Preview Fall 2022 | JOVIS

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International Congress Centrum (ICC) Berlin © Zara Pfeifer

ICC Berlin________________________________________________________ 2 Nach der Kernkraft_________________________________________________ 4 Architectures of Weaving____________________________________________ 6 Sanfte Stadt______________________________________________________ 8 Planung für Morgen_______________________________________________ 10 Mobility Design__________________________________________________ 11 Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne_______________________________________ 12 Sakralität im Wandel_______________________________________________ 13 Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst________________________________________ 14 Innenstadtleben__________________________________________________ 16 Bibliothek_______________________________________________________ 17 Günther Domenig: Dimensional. In Resonance__________________________ 18 Günther Domenig: Dimensional. In Reflection___________________________ 19 jovis research 5: Städtische Wohnquartiere in Venedig (1918—1939)__________ 21 Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad______________________________________ 22 Theorien des Wohnens____________________________________________ 23 architektur + analyse 9: Gelebte Utopie________________________________ 24 Lifelines________________________________________________________ 26 Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing________________________________ 27 Emscher 20 | 21+: Die neue Emscher kommt____________________________ 28 Reden wir über Baukultur!__________________________________________ 30 Europan 16: Living Cities___________________________________________ 31 We, the City_____________________________________________________ 33 Circular Design___________________________________________________ 34 Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses_____________________________________ 35 Vertauschte Köpfe________________________________________________ 36 From Our Backlist_________________________________________________ 39 Authors and Editors_______________________________________________ 46 Academic Partners________________________________________________ 48

© Zara Pfeifer



Zara Pfeifer

ICC Berlin Zara Pfeifer

ISBN 978-3-7533-0219-5

99 783753 783753 302195 302195



The ICC Berlin is a Gesamtkunstwerk, a giant time capsule that has been waiting for a new usage concept for almost a decade. Planned in the 1960s and opened in 1979, the exhibition building—designed by Ursulina Schüler-Witte and Ralf Schüler, and encompassing Frank Oehring’s incomparable wayfinding system—remains an attentiongrabbing structure. While the building’s brutalist exterior overwhelms the viewer, its interior conveys an air of calm, offering a view of the suddenly quieted traffic through its panoramic windows. This volume of photographs by Zara Pfeifer is dedicated to documenting the interior of the building. Taking an unsentimental approach, Pfeifer records the largely unchanged inner appearance of the building that has been variously dubbed the Giant of Witzleben, the Battleship Charlottenburg, or the Hall of Megalomania. Her images develop a sense for the building’s noteworthy elements and capture the liminal condition in which it has been suspended for years.

Zara Pfeifer

Walther & Franz König

Hardcover 112 pages, 80 col. ill. 21 × 28.5 cm Print 978-3-86859-756-1 € 34.00 (DE) | $ 39.99 (US) | £ 29.50 (UK) 08.2022 English/German

© Zara Pfeifer

Related title: The Essence of Berlin-Tegel Peter Ortner Print 978-3-86859-631-1 EUR (DE) 22.00 | $ 25.99 (US) | £ 20.00 (UK)

• Rare contemporary images of a Berlin architectural icon in its original condition • Contains a text on the building’s history, features, and past use by architecture journalist Florian Heilmeyer • Designed by Something Fantastic


© Theresa Heise © Nils Stoya


Nach der Kernkraft Konversionen des Atomzeitalters Stefan Rettich / Janke Rentrop (eds.) Germany’s nuclear power plants loom over its riverine landscapes like memorials. They are built witnesses to an embittered societal and political debate about energy, economy, and faith in technology. In 2011, Germany decided to cease generating nuclear power following the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima Daiichi. The German Atomic Energy Act envisages that all nuclear power plants will be deconstructed and the land they stand on returned to greenfield land. However, only around 3 percent of the grey energy remaining in these huge constructions is actually radioactive. This book offers a factual introduction to the history of atomic energy, the technologies used, and the options for their removal, as well as informative graphs that provide an overview of all German nuclear reactors. A photo essay by contemporary eyewitness Günter Zint documents the associated protest culture. The volume further proposes seven reuse options for these uncomfortable monuments—an approach that was considered unthinkable for many years.

• Offers an overview of the history of atomic energy, its use around the world, the technologies used, and options for their removal • Suggests specific conversion projects for Biblis and Gund­remmingen as well as the Elbe-adjacent sites ­Brunsbüttel, Brokdorf, and Krümmel • Photographic documentation of the antinuclear movement and current contexts surrounding German reactors in the landscape and everyday urban life

Hardcover 224 pages, 150 b/w ill. 14 × 21 cm Print 978-3-86859-755-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-790-5 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) 08.2022 German

Related title:


Die Bodenfrage Stefan Rettich / Sabine Tastel (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-669-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-954-1 € 16.00 (DE) | $ 18.99 (US) | £ 14.50 (UK)

Interdependenzen Stadt - Brokdorf Kreis Steinburg Stiftung


KBR Brokdorf


Städtische Wohnungen





1986 Kommerzieller Betrieb 2021 Abschaltung




Mehrzweckhalle Eishalle

© Cara Frey / Janke Rentrop

NordLink Dorfladen

Städtische Wohnungen

Betreiber Preussen Elektra GmbH Mehrzweckhalle

Schwimmbad Brokdorf



Großdemonstrationen 1976/77

Dorfladen Deich


Elbstrand Schiffsanleger

Wasserentnahme Wasserzufuhr +10° C

Schwimmbad Brokdorf Deich




From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins Christiane Sauer / Mareike Stoll / Ebba Fransén Waldhör / Maxie Schneider (eds.)

Swiss brochure 224 pages, 150 col. ill. 17 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-739-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-831-5 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) 11.2022 English

Centres for Traditional Music, Muharraq, Bahrain, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen © Bas Princen

The Flip 2.0: Skeletal Surface © Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin / Xingwen Pan

Christiane Sauer / Mareike Stoll / Ebba Fransén Waldhör / Maxie Schneider (eds.)

Architectures of Weaving reimagines the art of weaving as the combined result of fiber techniques and cultural practice. Addressing today’s urgent energetic and environmental challenges, the book explores new approaches for resilient and adaptable material systems by examining the boundaries between softness and rigidity, material and shape, and functionality and structure. With the aim of fostering interdisciplinary research and developing sustainable practices, this thoughtfully designed book assembles contributions by practitioners and theoreticians working in the fields of anthropology, architecture, art, biology, cultural history, design, materials science, and textile technology.

Architectures of Weaving

Architectures of Weaving

• Merges architectural and textile thinking as it applies to current and future building techniques • Theoretical essays combined with thirty state-of-the-art prototype and architecture case studies • A key source for students, educators, researchers, practitioners, and all other audiences interested in design and architecture

Unseen 6, from the series of photographs Rootbound # 1 © Diana Scherer

Public Life Malmo

Copenhagen Courtyard



Sanfte Stadt

David Sim

Forestil dig at bo i en by, hvor man kan sove for åbne vinduer, og hvor det gangvenlige miljø starter lige uden for ens fordør. Den bløde by sætter bekvemmelighed, tryghed og nærhed i højsædet. Det er en by, hvor tætheden har en menneskelig dimension, en by, der tilpasser sig til vores skiftende behov, og som giver mulighed for interaktion, fremmer fællesskab og skaber gunstige rammer for hverdagslivet. Kan vi bevæge os væk fra nogle af de ting, der nu kendetegner de fleste store byer – for eksempel adskilte funktioner og lange pendlerrejser i biler med kun én person, som tærer på menneskelige, miljømæssige og samfundsmæssige ressourcer – og hen imod en blød by?

Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag David Sim Foto: Laura Stamer

“Blød by er en vigtig tilføjelse til den stadig mere omfattende litteratur om menneskevenlig arkitektur og byplanlægning ... Det her er et godt sted at starte.” Jan Gehl

The reality of urban life can be rather banal. We all have to wait for the bus on cold winter days, do the washing up, take out the bins, or spend long commutes in the car. David Sim believes that life in the city could be made easier and more pleasant through simple, cost-effective measures and by focusing on the human scale. He demonstrates that the solution is finding a balance between density and diversity in order to create proximity and to make urban assets more accessible. The goal is to design comfortable neighborhoods that are easy to live in and adapt to our ever-changing needs. David Sim paints a picture of the good life in cities that are slower, better apportioned, quieter, and—simply put—softer. David Sim er kreativ direktør og partner i Gehl Architects. Han er uddannet som arkitekt i sit hjemland Skotland og i Skandinavien. Hans speciale er nu byplanlægning, som han arbejder med over hele verden. Han har udviklet værktøjer til borgerinddragelse, arbejdet med masterplaner som fleksible udviklingsrammer og udviklet metodikker med henblik på at skabe tættere og mere mangfoldige bymiljøer, der bevarer en menneskelig skala. David Sim er også en dygtig formidler med en fornem undervisningskarriere. Han var i syv år tilknyttet Lunds Universitet i Sverige, hvor han var med til at udvikle arkitektuddannelsen i en mere holistisk retning.

Strandberg Publishing

Softcover with flaps 256 pages, num. col. ill. 20.5 × 26.5 cm Print 978-3-86859-747-9 E-Book 978-3-86859-791-2 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) 09.2022 German

Blød by

Sanfte Stadt Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag

Blød ha rummeli tolerant forande

Blød ha simpel, gnidning

Blød ha behagel fred og

Blød ha social, f offentlig

Blød ha sammen multifun

Blød ha lavtekno

Blød ha en menn individu




ARt Numeroo The ultimate guide: Dressing for your body type

124 pages of fashion +Get the model off duty style

Blød ha sanselig spænde


12 healthy and easy recipies for the summer


summer special:

the most beautiful bathrooms in the world

This season: new colors and prints

Blød ha fredfyld RUM

12 healthy and easy recipies for the summer


summer special:

the most beautiful bathrooms in the world



This season: new colors and prints


Blød ha sikkerhe

Blød ha mild, bli omsorg

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David Sim

Vorwort von Jan Gehl

• Translated into around 20 lan­guages to date, David Sim’s book has established him as a thought leader in urban liveability and sustainability planning • A concept that acts as a ­counterpoint to technologydriven smart cities • Now available in German— with pithy texts, lively graphics, and a foreword by Jan Gehl

Related titles: Städte für Menschen Jan Gehl Print 978-3-86859-356-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-897-1 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) Post-pandemic Urbanism Doris Kleilein / Friederike Meyer (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-710-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-981-7 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK)

Hvad er

Connecting the human scale to climate, mobility, and society

Blød ha imødeko

Blød ha med let

Det dre omsorg


Planung für Morgen Zukunft Stadt und Raum Friedbert Greif / Detlef Kurth / Bernd Scholl (eds.) The future of cities and their spaces lies in the redevelopment of existing housing stock and its associated transformation tasks. The discipline of urban planning needs to reposition itself, and—at the intersection of climate change and the mobility revolution—seek to champion the cause of increased participation and greater resilience. How can challenges be overcome in the face of more stringent planning requirements, faster implementation times, and limited resources? Renowned experts from the fields of urban policy, city management, and both practical and academic urban planning discussed the future of cities and urban planning at three symposia hosted by the Professor Albert Speer Foundation. Their arguments encourage us to leave behind established patterns of thinking and approach the tasks of the future with visionary ideas. Hardcover 304 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill. 17 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-744-8 E-Book 978-3-86859-792-9 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) 11.2022 German

Planung für Morgen Zukunft Stadt und Raum Friedbert Greif Detlef Kurth Bernd Scholl (Hg.)

