Arts Spring 2022 | De Gruyter

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Dear Friends of De Gruyter, Dear Readers, Books honoring researchers on the occasion of milestone birthdays are a separate genre in scholarly publishing. In this preview we present three successful examples of this: Two titles that reflect art history’s current, renewed focus on the object with short texts on individual objects, and another title that focuses on the contemporary theme of world cultural heritage. This results in three fascinating looks at the respective topics of the honorees Eva-Maria Seng, Uwe Fleckner, and Sebastian Schütze. We are extremely grateful for their solidarity with De Gruyter over the years and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them once again on their special birthdays. Wishing you lots pleasure discovering these and many other exciting books in our preview! Katja Richter Editorial Director


Corpus vitrearum medii aevi. Research center for medieval stained glass, Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Potsdam Department for Image Science, Danube University Krems Department of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University in Berlin DFG-Centre for Advanced Studies Imaginaria of Force, University of Hamburg École Pratique des Hautes Études—Sorbonne, Paris Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Paderborn German Forum for Art History, Paris German Lost Art Foundation, Magdeburg Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Institut for Art Research and Media Philosophy, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe Institute for Art History and Building History, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute for Art History, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen Institute for Art History, Free University, Berlin Institute for Art History, Georg August University, Göttingen Institute for Art History, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf Institute for Art History, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Institute for Art History, Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg Institute for Art History, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich Institute for Art History, Rhineland Friedrich Wilhelm University, Bonn Institute for Art History, University of Hamburg Institute for the Science of Art, Design and Media, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel Institute of Art History, University of Zürich Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz / Max-Planck-Institut, Florence Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt Research Center for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Property Law, University of Bonn The Technical Image, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin University of Applied Arts Vienna Vienna Center for the History of Collecting, Vienna Vitrocentre, Romont Warburg House, Hamburg Warburg Institute, London Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich


ART Seismografen und Orientierungsspiegel 4 Close Reading 5 Im-Materiell 6 Landschaft 7 Modern Heritage 7 Ein deutscher Maler 8 MODERN ART REVIEWed 9 Things and Thingness in European Literature and Visual Art, 700–1600 10 Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art 10 Der goldene Herbst der Barberini 11 Gezeichnete Evidentia 11 China and the West 12 Die Glasmalereien vom Mittelalter bis 1930 im Kanton Thurgau 13 Glaskunst am Bau und Intermedialität 13 Destroy the Copy – Plaster Cast Collections in the 19th–20th Centuries 14 Ästhetik und Poetik der Ruinen 14 Film und Kino als Spiegel 15 Performing Modernism 15 The Built Work of Giuseppe Pizzigoni 16 Southeast Asian Modern 16 Rhapsodic Objects 17 Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus 17 Uncompromising Female Aesthetic Subjectivity 18 Iridescent Kuwait 18 Challenging the Iconic Turn 19 Francis Bacon – In the Mirror of Photography 19 Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time 20 Judith P. Fischer – Linie Form Raum / Line Shape Space 21 Toxic Temple 22 JENNY. Ausgabe 09 22 Mondsüchtig 23 Kunst am Gemeinde-Bau 24 Johann Jakob Schweizer und die Helvetik 24

BACKLIST Selected titles 25

Leena Crasemann, Benjamin Fellmann, Yannis Hadjinicolaou (Eds.)

Seismografen und Orientierungsspiegel

Bilder der Welt in kurzen Kunstgeschichten Pages Ills. Format

232 appr. 655 color 23.0 × 15.5 cm


978-3-11-075738-5 Ger

€ 79.95 $ 91.99 £ 72.50



Histories of objects from the Middle Ages to contemporary art From Aby Warburg and political iconography to art politics under National Socialism to global transfer processes and beyond Contributions by numerous distinguished international art historians and artists


The realization that a work of art should only be judged “as a product of the factors of its time, in which real life is reflected” inspired Aby Warburg to formulate an art history as a cultural science that knows neither temporal nor spatial boundaries. This book extends his new science of pictorial orientation to include the consciousness of “artists as seismographs”

(Uwe Fleckner) up to the present day: concentrating on one single object each, the short contributions by international art historians assembled in this volume outline a contemporary approach to art history and show how artworks, as reflecting instruments of orientation, become seismographs of the world --and through them, we as well.

Leena Crasemann, Yannis Hadjinicolaou, research project “Bilderfahrzeuge”. Benjamin Fellmann, Warburg-Haus Hamburg, Germany

Stefan Albl, Berthold Hub, Anna Frasca-Rath (Eds.)

Close Reading

Kunsthistorische Interpretationen vom Mittelalter bis in die Moderne Pages Ills. Format

800 375 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm


978-3-11-071093-9 En/Ger/It

€ 129.00 $ 148.99 £ 117.50


A kaleidoscope of exemplary examinations A splendid volume with 800 pages and almost 400 color illustrations Festschrift for Sebastian Schütze, professor of art history at the University of Vienna


Close Reading puts the artwork in the center of concentrated art-historical interpretations programmatically. Seventy-two international authors each analyze one work of architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing, or graphic work, from Albrecht Dürer and Matthias Grünewald, to Titian, Artemisia Gentileschi, Michelangelo, and Nicolas Poussin, Francesco Borromini, and

Fischer von Erlach, to Oskar Kokoschka and Shirin Neshat. They pursue various methodological approaches, address the creation context or questions regarding dating and attribution, the history of a collection, provenance, and restoration, or dedicate themselves to relationships between picture and text as well as to iconographic, iconological, and image-theory aspects.

Stefan Albl, Berthold Hub, University of Vienna, Austria; Anna Frasca-Rath, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Maria Harnack, Paul Duschner, Marco Silvestri (Eds.)


Kulturerbe-Studien für Eva-Maria Seng zum 60. Geburtstag Pages Ills. Format

416 95 b/w, 3 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-070396-2 Ger

€ 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50



Tangible and intangible cultural heritage based on interdisciplinary, international perspectives Contributions by experts in disciplines in cultural studies and the humanities, artists, and museum and exhibition organizers


The volume explores the fields of commemorative culture, adaptation and innovation, intangible cultural heritage, architecture, urban planning, cultural policy, and museums and exhibitions, supplemented by artistic and curatorial contributions. The spectrum extends from Annaberg to Beijing and from Huixian figures to Schwörmontag (Oath Monday) in Ulm. Eva-Maria Seng

already occupied herself with the whole spectrum of cultural heritage at an early point in time, whereby she comprehends tangible and intangible aspects basically as two sides of one coin. The commemorative publication, which is dedicated to the holder of the Chair of Intangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage at the University of Paderborn brings together studies and

essays on this central research topic by longtime companions, colleagues, and students. Maria Harnack, Paul Duschner, Marco Silvestri, University of Paderborn, Germany

Landscape as an experiential space, and as a space for examining nature and functional and aesthetic design


Kultur-, Natur-, Wirtschafts- und Erfahrungsräume Reflexe der immateriellen und materiellen Kultur 8 Pages Ills. Format

192 10 b/w, 30 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-047852-5 Ger 978-3-11-048047-4 Ger

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50


In this volume, various manifestations of landscape provide the basis for questions regarding how it is identified, constructed, and shaped. A look is thus taken at how landscape is quasi mediated medially as an archive, as well as at the activities, values, and meanings inscribed in it and these revealing modes of perception. Understood as an environment in the broadest sense, it assumes a concrete shape both as a space for settlement and economic functions and production and also as a form of existence for biodiversity. The landscape cor-

responds with this perspective as a location for a designed nature that assists in educating people. The contributions break down the apparent dichotomy between nature and culture and take into account the complexity of landscape.


Frank Göttmann, Eva-Maria Seng (Eds.)

Eva-Maria Seng and Frank Göttmann, University of Paderborn, Germany


Essays by well-known scholars such as Barry Bergdoll, Jörg Haspel, Franz Graf or Ana Tostões A worldwide tour of outstanding monuments of Modernism With attractive photos and numerous plans illustrating the interventions

Ana Tostões (Ed.)

