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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Headmaster: Br Tim Peter Fsc Head Of Campus — Tiverton: Mr Peter Riordan Head Of Campus — Kinnoull: Br Adrian Watson Fsc Curriculum Coordinator: Ms Jo Prestia* Professional Development Coordinator: Mrs Christine Thompson* Faith Development Coordinator: Mr Patrick Jurd~ School Officer: Mr Murray Enniss* General Manager: Mr John Marshall Registrar: Mrs Elaine Tyrrell Student Counsellors: Mr Geoff Martin (Tiverton) Mr Paul Marshall (Kinnoull) Careers Counsellor/Vet Coordinator: Ms Sue Taylor Headmaster’s Personal Assistant & Tiverton Campus Secretary: Mrs Joan Ferguson Receptionist: Mrs Pat Phelan Development: Br Gabriel O’Shea Alumni Officer: Mrs Genie Scott

Key Learning Area Coordinators:

English:Ms Sally Buick~ Mathematics: Mr Frank Goricanec (Kinnoull Campus) Mr David Ellul* (Tiverton Campus) Religious Education: (Kinnoull Campus) Mr Ian Smith (Tiverton Campus) Science: Mr Peppe Di Ciccio* Technology: Mr Keith Hoy* Learning Technologies Coordinator Mrs Jane Lawrence/ Mr Shaun Buckley Studies of Society & Environment — Humanities: Mr Chris Fleming* Studies of Society & Environment — Business: Mr Richard Komiazyk~ The Arts: Mr David Happ* Languages Other Than English (LOTE): Mr Thierry Moran* Health & Physical Education: Mr Peter Crellin* Director of Sport: Mr Tim Ford*/ Mr Phillip Murton College Librarian: Ms Susan Jost*

Key Learning Area Assistants:

English:(Tiverton Campus) Mr Mark Leslie Science: Mr Martin Mahy Technology: Mr Tony Havelock* Studies of Society & Environment (Humanities)

Sandra Troise Studies of Society & Environment (Commerce) Mr Murray Enniss* Visual Arts: (Art/Studio Arts/Graphics) Ms Monica Costa* Performing Arts: (Music)Ms Adrienne Moran* Outdoor Education Coordinator: Mr David Clark MMEC Coordinator: Mr Damon Jacobs* Personal Development Coordinator: Mr David Hale College Timetabler: Mr Kevin Hunter*

Kinnoull Campus

Head of Campus: Br Adrian Watson FSC Year 12 Coordinator: Mr Andrew Cooper Year 11 Coordinator: Mr Paul Fairlie VCE Coordinator: Mr Peter Forehan Daily Organizer: Mr Doug Esler College Leaders: Mr Matthew Breen VASS Administrator: Mr Peter Forehan

Homeroom Groups For Year 11

Benilde Mr David Madigan Jerome Ms Margaret McPhee~ Dunstan Mr Luke Martin~ Miguel Mr Frank Goricanec Foley Mr Richard Komiazyk~ Roland Mr Tim Brodrick~ Gehrig Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis~ Solomon Mr Euan Walmsley Hegarty Mr Robert Hoich Vincent Mr Norman Stewart

Homeroom Groups For Year 12

Benilde Mr Matthew Breen~ Jerome Mr Adrian Matarazzo~ Dunstan Mrs Jenny Henderson~ Miguel Br Quentin O’Halloran FSC Foley Ms Sandra Venneri Roland Mr Brian Hayes Gehrig Ms Sally Buick~ Solomon Mr Martin Mahy Hegarty Mr Paul Maxted Vincent Mr Graeme Lawler Ms Glenda Daley~, Mr Stuart Harrison, Liz O’Connell~ & Ms Di Walsh

Tiverton Campus:

Head of Campus: Mr Peter Riordan Daily Organizer: Mr John Caldwell Coordinators: Primary: Mr Brett Wadley Year 7 Mr Peter Harte Year 8 Mr Charles Thompson Year 9 Mr Richard Bourbon Year 10 Mr Michael Delahunt/ Mr Tim Ford

Year 4: Mr Terry Atkins Year 5: Mr Tim Curran Year 6: Mr Brett Wadley Primary Italian: Ms Lena Sirianni 10 Benilde Mr Philip Ryan* 10 Dunstan Ms Dianne Byers 10 Hegarty Mr Kevin Arkell* 10 Jerome Miss Kathleen Flynn 10 Miguel Mr Chris Danckert 10 Roland Mr Adrian O’Connor 10 Solomon Mr Shane Slavin 10 Vincent Mr Carl Kruger 9 Benilde Mr Peppe Di Ciccio* 9 Dunstan Ms Sandra Troise

