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Dekko.4 Summer 2018

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‘With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat, in womanly rags, Plying her needle and threadStitch! Stitch! Stitch! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, And still with a voice of dolorous pitch She sang the “Song of the Shirt”

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[Hood, Thomas 1843 Punch edition]

Opening Lines F

rom memory this poem has

and informative? It is time for reflec- the ordinary; our rewards are not

struck a chord many times over tion on many levels in the wedding

just financial but in the importance

the past few months. Labour worn, world, from diversity, employment

of accomplishing meaning – behold

hungry and with no end to the work- equality and most definitely less is

the expertise! However, on anoth-

ing day in sight this seamstress sings more.

er level we need to start unpeeling

of her pains in Thomas Hood’s infa- In this issue we will be exploring the

what is underneath the lives of the

mous poem ‘Song of The Shirt’ first truth behind the making processes

garment workers from further afield

published in Punch in the mid nine- of bridal design and construction,

that are oppressed and exhausted

teenth century. With Dekko’s contin- with reference to the skills of the

from the tough turn around rites

uous search for ways to reduce waste people behind the scenes creating

of ‘fast fashion’ and seasonal collec-

and create an ever more rewarding

bridal gowns and ironing out the

tions. The on-mass wedding dress

mode of ethical approaches to its day

creases of off the peg garments. An- designers are by no means apart

to day working practice, the sheer

other deliberation is to turn away from this group. In time a bigger

workload can at times out way the from leaning too heavily on mass

picture should be revealed on how

income. It is testing relentless work collective boards of media imag- we can go forward with healthier recycling but, and this is a weighty

es. Actual weddings are suggesting happier solutions for modern brides

but, the practice of designing, pro- a hurtling towards the extremes of and grooms who want to steer their cessing and cutting from discarded stylisation with bridal publications weddings towards this real vision of textiles is exhilarating….

wanting more ‘real’ wedding features

less waste and fairer working condi-

Austerity has really started to have with who bought/booked what and tions. Once more we want to whole its effect on all factors of consum- where. Lines are blurring between heartedly thank every individual erism, and as wedding retail and what was once a most intimate affair who shared their time, skills and service businesses try and come to with family and friends to an epic most honourable thoughts in our turns with this down turn new waves shoot that replicates the magazine’s

collective collaborations. Dekko is a

of business help and support provid- ideals of bravura.

true place for getting under the skin

ers rear to the surface. Offering ways The social and economic factors of

of modern practice in the world of

to rebrand and rebirth is everywhere our times will be sat politely having

ceremony whilst revealing a decora-

– snappy tag lines of honest homely their say alongside some quiet con- tive skin in many beauteous forms. persuasion could potentially attract

templation time to absorb beautiful

new customers looking for a way eclectic visions of the most incredito invest their money in old fashion ble (credible) wedding imaginings. values we once trusted in retail. But Returning to Thomas Hood and his what about those businesses who sad lamenting of the worker: we auhave always had working class val- tonomous creatives all strive hard to ues at their very heart- are still viable fashion something that transcends Dekko. 3

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Contents 6 BIBA Brides 26 Commiting to Spontenaity 28 Tears in Rain 62 Inside Job 64 Arabian Nights

Editor: Kyla Prior Digital Assistant: N Prior Published online at Print enquiries Front Cover/Contents Page: Image by Toby Lowe Photography/Veil & Tiara by Roamer Rose/Model: Savannah Rouser Š 2018 Kyla Prior. All rights reserved, any unauthorised copying or adaptation of content from this publication is strictly prohibited. Dekko. 5

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Biba Brides ‘Fashion is not only something that exists in clothes…. it has something to do with ideas, with the way we live, with what happens around us’ – Coco Chanel


hanel couldn’t have hit the nail more

across from where they would later estab-

on the head with this statement

lish their department store. However, this

when considering the social liberation uprooting began a radical change with that started to take hold in the sixties. Style

collections getting ever more expensive

suddenly meant surroundings, sassy and as styles shifted to appeal to more sophisstatement and that group of objectives for

ticated and richer young women in their

Barbara Hulanicki - founder and designer twenties. behind the BIBA brand, spurred her on to BIBA's heyday lasted through the sixties recreate evocative and iconic fashions that

and early seventies until by 1974 Hulan-

were affordable for young women. De- icki had had enough of the corporate take spite the vintage touches borrowed from overs of her lavish store and interference eclectic mixes of Victoriana, Flapper Girl with her clothing lines. BIBA was no plus rejuvenating the previous decade of longer her baby and she dismissed herself fifties sundresses and bandannas BIBA

from any future involvement with the la-

had the working independent city girl at

bel. Over time several new and established

the heart of her business model. It was a

designers plus retailers, such as Topshop,

golden age for teenage fashionites with have tried to reincarnate the iconic BIBA wages to spend and recreational activities ‘look’ but with or without Hulanickis to pursue, such as live music venues and blessing or input the magic has never been clubs popping up all over Britain. In 1969

sparked anew.

