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Dekko.7 Winter 2020

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ith the New Year’s freshly open doors beckoning to us the world of weddings has immediately sprung into action. Huge expectations of mass engagements have sent the industry all aflutter once more and many bridal fayres are taking place at a remarkable pace. Is that Valentine’s Day looming on the horizon? and so more reasons to hunt and gather begin. One thing that strikes me with this - our most bold winter issue yet - is how much red there is: rich garnets, hearts, berries and roses but then there is red for stop! This stampede into a race to gather customers is breath-taking, the panic drives the need to spend and secure wants on both sides, but didn’t we say in 2019 that there was a new awareness of consumerism? Haste to buy often leads to waste, and many are finding it harder to determine places to dump these piles of wedding products. The growth of recycling in used and unused wedding items is still rising, yes second-hand is losing its stigma, even in the fashion industry where pre-loved garments are on track to eclipse fast fashion by the end of the decade. This is progress, but on balance recouping costs from a wedding is just as motivating as the desire to not discard. Yet any way that motivates people to cut waste is a good thing and other solutions are emerging from developing ethical companies across the globe. Costs are permanently an issue with organic, vegan and Fairtrade (see page 96) products - the reining steep alternatives. How do we motivate society to act on TRASH before the onslaught of spending starts? Wedding planners may be one answer to encourage economical responses

to their client’s requirements – especially after the wedding with leftovers abound! Waiting in the wings are successful businesses who can share experiences, suggestions and ecological solutions at industry events. These groups and individuals that are well practiced in the art of recycling, economising and creatively conjuring up the most stunning weddings are lost in translation amongst the new and old crowds who are sceptical about change. Protecting our planet should never be a power struggle, best to practice the art of diversity and inclusion and not just use these terms as pretty marketing ploys. Encouraging is still one of our key objectives at Dekko, we like all things that are uplifting, tangible and innovative. Both our real weddings this issue are perfect examples of couples who are determined to do their thing, their wedding, their way. We especially love the fact that you never feel that these weddings are ‘aware’ of being anything other than true to themselves, a relief after many bridal magazine submissions are edging ever closer to the styled shoot. A big hand to play in this event is surely in the hands of the photographer, they are fascinating to be around and observe. We have had the pleasure of working with some of the very best in the county for Dekko, which led me to the idea of interviewing Olivia Whitbread-Roberts about her own wedding in 2020. A skilled photographer with her equally talented partner by her side in life and work Tobias, it was a fascinating insight into how you choose someone in the same career to record the most special of all occasions?

There is a reductive nature to our styled shoots for this issue, the plan was to take two narratives and take even more time in pre-production to map out elaborate storyboards. Our briefs stay on theme with the issue of commerce - Madame Bovary being as relevant today on the subjects of desire, greed and consequence and Russian Fairy Tales that uncannily echo the legendary folk tales of Cornwall. Both teams from venue to props were mighty in skills and imagination and patiently let the story slowly unfold and develop. We like to delve deep at Dekko and really give our readers across the globe a feast for the eyes. The first steps in short film edits embedded within Dekko’s features are also evolving. This is particularly exciting for us as we continue walking our experimental path of digital sensory experiences. We are now looking to work with some new companies in this new exciting decade so please get in touch if you’re interested in working with us. Its time to let the New Year begin its first chapter and to all those who have read our pages, shared their weddings and worked alongside us in this amazing testament to creativity, a heart-felt thank you. Our (you included) magazine endeavours to deliver art, the invitation to look, discover and admire the beautiful things that are made by incredible people in the South West and beyond.

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Contents 6 Jane & Josh Wedding 30 Treseren House Introduces 96 The Fairest Trade of All 98 Elope into The Wild 138 The Fairytale Wives of Pengersick 182 Otherside of The Lens

Editor: Kyla Prior Digital Assistant: N Prior Published online at Print enquiries Front Cover: Image by Olivia Whitbread-Roberts Photography/Bridalwear by Roamer Rose/Model: Hope Foster

Š 2020 Kyla Prior. All rights reserved, any unauthorised copying or adaptation of content from this publication is strictly prohibited. Dekko. 5

Jane and Josh’s Wedding...

