roman Syria II

For the first time, this publication compre hensively documents and analyzes the Greek and Roman statuary discovered to date in the greater area of Syria. The text portion describes nearly all monuments in detail and classifies them in the context of the history of ancient sculpture. The associated volume of plates documents every item in detail, typi cally with four photographic views. Ancient Sculpture
Unframing a Dynasty
Funded by Einstein Center Chronoi
Series: Chronoi 11 April English,2023Approx. 110 pp., 4 fig.
Culture and Ideology under the Seleukids
Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-079058-0
January 2022
English, 2 Bde (Textband und Tafelband) Approx. 999 pp., 16 fig.
HC *RRP € 169.95 [D] / US$ 195.99 / £ 154.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071149-3
eBook *RRP € 169.95 [D] / US$ 195.99 / £ 154.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071152-3ISBN 978-3-11-071170-7
Editor-in-Chief: David Powers
The Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association is a peer-reviewed annual journal. It cultivates Qur’anic Studies as a growing field with a distinctive identity and focus and connects diverse scholarly communities from around the world. It encompasses the Review of Qur’anic Research, which is also published independently online.
The International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) is the first learned society dedicated to the study of the Qur’an. IQSA publishes research findings in the book series IQSA Studies in the Qur’an (ISIQ) and the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (JIQSA). In addition, the Review of Qur’anic Research (RQR) features reviews of cutting-edge scholarship in the field of qur’anic studies and allied fields. Starting in 2023, both will be published by De Gruyter.
Editor-in-Chief JIQSA: Nicolai Sinai/Sean W. Anthony
IQSA Studies in the Qur’an publishes peer-reviewed scholarly monographs devoted to aspects of Qur’anic Studies, especially analyses of the Qur’an as a text of Late Antiquity and aids to Qur’anic Studies, as well as republications and English translations of important works.


PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070271-2ISBN 978-3-11-070274-3
Qu’ran; Scripture; Islam
Cándida Ferrero Hernández, John Tolan (Eds.)
Roberto Tottoli, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, Neapel, Italien.
The essay Reading and studying the Qur’an is an introduction for readers and scholars on the contents of the Qur’an and the main issues related to the study of it: what the Qur’an includes and how it vehiculates meanings, the form and style of the Qur’anic chapters and words, the history of the text and the reception of the work. The study is an updated discussion of contemporary critical issues.
De Gruyter Reference September 2022
In 1143 Robert of Ketton produced the first Latin translation of the Qur’an, an important way in which Latin European readers had access to the Muslim holy book. The transla tions and interpretations by Latin authors were the main sources of information about Islam for European scholars until well into the 16th century. This volume presents a key assessment of a crucial chapter in European understandings of Islam.
eBook *RRP € 169.95 [D] / US$ 195.99 / £ 154.50
HC *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-077087-2
HC *RRP € 169.95 [D] / US$ 195.99 / £ 154.50 ISBN 978-3-11-077915-8
Mun’im Sirry, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078244-8ISBN 978-3-11-078256-1
Mun’im Sirry
The Qur’an
Roberto Tottoli The Qur’an: A Guidebook

Islam; Qur’an; Textual criticism
9Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access ELIGION QELIGIONORANKUNDRUR'ANANDR
eBook *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077132-9ISBN 978-3-11-077144-2
English, IX, 683 pp.
Cándida Ferrero Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain; John Tolan, Université de Nantes, France.
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00
Series: The European Qur’an 1 October 2021 English, French, Spanish, VIII, 498 pp., 18 fig.
English, Approx. 260 pp., 60 fig.
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070263-7
This book provides for nearly every verse in the Qur’an a selection of other verses which shed light upon, clarify, or explain the verse you are reading. The Qur’an in its printed edition has not yet been cross-referenced, despite the fact that its commentators realized the central importance of interpreting the Qur’an through the Qur’an itself. The book is based on connections between words, phras es, themes, concepts, events, and characters.

Translation, Transition, Interpretation
Qu’ran; Islam-Christian relations; palaeography; manuscript studies
The Latin 1143–1500Qur’an,

Series: The European Qur an 2 January 2023

Series: The European Qur’an 3 September 2022 English, VIII, 550 pp., 115 fig.
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 47 March English,2023Approx. 300 pp.
HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-079401-4
eBook *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-079408-3ISBN 978-3-11-079416-8
Conciliation in the Qur’an
Conciliation in the Qurʾan is an essential read in understanding how the Qurʾan persuades its audience to resolve societal conflicts. The author brings to light the central ethi cal notion of iḥsān (gracious conduct), and explores the challenging relationship between conciliation and conflict. This book will be of significant interest to practitioners in Islamic Studies, community integration, mediation, interfaith dialogue and social justice. Conciliation; conflict; Qur’anic ethics; iḥsān Shafi Fazaluddin, University of London, Great Britain.

Julien Decharneux, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Shafi Fazaluddin
Mercedes García-Arenal, Gerard Wiegers (Eds.)
Julien Decharneux Creation Contemplationand
The Qur’anic Ethics of Conflict Resolution
This book offers to read of the cosmology of the Qur’ān against the background of the cosmological traditions of Late Antiquity, especially Syriac Christianity. It aims at showing how the Qur’ānic cosmological model was framed so as to support the over arching spiritual and theological goals of the text and how, in doing so, the Qur’ān betrays its authors’ acquaintance with cosmological debates of Late Antiquity.

Qu’ran; Medieval Iberia; Islam; Muslims
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077884-7ISBN 978-3-11-077904-2
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 93.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074734-8ISBN 978-3-11-074746-1
From the Middle Ages to Modern Times
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00
The Iberian Qur’an

HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077859-5
Mercedes García-Arenal, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain, and Gerard Wiegers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Due to the long presence of Muslims in Islamic territories and of Muslim minorities in the Christian parts, the Iberian Peninsula provides a fertile soil for the study of the Qur’an and Qur’an translations made by Muslims and Christians. From the mid-12 century to the end of the 17, the efforts undertaken by Christians and Muslims to transmit, interpret and translate the Holy Book are of importance for the understanding of Islam in Europe.
Qu’ran; Eastern Christianity; Late Antiquitiy; Syriac world
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 93.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074720-1
The Cosmology of the Qur’ān and Its Late Antique Background
Series: Islam – Thought, Culture, and Society 9 February 2022 English, XIII, 241 pp., 3 fig.
Mette Bjerregaard Mortensen, Guillaume Dye, Isaac W. Oliver, Tommaso Tesei (Eds.) The Study of Islamic Origins

The First Four Centuries
This is the first volume of a scholarly over view of Muslim responses to the Bible. The project explores how Muslims have both criticized and used the Biblical text, draw ing on the Qur’an, classical texts and more recent works from around the Muslim world.
By painting a clearer picture than previously available, this project aims to tell the story of Muslim engagement with the Bible – an important issue affecting interfaith relations today.
Reihe/Series: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam –Tension, Transmission, Transformation 20 Februar/February Französisch/French,2022IX, 305 S./pp.
Guy-Raymond Sarkis, Päpstliche Universität Gregoriana, Rom, Italien.
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-067549-8ISBN 978-3-11-067556-6
The volume gathers select proceedings from two conferences of the Early Islamic Studies Seminar. The aim is to explore the dawn and early history of Islam with the tools of biblical criticism as well as the approaches set forth in the study of Second Temple Juda ism, Christian, and Rabbinic origins, thereby contributing to the interdisciplinary study of formative Islam as part of the processes of religious identity formation during Late Antiquity.
Series: Studies of the Bible and Its Reception (SBR) 7 July English,2022XVI, 214 pp. Pb.
Now in Paperback
Series: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – Tension, Transmission, Transformation 15 November 2021 English, VI, 376 pp., 12 fig.
Martin Whittingham A History of Muslim Views of the Bible

eBook *UVP/RRP € 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076999-9ISBN 978-3-11-077004-9
ISBN 978-3-11-099144-4
Kreuzzüge; Qu’ran; Mittlerer Osten; Contemprary Interpretation of the Quran; Crusades; crucifixion and Islam
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-076993-7UVP/RRP £ 91.00
Islam; biblical reception; Old Testament; New Testament; interreligious dialogue

11Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access ELIGION QELIGIONORANKUNDRUR'ANANDR
Qu’ran; Islam; Muhammad; Late Antiquity G. Dye, M. Bjerregaard Mortensen, University of Brussels, I. W. Oliver, Bradley University, T. Tesei, Duke Kunshan University.
Martin Whittingham, The Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, and the University of Oxford, UK.
Guy-Raymond Sarkis Un islam reconcilié avec les chrétiens arabes Propositions de Monseigneur Georges Khodr
New Perspectives and Contexts
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-067543-6
Mgr Georges Khodr, un pasteur et théologien chrétien arabe, propose dans ses écrits des critères théologiques et herméneutiques qui peuvent aider ses compatriotes musulmans à reconnaître une société plurielle qui préserve le vivre-ensemble entre chrétiens et musul mans. L’auteur approfondit ces critères afin d’en vérifier le bienfondé et de présenter à son tour de nouvelles propositions.
Doctrine of God; Islam; self-conception of the human being; conception of the world Tilman Nagel (em.), Universität Göttingen.
Muslimische Gesellschaft; Lebensbewältigung; Ägypten/16. Jahrhundert; Sufismus
In Allahs Kosmos

Reihe/Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 350 Februar/February 2023
eBook *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 109.00ISBN 978-3-11-078911-9ISBN 978-3-11-078917-1
Tilman Nagel
Gotteslehre; Selbstverständnis/Mensch; Weltbild; Islam
Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068851-1UVP/RRP £ 93.50
Tilman Nagel
Im Kosmos, der nach islamischer Glaubens lehre ununterbrochen durch Allah geschaffen wird, verhält man sich am besten, wenn man auf alle ichbezogenen Regungen verzichtet und zum Gottesfreund wird. Was das für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft bedeutet, wird anhand der Schriften ʿAbd al-Wahhāb aš-Šaʿrānīs analysiert. So entsteht ein einzig artiges Bild muslimischer Weltdeutung und Daseinsbewältigung, dessen Grundzüge bis heute gültig sind.
The best way to behave in the cosmos, which according to the Islamic doctrine is constantly being created by Allah, is to renounce all selfish impulses and become friends with God. This volume analyzes what this means for both individual and society by looking at the writings of ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī. It paints a unique picture of the Muslim worldview and method of coping with existence, the principles of which still apply today.
Die Vorstellung, dass die Welt aus sich selber erklärbar sei, ist für das europäische Denken eine Selbstverständlichkeit, die die Deutung des Menschseins einschließt. Anders im Is lam: Der Koran verkündet Allah als den einen niemals ruhenden Gestalter des Kosmos und des Schicksals des Menschen. Anhand von zahlreichen Quellen legt der Autor dar, wie diese Glaubenswahrheit in der Geschichte des islamischen Menschenverständnisses interpretiert wurde.
ExegeseOffenbarung,und Ratio

eBook *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 109.00ISBN 978-3-11-079066-5ISBN 978-3-11-079072-6
Muslim society; life; 16th century Egypt; sufism Tilman Nagel (em.), Universität Göttingen.
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 93.50ISBN 978-3-11-074395-1ISBN 978-3-11-074400-2
Geb./HC *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-079002-3UVP/RRP £ 109.00
Seyed Ali Sadr, Universität Jena, Deutschland.

Geb./HC *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-078903-4UVP/RRP £ 109.00
The idea that the world can be explained on the basis of itself is self-evident in European thinking and includes interpretations of being human. In Islam, it is different. The Quran announces Allah as the unremitting creator of the cosmos and human fate. By looking at numerous sources, the author shows how this truth of faith has been interpreted in the history of the Islamic understanding of the human.
Thema der Monographie sind Genese, Aufbau und Methode des schiitischen Ko rankommentars al-Mīzān fī tafsīr al-Qurʾān des iranischen Gelehrten ʻAllāma Saiyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Ṭabāṭabāʼī (gest. 1981). Obwohl sich al-Mīzān im Rahmen etablier ter Traditionen der Koranexegese bewegt, vertritt er bei der Definition von tafsīr und taʼwīl eine spezifische, den herrschenden Lehrmeinungen diametral widersprechenden Auffassung.
Eine Reise in das Innere des Islam [Muslim Friendship with God: A Journey to the Heart of Islam]
Eine Abhandlung über das Menschsein im Islam
[In Allah’s Cosmos: A Treatise on Being Human in Islam]
Reihe/Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 349 September/September 2022 Deutsch/German, IX, 747 S./pp.
‘Allāma Saiyid Muḥammad Ḥusain Ṭabāṭabāʼī und sein Korankommentar alMīzān fī tafsīr al-Qur’ān
Reihe/Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 343 Februar/February 2022 Deutsch/German, X, 344 S./pp.
Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. 670 S./pp., 10 Abb./fig.
Seyed Ali Sadr
Islam; Theologie; Bildung
Abbas Poya und Farid Suleiman, FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Benjamin Weineck, Universität Bayreuth, Deutschland.
This book contains an edition and annotated translation of the only remaining doxographi cal fragments written by al-Qalānisī, a Sunni theologian contemporary of al-Aš‘arī. The study preceding the edition gives an overview of 9th-century Sunni kalām. It sheds a new light on al-Qalānisī’s positions and explains the reasons behind the success of al-Aš‘arī whose school relegated this early period of Sunni kalām al-Qalānisī, al-Aš’arī, Ibn Kullāb, maqālāt, doxographies, Islamic theology, kalām
In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich die Islami sche Theologie als neues Fach an deutschen Universitäten etabliert. Dieser Band setzt sich mit historischen Ressourcen, Herausforde rungen und bisher erzielten Resultaten dieses Prozesses auseinander und verortet diese im Kontext islamischer Lehr- und Lern kulturen. Die Autor*innen des Bandes sind Islamwissenschaftler*innen und islamische Theolog*innen, die hier in Kommunikation treten.
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-073274-0
Abbas Poya, Farid Suleiman, Benjamin Weineck (Hrsg./Eds.) Bildungskulturen im Islam Islamische Theologie lehren und lernen [Knowledge Cultures in Islam: Teaching and Studying Islamic Theology]

In the last ten years, Islamic theology has established itself as a new subject at Ger man universities. This volume examines the historical resources, the challenges, and the results generated from this process so far and situates them within the context of Islamic cultures of teaching and learning. The authors are Islamic studies scholars and Islamic theologists who enter into dialogue with each other in this volume.
Contemporary Approaches in Islamic Religious Education and Theology
Open Access
Ziad Bou Akl
January 2022 English, VII, 187 pp.
›Kitāb al-maqālāt‹ d’Abū al-‘Abbās alQalānisī
Reihe/Series: Scientia Graeco-Arabica 33 Mai/May Französisch/French,2021 Arabisch/Arabic, LXX, 104 S./ pp.