BIBA moved to its first affluent store on the north side of Kensington High Street,

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How we created the BIBA bride and bridesmaid looks...


ith several restored and repurposed vintage and retro outfits in Roamer Rose's collection it seemed only natural to try and recreate a little

BIBA boutique at an up and coming bridal fayre organised by Wedding and Corporate event planner Hazel Parsons. The fact that our backdrop was 13th century Pengenna Manor was an exciting challenge. Pengenna has firmly established itself as one of the leading wedding venues in the South West. Sixth generation owner Richard Blewett prides himself on attention to detail and a warm reception however big or small the wedding, “our speciality is helping couples stage gorgeous rustic barn and beautiful marquee weddings with an outdoor flavour.� Whilst the mini boutique was set up in a modern marquee, the shoot (orchestrated by Verity Westcott) from the day was going to be spread out around the estate and manor house. A most splendid discovery of some retro styled rooms inside the manor fabulously secured the spirit of the models look; with makeup, hair and dresses brought the sixties back to life. Adding some extra interest and texture to shots was the outside gazebo, walled gardens and barn. It transpires that genres and venues are often surprisingly compromising in the best of ways. Sixties designs do not have to be psychedelic or theatrical pieces, they can be beautiful alternatives both in colour and style whatever the season, genre or place.

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Venue - Pengenna Manor Photgrapghy - Verity Westcott MUA - Tamsyn Siddiki Hair Stylist - Elliegant Hair Design Clothing and Accessories - Roamer Rose Models - Rachel Witton and Hope Titley

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Events | Weddings | Styling | Venue Sourcing | Production | Management Genuinely unique events & weddings in the South West.. 24. Dekko

Introducing T

he Unique Cornish Events Company specialises in bespoke event design and management. With eighteen years experience within creative events such as wedding

planning, styling; venue or location scouting they can help create a genuinely unique experience. As event planners they will ensure your event is memorable, looks aesthetically as you envisaged and runs smoothly. As wedding planners they will make sure your big day goes without a hitch so you, your family and friends are free to enjoy the day. They can offer full or partial planning and on the day co-ordination. As stylists they can help you bring to life the look and vibe you want to create. As venue and location scouts, they will take your brief and endeavour to find your vision, sourcing venues and locations out of the norm to create a real bespoke experience. Cornwall has some of the most incredible places, from the drama of the coastline, beautiful beaches, to remarkable attractions, it is a place where memories are made.

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Commiting to Spontenaity A

collective of inventives get together to shoot an element not worked or clashed with another idea? If idea out. That’s what it feels like: a purging of a someone or something drops out of the story doesn’t

mood board that must be told with models, backdrop it hinder the whole point? A lot of questions stacking or even a building that steals the show. What do they up they cry, well yes there is a whole barrage of quesall contribute; what are they trying to say with these tions, but which ones are the relevant questions to the multi-shared visuals? With no written editorial, could


these images on the pages hold their own?

An interesting word ‘point’ as this can confuse spon-

Are they promoting a place, a venue, a product of taneity as it is a directive that's got the strong arm of much smaller scale and significance for this brid- the law behind it. As a metaphor it’s a watercolour too al style shoot, can so many elements battle for the

- washed out to make a point; is surrealism beyond a

lime light? The bouquet can drown out the dress, the point, is it thick heavy oil paint – the only way to bemake-up can blur the model’s beauty, the props can lieve its point is to lay it on nice and thick…examples be far too much, too busy, too theatrical. The appeal are a plenty when considering why we create styled of an idea can feel less appealing by the time the shoot shoots for eager consumers. is underway. Has it been talked to death or not dis- Picture a model posing as a bride at a coastal point,

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– Reggie Ugwu

hollow as a needle.

