Snorhaar Magazine

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01 Snorhaar

02 Travel cat bag

03 Material & quality

04 Cat bag manual

05 Cat bag experiences

06 Cat toy Muis

07 Publications


DUTCH DESIGN Studio Snorhaar was founded by Regina Mol and is located in The Netherlands; from here we design and manufacture our products. We love the behavior of cats and dogs, together with our passion for materials and textures we star ted to experiment in our lab. Absolutely in love with our first design: The Traveling cat-bag, we proudly published it online.

RESEARCH For my research to find the perfect travel bag for the cat I was inspired by the Dutch ethologist and Nobel prize winner Niko van Tinbergen (1907-1988). He studied communication behavior among animals by going into the open field, watch closely, and asking the right questions before interpreting. Van Tinbergen called this watching, waiting & wondering. - Regina Mol

PRODUCTS Everyday we keep experimenting in our lab to design new products for cats and dogs by observing them and looking at their reactions to particular materials, and everyday we learn more about them. Curious about the next design? Follow our full story on instagram and sign up to receive inspirational updates about the new products that are coming!


INTRODUCING: THE TRAVEL CAT BAG Ever tried to get a cat into a travel basket? This is not something that cats or their owners enjoy, usually it means drama! Studio Snorhaar created a carrier that appeals to both. The result: a travel cat bag that gives every cat a trustable feeling.

THE DESIGN By creating a travel bag with many peepholes, the cat retains control of it’s surroundings in a subtle way without being visible. It is recommended to have the cat get used to the travel bag from an early age. This is possible because the travel bag can be transformed into a sleeping basket , this way the cat immediately gets a bond with the bag. It becomes a trustable place for the cat and this makes him feel calm. Furthermore, the cat’s smell will stay in the bag which is essential for familiar feelings with his surroundings. Each design is carefully tested in the lab and by our test panel .

STYLE With a minimalistic and raw look the cat bag gives the owner a useful product that fits to many fashion looks and home interiors.

VARIATION The cat bag can be transformed into many different shapes. This way you can customize the bag to the style of the interior. It is nice to look at something new once in a while. Also, changing the shape of the bag is a great way to surprise and challenge your cat as well . The cat will be curious about the new shape and this will keep him busy for a while.


THE CATS LABORATORY Just like my inspiration Van Tinbergen I observed, watched, waited and searched for the answer to my question: how can I make travelling likeable for the cat . In my cats laboratory I’ve done research to the response of cats at various traveling bags, materials and structures. By observing a cat you’ll already get to know a lot about his or her personality. Does the cat sleep in a circle? Does the cat always search for a quiet place? Does the cat want a good view? Where does the cat usually lie on? On the basis of tests with different cats to their favorite spots and positions I observed a number of similarities.

RESEARCH RESULTS Cats have their own will , they do things the way they want it . They are very curious and love little holes to hide in, but at the same time they want to keep a clear overview of their surroundings. This gives them a familiar feeling. Also, cats like natural materials which are uneven. By using soft fabrics you create safety and security for the cat . These research data are incorporated into the design.

MATERIAL CLEANING The designs are made of natural materials; vegetable tanned leather and 100% wool felt . Wool has got a self-cleaning feature. You can remove hair with the vacuum cleaner and remove any minor spots with lukewarm soapy water. The leather can be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. For a long, beautiful life treat the leather with a natural leather wax. The bottom is made from EVA foam, is water resistant and can be washed under the tap. If you are not sure your cat or dog will make the travels without any accidents; place an extra towel in the bag so that any small accidents can be washed out .


HOW TO USE Studio Snorhaar strives to ensure that every pet will embrace our designs but gives no warranty. Animals are just like us, individuals. As owner you are responsible and should pay attention to the following points after buying the Travel pet bag:

PURCHASE Place the Travel pet bag open folded as a basket on a quiet location in the living room. Preferably a location where your pet can overview the area from a safe spot . Let pets decide for themself when they are going to visit the Travel pet basket . Give your pet the space to discover the bag. This is essential for cats.

 As owner it is important to observe the behavior of your pet to prevent problems. If your dog or cat is bored and no longer likes the pet bag, be sure to challenge it! For example by changing the shape of the bag, transform it into a cave, of or put another pillow in it . Maybe even use your favorite shirt or jumper! Scent is impor tant .

TRUST Before you go travel let your pet sleep in the bag for at least a few weeks to get used to his or hers new basket . After a while your pet will see the Travel pet bag as his or hers own property. Again, scent plays an impor tant role to create a trustable bond between the pet and the bag. Try not to clean the bag too much and find out what your pet prefers as his or hers favorite pillow. The standard felt pad is the most loved one but it may be that your pet prefers something else. Find this out by testing various materials.

TRAVELING Observe your pet well and once you see that the pet is trusted with the bag, you can go traveling. Slowly build up the travel process so your pet can get used to it . If you have a kitten or a puppy you are lucky. It is possible to make a habit of the traveling. It is impor tant to star t traveling from an early age so they get used to the traveling ritual . For example, small trips in the car or a walk through the park. Try not to travel the first time somewhere that is associated with a nasty situation.


CAT AND OWNER Curious about experiences from users? Let’s introduce you to Jan, Joost and our own precious Tijger.