Open Access
eBook *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 91.00ISBN 978-3-11-073174-3ISBN 978-3-11-073177-4
After Islamic theology was given a place at universities in German-speaking areas, certain issues in the Islamic theology and re ligious pedagogy took on greater importance and moved to the forefront of discussion. A collection of various articles by the author, this book focuses on developing an under standing of Islam that is context-sensitive and takes both the Islamic tradition and the new European context into account. Islam, Theology, Religious Education, Pedagogy Zekirija Sejdini, University of Vienna, Austria.
13Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access ELIGION QELIGIONORANKUNDRUR'ANANDR
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 123.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 142.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073742-4UVP/RRP £ 112.50
Reihe/Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 347 Dezember/December 2021 Deutsch/German, VI, 405 S./pp., 1 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073703-5UVP/RRP £ 91.00
Islam; Theology; Education
Zekirija Sejdini
HC *RRP € 69.95 [D] / US$ 80.99 / £ 63.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075226-7
Une doxographie sunnite du IVe/Xe siècle

eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-075241-0ISBN 978-3-11-075246-5
References to “Islamic tradition” are om nipresent in the general public sphere and in scholarship. However, there has not been much consideration of what actually consti tutes Islamic tradition. This volume attempts to ground Islamic tradition in the theory of tradition in order to subsequently ask how this understanding can open up perspectives for an Islamic discourse theology. Islam; modernity; religion; society
Christian Müller Recht und SchariaEntwicklunghistorischederimIslam
Dieses Buch belegt anhand neuer Forschun gen die praktische Bedeutung islamischen Rechtsdenkens in der Geschichte. Es behandelt unterschiedliche Rechtsordnun gen, juristische Strömungen und Urkunden sowie Rechtsfelder in ihrer gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung. Dabei widerlegt es das Bild der unwandelbaren Scharia. Als Referenzwerk legt es die Grundlage für ein neuartiges Ver ständnis von Recht in islamischer Geschichte und zeitgenössischer Rezeption. historische Rechtsordnungen; Islamwissenschaft; Scharia; Koran; Recht; arabische Rechtsurkunden; Rechtshermeneutik; Kadigericht; Juristenrecht

Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 89.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068235-9UVP/RRP £ 82.00
Geb./HC *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-079455-7UVP/RRP £ 91.00
Bibliotheca Islamica 28f August/August Arabisch/Arabic,20201124 S./pp.
Amir Dziri
Reihe/Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 46 Mai/May Deutsch/German,2022 XII, 544 S./pp.
This book looks at recent research to docu ment the practical significance of Islamic legal thinking in history. It examines various legal systems, legal trends, documents, and legal fields in their societal significance. In the process, it debunks the idea of Sharia as something unalterable. As a reference work, it lays the foundation for an innovative understanding of law in Islamic history and contemporary reception.
Riḍwān al-Sayyid (Hrsg./Ed.)
Amir Dziri, Universität Freiburg, Schweiz.
Tradition und Diskurs
Wandel als Möglichkeit islamischer Hermeneutik
eBook *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 91.00ISBN 978-3-11-079465-6ISBN 978-3-11-079473-1
[Tradition and Discourse: Change as an Opportunity for Islamic Hermeneutics] April/April Deutsch/German,2023 Ca./Approx. 260 S./pp.

Islam; Moderne; Relligion; Gesellschaft
Al-Balāḏurī Ansāb al-Ašrāf, Reihe/Series:4/3
eBook *UVP/RRP € 89.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068237-3
Ansāb al-ašrāf is a genealogical encyclope dia of the Arab-Islamic state. This volume contains biographies of the later Umayyad (Marwānid) caliphs. Each biography of these deals with the policies of the concerned caliph and his governors, his children, and his internal and external relations, as well as with rebellious movements in his era. Genealogy; Umayyads; 8th century

Geb./HC *€ 113.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 130.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-076577-9UVP/RRP £ 103.00
Die Berufung auf „Islamische Tradition“ ist in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit wie auch in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen allge genwärtig. Was eine islamische Tradition aus macht, wird bisher jedoch nur wenig bedacht. Die Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, eine traditionstheoretische Fundierung islamischer Tradition vorzustellen, um im Anschluss daran zu fragen, wie dieses Verständnis Pers pektiven für eine islamische Diskurstheologie eröffnen kann.
eBook *€ 113.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 130.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 103.00ISBN 978-3-11-076584-7ISBN 978-3-11-076588-5
Historical legal systems; Islamic studies; Sharia; Koran; law; Arabic legal documents; legal hermeneutics; Qadi court; learned law
Christian Müller, IRHT-CNRS, Paris, Frankreich.
[Law and the Historical Development of Sharia in Islam]
Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf muslimische Kultstätten der Migration
Harmonizing Similarities
Sara Verskin, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI, USA.
Reihe/Series: Studies on Modern Orient 37 November/November 2021 Deutsch/German, VIII, 266 S./pp., 49 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 59.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 68.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-066875-9UVP/RRP £ 54.50
Mosque; Islam; migration Ömer Alkın, Philipps-Universität Marburg, und Mehmet Bayrak, RheinischWestfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Deutschland.
Now in Paperback
Series: Islam – Thought, Culture, and Society 1 September 2021 English, X, 248 pp.
Biology, Medicine and Religion in the Medieval Middle East
Moscheen in Bewegung

Noch wird in Deutschland unterschieden zwischen unscheinbaren „Hinterhofmosche en“ und den sichtbaren „Moscheeneubauten“. Gemeint sind damit die religiösen Kultstätten der seit mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert in Deutschland lebenden Muslime. Es wird Zeit, diese Unterscheidung ad acta zu legen. Mus lime gehen mit ihren Architekturen komplexe Bündnisse ein. Diese Bündnisse interdiszi plinär zu verstehen – dazu möchte das Buch einen Beitrag leisten. Moschee; Islam; Migration
Series: Islam – Thought, Culture, and Society 2 January 2022 English, XIV, 310 pp., 1 fig. Pb. *RRP € 20.95 [D] / US$ 24.99 / £ 19.00 ISBN 978-3-11-068162-8
In Germany, a difference is still made be tween inconspicuous “courtyard mosques” and visible “new mosque builds.” What is meant are the religious places of worship visited by the Muslims who have been living in Germany for over half a century. It is time to put this distinction on the shelf. Muslims enter into complex pacts with their architec ture. This book aims to make a contribution to an interdisciplinary understanding of those pacts.
Now in Paperback
“Harmonizing Similarities” presents the history of a fundamental genre of Islamic law: legal distinctions, books that discuss the distinctions between apparently contradictory laws. Elias G. Saba traces the history of this genre and shows how its style responded to changes in the consumption of legal knowl edge in formal debates and literary salons. This book reveals how the dynamism of Islamic law shifted from doctrinal to literary elaboration.

Elias G. Saba
Elias G. Saba, Grinnell College, Grinnel, IA, U.S.A.
Pb. *RRP € 20.95 [D] / US$ 24.99 / £ 19.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076327-0
Sara Verskin Barren Women

This book explores the ramifications of being infertile in the medieval Arab-Islamic world by examining legal texts, medical treatises, and works of religious preaching. Sara Ver skin illuminates how attitudes toward mixedgender interactions; legal theories pertaining to marriage, divorce, and inheritance; and scientific theories of reproduction contoured the intellectual and social landscape infertile women had to navigate.
Women in Islam; Islamic family law; history of medicine; infertility
eBook *€ 59.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 68.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 54.50ISBN 978-3-11-066891-9ISBN 978-3-11-066908-4
15Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access ELIGION QELIGIONORANKUNDRUR'ANANDR
Islamic law; Middle East; Disputation; Book History
A History of Distinctions Literature in Islamic Law
Ömer Alkin, Mehmet Bayrak, Rauf Ceylan (Hrsg./Eds.)
[Mosques in Motion. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Muslim Places of Worship in the Context of Migration]
HC *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072389-2
Even if classifying modern developments in Islamic theology can seem difficult, models of rational thought in the modern period can be divided up into three sub-fields: new Kalam scholarship, philosophical thinking, and human rights. In this volume, individual intellectuals each have their say who primar ily conduct their research independently of each other, even though they cooperate with each other by following certain baselines. Islam; modernity; rationality; theology
eBook *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072398-4ISBN 978-3-11-072406-6
Yohanan ChristophFriedmann,Markschies (Eds.)
February 2021 English, IX, 141 pp.
English, XIII, 706 pp.
Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth, Reza Hajatpour, Mohammed Abdel Rahem (Hrsg./Eds.) Rationalität in der Islamischen Theologie

The dawn of the modern age posed challeng es to all of the world’s religions – and since then, religions have countered with chal lenges to modernity, profoundly impacting society and triggering fascinating and often contradictory trends in religious thinking.
Yohanan Friedmann, Jerusalem, Israel, and Christoph Markschies, Berlin, Germany.
Readings in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an October 2021
Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth und Reza Hajatpour, Universität Erlangen und Mohammed Abdel Rahem, Al-AzharUniversität Kairo.
In this volume, seven leading scholars from Germany and Israel explore specific instances of the face-off between religion and moder nity, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Enlightenment, Kabbalah, philosophy, Modern times
eBook *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-065061-7ISBN 978-3-11-065100-3
[Rationality in Islamic Theology. Volume II: The Modern Period] April/April Deutsch/German,2022
Englisch/English, IX, 485 S./pp., 1 Abb./fig.
Islam; Theologie; Rationalität; Moderne
HC *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 ISBN 978-3-11-063426-6
Auch wenn es schwierig erscheint, moderne Entwicklungen der islamischen Theologie zu klassifizieren, lassen sich die rationalen Denkweisen der Moderne in drei Teilbereiche untergliedern: neue Kalām-Wissenschaft, phi losophisches Denken, und Menschenrechte. Es äußern sich jeweils einzelne intellektuelle Denker, die zwar miteinander kooperieren, indem sie gewisse Grundlinien gemeinsam verfolgen, jedoch hauptsächlich unabhängig voneinander forschen.
Roberta Sterman Sabbath (Ed.) Troubling Topics, Sacred Texts

Band II: Die Moderne
Religious Responses to Modernity

Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-049674-1UVP/RRP £ 94.00
Abrahamic scriptures serve as cultural pharmakon, prescribing what can act as both poison and remedy. This collection shows that their sometimes veiled but eternally pow erful polemics can both destroy and build, exclude and include, and serve as the ultimate justification for cruelty or compassion. Here, analysis of both texts and their reception help explain how these texts promote norms and build collective identities.
Hebrew Bible; New Testament, Qur’an; intertextuality
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-3-11-058859-0ISBN 978-3-11-058662-6
Roberta Sabbath, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.
Georges Tamer and Katja Thörner, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Catharina Rachik, Georges Tamer (Eds.)
This volume offers a fascinating insight into the history, the main ideas and current developments in economic thought from the perspective of the three major monotheistic faiths Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The reader encounters topics such as price control in rabbinic Judaism, Christian monks elabo rating the foundations of modern accounting, and the latest innovations in Islamic banking. Interreligious dialogue; work; justice; finances Christoph Böttigheimer and Wenzel Maximilian Widenka, KU Eichstätt, Germany.
Christoph Böttigheimer, Wenzel Maximilian Widenka (Eds.)
The Concept of Economy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

eBook *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50
The Concept of Just War in Judaism, Christianity and Islam explores the respec tive understanding of “just war” in each one of these three religions and makes their commonalities and differences discursively visible. Can the concepts developed in the Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions in order to justify war, serve as a foundation for contemporary peace ethics? Or do religious arguments always add fuel to the fire in armed conflict?
Just War; war; interreligious; dialogue
17Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access ELIGION QELIGIONORANKUNDRUR'ANANDR
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073313-6ISBN 978-3-11-073326-6
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-056157-9ISBN 978-3-11-056064-0
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 9 December 2022 English, Approx. 180 pp. Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-078230-1
eBook *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50
English, Approx. 180 pp.
Georges Tamer, Katja Thörner (Eds.)
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 5 September 2021 English, VI, 166 pp.
Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-056053-4
The Concept of Just War in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
ISBN 978-3-11-073805-6
eBook *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078248-6ISBN 978-3-11-078268-4
This volume points out the roots of the con cept of “human rights” in Judaism, Christian ity and Islam. It shows how far the universal validity of “human rights” opposes in some crucial points with religious traditions. New perspectives are introduced to the general dis cussion about human rights when related to religious traditions. The interreligious view point proves that a new kind of debate about human rights and its history is necessary. Human rights; interreligious discourse; interreligious dialogue

Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50
Catharina Rachik and Georges Tamer, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 2 December 2022
Max Regus, Catholic University of St. Paul Ruteng Flores, Indonesia.
Max Regus Human Rights Culture in Indonesia
Attacks on the Ahmadiyya Minority Group
eBook *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 35.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 22.50ISBN 978-3-11-053594-5ISBN 978-3-11-053409-2
Series: Studies on Modern Orient 35 June English,2021XVIII, 279 pp., 8 fig.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069607-3ISBN 978-3-11-069611-0
No topic is more current than that of the environment. Yet the theme is almost as old as the human approach to questions about the conditions that surround us. The book assembles the intellectual, theological and philosophical history of the concept of “Envi ronment” in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Communalities und Differences between the three traditions are examined, as well as past and current controversies.
eBook *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078245-5ISBN 978-3-11-078269-1
Christoph Böttigheimer and Wenzel Maximilian Widenka, KU Eichstätt, Germany.
Ulrich Rudolph, Universität Zürich, Schweiz.
This book is about understanding the human rights culture in contemporary Indonesia, referring to the awareness of human rights in legal, political, and social spaces. Using the Ahmadiyya minority group as a case study, the book examines several challenges to human rights culture that reflect the gap between normative principles of human rights and the overall problems of human rights at national and local levels in Indonesia. Indonesia; Ahmadiyya; Human Rights Culture; Protection

Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-078231-8
Br./Pb. *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 35.00 / ISBN 978-3-11-053406-1UVP/RRP £ 22.50
Die Prinzipien der Ansichten der Bewohner der vortrefflichen Stadt [Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī. The Principles of the Views of the Inhabitants of the Noble City]

Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 10 April English,2023Approx. 180 pp.
Interreligious dialogue; ecology; creation; Laudato si
Reihe/Series: Klassiker Auslegen 75 August/August Deutsch/German,2022Englisch/English, X, 232 S./pp.
HC *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069386-7
Ulrich Rudolph (Hrsg./Ed.) Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī
eBook *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00
Al-Fārābīs 942-43 entstandene Schrift über den Vortrefflichen Staat hatte prägenden Ein fluss auf die Geschichte der Philosophie in der islamischen Welt und kann als Schlüssel zu deren Kenntnis dienen. Die philosophische Summe wird in diesem Band von internatio nal renommierten Fachleuten analysiert und erläutert. Hinzu kommen Kapitel zu Leben und Werk, philosophischem Hintergrund und Wirkungsgeschichte. Philosophiegeschichte; Islamische Philosophie; Philosophische Summe; Politische Philosophie Al-Fārābī’s writing on the Noble State from 942-43 had a formative influence on the history of philosophy in the Islamic world and can serve as a key to its knowledge. The philosophical conclusion is analyzed and explained in this volume by internation ally renowned experts. In addition, there are chapters on life and work, philosophical background and history of impact. history of philosophy; Islamic philosophy; philosophical sum; political philosophy
Christoph Böttingheimer, Wenzel Maximilian Widenka (Eds.) The Concept of Environment in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Critical Edition and Translation with an Introduction and Glossaries
Soul; Aristotle; peripatetics; Avicenna Tommaso Alpina, LMU Munich, Germany.
Tommaso Alpina
Series: Scientia Graeco-Arabica 29 April English,2021Arabic, X, 150 pp.
Avicenna, Silvia Di Vincenzo Avicenna, ›The Healing, Logic: Isagoge‹