The world that this “virtual pinboard” promises is as

cussed enough by ALL the people involved; has one what is the idea - destination weddings, the roman-

tic (rebellious) elopement wedding maybe? One can correlation between sales and shoots and who is askpick up on the point that copious amounts of deeply

ing any valid questions anymore?

clinging fake newly- weds shots are used in this the- Planned and primped to perfection these fashioned matic styled shoot; it can even creep into real wed- suggestions could be anywhere, it could be soulless ding photography if the cliff is rugged enough and and so often it falls flat when submitted. And therethe sea is challenging the serenity of love. We love the fore, questions arise again regarding what do readers drama, the billowing skirts with wind swept hair and

want? The magazines (impatiently) and blogs (over-

flying bouquet ribbons….

zealously) roll out their preferred artistic criteria

The barn, the tipi, the marquee, the big top tent this

anew and the usual vagueness carries on. It could be

is where floristry suspension comes into its own and

suggested that some big players are not actually en-

jam jars are the new Waterford Crystal. There is still

dorsing local companies, their products or services

swaging aplenty and organza sashes on chairs for but blandly flooding the marketplace as influencers marquees and bunting flags flapping their approval without really considering how these businesses need at vintage china until it’s starting to look like - well a

to be reflected for growth. In all honestly the indus-

stage with no ingenuity, a film with no improvisation. try looks further ahead for marketing success whilst Likewise, the tranquil country manor house with

the accelerated brides are all racing to keep up with

elegant rooms, candelabra, elaborate vases of spill- fads and trends alike. There seems to be no pauses for ing flowers. Centre to all this the table setting with reflection, no time for mindfulness and no excuses stationary capturing the feel of a fountain pen but

for style failures...and spontaneity - well that is called

digitally produced for precision reasons, and lastly ‘being disorganised’ with event planners and magathe compulsory rolled napkin with green sprig. Un- zine editors wanting the new version of Gods Eden derstandably time can make things tight, it can also at any collaborators time and costs without putting make many shoots Pinboard predictable. How can in the graft themselves. Spontaneity is vital for inventhis be inspirational if everyone is working from the

tiveness and steers well away from systematic com-

same copied brief? A recipe for indifference and drab mands. Dare you be too inventive, well that’s another no doubt. Could this be the time to reduce the act point entirely. of barrages of styled reproductions? Is there a direct

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The Artisans - Paper Pamela and Pick Pretty Paints Pam Booth must of been a majestic architect in a former life. What she can't do with paper and card is still a mystery - even to me! I have known Pam for a while now and there is never anything too big, small, outlandish or odd that phases her for Dekko's shoots, weddings, events and gifts. When the request was made for a box full of smallish silver origami unicorns she politely asked what for, oh for a bridal bouquet she's told...ok then and off Pam went to conjure her magic. There is a distinct certainty that this wonderful lady is use to these 'unusual ideas 'and elicit requests for car-park meetings.... Erin Lacey is a true alchemist when it comes to mixing her paints from her studio in St Ives Sloop Craft Market. Eco friendly and with a wide range of colours and uses, her paints offer a wealth of ideas for brides and their 'helpers' to print or stencil recycled tablecloths, napkins, signs or makeshift vases. As an expert in textile print design herself, she is available for technical advice and also workshops (see website for details). Our splendid cake display table cover used the unicorn motif that Erin carved herself, using the same original template that Pam used for the folded origami unicorn flowers. Its small thoughtful details like these that really make for good original ideas... Dekko. 35

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idley Scott put his cast and crew through an al- values of Blade Runner. Searching for what is within tered state whilst filming the lavishly difficult film and what can be collectively achieved with other such

production, Blade Runner (Warner Bros. 1982). Based

visionaries is as much about finding one another as it

on the novel Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by

is about end results. We are thus directly responsible

Philip K. Dick, the film has a bleak dystopian setting both for Dekko’s existence and for the readers happy of 2019 Los Angeles and is depicted by torrents of con- or unhappy state. stant rain, limited lighting and tangled infrastructure,

This shoot (with myself and Toby Lowe directing

typical of Cyberpunk fiction. The plot consisted sim- procedures) found a path through every conceivable ply of Blade Runners (futuristic cops) hunting down obstacle…physical and metaphorical! We had limand retiring replicants (bioengineered beings). What itations but adapted, and artistically with the huge Scott endeavoured to offer his audiences was a vision involvement of our style crew, maker’s and models of a future that is potentially fuelled by blatant strides (who ‘understood’) we translated our own vision of a in technological advancement yet in equal measure

wedding with rethought conceptions of ceremony. Al-

enough uncertainty to break down an already fragile though dialogue was limited with both female leads in social order.