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ounded by Bishop Simon of Exeter in 1216 Penryn was a major fishing port only seconded by London for inbound and outbound voyages in trade on the South Coast. Penryn means ‘headland’ which for this distinctive market town I find joyous! It has had its ups and downs yet apart from its bigger neighbor Falmouth this place has its own fascinating array of unique shops and cafes. It’s where Jane and Josh live and it’s where they got married on a lovely summer’s day back in June 2019. Their wedding was full of creative license with Jane our bride making so much of the wedding things, bouquets, buttonholes, all the make up - the list is endless. I marveled at her resilience and her determination to make their day a firm declaration of ‘them’. Caroline, Jane’s mother was her gallant second and their photographer Peggy Colclough did more than her bit to record the flow of love and stylish vibes from Jane, Josh and wedding party. We particularly love the ‘town walk’ transported is the word here, back to the days of cool Indie videos where artists took over small towns to make their mark! After the ceremony the whole wedding crowd made their way to Falmouth Rugby club to eat, drink and dance to the most incredible tunes (I can vouch for this as myself and husband really did dance to some belters!). Jane’s dance with her grandfather was so moving as was how everyone just got on with just being happy humans, no pompous reception was this… It was the best of days, never to be forgotten and we are most grateful that this wedding has graced Dekko’s pages. Long live the wonderful real and happiness always to Jane and Josh.

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The Dress I

f I say the word expose, a first response may be to shrink back and reconsider talking to me…yet if you consider the types of exposure that goes on in the world of bridal fashion then you might be intrigued enough to tiptoe back to start the conversation again… The day arrives to go shopping for your wedding dress this is a catalogue of mixed emotions for everybody. Not only are you exposing many truths about your state of mind whilst on this day with your chosen special wedding relatives and friends, you’re also going to be in and out of changing rooms revealing the good and bad that you feel about your body. This subject is forever written about in bridal magazines, politely and even motherly so readers can feel skimmed with a soothing trowel. In life, in people, in clothes, logic above all must be the winning element to how we choose what we want. In bridal dress selling all the marketing flattery in the world is pointless without a clear mind and an advanced understanding of garment engineering. Why? Because every person on this planet is unique, their body is already a wonder in engineered science; this means they move and groove in all manners of ways on their wedding day - nobody is going to stand like a billboard advert or shop mannequin in a wedding dress for twelve hours so why is this the way they are mainly sold? Character of client is something that should be coaxed, it is essential for a beautiful woman to know her dress is her, all her fashion history, all the wisdom of what she knows suits her. This is not to be railroaded by countless shop staff and meaning-well friends. Our woman knows herself best. Cutting down on too much choice helps inspire. Think of the many football stadium wedding stores that are killing style and fueling fast fashion. In order to reclaim that noble ethic in quality not quantity limiting wedding dress manufacturing is a good way to expose retailers that are doing something to reduce waste.

Looking at Roamer Rose’s story of Jane and Josh’s wedding in Summer 2019 is a perfect reflection of the merits of dual exposure between client and maker. I met Jane’s mum Caroline before I met Jane, so as a designer I had already a grasp of the stylish garment integrity spilling from this family tree. Suffice to say I made Caroline’s mother of the bride outfit too. Immediately on meeting Jane I found her fascinating (always) she is a true individual who embraces everything that makes her heart sing. Designing a wedding gown for her physically and spiritually was awesome, like a jigsaw of pieces that had to frame Jane and definitely not restrict the way she expresses herself. Rich creamy latte silk crepe was the first choice: crepe has a personality too, it likes to show off, drape, fold and flow. The silk wool mix flower lace panels were left sheer for a cool feel and the centralized back strap concept came from a vintage dress already in the studio’s gallery. Jane articulated a love of buttons and these were hand made in the gowns crepe (to run down the center opening) in my old home of Lancashire where I still keep in touch with the artisan’s I worked with over twenty years ago. Somebody once said that Vivienne Westwood’s strong northern accent accentuates her sincerity, that she does not accept complacency. I think a firm skilled work ethic is crucial to making your clients feel they are in true hands and I do thank my parents, my history in garment design and the north for providing me with this approach to making beautiful clothes. Jane’s wedding is a wonderful moment in time where her and Josh could celebrate who they are, the place they inhabit and their unique style - mum included. It’s a moment on my timeline of designing for women who not only understand themselves but understand the direct dual exposure of ideas and personality. We made the most magical couture together…

