3 minute read
Tiverton Campus Report
Tiverton Campus
As I reflect on the year that was 2003, it is quite extraordinary to note the diverse range of opportunities and activities that students on the Tiverton Campus are encouraged to be involved in. Through the generosity of the teaching staff in giving up their time to work with students, and the very positive and active involvement of students, there has been a great sense of purpose within these activities. It is very encouraging for me to observe students using their talents and gifts to experience success in a variety of ways through the academic, spiritual, social, cultural or sporting dimensions of the College. Many of these activities are captured within this Blue and Gold magazine. The Tiverton Campus continues to be a very happy and positive environment, which I believe creates a very real sense of community within the College. I sincerely thank parents for their continued support of their son(s) on a daily basis. The partnership that continues to develop extremely well between staff, students and parents is critical in this rapidly changing world in which we live. I look forward to this partnership developing even further in future years. The generosity of the De La Salle community continues to be quite outstanding. As a Lasallian school, it is paramount that we have a sense of service to others. In this regard, the response of the De La Salle community to our Mission Action Day, to our collection of non-perishable items for the Sacred Heart Mission, to the needs of the St Vincent de Paul Society, to books for Papua New Guinea, and to various other fundraisers, has been quite extraordinary and highly valued and appreciated by their recipients. Next year, there will be a significant change on the Tiverton Campus, with Year 10 students based on the Kinnoull Campus for the first time, as the Tiverton Campus becomes a Year 4–9 Campus. I know staff and students are very excited by this development, and I wish all present Year 9 and Year 10 students a smooth transition to the Kinnoull Campus. A further highlight for me this year has been the work of the Student Representative Council. These students have been very proactive in presenting the thoughts and ideas of their peers at our weekly meetings. Members of the SRC are also called upon to represent the College at various official functions. I highly commend all SRC representatives for the work they have done this year. In my role as Head of Tiverton Campus, I am very grateful for the support given to me by a number of people. I thank Br Tim for his much valued support and excellent leadership of De La Salle College, along with other members of the College Leadership Team. I sincerely thank the Year Level and Primary Coordinators, the Homeroom teachers, Campus Counsellor, subject teachers, the Daily Organiser, Key Learning Area Coordinators and ancillary staff for their loyalty, support, dedication and commitment to the students of De La Salle during 2003. I would also thank my secretary Mrs Joan Ferguson and the office staff for their much-appreciated administrative assistance throughout the year. The Tiverton Campus continues to be a dynamic and vibrant environment where new challenges are constantly faced by students, staff and parents. It is very refreshing to consistently observe members of the De La Salle community embrace these challenges in an enthusiastic and positive manner. As we are aware, society is changing very rapidly and here at De La Salle we are responding as best we can to meet the needs of our students in this changing world. Finally, I thank all members of the De La Salle community for their involvement in different capacities and for the valuable contributions they have made throughout 2003 in the life of the Tiverton Campus.

Peter Riordan Head of Tiverton Campus

Mr Peter Riordan and Primary boys help load some of the hundreds of food items donated by the College Community to the St Kilda Mission
Mr Peter Riordan congratulates Karl Linden, winner of the Mission Action Day fundraising prize