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070684-0ISBN 978-3-11-070695-6
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-070662-8ISBN 978-3-11-070670-3
Series: Scientia Graeco-Arabica 28 February 2021 English, XII, 266 pp.
eBook *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00
eBook *RRP € 123.95 [D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-072656-5
HC *RRP € 123.95 [D] / US$ 142.99 / £ 112.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072668-8
Framing Avicenna’s Science of the Soul
Aristotle; Commentary; Ibn Bāǧǧa Corrado la Martire, Thomas-Institut, Cologne, Germany.
HC *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070655-0
Subject, Definition, Activity

A New Edition, English Translation and Commentary of the Kitāb al-Madḫal of Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Šifāʾ
Series: Scientia Graeco-Arabica 31 April English,2021Arabic, CLXXVIII, 420 pp., 24 fig.
19Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access HILOSOPHHILOSOPHIEP Py
The Kitāb al-Madḫal (“Book of the Isagoge”) is crucial for anyone who aims to fully un derstand Avicenna’s (d. 1037) theory of uni versal predicables at the crossroads between logic and metaphysics. Also, it is the only logical work of the Šifāʾ to have been entirely available in Latin by the twelfth century. This book offers a new edition of the Arabic text, accompanied by an English translation and by the first commentary on the whole work. Avicenna; Šifāʾ; Porphyry; universal predicables Silvia Di Vincenzo, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy.
This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception and reworking of the Peripatetic theory of the soul in the Kitāb al-Nafs (Book of the Soul) by Avicenna (d. 1037). The investigation of three key concepts (subject, definition, and activity) discloses the coexistence in Avicenna’s psy chology of a more specific and less physical science (psychologia specialis) within a more general and overall physical one (psychologia generalis).
Corrado la Martire
HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-070592-8
Ibn Bāǧǧa’s commentary on Aristotle’s On Generation and Corruption is one of the first commentaries to elaborate on the essential aspect of Aristotle’s text, that is, the analysis of change. The present study provides a new critical edition of the Arabic text and, for the first time, an English translation and a study of the structure of the commentary on the basis of the only two known manuscripts.
eBook *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00
Ibn Bāǧǧa, Commentary on ›OnAristotle’sGeneration and Corruption‹

eBook *€ 175.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 201.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 159.50ISBN 978-3-11-071528-6ISBN 978-3-11-071533-0
Nils P. Heeßel, Marten Stol (Hrsg./Eds.) Die UntersuchungenMedizinbabylonisch-assyrischeinTextenund
Der Band befasst sich, neben Untersuchun gen zu Struktur, Rekonstruktion, Termino logie und der mit kosmologisch-religiösen Überzeugungen verbundenen Krankheitsätio logien, mit der Systematik des Zeichendeu tungsprozesses des ÜbersetzungTransliteration,umfangreichenstelltDiagnosehandbuches.babylonisch-assyrischenDenzweitenHauptteildiekommentierteNeubearbeitungdeszweitenKapitelsinPartitur-gebundenerUmschriftunddar. Divination; Mesopotamische Diagnostik; Keilschriftliche Medizin
eBook *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-074702-7
The treatise On Principles and Matter pre served in Syriac derives most probably from Porphyry of Tyre. This text is an important witness to late antique discussions among Platonists on First Principles and on Plato’s concept of Prime Matter in the Timaeus. It contains extensive quotations from Atticus, Severus, and Boethus, providing us with new textual witnesses to these philosophers, whose legacy remains very poorly known. Porphyry; History of Platonism; Plato’s Timaeus; Syriac Philosophy
eBook *UVP/RRP € 129.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 149.99 / UVP/RRP £ 118.00
Series: Scientia Graeco-Arabica 34 August 2021 English, Other Languages, IX, 185 pp.
Yury Arzhanov, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
HC *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 130.99 / £ 103.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074577-1
Eric Schmidtchen, Freie Universität Berlin.
Scientia Graeco-Arabica 32 April/April Französisch/French,2021 Arabisch/Arabic, LXXI, 504 S./pp.
Begr. v./Founded by Franz Köcher
Untersuchungen zu Rekonstruktion, Terminologie und Systematik des Deutsch/German,Juni/JuneNeubearbeitungDiagnosehandbuchesbabylonisch-assyrischenundeinederTafeln3–142021XXII,760S./pp.,25Abb./fig.

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-073346-4
Alongside examinations of its structure, reconstruction, terminology, and the aesthi ologies of disease associated with cosmologi cal and religious convictions, this volume deals with the systematics of the process of interpreting signs in the Babylonian-Assyrian Diagnosis Handbook. Part two presents a new annotated edition of the extensive second chapter in “score” (Partitur) transliteration, in a transcription in verse, and in translation. Mesopotamian diagnostics; divination; cuneiform medicine.
Eric Schmidtchen Band 13: DiagnostikMesopotamische
Roshdi Rashed L’algèbre arithmétique au XIIe siècle: ›Al-Bāhir‹ d’alReihe/Series:Samaw’al
Yury Arzhanov, Porphyry Porphyry, ›On Principles and Matter‹

Ce livre contient l'édition critique du premier traité en algèbre arithmétique, "Le Brillant en Algèbre", al-Bāhir fī al-Jabr, composé par alSamaw'al, accompagnée de la traduction en français de cette oeuvre fondamentale, ainsi que de son commentaire mathématique et historique. Le présent ouvrage est important pour comprendre l'histoire de l'algèbre arabe et, plus généralement, l'histoire des mathéma tiques classiques.

Arithmetisierung; Algebra; arithmétisation de l’algèbre, art analytique, analyse indéterminée, classification des problèmes algébriques Roshdi Rashed, CNRS, Paris.
Geb./HC *€ 175.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 201.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-071523-1UVP/RRP £ 159.50
A Syriac Version of a Lost Greek Text with an English Translation, Introduction, and Glossaries
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 133.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 154.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073834-6UVP/RRP £ 122.00
[Studies on Islam and its Meaning Today]
Sarhan Dhouib, Anke Kügelgen (Hrsg./ Eds.)
eBook *€ 82.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 94.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 75.00ISBN 978-3-11-070161-6ISBN 978-3-11-070175-3
Nayef AlexanderBallouzFlores (Hrsg./Ed.) Studie über den Islam und gegenwärtigeseineBedeutung

eBook *€ 49.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 57.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 45.50ISBN 978-3-11-068461-2ISBN 978-3-11-068470-4
This two-volume anthology presents previ ously untranslated essays by twenty intel lectuals dating from the second half of the 19 century to the present time, who view toler ance in different ways and do not universally place negative connotations on its negative counterpart. The commentaries analyze and explain the Arabic terms, conceptual differ ences, and strategies of justification.
Geb./HC *€ 82.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 94.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-070152-4UVP/RRP £ 75.00
Geb./HC *€ 49.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 57.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068251-9UVP/RRP £ 45.50
[Between Temple and Citadel: The Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and Its Restoration in Islam]
Reihe/Series: Philosophie in der nahöstlichen März/MarchModerne Deutsch/German,2023 340 S./pp.
Reihe/Series: Julius-Wellhausen-Vorlesung 10 Juli/July Deutsch/German,2022 XI, 35 S./pp., 9 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 19.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 22.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-078945-4UVP/RRP £ 18.00
[Concepts of Tolerance and Intolerance in the Arab World – Volume I: From the 1870s to the 1930s]

Dieses Buch wirft neues Licht auf den geis tigen Hintergrund, die Entstehung und die wichtigsten Grundzüge des Islam sowie auf die Konsequenzen, die sich aus diesen Zügen für seine heutige soziale und politische Rolle ergeben. Es ist ein gewichtiges Wort in der aktuellen Auseinandersetzung um den Islam. Sein Autor, der syrische Philosoph Nayef Ballouz (1934-1998), war einer der bedeu tendsten arabischen Denker des späten 20. Jahrhunderts.
Diese auf zwei Bände angelegte Anthologie präsentiert bislang unübersetzte Essays von zwanzig Intellektuellen der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in unsere Gegenwart, die tolérance/toleration/Toleranz unterschied lich auffassen und ihren Gegenbegriff nicht nur negativ konnotieren. In den Kommen taren werden die arabischen Begriffe, die konzeptuellen Unterschiede und Rechtferti gungsstrategien analysiert und geklärt. Arabische Intellektuelle; Toleranz; Intoleranz
Sarhan Dhouib, Universität Hildesheim, und Anke von Kügelgen, Universität Bern, Schweiz.
Die Zerstörung des Jerusalemer Tempels und seine Erneuerung im Islam
Konzepte von Toleranz und Intoleranz in der arabischen Welt
Arabic intellectuals; tolerance; intolerance
21Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
This book throws new light on the spiritual background, the origins, and the most impor tant characteristics of Islam, as well as on the consequences of these characteristics for the role that it plays in contemporary society and politics. It makes an influential contribution to the current debate on slam. Its author, the Syrian philosopher Nayef Ballouz (1934–1998), was one of the most significant Arabic thinkers of the late twentieth century. Islam; religious consciousness; Islamic law Alexander Flores, Hochschule Bremen, Deutschland.
Angelika Neuwirth Zwischen Tempel und Zitadelle

Reihe/Series: Philosophie in der nahöstlichen Moderne Oktober/October3 2021
Islam; Religiöses Bewusstsein; Islamisches Recht
eBook *€ 19.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 22.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 18.00ISBN 978-3-11-078950-8ISBN 978-3-11-078960-7
Quranic philology, which is always called to bear witness in contemporary disputes about whether Islam is part of European cultural history, faces a challenging task. What is required is no less than a “political philology that is aware of its social involvement.” But can philology even be political? Islam; Qur’an; Jerusalem; Temple Mount Angelika Neuwirth, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Koran-Philologie, die im heutigen Streit um die Zugehörigkeit des Islam zur euro päischen Kulturgeschichte immer wieder in den Zeugenstand gerufen wird, steht vor einer herausfordernden Aufgabe. Gefordert ist nicht weniger als eine „politische, eine sich ihrer sozialen Einbindung bewusste Philologie“. Kann Philologie aber überhaupt politisch sein? Islam; Koran; Tempelberg; Jerusalem
Band I: 1870er bis 1930er Jahre
Deutsch/German, VI, 195 S./pp.
HC *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074862-8
eBook *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074878-9ISBN 978-3-11-074887-1
eBook *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 106.99 / £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073056-2ISBN 978-3-11-073063-0
This collection of papers presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference explores the complex relations of religion and state in history, language and society of Altaic cul tures, reflecting the unique interdisciplinary approach of the PIAC. It examines aspects of shamanism, religious belief, totemism and religious influences on contracts in historical literary monuments as well as in contempo rary sources.
Heritage and Identity in the Turkic World

eBook *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072022-8ISBN 978-3-11-072025-9
HC *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071992-5
Turkology; Ilse Laude-Cirtautas; Comparative Turkic Studies; Central Asia E. Köchümkulova, Bishkek; U. Schamiloglu, Nur-Sultan; J. Washington, Swarthmore; A. Kagan, Chicago; A. Robinson, Houston.
Series: Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker 32 March English,2022VIII, 231 pp., 48 fig.
Münevver Tekcan, Oliver Corff (Eds.) Expressions of Gender in the Altaic World

Oliver Corff (Ed.)
Contemporary Scholarship in Memory of Ilse Laude-Cirtautus (1926-2019)
Münevver Tekcan, Kocaeli University, Turkey, and Oliver Corff, Berlin, Germany.
Central Asian Studies; Linguistics; Religion; State Oliver Corff, Berlin, Germany.
Central Asian Studies; Linguistics; Gender Studies; Women
HC *RRP € 92.95 [D] / US$ 106.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073504-8
Religion and State in the Altaic World

Elmira Köchümkulova, Uli Schamiloglu, Jonathan Washington, Arik Kagan, Alva Robinson (Eds.)
Series: Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker 31 August 2021 English, X, 237 pp., 22 fig.
Series: Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker 33 October 2023 English, Approx. 300 pp.
This collection of papers explores the facets of gender and sex in history, language and so ciety of Altaic cultures, reflecting the unique interdisciplinary approach of the PIAC. It examines the position of women in contem porary Central Asia at large, the expression of gender in linguistic terms in Mongolian, Manju, Tibetan and Turkic languages, and gender aspects presented in historical liter ary monuments as well as in contemporary sources.
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Friedensau, Germany, August 18–23, 2019
This volume builds on the work of Ilse Laude-Cirtautas (1926-1919), a pioneer ing Turkologist who introduced the field of comparative Turkic studies to the US in the 1960s. It presents an ongoing dialogue whereby scholars from Central and Inner Asia, and the West engage on issues of Turkic heritage, identity, language and literature. The discussions enrich scholarship in Central and Inner Asian Studies and explore the ques tion “Who are the Turks?”
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Kocaeli, Turkey, July 7-12, 2013
Open Access
Arkadiusz Christoph Blaszczyk, JustusLiebig-Universität Gießen, Deutschland.
This study examines the complex back grounds of Tatar raids on the southeastern provinces of Poland-Lithuania in the 16th and 17th centuries while aiming at deconstructing antiquated, oversimplified imaginations of Black Sea Tatar cross-border violence. Next to administrative, diplomatic, and economic practices it focusses on dynastic and aristo cratic conflict against the backdrop of a wider geopolitical context.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071330-5ISBN 978-3-11-071344-2
Projecting a New Empire

HC *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 131.99 / £ 103.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074072-1
Reihe/Series: Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker 34 Juni/June Deutsch/German,2023 Ca./Approx. 480 S./pp., 10 Abb./fig.
Eugenio Garosi
eBook *RRP € 113.95 [D] / US$ 131.99 / £ 103.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074082-0ISBN 978-3-11-074097-4
Maghrib; al-Andalus; Intellectual History; Cultural Impact
Crimean Tatars; Ottoman Empire; Violence; Poland-Lithuania
Arkadiusz Christoph Blaszczyk
Formats, Social Meaning, and Mediality of Imperial Arabic in the Umayyad and Early Abbasid Periods
Geb./HC *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074926-7UVP/RRP £ 91.00
eBook *€ 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 91.00ISBN 978-3-11-074945-8ISBN 978-3-11-074954-0
Maribel Fierro and Mayte Penelas, Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain.
Knowledge, Travel and Identity
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 42 April English,2022XXI, 443 pp., 21 fig.
The study delves into the rise of Arabic as an imperial language in the 7 and 8 centu ries. It combines insights from papyrologi cal, epigraphic and numismatic evidence to correlate early Islamic scribal practices with broader strategies of imperial governance in a trans-regional perspective. Drawing from formal features, the study explores the social connotations which characterized the scribal practices of the early Islamic imperial chanceries.
Maribel Fierro, Mayte Penelas (Eds.) The Maghrib in the Mashriq
Tataren, Mangiten und Nogaier als grenzüberschreitende Gewaltakteure im Krimkhanat und im Osmanischen Reich, 1538-1637

23Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
Eugenio Garosi, University of Munich, Germany.
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071269-8
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 40 January 2021 English, XIV, 560 pp., 24 fig.
Die Studie beleuchtet die Hintergründe tatarischer Raubüberfälle auf die südöstlichen Provinzen Polen-Litauens im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert und versucht dabei überkom mene Vorstellungen von den Tataren des Schwarzmeerraums als Gewaltakteure zu de konstruieren. Im Fokus stehen administrative, diplomatische und ökonomische Praktiken wie auch dynastisch-aristokratische Span nungsfelder und deren Einbettung in einen weiteren geopolitischen Kontext.
This book is about the impact of knowledge produced in the Islamic West on the Mashriq. Topics include the emergence and construc tion of the concept ‘Maghrib’, the role of travel in the transmission, reception and integration of locally produced knowledge, and the ways in which Maghribis in the Mashriq manifested their identity. The studies are of interest for understanding the complex dynamics between local and global intellec tual contexts.
Early Islamic Empire; Arabic papyrology; Cultural liminality and multiglossia; Representation of authority

eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077256-2
Open access
Slavery and Other Forms of DependenciesAsymmetricalStrong
This volume approaches the phenomenon of slavery and other types of strong asymmetri cal dependencies from two methodologically and theoretically distinct perspectives: se mantics and lexical fields. Detailed analyses promise to provide new insights into the worldview of pre-modern societies. The case studies range from Ancient China and Egypt over Greek and Maya societies to Early Mod ern Russia, the Ottoman Empire and Islamic and Roman law Slavery; serfdom; asymmetry Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, University Bonn, Germany.

