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Franco Montanari History of Ancient Greek Literature
Volume 1: The Archaic and Classical Ages.
Volume 2: The Hellenistic Age and the Roman Imperial Period
Series: De Gruyter Reference
May 2022
English, XXXVII, 1174 pp., 2 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-041992-4
Spanning over 1100+ pages, this twovolume work offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date history of ancient Greek literature from Homer to Late Antiquity. Its clear structure and detailed presentation of Greek authors and their works as well as literary genres and phenomena makes it an indispensable reference work for all those interested in Greek Antiquity.
Greek literature; Ancient Greece; literary history
Franco Montanari, University of Genova, Italy.
Carsten Hjort Lange From Hannibal to Sulla
The Birth of Civil War in Republican Rome
Series: Studies in Ancient Civil War 1
January 2024
English, XII, 218 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-133309-0
From the outbreak of the Second Punic War to the Social War, the Romans had prolonged debates about the changing nature of warfare. The Second Punic War was a war of survival against Rome’s great enemy, Carthage, but also saw its subjectallies rebel on a large scale, equalling an internal war within the polity of Rome. This monograph proposes that this internal war was a natural step in the invention of the concept of civil war.
Civil war; Second Punic War; Roman Empire; Roman time
Carsten Hjort Lange, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Stefan Altekamp Karthago
Archäologische Stadtbiographie
[Carthage: Archaeological Biography of a City]
February 2024
German, XIV, 924 pp., 235 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-133217-8
Tunesien; Archäologie; Urbanistik; Stadtgeschichte
Carthage was one of antiquity’s most successful cities. It was founded, destroyed, refounded, and conquered before falling into ruin; since the 20th century, it has once again become a city. Briefly the seat of a colonial archdiocese, it is now home to the Tunisia’s presidential residence and is also a world cultural heritage site. Carthage traces this three-thousand-year history of settlement on the basis of extensive archaeological studies.
Tunisia; archaeology; urban studies; urban history
Stefan Altekamp, Berlin.
Susanne Bickel
Frauen an Pharaos Hof
Die erweiterte Familie Amenhoteps III. als Lebens- und Kultgemeinschaft
[Women at Pharaoh’s Court: The Extended Family of Amenhotep III as a Lifestyle and Cultural Community]
Series: Adolf-Erman-Vorlesungen zur ägyptischen Sprache und Kulturgeschichte am Berliner Wörterbuch-Projekt 2
November 2023
German, VIII, 48 pp., 31 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-134035-7
This study examines a previously overlooked group of people from the time of Amenhotep III (1390–53 BCE), who have come into focus since the latest excavations in the Valley of the Kings and the Theban Necropolis: royal daughters and foreign women who lived together at the Pharaoh's court, traveled with the ruler, performed ritual tasks, and were ultimately buried together. Together they formed a lifestyle, work, and cultural community.
Ancient Egypt; court; funeral; Valley of the Kings
Susanne Bickel, Universität Basel, Schweiz.
Bradley Jordan
The ›magister equitum‹ in the Roman Republic
The Evolution of an Extraordinary Magistracy
Series: KLIO / Beihefte. Neue Folge 38
January 2024
English, IX, 174 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-133858-3
This book analyses the magister equitum, the subordinate to the Roman dictator, focusing on three core questions: What were the powers of the office? What senatorial rank did it hold? And how did it evolve under the first century BCE dictators, Sulla and Caesar? The book argues that this extraordinary office and its occupants played (and was seen by contemporaries to have) a major role in crucial moments of Roman history and was central to the Republican constitution.
Ancient Rome; magistrate; Roman law; Latin epigraphy
Bradley Jordan, University of Oslo, Norway.
Filippomaria Pontani, Stefan Weise (Eds. The Hellenizing Muse
A European Anthology of Poetry in Ancient Greek from the Renaissance to the Present
Series: Trends in Classics – Pathways of Reception 6
November 2021
English, Greek, IX, 831 pp., 16 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-064123-3
This is the first Anthology ever to present a representative selection of poems in ancient Greek written by European scholars, erudites and amateurs since the return of Greek language and culture in humanistic times. A major cultural indicator of the spreading of Greek culture in the West beyond political and religious boundaries, this kind of poetry, which in some places is still alive even today, also yields some so far neglected masterpieces.
Ancient Greek Poetry; History of Classical Scholarship; Reception of Ancient Greek
F.Pontani, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia, Italy and S. Weise, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
Richard Weller
To the Ends of the Earth
A Grand Tour for the 21st Century
January 2024
English, 312 pp., 133 fig.
ISBN 978-3-0356-2793-0
The book takes the reader on an intellectual adventure through a carefully curated selection of 120 places that can be understood as metaphors of contemporary global culture. Spread across all seven continents, from the depths of the ocean to outer space, these places are divided into six chapters: Paradises, Utopias, Machines, Monsters, Ruins, and Instruments.
Contemporary culture; landscape architecture; urbanism; worldwide journey; paradise; utopia; apple park; Mar-a-Lago; trump; Yellowstone; black lives matter plaza; The united nations; Walmart; Tesla Gigafactory; burning man; Burj Khalifa; amazon; fracking; cancer alley; Chernobyl; USA Mexico border
Richard Weller, professor of landscape architecture and urbanism at the University of Pennsylvania
Birgit Mersmann, Christiane Kruse, Arnold Bartetzky (Eds.)
Image Controversies
Contemporary Iconoclasm in Art, Media, and Cultural Heritage
June 2024
English, 352 pp., 76 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-077348-4
Contemporary image controversies are manifestations of (geo-)political shifts and socio-cultural transformation processes in the 21 st century. Based on case studies from different world regions, the authors analyze contemporary iconoclasms in art, media, and cultural heritage from theoretical and action-oriented, global and interdisciplinary perspectives.
art; Iconoclasm; destruction; 20th century; 21st century; Visual Studies; Cultural Heritage; idols
Birgit Mersmann, Univ. Bonn; Christiane Kruse, Muthesius Univ. of FA and Design Kiel; Arnold Bartetzky, Leibniz Institute (GWZO) Leipzig
Yannis Hadjinicolaou, Monika Wagner (Eds.)
