2 minute read
Parents’ Association
Each year in mid-August the young men are encouraged to bring food items to donate to those in need. The response is always very generous. The food items collected on the Kinnoull campus go to the Malvern Emergency Food Bank, while those from the Tiverton campus go to the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda. The excellent supply of goods donated is due to the hard work of Mr David Hale and his volunteers on Tiverton campus and Mr Graeme Lawler and the St Vincent de Paul group on the Kinnoull campus. The Mass was a success, due in no small part to the celebrant, the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Mission, Fr Terry Kean, who has a wonderful pastoral manner and gave an excellent homily. Thanks to all the staff and students who helped as readers or as Special Ministers. It was also good to hear of the work done by students in St Vincent de Paul by Jonathon Matthews (12H) and Sam Williams (11D). The Mass and the collection are a good opportunity to remember what Jesus said and put it into practice: “Whenever you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt 25:40).

During 2006, students from Years 4 to 8 have taken up the opportunity to prepare for Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation at the College. Second term saw a small group of students receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time with Father Tiernan Doherty, in the College Chapel. Third term a group of boys received Eucharist for the first time and more recently, twenty-eight students from Years 6 to Year 8 were Confirmed by Bishop Prowse at St Joseph’s Parish Church in Malvern. The boys were very attentive and enthusiastic as they prepared for their Sacraments, and had a very special excursion as part of their Confirmation preparation when they spent a day visiting St Francis (for Reconciliation and to see how the Blessed Sacrament Fathers serve in the Church); the Cathedral where they investigated the history, the crypt and the chapels; St Anthony’s in Hawthorn (where a number of boys found reference to their Italian family heritage). They also visited two religious houses, the Missionary Sisters of Charity and the Carmelite Monastery, to learn more about various ways of service in the Church. Mrs Joan Ferguson
Lasallian Youth Service
Back Row: Tim Arbon, Mr Patrick Jurd, Nathan Roberts, Simon Brown Middle Row: Stephen Wall, John Moore, Ben Robson, Alex Phillipos, Adrian Hulston Front Row: Patrick Suhodobnik, Patrick Smith, Steven Hogan, Domonic Stephens, Joe Maher Following the example set in other Lasallian schools of the District, a group of young men from Years 10 and 11 volunteered in February to help their fellow students. After undertaking training sessions during Term 1, pairs of young men helped to facilitate the Year 7 AntiBullying Days during Term 2. The beginning of Term 3 saw Reflection Days for each of the Primary classes. While Br Mark McKeon from Lasallian Youth Ministry oversaw the days, the Lasallian Youth Service volunteers really ran proceedings. Such cross-age ministry is good for all concerned. Hopefully, the group and its activities will expand in years to come. Patrick Jurd Faith Development Coordinator