• Collected volume on the transformation of cities • Analysis of planning processes and new resilience challenges • Discusses large-scale projects such as the Allianz Arena and BER airport • Offers a retrospective on the foundations of the urban planning discipline since 1968 onwards and on the teachings of Albert Speer Jr in Kaiserslautern

Figure-ground diagram of the city of Kaiserslautern © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC BY-SA,


Mobility Design Shaping Future Mobility Vol. 2. Research Kai Vöckler / Peter Eckart / Martin Knöll / Martin Lanzendorf (eds.) Climate change and increasing resource scarcity together with rising traffic volumes force us to develop new environmentally friendly and people-oriented mobility options. The expansion of digital information systems is making forms of smart mobility possible, and we will soon be able to reconfigure different modes of climate-friendly transport to suit our needs. These developments represent a significant challenge for the design of a wide range of different mobility spaces. While Volume 1 of this series focused on practical aspects, Volume 2 collects research ­methods and findings from the fields of design, architecture, urban planning, geography, social sciences, traffic planning, psychology, and communication ­technologies. The book’s consideration of the possibilities and prospects of usercentered mobility design offers an important contribution to the ongoing debate concerning the mobility revolution. Softcover 256 pages, 93 col. ill. 20.5 × 26 cm Print 978-3-86859-743-1 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) 12.2022 English

Mobility Design Shaping Future Mobility Volume 2: Research Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (eds.)

Experimental research on the use of virtual reality simulations © Julie Gaston / Julian Schwarze / DML, HfG Offenbach

Green Line bicycle bridge © Andreas Grzesiek / DML, HfG Offenbach

Mobility Design Vol. 1. Practice Peter Eckart / Kai Vöckler (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-645-8 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 38.00 (UK) Radbahn Berlin paper planes e.V. (ed.) Print 978-3-86859-526-0 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK)

Band 2: Forschung Kai Vöckler, Peter Eckart, Martin Knöll, Martin Lanzendorf (Hg.)

• Mobility design as one of today’s most important planning tasks • Volume 2 of the Offenbach Publication Series collects research findings on various types of smart and sustainable mobility • Based on collaborative work between five disciplines at four universities for the research network “Infrastructure—Design— Society”

Also available in German: 978-3-86859-742-4

Related titles:

Mobility Design Die Zukunft der Mobilität gestalten


Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne

Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen

Zum Umgang mit jüngeren Denkmalen Olaf Gisbertz / Mark Escherich / Sebastian Hoyer / Andreas Putz / Christiane Weber (eds.) for the DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ The built heritage of postwar modernism has been under threat from climate change and the high expectations of society for years. The tremendous volume of building stock was erected with high hopes for the future within just a short period of time—and frequently using construction techniques that were as yet unproven. Despite the many research efforts focusing on spatial concepts and societal utopias between the 1950s and 1970s, the practice-oriented field of construction research lacks binding recording and evaluation strategies for buildings, materials, and construction methods for the majority of buildings of all types. This affects projects from solitary churches, residential settlements, and green spaces right through to large cultural, sporting, and education constructions, as well as the engineering structures of the urban and peripheral infrastructure. In order to preserve this existing stock as a resource for the future, new recording and evaluation tools that take into account technical, construction, ecological, and economic factors are necessary. This book presents possibilities for the management of our recent constructed heritage on the basis of ongoing projects by the DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ buildings preservation network. Softcover 208 pages, 100 col. ill. 16.5 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-754-7 E-Book 978-3-86859-795-0 € 36.00 (DE) | $ 41.99 (US) | £ 31.50 (UK) 02.2023 German

Herausgegeben von Olaf Gisbertz, Mark Escherich, Sebastian Hoyer, Andreas Putz, Christiane Weber für das DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+

• Presents the extensive building stock of the postwar period as an important resource • Offers an overview of new methods and proposes teaching options in practice-oriented buildings research • Includes many architectural examples, including the Mäusebunker laboratory building in Berlin, the Halle-Neustadt housing estate, the Kulturpalast in Dresden, Ulrich Müther’s saddle-roofed Hypar-Schale exhibition hall in Magdeburg, and the seawater wave pool on Fehmarn designed by Arne Jacobsen and Otto Weitling

Seawater Wave Pool Fehmarn © Sebastian Hoyer, itubs/ibt TU Braunschweig


Sakralität im Wandel Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland Beate Löffler / Dunja Sharbat Dar (eds.) Over the past decades, the number of religious spaces in German cities has grown. Alongside established institutions, new voices are jostling for participation in the engagement with and the coexistence of different religious ideas and their architectural expression. Using Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious buildings as examples, this book documents the sacral-topographical changes since 1990 both quantitatively and qualitatively. Focusing on the struggle for urban visibility, the book provides an important contribution to the overarching question of how architecture can both be an expression of social order and affect social dynamics. Hardcover 304 pages, 100 col. ill. 19.5 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-741-7 E-Book 978-3-86859-796-7 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) 11.2022 German

SAK RA -LI TÄT IM W A NDEL Beate Löffler, Dunja Sharbat Dar (Hg.)

Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland

• Theological and architectural-historical analysis of the changing nature of ­religious buildings in Germany since 1990 • Case studies on the presence of religious architecture in urban environments including the New Synagogue in Dresden, the Cologne Central Mosque, and the St. Trinitatis Provost Church in Leipzig

© Dunja Sharbat Dar

Related titles: Religion und Stadt Ansgar Schulz / Benedikt Schulz (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-546-8 € 28.00 (DE) | $ 32.99 (US) | £ 25.50 (UK) Ein neuer Typus Kirche Jürgen Willinghöfer (ed.) Print 978-3-86859-699-1 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK)









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Das Beispiel Berlin FriedrichstraßeGEBÄUDE greift diese Rhythmisierung im DAS ÖFFENTLICHE Inneren der Arkade ähnlich den Hamburger Colonnaden in moderUND ZUGEORDNETE ner FormDER auf. DerIHM Raum begleitet die Straße nicht nur beiderseits, sondern ist in der schmalen Friedrichstraße für den Fußgänger der PLATZRAUM einzige Verkehrsweg. Die Friedrichstraße stellt somit ein Beispiel

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15 15

30 30

45 45

60 60













Volume 2, page Berlin 24: Schoolyard in Berlin SCHULHOF


58 0



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Volume 3, page Gärtnerplatz, 19: Munich, Gärtnerplatz, ø 87 meters MÜNCHEN Ø 87 Meter

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LUDWIGSBURG Marktplatz, 107 × 80 Meter Domplatz


02.03.22 16:26


Historisches Rathaus




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BERLIN Friedrichstraße LINDAU Bismarckplatz, 40 × 24 Meter 15 Meter Breite




Unter den Linden


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Volume 4, page 19: Münster Prinzipalmarkt, 20 meters wide

38 MÜNSTER Prinzipalmarkt 102 MÜNCHEN Königsplatz, 155 × 118 Meter 20 Meter Breite

96 118

19 19


The Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst is a compendium of essential urban design expertise. Using 150 examples from over 70 German cities, it illustrates, analyzes, and compares a wide range of urban spaces, courtyards, squares, and streets. The four-volume work impressively documents the qualities of European cities described in the Leipzig Charter: beauty and durability, mixed usage, social diversity, density, and the separation of public and private spaces. Editor Christoph Mäckler builds on textbooks of the early twentieth century by Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin, and Josef Stübben and offers a well-grounded framework for city planning. Featuring contributions by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Christoph Mäckler, Werner ­Oechslin, Alexander Pellnitz, Jan Pieper, Birgit Roth, Mirjam Schmidt, Wolfgang Sonne, Jürg Sulzer and Anne Pfeil, and Thomas Will Four-volume clothbound slipcase 516 pages, 1000 col. and b/w ill. 24.5 × 32 cm Print 978-3-86859-746-2 € 128.00 (DE) | $ 147.99 (US) | £ 111.50 (UK) 07.2022 German












Christoph Mäckler (ed.) Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst


Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst






• Foundational work on urban design • Analysis supported by 150 examples from 70 cities • The product of years of research by the Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst • Boxed set of four highquality linen-bound volumes: Stadträume (Volume 1), Hofräume (Volume 2), Platzräume (Volume 3), Straßenräume (Volume 4)


Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt 11 INNEN STADT LEBEN

Wenn die Innenstadt in Zukunft weniger dem Einkauf als vielmehr dem besonderen Erlebnis dienen wird, dann rückt vor allem die Schönheit des öffentlichen Raums in den Mittelpunkt. Straßen- und Platzräume mit den stadtbildprägenden Fassaden der Häuser werden zum entscheidenden Kriterium für die Aufenthaltsqualität. Hinzu kommt eine neue Lebendigkeit durch mehr Wohnen, Arbeiten und Kultur in der City. Aus der durch die Pandemie noch verstärkten Krise des Handels könnte eine Chance werden: Wie wollen wir unsere Innenstädte neu gestalten?

Dortmunder Vorträge zur Stadtbaukunst Band 1 2009 Band 2 2010 Band 3 2010 Band 4 New Civic Art, 2014

Die Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt widmet sich seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt grundlegenden Fragen der Stadtentwicklung. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes verbinden ökonomische, soziale, ökologische und mobilitätstechnische Fragen der Innenstadtentwicklung mit städtebaulichen und architektonischen Aspekten.