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Credits Venue

Ceremony: Penryn Town Hall Reception: Falmouth Rugby Club


Peggy Colclough Photography

Dresses and Accessories Roamer Rose

Make up, Hair and Flowers Jane

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Treseren House Intro

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oduces Madame Bovary

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“But she could hardly persuade herself that the quietness of her present life was the happiness of her dreams.�

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“...Charles made no pretences. He called her ‘my wife’, addressed her affectionately, looked for her everywhere, and frequently led her out…...away among the trees, putting his arm round her waist, leaning over her as they walked…” Dekko. 39

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n the nineteenth century St Newlyn East was a thriving mining community, with five mines producing lead, iron and copper. This bustling village where

merchants, tailors and dressmakers lived and worked had a popular carnival that took place every year. Across the parish many fashionable manors were built with Trerice and Coswarth sporting beautiful grounds and good hunting land for resident and travelling nobles. ‘St Newlyn East is approximately five miles from Newquay…the parish takes its name from an ancient Celtic saint, St Newlyna or Newlina. Tradition has it that she was a British Princess from Ireland who walked to the place where the church now stands when she landed at Holywell Bay.’ Our Madame Bovary shoot took place at the beautiful shepherd’s house in St Newlyn East which was built between 1817/18 for Sir Christopher Hawkins manager John Giddy. This Grade II manor was resplendently restored by new owners Emma and Paul and is fittingly named Treseren - meaning “homestead under the stars”. Now a beautiful intimate wedding venue for brides and grooms and up to twenty guests, Treseren is intensely atmospheric with a serene beauty of its own making. It was a joy and privilege to shoot this re invention of Emma and Charles Bovary’s moving love story at this beautiful house. So many moments of captivating images took place and it really was a task to choose the best for our narrative to come to life. A very special thank you to Emma and Paul (and Guests) for making us so warmly welcome and for understanding Dekko’s unique approach to reiterating one of the greatest literary creations of our time.

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adame Bovary, an anecdote about a woman’s desire for beautiful things and beautiful experiences was written in 1856-7. The author Gustave Flaubert

was not prepared to write yet another tale of intrigue into the games within society that titillated many female readers but to write of consequence - the distinct reality of where desire leads. Do we feel contempt or compassion for Flaubert’s characters, especially Emma Bovary who is trapped in her new life? Our narrator had a distinct disgust for everything around him bourgeois and whilst he insisted that his characters were completely commonplace and living in an age of escapism and stupidity, he himself was born in the age of Romanticism and died in the time of Enlightenment and discovery. The attempt to merge these realms of idealism and objectification was evidently futile as industry and capitalism was on the rise. For the world of women in 19th century Europe the cusp of political power and enlightenment was still beyond reach. Education remained in refining the female self artistically and morally, yet Emma Bovary does not think in virtuous feminine ways. Flaubert only allows her to be framed by beautiful things – nature and materialistic objects reinforcing her aura. The twist of narrative that challenges shows us that beautiful things are not necessarily good, and Emma wants things, including people to make her feel good, to make her feel something. We become so emotionally involved with the text as we admire her greed and materialism, her wants mentally and physically consume us as much as Emma is consumed by them. The outcome is not admirable, and Flaubert disrupts a happy ending by making Emma pay far more than the money she does not have for her reckless perseverance in beautiful objects and passion filled trysts. He does however show pity for her naivety, her innocent and refusal to except the pious fortitude of a long-suffering marriage. Her destiny was never in another’s hands, only her own and in that we see how human she is, a modern take on selfishness and how by realizing ones mistakes she is glorified, her life a lesson for us all in our endless quest to experience more and to acquire greater things. Ultimately Flaubert addresses the price of our dreams and what they are worth.

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Click image below for short film ‘Madame Bovary at Treseren’

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“He was savouring for the first time the inexpressible delight of feminine elegance. Never had he known such grace of language, such quiet taste in dress, such languid drowsy-dove postures. He marveled at the elevation of her soul and the lace of her petticoat… was she not a lady of style...…”

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“She tried to picture herself the things that might have in a town, amid the noise of the streets, the hum of the theatre crowd, the bright lights of the ballroom – the sort of life that opens the heart and senses like flowers in bloom. “ Dekko. 57

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“From that moment her existence became nothing but a tissue of lies, in which she hid her love from view.�


