Preview Fall 2024 | JOVIS

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2024 Fall Architecture Urbanism Landscape


Doris Kleilein fon: +49 (0)30 263672-27


Salome Sommer fon: +49 (0)30 263672-0


Charlotte Blumenthal fon: +49 (0)30 263672-21

Theresa Hartherz Fon: +49 (0)30 263672-28

Franziska Schüffler fon: +49 (0)30 263672-23

Felix Torkar fon: +49 (0)30 263672-25


Susanne Rösler fon: +49 (0)30 263672-26

Floyd E. Schulze fon: +49 (0)30 26005-294


Nicole Schwarz mobile: +49 (0)174 5845017

Max Dornemann fon: +49 (0)30 26005-163

Kevin Schneider fon: +49 (0)30 26005-370

© Nikola Hergovich, aus Colors


In conventional planning, urban and rural areas are still seen as polar opposites. Books that question this old dualism and turn their attention to transformation across all levels and regions are a key feature of our program this fall.

While Transformation zwischen Maas und Rhein proposes strategies for cross-border planning between Germany and the Netherlands, Back to Earth offers a perspective from Senegal on urbanization and construction processes in West Africa.

The environment, public services, and digitalization are all subjects that cannot be considered in isolation. While most research on rural areas takes place in cities, Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz uses the Austrian pilot project of the “landuni,” or countryside university, as an example of what teaching and studying at the heart of these regions has to offer. And with its nuanced look at building and planning in suburban areas, Peripheral Centralities bridges the gap between the city and countryside.

You’ll find these and many more books to interest you in this catalog—and on our newly redesigned website at

Kleilein, Editorial Director, and the jovis team

1 Editorial 4 Bauhaus Earth Manuals 2: Back to Earth 6 Transformation zwischen Maas und Rhein 8 Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz 10 Europan 17: Living Cities 2 12 Urban Design on the Move 14 Sanfte Stadterneuerung Revisited 16 Peripheral Centralities 18 Rethinking Urban-Rural Relationships 20 PASS-STÜCKE 22 Tranforming Mathildenhöhe: A World Heritage Site 24 Nickl & Partner—What’s Next? 28 Stahlstadtschule 30 Colors 32 The Complete Guide to Combat City 34 E-Books 36 Special Edition Beton & Nicht Beton 38 From Our Backlist 44 Academic Partners © Philipp Schaerer

Bauhaus Earth Manuals 2 Back to Earth

Urbanization without Depletion

Studio Suddo Neuve

The Senegalese building collective Studio Suddo Neuve is calling for a paradigm shift in the West African construction sector. The collective has been focusing on substituting ubiquitous concrete blocks with earth-based materials. While this volume primarily documents the practical aspects of building with earth, it also examines urbanization and construction processes in the region. The detailed manual for the production and use of earth blocks underlines the contribution nature-based products can have for the transformation toward regenerative building practices and demonstrates their potential for global application. The project showcases how local materials can be adapted to contemporary building demands while minimizing environmental impact.


128 pages, 60 col. and b/w ill.

16 × 23 cm

Print 978-3-98612-145-7

E-Book 978-3-98612-146-4

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 35.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)

• A handbook on building with earth blocks A West African perspective on the global reorientation of building practices

© Project Mako e. V.

Transformation zwischen Maas und Rhein

Eine Region im Wandel

Christa Reicher / Canan Çelik / Holger Hoffschröer / Christian Larisch / Nicole Maurer (eds.)

Looking from the open-cast mining landscapes of the Rhineland and the rolling hills of the Dutch Heuvelland to the River Meuse, you can see a diverse region in transition. But the starting points for these changes could hardly be more different—from the pressure to grow along the Rhine in North Rhine-Westphalia to the structural changes brought about by the phasing out of lignite and the redevelopment of a border region at the heart of Europe. Questions arise not only about the future of Europe’s largest landscape construction site, but also about the power of the national border and the necessity for cross-border planning. The book uses numerous maps to provide an overview of the current situation and links this to innovative concepts and ideas for shaping the transformation processes. In addition to highlighting the different potentials and challenges of the different sub-areas, the book also illustrates the underlying processes. Operating at the increasingly important regional level, these ideas offer a glimpse into the distant future without losing sight of the here and now.


256 pages, 350 col. and b/w ill.

24 × 29 cm

Print 978-3-98612-093-1

E-Book 978-3-98612-105-1

€ 52.00 (DE)

$ 57.99 (US)

£ 45.50 (UK)



• Provides a comprehensive cartographic overview of the Rhine-Meuse region

• Proposes fundamental guidelines and examples for informal regional development and cross-border planning

• Suggests innovative strategies and concepts for urban and regional development

© Revierknoten Raum 2021

Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz

Wie Universitäten die ländliche Zukunft mitgestalten können

Kerstin Schmid / Benjamin Altrichter / Dorothee Huber / Isabel Stumfol (eds.)

“Research, teaching, learning—in the countryside, for the countryside.” That was the motto under which TU Wien founded the “landuni” in Drosendorf in Lower Austria: an anchor point where researchers work together with local residents to discuss livable and sustainable futures for rural regions. Vom Hörsaal zum Dorfplatz illustrates the subjects researched on-site, which include rebuild culture, spatial transformation processes, creative businesses, climate change, visions for the future, and mobility—and, in doing so, assesses the “landuni” (countryside university) itself as a means of regional development. In a world where research and teaching on rural life still frequently take place in urban centers, this volume offers an impetus to think about life in the countryside on a local level.


176 pages, 40 col. and b/w ill.

19.5 × 27 cm

Print 978-3-98612-139-6

E-Book 978-3-98612-140-2

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)



Introduces a pilot project that anchors rural studies within local communities

• Proposes countryside universities as a pioneering method of regional development

A high-quality volume with tri-color painted edges

© Benjamin Altrichter

Europan 17: Living Cities 2 Results

Europan Deutschland e. V. / Vesta Nele Zareh (eds.)

How are we to move from urban spaces that are neglected, disused, vacant, stigmatized, or monofunctional toward those that are lively, integrated, and mixed-use? At eight German locations, among them Berlin, Leipzig, and Munich, projects were developed in relation to the thematic foci “multifunctional urban components,” “health city,” “development of existing structures,” and “sustainable transformation of existing infrastructures,” all of which highlight the potential for inclusive processes of transformation in municipalities in states of change. This catalog assembles the competition entries for the German locations, along with the German prizewinners for the European locations. Living Cities 2—visions for preexisting sites and spaces.

With contributions by Andrea Benze, Julio de la Fuente Martínez, Kaye Geipel, Elke Krasny, and Elisabeth Merk

• New concepts for neglected, disused, vacant, stigmatized, or monofunctional sites

• The essential competition for young architectural talent European wide


200 pages, num. col. ill.

20 × 29.7 cm

Print 978-3-98612-134-1

E-Book 978-3-98612-135-8

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 38.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)



Related titles:

Europan 16: Living Cities

Europan Deutschland e. V. / Vesta Nele Zareh / Lola Meyer (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-761-5

E-Book 978-3-86859-801-8

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)

Europan 15: The Productive City 2

Europan Deutschland e. V. / Vesta Nele Zareh (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-642-7

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


© Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen Berlin, Dirk Laubner

© Nøha, Andrea Suardi, Ani Safaryan


Urban Design on the Move

Stories About Implementing a Winning Europan Project

With a Latourian Actor-Network Theory approach, Urban Design on the Move follows a young design team’s transformative journey of implementing the Europan 4 winning project at Heraklion’s old city waterfront in Crete, Greece. During the design trajectory, the team mediates several controversies that become decisive for the project’s outcome. Together with Hercules, a fictional character and friend of the team, they accompany the transformation of the competition’s design strategies into implemented urban practices. In a unique storytelling format, the author unpacks the team’s design diplomacy skills in promoting their idea of an open and porous city welcoming heterogeneous publics—laying bare the informal and unsaid aspects of the design implementation process.


280 pages, 362 col. and b/w ill.

16.5 × 24 cm

Print 978-3-98612-100-6

E-Book 978-3-98612-101-3

€ 39.00 (DE)

$ 42.99 (US)

£ 34.00 (UK)

04.2024 English

• A compelling analysis of urban design in the making

• Written in a unique storytelling format An inspiration for urban designers in uncertain environments

© Socrates Stratis

Sanfte Stadterneuerung Revisited

Wiener Handlungsstrategien für den Bestand

Kirsch-Soriano da Silva / Judith M. Lehner / Simon A. Güntner (eds.)