HC *RRP € 69.95 [D] / US$ 80.99 / £ 63.50 ISBN 978-3-11-078691-0
The First Arabic Annals

Edward Zychowicz-Coghill
Fragments of Umayyad History
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 41 March English,2021VIII, 127 pp.
HC *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071265-0
eBook *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071289-6ISBN 978-3-11-071294-0
Mohamed Meouak, Cristina Puente (Eds.) Connected Stories

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077365-1ISBN 978-3-11-077385-9
This book demonstrates a new method for studying the earliest development of Arabic historical writing in the period and recon structs, edits and translates around half of a lost annalistic history written by al-Layth ibn Saʿd in the 740s. By analysing its scope, content, and the context of its production it reveals the political and social relations un derpinning the first productions of authorita tive historical knowledge in Islam.
Contacts, Traditions and Transmissions in Premodern Mediterranean Islam
Early Arabic prose; historical annals; Egypt; Umayyad history writing; al-Layth b. Sa d
Edward Zychowicz-Coghill, King’s College, University of Cambridge, UK.
Jeannine Bischoff, Stephan Conermann (Eds.)
This book evolves around the transmission of knowledge in the Arabic-Islamic premodern culture. It shows that societies in different re gions did not remain isolated and indifferent to the literary, religious or scientific creations that were developed in other territories and that the flow of ideas did not occur in only one direction. Contacts are never incidental or marginal, but rather the true engine of the evolution of knowledge and creation.
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 44 June English,2022X, 312 pp., 18 fig.
Middle Ages; Arabic-Islamic World; Knowledge History; Cultural History
Mohamed Meouak, Universidad de Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain; Cristina de la Puente, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, Spain.
Semantics and Lexical Fields
Series: Dependency and Slavery Studies 1 October 2022 English, V, 257 pp., 41 fig.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078698-9ISBN 978-3-11-078704-7
Series: Studies on Modern Orient 36 September 2022 English, VII, 420 pp., 22 fig.
Doris Gruber, Arno Strohmeyer (Eds.) On the Way to the »(Un)Known«?

dhimma; Yemen; Islamic law; Jews
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-3-11-056360-3ISBN 978-3-11-056226-2
Kate Ekama, Lisa Hellman, Matthias van Rossum (Eds.) Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1550–1850
Kerstin Hünefeld Dhimma im Kontext des zaiditischen Jemen
HC *RRP € 72.95 [D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50
Slavery; Bondage; Dependency; Early modern Asia
The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (c. 1450-1900)
English, Approx. 250 pp., 3 fig.
[Dhimma in the Context of Zaidite Yemen. Imam Yahya Hamid-al-Din (1869-1948), the Jews of Sanaa, and the Negotiation of Governance Legitimated by Islamic Law.]
ISBN 978-3-11-077612-6
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069804-6ISBN 978-3-11-069812-1
Orient; early modern travel; travel literature; perceptions of otherness
Doris Gruber, Austrian Academy of Sciences, and Arno Strohmeyer, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Kerstin Hünefeld, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Series: Dependency and Slavery Studies 3 November 2022

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077724-6ISBN 978-3-11-077731-4
This book offers an Asia-centred story of bondage and coerced labour. Spanning the western Indian Ocean to Japan, and the 16 to the 19 century, it follows coercion from the regulation of sales to post-abolition labour contracts. In doing so, it highlights long lines, similarities, contrasts and interregional con tacts of this history, and places Asia firmly within the discussion of slavery and coercion on a global scale.
Open Access Open Access
25Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069760-5
Reihe/Series: Studies on Modern yemen 13 April/April Deutsch/German,2023 Ca./Approx. 380 S./pp., 15 Abb./ fig.

Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-056215-6UVP/RRP £ 94.00
Imam yahya Hamid-al-Din (1869–1948), die Juden von Sanaa und die Aushandlung islamrechtlich legitimierter Regierungsführung
Dhimma; Jemen; islamisches Recht; Juden
This book analyzes the relationship between the Yemeni king IImām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn and the Jews of Sanaa from the perspective of Islamic law. It sheds light on both IImām Yaḥyā’s dhimma policies and the agency of Jews as dhimmis. For the first time, it com bines Jewish memorial literature and Yemeni historiography from the 20th century with texts of Zaidite law (fiqh) from the 14th-19th century, some of which are still fundamental today.
Dieses Buch analysiert das Verhältnis zwi schen dem jemenitischen König Imām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn und den Juden Sanaas aus is lamrechtlicher Perspektive. Es beleuchtet so wohl Imām Yaḥyās Dhimma-Politik als auch die Handlungsmacht von Juden als Dhimmis. Es kombiniert erstmals jüdische Erinnerungs literatur und jemenitische Historiographie aus dem 20. Jhd. mit zum Teil bis heute grundle genden Texten zaiditischen Rechts (fiqh) aus dem 14.-19. Jhd.
Kate Ekama, Stellenbosch Univ., ZAF; Lisa Hellman, Lund Univ., SWE; Matthias van Rossum, Internat. Inst. of Soc. Hist. Amsterdam, NLD.
Towards a Global History of Coerced Labour
Nineteen authors from nine countries analyze reports of travels to the Ottoman Empire between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries. The volume discusses questions of perceptions of “otherness”, the circulation of knowledge, intermedial relations, gender roles, and explores possibilities and limits of digital analysis.
Suaad Alghafal
This monograph analyses the role of the province of Tripoli, Libya, in the context of German foreign politics with a focus on the period between 1884 and 1918. Suaad Algha fal examines the German military, political and economic strategy, and sheds lights on the international events that provided the setting for the German policy towards Libya, particularly the European ‘Scramble for Africa’.
German Interest in the Ottoman Province of Tripoli (Libya) 1884–1918
HC *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-068496-4
Foreign policy; scramble for Africa; colonialism
Open Access
[Contemporary Oman: Spatial planning and national identity]
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074784-3UVP/RRP £ 91.00
Par l’étude approfondie d’Oman, propo sant une géographie par l’image, l’ouvrage analyse l’aménagement du territoire comme outil majeur de la modernisation menée par le sultan Qabus, de 1970 à sa mort en 2020. Il met en évidence les ruptures mais aussi les continuités qui caractérisent l’urbanisme du pays, et les conséquences de l’insertion dans la mondialisation sur le type d’aménagements mis en œuvre sur le territoire.
Reihe/Series: Studies on Modern Orient 41 Dezember/December 2021 Französisch/French, X, 568 S./pp., 186 Abb./fig.
Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 351 March English,2023Approx. IV, 320 pp., 35 fig.
Oman; Qabus bin Said; national identity; spatial planning
Thibaut Klinger, Bourg-en-Bresse, France.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074822-2ISBN 978-3-11-074829-1
eBook *UVP/RRP € 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00
A Bridgehead to Africa

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-079600-1ISBN 978-3-11-079610-0
Thibaut Klinger
Funded by Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Series: ZMO-Studien 39 March
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-068501-5ISBN 978-3-11-068506-0
Suaad Alghafal, Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
Nurkan Sever
Its Sociopolitical, Judicial And Military Consequences
HC ISBN 978-3-11-079583-7
Aménagement du territoire et identité nationale
The Mosul Incident of 1909
This book explores how a public disorder triggered the collective violence in Ottoman Mosul and traumatized various state au thorities, religious circles and social classes. While tracing the facts of partisanship, law enforcement and justice back in 1909, the book questions the continuity, legacy and causality of fragmentation in Iraqi history. Iraq, Ottoman, Arab, Kurd Nurkan Sever, University of Pavia, Italy.

The volumes shows how Oman since 1970 has taken up the challenge of shaping an “imagined community” and unifying an an cient territory that was torn apart in the past by secession or civil wars. Spatial planning has been at the heart of its policy, guided by a carefully defined national identity. With the integration into globalization and the empha sis on tourism to diversify the economy, the “national narrative” becomes a brand.
English,2021XII, 242 pp., 25 fig.
L’Oman contemporain

Religion and Society in the Context of the Global
As too many intellectual histories from the ‘global South’ remain under-explored, this book aims to redress such imbalance. Authors from the region sketch out their perspectives of transformations. This includes case studies and accounts from Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. Taking a critical stance on the ongoing dominance of Eurocentrism in academia, the authors present their con tributions in relation to current decolonial challenges.
Decolonial Challenges to the Humanities and Social Sciences from Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Series: ZMO-Studien 42 November 2022
This volume explores what ‘Islam’ is taken to mean in different social, economic and cultural contexts. It considers how people en gage and employ varying traditions, institu tions, and media in shaping their sense of self and place. It also investigates how competing notions of ‘Islam’ intersect with questions of governance. The book complicates neat con ventional divisions and invites to think across disciplines and in translocal contexts. Transnationality; global history; muslimness J. E. Dağyeli, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; U. Freitag and C. Ghrawi, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072653-4ISBN 978-3-11-072711-1
Funded by Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073320-4ISBN 978-3-11-073335-8
Abdoulaye Sounaye, André Chappatte (Eds.)
27Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
Jeanine Elif Dağyeli, Claudia Ghrawi, Ulrike Freitag (Eds.)
Funded by Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
HC *RRP € 69.95 [D] / US$ 80.99 / £ 63.50
Islam; West Africa; Muslim Life
Series: ZMO-Studien 40 July English,2021VIII, 299 pp.
The book offers an examination of issues, institutions and actors that have become central to Muslim life in the region. Focusing on leadership, authority, law, gender, media, aesthetics, radicalization and cooperation, it offers insights into processes that reshape power structures and the experience of be ing Muslim. It makes room for perspectives from the region in an academic world shaped by scholarship mostly from Europe and America.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073319-8ISBN 978-3-11-073333-4
Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa

English, French, 300 pp., 20 fig.
André Chappatte and Abdoulaye Sounaye, Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
ISBN 978-3-11-073812-4
Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds

Practices, Trajectories, and Influences
Open Access Open Access
Kai Kresse, Abdoulaye Sounaye (Eds.)
HC *RRP € 72.95 [D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072676-3
HC *RRP € 72.95 [D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-073809-4

Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World
Kai Kresse and Abdoulaye Sounaye, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
Funded by Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient Series: ZMO-Studien 43 December 2022 English, 300 pp., 20 fig.
Decolonialism; post-colonial studies; Humanities; Social Sciences
[The Armenians in Modern Turkey: PostGenocide Society, Politics and History]
Irfan Moeen Khan, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan.
Irfan Moeen Khan
James Weaver, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
Talin Suciyan presents a different history of Turkey, focusing on the survivors of the genocide carried out against the Armenians in 1915, their descendants, and their sources. She makes use of both oral histories as well as a wide range of written testimonies, exam ining the continuity of genocide denial on the part of both the Turkish state and society. Armenia; Turkey; genocide; diaspora Talin Suciyan, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, München.
Geb./HC *€ 39.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 45.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-065384-7UVP/RRP £ 36.50
Postgenozidale Gesellschaft, Politik und Geschichte
Talin Suciyan Armenierinnen und Armenier in der Türkei
The book addresses the presentation of the Shiʿa in the theological-doxographical litera ture of Iraq up to the early fourth century of Islam. Understanding doxographies primarily as textual products of third-century kalam circles, it provides historians with a thor ough account of the likely provenance and transmission of this important body of source material, as well as of the particular images of the early Shiʿa it constructs. Shia Islam; Doxography; Quellenforschung
The Shīʿa in HeresiographyIraqi

HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062053-5
eBook *€ 39.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 45.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 36.50ISBN 978-3-11-065508-7ISBN 978-3-11-065397-7
A Metaphysics of Presence
James Weaver
Series: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 348 February 2023
Talin Suciyan stellt eine andere Geschichte der Türkei vor, eine Geschichte, in deren Zentrum die Überlebenden des Völkermor des an den Armeniern im Jahre 1915, deren Nachfahren und ihre Quellen stehen. Dazu bedient sie sich mündlicher Überlieferungen sowie diverser schriftlicher Zeugnisse, die sie mit Blick auf die Kontinuität der Leugnung des Völkermordes durch den türkischen Staat und die Gesellschaft untersucht. Armenien; Türkei; Genozid; Diaspora

eBook *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062084-9ISBN 978-3-11-062099-3
English, Approx. 280 pp., 4 fig.
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078102-1
The Structure and Transmission of the Material up to al-Ashʿarī (d.324/935)
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078149-6ISBN 978-3-11-078155-7
In Zusammenarb. mit/In collab. with Sibel Übers.Türker v./Transl. by Jörg Heinemann August/August Deutsch/German,2021XIV, 280 S./pp.
Series: Welten des Islams – Worlds of Islam –Mondes de l’Islam 13 June English,2023Approx. 330 pp.
Recentering the Sufi Shrine is a study of ritual, Sufi eschatology, and vernacular theopoetics of pilgrimage to Sufi shrines in the Indus region of Pakistan. It is the first work examining the legal theology of ritual intervention in using scripture to regulate the resurrected bodies of saints, on the one hand, and the ritual metaphysics of presence in understanding the significance and meaning of Sufi shrines, on the other.
Bulleh Shah; Ṭariqa-i Muḥammadiyya; al-Fātiḥa; Ḥāẓirī

Br./Pb. *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 28.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073439-3UVP/RRP £ 22.50
Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-073883-4UVP/RRP £ 94.00
Identität im Konflikt
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-3-11-073451-5ISBN 978-3-11-073455-3
Anna Kirchner Arabischsprachig und evangelikal in Israel
Übers. v./Transl. by Kocku von Stuckrad Juli/July Deutsch/German,2021 XXII, 246 S./pp., 35 Abb./fig.
Geb./HC *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-075069-0UVP/RRP £ 94.00
eBook *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 28.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 22.50ISBN 978-3-11-072993-1ISBN 978-3-11-072999-3
Sa’ed Atshan, Katharina Galor Israelis, Palästinenser und Deutsche in Berlin Geschichten einer komplexen Beziehung [The Moral Triangle. Germans, Israelis, Palestinians]

Charlotte Misselwitz israelischendeutschendesStereotypisierungenMuslimischeninundMedien
eBook *€ 102.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 118.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 94.00ISBN 978-3-11-075171-0ISBN 978-3-11-075175-8
Arabischsprachige Evangelikale in Israel stehen in einem komplexen Identitätskonflikt: Die Betonung des Glaubens in Abgrenzung zu dem in Israel dominierenden Religions verständnis mit rechtlicher und politischer Wirkung führt zu einer Auseinandersetzung um die religiöse Identität; zugleich verschärft der christlich-evangelikale Zionismus die Auseinandersetzung um die nationale Iden tität zwischen Arabisch, Palästinensisch und Israelisch.
Die mit Jaques Lacan erweiterte Diskurs analyse untersucht hermeneutisch (und weniger quantitativ) narrative und emotionale Korrespondenzen zwischen deutschen und israelischen Medien. Drei ausgewählte Medi enkunstprojekte, welche Stereotypisierungen des Muslimischen aufgreifen, öffnen den Blick durch „narrative Rückspiegelungen“ im Sinne einer „emotionalen Argumentation“ auf diskurseigene Widersprüche oder auch Komplexe.
Charlotte Misselwitz, Universität DuisburgEssen
Israeli; Arab; Palestinian; evangelical Anna Kirchner, Universität Heidelberg.
29Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
Berlin ist die Heimat der größten palästinen sischen Diasporagemeinschaft Europas und einer der größten israelischen Diasporage meinschaften der Welt. Das Buch untersucht die asymmetrischen Erfahrungen dieser beiden Gruppen. Diese Erfahrungen werden in Bezug auf deutsche offizielle Positionen und Diskurse analysiert, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Fragen von Vergangenheitsbe wältigung, Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlich keit und Rassismus. Diaspora; Nahostkonflikt; Holocaust; Migration
Islamophobie; Nahostkonflikt;Medienwissenschaft;Diskursanalyse
[Arabic and Evangelical: Identity in Conflict]
Israelisch; Arabisch; Palästinensisch; Evangelikal Arabic-speaking evangelicals in Israel are caught in the midst of a complex identity conflict: unlike the understanding of religion dominant in Israel with its legal and politi cal impact, their emphasis on faith leads to disputes about religious identity, while their evangelical Christian Zionism intensifies disputes relating to national identity between Arabic, Palestinian, and Israeli.