the film, Priz was always a far more visually demand-

Blade Runner’s fleeting sparks of colour palette and ing character than Rachel. It was all in the eyes, she costume design took on the emerging theories of post- was in no hurry to die, was even vulnerable like a child modern design of Shanghai dreams meeting Brooklyn whilst alone, until a male role entered the scenario and punk. Even in the gloom of this troubled city back- almost immediately her survival mechanism’s, her drop the costume creations by Charles Knode and Mi- hypnotisms took over. chael Kaplan shone out as a clever construct in New The tremendously atmospheric and subtle grandeur of Wave fashion drama. The chief trope one could sug- The Guildhall in St Ives is a true gem to shoot in and gest regarding this cult epic is the play on creator and most definitely marry in. Smaller town venues should creation. With both aiming high in idolatry stakes the not be overlooked when searching for that perfect remaining Nexus 6 replicants and Tyrell Corporation

venue, they help us make judgements about what we

equally believe in their own self-importance as origi- should do there and how they can aspire to be. The nators. As a designer it’s easy to dwell on the predeter- rooms at The Guildhall are plentiful with concert hall, mined lifespan of the ins and outs of fashion, and at its stage, great windows and vintage décor. There is also most saleable level - its artlessness. A physiological re- the added benefit of the iconic Island Chapel further sponse to any industry, or basically to question a deep- out of town that hosts Civil Marriages, Wedding Reset marketing construct in an age when the realisation

ceptions and unique Wedding Blessings and Renewal

that things are going stale, is natural and healthy. This of Vows services. There is something to be said about driven indulgence to violate the sameness of wedding waiting in the shadows; for some, "The light that burns publications and put something on the table that of- twice as bright burns half as long" but then Morrissey fers ‘difference’ - an altered state so to speak and not also wrote, ‘there is a light that never goes out'..even in another replicant builds with every issue of Dekko,


but there are still limitations to this vision; a lesson Scott realised whilst battling through the production Dekko. 43

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“ noir tropes”


“...merging the past with contempo futurism”

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Venue - The Guildhall, St Ives Photography - Toby Lowe MUA - Emma Ellis-Brown Mens Attire - Academy & Co, St Ives Ladies Clothing and Accessories - Roamer Rose Paper Craft - Pam Booth Fabric Print - Pick Pretty Paints Cake - Repli-cake Models - Savannah Rouser and Issac Thomas Stationary, Props and Fresh Flowers styled by Roamer Rose

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Inside Job T

he world of couture was once devoutly discreet. The connoisseurs of fashion, those elitist designers conjured magical garments which usually fell under two categories: tailored daywear or evening gowns. The costs of these unique garments were rarely discussed as the importance of wearing impeccably made clothes was not about money per se (although it spoke volumes of your status quo in society’s wealthy sector) but about a craftmanship and visionary that surpassed anything bought in a ‘typical’ boutique. The ultimate accomplishment between design house and client was always the wedding dress; whilst typically the granddaughter, daughter or niece became the object of all attention it was the implicit trust of the family and its following generations that kept the accounts balanced and surely profitable. Unfortunately, as decades have past and new generations have moved into buying either straight off the catwalk or from the more accessible outlets of top named designers, the attached salons to the atelier rooms have reduced. The remaining few are still the European ivory towers of ideas and artisan workshops, but they aren’t currently the only way that innovation in garment design filters through to buyers and subsequently the consumers. Urban ideas and city/rural design studios are capturing this new age of attire with ever more advancement in engineering, science and ethical stances in special occasion wear. However, the heart of these innovitive trends beats to the drum of fashion, and fashion should have no relevance in a wedding dress. This one off ceremonial gown must only contain beauty, construct and the unique essence of the bride. It should behold every admirer with a deluge of senses and not just an immediate visual impact, that in all honesty wanes far quicker in today’s world of graphic onslaught. Returning to the concept of discretion and magic there could be a turning point on the horizon for brides to be - in returning to the idea of their wedding dress being uniquely designed, and most importantly beautifully made and finished. To compete with the realm of couture designer many manufac-