In 1970s Vienna, civic protests against the demolition and replacement of old buildings with new ones led to both a paradigm shift and a more “gentle” approach towards interventions in the city’s historic neighborhoods. After years of investigation and experimentation, the Sanfte Stadterneuerung (gentle urban renewal) programme was adopted to promote the renovation of existing residential buildings and participatory processes in neighborhoods. This volume illustrates the historic roots and evolution of this multi-award-winning approach through written contributions from experts, interviews with pioneers of the programme, building and neighborhood case studies, and perspectives on the future of urban renewal. Today, the first phase of the Sanfte Stadterneuerung programme in Vienna serves as inspiration for tackling current challenges in the development of strategies for existing building stock.

• Considers the potential of gentle urban renewal as a powerful tool in designing and implementing urban transformation projects

• Features interviews with historical witnesses and projects across five decades

• Offers inspiring insights into Vienna’s practice of gentle urban renewal


208 pages, 75 col. and b/w ill.

20 × 26 cm

Print 978-3-98612-153-2

E-Book 978-3-98612-154-9

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)



Related titles:


Angelika Psenner

Print 978-3-98612-028-3

E-Book 978-3-98612-033-7

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)

2000 Years of Housing in Vienna

Wolfgang Förster (ed.)

Print 978-3-86859-661-8

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)

© Judith M. Lehner

Peripheral Centralities

Instances of Anticipatory Urbanism

The majority of the peripheries and in-between spaces of the planet’s urban regions are living spaces and working landscapes. Despite this, we understand little about the centrality of urban peripheries as the sites and spaces for some of the most imaginative, anticipatory, and purposeful instances of urbanism. This volume demonstrates the centrality of urban peripheries in all their variety with a view to reworking urban, architectural, design, planning, infrastructural, sociological, ecological, and geographical theory from the outside in. The book also examines the relationships of these new centralities to the metabolisms, assemblages, and urban political ecologies beyond the built and imagined materialities of their immediate situation.

• Features pioneering writing and illustrations on designed centralities in urban peripheries

Presents a range of international examples covering most continents

• Offers novel theoretical interpretations from across the built environment disciplines


272 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

17 × 24 cm

Print 978-3-98612-144-0

E-Book 978-3-98612-152-5

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)



Related titles:

Urbanizing Suburbia

Tahl Kaminer / Leonard Ma / Helen Runting (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-762-2

E-Book 978-3-86859-873-5

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)

© Roger Keil © Roger Keil

Rethinking Urban-Rural Relationships

Zentralitäten 4.0

Raumpolitiken und neue Mobilität auf dem Lande

Philipp Oswalt / Stefan Rettich (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-622-9

E-Book 978-3-98612-051-1

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 27.00 (UK)

GAM 15

Territorial Justice

Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz (ed.)

Guest Editors: Aglaée Degros / Eva Schwab / Urs Hirschberg / Petra Petersson / Andreas Lechner

Print 978-3-86859-855-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-839-1

€ 19.95 (DE)

$ 22.99 (US)

£ 17.50 (UK)


For Urban-Rural Sustainability in Lower Saxony

Vanessa Miriam Carlow / Grace Abou Jaoude / Chantal Karadag / Olaf Mumm / Marie Scheer / Kristin Schöning / Ryan Zeringue (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-725-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-988-6

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Slow Urban Planning

The Future of Tribsees

Ton Matton

Print EN 978-3-86859-769-1

Print DE 978-3-86859-874-2

€ 34.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 29.50 (UK)


Rural-Urban Strategies

Jörg Schröder / Maurizio Carta / Maddalena Ferretti / Barbaro Lino (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-449-2

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)

mittendrin und rundherum

Reden, Planen, Bauen auf dem Land und in der Stadt – ein nonconform Lesebuch

Wojciech Czaja / Barbara Feller

Roland Gruber (ed.)

Print 978-3-86859-713-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-990-9

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.00 (UK)

International Village Show

Kathrin Böhm / Wapke Feenstra / Antje Schiffers

Print 978-3-86859-465-2

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)




Bauen im historischen Kontext –Krekeler Architekten

Jens Birnbaum / Tina Gebler / Achim Krekeler (eds.)

Pass-Stücke (lit. “fitting pieces”) are precise additions to damaged building elements. While architectural retrofit elements may seem to only slightly change the look of the building, they actually do much more: they strengthen the entirety of the historic building while creating space for something new.

Whether it’s Schloss Charlottenburg (Charlottenburg Palace) in Berlin, the Deichtorhallen cultural complex in Hamburg, or the historic city hall in Goslar, Krekeler Architekten see every project as a unique space with its own history, atmosphere, and aesthetic—and its own requirements and possibilities. The starting point for their designs is a keen sense of context that allows the reimagining and sensitive reuse of historic architecture. Using thirty projects spanning a period of thirty years and commentary from members of the firm, this volume reveals the internationally active architecture office’s unique approach.


320 pages, 322 col. and b/w ill.

19 × 25 cm

Print 978-3-98612-106-8

E-Book 978-3-98612-107-5

€ 46.00 (DE)

$ 50.99 (US)

£ 40.00 (UK)



Offers a new perspective on both famous monuments and new discoveries

• Provides thirty examples of best practice for the reuse of existing buildings—from Brandenburg to Bucharest Includes an afterword by the architecture critic Jürgen Tietz

Birnbaum Tina Gebler Achim Krekeler [Hg.]
Bauen im historischen Kontext –Krekeler Architekten © Stefan Melchior © Krekeler Architekten Generalplaner GmbH

Tranforming Mathildenhöhe: A World Heritage Site

The Refurbishment of the Exhibition Hall by schneider+schumacher

Falk Jaeger

In 1908, the Exhibition Hall at the Mathildenhöhe Artists’ Colony in Darmstadt—designed by the Jugendstil architect Joseph Maria Olbrich—was inaugurated. A century later, schneider+schumacher was entrusted with its general renovation. To begin with, the office had to grapple with the building’s historic architectural substance, its complex climatic and exhibition technology, as well as the spatial and design challenges inherent to the iconic structure. Also playing an important role was the building’s status as a protected landmark and the decision—announced in the course of the renovations—by a UNESCO commission to declare the Artists’ Colony a World Heritage Site. This richly illustrated volume tells the story of this building while showing readers how the architects have allowed it to speak again for itself, at the same time introducing new voices with the addition of contemporary elements.

• History and renovation of the unique Art Nouveau monument

• Published on the occasion of the reopening in autumn of 2024


176 pages, 160 col. and b/w ill.

24 × 30 cm

Print 978-3-98612-126-6

E-book 978-3-98612-128-0

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)



Also available in German:

Print 978-3-98612-125-9

E-book 978-3-98612-127-3

Related titles:

100 Jahre Moderne in Hessen Kai Buchholz / Philipp Oswalt (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-583-3

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)

© Jörg Hempel

Nickl & Partner What’s Next?

What is good architecture? What challenges does the digital revolution hold for planning and design? Is having your own workspace important for your creativity? How does co-creation impact the design process? Can you do architecture without coffee? Looking back over forty-five years of work, the Nickl & Partner architecture office poses forty-five questions, both large and small, about architecture. The responses by the firm’s founders, employees, experts, and partners range from discussions of global trends to personal experiences. The stories and projects introduced here provide an immediate and entertaining snapshot of the current state of architectural design, as well as a view of its future.

• Presents a showcase of works by the internationally acclaimed architecture firm

• Features engaging interviews and a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes

• Includes expert contributions on trends in the field of architecture for healthcare and research institutions


200 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

21 × 28 cm

Print 978-3-98612-122-8

E-Book 978-3-98612-123-5

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)



Also available in German:

Print 978-3-98612-112-9

E-Book 978-3-98612-113-6

Related titles:

Space Anatomy

Magdalena Maierhofer / Evelyn Temmel / Judith M. Lehner / Kathrin Schelling / Lene Benz (eds.)