Staff 2003

9 Hegarty Mr Mark Leslie 9 Jerome Mr Ian Smith 9 Miguel Ms Susan Robertson 9 Roland Miss Carmel D’andrea 9 Solomon Mr David Ellul 9 Vincent Mr Chris Fleming 8 Benilde Mr Jonathan Edgar 8 Dunstan Mr Larry Evans 8 Hegarty Mrs Bernice Manuell 8 Jerome Mr Philip Murton 8 Miguel Ms Joanne Graham 8 Roland Mr Ian Oliver 8 Solomon Br Gerald Barrett FSC 8 Vincent Mrs Jane Lawrence/ Mr Bryan Smith 7 Benilde Mr Michael Naughton 7 Dunstan Ms Adrianne Harrowfield 7 Hegarty Mr Kieran Grafen 7 Jerome Mr Gerard Barns 7 Miguel Mr Chris Martin 7 Roland Mrs Liliana Russo 7 Solomon Mr Tim Ford/ Mr Michael Thomas 7 Vincent Mr Paul Fegan Mrs Patsy Amaradasa*, Ms Marisa Di Giacomo, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mr Kevin Hunter, Mrs Ruth Hunter*, Mrs Emily Roach, Ms Belinda Russell, Mr Michael Thomas, Mrs Marta Webster, Ms Anna Scorsonelli

The Arts

Mr David Happ* (Coordinator) Ms Monica Costa * Mr Jonathan Hewett Ms Marceline Van Rennes Mrs Mary Finn Mrs Kirsty Graham Ms Adrienne Moran* Mr Bryan Smith


Mr Tony Havelock * Mr Keith Hoy * Mr Warwick Wright (Tech Assist)

Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre

Mr Damon Jacobs (Coordinator) Mrs Mary Thomas Mrs Karen Tillotson Mrs Jacinta Ryan Br Gabriel O’Shea Ms Eve McLellan Mrs Maria Zanelli

Laboratory Manager

Mrs Jill Edwards Laboratory Technician Mrs Danka Orlowski

Library Staff

Ms Susan Jost * (College Librarian) Ms Yanoula Fouras~ Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis ~ Miss Leanne Ickeringill Mr Matthew Skarajew (Audio-Visual) Miss Penelope Shields Mrs Betty Rudin* Mrs Jennifer Jackson~

Outdoor Education

Mr David Clark (Coordinator) Mr David Atkins Mr Simon Finnigan Mr Andrew Hillier (Assistant)


Mr Tim Ford * (Director of Sport) Mr Phillip Murton Mr Michael Naughton* (Sport Ass. — Tiv.) Mr Matthew Breen ~ (Sport Ass. — Kinnoull)

Physical Education

Mr Peter Crellin * (Coordinator) Mr Tim Ford* Mr Ken Stokes Mr Michael Ryan* Mr Peter Harte Mr Phillip Murton* Mr Gerard Jackson Recreation Officers Mr Paul Martin (AFL Trainee) Mr Shane Brewster (AFL Trainee)

Instrumental & Visiting Music Teachers:

Messrs Salvador Blasco, Simon Chiodo, Stuart Cook, Miguel Cornejo, Evan Harris, David Jackson, Tom Lee, Nigel Paul, Daniel West, Ms Cindy Frost, Ms Penny Karahalios, Ms Kirrily Morison, Ms Catherine Sinclair, and Mrs Rita Shallies,

Administration: Computer Systems Manager: Mr Alan Barnard Payroll Officer: Ms Donna Yorgey Accounts Officer: Mrs Ellenor Harris Tiverton Campus: Mrs Maria Giacomantonio, Mrs Mary McLellan, Mrs Pat Phelan Kinnoull Campus: Mrs Joy Bew, Mrs Sandra Glazebrook, Mrs Tricia Woodman~ Attendance Officer: Br Gabriel O’Shea FSC Computer Technician: Mr Peter Whittenbury Property Manager: Mr Jack Lunn Maintenance: Messrs Rob Oldershaw, Clinton Harris & Steven Broughill Cleaners: Messrs Barry Rydar & Julian Rydar Archivist: Mr Steven Stefan * Staff based at Tiverton who also teach at Kinnoull ~ Staff based at Kinnoull who also teach at Tiverton