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“Some reaction of her whole being...was driving her to hurl herself more eagerly upon the good things of life. She was growing irritable, greedy, voluptuous. She walked through the streets with him, her head held high, unafraid, she said, of compromising herself.�

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“She was becoming part of her own imaginings, finding that the long dreams of her youth come true as she surveyed herself in that amorous role she had so coveted. “

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“Emma was leaning out of her window – where she was often to be found, for in the country the window takes the place of theatres and park parades…”

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“She had done, she was thinking, with all the treachery and the squalor and the numberless desires that had racked her. She hated no one now: a twilight confusion was descending on her mind, and of all the noises of the earth Emma could no longer hear any but the intermittent lamenation of that poor soul at her side, blurred and tender as the last echo of a symphony dying in the distance.� 76. Dekko

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“Emma felt a bit lost in her calculations; there was a ringing in her ears as though pieces of gold were bursting from their bags and clinking all around her on the floor.� Dekko. 81

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Credits Venue

Treseren House Wedding Events: Petite Weddings



Joey Lamb Photography


Dekko Magazine (Kyla Prior)

Dresses and Accessories Roamer Rose

Make up Artist

Penny Pascoe

Hair Stylist

Emilie’s Professional Hair and Makeup

Additional Styling & Props Zoe-ann Kettles Bird #CybelsVintageHome


Lafonia Flowers Company


The Cornish Cakery


Vintage Fleur Designs


Victoria Charman & Henry Austwick Quaotations from 1976 Publication of Madame Bovary, Penguin Books Ltd, Middlesex Dekko. 85

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Behind the Scenes with our team...

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The Fairest Trade of all Words K Prior ‘I cannot always sympathize with that demand which we hear so frequently for cheap things. Things may be too cheap. They are too cheap when the man or woman who produces them upon the farm or the man or woman who produces them in the factory does not get out of them living wages… I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth or shapes it into a garment will starve in the process.’ Benjamin Harrison


he world has been driven by the terms ‘fast’ and ‘cheap’ and as the rise of the industrial revolution took hold what was pursued transformed our working lives. These demands would also eventually take control over societies day-to-day endeavours causing worry, ill health and a breakdown in family welfare. Let us skip past the familiar history of debtor’s prisons, the workhouse and union conflicts and look at the working person today; to closely observe the basic principles of fair trade… Fair Trade became symbolic with oversea producers who were not getting a fair deal on their quality yields. From coffee to chocolate to the cotton trade, equality had long been unfair by design. The design being large distributor companies prospered and customers shopped well, whilst farmers and makers stayed poor. The Fair Trade international body formed as late as 1997 with the premise on quality not quantity of produce. Farmers could expect a better price for their yield which in turn would mean a better life for their families: children could go to school; medicines were bought when needed and homes fit to live in. In turn the consumer would recognise the stamp of Fair Trade as part of this price. We could now recognise a good product as beneficial to all and not turn a blind eye to the poverty of the producer as an “unavoidable reality of trade economics”. Can this rectifying ideal continue and grow, and now twenty-three years on why is it not applied in general to all producers across the world? The rebalance of what we earn and what we spend should be as logical as our basic accounting system for how we run our lives and households. The dangerous question that rears up is do we shop consciously? So many time’s our heads are turned by new endeavours to make what we buy have a thought process other than want and need. Environmental awareness is not just on the rise it has gushed forth like

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a jetty of accusations, the pressure mounting everyday for fixtures and fittings to be put in place so we can hunt and gather with a conscience. Many industry business authorities are running around frantically (the swan metaphor) trying to stamp products and services with the ethical inclusive branding iron. In other words, “to craft standards to fit their own purposes” even organic is just not cutting the muster these days, it has no battle cry.

est business, time needs to be spent looking closer at what these proprietors do and what they AND their products/services are worth. Making beautiful things and creating a wonderful experience takes time. That time is also a valuable asset to the buyer, choosing, researching (not Facebook) websites (a good website ticks lots of boxes for conscious consumers) and understanding the cost of what we produce means the value you put on that person’s economic existence.

