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College Leaders 2003
Standing: Mr Matthew Breen, Alex Rodgers, Adrian Lane, Justin McKenzie, Diamantis Hamalis, Michael Brown, James Casey, Br Tim Peter Sitting: Adam Serena, Daniel Colman, Matthew Wilson, Tom McIlroy (College Vice Captain), Patrick Davis, (College Captain), Billy Dwyer (College Vice Captain), Michael Kormas, Peter Mercoulia, Maurice Melillo.

Leaders’ Coordinator’s Report
The Year 2003 College Leaders have faced many challenges, such as meeting in a limited environment for decision making, and then having to relay the decisions made, to the various Homerooms. The large group of fifteen elected leaders, met weekly to discuss the varied issues that affected the student body of the school. Overall, it ran smoothly. At times there were frustrations at not being able to come to quick solutions. Credit is due to these young men who can express opinions. The meeting process was always conducted in an open and honest manner. De La Salle College is an area where people are valued. This particular group of young men, alongside their peers, were inclusive and not exclusive. The Leaders excelled in their willingness to give the extra effort needed to include others. Some of their responsibilities that proved to be great successes were Kinnoull Week, the Year 7 Link-Up Program, teaching English to young migrants on Tuesday nights, forming a number of cheer squads, the Year 12 Formal, Founder’s Day and various other activities that were planned throughout the year. I would like to thank the Leaders for their time and effort in making De La Salle College a bright and encouraging place. Many thanks to Patrick Davis—College Captain, Billy Dwyer and Tom McIlroy—College Vice Captains, for their generosity of time and their endeavours. Mr Matthew Breen Leaders Coordinator