Unmittelbarkeit, Schnelligkeit, Authentizität in westlicher und ostasiatischer Kunst
October 2024
German, 208 pp., 120 fig.
ISBN 978-3-422-80090-8
This volume is the first to address the concept of spontaneity from an art-historical perspective. Ideas associated with spontaneity, ranging from the act of artistic creation, its speed, immediacy, and freedom to the autonomous genesis of the work, have been discussed since the early modern European period, as well as in older Eastern Asian scriptural images.
Asia; Europe; spontaneity; contemporary art
Yannis Hadjinicolaou, Kunsthistoriker, Universität Bonn Monika Wagner, Kunsthistorikerin, Universität Hamburg
Anna Heringer, Dominique GauzinMüller
Form Follows Love
(English Edition)
Building by Intuition – from Bangladesh to Europe and Beyond
July 2024
English, Approx. 144 pp., 60 fig.
ISBN 978-3-0356-2854-8
According to Anna Heringer, “Beauty has nothing to do with money or finance, but everything to do with creativity and love”. With statements like this she clearly has her finger on the pulse of our time, judging by the packed lecture halls, international awards such as the 2007 Aga Kahn Award or the 2020 OBEL Award, and exhibitions at MoMA, MAM Sao Paulo, and the Venice Biennale.
She shares with us the insight that clay is not only an environmentally friendly material, but in the best cases it can even trigger socially beneficial processes.
Anadaloy; Architecture; Forum St. Michael Traunstein; Clay Architecture; Clay Building; METI-School; Sustainable Building; Intuitive Building; Ecological Building; RoSana Rosenheim; Rammed Earth
Anna Heringer, UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, architect Dominique Gauzin-Müller, UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, architect
Hansjörg Gadient Spielraum
Kindergerechte Freiräume planen und bauen
Illustr. Jan Robert Dünnweller
June 2024
German, Approx. 232 pp., 178 fig.
ISBN 978-3-0356-2473-1
Children who live in towns and cities need spaces where they can freely play, explore and encounter other children. Today, many children suffer from obesity, developmental disorders and social disabilities. The causes include lack of exercise, lack of safety and insufficient stimulation.
This book offers professionals and interested laypeople a practical tool to make quick and direct decisions on issues of architecture and planning relating to children. The topics include urban and traffic planning, architecture and landscaping, the use of materials and plants, participation, and prevention. 160 drawings illustrate the topics and center them on children and their experiences.
landscape architecture; open spaces; children; playgrounds; playing; nature; plants; animals
Hansjörg Gadient ist Professor für Entwurf und Planung urbaner Freiräume an der Fachhochschule Ost, Rapperswil
Architektur alpiner Sicherheit
Lawinenverbauung zwischen Technologie und Ästhetik
July 2024
German, 400 pp., 189 fig.
ISBN 978-3-422-80167-7
The book looks at current technical measures to protect against natural hazards such as avalanches as the production of safety zones that function in the field of tension between aesthetics and technology. The fundamental issue is the clash between massive technical development to secure our settlement and tourism areas on the one hand and the "image of the Alps", which always seems to remain the same, on the other.
safety architectures in the Alps; political landscape
Doris Hallama, Lehrstuhl für Theorie und Geschichte von Architektur, Kunst und Design, Technische Universität München
Josef Kolb, Hanspeter Kolb, Andreas Müller
Lignum - Holzwirtschaft Schweiz, Holzbauexperten GmbH (Eds. Holzbau mit System
Tragkonstruktion und Schichtaufbau
4th Edition
June 2024
German, 464 pp., 375 fig.
ISBN 978-3-0356-2643-8
Timber construction can justifiably be called the building method of the future, having gained significant market share over other materials in recent years. This book approaches the subject in way that is both comprehensive and easy to understand. The most up-to-date knowledge in the field of timber engineering is presented in such a way that novices are inspired to get started while experts can expand their knowledge quickly and purposefully. In this fully revised edition, all subsections are up to date: design and construction, supporting structure and building envelope, layered structure of building components, fire protection, sound insulation, etc. With ground plans, tables, drawings and images, this book presents the current and future state of the art of timber construction.
Josef Kolb, Holzbauingenieur Hanspeter Kolb, Prof. f. Brandschutz & Holzbau
Andreas Müller, Prof. f. Holzbau & Baukonstruktion
Ann-Christin Siegemund
TBasics Thermal Protection
Series: Basics
May 2024
English, Approx. 80 pp., 80 fig.
ISBN 978-3-0356-2747-3
In these times of climate change, the effects of climatic conditions on the composition of building materials, components and structures are coming to the fore alongside the use of resource-efficient materials. Of particular importance is the role of thermal insulation in structural physics. Approaches such as reducing heat influx, using design features to prevent interior cooling in low outdoor temperatures, and the choice of materials can reduce the need for energyintensive air conditioning. This volume looks at various objectives of thermal insulation, grounded in principles of structural physics, materials science, and structural design.
Ann-Christin Siegemund, B.Sc., architect, bertbielefeld&partner Architects & Engineers, Dortmund
Felix Sommer
Beton & Nicht Beton
April 2024
German, 240 pp., 140 farb. und s/w Abb.
ISBN 978-3-98612-087-0
The debate on the sustainability of concrete as a building material rages on, shaped by interest groups from the construction industry to climate activists. With over 1600 completed projects, Felix Sommer and his team at Berlinbased company SB5ÜNF are one of Germany’s best-known experts specializing in concrete repairs, maintenance, and renovation. His engaging stories provide an insight into spectacular building projects, into perfecting the craftsmanship, and into cooperating equitably with all parties involved in a project. This lavishly designed volume offers an extraordinary perspective that enriches the conversation around one of modernism’s most impactful construction materials.
architecture; concrete; restoration; refurbishment; retouching; sustainability; materiality; aesthetics; craft; Haus am Schedlberg; Peter Haimerl; Futurium; Richter und Musikowski; Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus; Stephan Braunfels; Deutschlandhaus; Marte. Marte; Schinkelplatz; staab architekten; Neue Nationalgalerie; Mies van der Rohe
James Louttit
Leading Impactful Teams
Achieving Low-Stress Success in Project Management
January 2024
English, XXII, 191 pp., 82 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-126940-5
This book gives the readers everything they need to effectively manage any project. With a refreshing, engaging, human approach it has an emphasis on real-world experience and contains a powerful toolkit of easy-to-understand practical approaches and skills that any project manager can start using immediately with instant results.
