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Tiverton Campus Report
Tiverton Campus
2006 has again produced a year of many opportunities and much activity for the students on the Tiverton Campus. Each year students grasp the vast array of opportunities presented them, and make the most of their time at De La Salle College. It has been encouraging to observe the positive and active involvement of students working closely with Staff members who have given so generously of their time. Many of these opportunities and activities are captured in the pages of this Blue and Gold yearbook. As the person who often leads College tours and interviews prospective parents, I am frequently asked the question “What do I believe makes De La Salle a good school?” Whilst a number of answers spring to mind, the answer that resonates with me is the manner in which students accept each other for who they are, and the fact that students can find a niche in the College community, which has such a diverse range of talents and abilities. As a school we believe that the individual education of each student is critical for their future, and is found in the spiritual, academic, social, cultural, and sporting dimensions of the College. The generosity of the De La Salle community in helping and supporting those less fortunate than themselves has been exemplary this year, and continuing to reach out to these people continues to be a key area of focus. This year for the first time the College was able to sponsor 14 children in India through the Lasallian Foundation, more than $60,000 was raised on Mission Action Day, thousands of non perishables and food items were distributed to the Sacred Heart Mission, the Malvern Soup Van and St Vincent de Paul was well supported, and a group of students known as Lasallian Youth For Justice (LY4J) were responsible for the collection and distribution of a large number of Christmas presents donated to local agencies. I am very grateful for the continued support of many people in my role as Deputy Principal/Head of Tiverton Campus. I would particularly thank Br Bill, Principal of De La Salle College, for his wisdom and excellent leadership of the College and for his much-valued support throughout the year. I sincerely thank all members of the College Leadership Team, Year Level Coordinators, Homeroom teachers, the Daily Organiser, the Director of Student Welfare, the Junior Studies Coordinator, the Key Learning Area Coordinators, the Subject teachers, the Director of Sport, Mrs Joan Ferguson, who often acts as an Executive Assistant for me in addition to her other responsibilities, and all the office and ancillary staff for their generosity, dedication and commitment to the College over the year. In partnership with parents, I believe we have developed a school community where students feel valued, where student successes and achievements are celebrated and acknowledged regularly, and where a great spirit and sense of purpose continues to grow in the Lasallian tradition.

Peter Riordan Deputy Principal/Head of Tiverton Campus

Campus Leader’s Report
When I heard my name announced as the Tiverton Campus Leader, I knew then and there that a challenging and exciting experience lay ahead of me in 2006. Tim East, our Vice-Captain, and I had lots of ideas to contribute, but there was always the concern that we needed to meet the expectations of our peers. Over the year we have done our best to offer our guidance, support and understanding, and to meet the needs of all members of the Tiverton community. Tim and I were given the chance to become more involved in the De La Salle community, and perform the tasks expected of us. These included readings at assemblies, and assisting when the Student Representative Council came together. We were required to be role models and leaders for the junior campus and pass on our experience to others in the junior levels. When we helped organise sporting activities during the year, we were struck by the amount of time and effort which had to be devoted to them. Both Tim and I have learnt and profited by the experience, responsibilities which will no doubt assist us for the remainder of our schooling and beyond. We would like to thank all staff members, especially the Year 9 Homeroom teachers, our comrades, and our families for their support and advice throughout the year. We are honoured and proud to be given the ability to lead the Tiverton Campus; it was an opportunity for which we are both grateful.
Matthew Briglia