Print 978-3-86859-770-7

E-Book 978-3-98612-009-2

€ 34.00 (DE)

$ 37.99 (US)

£ 34.00 (UK)

© Werner Hutmacher © Nickl & Partner Architekten

jovis research

Fundamental questions in architecture and urbanism that look beyond the present moment: we envision the jovis research series as a platform for scholars aiming to make their work accessible to a broader public. We offer a stage for socially relevant academic discourse on the history and theory of architecture and related disciplines—with striking design and at an affordable price.

Das Hochhaus als Gewebe von Gestaltung und Technik Falk Schneemann

Bauten und Projekte in Westdeutschland zwischen 1945 und 1980 research 1

Print 978-3-86859-655-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-945-9

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 34.50 (UK)

Alexander Fichte

Städtische Wohnquartiere in Venedig (1918–1939)

Urbane Gestalt zwischen modernen Anforderungen und lokaler Bautradition

research 5

Print 978-3-86859-660-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-971-8

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 32.00 (UK)

Christiane Fülscher

Deutsche Botschaften

Zwischen Anpassung und Abgrenzung research 2

Print 978-3-86859-652-6

E-Book 978-3-86859-964-0

€ 55.00 (DE)

$ 63.99 (US)

£ 50.00 (UK)

Andjelka Badnjar Gojnić

Praxis of Collective Building

Narratives of Philosophy and Construction research 6

Print 978-3-86859-737-0

E-Book 978-3-86859-998-5

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Die urbane Leere

Neue disziplinäre Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse in Europa und Lateinamerika


Print 978-3-86859-752-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-797-4

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und räumlicher Präsenzlosigkeit research 4

Print 978-3-86859-772-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-788-2

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)

Franz Arlart

Die Tankstelle

Ein Bautypus im Wandel seiner Symbolhaftigkeit

Print 978-3-86859-777-6

E-Book 978-3-86859-781-3

€ 55.00 (DE)

$ 60.99 (US)

£ 48.00 (UK)

Print 978-3-86859-771-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-787-5

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 32.00 (UK)

Katharina J. Neubauer Judith M. Lehner


da – die architektur linz

c/o now / Sigi Atteneder (eds.)

Since 1990, the department known as da (die architektur = the architecture) at the University of Arts Linz has been Austria’s newest and smallest architecture school. Located in this city on the Danube, it addresses topics related to both urban and rural space, with a critical emphasis on social and ecological aspects.

Stahlstadtschule assembles a selection of texts, interviews, projects, and artifacts that situate the Linz school of architecture within the larger Austrian architectural and cultural landscape, and in relation to the city of Linz and its urban development policies and processes. The publication traces the architectural history of the city of Linz in recent decades, at the same time opening up critical perspectives on these developments offered by the local architectural school.

With contributions by Wolf-Dieter Albrecht, Peter Arlt, Sigi Atteneder, Matthias Böttger, c/o now, Elisa Engel, Martin Fritz, Roland Gnaiger, Tobias Hagleitner, Saskia Hebert, Gabu Heindl, IfA Diaspora, Gabi Kaiser, Kontextur, Franz Koppelstätter, mia2, Barbara Pampe, Sabine Pollak, Heidi Pretterhofer, Clemens Quirin, Michael Rieper, Ulrike Schwantner, Petra Stiermayer, THuM Ateliers, Rainer Zendron, and Michael Zinner


288 pages, 350 col. and b/w ill.

17 × 24 cm

Print 978-3-98612-081-8

E-Book 978-3-98612-082-5

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)



• A fresh look at developments in architectural theory and instruction in recent decades

• A critical and creative confrontation with urban development and architecture in Linz


© CC BY-SA 4.0 (Rainer Zendron, Frühstück in der Kurve, Stadtwerkstatt, 1985)

© Kurt Hoerbst


Diskursiv No. 2

Adna Babahmetović / Ajna Babahmetović / Julian Brües / Michael Hafner / Katharina Hohenwarter / Philipp Sternath (eds.)

Color has always been a powerful tool in architecture: it can influence perceptions of space and form, convey meaning and intention, and guide the viewer’s sensory experience. However, it has lost importance in architectural practice and teaching. With the volume Colors, the Graz-based research collective Diskursiv illustrates a mood in contemporary architecture’s use of color. The contributors approach the topic on a theoretical level and, by stressing the potential impact of color, make an impassioned case for its return to the architectural discourse—against the dogma of the universal white box and for a rediscovery of color as a central instrument of architecture.


384 pages, 150 col. and b/w ill.

12 × 18.5 cm

Print 978-3-98612-136-5

E-Book 978-3-98612-137-2

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 30.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK)



• The second volume by the Graz architectural research collective Diskursiv

• Considers the positions, approaches, and working methods of various architecture offices with regard to color and colorfulness

© Nikola Hergovich © Marina Montresor

The Complete Guide to Combat City

Unmarked on maps and largely unnoticed by urban design, architecture, and planning communities, Combat Cities have quietly spread throughout the Western hemisphere. The Complete Guide to Combat City is an architectural and cultural handbook of these simulated towns, exclusively developed by the military. Seventeen existing, fully functioning urban combat centers in the US, Europe, and the Middle East have been reconstructed from existing video footage, satellite images, military photographs, and army suppliers’ brochures. Julia Schulz-Dornburg analyzes their features, be they fictional or real, and presents them with commentary, illustrations, and classifications. She combines different urban portraits to create a comprehensive catalog and architectural database of contemporary mock-cities.


156 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

18.4 × 25.2 cm

Print 978-3-98612-098-6

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


• A comprehensive selection of seventeen urban combat centers in the US, Europe, and the Middle East

The first in-depth analysis of a clandestine architectural subject

JULIA SCHULZ-DORNBURG THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO COMBAT CITY COMBAT CITY THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO JULIA SCHULZ-DORNBURG Unmarked on maps and largely unnoticed by urban-design, architecture, and planning communities, combat training cities have quietly spread throughout the western hemisphere. The Complete Guide to Combat City is an architectural and cultural guide of these simulated towns, exclusively developed by the military. Seventeen existing, fully functioning urban combat centers in the US, Europe and the Middle East have been reconstructed from existing video footage, satellite images, military photographs, and army supplier’s catalogs. The guide evaluates the power of simulation and wonders if fake cities can resist or even surpass the comparison with their mirror image. Julia SchulzDornburg analyzes their features, be they fictional or real, and presents them with commentary, illustrations, and classifications. She combines different urban portraits to create a comprehensive catalog and architectural database of contemporary mock-cities. 32
© Staff Sgt. Carl Atherton

Schulen planen und bauen 2.0

Montag Stiftung (ed.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-090-0

€ 34.80 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)

Sanfte Stadt

Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag

David Sim

E-Book 978-3-86859-791-2

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)

Are You a Model?

Are You a Model?

On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration

Anna-Maria Meister / Teresa Fankhänel / Lisa Beißwanger / Chris Dähne / Christiane Fülscher / Anna

Luise Schubert (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-073-3

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


DesignBuild als Lehrmethode

Stephan Schütz / Kassandra Löffler / Julius Tischler

E-Book 978-3-98612-074-0

€ 22.00 (DE)

$ 24.99 (US)

£ 19.50 (UK)

Idyll and Ideology

Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In

Lars Hopstock

E-Book 978-3-98612-059-7

€ 52.00 (DE)

$ 57.99 (US)

£ 45.50 (UK)

The Dream – Play – Challenge Project

Facing Up to the Crisis in Residential Living

Wiltrud Simbürger / Sarah Rivière (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-078-8

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 35.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)

FACING UP TO THE CRISIS IN RESIDENTIAL LIVING Wiltrud Simbürger Sarah Rivière (eds.) Idyll and Ideology Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In Idyll and Ideology Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In Lars Hopstock Lars Hopstock SPÄTI SPÄTI
Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag David Sim Vorwort von Jan Gehl E-Books
Sanfte Stadt

Gemeinwohl bauen 1

BOB CAMPUS – Transformation einer stillgelegten Textilfabrik

Johanna M. Debik / Robert Ambrée Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume (ed.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-036-8

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)

Narcotic Cities

Counter-Cartographies of Drugs and Spaces

Mélina Germes / Luise Klaus / Stefan Höhne (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-018-4

€ 39.00 (DE)

$ 42.99 (US)

£ 34.00 (UK)

Urban Design Lab Handbook

Dialogue-oriented Urban Transformation Processes and Practical Approaches from Latin America and the Caribbean

Roland Krebs / Markus Tomaselli (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-98612-017-7

€ 34.80 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)

Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen

Olaf Gisbertz / Mark Escherich / Sebastian Hoyer / Andreas Putz / Christiane Weber / DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-86859-795-0

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


100 Mistakes in Landscape Architecture

Vladimir Guculak / Paul Bourel

E-Book 978-3-98612-077-1

€ 26.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 23.50 (UK)

Urbanizing Suburbia Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing and the Remaking of the Outer European City

Tahl Kaminer / Leonard Ma / Helen Runting (eds.)