Modern Heritage Reuse. Renovation. Restauration


256 50 b/w, 200 color, 40 monochrome drawings 28.0 × 22.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-0356-2508-0 En 978-3-0356-2509-7 En

Pages Ills.


€ 60.00 $ 70.00 £ 54.50

Modernism is the most defining architectural expression of the 20th century – a movement that transformed built environments around the world in an unprecedented way. Many of these buildings are in need of repair now or their original function is no longer needed. This publication in cooperation with Docomomo explores strategies of rehabilitating works of this era. Architects and art historians discuss challenges in the preservation of Modernist buildings. 24 best-practice examples are highlighted, illustrating

various approaches to restoration. Among them, there are unknown gems such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon or the stunning house that Juan O’Gorman built for his father in Mexico – interventions guided by respect for the authenticity of the architecture and based on substantial research. Ana Tostões, Chair of Docomomo International, Professor of architecture at Lisbon University, Portugal

Ina Jessen

Ein deutscher Maler Otto Dix und der Nationalsozialismus

Schriften der Forschungsstelle „Entartete Kunst“ 13 Pages Ills. Format

448 120 b/w, 10 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-071150-9 Ger 978-3-11-076183-2 Ger

€ 49.00 $ 56.99 £ 44.50



Otto Dix and National Socialism: The artist oscillating between conservatism and critical commentary Based on first time evaluated primary sources The works of Otto Dix from 1933 to 1945 in the mirror of political iconography and artistic references


The National Socialist arts policy denounced Otto Dix (1891–1969) and his verist oeuvre for “endangering public morality” and “adversely affecting the fighting spirit of the German people.” Dix reacted by becoming a painter who oscillated in motifs and style between conservatism and critical commentary, and sought recognition despite being defamed. This forced,

radical artistic transformation also led to “concealed”, in part subversive or contradictory iconographies, to which this book is dedicated. The painter’s art is analyzed against the backdrop of developments in the arts policy in Germany and the Weimar Republic until into the postwar period; all genres— landscapes, portraits, and (Christian) figurative pictures—are examined.

Ina Jessen, Dieter Roth Museum, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, and University of Hamburg, Germany

Malcolm Gee, Kate Kangaslahti, Chara Kolokytha (Eds.)

MODERN ART REVIEWed Art reviews, magazines and journals in Europe, 1910–1945 Pages Ills. Format

272 96 b/w 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-073736-3 En

€ 79.00 $ 90.99 £ 72.00


The first English-language volume with an international focus on the subject Presents original research on topics not previously discussed in existing scholarship Treats a wide range of source material across the European field, relevant to a broad spectrum of readers


By studying the importance of specialist art periodicals in creating the artistic, economic and cultural-historical value of modern art and visual culture, this volume is dedicated to the history and legacy of specialist art reviews, bulletins, and magazines across Europe—and their echoes elsewhere—in the early to mid-twentieth century. It assembles historical case studies on

European modern art periodicals (British, French, German, Belgian, Finnish, Danish), presenting new research on the multiple meanings that such specialist publications assume within the history of modern art. Paying special attention to the interdependence of the art market and the art press, and reflecting upon the fresh insights that new forms of reading bring, each

chapter adds to our historical understanding of the modern art review. Malcolm Gee, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne; Kate Kangaslahti, KU Leuven; Chara Kolokytha, School of Fine Art, Athens

A variety of theoretical and methodological approaches Range of examined things include actual, imagined, and narrative objects


Contributions on various contexts and societies by international scholars

Jutta Eming, Kathryn Starkey (Eds.)

Things and Thingness in European Literature and Visual Art, 700–1600 Sense, Matter, and Medium 7 Pages Ills. Format

334 35 b/w, 9 color, 1 tables 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-074232-9 En 978-3-11-074298-5 En

€ 86.95 $ 99.99 £ 79.00


The chapters in this international volume draw on a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to focus on medieval and early modern things (ca. 900–1600). The range of things includes actual objects, imagined objects, and narrative objects in texts. The papers consider how things do what they do in texts and art, foregrounding the intersection between the material and the immaterial by exploring questions as how things act, how they express power, and how texts and images represent them. Medieval and early modern things are

shown to be more than symbolic or passive, they are agentive and determinative in intra- and extradiegetic worlds. The things addressed in this volume are varied and are embedded, or entangled, in different contexts and societies, and yet share a concerted engagement in human life. Jutta Eming, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; Kathryn Starkey, Stanford University, Stanford, USA.


Addresses various aspects of early modern art Structured around blocks of theoretical and empirical research Topics include church interior, altarpieces, and the image controversy during the Counter Reformation

Arthur J. DiFuria, Ian Verstegen (Eds.)

Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art The Influence of Marcia Hall

Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture 77 Pages Ills. Format

370 104 b/w 23.0 × 15.5 cm

HC E-Book

978-1-5015-1801-0 En 978-1-5015-1348-0 En


€ 94.95 $ 109.99 £ 86.50

The essays in Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art build on Marcia Hall’s seminal contributions in several categories crucial for Renaissance studies, especially the spatiality of the church interior, the altarpiece’s facture and affectivity, the notion of artistic style, and the controversy over images in the era of Counter Reform. Accruing the advantage of critical engagement with a single paradigm, this volume better assesses its applicability and range. The book works cumulatively to provide blocks of theoretical and empirical research on issues spanning the

function and role of images in their contexts over two centuries. Relating Hall’s investigations of Renaissance art to new fields, it expands the ideas at the center of her work further back in time, further afield, and deeper into familiar topics. Arthur J. DiFuria, Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia, USA; Ian Verstegen, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

New research results on the self-portrayal of the Barberini in the secular and sacred space Focussing on the post-pontifical phase New perspectives on prominent works of art by Bernini and Raffael

Der goldene Herbst der Barberini

Zur postpontifikalen Selbstdarstellung einer Papstfamilie in der Frühen Neuzeit Pages Ills. Format

342 41 b/w, 53 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-070501-0 Ger

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50


After the death of Urban VIII, the Barberini experienced one of the worst crises ever endured by a papal family. However, they also succeeded at a spectacular recovery. Through an analysis of selected artworks and the relevant contexts of creation, this study elucidates the strategies of artistic self-fashioning that the Barberini employed to achieve this and the ways in which they drew upon their previously accumulated social and cultural capital along the way. This analysis, for the first time in the scholarship, stretches far beyond the critical period

just after the papal death. This longue durée sheds light on mechanisms of post-pontifical self-representation in a family context that spans several generations and historical moments.


Alrun Kompa-Elxnat

Alrun Kompa-Elxnat, Berlin, Germany


First transdisciplinary discussion of drawings on colored paper New international research positions on drawing techniques and procedures in the early modern period Introduction by the editor and epilogue by Anne Eusterschulte in German and English

Iris Brahms (Ed.)

Gezeichnete Evidentia

Zeichnungen auf kolorierten Papieren in Süd und Nord von 1400 bis 1700 Pages Ills. Format

320 120 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-063449-5 En/Ger € 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50


Drawings on paper produced in color or primed in color play a prominent role in the art of drawing in the early modern period. What influence did the single-colored surface have on the lines, the use of color and the modeling of light and shadow when the drawings were executed? What specific horizons of interpretation are associated with this drawing technique? For the first time, the contributions in the volume investigate these questions using case studies from the north and south. Methodologically up-to-date and from a multi-perspec-

tive perspective, they offer fundamentally new results on image-theoretical questions of Evidentia as well as on art-technological studies. The focus is on works by Lorenzo Monaco, Benozzo Gozzoli, Hans Pleydenwurff, Hendrick Goltzius, Rembrandt, Govert Flinck, Nicolas Poussin, Caspar Fraisinger, among others. Iris Brahms, Berlin, Germany

Elisa Ambrosio, Francine Giese, Alina Martimyanova, Hans Bjarne Thomsen (Eds.)

