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Leadership and Management: Vision and Values
All members of staff at De La Salle College are supported, empowered and challenged to exercise leadership.
Encourage growth and challenge all leaders via professional learning, postgraduate study, coaching and mentoring.
Implementation of the Learning and Teaching
Observations program.
Learning and Teaching: Empowering Young People Today
Learning environments are designed to prioritise high academic expectations and build confidence.
Consolidate dynamic feedback and reporting systems that emphasise ongoing growth in students’ learning.
Encourage students to be technologically creative, confident and digitally responsible.
Education in Faith: Hope and Mission
Religious Education engages students in reflective learning that will give meaning to their lives.
Look to the Horizons of Hope Religious Education
Curriculum Framework provided by the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Increase staff accreditation to teach in a
Catholic school.
Wellbeing: Rights, Respect and Resilience
Students at De La Salle are supported and encouraged to develop authentic voice and agency. They are valued and given opportunities for leadership and community involvement. Provide personal development programs designed to encourage critical and deeper thinking about significant social, emotional, environmental and development issues and projects; Foster student leadership across the College, through a commitment to wellbeing, learning, faith, co-curricular opportunities and social justice; Create opportunities for formal and informal mentoring of, by and for students; Cultivate students who are able to utilise their strengths to be agents of change.
Community: Our Place in the Global Village
Positive partnerships and collaborations with families and the wider community encourage a holistic learning environment.
Work with the community to broaden student pathways after Year 12. This includes school-based apprenticeships, local business, universities and TAFEs as well as international partners. Strengthen the connection between the Parent Network, the Community and the College.
Facilities and Resources: People and Places
The College will have a clearly recognisable staff culture an aspirational environment with consistency of expectations, standards and practice. A comprehensive Master Planning process supports our vision for innovative and contemporary learning environments, and is informed by academic and wellbeing priorities.
Create a detailed Human Resource strategy to recruit, retain and develop staff who embody the mission and vision of the College.
Continual evaluation of the design of contemporary learning spaces.
Identify priorities to optimise facilities and reimagine spaces to enhance learning and realise the
College’s vision.
Employ current research and emphasise global imperatives in the design of physical resources, and impact on student learning.