Value of product is complex: quality, speed, reliability, brand endorsement and experience - the package requirement has to be this complete. Yet the object purchased is often not all these things; so now there comes the debate, usually held on social media where products can live or die at the consumers or influencers hand. Price, isn’t this at the heart of it all? Trade has to be about equality. We love this word but rarely act on it. If all the world was equal in assets, then would not happiness be decisive? Let’s play a dangerous game of supposed fair trade in the industry that I am part of. A wedding cake lady has a daughter getting married, she sells her beautiful cakes to others also getting married, this lady’s cakes are undervalued: the costings not meeting her skills and time - even the top-quality raw ingredients are overlooked by the clients. It’s a mind churning battle to concede and undercut, claiming the prize of an order but then denying your daughter the venue or dress she so desires because money is tight. Our customers are not the huge conglomerates that target price and profits as king but they like a good deal. Even with the small-

Looking into the now and the future there is a worrying stance creeping into industry where multinationals are now governing their own definition of fairness. Own in-house certification programmes, appraising their own ethics ‘greenwashing’ and setting the tone of self-satisfaction is not the right way forward for non exploitation. Globally this problem of exposed exploitation had taken a positive turn, but the curtains can easily be closed again. It should all start closer to home with communities shopping local - face to face trade. Taking time to buy less and buy quality so you don’t have to keep rebuying cheap. All of us are not ignorant to the fact of the cyclic benefits of a sound economy, but to reaffirm its principles it should be taught as paramount for a better life for future generations growing up in households that are self-sustaining. It is our social and environmental responsibility to respond to poverty and our planet to crucially make us all successful. The origins of our past trading, however simple, met our needs; now we must determine how to fix things due to the damage of unfair want.

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Becca & Chris

Elope into the W

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hris and I have been together since 2009 and over the past few years we have watched many of our friends tie

the knot. We have been lucky enough to witness their beautiful wedding vows which brought us immense joy, yet after many conversations we knew we wanted to have a super low-key day and get married just the two of us. From the outset our friends and family fully supported us so we could have the day of our dreams, and then there was the choice of where to get married. Cornwall has always been a special place for us both therefore after we got engaged at Holywell Bay in February 2018, we felt an overwhelming desire to return to the South West to tie the knot. After stumbling across BoHo Cornwall on the Internet we knew it was the place for us. Chris and I had never fully explored the northwest area of the county before, but we completely fell in love with it - it’s wild and raw and still relatively untouched by tourism.

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or our wedding attire, Chris wanted to wear a mixture of high street pieces and things he already owned. I had

my dress made to measure in a vintage style. I did not try on a single off-the-peg dress because I already knew what I wanted. My tea-length gown was made from silk, chiffon and lace. My late Grandma’s brooch was incorporated into the sash which was so special. I wore burgundy suede heels I found in a Dutch online boutique. I absolutely adored my bouquet, which was an autumnal riot of colour with pops of orange and red.

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oHo couldn’t have been a more perfect space for us to say ‘I do’. Chris and I stayed in one of the gor-

geous retreats before enjoying breakfast together on the morning of the wedding. I did not feel nervous or anxious in the slightest as we spent precious time together before becoming husband and wife. We made our way over to the main house separately for our 1pm ceremony and I couldn’t wait to see Chris again!

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“I love her and it is the beginning of everything.� F. Scott Fitzgerald

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fter signing the register we enjoyed a glass of bubbly and quality time together while our photographer cap-

tured our first emotions. It was wonderful to look out over the Atlantic Ocean and be in the moment without having to rush off anywhere. 120. Dekko

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nce the rain cleared, we headed to Sennen Cove with our

photographer and made the most of the sunshine. We scrambled over rocks and dipped our toes in the sea. Locals walking their dogs on the beach wished us congratulations! When the rain returned, we chased the dry weather to a rocky outcrop not far from Cape Cornwall where we had our final photos taken. We were back in our cosy retreat by 4.30pm as husband and wife.

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or our wedding breakfast, we devoured fish and chips overlooking Cape Cornwall while we reminisced about the day.

Because the weather was wet and windy, we ate them in the comfort of our car! The following day dawned bright and sunny so we took full advantage and explored the local area. We were very sad to leave our blissful bubble the following day, however we were eager to return to Buckinghamshire to celebrate with our family and friends.