China and the West

Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting Pages Ills. Format

304 176 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-071175-2 En


978-3-11-071177-6 En

€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 Open Access



Current research on reverse glass painting with a focus on the intensive cultural and artistic exchange between China and the West Fascinating and hitherto little-known artistic production attesting to the lively exchange between China and the West


With contributions from outstanding specialists in glass art and East Asian art history, this edited volume opens a cross-cultural dialogue on the hitherto little-studied medium of Chinese reverse glass painting. The first major survey of this form of East Asian art, the volume traces its long history, its local and global diffusion, and its artis-

tic and technical characteristics. Manufactured for export to Europe and for local consumption within China, the fragile artworks studied in this volume constitute a paramount part of Chinese visual culture and attest to the intensive cultural and artistic exchange between China and the West.

Elisa Ambrosio, Francine Giese, Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland; Alina Martimyanova, Hans Bjarne Thomsen, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Glass painting from eight centuries: researched in accordance with the international guidelines of the Corpus Vitrearum From the revival of historical glass painting to the modern design vocabulary

Die Glasmalereien vom Mittelalter bis 1930 im Kanton Thurgau Corpus Vitrearum Schweiz, Reihe Neuzeit, Volume 8 Pages Ills. Format

144 70 color 31.5 × 24.5 cm


978-3-11-075103-1 Ger


978-3-11-075105-5 Ger

€ 79.95 $ 91.99 £ 72.50 Open Access

For the first time in the history of the Swiss Corpus Vitrearum, this volume on the Canton of Thurgau also includes glass paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. Whereas the study of the pre-1800 glass works provided insights into the traditions of donating stained glass in the Old Swiss Confederacy, a consideration of the more recent glass paintings sheds light on aesthetic and technological aspects of stained-glass manufacturing during the period of historicism, art nouveau, and modernism. This includes an evaluation of sources from parish archives,

yielding information on the origins of the younger stained-glass windows. The volume complements a catalogue of more than 1,100 glass paintings from the 14th to the 21st century, published on the open-access platform of the Vitrocentre Romont


Sarah Keller, Katrin Kaufmann

Sarah Keller, Katrin Kaufmann, Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland



Fascinating insights into the artist’s studio in St. Gallen based on a wide range of designs and executed works

Exhibition June 25 to October 23, 2022 Vitromusée Romont

Laura Hindelang

Glaskunst am Bau und Intermedialität Das Atelier Stäubli in St. Gallen Pages Ills. Format

128 95 color 21.0 × 14.8 cm


978-3-11-074898-7 Ger


€ 19.95 $ 22.99 £ 18.00

The leaded and cemented stained glass of the workshop of Heinrich Stäubli (1926-2016), St. Gallen, which is integrated into churches, restaurants, and schools, continues to shape the built environment of Eastern Switzerland today. The output of the workshop is characterized by relations among stained glass, murals, and graphic, textile, and funerary arts. This is the first analysis of the artworks and the estate from the perspective of intermediality and within the framework of modern art history. The study

offers a systematic contextualization of Stäubli’s work within the history of stained-glass art in German-speaking countries, elucidating not only the operations of the artistic workshop but, more broadly, the artistic-social relevance of stained glass far beyond Switzerland in the 20th century. Laura Hindelang, University of Bern and Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland

First volume to deal with destruction of plaster casts of ancient Mediterranean and Western sculpture With focus on practices within culture, politics, aesthetics, and academia that affected the fate of casts on a global scale


Taking destruction as a form of reception, use and display of cast collections today are rethought

Annetta Alexandridis, Lorenz Winkler-Horaček (Ed.)

Destroy the Copy – Plaster Cast Collections in the 19th–20th Centuries

Demolition, Defacement, Disposal in Europe and Beyond


Pages Ills. Format

550 102 b/w, 30 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-075131-4 En 978-3-11-075796-5 En

€ 109.95 $ 126.99 £ 100.00

This volume, consisting of contributions by art historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists discusses how various museum and academic traditions, notions of value and authenticity, and developments related to colonialism affected the fate of plaster-cast collections across three continents. The contributions analyze spectacular acts of casts’ defacement, demolition, discarding, and neglect. They shed light on the accompanying discourses surrounding aesthetic ideals, political ideologies, educational and scholarly practices, and race.

With destruction being a critical part of their reception, plaster casts defy the traditional narrative of rise and decline. The histories revealed in this volume provide critical evidence for rethinking the use and display of plaster-cast collections in the contemporary moment. Annetta Alexandridis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA; Lorenz Winkler-Horaček, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


Addresses questions of decay and reconstruction in European cultural history Sheds light on the status and importance of ruins in Romance-speaking countries across the centuries

Giulia Lombardi, Simona Oberto, Paul Strohmaier (Eds.)

Ästhetik und Poetik der Ruinen

Rekonstruktion – Imagination – Gedächtnis Pages Ills. Format

430 6 b/w, 12 color, 2 tables 23.0 × 15.5 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-075771-2 Ger/Fr 978-3-11-075781-1 Ger/Fr


€ 99.95 $ 114.99 £ 91.00

In ruins, the absence of the past achieves a maximum level of presence. At different points in time, fundamental reflections on the fragility of both human cultures and individual existence have taken shape around them, gaining significance in the fields of aesthetics, poetics, and the philosophy of history from the early modern period onward. This volume traces how ruins have transformed in Romance cultures up into the present day.

Giulia Lombardi, LMU University, Munich; Simona Oberto, University of Freiburg; Paul Strohmaier, University of Trier, Germany

First in-depth analysis of Siegfried Kracauer’s writings on film until 1941 Interpretations of rarely discussed areas of Kracauer’s work

Film und Kino als Spiegel

Siegfried Kracauers Filmschriften aus Deutschland und Frankreich Pages Ills. Format

344 70 b/w, 17 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-070575-1 Ger 978-3-11-070581-2 Ger

€ 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50


One of the most versatile journalists of the 20th century, Siegfried Kracauer was a passionate cinema-goer who, as a film critic and theorist, managed to professionalize his hobby. This volume addresses a selection of Kracauer’s writings on film from before his American exile in 1941, which represent important sources for the film and cultural history of the Weimar Republic. It presents new interpretations of little-explored areas of Kracauer’s work, such as his proposals for films, in addition to revisiting subjects of earlier scholarship, like his views on

female cinema-goers. From the perspective of Bildwissenschaft (image Science), a variety of visual media from the period, including magazine and newspaper illustrations, cigarette pictures, and paintings by Edward Hopper among others, are taken into account.


Viola Rühse

Viola Rühse, Center for Image Science, Donau University Krems, Austria


Significant new contribution to scholarship on Jewish cultural production and Eastern European avantgardes Transnational approach, highlighting mobility and cultural collaboration Winning title De Gruyter Open Access Book Anniversary

Alexandra Chiriac

Performing Modernism A Jewish Avant-Garde in Bucharest Pages Ills. Format

240 85 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-076558-8 En


978-3-11-076568-7 En


€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 Open Access

This volume examines the reach of modernism in design and performance in interwar Romania. It follows the transnational trajectories of several remarkable Jewish avant-garde artists, actors, and directors based in Bucharest, the country’s capital, in the 1920s and 1930s. The first part of the book recovers the history of Bucharest’s first modern design institution and investigates its links with German design and the Bauhaus. The second half focuses on several innovative collaborations in the realm of Yiddish

theatre, including the time spent in Romania by the world-renowned Vilna Troupe. Based on extensive original research, the book shows how Bucharest was connected to Berlin, Riga, and Chicago, highlighting the contribution of Jewish cultural production to avant-garde movements in Europe and beyond. Alexandra Chiriac, Leonard A. Lauder Fellow in Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

