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VCAL/ Careers
VCAL Gets the (Green) Thumbs Up
Following the successful introduction of the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) in 2004, the program was expanded in 2005. This new senior qualification in Victorian schools is rapidly gaining recognition across the state and the model set up at De La Salle is becoming widely regarded. After a pioneering group of six students in 2004, the cohort for 2005 included 17 Senior and 24 Intermediate VCAL students, with numbers expected to grow in 2006. The flexibility of the VCAL allows a student’s program to be tailored to suit his individual needs. Included in the model offered for De La Salle students are VCE units and VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses which allow students to attain a nationally recognised qualification in a chosen vocational field. In 2005, De La Salle senior students have accessed the following VET courses as part of their VCE or VCAL course: Certificate II in Automotive, Certificate II in Business Administration, Certificate II in Broadcasting, Certificate II in Building and Construction, Certificate II in Engineering, Certificate II in Horticulture, Certificate II in Hospitality, Certificate III in Information Technology, Certificate II in Multimedia, Certificate II in Music Production and Certificate II in Sport and Recreation. VCAL students have also committed to School Based New Apprenticeships in Hospitality and Automotive. The Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related and Personal Development strands of VCAL have been developed and delivered at De La Salle throughout the year. The introduction of VET Building and Construction has been a great innovation and De La Salle is one of few Victorian schools delivering this course. From 2006 De La Salle is delivering VET Multimedia and VET Electrotechnology. The introduction of these courses will further establish De La’s reputation as a trailblazer of innovation in regard to VET and VCAL. Importantly, these programs are catering for the individual needs of the students and giving ‘hands-on learners’ hands-on options. One feature of the Senior VCAL program has been the VCAL Tiverton Garden Project. The idea sprouted during a Senior Numeracy class and after much collaboration with the College administration, a site was selected, cleared and developed. While it wasn’t quite a Backyard Blitz, the results are excellent and the learning involved in the project for both students and staff has been amazing. As VCAL grows at De La Salle, more students will be able to develop skills and at the same time gain TAFE recognised qualifications that will lead to apprenticeships, traineeships, work and further studies at TAFE immediately after graduating from the College. Many thanks must go to the staff involved in developing and delivering VCAL; Simon Hewitson (Numeracy), Gerard Barns (Literacy), Kylie Busk (Work Related Skills) and Chris Danckert who with Keith Hoy has been responsible for delivering the Building and Construction course. In Terms 1 and 2 this year, all Year 10 students completed the “Career Builder” Vocational Assessment in the Careers Centre. Tom McIlroy, an ex De La Salle student attending Melbourne University, was of great assistance and we managed to see all Year 10’s in groups of 3 or 4. The process was an individual one and gave students the opportunity to talk about career options, the appropriate study or training possibilities and, importantly, the range and structure of various VCE programs. Students in Year 10 completed Work Experience in June. The range of work places chosen was interesting and varied. The feedback from both employers and students was very positive and highlighted the value of student’s experience in industry. One of our Year 12 students, Lachlan Williams, has worked tirelessly for the past 2 years developing, maintaining and upgrading the Careers web site. It is an extremely important resource for all students and one they need to become familiar with as this will be the major means of providing career information. Students can also ask questions of me via the web site. This year there was a “Tertiary Information Night” in August for the parents of Year 12 students planning to apply for University or TAFE in 2006. This proved to be very popular especially for parents of firsttime users of the VTAC system. Ms Sue Taylor Careers Counsellor