Christoph Mäckler / Wolfgang Sonne (eds.) Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst Bücher zur Stadtbaukunst Band 1 Oswald Mathias Ungers: Die Thematisierung der Architektur, 2011 Band 2 Der Eckgrundriss, 2013 Band 3 25 Jahre Internationale Bauausstellung in Berlin 1987, 2012 Band 4 Martin Elsaesser. Schriften, 2014 Band 5 Großstadt gestalten. Stadtbaumeister in Deutschland, 2015 Band 6 Plätze in Deutschland 1950 und heute, 2016 Band 7 Großstadt gestalten. Stadtbaumeister an Rhein und Ruhr, 2016 Band 8 Stadtbausteine. Elemente der Architektur, 2017 Band 9 Stadtbausteine. Elemente der Architektur. Texte, 2018 Band 10 Großstadt gestalten. Stadtbaumeister in Europa, 2018 Band 11 Christoph Mäckler: Lehre 1998–2018, 2018 Band 12 StadtRaumDetail. Die Ausstattung des öffentlichen Raums. Vom Bordstein zur Straßenlaterne, 2020

The beauty of public spaces is a key element in changing the future role of city centers from retail to the provision of a space for enjoyment and relaxation. Streets and squares with building facades that augment the city’s image will become the deciding factor in how appealing it is to visitors. An increase in living, working, and cultural offerings in the city will further in greater vitality in urban areas. We can still turn the economic crisis, which has been significantly increased by the pandemic, into an opportunity: How do we want to redesign our cities? The Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt (Conference on the Beauty and Livability of Cities) has devoted itself to fundamental questions in urban development for over a decade. The contributions in this volume combine economic, social, ecological, and mobility questions concerning city-center development with architectural and urban planning considerations. Softcover with flaps 320 pages, num. b/w ill. 21 × 25 cm Print 978-3-86859-757-8 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) 06.2022 German

© City of Ulm


Innenstadtleben Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt Band 1 Zehn Grundsätze zur Stadtbaukunst, 2011 Band 2 Stadt und Handel, Stadt und Energie, 2012 Band 3 Stadt und Architektur, Stadt und Planung, 2013 Band 4 Die normale Stadt und ihre Häuser, 2014 Band 5 Stadtleben statt Wohnen, 2015 Band 6 Die Stadtmacher und ihre Ausbildung, 2016 Band 7 Die Architektur der Stadt und ihre Fassaden, 2017 Band 8 Vorne – Hinten. Wie wird aus Wohnhäusern Stadt?, 2018 Band 9 Heimat Stadtquartier, 2019 Band 10 Nichts ist erledigt!, 2020 Band 11 Innenstadtleben, 2022







STADTBAUKUNST • Debates the future of the city centers— from the death of the department store to the creation of new mixed-use areas • Collects the contributions of wellknown planners (including Elisabeth Merk, Jörn Walter and Tim von Winning) to the 11th Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt


Das Deutsche Institut für Stadt Universität Dortmund widmet s der Kunst des Städtebaus. Unt verstanden: Zum einen wird de Städtebaus betont, die ästhetis Stadt. Zum anderen wird damit unterschiedliche Aspekte wie s ökologische, technische und ku Gestaltgebung der Stadt zusam

Diese Kunst, ein multidisziplinä der Stadtgestalt zusammenzufü tischen Auffassungen einer fun oder verkehrstechnischen Stad prägte aber den jungen Urbanis derts, der dafür den Begriff der Daran knüpft das Deutsche Ins

Das Institut will die in den verga gedrifteten Disziplinen Architek Grünplanung, Verkehrsplanung führen.

Das Deutsche Institut für Stadt der TU Dortmund an der Fakult Bauingenieurwesen angesiede Baukunstarchiv NRW in Dortm in Frankfurt am Main.


Bibliothek Milan Bulaty (ed.) “Is there a more beautiful image for peace on earth than the reading room of a large library?” asks Peter von Matt in his contribution to this book. By building the library of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Max Dudler has crea­ ted a space for books and reading that is both modern and timeless. The building’s architecture has drawn enormous attention from far beyond Berlin and continues to be highly praised by users. In addition to documenting the ideas that shape this building, Bibliothek explores the role of libraries in general and focuses in particular on architecture that creates adequate spaces for books and their readers. These functions are showcased in Barbara Klemm’s enchanting black-and-white photographs, which capture the simultaneously lively and intense atmosphere of the library’s various spaces. They offer a dramatic counterpoint to Stefan Müller’s spare, tranquil color photographs concentrating solely on the building’s architecture.

• The Jacob-und-Wilhelm-GrimmZentrum: a monumental example of European library architecture • Essays on Max Dudler’s award-winning construction for the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin by renowned authors • Photographs by Barbara Klemm and Stefan Müller • Slightly revised new edition of the ­classic volume published in 2010

Featuring contributions by Jörg Baberowski, Hartmut Böhme, Milan Bulaty, Max Dudler, Martin Mosebach, and Peter von Matt, as well as photographs by Barbara Klemm and Stefan Müller Softcover with flaps 112 pages, 56 col. and b/w ill. 24 × 29 cm Print 978-3-86859-750-9 € 34.00 (DE) | $ 39.99 (US) | £ 29.50 (UK) 04.2022 German

Related titles: Max Dudler – Räume erzählen Simone Boldrin (ed.) Print 978-3-86859-538-3 € 60.00 (DE) | $ 68.99 (US) | £ 54.50 (UK) Ensemble Alexander Bonte / J. Christoph Bürkle (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-284-9 € 28.00 (DE) | $ 32.99 (US) | £ 24.50 (UK)

© Barbara Klemm


Anna Baar / Gerhard Maurer


Günther Domenig died in 2012, having become internationally known for his iconic Steinhaus and the architecturally important Nazi Party Rally Grounds Documentation Center in Nuremberg. The trilingual volume In Resonance takes an unusual approach to his work, offering an outsider's view of the Carinthia-born architect’s oeuvre—one that stands apart from both the dominant perspectives on his work and from the norms of architecture books in general. The intimate picture series by photographer Gerhard Maurer comprises over thirty of the buildings designed by Günther Domenig and stands in dialogue with writer Anna Baar’s essayist approach to the architect’s work. The essays and photos capture the architecture in its current context and create space for contradictions, for lacunae, for the unusable—and for the beautiful.


In Resonance


Günther Domenig: Dimensional



Softcover 256 pages, num. col. ill. 16 × 22 cm Print 978-3-86859-758-5 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) 06.2022 English/German/Slovenian

© Gerhard Maurer



Günther Domenig: Dimensional


In Reflection Raffaela Lackner / Ina Sattlegger / Viktoria Pontoni / Andreas Krištof (eds.) Both academic and artistic, In Reflection is a companion volume to In Resonance, which will appear earlier in the year. Six prominent and up-and-coming writers offer a contemporary view of the works and impact of the Carinthia-born architect Günther Domenig, who died in 2012. The (architectural-)theoretical, artistic, and feminist discussion serves to reconsider and provide new perspectives on familiar aspects of Domenig’s work. Beyond this, furthermore, it provides an opportunity to rediscover forgotten and overlooked elements. With contributions by Matthias Böckl, Simone Egger und Lukas Vejnik, Doris Lippitsch, Valerie Messini, and Hans Ulrich Reck Softcover 256 pages, num. col. ill. 16 × 22 cm Print 978-3-86859-759-2 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) 11.2022 English/German/Slovenian

• The two volumes accompany the “Günther Domenig: DIMENSIONAL” exhibition project taking place from 12 June–16 October 2022 in the MMKK Carinthian Museum of Modern Art, the Architektur Haus Kärnten, the Domenig Steinhaus, and the Heft open-air museum in Hüttenberg • Opens new lines of inquiry into the works by Günther Domenig (1934–2012) • New photographs of 30 of the architect’s buildings • An interdisciplinary approach to Domenig and his works

© Gerhard Maurer



jovis research Fundamental questions in architecture and urbanism that look beyond the present moment: we envision the jovis research series as a platform for scholars aiming to make their work accessible to a broader public. We offer a stage for socially relevant academic discourse on the history and theory of architecture and related disciplines—with striking design and at an affordable price.

Falk Schneemann

Christiane Fülscher

Das Hochhaus als Gewebe von Gestaltung und Technik

Deutsche Botschaften

Bauten und Projekte in Westdeutschland zwischen 1945 und 1980

Zwischen Anpassung und Abgrenzung

research 1

research 2

Print 978-3-86859-655-7 E-Book 978-3-86859-945-9

Print 978-3-86859-652-6 E-Book 978-3-86859-964-0

€ 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK)

€ 55.00 (DE) | $ 63.99 (US) | £ 50.00 (UK)

Judith M. Lehner

Katharina J. Neubauer

Die urbane Leere


Neue disziplinäre Perspektiven auf Transformationsprozesse in Europa und Lateinamerika

Im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und räumlicher Präsenzlosigkeit

research 3

research 4

Print 978-3-86859-660-1 E-Book 978-3-86859-971-8

Print 978-3-86859-737-0 E-Book 978-3-86859-998-5

€ 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK)

€ 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK)


jovis research 5

Städtische Wohnquartiere in Venedig (1918—1939) Urbane Gestalt zwischen modernen Anforderungen und lokaler Bautradition Alexander Fichte Venice presents particular challenges for the construction of new residential neighborhoods. When additional living space was required between the First and Second World Wars, the needs of a modern city expansion project were confronted with the lagoon city’s unique urban landscape. To accommodate the unusual geography, small, independent neighborhoods were developed in Venice’s inner periphery, each of which had to work around local idiosyncrasies. This volume explores the creation of eight of these neighborhoods, which were established during a period in which construction was becoming increasingly industrialized. The ways in which their traditional, craft-focused design was harmonized with the requirements of modern residential building is still relevant to contemporary professional discourse within the discipline. Softcover 192 pages, 100 col. ill. 16.5 × 22 cm Print 978-3-86859-752-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-797-4 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 30.50 (UK) 10.2022 German

San Girolamo, Fondamenta Carlo Coletti, neighborhood entrance © J. Fichte

• Venetian examples demonstrating the influence of local building traditions on the development of modern housing • A treasure trove for everyone interested in Venice’s architectural history • Architectural-historical introduction to current debates on regional architecture

Urbane Gestalt: Development, block, facade © A. Fichte


Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad Eine Wohnung mit Optionen Verena von Beckerath / Barbara Schönig (eds.) The inter- and transdisciplinary research project Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad used a vacant home to formulate and consider questions about the future of housing. The residence, a listed building ensemble in Weimar dating from the 1920s, initially served as a work, discussion, and exhibition space for students of architecture and urbanism. A small number of significant interventions transformed it into a space that enabled not just alternative dwelling options, but also neighborhood-focused activities. The new residents were selected through a concept proposal process, and the researchers analyzed their usage of the dwelling over the course of two years. Lasting five years in total (2017–2021), the project began as a cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the Thüringer Aufbaubank funding and development agency, and the Weimarer Wohnstätte municipal housing company under the aegis of the Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture. Softcover 336 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill. 17 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-705-9 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) 07.2022 German

