6 minute read
Guy-Raymond Sarkis
Un islam reconcilié avec les chrétiens arabes
Propositions de Monseigneur Georges Khodr
Reihe/Series: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – Tension, Transmission, Transformation 20 Februar/February 2022 Französisch/French, IX, 305 S./pp.
Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 ISBN 9783110769937
eBook *UVP/RRP € 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 PDF ISBN 9783110769999 ePUB ISBN 9783110770049
Mgr Georges Khodr, un pasteur et théologien chrétien arabe, propose dans ses écrits des critères théologiques et herméneutiques qui peuvent aider ses compatriotes musulmans à reconnaître une société plurielle qui préserve le vivre-ensemble entre chrétiens et musulmans. L’auteur approfondit ces critères afin d’en vérifier le bienfondé et de présenter à son tour de nouvelles propositions.
Kreuzzüge; Quran; Mittlerer Osten Contemprary Interpretation of the Quran; Crusades; crucifixion and Islam.
Guy-Raymond Sarkis, Päpstliche Universität Gregoriana, Rom, Italien.
Georges Tamer (Ed.)
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 2 November 2022 English, Approx. 180 pp.
Pb. *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 9783110560534
eBook *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ISBN 9783110561579 ePUB ISBN 9783110560640
The second volume of the new series Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses points out the roots of the concept of “human rights” in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It shows how far the universal validity of “human rights” opposes in some crucial points with religious traditions. The aim of KCID is to establish an archeology of religious knowledge to create a new conceptual platform of mutual understanding among religious communities.
Human rights; interreligious discourse; interreligious dialogue
Georges Tamer, University of ErlangenNuremberg. Christoph Böttingheimer, Wenzel Maximilian Widenka (Eds.)
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 9 November 2022 English, Approx. 180 pp.
Pb. *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 9783110782301
eBook *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ISBN 9783110782486 ePUB ISBN 9783110782684
The present volume of “Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses”, an “archeology of religious knowledge” investigates the both fascinating and contentious concept of the environment throughout the thinking of the three major monotheistic religions. It ventures forth into the threefold history of thought, the fundamental believes and the current controversies surrounding the most profound relation humans have with the world surrounding them.
Interreligious dialogue; work; justice; finances
Christoph Böttigheimer and Wenzel Maximilian Widenka, KU Eichstätt, Germany.
Christoph Böttingheimer, Wenzel Maximilian Widenka (Eds.)
Series: Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 10 October 2022 English, Approx. 180 pp.
Pb. *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 ISBN 9783110782318
eBook *RRP € 24.95[D] / US$ 28.99 / £ 22.50 PDF ISBN 9783110782455 ePUB ISBN 9783110782691
No topic is more current than that of the environment. Yet the theme is almost as old as the human approach to questions about the conditions that surround us. The book assembles the intellectual, theological and philosophical history of the concept of “Environment” in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Communalities und Differences between the three traditions are examined, as well as past and current controversies.
Interreligious dialogue; ecology; creation; Laudato si
Christoph Böttigheimer and Wenzel Maximilian Widenka, KU Eichstätt, Germany.
Philipp Mertens
Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Abraham J. Heschel
Zwei Konzeptionen relationalen Denkens im biographischwerkgenetischen Vergleich
[Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Abraham J. Heschel: Two Conceptualizations of Relational Thinking in a Comparison of their Biographies and Works]
Reihe/Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 1 November/November 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. X, 565 S./pp.
Geb./HC *€ 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 ISBN 9783110770698
eBook *€ 99.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 114.99 / UVP/RRP £ 91.00 PDF ISBN 9783110771961 ePUB ISBN 9783110772036
Erstmals wird hier der protestantische Pastor und Widerstandskämpfer Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) mit dem jüdischen Religionsphilosophen und Aktivisten Abraham J. Heschel (1907-1972) biographisch-werkgenetisch verglichen. Der Autor zeigt, wie beide aus der (Hebräischen) Bibel und persönlicher Frömmigkeit ein stark relationales Denken ableiten und mit rationalem Denken versöhnen, was sie schließlich in prophetisch-praktischen Aktivismus führt.
Bibelhermeneutik; Abraham J. Heschel; Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Christlich-jüdischer Dialog
This volume is the first to compare the biographies and work genesis of the Protestant pastor and resistance fighter Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) and the Jewish religious philosopher and activist Abraham J. Heschel (1907-1972). The author shows how both drew their heavily relational thinking from the (Hebrew) bible and personal piety, and reconcile it with rational thinking, which ultimately led them to engage in prophetic practical activism.