Project Management; Agile; Techniques; Coaching; Self-Improvement; Team Management
James Louttit, Dublin, Ireland
Shailendra Pratap Jain, Shalini Sarin
Managing Brand Transgressions
8 Principles to Transform Your Brand
May 2024
English, Approx. XX, 175 pp.
ISBN 978-1-5015-2108-9
This book describes eight principles that can guide brands when they face a crisis. Through 25 case studies from countries around the world, it captures a snapshot of approximately 50 years of company responses to crises and provides managers with a roadmap to turn transgressions into opportunities and transform their brands from inside out.
Brand Scandals; Brand Transgressions; Turning Brands Around; MeToo; Brand Crises
Shailendra Pratap Jain, University of Washington in Seattle; Shalini Sarin Jain, University of Washington in Tacoma
Ravi Takhar
How to Build a Bank
A Guide to Key Bank Regulations, the License Application Process and Bank Risk Management
Series: The Moorad Choudhry Global Banking Series
January 2024
English, X, 477 pp., 50 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-110055-5
The book takes the reader through the core requirements to operate a bank, and then provides actual examples of the relevant regulatory documentation required for the bank‘s operation, the rationale for the documentation and the details and information required to complete this documentation.
bank regulation; bank licence approval; bank risk management
Ravi Takhar, CEO of Orchard Funding Group PLC, UK
Stephen Wyatt
Antidote to the Crisis of Leadership
Opportunity in Complexity
April 2024
English, XXIV, 184 pp., 3 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-079592-9
As the 4 th Industrial Revolution unfolds, seismic shifts are occurring creating an unprecedented need for Responsible Leaders to shape business, government and society in line with the aspirations of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This book provides practical steps to develop your impact as a Responsible Leader; how you manage yourself, lead others, accelerate enterprise performance and build movements that change society.
Self-Development; Responsible Leadership; Leadership; Leadership Development; Sustainable Development Goals; Emotional Intelligence; Empathy
Stephen Wyatt, University of Bath, UK
A. Daniel
Toxic Leaders and Tough Bosses
Organizational Guardrails to Keep High Performers on Track
March 2024
English, XXVIII, 164 pp., 2 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-120110-8
Based on evidence-based research, this book examines the differences between toxic leaders, people who get strong results but harm employees and their organizations due to their abusive behavior, and those who are just tough bosses. It also identifies policies and processes, referred to as ‘guardrails’, to ensure that the organization does not ignore or inadvertently reward bad behavior at the expense of other employees.
Toxic Leaders; Tough Bosses; Workplace Culture; Employee Well-Being; High Performers; Psychological Safety
Teresa A. Daniel, Sullivan University, Louisville, USA
Geertje Tutschka
Law Firm Development
Establishing, Management, Leadership and Marketing
March 2024
English, XIX, 500 pp., 50 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-105782-8
This book offers a holistic overview of the development of the legal market, the aspects of modern strategic law firm development and its international challenges with a specific focus on Germany and Austria.
Geertje Tutschka, lawyer CLP - Coaching for Legal Professionals, Salzburg, Munich.
Mark Häberlein, Markus A. Denzel (Eds.
Handbuch globale
Handelsräume und Handelsrouten
Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
[Handbook of Global Trading Regions and Trade Routes: From Antiquity to the Present]
Series: De Gruyter Reference
March 2024
German, VI, 962 pp., 85 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-043757-7
This handbook is the first in German to give an overview of the most important trading regions and trade routes since antiquity. It takes flows of goods and maritime and continental trade routes into account, as well as climate and geographical circumstances, central actors, and significant infrastructure. At the same time, it synthesizes international research on various major regions.
Transcontinental trade; trade routes; transportation of goods; transportation networks
Mark Häberlein, Otto-FriedrichUniversität Bamberg / Markus A. Denzel, Universität Leipzig
Dorothée Goetze, Lena Oetzel (Eds.)
Early Modern European Diplomacy
A Handbook
December 2023
English, VIII, 830 pp., 8 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-067193-3
The early modern period is a crucial phase for the institutionalisation of European diplomacy. Research has shown that early modern diplomacy was not as homogenous as previously thought; it was shaped by a multitude of actors, practices and places. The handbook characterises these different manifestations and contextualises them within ongoing debates. It brings together scholars from various disciplines and historiographical traditions.
Diplomacy; Europe; Early Modern Age
Dorothée Goetze, Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall, Sweden; Lena Oetzel, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Handbuch zur Geschichte Südosteuropas
[Handbook on the History of Southeastern Europe]
Konrad Clewing, Hannes Grandits (Eds. Band 3: Staatlichkeit und Politik in Südosteuropa nach 1800
[Handbook of the History of Southeastern Europe, Vol. III: Statehood and Politics in Southeastern Europe after 1800]
August 2024
German, Approx. 1100 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-079993-4
Volume 3 of the handbook presents the latest research on the event and structural history of Southeastern European statehood and politics in the "modern era." Designed for research and teaching, it documents its object of research while also making its own contribution to comparing statehood in greater regional, imperial, and national contexts from 1800 to the present.
South East Europe; statehood; empire; nationalism; modernity
Konrad Clewing, IOS, Regensburg; Hannes Grandits, HU, Berlin.
Silke Pasewalck(Ed.)
Shared Heritage –gemeinsames Erbe
Kulturelle Interferenzräume im östlichen Europa als Sujet der Gegenwartsliteratur
[Shared Heritage – gemeinsames Erbe: Cultural Spaces of Intersection in Eastern Europe as a Subject of Contemporary Literature]
In collab. with Jan Vaclav König
Series: Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa 88
July 2024
German, Approx. 300 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-113580-9
This volume examines "shared heritage" –a concept coined by scholars in art history / heritage studies that can also be understood as "difficult heritage" – and applies it to literary studies. In their texts, contemporary authors engage with the history of pluricultural regions in Eastern Europe and come to terms with inherited traumas.
Literary studies; shared heritage; Eastern Europe; palimpsest
Silke Pasewalck, Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Oldenburg.