E-Book 978-3-86859-873-5

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)

Ge mei nwoh l baue n Band 1 BOB CAMPUS – Transformation einer stillgelegten  Textilfabrik Johanna M. Debik und Robert Ambrée Urbanizing Suburbia  Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing, and the Remaking of the Outer European City  Tahl Kaminer Leonard Ma Helen Runting (eds.) URBANIZING SUBURBIA 597622 783868 9 Urbanizing Suburbia considers three current and related processes underway in global cities: the hyper-gentrification of inner cities, the financialization of housing, and the structural changes occurring in the outer city. Rocketing housing prices have displaced residents from inner cities and created a rent gap in outer cities. Increasingly, municipalities, developers, and displaced residents search for opportunities in the suburban belts. Changes in demographics, densities, live/work ratios, and tenures are remaking outer cities, rendering them less and less suburban. The book examines these changes by looking at four key European cities: Amsterdam, Berlin, London, and Stockholm. It is a first attempt at understanding the three processes discussed here within one comprehensive explanatory framework. Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing, and the Remaking of the Outer European City Tahl Kaminer / Leonard Ma / Helen Runting (eds.) Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen Herausgegeben von Olaf Gisbertz, Mark Escherich, Sebastian Hoyer, Andreas Putz und Christiane Weber für das DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne CounterCartographies of Drugs and Spaces Narcotic
Mélina Germes, Luise Klaus, and Stefan Höhne (Eds.) Narcotic Cities Counter-Car to graphies of Drugs and Spaces Mélina Germes, Luise Klaus, and Stefan Höhne (Eds.) All E-Books on

Special Edition

The debate on the sustainability of concrete as a building material rages on, shaped by interest groups from the construction industry to climate activists. With over 1600 completed projects, Felix Sommer and his team at Berlin-based company SB5ÜNF are one of Germany’s best-known experts specializing in concrete repairs, maintenance, and renovation. His engaging stories provide an insight into spectacular building projects, into perfecting the craftsmanship, and into cooperating equitably with all parties involved in a project. This lavishly designed volume offers an extraordinary perspective that enriches the conversation around one of modernism’s most impactful construction materials.

• Offers an unconventional entry point into the ongoing debate on the sustainability and aesthetics of concrete


240 pages, 140 col. and b/w ill.

18 × 26.5 cm

Print 978-3-98612-086-3

€ 131.00 (DE)

$ 144.99 (US)

£ 11.,00 (UK)



• Engagingly presents the expert knowledge of a concrete repair, maintenance, and restoration specialist

• Features previously unpublished photographs of wellknown constructions, from Peter Haimerl’s renovated forest house in Schedlberg to the Futurium (Richter Musikowski) and the Neue Nationalgalerie (Mies van der Rohe) in Berlin


Bound in concrete

Featuring a handmade cover consisting of a 5mm layer of concrete, concrete lovers will appreciate this remarkable special edition devised by the author himself with Berlin-based designer Robert Schumann and printed by the Druckerei zu Altenberg.



„Berlin kommt wieder“

Die Architekten Paul Schwebes und Hans Schoszberger

Karin Wilhelm / Johann Sauer / Nicole Opel

Hardcover, 21 × 28 cm

456 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-002-3

€ 58.00 (DE)

$ 63.99 (US)

£ 50.50 (UK)


Le Corbusier: Unité d’habitation “Typ


Construction and Context

Bärbel Högner (ed.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 180 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-563-5

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin:

Refurbishment of an Architectural Icon

Arne Maibohm (ed.) for the Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung

Softcover with dust jacket, 23 × 30 cm

320 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-688-5

€ 39.00 (DE)

$ 44.99 (US)

£ 34.00 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-687-8

Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne

Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen

Olaf Gisbertz / Mark Escherich / Sebastian Hoyer / Andreas Putz / Christiane Weber (eds.) for the DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung

Jüngere Baubestände 1945+

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

320 pages, 125 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-754-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-795-0

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Welche Denkmale welcher Moderne?

Zum Umgang mit Bauten der 1960er und 70er


Frank Eckardt / Hans-Rudolf Meier / Ingrid Scheurmann / Wolfgang Sonne (eds.)

Hardcover, 19.5 × 24 cm

324 pages, 165 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-443-0

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Olympia München ’72

Architektur+Landschaft als gebaute Utopie

Elisabeth Spieker

Hardcover, 21 × 28 cm

464 pages, 400 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-728-8

€ 48.00 (DE)

$ 55.99 (US)

£ 41.50 (UK)


Bauhaus Dessau

Architecture—Design—Concept Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (ed.)

Flexibound, 21 × 27.5 cm

144 pages, 78 col. and 4 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-939633-11-2

€ 25.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 21.50 (UK)


The Icelandic Concrete Saga Architecture and Construction (1847–1958)

Sofia Nannini

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

224 pages, 71 col. and 38 b/w ill. Print 978-3-98612-027-6

E-Book 978-3-98612-071-9

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)


Beton & Nicht Beton Felix Sommer

Softcover, 18 × 26.5 cm

224 pages, 140 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-98612-087-0

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)


Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 1 Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co KG (ed.)

Hardcover, 29.7 × 24.5 cm

264 pages, 150 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-199-6

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)


Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co KG (ed.)

Hardcover, 29.7 × 24.5 cm

264 pages, 150 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-706-6

€ 48.00 (DE)

$ 55.99 (US)

£ 41.50 (UK)


Designing Spaces for Children

A Child’s Eye View

baukind GmbH / Nathalie Dziobek-Bepler (eds.)

Softcover, 22 × 28 cm

160 pages, 270 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-717-2

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-620-5

Designing Spaces for Children

„BERLIN KOMMT WIEDER“ Johann Sauer Nicole Opel Die Architekten Paul Schwebes und Hans Schoszberger Karin Wilhelm Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Olympia München 72 Architektur+ Landschaft als gebaute Utopie Elisabeth Spieker WELCHE DENKMALE WELCHER MODERNE? Frank Eckardt Ingrid Scheurmann Wolfgang Sonne (Hrsg.) Zum Umgang mit Bauten 38
NEUE NATIONALGALERIE BERLIN Refurbishment of an Architectural Icon
A Child’s Eye View Pedagogy Design


The Power of Architecture and Plants

Almut Grüntuch-Ernst, IDAS Institute for Design and Architectural Strategies (eds.)

Softcover, 16.5 × 23.5 cm

288 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-547-5

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Vegetarian Architecture

Case Studies on Building and Nature

Andrea Bocco Guarneri

Softcover, 21 × 25.5 cm

240 pages, 347 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-569-7

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Die Bodenfrage

Klima, Ökonomie, Gemeinwohl

Stefan Rettich / Sabine Tastel (eds.)

Hardcover, 14 × 21 cm

144 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-669-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-954-1

€ 16.00 (DE)

$ 18.99 (US)

£ 14.50 (UK)


Nach der Kernkraft Konversionen des Atomzeitalters

Stefan Rettich / Janke Rentrop (eds.)

Hardcover, 14 × 21 cm

224 pages, 150 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-755-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-790-5

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Future Public Spaces

Urban Design in Times of Crisis

Roland Krebs / Stefan Mayr (eds.)

Hardcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

656 pages, 210 col. ill.

Print 978-3-98612-001-6

€ 52.00 (DE)

$ 57.99 (US)

£ 45.50 (UK)


Emscher 20|21+: Die neue Emscher kommt

Sozial-ökologischer Umbau einer regionalen Stadtlandschaft

Uli Paetzel / Dieter Nellen / Stefan Siedentop / Emschergenossenschaft (eds.)