An important representative of Italian modernism Systematic analysis of innovative residential floor plans


Newly created drawings of approx. 60 buildings

Luciano Motta

The Built Work of Giuseppe Pizzigoni Pages Ills. Format

304 300 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-0356-2458-8 En 978-3-0356-2460-1 En

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50


Giuseppe Pizzigoni, an architect of classical and postwar modernism in northern Italy, owes his reputation to his connections with the Novecento movement, his independence from fascism, and his interest in innovative residential layouts. This study presents for the first time the architect’s entire built work, comprising not only residential structures but also sacral buildings, monuments, educational and industrial buildings. Pizzigoni’s experimental spirit drove him to create original designs across diverse fields of architecture, typo-

logy and forms of living, construction systems and load-bearing structures, geometry and aesthetics. Each of the approx. 60 works is described through the plans of the building, an axonometric view and detailed drawings, all of which have been redrawn for this publication. Luciano Motta, instructor and researcher at the Chair and Institute of Housing and Principles of Design at RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Second volume of the history of Modern architecture in the Far East Excellent photographic presentations of approx. 65 buildings Important contribution on the globalization of architecture

Peter Rowe, Yun Fu

Southeast Asian Modern

From Roots to Contemporary Turns Pages Ills. Format

376 200 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-0356-2457-1 En 978-3-0356-2459-5 En


€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50

Peter Rowe and Yun Fu’s second volume on the modernization of architecture in the Far East deals with Southeast Asia and Austronesia, including the 12 nation states of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor, Philippines and Taiwan, as well as the ocean peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. The modern architecture of these culturally and nationally heterogenous regions echoes local vernacular traditions and colonial as well as postcolonial hegemonies from both the East and the West.

The book tells the stories of these separate roots and their culmination into contemporary architectural production, analyzing the distinctiveness and quality of approx. 65 building projects that have emerged in the past half century. Professor Peter Rowe, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Yun Fu, architect and scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, USA

Current positions in a transcultural art history Materiality as the starting point for art historical studies With contributions from international researchers

Rhapsodic Objects

Art, Agency, and Materiality (1700–2000) Contact Zones 7 Pages Ills. Format

236 88 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-065664-0 En


978-3-11-075766-8 En

€ 68.95 $ 79.99 £ 62.50 Open Access


Circulation and imitation are key factors in shaping the material world. The authors in this volume explore how technical knowledge, immaterial desires, and political agendas impact the production and consumption of visual and material culture across times and places. Their essays map multidirectional transactions for cultural goods in which source countries can be positioned at the center. Rhapsodic – literally to stitch or weave songs – paired with objects – from thrown against – intertwines complexity and action. Rhapsodic objects thus beck-

ons to the layered narratives of the objects themselves, their making, and their reception over time. The concept further underlines their potential to express creativity, generate emotion, and reveal histories – often tainted with violence.


Noémie Etienne, Yaëlle Biro (Eds.)

Noémie Etienne, Universität Bern, Switzerland; Yaëlle Biro, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA


New scientific findings for the staging of images of prehistory in the Soviet Occupation Zone and GDR Insightful combination of historical research and exhibition analysis Extensive visual sources analysed for the first time

Arne Lindemann

Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen der SBZ und DDR Pages Ills. Format

416 100 b/w 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-076086-6 Ger


978-3-11-076106-1 Ger


€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 Open Access

In the German Democratic Republic (GDR), prehistory was part of the national narrative that served to legitimize the dictatorial regime of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). However, the socialist conception of prehistory came up against a heavily loaded ideological legacy in the wake of the notions of ‘German prehistory’ that had been espoused during the National Socialist period. Museums were tasked with mastering the politically prescribed narrative shift from an ethnic-nationalist conception of prehistory to a Marxist one.

Using an extensive body of exhibition photos, this study analyses the depiction of prehistory in museums of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR as well as discourses that led to the alteration or persistence of related concepts. Arne Lindemann, Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany

Femininity in Contemporary Art First insights in the work of the internationally exhibited Chinese artist He Chengyao


Transcultural discussion of a key subject of research

Kwan Kiu Leung

Uncompromising Female Aesthetic Subjectivity Ontological and Ethical Self in Contemporary Art Pages Ills. Format

254 86 b/w 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-067063-9 En 978-3-11-074845-1 En

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 52.00


The book provides a comparison of contemporary art by analyzing female aesthetic subjectivity within a global context. The starting point is a comparison between the work of Tracey Karima Emin and He Chengyao. Kwan Kiu Leung demonstrates why their work constitutes not only the self, but they practice an ontological identification relationship between subjectivity and artwork that exhibits three aspects of their subjectivity: performativity, visibility, and univocity. Furthermore, it reveals an ontological and ethical self within their naked self-portraits.

Kwan Kiu Leung, PhD – Royal College of Art, London, UK


Fascinating inquiry into the visual culture of Kuwait and the Gulf region since the mid-twentieth century Transdisciplinary approach linking art history, modernity studies, Middle Eastern studies, and petro-culture studies Covering a wealth of previously little researched historical visual material combined with contemporary art

Laura Hindelang

Iridescent Kuwait

Petro-Modernity and Urban Visual Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century Pages Ills. Format

272 29 b/w, 67 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-071466-1 En


978-3-11-071473-9 En


€ 39.00 $ 44.99 £ 35.50 Open Access

Petro-modernity is a local phenomenon essential to the history of Kuwait, while also a global experience and one of the prime sources of climate change. The book investigates petroleum’s role in the visual culture of Kuwait to understand the intersecting ideologies of modernization, political representation, and oil. The notion of iridescence, the ambiguous yet mesmerizing effect of a rainbowlike color play, serves as analytical-aesthetic concept to discuss petroleum’s ambiguous contribution to modernity: both promise of prosperity and destructive

force of socio-cultural and ecological environments. Covering a broad spectrum of historical material from aerial and color photography, visual arts, postage stamps, and master plans to architecture and also contemporary art from the Gulf, it dismantles petro-modernity’s visual legacy. Laura Hindelang, Universität Bern / Vitrocentre Romont, Switzerland

Introduces new perspectives on the Iconic Turn Brings together various international approaches to images Draws upon recent methodologies to analyse visual media from an interdisciplinary angle

Challenging the Iconic Turn

Positionen – Methoden – Perspektiven Pages Ills. Format

320 90 b/w 24.0 × 17.0 cm


978-3-11-075775-0 En/Ger € 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50


This volume discusses, from various disciplinary perspectives, the challenges that researchers face when studying the agency of visual media, which has been a central approach since the Iconic Turn of 30 years ago. The editors combine contributions from an international lecture series, showcasing current positions on dealing with the impulses of the Iconic Turn, with others by researchers from the University of Regensburg, where more than 10 years ago the transdisciplinary research cluster “Seeing and Understanding” was founded. The

contributions represent a wide range of fields, including art history, philosophy, theology, history, and pedagogy as well as film, dance, religious, and cultural studies.


Dominic Delarue, Christoph Wagner (Eds.)

Dominic E. Delarue, Christoph Wagner, University of Regensburg, Germany


Katharina Günther

Autoren Rücken


m pecupio cum de num avocus vena, qua iam Romacchuctem et voli poris, s o urnitatus, moendes? Niu egerfentem temus actorti.