© Andrew Alberts

• An important contribution to current topics in housing, such as the redevelopment of existing stock, the conservation of resources, and the relationship between private and public spheres • A comprehensively docu­ mented architecture and urban planning research ­project aimed at students, instructors, and practicing architects and city planners, as well as at housing organizations and other housing stakeholders • Written contributions with accompanying illustrations are supported by a picture series by architectural photographer Andrew Alberts

Related titles: Activism at Home Isabelle Doucet / Janina Gosseye (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-633-5 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK)


Theorien des Wohnens Eine kommentierte Anthologie Kirsten Wagner (ed.) The anthology Theorien des Wohnens systematically collates the twentieth century’s central theories of dwelling for the first time. The key philosophical and sociological texts presented here provide an overview of the various approaches to understanding dwelling as an anthropological reality, as a social practice, and as a cultural form. The philosophical and architectural-historical contexts of the individual contributions are provided by the editor’s commentary, which demonstrates that each theoretical concept of dwelling refers directly or indirectly to spaces of dwelling that were being designed or already extant during the same period. The texts collected in this stimulating inventory of knowledge remain as relevant as ever, and offer a basis for engagement both with current crises in dwelling and with transformations of its temporary and collective forms. With contributions by Gaston Bachelard, Ernst Bloch, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel de Certeau, Paul-Henry Chombart de Lauwe, Luce Giard, Martin Heidegger, Henri Lefebvre, Georges-Hubert de Radkowski, Amos Rapoport, and Hermann Schmitz Softcover 448 pages, 60 b/w ill. 17 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-724-0 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) 12.2022 German

• The most important twentieth­century theories of dwelling collected in one volume • A valuable resource for ­all those who are interested in the practices, forms, and concepts of dwelling • Contributions by Michel de Certeau and Luce Giard, PaulHenry Chombart de Lauwe, Henri Lefebvre, GeorgesHubert de Radkowski, and Amos Rapoport presented in German for the first time





Softcover 288 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill. 16.5 × 22.5 cm Print 978-3-86859-740-0 E-Book 978-3-86859-804-9 € 30.00 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 26.00 (UK) 11.2022 German

Eugen Gross | Andrea Jany [Hg.]

• Graz’s famous terraced housing estate as a model for contemporary forms of living and architectural engagement • Insights into the planning process, which remains visionary to this day, and into the inhabitants’ living spaces © Werkgruppe Graz

The Werkgruppe Graz designed the terraced housing estate in Graz-St. Peter in 1965 during a period of societal upheaval. The complex was eventually built between 1972 and 1978. The planning group—members of the avant-garde artists’ association Forum Stadtpark—took a stand against the established system of residential construction, which was characterized by monotone design and the urban sprawl of single-family homes. Instead, they championed the utopian approach of involving residents in the planning process, which is reflected in the development’s basic structuralist framework with adaptable living units. Comprised of four terraced housing blocks in exposed concrete at the edge of Graz, the estate’s sculptural, brutalist appearance received international acclaim. Gelebte Utopie is the first book to provide a collection of texts offering architectural commentary and context on the settlement. It additionally offers insights into the inhabitants’ living spaces and is enriched with artistic projects.

Gelebte Utopie

DieTerrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz


Eugen Gross / Andrea Jany (eds.)

architektur + analyse

Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz


Eugen Gross, Andrea Jany

Gelebte Utopie

Weit hinten, hinter den Wortbergen, fern der Länder Vokalien und Konsonantien leben die Blindtexte. Abgeschieden wohnen Sie in Buchstabhausen an der Küste des Semantik, eines großen Sprachozeans. Ein kleines Bächlein namens Duden fließt durch ihren Ort und versorgt sie mit den nötigen Regelialien. Es ist ein paradiesmatisches Land, in dem einem gebratene Satzteile in den Mund fliegen. Nicht einmal von der allmächtigen Interpunktion werden die Blindtexte beherrscht – ein geradezu unorthographisches Leben. Eines Tages aber beschloß eine kleine Zeile Blindtext, ihr Name war Lorem Ipsum, hinaus zu gehen in die weite Grammatik. Der große Oxmox riet ihr davon ab, da es dort wimmele von bösen Kommata, wilden Fragezeichen und hinterhältigen Semikoli, doch das Blindtextchen ließ sich nicht beirren. Es packte seine sieben Versalien, schob sich sein Initial in den Gürtel und machte sich auf den Weg.

Gelebte Utopie

architektur + analyse 9

© Andrea Singer

© Werkgruppe Graz



Camillo Boano / Cristina Bianchetti (eds.)

Softcover 272 pages, 70 col. and b/w ill. 16.5 × 24 cm Print 978-3-86859-753-0 E-Book 978-3-86859-800-1 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) 08.2022 English

Related titles: Bodies Cristina Bianchetti Print 978-3-86859-630-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-949-7 € 22.00 (DE) | $ 25.99 (US) | £ 19.00 (UK) Territories in Crisis Cristina Bianchetti / Elena Cogato Lanza / Agim Enver Kercuku / Angelo Sampieri / Angioletta Voghera (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-383-9 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK)

Politics, ethics, and the affective economy of inhabiting Camillo Boano, Cristina Bianchetti (eds.) Camillo Boano, Cristina Bianchetti (eds.)

In the face of the radical convergence of a health crisis and an ecological crisis, it is not possible to return to the investigative trajectories on inhabitation and dwelling that yielded good results in the past. What is it that now defines inhabitation within the plurality of conditions, geographies, and politics that connote it? Lifelines is a work of collective research on the spaces where life intertwines, mingles, and twists in constant resistance to the mechanisms that capture, exploit, and create the social and environmental precariousness that characterizes the violent techno-capitalist present. The book investigates the roles and challenges of design in uncertain spaces and brings together empirical explorations from Italy, Ecuador, the US, Lebanon, Germany, and the UK.


• A rich, transnational work of spatial research considering the relationships between life, the protection of life, and its exposure to death, destruction, and precariousness • Includes cartographies of the territories discussed, reading them in terms of morphology, history, and the institutional processes that regulate them

Yaza Halwani’s mural of the Lebanese singer and actress Sabah © Amhad Samhan

Politics, Ethics, and the Affective Economy of Inhabiting




Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing Community-based, Transformative Building and Living id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability (eds.) From land speculation and exploding rents to climate change and social inequality, we find ourselves in an age of overlapping crises. As such, it is more important than ever that we rethink the ways we live and share, as well as our systems of land and property ownership. Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing presents pioneering cooperative housing projects in Basel, Berlin, Vienna, and Zurich. The initiatives and alternative ownership models showcased demonstrate the potential of cooperative practices for the necessary social-ecological transformation of building and living. This interactive e-book enables and encourages the reader to dive more deeply into individual topics and take action themselves. ePDF/ePUB 350 pages, 100 col. ill. 17 × 24 cm E-Book 978-3-86859-835-3 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) 10.2022 English/German

• An interactive e-book that invites readers to discover the socialecological aspects of cooperative housing projects • An indispensable resource for anyone interested in housing cooperatives • Connects to online resources and first-hand background information from long-standing cooperative and common good experts



Emscher 20 | 21+: Die neue Emscher kommt

Die neue E m s c h e r ko m m t _ Sozial-ökolo g i s c h e Umbau e i n e r regio n a l e n Stadtlan d s c h a f t

Sozial-ökologischer Umbau einer regionalen Stadtlandschaft

Stiff softcover 328 pages, 300 col. ill. 24 × 32 cm Print 978-3-86859-748-6 € 55.00 (DE) | $ 63.99 (US) | £ 48.00 (UK) 08.2022 German

Related titles: Düsseldorf. Metropolis on the Rhine Thomas Geisel / Dieter Nellen / Cornelia Zuschke / Stadt Düsseldorf (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-629-8 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) Vom Ruhrgebiet zur Metropole Ruhr Karola Geiß-Netthöfel / ­Dieter Nellen / Wolfgang Sonne (eds.) for the Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR) Print 978-3-86859-584-0 € 45.00 (DE) | $ 51.99 (US) | £ 41.00 (UK)

20 21 +

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Uli Paetzel Dieter Nellen Stefan Siedentop


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For a long time, the Emscher was Germany’s dirtiest river. Now, however, it runs clear again. This volume documents the social and ecological restoration of the Emscher, which flows through the northern Ruhr area for 81 km. Used as a mining wastewater system during the industrial period, it has now been transformed into a new regional river landscape for the twenty-first century. Numerous opportunities for upgrading the overall region find their source in the renaturing of the river and its many backwaters: the restoration has created opportunities for renaturing and conversion, and provides a strong development axis for sustainable city and landscape planning. The overall strategy, key projects, accompanying materials, and regional political discussion around this comprehensive transformation are presented here with texts, plans, and images for the first time.

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Uli Paetzel / Dieter Nellen / Stefan Siedentop / Emschergenossenschaft (eds.)


• A stunning volume on a unique social and ecological transformation project • Comprehensively documents 30 years of strategies and outcomes in the restoration of the Emscher river • Sustainable city and landscape planning as an impetus for regional development


Reden wir über Baukultur! Was in Zukunft wichtig wird IG Architektur (ed.) As a collective cultural achievement, building culture is not a private matter: rather, it is a physical expression of our society. It defines not only the character of our living environment, but also the processes of its creation, adoption, use, and preservation. Our building culture is tightly interwoven with people’s daily lives and influences their coexistence and wellbeing. The question of how we wish to shape this coexistence is relevant not only to those in the fields of architecture and urban planning, but also to large sections of wider society. To mark its twentieth anniversary, IG Architektur is turning its attention to the future. In this volume, it seeks to identify and discuss the topics that will be important to building culture over the coming twenty years. With contributions by Wojciech Czaja, Jens S. Dangschat, Franz Denk, Matthias Finkentey, Daniel Fügenschuh, Gabu Heindl, Nikolaus Hellmayr, Angelika Hinterbrandner, Kurt Hofstetter, Susanne Helene Höhndorf, Thomas Kain, Wolfgang Kil, Elke Krasny, Ramona Kraxner, Christian Kühn, Isabella Marboe, Karoline Mayer, Maik Novotny, Paul Ott, Katharina Ritter, Reinhard Seiß, Bernhard Sommer, Lukas Vejnik, and Kai Vöckler

Related titles: Architectural Policy in Finland Turit Fröbe Print 978-3-86859-616-8 E-Book 978-3-86859-938-1 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) Baukultur - Studienausgabe Werner Durth / Paul Sigel Print 978-3-86859-427-0 € 29.95 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK)

The Baukultur exhibition of IG Architektur. Photo by Paul Ott

Softcover 184 pages, num. col. ill. 19 × 25.5 cm Print 978-3-86859-760-8 E-Book 978-3-86859-802-5 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) 05.2022 German

IG Architektur (Hg.)