Sa’ed Atshan and Katharina Galor draw on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews to explore the asymmetric relationships between Germans and Israeli and Palestinian im migrants in the context of official German policies, public discourse, and the impact of coming to terms with the past. Holocaust; migration; diaspora; Middle East conflict
This discourse analysis, which also utilizes the thought of Jacques Lacan, examines hermeneutically (and to a lesser extent quantitatively) narrative and emotional cor relations between German and Israeli media. Three selected media art projects that take up stereotypes of Muslims open our eyes to the contradictions and complexes inherent to cer tain discourses through “narrative reflections” in the sense of “emotional argumentation.” Islamophobia; media studies; Arab-Israeli conflict; discourse analysis
Reihe/Series: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam –Tension, Transmission, Transformation 18 Dezember/December 2021 Deutsch/German, X, 297 S./pp.
Sa’ed Atshan, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore PA und Katharina Galor, Brown University, Providence RI, USA.
Narrative Rückspiegelungen in der Rezeption von Medienkunstprojekten Reihe/Series: Studies on Modern Orient 40 Juni/June Deutsch/German,2022 VII, 275 S./pp.

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-052917-3ISBN 978-3-11-052772-8
Martina Kraml, Zekirija Sejdini, Nicole Bauer, Jonas Kolb Conflicts
Dieter Haller, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Exploring Theory and Practice
Whenever people from different cultural and religious backgrounds converge, it produces tension and ambivalence. This study delves into conflicts in interreligious educational processes in both theory and practice, presenting the results of empirical research conducted at schools and universities and formulating ground-breaking practical per spectives for interreligious collaboration in various religious-pedagogical settings. Interreligious learning; interreligious education; conflict studies; pedagogy of religion; religious diversity

Most disciplines in the social sciences and humanities attempt to identify the world us ing clear categories. This process is based on the idea of linear borders. Using the example of the Mediterranean Sea, this volume places the thought model of linearity within its historical, political, and cultural context by taking an ethnological perspective and con trasting it with the idea of borders as zones of transition.
In collab. with Patrice Brodeur
HC *RRP € 59.95 [D] / US$ 68.99 / £ 54.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076171-9
Talking Dialogue

eBook *€ 19.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 22.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 18.00ISBN 978-3-11-074931-1ISBN 978-3-11-074933-5
Mediterrane Erfahrungen [The Border as an Epistemological Privilege: Mediterranean Experiences] Reihe/Series: Diskussionspapiere 120 Juli/July Deutsch/German,2021 V, 49 S./pp.

Borders; Mediterranean Basin; ethnology
Die meisten Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaf ten veruchen, die Welt mit klaren Kategorien zu erkennen. Dem unterliegt die Vorstellung der linearen Grenze. Am Beispiel des Mittel meerraums kontextualisiert der vorliegende Artikel mit ethnologischem Blick das Gedan kenmodell der Linearität historisch, politisch und kulturell, indem er dieses mit Grenzen als Zonen des Überganges kontrastiert. Grenze; Mittelmeerraum; Ethnologie
Karsten Lehmann, Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Vienna/Krems, Austria.
Karsten Lehmann (Ed.)
Eleven Episodes in the History of the Modern Interreligious Dialogue Movement
English, VII, 226 pp., 5 fig.
Br./Pb. *€ 19.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 22.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074928-1UVP/RRP £ 18.00
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076287-7ISBN 978-3-11-076288-4
Martina Kraml, Innsbruck, Zekirija Sejdini, Innsbruck and Vienna, Nicole Bauer, Innsbruck, Jonas Kolb Innsbruck, Austria.
Open Access Open Access
Series: KAICIID – Beyond Dialogue Series 2 February 2021 English, IX, 377 pp., 2 fig.
Dieter Haller Die Grenze Privilegepistemologischesals
Interreligiousin Education
HC *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-047292-9
The modern dialogue movement has gained worldwide significance. Based upon genuine archival work, the authors of the present book reconstruct the history of the movement from 1900 to 2000. Looking at central episodes in the history of 11 international dialogue organizations, they identify 3 distinct groups that are shaping the movement: individual religious virtuosi, countercultural activists, and representatives of religious institutions. Interreligious dialogue; modern history of religions; international relations; religion, peace and violence
January 2022
Open Access
ISBN 978-3-11-061807-5
English, VI, 230 pp., 2 fig.

Series: KAICIID – Beyond Dialogue Series 3 September 2021
Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Renáta Katalin Nelson (Eds.) Evaluating andPeacebuildingInterreligiousDialogue

Methods and Frameworks
Featuring chapters by well-established interreligious peacebuilders from around the world, this volume examines the challenges and implications faced by religious and inter religious peacebuilders and provides new models and tools for monitoring and evaluat ing religious and interreligious peacebuilding projects. It is a critical tool and point of refer ence for those developing and implementing religious and interreligious peacebuilding projects.
Mohammed Abu-Nimer and Renáta Katalin Nelson, KAICIID Dialogue Centre, Vienna, Austria.
31Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access OCIETISTORESELLSCHAFTGESCHICHTEGUND HyANDSy
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-062462-5ISBN 978-3-11-062508-0
Interreligiosity; dialogue; peacebuilding; best practice
eBook /bookarchive 50,000 Books Going Digital
HC *RRP € 66.95 [D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00
James Weaver
HC € 119,95 [D] / RRP US$ 137.99 / RRP £ 108.50

The Structure and Transmission of the Material up to al-Ash arī (d.324/935)
Die Schweizerische Asiengesellschaft hat zum Ziel, die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Asien und dem Orient an den Schweizer Hochschulen zu fördern und ein interdisziplinäres Forum für alle zu bilden, die sich mit Sprachen und Literaturen, geschichtlichen, kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen in diesen Regionen befassen. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit dem Hauptaugenmerk auf der islamischen Welt werden in der Buchreihe Welten des Islams und der Zeitschrift Asiatische Studien platziert.
Asiatische Studien ist ein Forum für Forschungsbeiträge zu Kulturen und Gesellschaften Asiens und des Orients in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. Vier Mal im Jahr erscheinen regionale Ausgaben mit Beiträgen zur islamischen Welt, China, Japan, Süd- oder Zentralasien aber auch thematisch fokussierte und regional übergreifende Hefte.
eBook € 119,95 [D] / RRP US$ 137.99 / RRP £ 108.50
Band 11
11/2022. Ca. 330 S., 43 Tab. HC € 99,95 [D] / RRP US$ 114.99 / RRP £ 91.50 ISBN 978-3-11-062053-5 eBook € 99,95 [D] / RRP US$ 114.99 / RRP £ 91.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062084-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062099-3
Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft Revue de la Société Suisse-Asie
Die Reihe Welten des Islams zur islamischen Geschichte, Literatur, Philosophie, Politik und Kunst sowie Übersetzungen und Interpretationen von Quellentexten auf.
Editor-in-Chief: Rafael Suter
Herausgegeben von Blain Auer, Bettina Dennerlein, Bruce Fudge, Wissam Halawi, Anke von Kügelgen, Silvia Naef, Maurus Reinkowski und Ulrich Rudolph
ISBN 978-3-11-062322-2
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062367-3

ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062327-7ISSN1661-6278e-ISSN2235-5758ISSN0004-4717e-ISSN2235-5871
Farid Suleiman
2018. 388 S., 3 Abb., 1 Tab.

Bilal Orfali, Ramzi Baalbaki (Hrsg./Eds.) Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī Kitāb Khāṣṣ al-Khāṣṣ
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 69.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 80.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068887-0UVP/RRP £ 63.50
Buchdruck; Buchmarkt; Evangelien; Kulturaustausch; Illustration
Caren Reimann Die arabischen Evangelien der Typographia Medicea Buchdruck, Buchhandel und Buchillustration in Rom um 1600

Book trade; printing; gospels; illumination Caren Reimann, Julius-MaximiliansUniversität Würzburg, Germany.
The Notebook of Kamāl al-Dīn the Weaver
Reihe/Series: Bibliotheca Islamica 59 Oktober/October 2021 Arabisch/Arabic, 240 S./pp.

Boris Liebrenz, Kristina L. Richardson (Hrsg./Eds.)
Only a fragment of the sizeable work of Kamāl al-Dīn survived and is now preserved in the Forschungsbibliothek Schloss Frie denstein in Gotha. It represents the earliest known Arabic notebook of an artisan or merchant and sheds light on the everyday life in 10th/16th century Aleppo.
Aleppo; Ottoman Empire, diary-keeping; everyday life
Kristina Richardson, Queens College, New York, USA; Boris Liebrenz, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig, Germany.
Reihe/Series: Bibliotheca Islamica 61 August/August Arabisch/Arabic,2020324 S./pp.
Reihe/Series: European Identities and Transcultural Exchange Oktober/October3 2021
This study assesses the extensive documents that have been preserved with respect to the question of how the Medici Oriental Press positioned itself in the network of European printing houses and the international book market. Based on the example of the Gospels in Arabic and Arabic-Latin, it provides insights into the operation of the process of producing books, and into practices for negotiating with the pontifical censorship authorities.
Muḥammad b. Ismāʿīl al-Thaʿālibī was a poet, critic, lexicographer, historian of literature, prolific scholar, and one of the most important literary figures in the tentheleventh centuries. His work Khāṣṣ al-khāṣṣ fī al-amthāl is a collection of proverbs and their equivalents in a number of cultures and professions.
Deutsch/German, XII, 480 S./pp., 121 Abb./fig. Geb./HC *€ 79.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 91.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068862-7UVP/RRP £ 72.50
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 69.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 80.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-068889-4UVP/RRP £ 63.50
Die Typographia Medicea hatte eine Son derstellung unter den römischen Offizinen inne – unterstützt von Papst Gregor XIII. und finanziert durch Ferdinando de’Medici produ zierte sie Bücher auf Arabisch und Chal däisch, die wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen gerecht werden sollten. Rechnungsunterlagen und Geschäftskorrespondenzen analysiedern wird gezeigt, wie sie sich im Netzwerk euro päischer Druckereien und des internationalen Buchmarktes positionierte.
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068892-4
Poetry; proverbs; 11th century; Arabic; Literary History; Edition
Bilal Orfali and Ramzi Baalbaki, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-068891-7
Aleppine notes from the end of the 16th century
Bibliotheca Islamica 62
Dezember/December 2022
Manuscript and Print in the Islamic Tradition

This volume explores and calls into question certain commonly held assumptions about the nature of writing and technological advance ment in the Islamic tradition. In particular, it challenges the idea that mechanical print naturally and inevitably displaces hand written texts as well as the notion that the so-called transition from manuscript to print is unidirectional.
Juliane Mueller (Hrsg./Ed.) Kitāb Ḥall muškilāt ašŠuḏūr von Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Anṣ Reihe/Series:ārī
Diplomatische Edition der 12 Erzählungen nach der Dresdner Handschrift und der neugefundenen 13. Erzählung mit deutscher Übersetzung
[Kitab-i Dedem-Korkut: The Book of Dede Korkut; Critical Edition and German Translation] Juni/June Deutsch/German,2023 , Ca./Approx. 450 S./pp. Geb./HC *€ 123.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 142.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074604-4UVP/RRP £ 112.50
eBook PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077935-6
World literature; Turkology; epos Ergün Özsoy, Universität Augsburg; Klaus Wolf, Universität Augsburg.
Scott Reese (Ed.)
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077648-5ISBN 978-3-11-077661-4
Series: Studies in Manuscript Cultures 26 September 2022 English, VIII, 374 pp., 69 fig.
eBook *€ 123.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 142.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 112.50ISBN 978-3-11-074611-2ISBN 978-3-11-074614-3
Tatsächlich ist eine philologisch zuverlässige Ausgabe auf der Grundlage der vollständigs ten Handschrift bis heute ein Desiderat. Weltliteratur; Turkologie; Epos
Islamic literature; manuscript; manuscript studies; book history
Es handelt sich um die erstmalige diplomati sche Edition des wichtigsten Textzeugen und einer neugefundenen Handschrift. Zwar gibt es schon einige Ausgaben des Kitab-ı Dede Korkut, diese bieten jedoch in der Regel einen emendierten und unkritischen Text.
Ergün Özsoy, Klaus Wolf (Hrsg./Eds.) Kitab-ı Dedem-Korkut/ Das Buch des Dede Korkut

This is the first diplomatic edition of the most important text witnesses and a new-found manuscript. Although a number of editions of the Kitab-ı Dede Korkut already exist, they generally provide an emended, uncritical text. A philologically reliable edition based on the complete manuscript has been lacking to date.
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077603-4

The alchemist Ibn Arfaʿ Raʾs (12th century) is the author of Shudhūr al-dhahab (The Splinters of Gold), one of the most famous poetry collections of Arabic alchemy, which has been the object of no less than thirteen commentaries. This book provides an edition of the author’s own commentary on Shudhūr al-dhahab, along with an Arabic-English glossary of its alchemical terminology.
Scott Reese, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany.
Juliane Müller, Universität Tübingen, Deutschland.
Poetry; Syria; Alchemy; Middle Ages
Arabisch/Arabic, Englisch/English, Ca./Approx. 565 S./pp.
Open Access
ISBN 978-3-11-077928-8
English, Approx. 235 pp., 40 fig.
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077253-1
Series: Studies in Manuscript Cultures 29
The book examines the religious thought of the Syrian poet Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī (d.1057) and his work Luzūm mā lā yal zam. Due to the contradictory nature of al-Maʿarrī’s oeuvre, scholars presented him as an unbeliever who practiced taqīya, i.e., dissimulation to avoid persecution or saw him as a sincere Muslim. This study goes beyond dichotomic interpretations by apply ing the notion of ambivalence to the reading of Luzūm.
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1336-7ISBN 978-1-5015-1310-7
Travel narratives and historical works shaped the perception of Muslims and the East in the Victorian and post-Victorian periods. The book discusses that troubled legacy drawing on the discourses on Muslims originating in the European Middle Ages, and locates the nineteenth-century texts concerning the Saracens and their lands in the liminal space between history and travel accounts. Orientalism; Travel Narratives; Historical Narratives; Saracens
Written culture; private collections; archives; history of scholarship
Other Encounters
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-1791-4
Series: Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East 45
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077364-4ISBN 978-3-11-077389-7
Intentional Ambivalence in al-Maʿarrī’s Luzūm
Islam; Religion; Poetry; al-Maʿarrī
Liliana Sikorska NineteenthMedievalReadingsTwentieth-CenturyandoftheOrient
Sona Grigoryan
Nuria de Castilla, EPHE, Paris; François Déroche, EPHE, Paris, France; Michael Friedrich, Hamburg University, Germany.
February 2023
Sona Grigoryan, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary/Vienna, Austria.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-077965-3ISBN 978-3-11-077977-6
Ancient, medieval and modern libraries in various regions (the Muslim world, East Asia, Byzantium, Western Europe) are known only by the manuscripts they kept or documents that shed light on their history. Through case studies the present volume offers an original reflection on the nature of the libraries of the past, their owners’ interests, and their role in the intellectual history of the manuscript age.