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Credits Venue BoHo Cornwall, St Just

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë


Thomas Frost Photography


Oh Sew Vintage

Hair & Make-up Make-up by Ione

Flowers Twigs and Greens

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The fairytale wives of Pengersick 138. Dekko

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any of our worlds rich literary history is based in folklore or in more modern terms ‘fairytales’. Who of us has not heard of the dark tales

of The Brothers Grimm or the cultural delights of Ali Baba? Children and adults recognise common fairy stories from Snow White to The Frog Prin-

cess yet is it realized that many of their themes and characters began their literary journey with the wonderous Slavic fairy tales from Russia. Ever present in countless of our favorite stories are elements of magical journeys, entrapped princesses, animals that talk, witches who cast spells for protection or to curse the more fortunate. Good and evil hcharacters from peasant village folk to wealthy royalty are used to demonstrate the diverse morals between rich and poor and the consequences of displaced values and motives. One thing is truly apparent with fairytales – they bridge all cultures and generations. They are embedded within society and travel through time from the smallest islands to the mighty cities - we love an immensely good story. Folklore in Russia was born of myths and legends, and for such a large populated place inevitably many tales evolved as they were told. Whilst researching Cornwall’s rich heritage in folklore this habit of elaborating a tale seems just as prevalent! Whilst collectively Russian works were being discovered and published rampantly throughout the nineteenth century, Cornish tales were told from centuries before.

Smugglers, fishermen and miners used

the landscape: coastline to vast rugged moors and diverse manmade landmarks to encapsulate their tales with a sense of foreboding and Celtic magic. Pengersick Castle’s historical tale is a prime example of early Gothic narratives, straight from the cannon of Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto and later Anne Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Odolpho. These supernatural tales of love and horror wanted to create visual imagery of dark corridors, burning devilry and crashing seas. They also touched upon the first suggestions of female heroism, where wild terror mixed with romantic wonder spurred the female lead into action, setting herself free of entrapment in mind and body. The closest Cornish written novel that I found that echoes these tropes is the book Pengersick Castle; a Cornish tale written by W.B.Forfar. Its review was almost reminiscent of the Victorian Penny Dreadfuls, ‘A cheap and amusing book, full of exciting interest, and replete with Cornish wit and humor…a refreshing moral tone pervades the book, which may be read with pleasure by the most fastidious.’

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“Cannot we, in the comparison with some of these foreign tales, obtain some light on the singular and beautiful tale of the Lord of Pengersick, which has charmed many a Cornish f ireside for ages past?�

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have to say I was truly gripped by the written scenes and dark depictions of lurid black magic… But let us return to the real tale of Pengersick Castle, as its story is rather more

unusual than any published work of fiction! In the fourteenth century the initial structure of the castle was owned by Henry, Lord of Pengersick. It is told that he had committed a terrible murder and in order to escape justice he had fled his native country and concealed himself in the tower of Pengersick which faced the sea. It has also been claimed that the actual tower was erected in the reign of Henry VIII around 1540 at the southern aspect of the parish of Breage. This was by a certain man called William Worth of Devon on the former remains of the Pengersick family’s estate. William Millaton, also of Devon radically rebuilt the original structure with provisions built into the edifice of the castle for defense purposes (Pengersick means the headward or fortified place) therefore Millaton was ready for any invasion from the French or Spanish if it came. He remained hidden in the castle until his death but as the family tree included a son – Job, the castle was not to be left to deteriate. Job was busy with his role of Governor of St Michaels Mount (another place of myth and legend for another day…) but it was his son William Millaton who married Honor Godolphin that took over residence. Pengersick was lived in until about 1850 passing through the legacy of William’s six (seven?) daughters and then through rental agreements with Earls and Dukes until after a period of demise became useful by many a farmer, smuggler and trades person for grain, rum and armory storage. There are tales of devil dogs, Satan worship, spells, mermaids and arson that linger around some of the inhabitants of Pengersick. Tales that are chilling but also useful to the wreckers who hhwanted to keep people away from their illegal bounty. It is still heralded as one of the most haunted castles in Britain and a little light ghost story here and there does not dispel the intriguing beguilement of this beautiful fortress. The castle today stands sympathetically restored and surrounded by resplendent gardens that are as charming and atmospheric as the castle. It is a unique location in Cornwall for weddings, private parties and corporate events. (There are differing versions of the actual monetary passing and inheritance of Pengersick castle through history, however our research has been obtained by kind permission from historical archives based at the Cornish studies library.)