Reden wir über Baukultur! Was in Zukunft wichtig wird

• Thoughtful analyses exploring the contributions building culture can make to the great societal ­challenges of our time • Supported by photos that demonstrate the occasionally dystopian nature of the more recent built environment, illustrating the urgency of addressing construction conditions and requirements


Europan 16: Living Cities Results EUROPAN Deutschland e. V. / Vesta Nele Zareh / Lola Meyer (eds.) How can we use innovative projects and planning processes in the urbanized spaces of our cities to counter social, economic, and cultural inequalities and climate change? How can we turn neglected, unused, empty, stigmatized, and monofunctional city spaces into lively, integrated, and diverse ones? In the context of the E16 competition, projects demonstrating local opportunities and transformative processes were developed for five German locations. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for many of the questions considered, identifying lively cities as desirable locations and as necessary models for the future. This catalog collects the competition entries for the German sites as well as the winning entries for European sites from German competitors. With contributions by Andrea Benze, Kaye Geipel, Saskia Hebert, Timo Munzinger, Iris Reuter, Ali Saad, Anne Schmedding, Marika Schmidt, and Tatjana Schneider Softcover with flaps 128 pages, num. col. ill. 21 × 28 cm Print 978-3-86859-761-5 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 30.50 (UK) 10.2022 English/German

Europan 16 Living Cities Lebendige Städte Ergebnisse Results

Europan Deutschland

• The most important competition for up-and-coming architects in Europe • Showcases the competition entries for Europan 16’s sites in Germany • Offers new concepts for neglected, unused, empty, stigmatized, or monofunctional sites

Related title: Europan 15: The Productive City 2 EUROPAN Deutschland e. V. / Vesta Nele Zareh (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-642-7 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 30.50 (UK)

MEDIEVAL EXPERIMENTARIUM © Aleksa Bekić / Anđela Karabašević / Marija Matijević / Ana Petrović / Vladislav Sudžum


jovis Open Access

Freely available, thoughtfully designed, and directly produced and maintained by us: together with our partners, we are making selected publications available as open access and sharing knowledge with everyone who wants to contribute to the transformation of cities. Suitable for both scientific research and sharing information across networks.


We, the City Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul Tuba İnal-Çekiç / Urszula Ewa Woźniak (eds.) In the face of uninhibited neoliberal restructuring, Berlin and Istanbul have for the past decade been subject to various forms of political polarization and social injustice. As a result, the struggles for affordable housing, access to public space, fair labor, ecological justice, and the right to live differently have intensified. Various forms of grassroots resistance have put the relationship between local governments and social movements to the test, provoking questions about where and how the city’s political issues emerge. Blending dialogues, essays, and critical reflections, the book investigates the ways in which the residents of Berlin and Istanbul experience, express, and resist the physical, political, and normative reordering of their cities, and asks: Who are We, the City? With contributions by Hilal Alkan, Kristen Biehl, Ayşe Çavdar, Matthias Coers, Özge Ertem, Kathryn Hamilton, Tuba İnalÇekiç, Aslı Odman, İlayda Ece Ova, Anna Steigemann, Banu Çiçek Tülü, and Urszula Ewa Woźniak ePDF 144 pages, 40 col. and b/w ill. 17 × 22 cm E-Book 978-3-86859-832-2 Open Access 11.2022 English

We, the City Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul Tuba İnal-Çekiç / Urszula Ewa Woźniak (eds.)

In the face of uninhibited neoliberal restructuring, Berlin and Istanbul have for the past decade been subject to various forms of political polarization and social injustice. As a result, the struggles for affordable housing, access to public space, fair labor, ecological justice, and the right to live differently have intensified. Various forms of resistance “from below” have put the relationship between local governments and social movements to the test, provoking questions about where and how the city’s political issues emerge. Blending dialogues, essays, and critical reflections, the book investigates the ways in which the residents of Berlin and Istanbul experience, express, and resist the physical, political, and normative reordering of their cities, and asks: Who are We, the City?

• Interrelation of urban resistance between both cities • Critical voices from theory and practice • An interdisciplinary endeavor between Berlin and Istanbul

Gardens of Hewsel Diyarbakır © Kathryn Hamilton

An off-season holiday camp was the venue for a week-long workshop organized by the Izmir Academics for Peace Solidarity Academy © Kathryn Hamilton


Circular Design Towards Regenerative Territories Jörg Schröder / Riccarda Cappeller / Alissa Diesch / Federica Scaffidi

Jörg Schröder Riccarda Cappeller Alissa Diesch Federica Scaffidi

Circular Design Towards Regenerative Territories

When it comes to climate change, circularity has become a major When it comes to climate change, circularity has become a major topic. topic. Closed loops, reuse, recycling, and renewable materials are Closed loops, reuse, recycling, and renewable materials are already already fashionable ideas in architecture and product design. In order fashionable ideas in architecture and product design. In order to establish the new paradigm of circular design, this book introduces to establish the new paradigm of circular design, this book introduces a territorial dimension to the goal of transforming living spaces for a territorial dimension to the goal of transforming living resilience spaces for and sustainability—and to the use of design-led research and resilience and sustainability—and to the use of design-led research andas effective forces for analysis, developing concepts and design-thinking strategies, and cooperative processes of transformation. Featuring case design-thinking as effective forces for analysis, developing concepts studies from all over Europe that merge creative narratives in urbanism and strategies, and cooperative processes of transformation. Featurwith social innovation and creative industries, Circular Design aims to activate dynamic fields and networks of ideas, people, and space ing case studies from all over Europe that merge creative narratives oriented to circular principles. in urbanism with social innovation and creative industries, Circular Design aims to activate dynamic fields and networks of ideas, people, and space oriented to circular principles. Softcover 240 pages, 170 col. and b/w ill. 15 × 22 cm Print 978-3-86859-745-5 E-Book 978-3-86859-836-0 € 36.00 (DE) | $ 41.99 (US) | £ 31.50 (UK) 12.2022 English

• Reuse and recycling are currently much-discussed topics in architecture and product design. This book offers an urban and territorial dimension to these topics and highlights the innovation that results from linking design and research • Features case studies from all over Europe

Related title: Cosmopolitan Habitat Jörg Schröder / Maurizio Carta / Federica Scaffidi / Annalisa Contato (eds.) Print 978-3-86859-690-8 E-Book 978-3-86859-962-6 € 36.00 (DE) | $ 41.99 (US) | £ 31.50 (UK)

Potentials for circular economy around Mount Etna © Gülce Erincik / Sarah Pens for Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung LUH


Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses Expanding Planning Culture Perspectives Karin Hartmann According to a recent American study, sexism and racism are so widespread in architecture that there is a distaste for these topics within the branch itself. What are the reasons for this exclusionary working culture? Even in Germany, most architecture graduates since the turn of the millennium have been female—but a large number of conventions and assumptions within the discipline make it difficult for women to remain in the profession. As a result, a great deal of highly trained talent is lost. Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses uses an intersectional feminist perspective to examine the structural causes that push women—and anyone else who isn’t a white cis man—out of the branch. How can architectural teaching and discourse, as well as the industry’s self-image, become more diverse? Where are the experiences of a pluralistic society missing from the built environment? How can we bring about cultural change in planning and architecture? Featuring an interview with the Dutch architect Afaina de Jong Softcover with flaps 160 pages, 20 col. and b/w ill. 13 × 20.2 cm Print 978-3-86859-730-1 E-Book 978-3-86859-989-3 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK) 09.2022 English

• Overview of structural discrimination in architecture • First intersectional feminist perspective on the working culture of the field • Background information for planning offices, institutions, and students

Where Jane Jacobs and Janis Joplin perform together: In the Seestadt Aspern, streets are named after women © Karin Hartmann

Also available in German: Schwarzer Rolli, Hornbrille Karin Hartmann Print 978-3-86859-698-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-967-1 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK)


Konrad Mühe - Projektion zwischen Körper und Leib

Andreas Mühe - Mischpoche Lorem Ipsum Deutschlandmärchen



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Vertauschte Köpfe Konrad Mühe, Andreas Mühe Pit Stenkhoff (ed.)


Vertauschte Köpfe is being published in conjunction with the first joint exhibition by the brothers Andreas and Konrad Mühe at KUNSTWERK Sammlung Klein. How can these siblings—who could hardly be less alike—collaborate on an equal footing and harmonize their respective artworks? What unites them is an intensive preoccupation with their family’s history. And their differences are mutually complementary: while the first is concerned with the way in which the family history is interwoven with German history, the second addresses the relationship between human and technological bodies, as well as their political subtexts in the contemporary world. Not unlike a family whose members tell divergent stories about one another, the catalog picks up various temporal levels and narrative strands. Vertauschte Köpfe thus encompasses multiple books that refer to and challenge one another. The works of Andreas and Konrad Mühe engage in an interplay with texts by Valeria Waibel, Karsten Ehlers, Monika Maron, Kito Nedo, and a comic strip by Gregor Hinz. How solid is the substrate of their shared foundation?