Patrick Frank
Art of the 1980s
As If the Digital Mattered
July 2024
English, 8 , 160 pp., 33 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-138463-4
This book urges a reopening of the canon of important artists from the 1980s. Focusing on the five artists Joseph Nechvatal, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Nancy Burson, George Legrady and Gretchen Bender who used computer viruses, manipulated images, interactivity, and visual noise, the author shows that they used the newest technology of their time to question authorship, representation, women’s roles, and media semiotics.
art; 20th century; 1980s; New Media; digital art; Joseph Nechvatal; Lynn Hershman Leeson; George Legrady; Gretchen Bender; Nancy Burson
Patrick Frank, art historian, Los Angeles, USA
Birgit Heller, Edith Franke
TReligion und Geschlecht
[Religion and Gender]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
March 2024
German, XIII, 585 pp., 23 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-069340-9
Religious traditions, symbols, and practices are shaped by gender; gender roles, stereotypes, and ideals have religious underpinnings. Studying gender in religious studies means taking the category of gender into account when collecting, describing, and analyzing data pertaining to religion. It also means uncovering the normativity of entanglements between religion and gender as well as making opposing trends visible.
Religious studies; gender studies; religion; society
Birgit Heller, Universität Wien, Österreich, Edith Franke, Philipps Universität Marburg.
Thomas Riehm, Sina Dörr (Eds.) Digitalisierung und Zivilverfahren
[Digitalization and Civil Proceedings]
Series: De Gruyter Handbuch
July 2023
German, XLII, 864 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-075574-9
Digitalization has fundamentally changed civil proceedings. This handbook deals with all digitalization topics that are relevant to civil proceedings and aims to put judges and lawyers in a position where they are familiar with the digital possibilities of civil law lawsuits and can make proper use of them. It also describes the legal studies and technological developments that have taken place in the field of digitalization.
Digitalization; civil proceedings
Thomas Riehm, Universität Passau; Sina Dörr, Oberlandesgericht Köln/Landgericht Bonn.
Bestimmungsfaktoren "guter Verwaltung"
[Determining Factors in “Good Administration”]
Editor Frank Schorkopf
Series: Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer 83
May 2024
German, Approx. 607 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-129328-8
This volume contains the talks and discussions of the conference of the Public Law Teachers’ Association in Bochum, October 4 to 6, 2023.
Constitutional law
Frank Schorkopf, Göttingen.
Katharina Gräfin Schlieffen (Ed.) Handbuch Juristische Rhetorik
[Handbook of Legal Rhetoric]
Series: Handbücher Rhetorik 4
October 2024
German, Approx. 600 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-031808-1
Rhetorical tropes not only define legal education, writing, argumentation, and discourse, but also form the methodological and ideological foundation for the legal case. This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of legal rhetoric with references for further study.
Rhetoric of Law; Legal Communication
Katharina Gräfin von Schlieffen, FernUniversität Hagen.
Richard J. Watts
Language in Deep Human History
An Evolutionary Story
Series: Interdisciplinary Linguistics [INTLING] 6
February 2024
English, X, 349 pp., 24 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-123827-2
To understand the evolution of language in the context of deep human history, interdisciplinary work between linguists and scientists from other disciplines (e.g., psychology, archaeology, biology, anthropology, or chemistry) is needed. The book aims to calibrate work on human evolution to trace out a scientific story of language that has plausibility while remaining open to change through new linguistic and non-linguistic discoveries.
Double-Scope Blending; Epigenetic Inheritance; Cultural Evolution; Constructionism; Language Faculty; Social Bonding
Richard J. Watts, Emeritus Professor in Modern English Linguistics, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Maria Giulia Dondero, Jacques Fontanille, Maria Ilia Katsaridou, Rea Walldén
Semiotics of Images
The Analysis of Pictorial Texts
Series: Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC] 37
December 2024
English, Approx. 500 pp., 50 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-099184-0
The authors of this book have worked for many years within the Greimasian and postGreimasian tradition. The book presents a unified theoretical semiotic framework for the analysis of cultural pictorial texts. It thus brings together four disparate domains: the study of static images (such as painting, sculpture, and photography), the study of dynamic images (such as cinema), animation studies, and the study of interactive digital games.
Visual Semiotics; Greimasian and PostGreimasian Semiotics; Pictorial Semiotics; Semiotics of Cinema; Animation Studies and Digital Games
Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos; Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou; Maria Giulia Dondero; Jacques Fontanille; Maria Katsaridou; Rea Walldén.
Darren LaScotte, Elaine Tarone (Eds.) Heteroglossia and
Language Play in
Multilingual Speech
Pedagogical and Theoretical Implications
Series: Language Play and Creativity [LPC] 9
January 2024
English, VI, 208 pp., 7 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-078756-6
A recent turn in applied linguistics calls for a more transdisciplinary framework for second language acquisition that embeds sociocultural, sociomaterial, ideological, and emotional dimensions at all levels of analysis. Using this framework, the empirical studies in this volume apply Bakhtin’s constructs of language play and heteroglossia to the study of multilingual speech in a range of social situations and second language teaching contexts.
Language play; Ludic; Heteroglossia; Voice
Darren LaScotte and Elaine Tarone, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Fernando Zuniga, Denis Creissels (Eds.)
Constructions in the World’s Languages
Series: Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics [CHL] 7
January 2024
English, X, 1090 pp., 41 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-073548-2
This book presents a state-of-the-art crosslinguistic survey of applicative constructions in the functional-typological tradition. The contributions cover, in all major language families and some isolates, the morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic variation of applicatives, whether canonical (valency-increasing, syntactically and semantically predictable and optional) or not (valency-neutral, rather unpredictable and/or obligatory).
Applicative; Transitivity; Valency; Voice
Fernando Zúñiga, University of Bern, Switzerland. Denis Creissels, Université Lyon 2, France.
Jean Paul Bertemes, Serge Haan, Dirk Hans (Eds.)
50 Essentials on Science Communication
In coop. with University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg National Research Fund
April 2024
English, 136 pp., 110 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-076326-3
Science communication skills are important in both academia and the industry. This book supports interactions between academia and the public by training early career researchers in communicating their research findings effectively to a non-specialist audience. The guide provides theoretical knowledge on science communication across disciplines, and it offers practical advice on how to apply this knowledge in a number of different contexts.