Tiverton Staff

Top Row: Mr Simon Finnigan, Mr Damon Jacobs, Mr Michael Naughton, Mr Chris Danckert, Br Gerald Barrett, Mr Phillip Murton, Mr Tim Curran, Mr Tim Ford, Mr Ian Smith, Mr Michael Delahunt, Mr Michael Ryan, Mr Jonathan Edgar, Mr Brett Wadley, Mr Carl Kruger, Mr David Clark Row 3: Mr Thierry Moran, Mr Adrian O’Connor, Mr Ken Stokes, Ms Belinda Russell, Mr Peter Harte, Mr David Ellul, Mr David Happ, Mr Keith Hoy, Mr Andrew Hillier, Mrs Jane Lawrence, Mr David Atkins, Mr Kevin Hunter, Mr Terry Atkins, Mr Larry Evans, Mr Richard Bourbon, Mr Ian Oliver, Mr Pepe di Ciccio, Mr Chris Martin Row 2: Ms Eve McClellan, Ms Susan Robertson, Mr Mark Leslie, Mr David Hale, Mr Michael Thomas, Mr Bryan Smith, Mr Kieran Grafen, Mrs Bernice Manuell, Ms Joanne Graham, Mr Philip Ryan, Mr Geoff Martin, Mr Shane Slavin, Mr Peter Crellin, Ms Danka Orlowski, Mr Kevin Arkell, Ms Jo Prestia, Ms Dianne Byers Row 1: Mrs Mary Thomas, Mr John Caldwell, Mrs Betty Rudin, Ms Susan Jost, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mr Chris Fleming, Mr Paul Fegan, Mr Matthew Skarajew, Mr Charles Thompson, Ms Adrienne Moran, Br Gabriel O’Shea, Miss Kathleen Flynn Seated: Ms Monica Costa, Ms Sandra Troise, Mrs Ruth Hunter, Mr Peter Riordan, Br Tim Peter, Mrs Christine Thompson, Mrs Liliana Russo, Ms Adrianne Harrowfield, Miss Leanne Ickeringill, Ms Lena Sirianni

Kinnoull Staff

Top Row: Mr Richard Komiazyk, Mr Martin Mahy, Mr Frank Goricanec, Mr Patrick Jurd, Mr Graeme Lawler, Mr Tim Brodrick, Br Quentin O’Halloran, Mr Doug Esler, Mr Andrew Cooper, Mr Peter Forehan Row 2: Mr Rob Hoich, Mr Stuart Harrison, Mr Norm Stewart, Mr Tony Havelock, Mr Warwick, Mr Paul Marshall, Ms Sandra, Mr Luke Martin, Mrs Joy Bew, Mr David Madigan Row 1: Ms Yanoula Fouras, Mr Paul Fairlie, Ms Margaret McPhee, Mr Matthew Breen, Mr Paul Maxted, Mr Brian Hayes, Mr Adrian Matarazzo, Mrs Jenny Henderson, Ms Sally Buick, Ms Monica Costa Seated: Mrs Jill Edwards, Mrs Sandra Glazebrook, Ms Glenda Daley, Br Adrian Watson, Br Tim Peter, Ms Di Walsh, Ms Sue Taylor, Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis

Administration Staff

Warwick Wright

Warwick Wright (Woc), who worked in the College as the Technology Department Assistant passed away unexpectedly after recent surgery. Over the years, people who were acquainted with Warwick heard of his love for his family, his pistol club, as well as stories concerning his time doing survey work in the old 4X4 Willy’s Champ, stories about his German Shepherds, previous jobs and even his tastes in country and western music. He was passionate about his tools and machinery — Warwick’s love of machinery and tools was well known. If you listened to him long enough you would believe that they all had personalities and feelings. Warwick was appalled when any machinery was misused — he would complain if anyone crunched a gear in a truck, Standing: Mr Peter Riordan, Br Tim Peter, Mrs Genie Scott, Mrs Tricia Woodman, Mrs Ellenor Harris, Mrs Joy Bew, Mrs Joan Ferguson, Br Gabriel O’Shea, Mr John Marshall Seated: Mrs Mary McLellan, Mrs Elaine Tyrrell, Mrs Maria Giacomantonio, Mrs Pat Phelan, Ms Donna Yorgey and if you wanted to make him cry you would use a screwdriver as a chisel or vice versa. It was this love of tools and machinery that led

Maintenance Staff Computer Systems Warwick to work at De la salle College — this was a job he loved. He really enjoyed working with the teaching staff and passing his skills on to the students. Warwick would drop everything to assist students in their work if they showed commitment to it. Even on his last day at work between medical tests he came in to help the Year 12s finish their pieces. Warwick thrived in the educational environment, he loved working with the staff developing new models and, given half a chance, he would have taken over the classes! Warwick will be remembered by all of us for his commitment, straight-forwardness and generosity. We will remember him for his contribution to the College life, his contribution to the local community through the SES, but most of all we will remember him for being a good mate. Thanks Woc... Alan Barnard

Mr Steven Broughill, Rob Oldershaw esq and Mr Clinton Harris Computer Systems ManagerMr Peter Whittenbury and Mr Alan Barnard

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