Softcover, 24 × 32 cm

328 pages, 300 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-748-6

E-Book 978-3-86859-799-8

€ 55.00 (DE)

$ 63.99 (US)

£ 48.00 (UK)


Water vs. Urban Scape

Exploring Integrated Water-Urban Arrangements

Marco Ranzato (ed.)

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

320 pages, 125 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-475-1

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Circular Design

Towards Regenerative Territories

Jörg Schröder / Alissa Diesch / Riccarda Cappeller / Federica Scaffidi

Softcover, 15 × 22 cm

240 pages, 170 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-745-5

E-Book 978-3-86859-836-0

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Taking Action

Transforming Athens’ Urban Landscapes

Norbert Kling / Tasos Roidis / Mark Michaeli (eds.)

Softcover, 15.7 × 24 cm

320 pages, 137 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-870-4

E-Book 978-3-98612-013-9

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Wood. Rethinking Material Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz (ed.)

Guest editor: Tom Kaden

E-Book, 22,6 × 27,4 cm

250 pages, num. col. and b/w ill

E-Book 978-3-86859-963-3

Open Access


Urban Open Space + Strategies at the Intersection of Architecture and Open Space Planning

Carolin Mees (ed.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

112 pages, 60 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-703-5

E-Book 978-3-86859-984-8

€ 29.00 (DE)

$ 33.99 (US)

£ 25.00 (UK)


Open Architecture Nachhaltiger Holzbau mit System

Hans Drexler

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

352 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-681-6

E-Book 978-3-86859-957-2

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 44.00 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Nach der Kernkraft –Konversionen des Atomzeitalters Stefan Rettich, Public Spaces Urban Design in Times of Crisis Eds. Roland Krebs Stefan Mayr Dhaka Maputo Santo Domingo Future climate change, circularity has become a major topic. reuse, recycling, and renewable materials are fashionable ideas and product design. In order to establish the new paradigm this book introduces an urban and territorial dimension transforming living spaces for resilience and sustainability. design-led research and design-thinking for analysis, strategies, and cooperative processes of transformation. Featuring all over Europe that relate creative narratives in urbanism economic innovation, Circular Design aims to activate dynamic networks of ideas, people, and space, oriented to circular principles. Towards Regenerative Territories Jörg Schröder Riccarda Cappeller Federica Scaffidi Circular Design Circular Design Taking Taking Transforming Athens’ Transforming Athens’ Action Action EDITED BY NORBERT KLING, Urban Landscapes Urban Landscapes 39


Stadtparterre Erdgeschoss, Straße, Hof und deren Übergänge

Angelika Psenner

Softcover, 22 × 28 cm

256 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-028-3

E-Book 978-3-98612-033-7

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)


Zukunft Stadt und Raum Planung für Morgen

Slow Urban Planning The Future of Tribsees

Ton Matton

Hardcover, 16.5 × 23 cm

160 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-769-1

€ 34.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 29.50 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-874-2

Planung für Morgen Zukunft Stadt und Raum Friedbert Greif / Detlef Kurth / Bernd

Scholl (eds.)

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

280 pages, 107 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-744-8

E-Book 978-3-86859-792-9

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Sanfte Stadt

Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag

David Sim

Softcover, 20.5 × 26.5 cm

256 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-747-9

E-Book 978-3-86859-791-2

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)


Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst

Anleitung zum Entwurf von städtischen Räumen

Christoph Mäckler (ed.) for the Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst

Four-volume linen-bound box set

24.5 × 32 cm

516 pages, 1000 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-746-2

€ 128.00 (DE)

$ 147.99 (US)

£ 111.50 (UK)


Berlin & Berlin

Stadtplanung und Städtebau nach dem Mauerfall im Gespräch

Friedemann Kunst / Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung, BerlinBrandenburg (eds.)

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

208 pages, 24 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-657-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-958-9 (Open Access)

€ 24.00 (DE)

$ 27.99 (US)

£ 22.00 (UK)


Designing Modernity

Architecture in the Arab World 1945–1973

Philipp Oswalt / George Arbid (eds.) initiated by the Goethe-Institut Palästinensische Gebiete

Softcover, 21 × 28 cm

288 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-723-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-830-8

€ 29.00 (DE)

$ 33.99 (US)

£ 25.00 (UK)


Post-pandemic Urbanism

Doris Kleilein / Friederike Meyer (eds.) Softcover, 14.8 × 21 cm

192 pages, 50 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-710-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-981-7

€ 24.00 (DE)

$ 27.99 (US)

£ 22.00 (UK) English

Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-671-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-966-4

Berlin – Die Schönheit des Alltäglichen Urbane Textur einer Grossstadt Frank Peter Jäger (ed.) Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

192 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-380-8

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK) German

Los Angeles Endzeitmoderne Wolfgang Koelbl Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

608 pages, 80 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-639-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-943-5

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 32.00 (UK)


Vom Ruhrgebiet zur Metropole Ruhr

Die Entwicklung einer Region Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR) / Karola GeißNetthöfel / Dieter Nellen / Wolfgang Sonne (eds.)

Hardcover, 24 × 32 cm

240 pages, 200 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-584-0

€ 45.00 (DE)

$ 51.99 (US)

£ 39.00 (UK)



The Future of Villages and Small Towns in an Urbanizing World

Vanessa Miriam Carlow / Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU / TU Braunschweig (eds.)


338 pages, 150 col. and b/w ill.

E-Book 978-3-86859-935-0

€ 29.99 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Friedbert Greif Detlef Kurth Bernd Scholl (Hg.) FOR SALE ? FOR SALE SALE SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Slow Urban Planning Tribsees’ Zukunft machen Slow Urban Planning Tribsees’ Zukunft machen Ton Matton
Stadtplanung und Städtebau nach dem Mauerfall im Gespräch Berlin & Berlin Friedemann Kunst Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung BerlinBrandenburg (Hrsg.) BERLIN –DIE SCHÖNHEIT DES ALLTÄGLICHEN BERLIN DIE SCHÖNHEIT DES ALLTÄGLICHEN Urbane Textur einer Großstadt Frank Peter Jäger (Hg.) Frank Peter Jäger (Hg.) Wolfgang Koelbl LOS ANGELES ENDZEIT MODERNE 40
Berlin Berlin&
Doris Kleilein Friederike Meyer (eds.) upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic challenge architecture and urban planning. New spaces for action are opening up, but are they being utilized? From dividing traffic space fairly to urban food policies, from new places for work and recreation to the question of how communities can be oriented towards the common good: Post-pandemic Urbanismthis current crisis and those to come. Postpandemic Urbanism

Zentralitäten 4.0

Raumpolitiken und neue Mobilität auf dem Lande

Philipp Oswalt / Stefan Rettich (ed.)

Softcover, 17 × 22.5 cm

280 pages, 28 col. and 10 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-622-9

E-Book 978-3-98612-051-1

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 27.00 (UK)


Mobility Design

Shaping Future Mobility

Volume 1: Practice

Peter Eckart / Kai Vöckler (eds.)

Softcover, 20.5 × 26 cm

304 pages, 270 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-645-8

E-Book 978-3-86859-972-5 (Open Access)

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-646-5

Mobility Design

Shaping Future Mobility

Volume 2: Research

Kai Vöckler / Peter Eckart / Martin Knöll / Martin Lanzendorf (eds.)

Softcover, 20.5 × 26 cm

264 pages, 93 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-743-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-794-3 (Open Access)

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-742-4

Free Street Manifesto

Free Street Alliance (eds.)

Softcover, 21 × 29.7 cm

160 pages, 90 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-775-2

E-Book 978-3-98612-053-5

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Also available in German:

Print 978-3-86859-774-5

E-Book 978-3-98612-052-8

Radbahn Berlin

Zukunftsperspektiven für die ökomobile


paper planes e. V. (ed.)

Hardcover, 21 × 29.7 cm

144 pages, 150 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-516-1

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 27.00 (UK)


ȷovis research 7

Stadtraum im digitalen Wandel

Räumliche Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf Umwelt und Mobilität

Radostina Radulova-Stahmer

Softcover, 16.5 × 22 cm

248 pages, 74 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-771-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-787-5

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Future Megacities 2 Mobility and Transportation Wulf-Holger Arndt (ed.)