JAN This is Jan, a cute little red haired mix. He’s half Persian and the other half is just a typical farm cat . Right now he is 11 weeks old and he will grow up using the Travel bag. When Jan went to his new home he got to travel in the bag right away and ever since he’s been traveling in it whenever and wherever he goes. There is no problem getting Jan in the bag, the real problem is getting him before he has to go in the bag because he has the energ y of 10 cats and is obsessed with everything that’s shiny. At home he loves to nibble on the zipper and play with the small leather cord attached to it . While traveling he wants you to poke your fingers through the holes of the bag so he can try to catch and play with your finger tips. Because Jan is a kitten and the owner travels a lot with him he’s getting used to it already, will sleep most of the time during the journey and have energ y for 10 again when he gets out .

JOOST Meet Joost , a long haired Chihuahua of only 13 months old. The Chihuahua is a small dog that comes from the place Chihuahua in Mexico. A Chihuahua is originally a hunter, but Joost just loves to play and run around, excited about everything. I think you will understand that he instantly was excited about the travel bag as well . It only took a few minutes to let him get to know the bag and a few minutes more for him to go in the bag. The size was perfect for him, he could turn, jump and even lay down and there would still be space left . He would peek past the zipper and poke his nose outside the bag to look around and see what was going on. It’s a perfect bag to carry him along when we go to the supermarket or other places where dogs can’t go inside. He can see them and observe what is going on, but they will not see him.

TIJGER – Tijger is our grumpy but loyal test cat . She’s a 4 year old British shor thair. A normal Snorhaar day starts with wondering where Tijger is. Is she still outside? Or walking through the studio already? During the day you will find her somewhere hidden in one of the baskets or travel bags, sleeping. But when there are products in the making Tijger will be around to check them out . And you can trust us if we say that she’s very critical when it comes to judging everything. For us that’s great , thanks to her we learn new things about cats and their behaviour everyday. We observe her to see what happens just as she observes the world from her favourite spot in front of the window. All of our products are approved by Tijger, our great help. She tested many many versions of the Travel bag and decided this was her favourite version to sleep in.

KIT TEN – Somewhere far away in Melbourne Australia lives Kitten with her kittens. Right now she is 2 years old but she has the life experience of an at least 10 years old cat . Kitten was found under a container when she was little. The founders took her home and cared for her. But when the owners went on a holiday Kitten ran away and nearly survived her 3 weeks in the wilderness. Skin and bones, that was what was left of her. However it didn’t only make her weak, she also became a mother thanks to her adventure! For Kitten and her kittens the Travel cat bag is a cozy den. The kittens are raised in this small home. It’s their place for sleeping, playing and being fed. Everything about the bag is positive for them because they grew up with it . Soon, when the kittens become too big to share the Travel bag with their mom they will have their own bag which they can fill with kittens! Kitten herself won’t have children again because she is sterilized. In Australia cats will be given a tattoo in their ear when they are sterilized so it’s not a secret either! She will just enjoy her old days being lazy, sleeping in her den and getting attention now and then.

SIEPIE Siepie is an old cat that definitely can’t live without attention. Walk away and 1 minute later u will hear tiny nails ticking on the floor because Siepie is stalking you. It doesn’t matter who you are, as soon as you sit down Siepie will sit on your lap. Now he is 14 years old and changes in his daily pattern are hard to process, it just has to be the way it always is. Eating, receiving love, sleep, begging for more love, sleep again etc.. When it is time for us humans to go to bed Siepie will also go to bed. He sleeps on his pillow and waits for our wake up call the next morning. When my internship at Snorhaar started I didn’t think Siepie would be interested in the Travel cat bag because it is something completely new and different . But when I had the Travel bag at home for a while I found Siepie sleeping in it , all curled up. And through the day when I was busy in the kitchen he would curiously peek over the edge of the bag to see what I was doing. The bag provides a protective wall around him which he loves to sleep against . Even this old cat that usually won’t let go of his routines made an exception and included the Travel bag into his daily activities.


INTRODUCING: MUIS Cat toys that are playable for your cat and suit into your interior at the same time are hard to find. Snorhaar created a toy that gives your cat pleasure and at the same time will hardly be noticed by others because it can blend into your interior. We present you: Muis.

THE DESIGN Muis is created with rest materials, leftovers from other products. By using every leftover item we spare the environment because we are not throwing away anything. The long notable leather tail in combination with the fluffy wool body does not only provide your cat a good toy to play with but also a good toy to cuddle with.

STYLE The materials that are used give Muis a rough look. The leather, the metal par t and the sheepskin all have earth tones, this way Muis fits into many interiors. Muis is sold in 3 different colours; white, grey and brown.

OBSERVING When Muis is done he has to be tested. What does the testcat think about him? Before producing a huge amount of toys there must at least be a sign of Tijger liking it . Thankfully Tijger responded very well. She played with Muis, hit him with her paws and bit his furry wool body. In other words: succes! A few adjustmens were made and after that Muis was ready to get many brothers and sisters.

PACKING There are 2 different packages available for Muis to be sold in. A small and thick version for in the shops and a slim but broad version for the mailboxes. The content of the boxes is very simple and clean, it contains the logo of Studio Snorhaar printed on a white paper and Muis itself. The brand name has also been burned in the lid of the boxes which are made completely out of cardboard. The label attached to Muis is provided with more information about the toy.


GET INSPIRED! Curious about the magazines we appeared in? They are great for inspiration for your cat but also for your complete interior! We are active in social media as well , we love taking pictures and sharing them with you through instagram. Facebook and twitter are updated regularly with cute cat facts, behind the scenes photo’s and the progress of our products. And for more inspiration and news you can always visit our website:

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