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turers behind a labelled brand started to introduce in the nineties the concept of made to measure with items from their collections. It gave a bride a notion of her dress being more special if it was specifically taken out of the main on mass orders of the same dress. Yet even today with the well-equipped factories dotted around certain districts of china (to name one) a wedding dress (even in standard size) can arrive as late as three weeks before the wedding date. This just doesn’t cut it when it comes to such a special commission. Ideally there should be room for both designer and off the peg manufacturers, yet the market place has been completely suffocated by every type of mass produced wedding garment from every corner of the globe. The high street fell upon the wedding industry with ferocity from BHS, Debenhams to Next to later M&S and Monsoon to name a few. And now as the mighty high street falls the online invasion gathers speed and monstrous warehouses are piled high with hundreds of tons of bridesmaid dresses. It is not so much the designs that are what’s most numerous (as the ideas are just not there) but the catalogue of colours in every shade under the sun. Perhaps, to most consumers this is giving the people what they think they want and much more in reserve if required. Sadly, today it is the ifs and buts that are finalising any conclusion that our world has the capacity to store this much stuff. For every one that builds up a collection of various wedding dresses

and bridesmaid dress mistakes number three times five surely the answer could lie in just one order for a bride and her bridesmaids. The process of being designed for and meticulously fitted whilst watching something beautiful and magical emerging is enough of a special experience without the need to continuously keep blindly ordering mistakes off online shop sites? By the time the right ones (maybe) arrive and have been altered and added to, to make them look presentable the costs can soar. It is not common practice to use symbolic motifs on traditional gowns of ceremony these days which is a shame as this was just one option to make a statement with your gown. The ‘social uniform’ of wedding dresses is now governed more by fashion dictates than the individual. The hordes of designers, their distributors and wedding publications make sure they emphasize as much. Non-distinction in an individual piece means the style decision is made on mass with groups of trends. Cultural divides and patriotic nuances are ignored as the lines between cultural dress are blurred and merged: as in Spanish or Cuban influences that are now known as bohemian. The consumer has fallen foul to an engineered marriage market which allows huge impacts on economic and environmental factors. A bridal gown is no longer an investment for the whole family to transcend generations and why should it if it has had no real relevance to the original bride. There is an escalating trend for brides

to sell on their modern dresses to recoup losses but then the signature of the dress is lost in translation. Renewal is a beautiful thing when the dress comes from a forgotten genre of timelessness, most vintage gowns have the added glory of being handmade from natural weaves such as silk satin, crepes, taffetas and cotton muslin. But restoration is not always possible if the garments haven’t been preserved properly. On profiling our clients, who would you think would want an ethically sound dress designed and made for them locally (no export, no slave labour, recycled materials) would they be vegan, member of Green Peace, a devout Buddha, a naturalist? the simple answer is anybody can have a bespoke gown from Roamer Rose. We don’t charge for the experience extras (tea and biscuits are just fine) we believe the dress and the service is the experience. Encouraging sustainability through recycling between outfitters is also part of our developing business model. So why couture - this practice of what was once thought of as a dying art? It has the same simple principles of made to measure but the learnt and trained techniques used are of the very best cut, construct and finishes. If you spent your days as a little girl drawing princess pictures of your dream wedding gown, then let’s recreate that moment and realise your dream. The process starts with you, the designer listens to your story and offers practical advice whilst drawing your vision. Several sketches later and with resources chosen your dress materialises into the first stages of a real form. The toile is the fascinating technical part where the pattern- your unique pattern is fitted and drawn on. This map of your body helps create the foundation on which your beautiful gown will sit, either elegant and simple or adorned in crystals, beads, pearls and sequins. Every trip to the studio reveals more of your dress as it evolves into the finished piece of art, a relaxed shared experience between client and designer. The gown is not replicated on mass, is not utterly predictable and there still is this lingering discretion, this sumptuous secret that builds until the reveal on that one day where you can enchant everyone with the pure essence of what wearing couture is...magic. Dekko. 63

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Arabian Nights Dekko. 65


hen stole I up, and trancedly Gazed on the Persian girl alone, Serene with argent-lidded eyes Amorous, and lashes like to rays of darkness, and a brow of pearl tressed with redolent ebony, in many a dark delicious curl, flowing beneath her rose-hued zone; the sweetest lady of the time, well worthy of the golden prime...’

