9 minute read



Open Access

Andreas Wagner, Jürgen van Oorschot, Lars Allolio-Näcke (Eds.)

Archaeology of Mind in Hebrew Bible Archäologie alttestamentlichen Denkens

Funded by Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)

November 2022 English, German, Approx. 360 pp., 32 fi g.

HC *RRP € 97.95 [D] / US$ 113.99 / £ 89.50 ISBN 978-3-11-074218-3


PDF ISBN 978-3-11-074242-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-074259-6

Research into the Hebrew Bible, Ancient Near East, Philosophy and History have long considered whether thought in the cultural area of the ancient Middle East differs from that in the western Mediterranean. The inclusion of neurobiology, psychology, brain research and evolutionary research will widen this horizon and allow new approaches. This volume provides in depth insides into this Archaeology of Mind in 22 contributions.

Aspective; evolution of the brain; Western thought; cognition

Andreas Wagner, Bern, Switzerland, Jürgen van Oorschot and Lars Allolio-Näcke, Erlangen, Germany. Johann Maier (†) Josef Oesch, Franz David Hubmann (Hrsg./Eds.)

Studien zur jüdischen Bibel

Band 2

Reihe/Series: Studia Judaica 121 April/April 2023 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. 800 S./pp.

Geb./HC *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / UVP/RRP £ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078831-0

eBook *€ 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / UVP/RRP £ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-078849-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-078856-3

Der 2019 verstorbene Judaist Johann Maier gehörte zu den renommiertesten Judaisten Deutschlands. Eine Auswahl seiner wichtigen, teils bahnbrechenden Schriften zur Geschichte, Religionsgeschichte und Literatur des Judentums wird in diesem Band gemeinsam mit einem umfassenden Schriftenverzeichnis dargeboten.

Judaism; Jewish Literature; Jerusalem.

Josef Oesch, Innsbruck, und Franz Hubmann, Linz, Österreich.

Now in Paperback

Benjamin D. Gordon

Land and Temple

Field Sacralization and the Agrarian Priesthood of Second Temple Judaism

Series: Studia Judaica 87 January 2022 English, XI, 287 pp., 17 fi g.

Pb. *RRP € 20.95 [D] / US$ 24.99 / £ 19.00 ISBN 978-3-11-077670-6

Cults and temples of the ancient world regularly held assets in land, often naming a patron deity as landowner but managing the land themselves and affording it sanctity protections. Such arrangements can provide essential background to the Hebrew Bible’s assertion that the Land of Israel is “God’s land.” They can also shed light on the references in biblical and early Jewish literature to the sacred landholdings of the priesthood or the temple.

Priest; temple; land; sacred

Benjamin D. Gordon, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Hannah M. Cotton Ofer Pogorelsky (Ed.)

Roman Rule and Jewish Life

Collected Papers

Series: Studia Judaica 89 March 2022 English, XXXII, 607 pp., 1 fi g.

HC *RRP € 154.95 [D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 ISBN 978-3-11-019144-8

eBook *RRP € 154.95 [D] / US$ 178.99 / £ 141.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077043-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077060-5

The collected papers in this volume illuminate fundamental, often legal, questions concerning daily life under and the exercise of Roman rule and administration in the early imperial period, and especially, their impact on life as it was lived in the province and the period where Roman and Jewish history fatefully intersected. The volume includes a complete bibliography of her publications.

Provincial Jurisdiction; Jewish law; legal contracts; confl icts of law

Hannah M. Cotton, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

John Van Maaren

The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE

Power, Strategies, and Ethnic Confi gurations

Series: Studia Judaica 118 June 2022 English, XVIII, 316 pp.

HC *RRP € 86.95 [D] / US$ 99.99 / £ 79.00 ISBN 978-3-11-078738-2

eBook *RRP € 86.95 [D] / US$ 99.99 / £ 79.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-078745-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-078748-1

Scholars rely on intuition to relate text to context in reconstructions of Jewishness in antiquity. This study uses a recent sociological model to link demographic and institutional environments with how writers construct Jewishness. It integrates textual and material sources into a thick description of the competition over who is in, how this is marked, and what this means for life chances. The results con rm and challenge past conclusions.

Hasmoneans; Herod the Great; Antiochus IV; Historical Sociology

John Van Maaren, Ruprecht-KarlsUniversität Heidelberg, Germany.

Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum

Founded by Itzhak Fikhman z''l

Noah Hacham, Tal Ilan (Eds.)

Volume 5: The EarlyRoman Period (30 BCE–117 CE)

In collab. with Deborah Jacobs, Meron M. Piotrkowski, Zsuzsanna Szántó

October 2022 English, Approx. 220 pp., 1 fi g.

HC *RRP € 112.95 [D] / US$ 129.99 / £ 102.50 ISBN 978-3-11-078599-9

eBook *RRP € 112.95 [D] / US$ 129.99 / £ 102.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-078776-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-078791-7

The fth volume of the Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum collects and presents all papyri, ostraca, amulets and inscriptions from the early Roman period connected to Jews and Judaism, published since 1957. It is a followup of the 1960 volume 2 of the Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum. It includes over 80 documents in Greek, Demotic, and Hebrew, both documentary and literary, including three Greek biblical texts.

Papyrology; Biblical Papyri; Diaspora; Jews of Edfu; Tiberius Julius Alexander

Noah Hacham, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; Tal Ilan, Free University of Berlin, Germany.

Radka Fialovà, Jiří Hoblik, Petr Kitzler (Eds.)

Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity

Transmission and Transformation of Ideas

Series: Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 155 October 2022 English, Approx. VI, 252 pp., 3 fi g.

HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-079507-3

eBook *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-079628-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-079640-7

This volume tries to illuminate various aspects of philosophical theology dealt with by different Jewish and early Christian authors and texts, rooted in and in uenced by the Hellenistic religious, cultural, and philosophical context. It features studies focused on the Jewish literary and cultural tradition and its reception and intends not only to better understand Christianity, but also to better comprehend Hellenism and its consequences.

Hellenism; History of Thought; Philosophical Theology; Early Christian and Jewish Literature

Radka Fialová, Jiří Hoblík andPetr Kitzler, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.


Open Access Now in Paperback

Konstantin M. Klein, Johannes Wienand (Eds.)

City of Caesar, City of God

Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity

Series: Millennium-Studien/ Millennium Studies 97 September 2022 English, Approx. 360 pp., 22 fi g.

HC *RRP € 109.95 [D] / US$ 126.99 / £ 100.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071720-4


PDF ISBN 978-3-11-071844-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-071858-4

This volume explores the entangled history of Constantinople and Jerusalem in Late Antiquity. The two cities were powerful symbols of Empire and Church, interconnected and interdependent in multiple ways. Covering the transition between Antiquity, Byzantium, and the Middle Ages, distinguished international scholars investigate art, ceremony, religion, ideology, and imperial rule in these vibrant, inspiring and fascinating urban hubs.

Jerusalem; Constantinople; Late Antiquity; empire and church

Konstantin M. Klein, University of Bamberg, Germany; Johannes Wienand, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.

Erich S. Gruen

Ethnicity in the Ancient World: Did it matter?

July 2022 English, XI, 265 pp.

Pb. *RRP € 19.95 [D] / US$ 22.99 / £ 18.00 ISBN 978-3-11-099505-3

This study approaches the topic of ethnicity through the lenses of the ancients themselves rather than through the imposition of modern categories. It takes into account the expressions and attitudes of a wide variety of Greek, Roman, Jewish, and early Christian sources. A central issue guides the course of the work: did ancient writers re ect upon collective identity as determined by common origins or by shared traditions and culture?

Ancient Near East; Greeks; Romans; Jews

Erich S. Gruen, University of California, Berkeley, USA.


Edited by Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Pieter W. van der Horst, Hermann Lichtenberger, Doron Mendels, James R. Mueller

The series Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature (CEJL) is devoted to the study of Jewish documents and traditions that can be dated or traced back to the Hellenistic and Roman periods (ca. 300 BCE–150 CE). The literature covered by the series represents a rich diversity of literary forms and religious perspectives. Formally, these writings include testaments, apocalypses, legends, expansions and interpretations of biblical writings, psalms and prayers, poetry, historiography, and wisdom literature. They witness to an immensely creative period during which many Jews were struggling to preserve a living faith in the wake of social, political, and religious upheavals in the Mediterranean world and the Near East.

New volume 2022

John R. Levison


10/2022. Approx. 1200 pages, 1 fig.


RRP € 175,95 [D] / *US$ 201.99 / *£ 159.50 ISBN 978-3-11-075588-6


RRP € 175,95 [D] / *US$ 201.99 / *£ 159.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-075644-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-075652-4

Already Published

Dale C. Allison, Jr.


Paraleipomena Jeremiou 2019. 640 pages


RRP € 89,95 [D] / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026973-4


RRP € 89,95 [D] / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-026980-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-038548-9

Benjamin G. Wright


‚Aristeas to Philocrates‘ or ‚On the Translation of the Law of the Jews‘ 2015. xii, 501 pages


RRP € 119,95 [D] / *US$ 168.00 / *£ 89.99 ISBN 978-3-11-043904-5


RRP € 119,95 [D] / *US$ 168.00 / *£ 89.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-043134-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-043149-0

Deborah Levine Gera


2013. xii, 571 pages


RRP € 129,95 [D] / *US$ 136.50 / *£ 73.49 ISBN 978-3-11-032304-7


RRP € 129,95 [D] / *US$ 182.00 / *£ 97.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-032396-2 Alexander Kulik


Greek-Slavonic Apocalypse of Baruch 2010. xi, 447 pages


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 147.00 / *£ 78.99 ISBN 978-3-11-021248-8


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 196.00 / *£ 104.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-021249-5 Walter T. Wilson


2005. xiv, 302 pages


RRP € 99,95 [D] / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 74.99 ISBN 978-3-11-018241-5


RRP € 99,95 [D] / *US$ 140.00 / *£ 74.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-089276-5

Pieter W. van der Horst , Judith. H. Newman


2008. xvi, 298 pages


RRP € 129,95 [D] / *US$ 182.00 / *£ 97.99 ISBN 978-3-11-020503-9


RRP € 129,95 [D] / *US$ 182.00 / *£ 97.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-021112-2

Daniel R. Schwartz


2008. x, 617 pages


RRP € 179,95 [D] / *US$ 252.00 / *£ 134.99 ISBN 978-3-11-019118-9


RRP € 179,95 [D] / *US$ 252.00 / *£ 134.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-021120-7

Loren T. Stuckenbruck

1 ENOCH 91 – 108

2007. xiv, 855 pages


RRP € 179,95 [D] / *US$ 252.00 / *£ 134.99 ISBN 978-3-11-019119-6


RRP € 179,95 [D] / *US$ 252.00 / *£ 134.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-020413-1 Dale C. Allison


2003. xvi, 527 pages


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 168.00 / *£ 104.99 ISBN 978-3-11-017888-3


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 168.00 / *£ 104.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-092397-1

Joseph A. Fitzmyer


2002. xviii, 374 pages


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 196.00 / *£ 104.99 ISBN 978-3-11-017574-5


RRP € 139,95 [D] / *US$ 196.00 / *£ 104.99 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-090703-2

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