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Kinnoull Extensions
The New Kinnoull Wing
In the late 1990s, detailed discussion and research took place involving the Lasallian community (staff, students, parents, Old Collegians and community representatives) to review the curriculum needs and the structures that would be needed to provide the ideal physical environment, to promote best practice in education and to take the school into the next decade. In 1999 it was decided to transfer Year 10 students from the Tiverton Campus on High Street to the Kinnoull Campus on Northbrook Avenue in order to make the best use of existing space and facilities. We also recognized the pressing educational needs both for smaller classes and students’ access to acceleration classes at VCE level. The College’s goal of reducing maximum class sizes to 26 students at all Year levels will hopefully enhance our Lasallian culture. As a Lasallian College, non-selective in its enrolment policy we have a rich blend of abilities and interests among our students. With class sizes of 26, teachers will have a better opportunity to develop a closer relationship with their students. A more caring, pastoral approach will result in an improved spirit of cooperation in the classroom. Individual needs can be met with greater flexibility in teaching styles, improving students’ sense of self worth and the College’s academic culture. 2004 begins a new era for the College. A two-storey block has now been constructed connecting the Br Adrian Fitzgerald Building or ‘Chapel Building’ to the Br Damian Morgan Building or ‘administration building’ along the boundary of the oval. Plan for Kinnoull — Senior Campus ❑ A Year 10–12 campus providing greater opportunities for all students, especially in the accelerated and vocational (TAFE) areas. ❑ New building containing 8 classrooms. ❑ Two new science rooms. ❑ Improved pastoral care facilities. ❑ Extension to library and career areas. ❑ Extension of administration facilities. ❑ Increased area for staff facilities. ❑ Increase in off-street parking.
Tiverton Campus — Years 4–9
❑ Eight present Year 10 classrooms now available for smaller 24 student classes. ❑ Increased teaching areas for the visual and performing arts. ❑ Tiverton Chapel to be relocated. ❑ Extension of recreation /playing areas. ❑ Re-locating/upgrading science rooms.
To achieve our goals, extensive borrowing is required together with a fundraising campaign through present parents and Old Collegians. Br Tim Peter f.s.c.