Neither Belief nor Unbelief

Liliana Sikorska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
Series: Research in Medieval and Early Modern Culture November32 2021 English, XXVIII, 235 pp.
Open Access
Michael Friedrich, François Déroche, Nuria de Castilla (Eds.) Libraries in the Manuscript Age

HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077210-4
October 2022 English, Approx. 250 pp.
eBook *UVP/RRP € 92.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 106.99 / UVP/RRP £ 84.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072963-4ISBN 978-3-11-072977-1
Federico Corriente † et Ángeles Vicente, Saragosse, Espagne; Christophe Pereira, Paris, France.
Translation and State

April/April Französisch/French,2022 Arabisch/Arabic, XV, 125 S./ pp., 1 Abb./fig.
Andalusisches Arabisch; Toponym; Anthroponym; Lehnwort
Andalusi Arabic; Toponyms; Anthroponyms; Loanwords
Christendom; Europe; Borders; Gardens; Catholicism
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-050152-0ISBN 978-3-11-049837-0
HC *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 ISBN 978-1-5015-2033-4
Federico Corriente, Christophe Pereira, Ángeles Vicente
L’existence, dans la Péninsule Ibérique, de nombreux noms de lieux et de personnes d’origine arabe prouve que l’arabe andalou y a été parlé pendant des siècles. Ce cinqui ème volume de l’Encyclopédie dresse un inventaire de ces noms ainsi qu’une analyse linguistique de chacun d’entre eux.
[A Linguistic Encyclopedia of Al-Andalus]
[Toponyms and Anthroponyms of Andalusi Arabic Origin on the Iberian Peninsula]
Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, the edges of Europe were under pressure from the Ottoman Turks. This book explores how Shakespeare and his contemporaries repre sented places where Christians encountered Turks, including Malta, Tunis, Hungary, and Armenia. Some forms of Christianity itself might seem alien, so the book also considers the interface between traditional Catholicism, new forms of Protestantism, and Greek and Russian orthodoxy.
Open Access
This volume provides an inventory of names of Andalusi Arabic origin found on the Iberian Peninsula, along with a linguistic analysis of each of them.
eBook *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-1415-9ISBN 978-1-5015-1417-3
Lisa Hopkins, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
In 1587, Abū al-Fazl ibn Mubārak – a favourite at the Mughal court and author of the Akbarnāmah – completed his Preface to the Persian translation of the Mahābhārata. This book is the first detailed study of Abū al-Fazl's Preface. It offers insights into manu script practices at the Mughal court, the role a Persian version of the Mahābhārata was meant to play, and the religious interactions that characterised 16th-century India. Mahābhārata; translation; Sanskrit; Persian Michael Willis, The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London, UK.
Series: Late Tudor and Stuart Drama March English,2022VIII, 250 pp.
Federico Corriente, Christophe Pereira, Ángeles Vicente (Hrsg./Eds.)
Encyclopédie linguistique d’Al-Andalus
HC *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-050121-6
Lisa Hopkins
Series: Beyond Boundaries 1 October 2022 English, XVII, 265 pp., 49 fig.
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 92.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 106.99 / UVP/RRP £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071614-6
Volume 5: Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique

The Mahābhārata at the Mughal Court Funded by European Research Council (ERC)
Michael Willis (Ed.)
The Edge of Christendom on the Early Modern Stage

Neues Studienbuch
Volker Noll, Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster.
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072630-5ISBN 978-3-11-072636-7
An Ethnography with Writers in Alexandria after the Revolution
Shared Margins tells of writers, writing, and literary milieus in Alexandria, Egypt’s second city. It de-centres cosmopolitan avant-gardes and secular-revolutionary aesthetics that have been intensively documented and studied since 2011. Instead, it offers a fieldworkbased account of various milieus and styles, and their common grounds and lines of division.

The contact between the Orient and the Occident that took place in Spain over the course of eight centuries (711–1492) had a cultural and linguistic impact that stretches into the present day. This is why, after Latin, Arabic has had the biggest influence on Span ish vocabulary. This study aims to describe this influence, defined as a cultural adstrate, on different linguistic levels by taking into account the underlying structures. Contact Linguistics; Cultural Adstrate; Spanish; Arabic Heritage
eBook *RRP € 133.95 [D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072251-2ISBN 978-3-11-072258-1

Hispanoarabische Sprachkontakte
Samuli Schielke, Mukhtar Saad Shehata Shared Margins
[The Linguistic Impact of Al-Andalus: Hispanoarabic Language Contact]
Der in Spanien über acht Jahrhunderte wäh rende Kontakt zwischen Orient und Okzident (711–1492) hatte kulturelle und sprachliche Auswirkungen, die bis in die Gegenwart reichen. So hat das Arabische nach dem Lateinischen den größten Anteil am spani schen Wortschatz. Die Beschreibung dieses als Kulturadstrat definierten Einflusses auf verschiedenen sprachlichen Ebenen ist unter Einbezug zugrunde liegender Strukturen Gegenstand des Arbeitsheftes. Kulturadstrat; Kontaktlinguistik; Spanisch; Arabisches Erbe
Saudi Sadiq, Minia, Egypt.
Das linguistische Erbe von al-Andalus

**eBook *€ 210.00 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 240.00 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 190.00ISBN 978-3-11-069776-6ISBN 978-3-11-069793-3
Reihe/Series: Romanistische Arbeitshefte 72 September/September 2022 Deutsch/German, XVII, 169 S./pp., 5 Abb./fig. Br./Pb. *€ 20.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 23.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-069773-5UVP/RRP £ 19.00
Saudi Sadig Dialects in Contact in Series:Egypt
The book is a sociolinguistic investigation of dialect contact in Egypt in general and – as a case study – how and why Cairo Arabic impacts Minya Arabic, a regional dialect spoken in the Minya region in Upper Egypt. Statistically obtained results confirm that Cairo Arabic is converged on in the Minya region and that this convergence is triggered by the increasing access to higher education as well as accelerating urbanisation.
Funded by Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
HC *RRP € 72.95 [D] / US$ 83.99 / £ 65.50 ISBN 978-3-11-072677-0
Trends in Linguistics. Documentation [TiLDOC] 37 June English,2023Approx. 300 pp.
HC *RRP € 133.95 [D] / US$ 154.99 / £ 122.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072245-1
Open Access
Arabic Sociolinguistics; Dialect Contact; Egyptian Arabic
Alexandria; Egypt; anthropology; literary circles Samuli Schielke, Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany; Mukhtar Saad Shehata, Alexandria, Egypt.
Series: ZMO-Studien 41 July English,2021XVI, 272 pp., 55 fig.
Volker Noll
This book explores the visual and verbal devices used to create humour in Englishlanguage cartoons taken from the Saudi media. It contributes to the growing multi modal research on non-interactional humour in the media, and offers a window into social phenomena in contemporary Saudi Arabia. Humour Studies; Media Studies; Semiotics; Cultural Studies; Pop Culture; Ethnographic Studies; Arabic

Wejdan Alsadi, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia; Martin Howard, University College Cork, Ireland.
Asghar Seyed-Gohrab Martyrdom, Mysticism and Dissent

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072541-4ISBN 978-3-11-072551-3
Series: Studies on Modern Orient 34 August 2021 English, XXII, 291 pp.
eBook *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1672-6
Iran; martyrdom; poetry; Sufism
February 2021 English, VIII, 178 pp., 66 fig.
Ali-Asghar Seyed-Gohrab, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Wejdan Alsadi, Martin Howard
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00
Egyptians are known among the Arabs as awlād al-nukta, Sons of the Jokes, to high light the centrality of humour in their culture both in times of oppression and popular upheaval. This book looks at the literary expression of Egyptian humour in the novels of Mustajāb, Shalabī, and Abū Julayyil: their modern tricksters, wise fools, and antiheroes revive the comic tradition while innovating the language of contemporary fiction.
An original examination of the role of poetry during the Iranian Revolution and the IranIraq War, this book offers insights into the use of Persian poetry to mobilise people to the front, to exalt violence and to present death as martyrdom. It analyses the poetry by revolutionaries, Diaspora and the opposi tion, showing how peaceful medieval Sufi metaphors are transformed into the reality of a modern war, and how Shiism clashes with Wahhabism.
HC *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074859-8
HC *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00 ISBN 978-3-11-072529-2
PDF ePUBISBN 978-1-5015-0990-2ISBN 978-1-5015-0984-1
The Poetry of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)
Series: Language Play and Creativity 5 September 2021 English, XV, 232 pp.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074873-4ISBN 978-3-11-074885-7
Contemporary Egyptian Literature; Humour (fukāha); Wise Fool; Linguistic Variation (Modern Standard Arabic/Egyptian Colloquial Arabic)
The Multimodal Rhetoric of Humour in Saudi Media
eBook *RRP € 102.95 [D] / US$ 118.99 / £ 94.00
Humor Research [HR] 12
Cristina Dozio Laugh like an Egyptian Humour in the Contemporary Egyptian Novel

Cristina Dozio, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.
Helena Rietmann, FU Berlin, Germany.
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 99.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-077927-1UVP/RRP £ 91.00
Through an analysis of dozens of fatwas, sermons, essays, books, interviews, and other media, Peace in the Name of Allah exam ines how Egyptian, Jordanian, and Emirati political and religious authorities introduced Islamic justifications for peace with Israel, and how those opposed countered them. Islam and Peace; Arab-Israeli Conflict; Middle Eastern Conflict; Religion and Politics; Religion and International Relations
Reihe/Series: Bibliotheca Islamica 48 Oktober/October 2022 Arabisch/Arabic, 388 S./pp.

Muḥammad al-Ḥuǧairī (Hrsg./Ed.) Sukkardān as-Sulṭān
eBook PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077936-3
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 103.99 / £ 82.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-073055-5ISBN 978-3-11-073065-4
eBook *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074929-8ISBN 978-3-11-074932-8
Series: De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences 3 February 2022 English, XIII, 246 pp., 3 fig. HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 103.99 / £ 82.00 ISBN 978-3-11-073512-3
United Arab Emirates; Abu Dhabi; Masdar City; Ecological modernization; Eco-city; Sustainable urban development
Islamic Discourses on Treaties with Israel

39Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CONOMOLITICSIRTSCHAFTOLITIKPUNDW PANDEy
Ibn Abī Ḥaǧala Šihāb ad-Dīn Aḥmad Abū al-‘Abbās b. yaḥyā at-Tilmsānī
Pb. *RRP € 24.95 [D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074904-5
In 2006, the United Arab Emirates initiated the Masdar City project, which was a preplanned eco-city. It was the flagship of what the government considered to be a wide spread environmental reform process. The study examines the “ecologically modern” city which is more accurately described as an outcome of the Abu Dhabi government’s economic diversification strategy linked to the political and economic interests of the emirate’s ruling family.
Helena Rietmann Ecological Modernization in the United Arab Emirates?

Ofir Winter Peace in the Name of Allah
Dr. Ofir Winter, Institute for National Security Studies and Tel Aviv University, Israel.
The Case of Masdar Eco-City
Shihāb al-Din Aḥmad b. Yahyá at-Tilimsānī, known as Ibn Abī Ḥajala, was an important figure in the late Mamluk era and became the favourite poet at the court of Sulṭān Ḥasan b. Muḥammad Ibn Qalāwūn. One of his most important books is the Sukkardān al-Sulṭān, which mirrors the cultural and literary sphere of the reign of Sulṭān Ḥasan and the late Mamluk period in Egypt and the Levant. Mamluk era, Egypt, poetry
Series: Diskussionspapiere 119 July English,2021X, 60 pp., 4 fig.
Muḥammad al-Ḥuǧairī, Beirut, Libanon.
Reihe/Series: Deutsch/German,September/SeptemberDiskussionspapiere2021XI,61S./pp.
The Worldview of the Islamic Republic‘s Religio-Political Elite
eBook *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 28.99 / ePUBPDFUVP/RRP £ 22.50ISBN 978-3-11-074908-3ISBN 978-3-11-074917-5
Studies on Modern Orient 43 July English,2023Arabic, Approx. 453 pp., 40 fig.
This book demonstrates the context of the language of the Syrian revolution and its translation into English through three levels of translation. The first explores the context of translations from Arabic into English. The second level sees translation as an act of importation into the dominant discourse. The third, and last, level looks at translation from the margin to the center, represented by activ ist translations from Arabic into English Arab Protests, Revolutions; Activism, Social Movements
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-102618-3ISBN 978-3-11-102622-0
Open Access
Starting with the video “The Destruction of the CDU” by the YouTuber Rezo (2019), Bettina Gräf analyzes the reporting on drone killings in German-speaking media. She ad dresses the responsibility for drone killings in countries with which neither Germany nor NATO are at war and suggests undertaking a media and cultural studies examination of the phenomenon of drone killings within the fields of Islam studies and area studies. Media; Islamic studies; Youtube; Ramstein Air Base
HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076665-3
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076769-8ISBN 978-3-11-076774-2
Series: Studies on Modern Orient 46 July English,2023Approx. XX, 550 pp.
Iran; Khomeinism; Islamism; Khamenei Ze'ev Maghen, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Ein Werkstattberichtislamwissenschaftlicher [Rezo, Ramstein, and Drone Killings in Yemen: An Islamic Studies Progress Report]

Br./Pb. *€ 24.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 28.99 / ISBN 978-3-11-074907-6UVP/RRP £ 22.50
Eylaf Bader Eddin, Université Aix-Marseille, France and University of Marburg, Germany.
The aim of this volume is to take the founders and leaders of the Islamic Republic seriously as intellectuals, and expose the educated and specialist reader to their variegated but related worldviews – worldviews that are in many ways diametrically antithetical to those informing the Zeitgeist of present-day Western societies.
Ze'ev Maghen Reading the Iranian Revolution