224 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

E-Book 978-3-86859-884-1

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Städte für Menschen

Jan Gehl

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

304 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-356-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-822-3

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 29.00 (UK)


Leben zwischen Häusern

Konzepte für den öffentlichen Raum

Jan Gehl

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

205 pages, 320 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-146-0

E-Book 978-3-86859-896-4

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK)


Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt 13 Die Stadtstraße

Christoph Mäckler / Wolfgang Sonne / Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst (eds.)

Softcover, 21 × 25 cm

336 pages, num. b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-085-6

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK) German

Put People First!

Report from the International Bauforum 2019 | Magistralen in Hamburg Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen / Dirk Meyhöfer (eds.)

Softcoverr, 26 × 37 cm

128 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-658-8

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


RAUMPOLITIKEN UND NEUE MOBILITÄT AUF DEM LANDE Philipp Oswalt, Stefan Rettich (Hg.) ZENTRALITÄTEN 4.0 Stadtraum im digitalen Wandel Radostina Radulova-Stahmer Räumliche Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf Umwelt und Mobilität research 7
FIRST ! Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen Dirk Meyhöfer (Hrsg.) REPORT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL BAUFORUM 2019 MAGISTRALEN IN HAMBURG 41 Mobility Design Shaping Future Mobility Volume 1: Practice Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler (eds.)
Shaping Future Mobility Volume 2: Research Kai öckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (eds.)
Allianz der freien Straße (Hg.) Manifest der freien Straße



100 Mistakes in Landscape Architecture

Vladimir Guculak / Paul Bourel


13 × 20 cm

104 pages, 100 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-076-4

E-Book 978-3-98612-077-1

€ 26.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 23.00 (UK)


Idyll and Ideology

Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In

Lars Hopstock

Hardcover, 19 × 28 cm

416 pages, 348 num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-003-0

E-Book 978-3-98612-059-7

€ 52.00 (DE)

$ 57.99 (US)

£ 45.50 (UK)


Technical Lands

A Critical Primer

Jeffrey S. Nesbit / Charles Waldheim (eds.)

Softcover with dust jacket, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 71 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-704-2

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture

Heike Rahmann / Jillian Walliss (eds.)

Softcover, 20 × 25 cm

288 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-612-0

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Designing Parks

Berlin’s Park am Gleisdreieck or the Art of Creating Lively Places

Leonard Grosch / Constanze A. Petrow

Softcover, 21 × 25.5 cm

216 pages, 105 col. and 48 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-381-5

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 27.00 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-369-3

The Botanical City

Matthew Gandy / Sandra Jasper (eds.)

Softcover, 16.8 × 24 cm

324 pages, 100 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-519-2

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 38.00 (US)

£ 30.00 (UK)


Les traces du jardin dans l’architecture du paysage contemporaine française et allemande

Jürgen Weidinger (ed.)

Softcover, 20 × 26 cm

268 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-069-6

E-Book 978-3-98612-070-2

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Landscape-ness as Architectural Idea

Margitta Buchert (ed.)

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

224 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-695-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-976-3

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Landscaping Egypt

From the Aesthetic to the Productive Cornelia Redeker / Monique Jüttner (eds.)

Softcover, 18.9 × 24.6 cm

216 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-552-9

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 39.00 (US)

£ 29.00 (UK)


In the Park Landscape of the Present geskes.hack Landscape Architects (ed.)

Hardcover, 24 × 28 cm

264 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-548-2

€ 39.80 (DE)

$ 45.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)


Landscript 6

Landscape Analogue About Material Culture and Idealism

Christophe Girot / Albert Kirchengast (eds.)

Softcoverr, 16 × 22 cm

240 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-541-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-974-9

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


Mapping the Croatian Coast A Road Trip to Architectural Legacies of Cold War and Tourism Boom

Antonia Dika / Bernadette Krejs (eds.)

Softcover, 14.8 × 21 cm

144 pages + 8 double-sided folding maps

108 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-648-9

€ 30.00 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


Idyll and Ideology Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In Idyll and Ideology Hermann Mattern and the Landscape to Live In
Lars Hopstock SPUREN DES GARTENS LES TRACES DU JARDIN Jürgen Weidinger Herausgeber Éditeur dans l’architecture du paysage contemporaine française et allemande in zeitgenössischer französischer und deutscher Landschaftsarchitektur LANDSCHAFTLICHKEIT als ARCHITEKTURIDEE LANDSCAPE-NESS as ARCHITECTURAL IDEA Margitta Buchert 42
Lars Hopstock


Polylemma raumlaborberlin (ed.)

Softcover, 18 × 29.5 cm

480 pages, 620 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-738-7

€ 46.00 (DE)

$ 50.99 (US)

£ 40.00 (UK)


Also available in German:

Print 978-3-86859-672-4

Gemeinwohl bauen 1

BOB CAMPUS—Transformation einer stillgelegten Textilfabrik

Johanna M. Debik / Robert Ambrée

Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume (ed.)

Softcover with dust jacket, 21 × 27 cm

256 pages, 213 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-035-1

E-Book 978-3-98612-036-8

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)


Convivial Ground

Stories from Collaborative Spatial Practices

Constructlab / Joanne Pouzenc / Alex

Römer / Peter Zuiderwijk (eds.)

Softcover, 11 × 18 cm

480 pages, 350 col. ill.

Print 978-3-98612-004-7

E-Book 978-3-98612-005-4

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 35.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


mittendrin und rundherum

Reden, Planen, Bauen auf dem Land und in der Stadt

Ein nonconform Lesebuch

Wojciech Czaja / Barbara Feller

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

208 pages, 194 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-713-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-990-9

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Infrastructures of Freedom

Public Light and Everynight Life on a Southern City’s Margins

Stephanie Briers

Broschur, 17 × 24 cm

272 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-776-9

E-Book 978-3-86859-780-6 (Open Access)

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Die fragmentierte Stadt

Exklusion und Teilhabe im öffentlichen


Jürgen Krusche / Aya Domenig / Thomas Schärer / Julia Weber

Softcover, 17 × 22 cm

208 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-643-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-980-0 (Open Access)

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Partizipation macht Architektur

Die Baupiloten—Methode und Projekte

Susanne Hofmann

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 200 col. and 25 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-302-0

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 39.95 (US)

£ 27.00 (UK)

German Make City

A Compendium of Urban Alternatives

Stadt anders machen

Francesca Ferguson / MAKE_SHIFT (eds.)

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

352 pages, 400 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-567-3

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Inklusionsmaschine STADT

Inklusion im Städtebau, interdisziplinär diskutiert

Andrea Benze / Dorothee Rummel (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

208 pages, 30 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-627-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-941-1

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.00 (US)

£ 32.00 (UK)


Shaping Diversity

Approaches to Promoting Social Cohesion in European Cities vhw Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung / Naomi Alcaide / Christian Höcke (eds.)

Softcover, 20 × 24 cm

208 pages, 76 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-597-0

€ 24.80 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 21.50 (UK)


Handmade Urbanism

Mumbai – São Paulo – Istanbul – Mexico City – Cape Town From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models

Marcos L. Rosa / Ute Weiland (eds.)

Hardcover, 19 × 25 cm

224 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-225-2

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Celebrating Public Architecture

Buildings from the Open Call in Flanders


Florian Heilmeyer (ed.)

Co-publishers: Team Vlaams Bouwmeester / Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 300 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-692-2

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Infrastructures of Freedom Stephanie Briers Public Light and Everynight Life on a Southern City’s Margins Infrastructures of Freedom Stephanie Briers Gemeinwohl bauen Band 1  Transformation einer stillgelegten Christian Höcke (Hrsg./Eds.) Vielfalt gestalten Ansätze zur Förderung der sozialen Kohäsion in Europas Städten Shaping Diversity Approaches to Promoting Social Cohesion in European Cities CELEBRATING PUBLIC ARCHITECTURE Buildings from the Open Call in Flanders 2000–21 70 projects from the Open in Flanders 2000–21 331 projects from the Open Call in Flanders 2000–21 Celebrating Public Architecture The Open Call in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking, northern part of Belgium) is more than just another architecture competition: any governmental agency or public institution can choose to work with an Open Call for any given construction project. Since its invention by the first Flemish Government Architect bOb Van Reeth in 2000, more than 700 assignments have been published in this procedure, resulting in almost 350 completed public architectural and infrastructural projects so far. This volume compiles 70 of these, from all over Flanders—froming quality of these projects. They prove that public architecture can be daring, thought-provoking, cooperative, and well-done at the same time. The book takes an extensive look at how this procedure works, how is received by architects, politicians, and clients—and ultimately, at the outstanding public architecture in Flanders as an example for other countries to study closely. Map of Flanders with all 70 projects numbered by order of appearance—roughly Map of Flanders with all 331 projects that originate from the Open Call procedure and were successfully completed between 2000 and the summer of 2021. These public commissions range in size from entire master plans and public parks to schools, comprojects has significantly increased the ambitions and quality of public architecture in Flanders. For an updated overview of all Open Calls, please visit the website of the Vlaams Bouwmeester: 43

Are You a Model?