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“The young lord of Pengersick brought home with him an Eastern Bride, a lovely fairy-like creature as skilled in magic as himself, but seemingly of a better kind (a white witch).�

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“Often when by his enchantments in this tower he raised the storm, in the midst of the tempest the soft voice of the enchantress lady was heard accompanied by her harp, and the storm lulled.�

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“He conf ined himself and wife to the castle, which became a veritable battle f ield of demons and spirits. The lady by day would sit in her lonely tower and look through the lattice at the sea.�

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“The lord of Pengersick went sometimes abroad on a f ierce black horse, said so to be of satanic origin. All feared the lord even as they loved the lady; his sorcery was so potent, his powers so matchless, even the devil feared him.�

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Credits Venue

Pengersick Castle

Wedding Venues & Services Petite Weddings


Olivia Whitbread-Roberts


Dekko Magazine (Kyla Prior)

Dresses and Accessories Roamer Rose

Make up Artist

Penny Pascoe

Hair Stylist

Lisa Vercoe

Additional Props

Charlie Opie


Gorse & Thorne


Cat Stacey


Holly Rowe & Hope Foster Quotations from From ‘An Account of the Annual Excursion’ (Modified from the Cornish Telegraph of October 6th, 1881) Additional archive information the Courtney Library, Truro

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Otherside of The Lens Words K Prior


o, when one of your good friends and creative collaborators Olivia Whitbread Roberts says they’re getting married all sorts of exciting questions explode from your mouth! Venue, food, music, dress, flowers...but hold on, she and husband to be Tobias are professional photographers and exceptional ones too! Who then will they choose to capture the most wonderful event of their lives? Well ‘Rebecca Carpenter’ turns out to be the perfect choice. Romantic, exciting (excited full stop!) a guiding light behind the lens and beyond – I really like this photographer already. I can see with great clarity why this bright and sparkling storyteller really resonates with couples for their wedding photography. But to get to the heart of what Olivia and Tobias were searching for I needed an interview and there is no better place than a quiet evening at Truro Lounge with a glass of mulled wine. “You must have looked through lots of photographers portfolios before finding Rebecca?” “Well yes we did; there was also the added element of knowing so many photographers in Cornwall too, so it was overwhelming to just discuss what we wanted and from whom…” “Did you both have different views on how you wanted the day to be photographed - you both have such strong styles of your own?” “Interestingly we did! But we soon realized that ultimately, we wanted to define the mood and atmosphere of the day – the venue, the guests: all of our experiences and all of our memories.” “What other factors were crucial to your requirements?” “Pricing - clear and concise with what is included on the day and what the package includes with after the day products. It is also very important to us to have someone who can control the decision making and be confident to get stuck in but not be too intrusive. When you are behind the lens as we are in our business your confidence is as directors not posers!” “What first captured your imagination about Rebecca Carpenter and her work?” “To start with Rebecca was a fashion blogger with a varied portfolio with how she shoots. She is based outside of Cornwall and travels globally for half of her weddings, so you really get the feel of her style: cosmopolitan, adventurous, free with sharp contrasts of natural light – and that shines from

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her website too!” “Yes, I agree you really do get that feeling of pure romance from her images - with a little candid cheekiness thrown in! Its quite a contrast to the rich intensity of your styles of work, were you aware of that?” “Well spotted! Yes, its funny we did start out thinking of a darker base for the mood of our wedding photography but actually the bright crisp quality to her work really appealed to us.” “And for a full-on summer wedding I agree that lifting the mood will be perfect for you both. There is certainly a mixture of classic vintage and contemporary modern characteristically with you both which is why the wonderful venue you’re getting married at, Mount Edgcumbe is perfect. With many modern features fusing with the Orangery and Italian garden’s it all matches the cosmopolitan style of Rebecca perfectly.” “We are so excited with our venue choice, it was definitely No.1 on our list of priorities. This is what sets the scene for the whole day really: our story of our day will be told from Mount Edgcumbe and this beautiful place will frame every image” “Venues and photographers really need to understand one another so they can bring out the best in one another - like a marriage! Whatever photographer you choose there is always an immense trust element and bonding process to go through isn’t there?” “I can’t agree enough, you want your photographer/s to be there for you recording every valuable detail that you BOTH want – that’s so important to us and our memories of the day. The more your photographer understands you the more they will know what to focus on and ultimately that is something we truly understand as professionals ourselves.” Olivia and Tobias marry in July 2020 and I for one cannot wait to see their beautiful inspired wedding album.

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