Francis Bacon

For the first time, brings together the pictorial sources for Bacon’s iconography, many of which have never before been published Richly illustrated study on one of the most acknowledged and enduringly popular artists of the last century

In the Mirror of Photography Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting


ISBN xxx-x-xx-xxxxxx-x ISSN xxxx-xxxx

Katharina Günther

Francis Bacon – In the Mirror of Photography

Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting Pages Ills. Format

384 97 b/w, 50 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-072062-4 En 978-3-11-072064-8 En


€ 59.90 $ 68.99 £ 52.00

The British painter Francis Bacon (1909–1992) is famed for his idiosyncratic mode of depicting the human figure. Thirty years after his death, his working methods remain underexplored. New research on the Francis Bacon Studio Archive at Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin, sheds light on the genesis of his works, namely the photographic source material he collected in his studios, on which he consistently based his paintings. The book brings together the artist’s pictorial springboards for the first time, delineating and interpreting recurring patterns

and methods in his preparatory work and adoption of photographic material. In addition, it correctly locates ‘chance’ as a driving force in Bacon’s working method and qualifies the significance of photography for the painter. Katharina Günther, expert on Modern and Contemporary Art and Photography, Germany

Ernst Strouhal (Ed.)

Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time Arbeiten/Works 2010–2020 Edition Angewandte Pages Ills. Format

248 334 color 28.0 × 22.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-076943-2 En/Ger € 39.95 978-3-11-076956-2 En/Ger $ 45.99 £ 36.50



Elaborately designed monograph including AR features, and the first portrait of this artist’s work Presents a broad spectrum of artistic media: photographic sequences, installations, sculptures, drawings, and media hybrids With contributions by Roberto Casati, Christian Höller, and Larissa Kikol


Liddy Scheffknecht is one of Austria’s most experimental young visual artists. The publication Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time presents selected works from the past decade (2010—2020). Liddy Scheffknecht’s work encompasses a broad spectrum of media, yet forms a coherent, ongoing artistic

program. In photographic sequences, installations, sculptures, drawings, and media hybrids, the artist explores the relationship between temporality, perception, and space; in doing so, she creates and ruptures illusions in equal measure. Liddy Scheffknecht’s artistic works use immaterial media such as sunlight and

shadow as well as classical sculptural materials and digital media. Ernst Strouhal, Professor for Cultural Studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna; lecturer, author, Vienna, Austria

Theresia Hauenfels (Ed.)

Judith P. Fischer – Linie Form Raum / Line Shape Space Edition Angewandte Pages Ills. Format

240 90 b/w, 165 color 26.0 × 20.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-054250-9 En/Ger € 39.95 978-3-11-076986-9 En/Ger $ 45.99 £ 36.50


Portrait of the sculptor and interdisciplinary artist Judith P. Fischer Elaborately designed book object reflecting key motifs and the three-dimensionality of the artist’s work With contributions by Theresia Hauenfels, Cornelia Hellstern, Elisabeth NowakThaller, and Günther Oberhollenzer


This publication showcases and documents the work of the visual artist Judith P. Fischer, whose interplay of line, form, and space coalesces into a multilayered oeuvre. The focus of the book is on the tension between twoand three-dimensional modes of expression, with special attention paid to sculpture and drawing. Structure and haptics characterize Judith P. Fischer’s

work, and transformation is a recurring motif. The book includes extensive photographic documentation of individual works, spatial views, and exhibitions. In addition, it explores Fischer’s creative process. In an interview, the artist provides insights into creative and developmental processes.

Theresia Hauenfels, research associate at the Center for Museum Collections Management, Danube University Krems, Austria

New ecosophical approaches, viewed through a transdisciplinary lens Multimedia art project with comprehensive documentation and numerous illustrations


With contributions by Julieta Aranda, Sabrina Bühn, Heather Davis, Elisabeth Falkensteiner, Julia Grillmayr, Samuel Hertz, Eben Kirksey among others

Anna Lerchbaumer, Kilian Jörg (Eds.)

Toxic Temple

An Artistic and Philosophical Adventure into the Toxicity of the Now Edition Angewandte Pages Ills. Format

208 120 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm

HC E-Book

978-3-11-076914-2 En 978-3-11-076924-1 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50


What changes when we religiously worship the toxic? In this era of catastrophe, can a cosmic connection be achieved through a cult of pollution? Toxic Temple is an artistic-philosophical quest to understand the current parlous state of the world. We offer our inner contradictions and destructive lusts as objects of worship. We enter wastelands instead of new territory, leaving space for artifacts, expressing solidarity with the factual. We encounter colorful assemblages of things that connect the known cosmos, tread the shaky ground of novel

divinity, inhale pungent odors that transport us to the sublime. Garbage dumps are the new temples. In a mania of sadistic composure we breathe in the here and now. Transformative forces are released, free radicals; rituals that expose the chaos that lurks beneath the surface. Anna Lerchbaumer, sound and video artist, Vienna, Austria; Kilian Jörg, philosopher and artist, Berlin, Vienna, Brussels


New voices in contemporary literature covering a wide range of literary genres Innovative and elaborate artistic design With an essay by Jovana Reisinger and an interview with Seyda Kurt ´

Sophia Dostal, Michael Eberle, Sophia Eisenring, Alicia Huppenkothen, Dora Koderhold, Valerie Prinz, Vera Schindler, Maximilian Ulrich, Johann Voigt (Eds.)

JENNY. Ausgabe 09 Denken. Glänzen. Text. Edition Angewandte Pages Format

132 25.5 × 18.0 cm


978-3-11-076240-2 Ger


€ 19.95 $ 22.99 £ 18.00

JENNY, the annual anthology of young contemporary literature edited by students of the Institute of Language Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, has already twice been voted Austria’s most beautiful book. JENNY is now appearing in its ninth edition. This issue is dedicated to relationships of all kinds and to the intertwined themes of love, eroticism, and the body. JENNY. Ausgabe 09 contains twenty contributions – poetry, prose, drama – from German-speaking countries. An essay by Jovana Reisinger on the

subject of spring fever and an interview with Şeyda Kurt on her book Radikale Zärtlichkeit (Radical Tenderness) round off a multifaceted language arts panorama. This book showcases daring new literary forms in a lavish (typo) graphic design that is true to the guiding principles of the literary magazine. S. Dostal, M. Eberle, S. Eisenring, A. Huppenkothen, D. Koderhold, V. Prinz, V. Schindler, M. Ulrich, J. Voigt, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Georg Glaeser


The Interplay of Celestial Bodies in Pictures Edition Angewandte Pages Ills. Format

136 185 color 22.6 × 18.9 cm

SC E-Book

978-3-11-076304-1 En 978-3-11-076353-9 En

€ 28.00 $ 32.99 £ 25.50



All about the Moon – concise yet scientifically accurate explanations of various phenomena related to the Moon Mathematics and geometry, conveyed in an understandable and engaging way With numerous large-format photographs and illustrations


The Moon has always been an object of immense fascination for humanity – and not just because of its prominence in the night sky. With its complex orbit, it is far closer to our planet than any other celestial body. Already in ancient Babylon, humans have studied the Moon and its relationship to the planets and constellations.

Through incisive texts and illustrations using photos and computer simulations, this book explores the similarities and differences to other planets and their moons, the Moon’s interactions with the Sun and the Earth, and interesting historical associations. In addition to scientifically accurate texts, it contains numerous large-

format photographs and graphics that vividly explain the complex phenomenon of the Moon. Richly illustrated, it is designed for anyone interested in astronomy. Georg Glaeser, Professor of Geometry, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria

An extraordinary interdisciplinary project that explores the interface between housing, contemporary history, and art Innovatively designed, with numerous color illustrations and integrated podcasts


With contributions from 23 students as well as essays by Oliver Rathkolb and Jan Svenungsson

Jan Svenungsson, Flora Zimmeter (Eds.)