Softcover with flaps 500 pages, 200 col. ill. 20.5 × 27 cm Print 978-3-86859-751-6 € 55.00 (DE) | $ 63.99 (US) | £ 48.00 (UK) 04.2022 English/German

• Elaborately designed catalog accompanying the first joint exhibition by the brothers Andreas and Konrad Mühe at KUNSTWERK Sammlung Klein (23 January—1 May 2022) • Familial rapprochement by means of art • Book-in-book concept, developed by the Berlin-based design firm Neue Gestaltung • Using the Konrad Mühe app, virtual content can be retrieved directly from the book's pages


Previously announced, out now

Print 978-3-86859-140-8 € 49.80 (DE) | $ 57.99 (US) | £ 45.50 (UK)

Print 978-3-86859-606-9 E-Book 978-3-86859-833-9

Print 978-3-86859-565-9

€ 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK)

€ 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK)



Roofscape Design Regenerating the City upon the City Gustavo Ambrosini / Guido Callegari Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 176 pages, 260 col. ill Print 978-3-86859-665-6 E-Book 978-3-86859-968-8 € 28.00 (DE) | $ 32.99 (US) | £ 24.50 (UK) English

New Social Housing Positions on the IBA_Vienna 2022 IBA_Wien 2022 / future.lab (eds.) Softcover, 22.5 × 27.5 cm 256 pages, 150 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-626-7 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) English

Das Berliner Zimmer Geschichte, Typologie, Nutzungsaneignung Jan Herres Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 128 pages, num. col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-707-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-982-4 € 29.00 (DE) | $ 33.99 (US) | £ 26.50 (UK) German

Housing the Family Locating the Single-Family Home in Germany Christiane Cantauw / Anne Caplan / Elisabeth Timm (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 328 pages, 75 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-543-7 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 38.00 (US) | £ 30.00 (UK) English

Activism at Home Architects Dwelling between Politics, Aesthetics, and Resistance Isabelle Doucet / Janina Gosseye (eds.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 384 pages, 150 col. and b/w. ill. Print 978-3-86859-633-5 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) English

Zusammenhalt braucht Räume Wohnen integriert Christine Hannemann / Karin Hauser (eds.) Swiss brochure, 17 × 24 cm 192 pages, 150 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-640-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-942-8 € 24.80 (DE) | $ 28.99 (US) | £ 21.50 (UK) German

Bezahlbar. Gut. Wohnen. Strategien für erschwinglichen Wohnraum Klaus Dömer / Hans Drexler / Joachim SchultzGranberg Softcover with flaps, 14 × 19 cm 296 pages, 240 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-432-4 € 25.00 (DE) | $ 28.99 (US) | £ 22.50 (UK) German

2000 Years of Housing in Vienna From the Celtic Oppidum to the Residential Area of the Future. Housing as Social History Wolfgang Förster (ed.) Hardcover, 19 × 24.5 cm 188 pages, num. ill. Print 978-3-86859-661-8 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) English/German

Alle wollen wohnen Gerecht. Sozial. Bezahlbar Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst / Peter Köddermann / Karen Jung (eds.) Hardcover, 18.5 × 26 cm 248 pages, 190 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-474-4 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 38.00 (US) | £ 30.00 (UK) German

GAM 16 gewohnt: un/common Guest Editors: Andreas Lichtblau / Sigrid Verhovsek Softcover, 22.6 × 27.4 cm 250 pages, num. col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-856-8 € 19.95 (DE) | $ 22.99 (US) | £ 18.00 (UK) English/German

Lincoln Revisited Gebrauchsspuren einer Wohnbebauung Lorenzen Mayer Architekten (eds.) With photographs by Till Schuster Softcover with flaps, 20 × 26 cm 72 pages, 69 col. and 4 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-607-6 € 22.00 (DE) | $ 25.99 (US) | £ 20.00 (UK) German

ZUSAMMENHALT BRAUCHT RÄUME Christine Hannemann Karin Hauser (Hg.)


Moravia Manifesto Coding Strategies for Informal Neighborhoods Moritz Ahlert / Maximilian Becker / Albert Kreisel / Philipp Misselwitz / Nina Pawlicki / Tobias Schrammek (eds.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 344 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-535-2 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 38.00 (US) | £ 30.00 (UK) English/Spanish

Urban Design Methods Undine Giseke / Martina Löw / Angela Million / Philipp Misselwitz / Jörg Stollmann (eds.) Softcover, 13 × 21 cm 256 pages, 30 col. and 70 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-571-0 E-Book 978-3-86859-955-8 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK) English


Performative Urbanism Generating and Designing Urban Space Sophie Wolfrum / Nikolai Frhr. v. Brandis (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 192 pages, 65 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-304-4 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 26.00 (UK English

Berlin & Berlin Stadtplanung und Städtebau nach dem Mauerfall im Gespräch Friedemann Kunst / Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung, BerlinBrandenburg (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 208 pages, 24 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-657-1 E-Book 978-3-86859-958-9 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK) German

Koproduktion Urbaner Resilienz Das Gängeviertel in Hamburg als Reallabor für eine zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung Michael Ziehl Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 208 pages, 36 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-641-0 E-Book 978-3-86859-939-8 € 36.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) German

Städte für Menschen Jan Gehl Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm 304 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-356-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-897-1 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) German

Räume in Veränderung – Ein visuelles Lesebuch Ein- und Ausblicke des interdisziplinären Forschungsverbundes zur Refiguration von Räumen Johanna Hoerning / Philipp Misselwitz (eds.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 244 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-721-9 E-Book 978-3-86859-993-0 € 34.00 (DE) | $ 39.99 (US) | £ 31.00 (UK) German

Post-pandemic Urbanism Doris Kleilein / Friederike Meyer (eds.) Softcover, 14.8 × 21 cm 192 pages, 50 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-710-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-981-7 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK) English

Eventisierung der Stadt Gabriela Muri / Daniel Späti / Philipp Klaus / Francis Müller (eds.) Softcover with flaps, 16.5 × 24 cm 408 pages, 20 col. and 20 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-493-5 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK) German

Zukunft: Wohnen Migration als Impuls für die kooperative Stadt Jörg Friedrich / Peter Haslinger / Simon Takasaki / Valentina Forsch (eds.) Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm 320 pages, 200 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-451-5 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) German


Die Bodenfrage Klima, Ökonomie, Gemeinwohl Stefan Rettich / Sabine Tastel (eds.) Hardcover, 14 × 21 cm 144 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-669-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-954-1 € 16.00 (DE) | $ 20.00 (US) | £ 14.50 (UK) German


Interstitial Hong Kong Exploring the Miniature Open Spaces of HighDensity Urbanism Xiaoxuan Lu / Susanne Trumpf / Ivan Valin Flexcover, 14 × 21 cm 320 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-689-2 E-Book 978-3-86859-959-6 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 28.00 (UK) English

Urban Open Space + Strategies at the Intersection of Architecture and Open Space Planning Carolin Mees (ed.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 112 pages, 60 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-703-5 E-Book 978-3-86859-984-8 € 29.00 (DE) | $ 33.99 (US) | £ 25.00 (UK) English/German

The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework Francesco Garutti (ed.) Softcover, 15 × 21 cm 232 pages, 160 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-668-7 € 26.00 (DE) | $ 29.99 (US) | £ 22.50 (UK) English

Landscaping Egypt From the Aesthetic to the Productive Cornelia Redeker / Monique Jüttner (eds.) Softcover, 18.9 × 24.6 cm 216 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-552-9 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 39.00 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) English

Inklusionsmaschine STADT Inklusion im Städtebau, interdisziplinär diskutiert Andrea Benze / Dorothee Rummel (eds.) Softcover with dust jacket, 17 × 24 cm 208 pages, 30 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-627-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-941-1 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.00 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) German

The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture Heike Rahmann / Jillian Walliss (eds.) Softcover with flaps, 20 × 25 cm 288 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-612-0 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) English

Die fragmentierte Stadt Exklusion und Teilhabe im öffentlichen Raum Jürgen Krusche / Aya Domenig / Thomas Schärer / Julia Weber Swiss brochure, 17 × 22 cm 208 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-643-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-980-0 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) German

In the Park Landscape of the Present geskes.hack Landscape Architects (ed.) Hardcover, 24 × 28 cm 264 pages, 200 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-548-2 € 39.80 (DE) | $ 45.99 (US) | £ 37.00 (UK) English/German

Transformation und Mischung Städtebau im Wandel Christa Reicher / Holger Hoffschröer (eds.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 352 pages, 300 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-565-9 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) German

Mensch und Landschaftsarchitektur Juliane Feldhusen / Sebastian Feldhusen (eds.) Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, School of Landscape Architecture, Study Program Open Space Planning Softcover, 16 × 24 cm 336 pages, 146 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-405-8 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK) German


Hortitecture The Power of Architecture and Plants Almut Grüntuch-Ernst, IDAS Institute for Design and Architectural Strategies (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 23.5 cm 288 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-547-5 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.00 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) English

Building Berlin Developers Who Shaped the Emerging Metropolis Wolfgang Schäche / Daniel Ralf Schmitz / David Pessier Clothbound with jacket, 22.3 × 28.7 cm 224 pages, 234 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-559-8 € 48.00 (DE) | $ 49.95 (US) | £ 43.50 (UK) English

Vegetarian Architecture Case Studies on Building and Nature Andrea Bocco Guarneri Softcover, 21 × 25.5 cm 240 pages, 347 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-569-7 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 38.00 (US) | £ 30.00 (UK) English

Typisch Posener Katrin Voermanek Softcover, 14 × 23 cm 152 pages, 16 unicol. ill. Print 978-3-86859-593-2 € 18.00 (DE) | $ 20.99 (US) | £ 16.50 (UK) German

The Botanical City Matthew Gandy / Sandra Jasper (eds.) Softcover, 16.8 × 24 cm 324 pages, 100 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-519-2 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 38.00 (US) | £ 30.00 (UK) English

Spolien Phänomene der Wiederverwendung in der Architektur Hans-Rudolf Meier Hardcover, 19.5 × 24 cm 240 pages, 156 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-651-9 E-Book 978-3-86859-944-2 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 49.00 (US) | £ 40.00 (UK) German

Designing Parks Berlin’s Park am Gleisdreieck or the Art of Creating Lively Places Leonard Grosch / Constanze A. Petrow Softcover with flaps, 21 × 25.5 cm 216 pages, 105 col. and 48 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-381-5 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK) English

Hasenheide 13 Sammlung Wemhöner (ed.) Hardcover, 21 × 13 cm 208 pages, 136 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-650-2 € 24.00 (DE) | $ 27.99 (US) | £ 22.00 (UK) German


Bauhaus Dessau Architecture—Design—Concept Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (ed.) Flexcover, 21 × 27.5 cm 144 pages, 78 col. and 4 b/w ill. Print 978-3-939633-11-2 € 25.00 (DE) | $ 28.99 (US) | £ 21.50 (UK) English/German

Baukultur–Studienausgabe Spiegel gesellschaftlichen Wandels Werner Durth / Paul Sigel Softcover, three volumes in a slipcase 23.3 × 30.5 cm 808 pages, 570 col. and 450 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-427-0 € 29.95 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK) German

100+ Neue Perspektiven auf die Bauhaus-Rezeption Bauhaus-Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Planung (ed.) Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 272 pages, 30 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-693-9 E-Book 978-3-86859-970-1 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK) German


Archaeology of Modernism Preservation of the Bauhaus Dessau Monika Markgraf (ed.) for the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation Softcover with flaps, 27 × 20 cm 256 pages, 230 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-684-7 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) English