Science Communication; Communication Science; Transfer of Scientific Knowledge
Jean Paul Bertemes, Serge Haan, Dirk Hans (eds.), in cooperation with University of Luxembourg and Luxembourg National Research Fund.
Vernon D. Miller, Marshall Scott Poole (Eds.)
Organizational Communication Theory and Research
Series: Handbooks of Communication Science 8
August 2024
English, Approx. 600 pp., 4 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-071839-3
The Handbook of Organizational Communication Theory and Research offers concise, but thorough reviews of research on traditional and emerging areas in organizational communication. Its thirty chapters offer a distillation of the field’s current knowledge and research guidance for the next decade. With engaging discussions, insightful critiques, and informed speculation, the handbook provides a solid foundation for advancement of the field.
Organizational Communication; Communication Technology; Managerial Communication
Vernon D. Miller, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; Marshall Scott Poole, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
TGregor Damschen, Dieter Schönecker
Selbst philosophieren
Ein Methodenbuch
[Get Philosophizing: A Book of Methods]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
3rd Edition
January 2024
German, XIII, 363 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-058917-7
This established text book can be used to study and try out philosophical methods in practice. The third, completely revised edition contains eleven new articles, bringing the book in line with current courses: abduction, cluster definition, experimental philosophy, explication, context definition, criteria, methods, naturalistic fallacy, neologism, necessity and sufficiency – set theory, and stipulative definition.
Theory of argumentation; hermeneutics; interpretation; conceptual analysis
Gregor Damschen, Universität Oldenburg; Dieter Schönecker, Universität Siegen, Deutschland.
Thomas Wilk, Steven Gimbel In on the Joke:
The Ethics of Humor and Comedy
Series: De Gruyter Studies in Philosophy of Humor 4
January 2024
English, X, 144 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-075975-4
Who is morally permitted to tell jokes about Jews, Poles, women? Only those in the group? Anyone, since they are just jokes? All of the standard approaches are too broad or too narrow. In on the Joke presents a new approach to humor ethics: "Joke capital" can serve as "comic insurance" covering certain jokes in certain contexts. You can get joke capital via different routes—inheritance, earning, borrowing, or reparations.
Humor; ethics; social contract; jokes
Thomas Wilk, Widener University, Chester, USA; Steven Gimbel, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, USA.
Julia Weber Dynameis
Bausteine zu einer Geschichte der Virtualität
Series: Imaginarien der Kraft 6
May 2024
German, 284 pp., 5 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-132243-8
This study lays out the pre-technological prehistory of contemporary virtual realities by drawing on selected discussions of virtual forces from antiquity and the Middle Ages, on meditation and spatialization procedures arising in the early modern period, and 18 thcentury literary approaches to the representation of space.
Literary Studies; force; dynamis; aesthetics; virtuality; Aristotle; Early Modern Period; René Descartes; 18th century
Julia Weber, Peter Szondi-Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin
Anton Leist, Rolf Zimmermann (Eds.) After the War?
How the Ukraine War Challenges Political Theories
February 2024
English, VII, 282 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-118213-1
The war by Russia against the Ukraine will be of serious consequences under a number of political categories. This book studies these consequences under the perspective of political realism, international law, standing of Western democracy, historical interpretation.
political realism; jus ad bellum; Russia
Anton Leist, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Rolf Zimmermann, University of Konstanz, Germany.
Kristen Renwick Monroe (Ed.) How Science
Engages with Ethics and Why It
An Interdisciplinary Approach
April 2024
English, CCLIX, 7 pp., 2 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-144910-4
With interdisciplinary contributions from leading thinkers, this book presents cutting edge insights on how science engages with ethics. It explores what the scientific method is, violations of science and ethics, data manipulation, pseudoscience and communication. It highlights the importance of evidence-based science in public policy and decision-making, and how good science can go wrong.
Science; Ethics; Scientific Method; Public Policy; Evidence-Based
Kristen Monroe, University of California, Berkeley.
Gerard Delanty Senses of the Future
Conflicting Ideas of the Future in the World Today
March 2024
English, X, 213 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-124050-3
The book offers a wide-ranging discussion of ideas of the future. It covers the main concepts of the future in modern thought and explores how we should view the future today in light of a plurality of very different and conflicting visions. It brings together the different approaches with an account that is grounded in sociological and philosophical analysis. There is urgent need for a new approach on how the future should be imagined.
Future; Utopia; Climate Change; the Future of Humanity; Catastrophe; Hope and Possibility
Gerard Delanty, Prof. emeritus, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
Jörg Rüpke, Michal Biran, Yuri Pines (Eds.)
Volume 1: Empires and Gods
The Role of Religions in Imperial History
February 2024
English, VIII, 368 pp., 15 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-134162-0
This volume focuses on the thorny relations between empires and religions. All empires employed religious semantics and religious rituals in their practice of rulership, and many invested substantial human and material resources in furthering specific religious ideas or personnel. Many were also challenged by the religious establishment. The contributions explore these dynamics in major Eurasian continental empires throughout history.
Empire; Eurasia; Religion; Aniquity; Middle Ages
Jörg Rüpke, University of Erfurt, Germany, Michal Biran and Yuri Pines, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Federico Stella, Roberto Tottoli (Eds.)
The Qur’an in Rome
Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism
Series: The European Qur'an 4
March 2024
English, IX, 459 pp., 32 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-108356-8
This volume deals with the Qur'an and the Arabic language in early modern Catholic Europe. Focusing on the circulation of manuscripts, translations and printed books, the essays highlight how Catholic Orientalism contributed to the birth and spread of Western Islamic studies. Special attention will be given to priests, missionaries, Eastern Christians, converts and other prominent figures in the Catholic culture of the time.
Qur'an; Arabic language; Orientalism; Early Modern Catholicism
Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli, Università di Napoli L'Orientale, Naples, Italy.
Ute E. Eisen, Heidrun E. Mader, Melanie Peetz (Eds.)