Hermeneutics; Christian-Jewish Dialog; (Hebrew) Bible; Intellectual History
Philipp Mertens, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Francesca Paolin
Transfers, Debatten, Netzwerke im 19. Jahrhundert
Reihe/Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 2 Dezember/December 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. 435 S./pp., 8 Abb./fig.
Geb./HC *€ 89.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00 ISBN 9783110768404
eBook *€ 89.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00 PDF ISBN 9783110768558 ePUB ISBN 9783110768589
Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen der Wissens- und Kulturtransfer sowie die wechselseitigen Vernetzungen zwischen Vertretern der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaft des Judentums und einer vielstimmigen italienischjüdischen Gelehrtengruppe im Zeitraum zwischen 1820 und 1870. Die Studie betont die spezifischen Charakteristika der kleinen italienischsprachigen Gelehrtengruppe im Spannungsverhältnis zur Wissenschaft des Judentums im deutschen Kontext.
Judentum; Italien; Jüdische Theologie; Judenemanzipation; Gelehrte
Francesca Paolin, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
David Käbisch, Kerstin von der Krone, Christian Wiese (Eds.)
Religious Knowledge and Positioning in the Nineteenth Century
The Case of Educational Media
Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 3 December 2022 English, 180 pp.
HC *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 71.00 ISBN 9783110784503
eBook *RRP € 77.95[D] / US$ 89.99 / £ 71.00 PDF ISBN 9783110795905 ePUB ISBN 9783110798630
What should one know in order to position oneself vis-à-vis other religions and confessions? What is religious knowledge how should it be taught? This volume sheds light on educational media in Judaism and Christianity such as catechisms, children’s bibles and sermons as well as Jewish and Protestant teacher training in 19th-century Germany and explores the methodological potentials of educational media as a source for (inter-) religious history.
Knowledge production; cultural transformation; religious education; Jewish-Christian relations
David Käbisch, Kerstin von der Krone and Christian Wiese, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Karsten Schmidt
Wer hat Angst vor dem Nichts?
Die europäische Buddhismusrezeption als Positionierung zum Nihilismus
Reihe/Series: Religiöse Positionierungen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam 5 Dezember/December 2022 Deutsch/German, Ca./Approx. 200 S./pp.
Geb./HC *€ 89.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00 ISBN 9783110794960
eBook *€ 89.95[D] / UVP/RRP US$ 103.99 / UVP/RRP £ 82.00 PDF ISBN 9783110795004 ePUB ISBN 9783110795042
Die frühe europäische Wahrnehmung des Buddhismus ab dem 16. Jh. sah darin eine gottlose Lehre, in deren Zentrum das Nichts steht. Heute bieten viele Gemeinden buddhistisch basierte Formen von Meditation an und erkennen eine Nähe zur christlichen Mystik. Inmitten dieser Veränderung steht ein anderes Verständnis des Nichts im Zuge radikaler Umbrüche der Moderne. Dadurch ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten, vielleicht aber auch neue Missverständnisse.
Deutscher Idealismus; Heidegger; Missionsforschung; christlich-buddhistischer Dialog Mission Research; Heidegger; German Idealism; Christian-Buddhist dialogue
Karsten Schmidt, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Editors: Erica Baffelli, Alexander van der Haven, Michael Stausberg
ISSN 2748-1328
English, German
religious studies, area studies, history, anthropology, sociology
Scholars of religious studies and area studies, historians, anthropologists, sociologists f More than 50 comprehensive, peer-reviewed articles f Written in an accessible manner by leading scholars f International and trans-regional f Open Access and ahead-of-print f 2 printed volumes upon completion
Religious Minorities Online (RMO) is a comprehensive academic resource on religious minorities worldwide, reflecting state-of-the-art research. It is written by leading scholars and is rigorously peer-reviewed.
RMO is divided into three main sections, comprising articles f on specific religious communities and the challenges they face as minorities in different societal contexts, f on specific countries and regions, f and on key themes in the study of religious minorities.
Available as an Open Access publication and written in an accessible style, Religious Minorities Online is an indispensable resource not only for students and academics but also for broader audiences that include journalists, politicians and policy advisors, activists, and NGOs, among others. New articles will be published online twice a year. A printed version, the Handbook of Religious Minorities, will be available at the end of the project.