500 Churches, 500 Ideas New Use for Sacred Spaces Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM), International Building Exhibition (IBA) Thuringia Jürgen Willinghöfer / Lars Weitemeier (eds.) Softcover with flaps, 23.5 × 28 cm 200 pages, 259 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-494-2 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) English/German

Adaptive Re-Use Strategies for Post-War Modernist Housing Maren Harnack / Natalie Heger / Matthias Brunner (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 144 pages, 60 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-611-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-951-0 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK) English

Ein neuer Typus Kirche Hybride öffentliche Räume Jürgen Willinghöfer (ed.) / On behalf of the Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland (EKM) and the EKD-Institut für Kirchenbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart at the PhilippsUniversität Marburg Softcover with flaps, 23.5 × 28 cm 196 pages, 150 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-699-1 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 43.99 (US) | £ 33.00 (UK) German

Transformative Partizipation Strategien für den Siedlungsbau der Nachkriegsmoderne Matthias Brunner / Maren Harnack / Natalie Heger / Hans Jürgen Schmitz (eds.) Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 160 pages, 65 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-691-5 E-Book 978-3-86859-975-6 € 29.80 (DE) | $ 34.99 (US) | £ 27.00 (UK) German

Fagus Industriekultur zwischen Werkbund und Bauhaus Annemarie Jaeggi Hardcover, 22 × 28 cm 152 pages, 150 col. and b/w. ill. Print 978-3-931321-83-3 € 38.00 (DE) | $ 41.99 (US) | £ 32.50 (UK) German

Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin: Refurbishment of an Architectural Icon Arne Maibohm (ed.) on behalf of the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning Softcover with dust jacket, 23 × 30 cm 320 pages, 230 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-687-8 € 39.00 (DE) | $ 44.99 (US) | £ 35.50 (UK) English

Bauakademie Berlin Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, TU Wien Wilfried Kuehn / Franz Karner / Julia Nuler / Lisi Zeininger (eds.) Softcover with flaps, 14.8 × 21 cm 320 pages, 25 col. and 90 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-701-1 € 34.00 (DE) | $ 39.99 (US) | £ 31.00 (UK) English/German

Potenzial Großsiedlung Zukunftsbilder für die Neue Vahr Katja-Annika Pahl / Iris Reuther / Peter Stubbe / Jürgen Tietz (eds.) Softcover with flaps, 24 × 30 cm 160 pages, 120 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-533-8 € 39.80 (DE) | $ 45.99 (US) | £ 36.00 (UK) German

Das Meisterwerk Der Architekt Martin Punitzer und der Roxy-Palast Wolfgang Schäche / Brigitte Jacob / David Pessier Clothbound with jacket, 21 × 29.5 cm 128 pages, 130 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-647-2 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 49.00 (US) | £ 40.00 (UK) German

Le Corbusier: Unité d’habitation “Typ Berlin“ Construction and Context Bärbel Högner (ed.) Softcover with flaps, 17 × 24 cm 256 pages, 180 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-563-5 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 35.00 (US) | £ 25.50 (UK) English/German


Designing Modernity Architecture in the Arab World 1945–1973 Philipp Oswalt / George Arbid (eds.) initiated by Goethe-Institut Palestinian Territories Softcover, 21 × 28 cm 288 pages, num. col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-723-3 E-Book 978-3-86859-830-8 € 29.00 (DE) | $ 33.99 (US) | £ 26.50 (UK) English/Arabic

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2 Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co KG (ed.) Clothbound with banderole, 29.7 × 24.5 cm 264 pages, 150 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-706-6 € 48.00 (DE) | $ 55.99 (US) | £ 41.50 (UK) English/German


RFKLX Ein Architektur-Magazin von und über Knerer und Lang Knerer und Lang Architekten GmbH (ed.) Softcover with flaps, 20.5 × 27.5 cm 196 pages, num. col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-731-8 € 32.00 (DE) | $ 36.99 (US) | £ 29.00 (UK) German

mittendrin und rundherum Reden, Planen, Bauen am Land und in der Stadt Ein nonconform-Handbuch Wojciech Czaja / Barbara Feller Softcover, 16.5 × 24 cm 208 pages, 194 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-713-4 E-Book 978-3-86859-990-9 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 30.50 (UK) German

GAM.17 Wood. Rethinking Material Guest Editor: Tom Kaden Softcover, 22.6 × 27.4 cm 296 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-663-2 E-Book 978-3-86859-963-3 € 19.95 (DE) | $ 22.99 (US) | £ 17.50 (UK) English/German

Open Architecture Nachhaltiger Holzbau mit System Hans Drexler Softcover, 17 × 24 cm 352 pages, num. col and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-681-6 E-Book 978-3-86859-957-2 € 38.00 | $ 44.00 (US) | £ 34.50 (UK) German



The Photobook in Art and Society Participative Potentials of a Medium Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft (ed.) in cooperation with The PhotoBookMuseum Swiss brochure with flaps, 16.7 × 24 cm 468 pages, 220 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-594-9 € 42.80 (DE) | $ 45.00 (US) | £ 40.00 (UK) English

Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 1 Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co KG (ed.) Clothbound with banderole, 29.7 × 24.5 cm 264 pages, 150 b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-199-6 € 42.00 (DE) | $ 48.99 (US) | £ 38.00 (UK) English/German

Das gelobte Land der Moderne Deutsche Reisefotografien zwischen Aleppo und Alexandria Karin Berkemann Hardcover, 17 × 24 cm 256 pages, 170 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-603-8 € 35.00 (DE) | $ 40.99 (US) | £ 32.00 (UK) German


All the Queens Houses An Architectural Portrait of New York’s Largest and Most Diverse Borough Rafael Herrin-Ferri Softcover, 12 × 18 cm 272 pages, 244 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-656-4 € 22.00 (DE) | $ 25.99 (US) | £ 19.00 (UK) English


Topography of Terror The Design of a Memorial Ursula Wilms (ed.) With Photographs by Friederike von Rauch Softcover with flaps, 26 × 30 cm 112 pages, 41 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-673-1 € 36.00 (DE) | $ 41.99 (US) | £ 32.50 (UK) English/German

Sorge um den Bestand Zehn Strategien für die Architektur Olaf Bahner / Matthias Böttger / Laura Holzberg (eds.) for the Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA Swiss brochure, 17 × 24 cm 208 pages, num. col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-659-5 € 28.00 (DE) | $ 32.99 (US) | £ 25.50 (UK) German

The Essence of Berlin-Tegel Taking Stock of an Airport’s Architecture Peter Ortner Hardcover, 22 × 17 cm 112 pages, 100 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-631-1 € 22.00 (DE) | $ 25.99 (US) | £ 20.00 (UK) English/German

Zollverein World Heritage Site and Future Workshop Hermann Marth (ed.) for Stiftung Zollverein Hardcover, 24 × 32 cm 224 pages, 200 col. ill. Print 978-3-86859-264-1 € 39.95 (DE) | $ 45.99 (US) | £ 36.50 (UK) English

Max Dudler—Räume erzählen Simone Boldrin (ed.) Hardcover, 25 × 28 cm 128 pages, 100 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-538-3 € 60.00 (DE) | $ 70.00 (US) | £ 58.00 (UK) German

Transformationen Petra Kahlfeldt / Paul Kahlfeldt Clothbound with dust jacket, 22.5 × 28.6 cm 256 pages, 464 col. and b/w ill. Print 978-3-86859-554-3 € 49.80 (DE) | $ 57.99 (US) | £ 45.50 (UK) German

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Authors and Editors Page 2

ICC Zara Pfeifer is a photographer and architect. Her works reflect her interest in social and spatial phenomena. Whether documenting social interactions in the modernist Alterlaa housing project or as a passenger in a lorry travelling through Europe, Pfeifer inserts herself into the worlds she documents—not just as an observer, but as an active participant. Page 4

Nach der Kernkraft Janke Rentrop is assistant professor at the chair of urban design at the University of Kassel. Her research is on the re-use of nuclear power stations and mobility concepts for rural areas. Stefan Rettich is an architect and professor of urban design at the University of Kassel. From 2011–2016 he was professor of theory and design at the School of Architecture in Bremen. Prior to this, he taught at the Bauhaus Kolleg in Dessau for four years. He is a founding partner and co-owner of KARO* architects. Page 6

Architectures of Weaving Ebba Fransén Waldhör is an artist, textile designer, and lecturer working in spatial installation and design research. She also develops experimental spatial concepts and scenographies. At Weißensee School of Art and Design Berlin, she investigates smart materials in an architectural context. Maxie Schneider is an architect and design researcher at Weißensee School of Art and Design Berlin. With a strong interest in unconventional and adaptive materials systems and hybrid tectonics, she develops solutions for sustainable material, design, and building culture. Christiane Sauer is an architect and professor for material and design at Weißensee School of Art and Design Berlin. Her focus is on developing and designing materials systems for the architectural context based on textile structures, active materials, and functional surfaces. Mareike Stoll’s research weaves together literature and space, images and texts, form and content. Holding a PhD from Princeton University, she is currently a researcher at the Matters of Activity Cluster of Excellence, where she facilitates the exchange of interdisciplinary research. Page 8

Sanfte Stadt David Sim works as a senior urban expert for Gehl in Copenhagen, as well as independently through his own consultancy company. He has developed numerous tools for collaboration and engagement in the process of rethinking master plans to deliver denser and more diverse urban places while preserving the human scale. Page 10

Planung für Morgen Friedbert Greif is a city planner and urban planning architect. He has worked at Albert Speer + Partner since 1988, and has been Managing Partner of AS + P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH since 1991. Beyond this, he is a member of the board of the Professor Albert Speer Foundation. Detlef Kurth is an urban planner and was a project manager at the Planergemeinschaft Hannes Dubach, Urs Kohl­brenner, Berlin. From 1997 to 2003, he was a research assistant at TU Dortmund. He took up the position of professor of urban planning at HFT Stuttgart in 2003, and has held the chair of town planning at TU Kaiserslautern since 2017.