Grasping Emotions
Approaches to Emotions in Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Discourse
Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 4
January 2024
English, German, XII, 314 pp., 16 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-118103-5
Scholars in religious studies and theology from different traditions—Jewish, Christian, Islamic—enter into dialogue with other disciplines, such as psychology, literary studies, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, and historiography. In an interreligious and interdisciplinary discussion about research on the emotions, this book explores interdependencies between antiquity and modernity.
Emotion research; methodology; authoritative texts; interreligious
Ute E. Eisen, Gießen; Heidrun E. Mader, Cologne; Melanie M. Peetz, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Jing-Jong Luh (Ed.)
Scriptura, Geist, Wirkung
Systemperspektiven auf 500 Jahre Reformation im Kontext des Fernen Ostens
[Scriptura, Spirit, Impact: Systematic Perspectives on 500 Years of Reformation in the Context of the Far East]
Series: Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann 207
April 2024
German, English, XI, 273 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-129622-7
To mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, renowned scholars of theology and philosophy from Germany, Switzerland, Canada, and the US came together in Taiwan to reconsider the Reformation’s intellectual and reception history to launch a dialogue between the West and the (Far) East. What kind of creative resonance can the Western Reformation produce in China, e.g. as an Eastern reformation within the scope of the nascent Sino-Christianity?
China; history of effects; Reformation; scriptural principle
Jing-Jong Luh, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Edith Raim
Der jüdische Mäzen und die Nazis
James Loeb und Murnau 1919–1933
[The Patron and the Nazis: James Loeb and Murnau 1919–1933]
Series: Studien zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur in Bayern 14
March 2024
German, X, 337 pp., 30 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-123520-2
While the economic crisis forced patronage to decline during the Weimar Republic, the little market town of Murnau in Upper Bavaria was home to an American Jewish philanthropist who funded social and cultural projects generously. At the same time, Murnau developed into the National Socialist "stronghold of the highlands." This book examines this gripping relationship.
Jewish philanthropy; Weimar Republic; early NSDAP
Edith Raim, Universität Augsburg.
Ghilad H. Shenhav, Cedric Cohen-Skalli, Gilad Sharvit (Eds.)
Modern Jewish Thought on Crisis
Interpretation, Heresy, and History
Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 7
January 2024
English, XII, 324 pp.
ISBN 978-3-11-134282-5
This volume presents a series of articles examining the notion of crisis through the concepts, writings, and methodologies awarded to us by Jewish thinkers in modernity. The underlining assumption is that Jewish thought obtains resources for conceptualizing and reacting to the current forms of crisis in the global, European, and Israeli spheres.
Crisis; Modern Jewish Thought; Modern Jewish History; Jewish Political Thought.
Ghilad H. Shenhav, LMU Munich, Germany; Cedric Cohen-Skalli, Haifa University, Israel; Gilad Sharvit, Towson University, Maryland, USA.
TJan Harmsen, André B. de Haan, Pieter L.J. Swinkels
Product and Process Design
Driving Sustainable Innovation
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
2nd Edition
May 2024
English, Approx. XXV, 525 pp., 86 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-078206-6
This book focuses on the importance of design in all innovation stages for both processes and products and also how to perform these designs. The authors apply these in detail on life cycle, value chain, industrial implementation, processes, unit operations, chemistry, equipment and operations toward sustainable processes and products. This text provides a practical guide on how to innovate in the chemical industry.
Process Intensification; Process Design; Product Design; Innovation; Sustainable Chemical Processing
Jan Harmsen, Harmsen Consultancy BV, The Netherlands; André B. de Haan; Pieter L.J. Swinkels, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
Ravi Nath
Industrial Process Plants
Global Optimization of Utility Systems
Series: De Gruyter STEM
February 2024
English, XVI, 241 pp., 233 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-101531-6
This book presents Global Optimization of Operations and Utility Systems in Industrial Process Plants - with emphasis on Global Optimization. It is about Operations Optimization i. e., the physical equipment layout and interconnections are fixed and not optimized, and focuses on Plant Utility Systems (Steam, Fuel, Electrical Power, Cooling Water, Compressed Air Sub-systems) responsible for satisfying the utility demands of the Process Units.
Computers-Aided Chemical Engineering; Chemical Modeling and Optimization; Plant Utility Systems
Ravi Nath PhD, formerly Honeywell Inc., Houston, USA.
Henning Höppe
TRare-Earth Elements
Solid State Materials: Chemical, Optical and Magnetic Properties
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
March 2024
English, XII, 262 pp., 97 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-068081-2
Rare-earth elements (REEs) are a series of 17 transition metals (scandium, yttrium, and the lanthanide series of elements) that have important applications in fields ranging from geology to catalysis, glass, and highperformance magnets and electronics. This book is a comprehensive introduction to REEs, starting from basic aspects like ore distribution and production to more advanced properties and applications.
Rare-Earth Elements; Rare-Earth Chemistry; Lanthanoids; Rare-Earth Compounds; Optical Properties; Magnetic Properties; Solid State Chemistry; Physical Properties; Phosphors; Magnets; Miining
Henning Höppe, University of Augsburg, Germany.
Jose Pérez-Castiñeira Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tof Food
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
2nd Edition
January 2024
English, XXI, 595 pp., 108 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-110834-6
This book provides an excellent platform for understanding the chemical processes involved in food transformation. Starting with the examination of major food components, such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and minerals, the author further introduces the biochemistry of digestion and energy metabolism of food ingredients. The last section of the book is devoted to modern food technologies and their future perspectives.
Nutrition; Diet; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Proteins; Vitamins; Oxidative Stress; Flavor Biochemistry; Food Safety; Food Additives; Food Safety; Digestion; Colon Microbiota; Nutrients Adsorbtion; Energy Homeostasis; Mediterranean Diet
Jose R. Perez-Castineira, University of Sevilla, Spain.
TSebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl Physikalische Chemie
Thermodynamik • Kinetik • Elektrochemie
[Understanding Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Electrochemistry]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
2nd Edition
April 2024
German, XXI, 354 pp., 102 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-107248-7
This book is designed for a physical chemistry course in blended learning format. It presents the classical material of a typical basic lecture (chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemistry), divided into 24 thematically focused teaching units, didactically prepared to achieve an understanding of basic concepts in a qualitative and quantitative way.