Kunst am Gemeinde-Bau

Ein Projekt für den Franz-Novy-Hof in Wien Edition Angewandte Pages 96 Ills. 30 b/w, 15 color Format 31.0 × 23.0 cm HC E-Book

978-3-0356-2521-9 Ger 978-3-0356-2535-6 Ger

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 26.00

How can contemporary history and contemporary art be combined in a meaningful way and presented in public space? To mark the refurbishment of Franz-Novy-Hof, one of Vienna’s best-known municipal housing complexes, an interdisciplinary project, initiated by builder Gerhard Glantschnig, was realized by the Institute of Contemporary History, University of Vienna and the Department of Graphics and Printmaking, University of Applied Arts Vienna.

dialogue between students. Texts and podcasts by 11 contemporary history students on aspects of the history of Vienna’s Gemeindebau are juxtaposed with contributions by 12 art students in the form of large-scale paintings. Essays by Oliver Rathkolb and Jan Svenungsson discuss the challenges of the project. Jan Svenungsson, Flora Zimmeter, Department of Graphics and Printmaking, University of Applied Arts Vienna

This publication sheds new light on Vienna’s public housing through a



A fascinating biography, written by the great-greatgrandson of the controversial pastor from Embrach Focus on the Helvetic Republic: fascinating insights into Swiss cultural, ecclesiastical, and social history With numerous historical illustrations

Peter Alexander Schweizer

Johann Jakob Schweizer und die Helvetik Der streitbare Pfarrer zu Embrach Edition Voldemeer Pages Ills. Format

244 2 b/w, 25 color 24.0 × 15.0 cm


978-3-11-076488-8 Ger


€ 28.00 $ 32.99 £ 25.50

This book is dedicated to the pastor and political activist Johann Jakob Schweizer (1771–1843) and traces through his eventful life the turbulent events of the Helvetic Republic. Schweizer criticized the authorities of the Napoleonic Swiss republic in pamphlets and as editor of Neues Helvetisches Volksblatt. After publicly calling for parliament to resign in 1800, he was sentenced in sensational trials to two years’ confinement to his parish and banned from publishing. Following the Act of Mediation that dissolved the Republic and restored the Swiss

Confederation under French influence, he was removed from his parish in 1804 for “disorderly conduct.” He continued to work as a parish assistant and Latin teacher. In addition to religious lectures, sermons, and poetry, he published numerous essays and a travel guide. Peter Alexander Schweizer, great-great-grandson of J. J. Schweizer; served in the Swiss diplomatic service, author, lives in Zurich, Switzerland

Aby Warburg – Briefe Michael Diers, Steffen Haug (Eds.), Aby Warburg, Thomas Helbig Aby Warburg Gesammelte Schriften – Studienausgabe V 2021. 1432 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 418 b/w ills. HC 978-3-11-053369-9 Ger € 89.95 / $ 103.99 / £ 82.00

Britain and the Continent 1660–1727 Political Crisis and Conflict Resolution in Mural Paintings at Windsor, Chelsea, Chatsworth, Hampton Court and Greenwich Christina Strunck

HC 978-3-11-072961-0 En € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00 E-Book 978-3-11-075077-5 En € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 87.00

2020. 221 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 7 color ills. SC 978-3-11-068110-9 En € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50 E-Book 978-3-11-072247-5 En € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

Angkor Wat – A Transcultural History of Heritage Volume 1: Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions. Volume 2: Angkor in Cambodia. From Jungle Find to Global Icon Michael Falser 2019. 1150 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-11-033572-9 En € 172.95 / $ 198.99 / £ 150.50 E-Book 978-3-11-033584-2 En € 172.95 / $ 198.99 / £ 150.50

The Visionary Academy of Ocular Mentality Atlas of the Iconic Turn Luca Del Baldo 2020. 440 pages. 23.0 × 15.0 cm 104 color ills. HC 978-3-11-069519-9 En € 32.00 / $ 37.00 / £ 28.00 E-Book 978-3-11-070610-9 En € 32.00 / $ 37.00 / £ 28.00

Handbook of Art and Global Migration Theories, Practices, and Challenges Burcu Dogramaci, Birgit Mersmann (Eds.) 2019. 428 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 250 b/w ills. HC 978-3-11-047600-2 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-047667-5 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Fluctuating Alliances Art, Politics, and Diplomacy in the Modern Era Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira (Ed.)

Dynamis of the Image Moving Images in a Global World Emmanuel Alloa, Chiara Cappelletto (Eds.)

Artist Complex Images of Artists in Twentieth-Century Photography Jadwiga Kamola (Ed.)

2021. 168 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 21 b/w ills.

2020. 388 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 b/w ills., 32 color ills.

2021. 206 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 83 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-060489-4 En € 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 37.50

HC 978-3-11-052874-9 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

SC 978-3-11-068646-3 En € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00

E-Book 978-3-11-060641-6 En € 42.95 / $ 49.99 / £ 37.50

E-Book 978-3-11-053054-4 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 52.00

E-Book 978-3-11-074016-5 En € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 45.00


2021. 528 pages. 28.0 × 21.0 cm 124 b/w ills., 117 color ills.

The End of Diversity in Art Historical Writing North Atlantic Art History and its Alternatives James Elkins


About Sieves and Sieving Motif, Symbol, Technique, Paradigm Barbara Baert

Looking Into the Rain Magic – Moisture – Medium Barbara Baert

2019. 134 pages. 23.0 × 15.5 cm 52 color ills.

2021. 224 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 40 b/w ills., 46 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-060614-0 En € 25.95 / $ 29.99 / £ 22.50

SC 978-3-11-072684-8 En € 99.00 / $ 113.99 / £ 86.00

E-Book 978-3-11-060821-2 En € 25.95 / $ 29.99 / £ 22.50

E-Book 978-3-11-076062-0 En € 99.00 / $ 113.99 / £ 86.00

Pietro Nobile (1776–1854) Neoclassicism between Technique and Beauty Taťána Petrasová (Ed.), Rossella Fabiani, Richard Kurdiovsky

Nature and the Arts in Early Modern Naples Frank Fehrenbach, Joris van Gastel (Eds.)

2021. 272 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 63 b/w ills., 113 color ills. HC 978-3-11-069145-0 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00

The Colors of Photography Bettina Gockel (Ed.), Nadine Jirka, Stella Jungmann 2020. 333 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 113 color ills. SC 978-3-11-065028-0 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-11-066148-4 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

2020. 270 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 91 b/w ills., 15 color ills. HC 978-3-11-059922-0 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00 E-Book 978-3-11-072048-8 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00

Object Fantasies Experience & Creation Philippe Cordez, Romana Kaske, Julia Saviello, Susanne Thürigen (Eds.) 2018. 242 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 62 b/w ills. HC 978-3-11-047613-2 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-059880-3 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

New Apelleses, and New Apollos Poet-Artists around the Court of Florence (1537–1587) Diletta Gamberini 2022. 344 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 21 b/w ills., 7 color ills. HC 978-3-11-074355-5 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00 E-Book 978-3-11-074366-1 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

The Indigenous Lens? Early Photography in the Near and Middle East Markus Ritter, Staci G. Scheiwiller (Eds.) 2017. 348 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 34 b/w ills., 101 color ills. SC 978-3-11-049135-7 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00 E-Book 978-3-11-059087-6 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 61.00

Acquiring Cultures Histories of World Art on Western Markets Bénédicte Savoy, Charlotte Guichard, Christine Howald (Eds.) 2018. 316 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 64 b/w ills. HC 978-3-11-054398-8 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-11-054508-1 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Museum and Archive on the Move Changing Cultural Institutions in the Digital Era Oliver Grau (Ed.), Wendy Coones, Viola Rühse 2017. 316 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 39 b/w ills., 35 color ills. HC 978-3-11-052051-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-052963-0 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50


The Art of the Anthropological Diorama Franz Boas, Arthur C. Parker, and Constructing Authenticity Noemie Etienne, Chris Miller 2021. 228 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 29 b/w ills., 34 color ills. SC 978-3-11-074226-8 En € 59.00 / $ 67.99 / £ 51.50 E-Book 978-3-11-074343-2 En € 59.00 / $ 67.99 / £ 51.50

Image Acts A Systematic Approach to Visual Agency Horst Bredekamp 2nd edition 2021. 361 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm, 199 color ills. SC 978-3-11-072569-8 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00 E-Book 978-3-11-072582-7 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Beyond Egyptomania Objects, Style and Agency Miguel John Versluys (Ed.) 2020. 362 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 41 b/w ills., 41 color ills. HC 978-3-11-056425-9 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00 E-Book 978-3-11-056584-3 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 60.00

Politics of Learning, Politics of Space Architecture and the Education Shock of the 1960s and 1970s Tom Holert 2021. 128 pages. 23.0 × 15.5 cm 39 b/w ills. SC 978-3-11-071094-6 En € 14.00 / $ 16.99 / £ 12.00 E-Book 978-3-11-072604-6 En € 14.00 / $ 16.99 / £ 12.00

Etched in Flesh and Soul The Auschwitz Number in Art Batya Brutin

Notions of Temporalities in Artistic Practice Anamarija Batista (Eds.)