Bernd Scholl has worked at a number of places including Albert Speer + Partner in Frankfurt am Main. He has been co-owner of the Scholl+Signer planning firm in Zurich since 1987. He was a professor at TU Karlsruhe from 1996, and professor for spatial planning and development at ETH Zürich between 2006 and 2018. He is on the management board of the Professor Albert Speer Foundation. Page 11

Mobility Design Peter Eckart is a product designer, professor of integrative design at HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design, and a partner at the design studio unit-design with offices in Frankfurt am Main and Berne. His research interests are mobility design, system-oriented design, the mobility revolution, design and complexity, public design, and sustainability. Martin Knöll is an architect and professor of urban design and planning at TU Darmstadt. His research focuses on urban transformation processes, inclusive and health-focused city planning, and space syntax. Martin Lanzendorf is professor of mobility research at the GoetheUniversität in Frankfurt am Main. His research areas are mobility in metropolitan areas, changes in travel behaviour, the spatial aspects of transport development, the mobility revolution, mobility cultures, municipal transport policies, and public acceptance of transport policies. Kai Vöckler is an urbanist and professor of urban design at the HfG Offenbach University of Art and Design. His research focuses on mobility design, post-conflict city development, product language, spatial design, and ecology and design. Page 12

Reallabor Nachkriegsmoderne Mark Escherich is an architect, buildings historian, and monuments conservator, as well as head of the Monuments Protection Authority of Erfurt. He teaches and conducts research on architecture and modernist urban planning, focusing particularly on the preservation and maintenance of buildings. Olaf Gisbertz is a university lecturer in construction history and monuments conservation. He also leads the Center for Building Research + Communication + Preservation of Historical Monuments (iTUBS mbH) at TU Braunschweig. Since 2017 he has been professor of buildings history, construction research, and monuments preservation at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund. Sebastian Hoyer is an architect and a research assistant at the Institute of Preservation of Buildings and Structure at TU Braunschweig. His research and publications focus on the recording, assessment, and preservation of more recent architectural-historical structures at the interface between architecture and engineering. Andreas Putz is an architect, monuments conservator, and buildings historian. He completed his PhD at ETH Zürich and was responsible for the renovation of Erich Mendelsohn’s former Kaufhaus Schocken department store in Chemnitz for Auer+Weber (Stuttgart) and knererlang architekten (Dresden). He has been professor of recent building heritage conservation at TU Munich since 2018. Christiane Weber is a buildings historian, architect, and art historian. She teaches in the Architectural History and Monuments Conservation Department at the University of Innsbruck, where she has been professor of architectural history since 2022. Page 13

Sakralität im Wandel Beate Löffler is a senior lecturer at TU Dortmund’s chair of the History and Theory of Architecture. Among other things, her research deals with architectural cultural transfer in a global context, the role of religious spaces in modern societies, and knowledge transfer in architecture.


Dunja Sharbat Dar is a research associate at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) at the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum. Her main research areas are religion and space, Japanese religion(s), popular culture, modern religion, and social research methods and theories. Page 14

Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst Christoph Mäckler is an architect based in Frankfurt am Main, professor emeritus of urban design at TU Dortmund, and director of the Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst, which he founded in 2008. From 1990 until 1997 he held visiting professorships in Naples, Braunschweig, and Hanover, and was a member of the Internationale Bauakademie Berlin. Page 16

Innenstadtleben Christoph Mäckler is an architect based in Frankfurt am Main, professor emeritus of urban design at TU Dortmund, and director of the Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst, which he founded in 2008. From 1990 until 1997 he held visiting professorships in Naples, Braunschweig, and Hanover, and was a member of the Internationale Bauakademie Berlin. Wolfgang Sonne has been professor of architectural history and theory at TU Dortmund since 2007. He is the head researcher for the Baukunstarchiv NRW architecture library in North RhineWestphalia as well as acting director and cofounder of the Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst. He has taught at institutions including ETH Zürich and the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Page 17

Bibliothek Milan Bulaty was director of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s university library from 1992 to 2011. He is the founding director of the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum. Max Dudler founded the Max Dudler firm in 1992, which now has branches in Berlin, Zurich, Frankfurt am Main, and Munich. In 2004, Dudler was appointed professor at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He has also taught at the Università Iuav di Venezia, the Alma Mater Studiorum Università Bologna, the Politecnico di Milano, TU Dortmund, and TU Munich. Page 18

Günther Domenig: Dimensional Anna Baar is a writer. Her work has been translated into several languages and has been published in numerous German-language and international literary journals and anthologies. Gerhard Maurer is a photographer. Together with Gudrun Zacharias, he curates the Raum für Fotografie exhibition space in Klagenfurt. His work focuses on everyday life, architecture, home, and identity. Viktoria Pontoni, Ina Sattlegger, and Andreas Kristof are members of the section.a curators’ collective in Vienna. Together with Raffaela Lackner, the director of the Architektur Haus Kärnten, they are behind the four-month exhibition project “Günther Domenig: DIMENSIONAL”.

chair of Design and Housing at the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar since 2016. Her teaching and research focus on the architecture of dwelling and forms of community. Barbara Schönig joined the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar as professor of urban planning in 2012. From 2013 to 2021 she was director of the Institute for European Urban Studies in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Her research and publications focus on interdisciplinary housing research as well as urban development and participation in the context of societal transformation. Page 23

Theorien des Wohnens Kirsten Wagner is a professor of cultural and communications sciences in the Design Department at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses include the anthropology of architecture, theories of space and dwelling, and the spatial organisation of knowledge. Page 24

architektur + analyse 9: Gelebte Utopie Eugen Gross is an architect, author, and actor. He was a professor at the Graz Ortweinschule and a founding member of Werkgruppe Graz, an architects’ collective that completed almost a hundred projects both within Austria and elsewhere between 1959 and 1989. The terraced housing estate in Graz-St. Peter is their largest project. Andrea Jany is an architect and researcher. Following her training and studies at the Bauhaus Universität in Weimar, Virginia Tech, Stanford University, and TU Graz, she gained ten years of project management experience in planning and held a postdoctoral research and teaching post at Stanford University. She now teaches and conducts research in the field of residential construction. Page 26

Lifelines Cristina Bianchetti is full professor of Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino, where she was deputy dean at the School of Architecture from 2007 to 2012. Her studies deal with themes related to critical theory and urban design. She is president of the Evaluation Board of the Università Iuav di Venezia. Camillo Boano is full professor of Urban Design and Critical Theory at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit at University College London, full professor of Architecture, Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino, and co-director of the UCL Urban Laboratory. He worked in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East on urban infrastructures, habitability, and displacement. Page 27

Social-Ecological Cooperative Housing The Berlin-based id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability focuses on transformative social ecology, with an emphasis on selforganized forms of living, local initiatives, climate justice, and urban democracy. id22 has been coordinating education, networking, research, and communication projects since 2003. Page 28

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Emscher 20 | 21+: Die neue Emscher kommt

jovis research 5: Städtische Wohnquartiere in Venedig

Dieter Nellen is a consultant and writer working in the fields of urban planning, architecture, and culture.

Alexander Fichte is an architect and Baukultur consultant at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development (BBSR) in Bonn. He has worked in business, administration, and research, and completed his PhD on urban residential neighborhoods in interwar Venice in 2021. Page 22

Drei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad Verena von Beckerath is an architect and cofounder of the architecture firm Heide & von Beckerath in Berlin. She has been

Uli Paetzel is chairman of the executive board of the Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband (EGLV) water management partnership, as well as an honorary professor at the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum. Stefan Siedentop is the managing director of research for the ILS Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development in North Rhine-Westphalia and a professor in the Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund.


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Page 34

Reden wir über Baukultur!

Circular Design

IG Architektur is an Austria-wide special interest group for architecture. It is based in Vienna and has been active for twenty years. As an advocacy platform, IG Architektur fosters debate on architectural policy, issues within the profession, and sociopolitical questions.

The authors at the chair for Territorial Design of Leibniz University Hannover are working on creative cycles in urbanism. Recent international projects include Medways, Cosmopolitan Habitat, and Creative Food Cycles.

Page 31

Europan 16: Living Cities EUROPAN Deutschland is a non-profit organization for the promotion of architecture, housing, and urban planning founded in 1988. It aims to promote the exchange of ideas in the field of innovative housing and urban planning among European countries. To this end, EUROPAN arranges architecture and planning competitions throughout Europe. Lola Meyer is co-managing director of EUROPAN Deutschland e.V. and researches the future of mobility in rural areas. Vesta Nele Zareh is managing director of EUROPAN Deutschland e.V. and professor of urban planning at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Page 33

We, the City Tuba İnal-Çekiç completed her PhD at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of Yıldız Technical University (Istanbul). She is currently working at the Hertie School in Berlin. Her research focuses on urban movements and urban commons as a struggle against neoliberal authoritarian urban policy from a participatory local governance perspective. Urszula Woźniak holds a PhD in sociology from the HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, where she specialized in political sociology and political anthropology, migration, and transnationalism, urban studies, and Turkish studies. She works as a research associate at the Department for Social Sciences at the same university.

Riccarda Cappeller’s research interest is in design modes for mixed urban spaces and art-based approaches linking social, spatial, and performative aspects. Alissa Diesch's research includes participatory knowledge generation, post-colonial spaces, research-to-design concepts, and urban-rural relations and transformations. Federica Scaffidi’s research interests address territorial development, social innovation, and recycling. Jörg Schröder focuses his research on territorial innovation, transformation, and resilience, as well as on design research. Page 35

Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses Karin Hartmann is an architect and an author as well as an associate member of the Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten (BDA). She researches, writes, and speaks on building culture and intersectional feminism. From 2016 to 2021 she was a policy officer at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development (BBSR), and she has worked as a freelancer and for Baukultur Nordrhein-Westfalen since 2021. Page 36

Vertauschte Köpfe Konrad Mühe is a sculptor and video artist. In his sculptures, immaterial projections, physical objects, and video content form a conceptual unity. Since 2017, he has produced the so-called “projection beings” that display expressive human qualities while investigating sociopolitical issues relating to the perception and impact of images, as well as to the construction of identity. Andreas Mühe achieved international recognition as an artist through his preoccupation with the German past and German identity. Often, there is a certain ambivalence inherent in his analog photographs, which reference the no-longer-visible but nonetheless still palpable aftermath of German historiography. His most recent solo exhibition, “Stories of Conflict”, took place in 2022 at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main.

Academic Partners jovis publishes in collaboration with, among others Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture, London, UK Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Bergische Universität Wuppertal Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Quebec Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg, Sweden Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland Fachhochschule Münster Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences German University in Cairo, Egypt Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main HafenCity Universität Hamburg Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA Hochschule Darmstadt Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach Hochschule Osnabrück Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Leibniz Universität Hannover National University of Singapore, Singapore Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia RWTH Aachen

Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Künste Stuttgart Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Braunschweig Technische Universität Dortmund Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Graz, Austria Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Technische Universität München Technische Universität Wien, Austria Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands Universität Aalborg, Denmark Universität der Künste Berlin Universität Greifswald Universität Hamburg Universität Kassel Universität Stuttgart University of Patras, Greece Universität zu Köln Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF), Grenoble, France University College London, Great Britain University of Cyprus, Nikosia, Cyprus University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin York University, Toronto, Canada Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zurich, Switzerland

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