Physical Chemistry; Thermodynamics; Kinetiks; Elektrochemistry
Sebastian Seiffert und Wolfgang Schärtl, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Deutschland.
TSebastian Seiffert, Wolfgang Schärtl Physikalische Chemie
Quantenmechanik • Spektroskopie • Statistische Thermodynamik
[Understanding Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy, Statistical Thermodynamics]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
2nd Edition
April 2024
German, XV, 432 pp., 194 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-073732-5
This book provides a text platform for a physical chemistry lecture in a blendedlearning format. It presents the classic material for a typical introductory lecture (chemical thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemistry, and statistical thermodynamics), divided into 23 units focusing on various topics and prepared in a pedagogically insightful way, in order to help readers gain qualitative and quantitative understanding of fundamental concepts.
Quantum mechanics; physical chemistry; thermodynamics
Sebastian Seiffert und Wolfgang Schärtl, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Deutschland.
Gerhard Schreiber, Lukas Ohly (Eds.)
Diskurse über KI-Textgeneratoren
[AI:Text: AI Text Generator Discourses]
January 2024
German, X, 581 pp., 19 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-135096-7
If artificial intelligence (AI) can generate texts, was does that say about what a text is? What are the differences between texts written by humans and those generated by AI? What opportunities, limits, and risks will arise when AI-generated texts are henceforth accepted and recognized in scholarly discourses? This volume sheds light on these challenges from a wide range of disciplines.
ChatGPT; digital technologies; artificial intelligence; ethics of technology
Gerhard Schreiber, Helmut-SchmidtUniversität/Universität der Bundeswehr; Lukas Ohly, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Yousaf Bin Zikria, Vinod Kumar Shukla, N. Pradeep, Manoj Kumar, Harry Haoxiang Wang, Ali Kashif Bashir (Eds.)
Industry 5.0
A New Revolution Through HumanCentric Solution
Series: De Gruyter Frontiers in Computational Intelligence
September 2024
English, Approx. VIII, 450 pp., 50 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-073955-8
The new paradigm "Industry 5.0" promises great shifts not only in industry, but also in business and consumption models. With the help of data science and internet of things, manufacturers focus on delivering in real time, and customers will benefit from personalized products. Robots and cobots will collaborate with the humans. This book explains various facets of Industry 5.0, focusing on its applications on medical research and manufacturing.
Industry 4.0; Industry 5.0; Internet Of Things; Artificial Intelligence; Human-Centric Solution
Y. B. Zikria, Yeungnam Univ., S. Korea; V.Kumar Shukla, Dubai; N. Pradeep, India; M. Kumar, India; H. H. Wang, USA; A. K. Bashir, UK.
Michael Kerres
Lernen in der digitalen Welt
[Media Didactics: Learning in the Digital World]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
6th Edition
May 2024
German, Approx. X, 540 pp., 70 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-120073-6
This book introduces the process of conceptualizing and developing new educational media. By taking an interdisciplinary perspective of pedagogy and computer science, it describes important media-didactic criteria for the planning of pedagogically valuable media. This revised sixth edition encompasses all of the developments that have taken place in the field of e-learning in recent years.
Mixed reality approaches; Connectivism; Learner analysis
Michael Kerres, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland.
Bernd Baumgarten
TDiskrete Mathematik kompakt
Von Logik und Mengenlehre bis Zahlen, Algebra, Graphen und Wahrscheinlichkeit
[Concise Discrete Mathematics: From Logic and Set Theory to Numbers, Algebra, Graphs, and Probability]
Series: De Gruyter Studium
2nd Edition
June 2024
German, Approx. X, 378 pp., 147 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-133572-8
This textbook deals with discrete mathematics in a very broad sense. It provides an introduction to the fields of set theory, relations and functions, logic, number ranges, graph theory, algebra, and the theory of probability while additionally demonstrating the theoretical and practical limits of formality.
Algebra; Set theory; Relations and Functions; Number space; Graphs; Probability theorie; Proof.
Bernd Baumgarten, Groß-Gerau, Deutschland.
Foluso Ladeinde
TApplications of Complex Variables
Asymptotics and Integral Transforms
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
May 2024
English, Approx. XX, 586 pp., 444 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-135090-5
This book focuses on the applications of complex variables and covers a range of topics, from fundamental to advanced, that are typically included in engineering mathematics textbooks. It also explores areas that are not commonly covered, such as asymptotics, complex Laplace and Fourier transforms, and closed-form solutions of complicated equations. An expanded treatment of the application to fluid flow and aerodynamics is also presented.
Complex variables; Asymptotics of transform integrals; conformal mapping; Weiner-Hopf mapping; Complex integral transforms.
Foluso Ladeinde, Stony Brook University, USA.
George Nakos
TElementary Linear Algebra with Applications
MATLAB®, Mathematica® and Maplesoft™
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
May 2024
English, Approx. XV, 660 pp., 235 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-133179-9
This Linear Algebra textbook with an emphasis on applications is designed for undergraduate students. Many examples and exercises, as well as a wide range of applications (some of which are novel or unique), are used to illustrate core principles. Each chapter includes section(s) on applications, mini-projects, and technologyassisted problems and solutions using Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB.
Linear algebra; Matrices; Linear Systems and Eigenvalues
George Nakos, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, U.S. Naval Academy, USA.
Akash Kumar Bhoi, Ranjit Panigrahi, Victor, Hugo C. de Albuquerque, Rutvij H. Jhaveri (Eds.)
Healthcare Big Data
Computational Optimization and Cohesive Approaches
Series: Intelligent Biomedical Data Analysis
March 2024
English, X, 344 pp., 103 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-075073-7
This book highlights how optimized big data applications can be used for patient monitoring and clinical diagnosis. In fact, IoT-based applications are data-driven and mostly employ modern optimization techniques. The book also explores challenges, opportunities, and future research directions, discussing the stages of data collection and pre-processing, as well as the associated challenges and issues in data handling and setup.
Big Data; Digital Health; Internet Of Things; Artificial Intelligence; Optimization; Healthcare
R.Panigrahi, A. Kumar Bhoi, Sikkim Manipal U, India; V. H. de Albuquerque, ARMTEC Fortaleza, Brazil; R. H. Jhaveri, PDPU, India.