2021. 336 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 140 color ills.

2022. 200 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 20 b/w ills., 15 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-073991-6 En € 109.95 / $ 126.99 / £ 95.50

SC 978-3-11-073803-2 En € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

E-Book 978-3-11-073996-1 En € 109.95 / $ 126.99 / £ 95.50

E-Book 978-3-11-072092-1 En Open Access

Galileo’s Thinking Hand Mannerism, Anti-Mannerism and the Virtue of Drawing in the Foundation of Early Modern Science Horst Bredekamp, Cohen Mitch

Darwin's Corals A New Model of Evolution and the Tradition of Natural History Horst Bredekamp

2019. 366 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 b/w ills., 235 color ills. HC 978-3-11-052006-4 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-11-053921-9 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

2019. 118 pages. 24.0 × 15.0 cm 45 color ills. HC 978-3-11-064334-3 En € 20.95 / $ 24.99 / £ 18.00 E-Book 978-3-11-068031-7 En € 20.95 / $ 24.99 / £ 18.00


LINDA BERGER – PEACH-BLOW MONOGRAFIE/MONOGRAPH Linda Berger, Maria Christine Holter (Eds.) 2021. 224 pages. 25.8 × 21.9 cm 12 b/w ills., 78 color ills. HC 978-3-11-074475-0 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-074703-4 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Rini Tandon. to spaces unsigned Works, Concepts, Processes 1976– 2020 / Arbeiten, Konzepte, Prozesse 1976–2020 Sabine Folie (Ed.) 2020. 328 pages. 30.0 × 23.0 cm 304 color ills., 96 duplex SC 978-3-11-070045-9 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

inframince infra-mince infra mince TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna / TransArts an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Stephan Hilge, Roman Pfeffer, Nita Tandon, Gudrun Ratzinger, Franz Thalmair (Eds.) 2021. 304 pages. 21.6 × 16.3 cm 303 color ills. HC 978-3-11-072418-9 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-072424-0 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Oskar Kokoschka: Neue Einblicke und Perspektiven / New Insights and Perspectives Régine Bonnefoit, Bernadette Reinhold (Eds.)

Plastic Ocean: Art and Science Responses to Marine Pollution Ingeborg Reichle (Ed.)

Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body Mariella Greil

2021. 272 pages. 25.0 × 20.0 cm 164 color ills.

2021. 368 pages. 24.0 × 16.5 cm 168 b/w ills., 365 color ills.

HC 978-3-11-074472-9 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

HC 978-3-11-073939-8 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-074477-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-073598-7 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

Data Loam Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft. The Future of Knowledge Systems Johnny Golding, Martin Reinhart, Mattia Paganelli (Eds.)

Kabarett Fledermaus @ Bar du Bois Aktualisierung eines Experiments der Wiener Moderne / Update of an Experiment of Viennese Modernism Cosima Rainer (Ed.)

Arts & Dementia Interdisciplinary Perspectives Ruth Mateus-Berr, L. Vanessa Gruber (Eds.)

2020. 496 pages. 23.0 × 17.0 cm 19 b/w ills., 1054 color ills.

2020. 176 pages. 29.7 × 21.0 cm 73 b/w ills., 125 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-068007-2 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

SC 978-3-11-072306-9 En/Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

2021. 452 pages. 21.0 × 14.7 cm 20 b/w ills., 43 color ills. SC 978-3-11-072420-2 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-072422-6 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-069784-1 En Open Access

2020. 400 pages. 24.2 × 17.0 cm 32 b/w ills., 182 color ills. HC 978-3-11-072047-1 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-11-072055-6 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 43.50

Teaching Artistic Research Conversations Across Cultures Ruth Mateus-Berr, Richard Jochum (Eds.)

CrossSections Processing Artistic and Curatorial Research Başak Şenova (Ed.)

2020. 224 pages. 27.5 × 18.0 cm 45 b/w ills.

2020. 272 pages. 22.0 × 16.0 cm 715 color ills.

SC 978-3-11-066239-9 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

SC 978-3-11-071648-1 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

E-Book 978-3-11-066521-5 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

E-Book 978-3-11-071656-6 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

FLORA Sprachkunst im Zeitalter der Information / Language Arts in the Age of Information Thomas Ballhausen, Elena Peytchinsk

Food Design Small Reflections on Food, Design and Language Sonja Stummerer, Martin Hablesreiter 2020. 224 pages. 20.0 × 14.5 cm 16 b/w ills.

SC 978-3-11-067534-4 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

SC 978-3-11-067975-5 En € 34.95 / $ 40.99 / £ 30.50

E-Book 9783-11-067539-9 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

COMPANY. Fotografien und Fragmente über das Arbeiten Photographs and Fragments on Working Beatrix Zobl, Wolfgang Schneider 2019. 296 pages. 24.5 × 21.0 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-065766-1 En/Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50

STATION ROSE 30.0 The Walls of the New Systems Will Be Liquid STATION ROSE (Ed.) 2018. 248 pages. 31.0 × 22.0 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-057571-2 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00 E-Book 978-3-11-057705-1 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

2020. 112 pages. 26.5 × 21.0 cm 50 b/w ills., 60 color ills. HC 978-3-11-069557-1 En/Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Uselessness Humankind’s most valuable tool? Michelle Howard, Luciano Parodi (Eds.) 2020. 152 pages. 21.0 × 14.8 cm 50 b/w ills. SC 978-3-11-067981-6 En € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50 E-Book 978-3-11-067983-0 En € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 17.50


2020. 320 pages. 19.5 × 12.5 cm

TOURISTIKEN / TOURISCS Transmediale Arbeiten über Freizeit im Anthropozän / Transmedia Works on Leisure in the Anthropocene Fred Luks (Ed.), Catherine Ludwig

Claudia Larcher – Rooms #rooms #räume #locaux #architecture #architektur #collage #animation #arts #kunst #lart #digitalarts #digitalekunst #lartnumerique #video Verena Konrad (Ed.) 2019. 320 pages. 26.0 × 19.0 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-063214-9 En/Ger/Fr € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50 E-Book 978-3-11-063278-1 En/Ger/Fr € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 34.50


RESET THE APPARATUS! A Survey of the Photographic and the Filmic in Contemporary Art Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukić (Eds.) 2019. 208 pages. 26.0 × 19.0 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-11-063068-8 En € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 29.50

Faceless Re-inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies Bogomir Doringer, Brigitte Felderer (Eds.) 2018. 304 pages. 24.0 × 16.8 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-052513-7 En € 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 21.50

BEYOND BORDERS Conservation Goes International Gabriela Krist (Ed.) 2019. 328 pages. 27.0 × 22.0 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-060289-0 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 34.00

Choreo-graphic Figures Deviations from the Line Nikolaus Gansterer, Emma Cocker, Mariella Greil (Eds.) 2017. 390 pages. 22.8 × 16.5 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-054660-6 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

Making Prints and Thinking About It Jan Svenungsson 2019. 224 pages. 22.5 × 15.0 cm 158 color ills. HC 978-3-11-063216-3 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 26.00