Eylaf Bader Eddin
HC ISBN 978-3-11-101810-2
Translating the Language of the Syrian Revolution Series:(2011/12)

Bettina Gräf, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, München.
Ausgehend von dem Video „Die Zerstö rung der CDU“ des Youtubers Rezo (2019) analysiert Bettina Gräf die Berichterstattung über Drohnentötungen in deutschsprachigen Medien. Sie thematisiert die Verantwortung für Drohnentötungen in Ländern, mit denen weder Deutschland noch die NATO im Krieg stehen und schlägt eine medien- und kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung des Phänomens Drohnentötungen innerhalb der Islam- und Regionalwissenschaften vor.
Bettina Gräf Rezo, Ramstein imDrohnentötungenundJemen
English, Approx. 175 pp., 12 fig.
Adnan Trakic (Ed.)
Iran is more than Persia: Ethnic Politics in Iran analyses ethnic minorities in Iran to provide a deeper insight into the ethnic politics of the region. It explores the stability of the ruling regime in light of the challenges that multiethnicity brings. Drawing on a rich material of primary data and interviews, this book offers unparalled insights into ethnic politics in Iran.
eBook *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078215-8ISBN 978-3-11-078222-6
eBook *RRP € 66.95 [D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00
Adnan Trakic, Monash University, Malaysia.
The Iran National Front and the Struggle for Democracy

Iran is more than Persia

Shari’ah and Common Law, Harmonisation of Law, Comparative Law, Law in Asia, Law and Society

English, Approx. 280 pp., 6 fig.
Iran; Ethnic Groups; Ethnic Minorities; Middle East; Politics; International Relations; Foreign Policy; Revolutions; Regime Stability; Oil
HC *RRP € 82.95 [D] / US$ 94.99 / £ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078205-9
Iranian history; Iran National Front; Iranian politics; Iran Nation Party; Iranian governance
HC ISBN 978-3-11-079621-6
Brenda Shaffer, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA.
The Challenge of Harmonisation
Pb. *RRP € 66.95 [D] / US$ 77.99 / £ 61.00 ISBN 978-3-11-076668-4
eBook PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-079633-9ISBN 978-3-11-079638-4
The Iran National Front and the Struggle for Democracy: 1949–Present presents a comprehensive overview of the Iran National Front (INF) as a historical and potential future political force. Drawing on a range of primary sources, interviews, and translated documents, the book explores and discusses the current platform of the INF, its leadership, policies, strategies, criticisms and weaknesses of the party.
Brenda Shaffer
41Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CONOMOLITICSIRTSCHAFTOLITIKPUNDW PANDEy
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Global Asia 4 November 2022
Masoud Kazemzadeh, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA.
This book seeks to explore and discuss the basic legal concepts in Shari’ah and common law and identify their most prominent simi larities and differences. The aim is to derive a harmonization of the law.
Shari’ah and Common Law
Ethnic Politics in Iran December 2022
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076670-7ISBN 978-3-11-076671-4
Masoud Kazemzadeh
Series: De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences May20 English,2022XI, 197 pp., 1 fig.
Egodi Uchendu, Olawari D. J. Egbe (Eds.)
Communication Strategies and Image Building from Qom to Casablanca
Nigeria’s Democratic2019Experience
HC *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-072909-2ISBN 978-3-11-072914-6
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074110-0ISBN 978-3-11-074115-5
Steffen Wippel, Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb, Tunis, Tunisia/ Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-076656-1ISBN 978-3-11-076660-8
June English,2022XII, 240 pp., 3 fig.
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party devoted itself to reviving and unifying the Syrian nation and establishing this nation’s complete independence over its historical homeland, Greater Syria. It continues its struggle today, influencing and shaping Lebanese and Syrian society and politics. Yet, the party remains largely unknown and misunderstood, a condi tion that stems from the lack of any compre hensive study of it. This book fills this gap. Nationalism; Syria and Lebanon; Syria; Lebanon; Ideological Movements; Middle East History; Radical Politics
This edited volume fills a gap in the research on place, product and personal branding in the Middle East and North Africa. It critically analyses processes of strategic communica tion and image building under conditions of globalisation, neoliberalisation and authori tarian rule. It looks at historical and contem porary branding efforts of different actors involved, their interests and motives and at the positioning of brands in time and space. Middle East; North Africa; Branding; Image building

Steffen Wippel (Ed.)
Carl C. Yonker
Egodi Uchendu, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria; Olawari D. J. Egbe, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria

Nigeria; Democratization; Democracy in Nigeria; Democratic Experience; Electoral Violence; Electoral Influences; Ethnic Politics

Series: Studies on Modern Orient 38 May English,2023450 pp., 91 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-072847-7
Carl C. Yonker, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Series: De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences 1 April English,2021XI, 291 pp., 10 fig.
Branding the Middle East
A Political History of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Nigeria’s democratisation efforts since attain ing political independence from Britain in 1960 have been tumultuous and have spanned over three successive republics. A persistent bug decimating Nigeria’s democracy and repeatedly leading to military coups has been brazen electoral violence perpetrated by the nation’s political elite. Nigeria’s 2019 Democratic Experience analyses and explains what went wrong in Nigeria’s experiment with democracy.
eBook *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-076643-1
HC ISBN 978-3-11-074062-2
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Philanthropy, Endowments and Sustainable Social Development in Egypt
Civil society; community philanthropy; Arab uprising; Egyptian society studies; 21st century MENA region politics
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-056275-0ISBN 978-3-11-055974-3
43Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CONOMOLITICSIRTSCHAFTOLITIKPUNDW PANDEy
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-057999-4
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Muhammed Habib Dolgun, Central Bank Turkey, Ankara; Abbas Mirakhor, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance, Malaysia.
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-069696-7
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
This book explores how philanthropy is perceived and practiced in a predominantly Muslim society. It is the first academic quantification of philanthropic giving and volunteering using a representative sample of the Egyptian population, providing the reader with a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the state of philanthropy in Egypt.
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 6 February 2021 English, XII, 180 pp., 4 fig.
January 2021
Syed Adam Alhabshi, Abbas Mirakhor, Haji Mohd. Na’im Haji Mokhtar, Syed Othman Alhabshi Shariah AgreementInvestment
The Legal Tool for Risk-Sharing in Islamic Finance
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Risk-sharing investment is currently the buzz word in Islamic finance. This book introduces the legal tool in the form of a Shariah Invest ment Agreement that would allow for the ex ecution of risk-sharing investment in Islamic finance. It details the building blocks and key considerations when drafting Shariah Invest ment Agreements so investor and investee will know what to expect when entering into such a contract.

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069703-2ISBN 978-3-11-069708-7
Series: Maecenata Schriften 21 May English,2022XXII, 293 pp., 57 fig.
Syed Adam Alhabshi, Shook Lin & Bok, Kuala Lumpur; Abbas Mirakhor, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance, Malaysia.
Marwa el Daly, Founder and Chairperson at Waqfeyat al Maadi Community Foundation (WMCF), Egypt.
Marwa El Daly
De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 7
Muhammed Habib Dolgun, Abbas Mirakhor An Alternative Approach to Liquidity
English, X, 218 pp., 14 fig.
Al Waqf

HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-055961-3
Islamic finance; Shariah; Investment; Common Law; Islamic investment
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-058290-1ISBN 978-3-11-058015-0
There are several studies on the performance, growth, and efficiency of Islamic banks, but empirical studies from the regulatory and supervisory perspectives are limited. The authors evaluate the liquidity risk manage ment of Islamic banks regarding Basel III regulations; they examine the factors that affect liquidity risk management of Islamic banks and develop an alternative regulatory framework appropriate for liquidity manage ment.

This book examines the risk-return trade off and payout decisions for Islamic Shariah compliant and ethical investors, who may be paying a cost for their belief system owing to their unique risk profile.

PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-071366-4ISBN 978-3-11-071371-8
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Zaheer Anwer, Associate Professor, School of Business and Economics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-071350-3
Ramazan Yildirim Capital Structure and Shari’ah Compliance of non-Financial Firms
An Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Perspective
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-059046-3
Capital Structure, Corporate Finance, Islamic Finance, Islamic Capital Markets, Shari’ah Screening
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 9 March English,2021XVIII, 384 pp., 40 fig.
Islamic finance; Corporate finance; Portfolio management; Dividend policy; Socially responsible investment; SRI
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-061185-4
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-059343-3ISBN 978-3-11-059055-5
Zaheer Anwer Portfolio Decisions for Faith-Based Investors
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Capital Structure and Shari’ah Compliance of non-Financial Firms provides an in-depth examination of the main competing capital structure theories and conducts a comprehen sive comparative analysis among firms classi fied as Sharia’h compliant (SC) and Shari’ah non-compliant (SNC).

Series: De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 10 May English,2021XI, 130 pp., 4 fig.
The Case of Shariah-Compliant and Ethical Equities
Contemporary finance deals mainly with multilateral and multi-counterparty transac tions. Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) has yet to develop its conceptualization of this modality of financing. The book relies on Islamic sources to establish a theoretical and practical perspective of Fiqh encompassing risk-shar ing Islamic finance as a new paradigm that should lead to a more efficient approach to multilateral Islamic contracts.
Saad Bakkali, Central Bank of the UAE, Abbas Mirakhor, International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance, Malaysia.
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 8 February 2021 English, V, 106 pp., 3 fig.
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-061218-9ISBN 978-3-11-061274-5
Ramazan Yildirim, Managing Director of Upsite Consulting, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Saad Bakkali, Abbas Mirakhor Risk-Sharing Finance

A Proposal for Reform
AI and Blockchain Applications; Change Management; Digital Transformation; Islamic Digital Economy; Technology Adoption
Credit risk management for Islamic banks is complicated by peculiarities the conven tional banks do not encounter, such as the prohibition of charging any accrued interest. All banks, conventional and Islamic, need to optimally allocate capitals about the selective investments made as regulations tighten and governance are closely monitored. Hence, practical understanding of credit risk man agement of Islamic Banks is needed at this time.
A practical guide
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-058779-1
October 2021
eBook *RRP € 30.95 [D] / US$ 36.99 / £ 28.00
Series: The Moorad Choudhry Global Banking OctoberSeries 2023 English, 600 pp., 80 fig.
English, IX, 156 pp., 13 fig.
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-059118-7ISBN 978-3-11-058802-6
eBook *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50
This book analyses the past and current fiscal situation in Malaysia and identifies areas of improvements in the current tax system and public sector financing in generating the required revenue and financing government expenditure.

HC *RRP € 80.95 [D] / US$ 92.99 / £ 73.50 ISBN 978-3-11-069520-5
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074501-6ISBN 978-3-11-074514-6
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-069534-2ISBN 978-3-11-069543-4
Credit risk; Islamic banks; Islamic finance; Credit risk management

Hazik Mohamed, Stellar Consulting Group Pte Ltd, Singapore; Hassnian Ali, INCEIF, Malaysia.
September 2022 English, 2nd ed. XXII, 256 pp., 36 fig. Pb. *RRP € 30.95 [D] / US$ 36.99 / £ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074489-7
Hazik Mohamed, Hassnian Ali Blockchain, Fintech, and Islamic Finance
Azura Othman Towards a Sustainable Fiscal Position for Malaysia
Fiscal policy; Fiscal Sustainability; Tax systems; Malaysia
Jaffar Mohammed Ahmed, National Bank of Bahrain.
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Islamic Economics, Finance and Business 11
2. Edition/2nd Edition
Azura Othman, Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (CIIF), Selangor, Malaysia.
This new edition updates crucial innova tions as well as structural and institutional developments in FinTech in Islamic Finance. It focuses on developing a new Islamic digital economy and includes new chapters on risk management for Islamic financial institu tions using technology and the provision of a unified Islamic digital currency for the Islamic world, which is something that has been discussed for some time but has never materialized.

45Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access CONOMOLITICSIRTSCHAFTOLITIKPUNDW PANDEy
Building the Future in the New Islamic Digital Economy
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Jaffar Mohammed Ahmed Credit Risk Management at Islamic Banks
Boardroom Diversity; Corporate Governance; Board Diversity Effectiveness; Saudi Listed Companies; Corporate Board

HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074319-7
eBook *RRP € 19.95 [D] / US$ 22.99 / £ 18.00 PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-078763-4ISBN 978-3-11-078782-5
Balanced leadership; leadership; religion; spirituality; Islam
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
Abdullah Eskandarany, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Series: Management, Spirituality and Religion 3 January 2023
The book offers fascinating insights into how corporate governance differs in Indonesia and other Asian markets in comparison with the USA and UK. By reading this book, rooted in academic research and practical experience, investors will have a better understanding of best practice of boards in Indonesia and Asia in general – allowing them to minimize risks and potentially optimize opportunities in a fast-growing region.

The Boardroom
English, Approx. 200 pp., 7 fig.
eBook *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074173-5ISBN 978-3-11-074185-8
The world faces continued and severe leader ship predicaments that include the conse quences of the financial crisis of 2008 as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. This book introduces the concept of Balanced Leader ship from an Islamic perspective. Drawing on both leadership and Islamic studies, it synchronizes between secular and religious knowledge domains whilst introducing the notion of balance to the mainstream leader ship literature.
Peter Verhezen, Tanri Abeng
Pb. *RRP € 19.95 [D] / US$ 22.99 / £ 18.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078751-1
August 2022 English, XVIII, 204 pp., 35 fig.
Peter Verhezen, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Tanri Abeng, President Commissioner of Bio Farma, Indonesia.
A Guide to Effective Leadership and Good Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia
PDF ePUBISBN 978-3-11-074339-5ISBN 978-3-11-074349-4
This book reviews Saudi boardroom diversity of listed companies with regard to age, gen der, nationality, experience and educational profile data of board members. It summarizes Saudi corporate governance legislation from 2006 to 2020 and the socio-cultural history and barriers to diversity, to produce a com prehensive picture for academics and prac titioners and identify strategies to increase boardroom diversity in this developing, major economy.
HC *RRP € 89.95 [D] / US$ 102.99 / £ 81.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074161-2
Noha El-Bassiouny, Ahmed Amin Mohamed, German University in Cairo, Egypt; Jonathan A. J. Wilson, Regent’s University London, UK.
Abdullah Eskandarany Enhancing Boardroom Diversity in Saudi Arabia
Noha El-Bassiouny, Ahmed Mohamed, Jonathan Wilson (Eds.) What Makes a Balanced Leader? An Islamic Perspective

Series: De Gruyter Studies in Corporate English,JanuaryGovernance2024Approx. 170 pp., 22 fig.
Corporate governance; Dual Tier boards; Leadership; Compliance; Risk Management; Asia management
Volume 9 (2022)
English, German, French, 2 issues per volume (Approx. 180 pp.)
ISSN e-ISSN0021-18181613-0928
Founded by Carl Heinrich Becker in 1910, the Journal Der Islam provides a forum for the study of the history and culture of the Middle East before the age of modernisation in the 19th century, from the Iberian Peninsu la to Central Asia. Articles present the latest research in the humanities and social sciences based on literary traditions, and archival, material, and archaeological evidence. Islamic World/History; Islamic World/Culture

Print/Online € 200.00 / *US$ 269.00 / *£ 164.00
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 166.00 / *US$ 224.00 / *£ 136.00
Deutsch/German, Englisch/English, 6 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./Approx. 600 S./pp.) ISSN e-ISSN0030-53832196-6877
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 285.00 / *US$ 427.00 / *£ 234.00
Single Issue € 91.00 / *US$ 123.00 / *£ 75.00
Print/Online € 514.00 / *US$ 691.00 / *£ 421.00
Print/Online € 344.00 / *US$ 517.00 / *£ 281.00
Stefan Heidemann, Gottfried Hagen, Andreas Kaplony, Rudi Matthee, Kristina L. Richardson (Hrsg./Eds.)
Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom ganzen Orient und seinen Beziehungen zu den angrenzenden Kulturkreisen Band/Volume 117 (2022)
Jahres-Abopreis/SubscriptionPrint rates € 285.00 / *US$ 427.00 / *£ 234.00
The Orientalistische Literaturzeitung is the oldest international review journal cover ing the field of Oriental studies. Founded in 1898, in keeping with the development of the field, it has widened its scope and covers all time periods.

Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
Die Zeitschrift Der Islam stellt seit ihrer Gründung 1910 durch Carl Heinrich Becker ein Forum für die Erforschung der Geschich te und Kultur der Gesellschaften des Vorde ren Orients vor den Modernisierungen im 19. Jhdt. dar, von der Iberischen Halbinsel bis nach Zentralasien. Die Aufsätze präsentieren neueste Arbeiten der Geistes- und Sozialwis senschaften auf Grundlage der literarischen, archivalischen und archäologischen Überlie ferungen.
SubscriptionPrint rates € 166.00 / *US$ 224.00 / *£ 136.00
Die Orientalistische Literaturzeitung ist das älteste Rezensionsorgan für die Orientalistik. Seit 1898 setzt sich die Zeitschrift kritisch mit der aktuellen Forschung und Entwicklun gen im Feld auseinander. Der Ansatz ist dabei epochenübergreifend und interdisziplinär.
Islamische Welt/Geschichte; Islamische Welt/ Kultur
Deutsch/German, Englisch/English, Französisch/ French, 2 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./ Approx. 600 S./pp.)
Der Islam
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 445.00 / *US$ 599.00 / *£ 366.00 Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00
Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle Band/VolumeEast 99 (2022)
Jahres-Abopreis/SubscriptionPrint rates € 445.00 / *US$ 599.00 / *£ 366.00 Einzelheft/Single Issue € 82.00 / *US$ 110.00 / *£ 67.00
Hans Neumann (Hrsg./Ed.)
Founded by Marc Van De Mieroop
ISSN e-ISSN2328-95542328-9562
Einzelheft/Single Issue € 157.00 / *US$ 235.00 / *£ 129.00
Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
The Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History seeks to encourage and stimulate the study of the history of the ancient Near East, which is broadly defined to include areas from Iran to the western Anatolian coast and the Black Sea to Southern Arabia from its prehistoric foundations to the Late Antique period.
Steven Garfinkle (Editor-in-Chief) Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History

Band/Volume 149 (2022)
Susanne Bickel, Hans-Werner FischerElfert, Antonio Loprieno, Stefan Pfeiffer (Hrsg./Eds.)
Deutsch/German, Andere Sprachen/Other Lan guages, 2 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./ Approx. 250 S./pp.)
Zeitschrift ÄgyptischefürSprache und
ISSN e-ISSN0044-216X2196-713X
SubscriptionPrint rates € 239.00 / *US$ 320.00 / *£ 196.00
English, 1 issue per volume (Approx. 225 pp.) ISSN e-ISSN2194-65581554-4419
Jahres-Abopreis/SubscriptionPrint rates € 239.00 / *US$ 322.00 / *£ 197.00
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 239.00 / *US$ 322.00 / *£ 197.00
Zeitschrift der AsiengesellschaftSchweizerischen–Revuedela Société Band/VolumeSuisse-Asie 76 (2022)
ISSN e-ISSN0004-47172235-5871
Turan Kayaoglu (Editor-in-Chief)
Jahres-Abopreis/SubscriptionPrint rates € 180.00 / *US$ 256.00 / *£ 147.00
Asiatische Studien
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 180.00 / *US$ 256.00 / *£ 147.00
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, the oldest Egyptological journal, covers the whole field of Egyptology including Demotic, Coptic and Meroitic stud ies. The contributions examine the language, history, religion, art, and material culture of the ancient Nile valley. In addition, they deal with the history of Egyptology and with Egypt’s influence on contemporary and later cultures.
is a forum for the publication of academic research reports on the past and present cultures and societies of Asia and the Far East. The journal is intended for interna tional professionals and a broad readership. It will be edited by the Asia Society Switzer land (SAG).
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights offers a medium for scholarly debate on vari ous aspects of the question of human rights as it relates to the Muslim World. MWJHR promises to serve as a forum in which barri ers are bridged, and human rights are finally discussed with an eye on the Muslim world, in an open and creative manner.

Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
Einzelheft/Single Issue € 50.00 / *US$ 70.00 / *£ 40.00
Print/Online € 208.00 / *US$ 281.00 / *£ 171.00
Single Issue € 263.00 / *US$ 352.00 / *£ 216.00
Rafael Suter (Editor-in-Chief)
InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 239.00 / *US$ 320.00 / *£ 196.00
Mashood A. Baderin, Mahmood Monshipouri, Lynn Welchman (Eds.) Muslim World Journal of Human Rights Volume 19 (2022)
Deutsch/German, Englisch/English, Französisch/ French, 4 Hefte pro Band/issues per volume (Ca./ Approx. 1360 S./pp.)
Print/Online € 287.00 / *US$ 386.00 / *£ 237.00
Print/Online € 278.00 / *US$ 375.00 / *£ 228.00
Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
Die Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, das älteste ägyptologische Fachorgan, umfasst das gesamte Gebiet der Ägyptologie einschließlich der Demotistik und die Nachbardisziplinen Koptologie und Meroitistik. Die Aufsätze und Miszellen gelten der Sprache, Geschichte, Religion, Kunst und materiellen Kultur des antiken Niltals, den Wirkungen des alten Ägypten auf Mitwelt und Nachwelt sowie der Geschichte der TheÄgyptologie.

Études Asiatiques
Individual Subscription € 49.00 / *US$ 74.00 / *£ 40.00
Asiatische Studien ist ein Forum für die Ver öffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Forschungs beiträge zu den Kulturen und Gesellschaften Asiens und des Orients in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich an die internationale Fachwelt und an eine breite Leserschaft. Sie wird von der Schwei zerischen Asiengesellschaft (SAG) herausge Asiangeben.Studies
Einzelheft/Single Issue € 131.00 / *US$ 177.00 / *£ 108.00

InstitutionalOnline Subscription € 353.00 / *US$ 478.00 / *£ 290.00

Xue Qinggue, Masoud Daher (Editors-in-Chief)
Chinese and Arab Studies Volume 2 (2022)
English, Arabic, 2 issues per volume ISSN 2747-7460
Ghassan Dibeh, Ata Assaf, David Cobham, Hassan Hakimian, Clement M. Henry, Francesco Pastore (Eds.)
Chinese and Arab Studies aims to improve the currently weak direct academic exchang es between China and the Arab World, build a dialogue platform for academic topics of mutual concern, as well as promote the devel opment of Arab studies in China and Chinese studies in Arab countries. CAAS mainly focuses on topics that discuss the develop ment of relations between China and Arab countries from the perspective of civilization, culture, and thought.

English, 3 issues per volume (Approx. 150 pp.) ISSN 1475-3693
Review of Middle East Economics and Finance Volume 18 (2022)

The Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (RMEEF) addresses applied original research in the fields of economics and finance pertaining to the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), including Turkey and Iran. The journal also publishes articles that deal with the economies of neighboring countries and/or the relationship and interactions between those economies and the MENA region. DE CONVERSATIONSGRUYTER INSIGHTSSMART ON DEBATESTOPICSCURRENTAND
Individual Subscription € 99.00 / *US$ 149.00 / *£ 80.00

Galor, Katharina 29 García-Arenal, Mercedes 10 Garfinkle, Steven 47 Garosi, Eugenio 23 Ghrawi, Claudia 27 Gräf, Bettina 40 Grigoryan, Sona 35 Gruber, Doris 25
Mirakhor, Abbas 43, 44 Misselwitz, Charlotte 29 Mohamed, Ahmed 46 Mohamed, Hazik 45 Monshipouri, Mahmood 48 Mueller, Juliane 34 Müller, Christian 14
Einstein Center Chronoi, 7 Ekama, Kate 25 El-Bassiouny, Noha 46 El Daly, Marwa 43
El-Maghrabi, Mohamed Gaber 4 Eskandarany, Abdullah 46 European Research Council 3 36
Ben-Sasson, Menahem 7 Bickel, Susanne 48 Bischoff, Jeannine 24 Bjerregaard Mortensen, Mette 11 Blaszczyk, Arkadiusz Christoph 23 Blömer, Michael 3 Böttigheimer, Christoph 17 Böttingheimer, Christoph 18 Bou Akl, Ziad 13 Breyer, Francis 3 Brodeur, Patrice 30
Abu-Nimer, Mohammed 31 Ahmed, Jaffar Mohammed 45 Alghafal, Suaad 26 Alhabshi, Syed Adam 43 Alhabshi, Syed Othman 43 al-Ḥuǧairī, Muḥammad 39 Ali, Hassnian 45 Alkin, Ömer 15 Alpina, Tommaso 19 Alsadi, Wejdan 38 al-Sayyid, Riḍwān 14 Anagnostou-Laoutides, Eva 7 Anwer, Zaheer 44 Arzhanov, yury 20 Assaf, Ata 49 Atshan, Sa’ed 29 Avicenna 19
E Egbe, Olawari D. J. 42
Nagel, Tilman 12 Na’im Haji Mokhtar, Haji Mohd. 43 Nelson, Renáta Katalin 31 Neumann, Hans 47 Neuwirth, Angelika 21 Noll, Volker 37
Johnson, J. Cale 3
Maghen, Ze'ev 40 Markschies, Christoph 16 Martire, Corrado la 19 Matthee, Rudi 47 Meouak, Mohamed 24
Di Vincenzo, Silvia 19 Dolgun, Muhammed Habib 43 Dozio, Cristina 38 Dye, Guillaume 11 Dziri, Amir 14
Kagan, Arik 22 Kaplony, Andreas 47 Kayaoglu, Turan 48 Kazemzadeh, Masoud 41 Khan, Irfan Moeen 28 Kirchner, Anna 29 Klinger, Thibaut 26 Koçak, Mustafa 7 Köcher, Franz 3, 20 Köchümkulova, Elmira 22 Kolb, Jonas 30 Kreikenbom, Detlev 7 Kresse, Kai 27 Kügelgen, Anke 21
Langer, Christian 5 Lehmann, Karsten 30 Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient 26, 27, 37 Liebrenz, Boris 33 Loprieno, Antonio 48 Love, Edward O. D. 4
O Oliver, Isaac W. 11 Orfali, Bilal 33 Othman, Azura 45 Özsoy, Ergün 34
El Kaisy-Friemuth, Maha 16
Baalbaki, Ramzi 33 Bader Eddin, Eylaf 40 Baderin, Mashood A. 48 Bakkali, Saad 44 Ballouz, Nayef 21 Bayrak, Mehmet 15
Pastore, Francesco 49 Penelas, Mayte 23 Pereira, Christophe 36 Pfeiffer, Stefan 7 48 Porphyry 20 Poya, Abbas 13 Puente, Cristina 24
Rachik, Catharina 17 Rashed, Roshdi 20 Reese, Scott 34 Regus, Max 18 Reimann, Caren 33 Richardson, Kristina L. 33 47 Richter, Sebastian 5 Rietmann, Helena 39 Robinson, Alva 22 Römer, Cornelia 4 Rossum, Matthias van 25 Rudolph, Ulrich 18
Saba, Elias G. 15 Sadig, Saudi 37 Sadr, Seyed Ali 12 Sarkis, Guy-Raymond 11 Schamiloglu, Uli 22 Schielke, Samuli 37 Schmidtchen, Eric 20 Schnitzlein, Babette 4 Sejdini, Zekirija 13, 30 Sever, Nurkan 26 Seyed-Gohrab, Asghar 38 Shaffer, Brenda 41 Shehata, Mukhtar Saad 37 Sikorska, Liliana 35 Simko, Krisztian 3 Sirry, Mun'im 9 Sounaye, Abdoulaye 27 Stadler, Martin Andreas 5 Sterman Sabbath, Roberta 16 Stol, Marten 3, 20 Strohmeyer, Arno 25 Suciyan, Talin 28 Suleiman, Farid 13
Fazaluddin, Shafi 10 Ferrero Hernández, Cándida 9 Fierro, Maribel 23 Fischer-Elfert, Hans-Werner 5, 48 Flores, Alexander 21 Freitag, Ulrike 27 Friedmann, yohanan 16 Friedrich, Michael 35
50 INDEX A Abdel Rahem, Mohammed 16 Abeng, Tanri 46
Dağyeli, Jeanine Elif 27 Daher, Masoud 49 de Castilla, Nuria 35 Decharneux, Julien 10 Delnero, Paul 6 de Martino, Stefano 6 Déroche, François 35 Dhouib, Sarhan 21 Dibeh, Ghassan 49 Dils, Peter 5
Ceylan, Rauf 15 Chappatte, André 27 Cobham, David 49 Conermann, Stephan 24 Corff, Oliver 22 Corriente, Federico 36
Qinggue, Xue 49 R
Hafemann, Ingelore 5 Hagen, Gottfried 47 Hajatpour, Reza 16 Hakimian, Hassan 49 Haller, Dieter 30 Heeßel, Nils P. 3 20 Heidemann, Stefan 47 Heinemann, Jörg 28 Hellman, Lisa 25 Henry, Clement M. 49 Hopkins, Lisa 36 Howard, Martin 38 Hünefeld, Kerstin 25
Whittingham, Martin 11 Widenka, Wenzel Maximilian 17, 18 Wiegers, Gerard 10
U Uchendu, Egodi 42
Tamer, Georges 17
Thörner, Katja 17
Willis, Michael 36 Wilson, Jonathan 46 Winter, Engelbert 3 Winter, Ofir 39 Wippel, Steffen 42 Wolf, Klaus 34

Welchman, Lynn 48

Tolan, John 9

Vicente, Ángeles 36 von Stuckrad, Kocku 29

Viano, Maurizio 6
W Washington, Jonathan 22 Weaver, James 28 Weineck, Benjamin 13
Tottoli, Roberto 9 Trakic, Adnan 41 Türker, Sibel 28
51Database Journal Textbook Yearbook Open Access INDEX

Entdecken Sie eine Vielfalt an geistesnaturwissenschaftlichenundThemen BEWÄHRTE UND degruyter.comSTUDIENBÜCHERLEHR-ERFOLGREICHEUND /textbooks
Verskin, Sara 15

Van De Mieroop, Marc 47 Verhezen, Peter 46
Suter, Rafael 48
Tekcan, Münevver 22 Tesei, Tommaso 11
Zellmann-Rohrer, Michael W. 4 Zychowicz-Coghill, Edward 24
Y yildirim, Ramazan 44 yonker, Carl C. 42


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