Joachim W. Dudenhausen Praktische Geburtshilfe mit geburtshilflichen Operationen
[Practical Obstetrics]
Founded by Willibald Pschyrembel
In collab. with Michael Obladen, Dieter Grab
22nd Edition
February 2019
German, XIV, 639 pp., 550 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-065031-0
Like its predecessors, this 22nd edition focuses on the practical work during delivery, in pregnancy consultation and in the postnatal ward. The textbook contains both evidence-based knowledge and new insights.
Obstetrics; Birth Complications; Obstetrical Surgery; Neonatology; Pregnancy Consultation; Pregnancy
Joachim W. Dudenhausen, ehemaliger Direktor der Klinik für Geburtsmedizin der Charité, Berlin.
Rabih Chaoui, Kai-Sven Heling 3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis
A Practical Approach
2nd Edition
June 2024
English, XII, 290 pp., 474 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-124909-4
This book is a state-of-the-art work conceived as a practical guide to the application of 3D ultrasound in obstetrics. It is illustrated with more than 500 images reflecting the clinical utility of 3D ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis. The new edition contains HD live images and chapters for 3D printing and holography.
echocardiography; prenatal diagnosis; sonography.
Rabih Chaoui, Berlin. Kai-Sven Heling, Berlin.
Uwe K. Zettl, Hayrettin Tumani, Sigurd Dietrich Süßmuth (Eds.)
Klinische Liquordiagnostik mit Zytologieatlas
[Cerebrospinal Fluid Diagnostics, 3rd edition]
3rd Edition
October 2024
German, German, XXIII, 800 pp., 200 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-022193-0
The third edition of this handbook offers clinicians and laboratory technicians a quick, authoritative, and fully up-to-date overview of fluid diagnostics for convenient reference.
Immunreaction; Clinical chemistry; Cerebrospinal fluid; Disease of central nervous system
Prof. Uwe K. Zettl und Dr. Eilhard Mix, Universität Rostock; Prof. Hayrettin Tumani, Universität Ulm
Stephan Klessinger, Martin Legat, Markus Schneider (Eds.) Interventionelle
Schmerztherapie der Wirbelsäule
[Interventional Pain Therapy of the Spinal Column]
2nd Edition
April 2024
German, XIV, 230 pp., 222 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-116860-9
This manual offers assistance for the entire therapeutic process, from history and diagnosis to a detailed description of specific pathology and injection techniques for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint, with and without ultrasound guidance. In addition to addressing radiologic anatomy, emergency management, and medicolegal principles, it also presents the billing systems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Back pain; spinal canal stenosis; acute therapy; prolapsed disc; injection
Markus Schneider, Bamberg; Martin Legat, Zofingen; Stephan Klessinger, Biberach.
Harald Renz (Ed.)
Praktische Labordiagnostik
Lehrbuch zur Laboratoriumsmedizin, klinischen Chemie und Hämatologie
[Practical Laboratory Diagnosis: A Textbook of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, and Hematology]
4th Edition
July 2025
German, XXII, 624 pp., 200 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-132819-5
The textbook offers medical students optimal preparation for examinations in laboratory diagnosis and clinical chemistry. It presents essential organ and metabolic systems in relation to diagnostic parameters and provides a practical overview of general and specialized clinical chemistry analytics and pre-analytics. The 3 rd edition is focuses even more acutely on the practical application of laboratory diagnosis.
Laboratory Medicine; hematology; labaratory parameters.
Harald Renz, Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin und Pathobiochemie, Molekulare Diagnostik, Universitätsklinikum Marburg.
Deepak Pandey Fiber-Based Optical Resonators
Cavity QED, Resonator Design and Technological Applications
Series: De Gruyter STEM
January 2024
English, XII, 164 pp., 72 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-063623-9
After introducing the basics of optical resonators and cavity quantum electrodynamics, this book illustrates several aspects of fiber-based resonators: from their employment in daily life and precision experiments to the different design techniques, including the most recent developments in the field. The book describes in detail the applications to different research areas and highlights the future potential as quantum technology devices.
Technological Applications; Optical Resonators; Fiber; Resonator Design; Cavity CED; Quantum Technology
Deepak Pandey, Bonn University, Germany.
TPeter Michler, Simone Luca Portalupi Semiconductor Quantum Light Sources
Fundamentals, Technologies and Devices
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
January 2024
English, XVI, 358 pp., 177 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-070340-5
The work provides today's research expertise of photonic-based quantum optics and technology with particular attention to the generation of non-classical light with semiconductor nanostructures. After presenting the compact fundamentals of single and entangled photon sources it discusses quantum dots, nanofabrication methods and describes the technological transfer into real world implementations.
Semiconductor Technologies; Quantum Optics; Photonic Engineering; Semiconductor Nanostructures; Quantum Dots
Peter Michler and Simone L. Portalupi, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
TEmil Zolotoyabko Energy-Momentum Conservation Laws
From Solar Cells, Nuclear Energy, and Muscle Work to Positron Emission Tomography
Series: De Gruyter Textbook
January 2024
English, X, 124 pp., 77 fig.
ISBN 978-3-11-134345-7
Conservation laws, reflecting basic symmetries of space and time, play a vital role in understanding the surrounding world. Specifically, they allow us to explain very different phenomena from a unified point of view. The textbook illustrates this statement by stimulating examples taken from mechanics, optics, nuclear physics, solid-state physics, biology, and medicine.
Solar cells; Light emitting diodes (LEDs); Nuclear energy; Positron emission tomography (PET); Jet propulsion
Emil Zolotoyabko, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.
Baumgarten, Bernd 21
Bertemes, Jean Paul 13
Bickel, Susanne
Biran, Michal
Schönecker, Dieter 14
Seiffert, Sebastian 19
Sharvit, Gilad 17
Siegemund, Ann-Christin 6 Sommer, Felix 6 Stella, Federico 16
Swinkels, Pieter L. J. 18
Süßmuth, Sigurd Dietrich 23
Takhar, Ravi 7
Tarone, Elaine 12
Tottoli, Roberto 16
Tumani, Hayrettin 23
Zettl, Uwe K. 23
Zikria, Yousaf Bin 20 Zimmermann, Rolf 15
Zolotoyabko, Emil 24
Zuniga, Fernando 13