Drawing A Hypothesis Figures of Thought Nikolaus Gansterer 2nd 2017. 351 pages. 21.5 × 14.3 cm Numerous ills. SC 978-3-11-054661-3 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 39.00

E-Book 978-3-11-052770-4 En € 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 21.50

Private Utopia Cultural Setting of the Interior in the 19th and 20th Century August Sarnitz, Inge Scholz-Strasser (Eds.) 2015. 160 pages. 24.0 × 17.0 cm 65 b/w ills. HC 978-3-11-045463-5 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 43.50 E-Book 978-3-11-045549-6 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 43.50

Dom Museum Wien Art, Religion, Society Johanna Schwanberg (Ed.) 2017. 580 pages. 27.0 × 21.5 cm Numerous ills. HC 978-3-11-048250-8 En € 38.50 / $ 44.99 / £ 33.50

Sales Catalogue / Verkaufskatalog A product catalogue of the art market critique Verkaufswerke (Works for Sale) since the beginning of the 1990s / Ein Produktkatalog der kunstmarktkritischen Verkaufswerke (Works for Sale) seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre Kurt Ryslavy 2020. 160 pages. 28.0 × 22.0 cm 33 b/w ills., 162 color ills. SC 978-3-11-072310-6 En/Ger € 38.00 / $ 43.99 / £ 33.00


4: Francesco del Cossa. frescoes March, April, May, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, 1469–1470, Wikimedia Commons 5 left: Giovan Lorenzo Bernini, Reliquary of the Cross, 1642–1652. Osimo, Diocesan Museum; 5 right: Racing horse made from animals. Indian painting from the Herder collection, in: Christian August Vulpius (Hrsg.), Curiositäten der physischliterarisch-artistisch-historischen Vor- und Mitwelt; zur angenehmen Unterhaltung für gebildete Leser, Weimar, Bd. 1, 1811, Taf. 24; 8: A peasant woman from the Stone Age becomes visible again while doing her work, © LWL-Museum für Archäologie/ Puppeteers; Cover und 8 left: Otto Dix, Portrait Rosa Eberl, 1940, Städtische Kunstsammlung Freital, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021; 8 right: Otto Dix: Breaking Ice, 1940, Sturzenegger Foundation, Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, © VG BildKunst, Bonn 2021; 9 left: Plastique-Plastic 2, edited by Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Paris/New York 1937, Cover; 9 middle: Der Cicerone: Halbmonatsschrift für die Interessen des Kunstforschers & Sammlers, Cover by Bernhard Hoetger; 9 right: Sélection, Chronique de la vie artistique, N. 1, 1928, Cover; 12 right: Portrait of a Lady, around 1770, reverse glass painting, Vitrocentre Romont, R. & F. Ryser Collection, @ Vitrocentre Romont / Yves Eigenmann, Fribourg; 12 left: The Toilette of Venus (“The Marquise of Pompadour”), after François Boucher, around 1785, reverse glass painting, Vitrocentre Romont, R. & F. Ryser Collection, @ Vitrocentre Romont / Yves Eigenmann, Fribourg; 20: © Liddy Scheffknecht & Bildrecht Wien; 21 left, middle: © Judith P. Fischer; 21 right: © Jorit Aust; 23: © Georg Glaeser


A Albl, Stefan 5 Alexandridis, Annetta 14 Alloa, Emmanuel 25 Ambrosio, Elisa 12 B Baert, Barbara 25 Ballhausen, Thomas 27 Batista, Anamarija 26 Berger, Linda 26 Biro, Yaëlle 17 Bonnefoit, Régine 26 Brahms, Iris 11 Bredekamp, Horst 26 Brutin, Batya 26 C Cappelletto, Chiara 25 Chiriac, Alexandra 15 Cocker, Emma 27 Cohne, Mitch  26 Coones, Wendy 26 Cordez, Philippe  25 Crasemann, Leena 4 D Del Baldo, Luca  25 Delarue, Dominic 19 Diers, Michael 25 Diez del Corral Corredoira, Pilar 25 DiFuria, Arthur  10 Dogramaci, Burcu 25 Doringer, Bogomir 27 Dostal, Sophia 22 Duschner, Paul 6 E Eberle, Michael 22 Eisenring, Sophia 22 Elkins, James 25 Eming, Jutta 10 Etienne, Noémie 17, 26 F Fabiani, Rossella 25 Falser, Michael 25 Fehrenbach, Frank 25 Felderer, Brigitte 27 Fellmann, Benjamin 4 Folie, Sabine 26 Frasca-Rath, Anna 5 Fu, Yun 16 G Gamberini, Diletta 25 Gansterer, Nikolaus 27 Gastel, Joris van 25 Gee, Malcolm 9 Giese, Francine 12 Glaeser, Georg 23 Gockel, Bettina 25 Göttmann, Frank 7 Golding, Johnny 26 Grau, Oliver 26 Greil, Mariella 26, 27 Gruber L. Vanessa 26 Günther, Katharina 19 Guichard, Charlotte 25 H Hablesreiter, Martin 27 Hadjinicolaou, Yannis 4 Harnack, Maria 6 Hauenfels, Theresia 21 Haug, Steffen 25 Helbig, Thomas 25 Hilge, Stephan 26 Hindelang, Laura 13, 18 Holert, Tom 26 Holter, Maria Christine 26

Howald, Christine 25 Howard, Michelle 27 Hub, Berthold 5 Huppenkothen, Alicia 22 J Jessen, Ina 8 Jirka, Nadine 25 Jochum, Richard 27 Jörg, Kilian 22 Jukić, Nina 27 Jungmann, Stella 25 Jutz, Gabriele 27 K Kamola, Jadwiga 25 Kangaslahti, Kate 9 Kaske, Romana 25 Kaufmann, Katrin 13 Keller, Sarah 13 Koderhold, Dora 22 Kolokytha, Chara  9 Kompa-Elxnat, Alrun 11 Konrad, Verena 27 Krist, Gabriela 27 Kurdiovsky, Richard 25 L Lerchbaumer, Anna 22 Leung, Kwan Kiu 18 Lindemann, Arne 17 Lissel, Edgar 27 Lombardi, Giulia 14 Ludwig, Catherine 27 Luks, Fred 27 M Martimyanova, Alina 12 Mateus-Berr, Ruth 26, 27 Mersmann, Birgit 25 Miller, Chris 26 Motta, Luciano 16 O Oberto, Simona 14 P Paganelli, Mattia 26 Parodi, Luciano 27 Petrasová, Taťána 25 Peytchinsk, Elena 27 Pfeffer, Roman 26 Prinz, Valerie 22 R Rainer, Cosima 26 Ratzinger, Gudrun 26 Reichle, Ingeborg 26 Reinhart, Martin  26 Reinhold, Bernadette 26 Ritter, Markus 25 Rowe, Peter  16 Rühse, Viola 15, 26 Ryslavy, Kurt 27 S Sarnitz, August 27 Saviello, Julia 25 Savoy, Bénédicte 25 Scheiwiller, Staci G. 25 Schindler, Vera 22 Schneider, Wolfgang 27 Scholz-Strasser, Inge 27 Schwanberg, Johanna 27 Schweizer, Peter Alexander 24 Seng, Eva-Maria 7 Şenova, Başak 27 Silvestri, Marco 6 Station Rose 27 Starkey, Kathryn 10 Strohmaier, Paul 14 Strouhal, Ernst 20

Strunck, Christina 25 Stummerer, Sonja 27 Svenungsson, Jan 24, 27 T Tandon, Nita 26 Thalmair, Franz 26 Thomsen, Hans Bjarne 12 Thürigen, Susanne 25 Tostões, Ana 7 U Ulrich, Maximilian 22 V Versluys, Miguel John 26 Verstegen, Ian  10 Voigt, Johann 22 W Wagner, Christoph 19 Winkler-Horaček, Lorenz  14 Z Zimmeter, Flora 24 Zobl, Beatrix 27

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