On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration

Anna-Maria Meister / Teresa Fankhänel / Lisa Beißwanger / Chris Dähne / Christiane Fülscher / Anna Luise Schubert (eds.)

Softcoverr, 17 × 24 cm

200 pages, 39 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-072-6

E-Book 978-3-98612-073-3

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


HerStories in Graphic Design

Dialogue, continuity, self-empowerment. Women graphic designers from 1880 until today

Gerda Breuer

Hardcover, 18 × 24 cm

352 pages, 300 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-773-8

€ 56.00 (DE)

$ 61.99 (US)

£ 49.00 (UK)


Hey Computer!

Icons of Architecture, Rebuilt by AI

Floyd Erol Schulze

Softcover, 11 × 18 cm

400 pages, 343 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-048-1

E-Book 978-3-98612-049-8

€ 26.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 23.00 (UK)


Thomas Schütte: Houses II

Thomas Schütte

Hardcover, 20 × 27 cm

208 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-060-3

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 46.99 (US)

£ 37.00 (UK)


ICC Berlin

Zara Pfeifer

Hardcover, 21 × 28.5 cm

128 pages, 100 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-756-1

€ 34.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 29.50 (UK)


Architectures of Weaving

From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins

Christiane Sauer / Mareike Stoll / Ebba Fransén Waldhör / Maxie Schneider (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

224 pages, 266 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-739-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-831-5 (Open Access)

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Spolien Phänomene der Wiederverwendung in der Architektur

Hans-Rudolf Meier

Hardcover, 19.5 × 24 cm

240 pages, 156 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-651-9

E-Book 978-3-86859-944-2

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Schweizer Möbellexikon

NR Neue Räume AG / Architekturbüro

Stefan Zwicky (eds.)

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 1000 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-197-2

€ 39.80 (DE)

$ 45.99 (US)

£ 34.50 (UK)

German Surfing Bauhaus – Hessen + Typography

Links, Data, Quotes, References, Texts, Anecdotes, Essays, and more Tobias Becker / Sandra Hoffmann Robbiani (eds.)

Softcover, 21 × 29.7 cm

248 pages, num. col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-601-4

€ 33.00 (DE)

$ 37.99 (US)

£ 28.50 (UK)


Bodies. Between Space and Design

Cristina Bianchetti

Softcover, 15 × 20 cm

112 pages

Print 978-3-86859-630-4

€ 22.00 (DE)

$ 25.99 (US)

£ 19.00 (UK)



Exploring Manifold Spaces

Sabine Hansmann / Finn Geipel (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

144 pages, 81 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-579-6

€ 25.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 21.50 (UK)


Werkstücke: Objekte zu Häusern machen

Atelier Bettina Kraus

Michael Beutler / Isa Melsheimer / Alicia Kwade / Eva Grubinger

Bettina Kraus / Nandini Oehlmann / Mathias Peppler / Niklas Fanelsa (eds.) Hardcover, 21 × 26 cm

144 pages, 120 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-463-8

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK)


Christiane Sauer Mareike Stoll Ebba Fransén Waldhör Maxie Schneider (eds.) Architectures of Weaving From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins Are You a Model? HEY COMPUTER! ICONS OF ARCHITECTURE, REBUILT BY AI FLOYD E. SCHULZE 00 PAGES, 11 × 18 CM, ENGLISH 343 COLOR AND B&W ILLUSTRATIONS Artificial neural networks are opening up radically new ways of generating images. Based on text descriptions, machine learning algorithms generate images that appear familiar and alien at the same time. Graphic designer Floyd E. Schulze uses the rapidly evolving technology to recreate icons of architecture. [WITH VRACHLIOTIS] HEY COMPUTER! ICONS OF ARCHITECTURE, REBUILT BY AI Thomas Schütte HOUSES II THOMAS SCHÜTTE HOUSES II
Raummaschine. Exploring Manifold Spaces

Hasenheide 13

Sammlung Wemhöner (ed.)

Hardcover, 13 × 21 cm

212 pages, 136 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-097-9

€ 24.00 (DE)

$ 27.99 (US)

£ 22.00 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-650-2


Roofscape Design

Regenerating the City upon the City

Gustavo Ambrosini / Guido Callegari

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

176 pages, 260 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-665-6

E-Book 978-3-86859-968-8

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK)


Ein neuer Typus Kirche

Hybride öffentliche Räume

Jürgen Willinghöfer (ed.) on behalf of the Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland (EKM) and the EKD-Institut für Kirchenbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart at the Philipps-Universität Marburg

Softcover, 23.5 × 28 cm

196 pages, 150 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-699-1

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Kirche Raum Gegenwart

500 Churches, 500 Ideas New Use for Sacred Spaces

Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM), International Building Exhibition (IBA) Thuringia

Jürgen Willinghöfer / Lars Weitemeier (eds.)

Softcover, 23.5 × 28 cm

200 pages, 259 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-494-2

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Kirche Raum Gegenwart

Walter Zahner (ed.)

Softcover with dust jacket, 16 × 27 cm

280 pages, num. col. and und b/w. ill.

Print 978-3-98612-019-1

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 35.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Klosterfrauen Frauenkloster

Eine künstlerische Untersuchung zu Frauenklöstern im Wandel

Jutta Görlich / Ulrike Rose (eds.)

Softcover, 19.5 × 26 cm

176 pages, 120 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-606-9

E-Book 978-3-86859-833-9

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Sakralität im Wandel

Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland

Beate Löffler / Dunja Sharbat Dar (eds.)

Hardcover, 19.5 × 24 cm

240 pages, 133 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-741-7

E-Book 978-3-86859-796-7 (Open Access)

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)


Adaptive Re-Use Strategies for Post-War Modernist


Maren Harnack / Natalie Heger / Matthias Brunner (eds.)

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

144 pages, 60 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-611-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-951-0

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


Potenzial Großsiedlung Zukunftsbilder für die Neue Vahr

Katja-Annika Pahl / Iris Reuther / Peter Stubbe / Jürgen Tietz (eds.)

Softcover, 24 × 30 cm

160 pages, 120 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-533-8

€ 39.80 (DE)

$ 45.99 (US)

£ 36.00 (UK)


Sorge um den Bestand

Zehn Strategien für die Architektur

Olaf Bahner / Matthias Böttger / Laura Holzberg (eds.) for the Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA

Swiss brochure, 17 × 24 cm 208 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-659-5

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 24.50 (UK)



World Heritage Site and Future Workshop Hermann Marth (ed.) for Stiftung Zollverein

Hardcover, 24 × 32 cm 224 pages, 200 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-264-1

€ 39.95 (DE)

$ 45.99 (US)

£ 34.50 (UK)


Also available in German: Print 978-3-86859-476-8

Transformation und Mischung Städtebau im Wandel

Christa Reicher / Holger Hoffschröer (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

352 pages, 300 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-565-9

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 32.00 (UK)


SAK RA -LI TÄT I M W A ND E L Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland 45


Collaborative, affordable, regenerative

Praeger Richter (ed.)

Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm

296 pages, num. col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-615-1

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 29.00 (UK)


Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad Eine Wohnung mit Optionen

Verena von Beckerath / Barbara Schönig (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

336 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-705-9

E-Book 978-3-86859-798-1

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Activism at Home

Architects Dwelling between Politics, Aesthetics, and Resistance

Isabelle Doucet / Janina Gosseye (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

416 pages, 150 col. and b/w. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-633-5

€ 42.00 (DE)

$ 48.99 (US)

£ 36.50 (UK)


Das Berliner Zimmer Geschichte, Typologie, Nutzungsaneignung

Jan Herres

Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm

128 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-707-3

E-Book 978-3-86859-982-4

€ 29.00 (DE)

$ 33.99 (US)

£ 26.50 (UK) German



Living, Inhabitants, Houses Fabrizio Paone / Angelo Sampieri (eds.)