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(Tenneson, A. A Recollection of Arabian Nights, 1830)

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The Interior Décor


am and team from Wild Tipi had already created decorative ambience for their Christmas wonderland themed week at Cardinham; it was only a matter of moving and adding some

items to create our Arabian shoot setting. Lavish stage decorations came from an upcycled screen found at an old boat yard, and a heavy wall tapestry from a junk shop. Ultimately the inspired touches came from handwoven mobiles and plant hangers from Zaya Gilchrist at Spiral Macramé and Christine Billingham, who’s upcycle company Castle Beach Crafts meticulously decorates all their glass ware by hand.

The Look


irstly, the look must be thought through carefully when your theme is as bold and rich as Arabian Nights. Too authentic and it looks as if your auditioning for a Hollywood film and too

lapse and it can easily look amateur theatre. For a potential wedding in such a grand setting a balance needs to be struck so neither is competing for attention. Our model was perfect in look and character and although we all suffered in the extreme cold that day Shakira was truly professional and spellbinding as our Scheherazade, wife of ruler Shahryār and teller of tales for one thousand and one nights. We had to create a look for Shakira that was beautifully hypnotic and sensuous with colours of golds, rubies and spice. Her two outfits were very different, one more bridal with a warm gold tulle hand embroidered vintage veil; the other more relaxed in style, yet equally as elaborate in decoration with embroidery, sequins, chiffon flowers and fringing on the repurposed skirt. Tamsyn Siddiqui had a perfect palette of shades to adopt for the makeup and with her extensive experience in makeup her true artistry shone through. “Whatever the Trend, style or look that needs to be created, I will help bring this vision to life working together as a team for the perfect finished look.”


The Shots

n my own words Khalile is an exceptionally talented photographer who loves angles and layers within his images. It is always a privilege to work with people who are not only passionate about

their art but equally as approachable and professional in character too, simply Khalile is just a pleasure to be around. We had lots of plays on colour pops and light with this shoot, the bouquet itself being a show stopper in its ruby richness. There was plenty of fine details to capture to, with delicate glassware, intricate weavings of macramé pieces and glorious textures of fur and fabrics. The makeup also shone through adding to the exotic ambience. The final image edits had a light touch which lifted the whole look out of a heaviness, a habit that is often recreated for this genre. Khalile’s work is arresting, and with such a story for a backdrop as a team we created something very special, very timeless, very orient indeed…… Dekko. 77

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The Host

ild Tipi has been slowly but surely making its presence felt in some

amazing locations across Cornwall. They have brought a strong spirit of adventure to their set ups as well as respect and support for their clients and the environment. Husband and wife team Tim and Sam Moore share a few words with what’s important to them regarding their ethos…. “For us living and working in Cornwall has enabled us to immerse ourselves in all its glory. We are continuously amazed by natures ability to help you switch off from the mundane and remember what is important in life. To us this is being with the ones that you love, make you happy and sharing good times together!...Our intention is to bring people together in the most awe-inspiring locations throughout Cornwall, Devon and the South West, in the most magical spaces, our Tipi’s.”

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The Place

ardinham Woods is classed as an ancient woodland site and lies within Bodmin and Cardinham Parish with an expanse of

654 acres (Forestry Commission 2014/2024). Its main purposes are its cyclic crops of commercial conifer and broadleaves, to conserve plants and wildlife and develop its opportunities with recreational facilities. It already has an all year round faithful of locals from the Southwest that utilise its woods for walks, its off- path tracks for mountain biking and its very popular cafÊ that serves the best cakes and lunches by far. They also encourage early learning with younger children’s forest schools and school holiday activities. Habitat is one of the main objectives of Cardinham, and this gradual process of restoring and maintaining contained sites of growth is as equally as important as the removal of older canopies for commercial use. Sustainability is key to produce but protect - a practice we at Roamer Rose are also committed to. As an area of outstanding beauty, just breathing in the clearer cool air is relaxing and thought provoking. Could there possibly be a more tranquil but exhilarating place to have your wedding? Conserving trees, plants and wildlife in an ancient woodland site is where new threads of consciousness is heading. Striking a balance in managing the forest with the expansion of infrastructure in formal and informal uses invites a more promising future of mutual respect between human and landscape. Building sound relationships with local businesses in Cornwall such as Wild Tipi who credit this ethos is a way forward for modern ceremonies.

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Setting - Cardinham Woods Venue - Wild Tipi www. Photography - Khalile Siddiqui MUA - Tamsyn Siddiqui Macrame - Spiral Macrame Glass Work - Castle Beach Crafts Clothing and Accessories - Roamer Rose Floristry - Roamer Rose Model - Shakira Thomas (With special thanks to Tanya)

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