Hardcover, 16.5 × 22 cm

304 pages, 118 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-716-5

E-Book 978-3-86859-789-9

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


architektur + analyse 9

Gelebte Utopie

Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz

Eugen Gross / Andrea Jany (eds.)

Softcover, 16.5 × 22.5 cm

288 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-740-0

E-Book 978-3-86859-804-9

€ 30.00 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


architektur + analyse 7

Experiment Wohnbau

Die partizipative Architektur des Modell


Andrea Jany

Softcover, 16.5 × 22.5 cm

200 pages, 226 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-589-5

€ 29.80 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Strategien für erschwinglichen Wohnraum

Klaus Dömer / Hans Drexler / Joachim Schultz-Granberg

Softcover, 14 × 19 cm

296 pages, 240 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-432-4

€ 25.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 22.50 (UK)


Alle wollen wohnen Gerecht. Sozial. Bezahlbar Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst / Peter Köddermann / Karen Jung (eds.)

Hardcover, 18.5 × 26 cm

248 pages, 190 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-474-4

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 38.00 (US)

£ 30.00 (UK)


Neue Standards

Zehn Thesen zum Wohnen

Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA / Olaf Bahner / Matthias Böttger (eds.)

Hardcover, 17.2 × 24.6 cm

192 pages, 100 col. ill. and plans

Print 978-3-86859-454-6

€ 28.00 (DE)

$ 32.99 (US)

£ 25.50 (UK)


2000 Years of Housing in Vienna

From the Celtic Oppidum to the Residential Area of the Future: Housing as Social History

Wolfgang Förster (Hg.)

Hardcover, 18 × 24.5 cm

188 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-661-8

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 36.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


Urbanizing Suburbia Tahl Kaminer / Leonard Ma / Helen Runting (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

352 pages, 70 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-762-2

E-Book 978-3-86859-873-5

€ 36.00 (DE)

$ 39.99 (US)

£ 31.50 (UK)


Urbanizing Suburbia  Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization Housing, and the Remaking of the Outer European City  Tahl Kaminer Leonard Ma Helen Runting (eds.) URBANIZING SUBURBIAcesses underway in global cities: the hyper-gentrification of inner cities, the financialization of housing, and the structural changes occurring in the outer city. Rocketing housing prices have displaced residents from inner cities and created a rent gap in outeridents search for opportunities in the suburban belts. Changes in demographics, densities, live/work ratios, and tenures are remaking outer cities, rendering them less and less examines these changes by looking at four key European cities: Amsterdam, Berlin, London, and Stockholm. It is a first attempt at understanding the three processes discussed here within one comprehensive explanatory framework. Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing, and the Remaking of the Outer European City Tahl Kaminer / Leonard Ma / Helen Runting (eds.) Eugen Gross Andrea Jany [Hg.] Gelebte Utopie Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz 2000 JAHRE WOHNEN IN WIEN 2000 YEARS OF HOUSING IN VIENNA Wolfgang Förster Vom keltischen Oppidum bis zum Wohnquartier der Zukunft. Wohnen als Sozialgeschichte From the Celtic Oppidum to the Residential Area of the Future: 2000 JAHRE WOHNEN IN WIEN 2000 YEARS OF HOUSING IN VIENNA Wolfgang Förster Wohnen als Sozialgeschichte einer Stadt über 2000 Jahre. Wolfgang Förster untersucht die soziokulturelle Geschichte 2000 years. Wolfgang Förster explores the sociocultural history of Vienna based the way its housing has evolved—from the Celtic oppidum to the present day. 46

Narcotic Cities

CounterCartographies of Drugs

and Spaces

Black Round Turtleneck, Glasses

Symbolische Orte machen

Ein Potenzial der Stadtentwicklung

Thomas Kuder / Sonja Broy (eds.)

Softcover, 17 × 24 cm

256 pages, 80 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-98612-039-9

E-Book 978-3-98612-043-6

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 41.99 (US)

£ 33.50 (UK)


Narcotic Cities

Counter-Cartographies of Drugs and Spaces

Mélina Germes / Luise Klaus / Stefan Höhne (eds.)

Softcover, 18.7 × 29.7 cm

320 pages, 65 col. ill.

Print 978-3-98612-000-9

E-Book 978-3-98612-018-4

€ 39.00 (DE)

$ 42.99 (US)

£ 34.00 (UK)


Funktionen der Architektur

Katharina Weresch

Hardcover, 21 × 26.5 cm

304 pages, 400 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-585-7

€ 58.00 (DE)

$ 66.99 (US)

£ 50.50 (UK)


Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses

Expanding Planning Culture Perspectives

Karin Hartmann

Softcover, 13 × 20.2 cm

160 pages, 16 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-730-1

E-Book 978-3-86859-989-3

€ 26.00 (DE)

$ 28.99 (US)

£ 23.00 (UK)


Also available in German:

Print 978-3-86859-698-4

E-Book 978-3-86859-967-1

Women in Architecture Berlin

Facetten weiblicher Baukultur

n-ails e.V. (ed.)

Softcover, 21 × 26 cm

176 pages, num. col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-763-9

€ 35.00 (DE)

$ 40.99 (US)

£ 30.50 (UK)


Architectural Policy in Finland

Architecture as Civic Education

Turit Fröbe

Softcover, 18.5 × 26.5 cm

192 pages, 50 col. and b/w

Print 978-3-86859-616-8

E-Book 978-3-86859-938-1

€ 35,00 (DE)

$ 40,99 (US)

£ 30,50 (UK)


Also available in German:

Print 978-3-86859-617-5

E-Book 978-3-86859-937-4


Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels

Werner Durth / Paul Sigel

Softcover, three volumes in a slipcase, 23.3 × 30.5 cm

808 pages, 570 col. and 450 b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-427-0

€ 29.95 (DE)

$ 34.99 (US)

£ 26.00 (UK)


MigraTouriSpace Raummigration und Tourismus

Stefanie Bürkle

Softcover, 21.5 × 27 cm

224 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-697-7

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


All the Queens Houses An Architectural Portrait of New York’s Largest and Most Diverse Borough

Rafael Herrin-Ferri

Softcover, 12 × 18 cm

272 pages, 244 col. ill.

Print 978-3-86859-656-4

€ 22.00 (DE)

$ 25.99 (US)

£ 19.00 (UK)


Eventisierung der Stadt

Gabriela Muri / Daniel Späti / Philipp

Klaus / Francis Müller (eds.)

Softcover 16.5 × 24 cm

408 pages, 40 col and b/w ill.

Print 978-3-86859-493-5

€ 38.00 (DE)

$ 43.99 (US)

£ 33.00 (UK)


Kirche Raum Gegenwart

Walter Zahner (eds.)

Softcover, 16 × 27 cm

280 pages, num. col. and b/w. ills.

Print 978-3-98612-019-1

€ 32.00 (DE)

$ 35.99 (US)

£ 28.00 (UK)


We, the City

Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul

Tuba İnal-Çekiç / Urszula Ewa Woźniak (eds.)

E-Book, 17 × 22 cm

146 pages, 40 col. and b/w ill.

E-Book 978-3-86859-832-2

Open Access


Mélina Germes, Luise Klaus, and Stefan Höhne (Eds.) graphies of Drugs and Spaces Mélina Germes, Luise Klaus, and Stefan Höhne (Eds.) L A E T A R E E R L E R E L T A E T A A A E R L E R E L T A E NEUPERLA L A E T A R E R L E T R A L A A E A E LAETA WELCO Kirche Raum Gegenwart Symbolische Orte machen Ein Potenzial der Stadtentwicklung Sonja Broy / Thomas Kuder (Hg.) Raummigration und Tourismus / Migrating Spaces and Tourism Stefanie Bürkle Stefanie Bürkle Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul Tuba İnal-Çekiç Urszula Ewa Woźniak eds. 47
Karin Hartmann
Expanding Planning Culture Perspectives
as civic education
Turit Fröbe
in Finland

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