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SRC 2006

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Rest In Peace

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is elected by the students during Term 1. The students who have been elected are chosen because they are responsible, reliable, honest, good communicators and well able to represent the views of their classmates. They have had the chance to have a voice in raising issues that are important to the students as well as raising funds for various charities, such as the Sacred Heart Mission. It has been a privilege to work with the year 9 Captains of the Tiverton Campus, Matt Briglia and Tim East. They have been enthusiastic; conscientious in carrying out their duties; always dependable, and able to show initiative when necessary. I congratulate them on the job they have performed this year and for being excellent role models to the rest of the student body.

Dianne Byers SRC Coordinator. This year has been a challenging and exciting year for the House Captains and their teams. For the first time in many years the decision was made to bring back the House system. The four houses are: Red–Marks, Blue–Leos, Yellow–Austins and Green –Edwins. Every student is assigned a House when they come to De La and will stay in that team until Year 12. In this way team spirit can build up over many years. With the specifics of how the past system worked being lost to history, we had to start from scratch and really work to build up the spirit needed for the new house system to succeed. This proved to be a tough gig! Throughout the year, Sam Ayre, Liam O’Rourke, Sam Stamos, Matt Herbstreit, Adrian Papa, Sam Heatley, Dean White and I had many tasks and activities to organise, along with helping the teachers at the main house carnivals. We started the year with the swimming carnival. This was a real eyeopener for us as we saw first-hand all the time and effort that goes into organising just one day of sport. From that day forward we knew being a House Captain was not just going to be kudos, but instead a great deal of time and hard work. House Captains also organised activities for every Year Level at Tiverton campus. A basketball competition was held at lunchtimes for years 4-9. It was an opportunity for Captains to show their leadership skills, as it was mainly up to us, with help from Ms Byers and Mr Harte to organise the competition. There was music, half-time entertainment, prizes and some quality commentating from Drew Brown and James Brown. The House Athletics Carnival unfolded much like the Swimming Carnival - however this time we were ready for what was to come, and we did our best to help out in all events. Finally, I would like to say a very big thank you to Miss Byers for her efforts, and for giving up so much of her time. She really helped us become better leaders. This experience has taught me so much and I strongly urge all boys in Year 8 to have a go at being a House Captain next year. On behalf of all the House Captains this year I would like to thank every boy in all teams, for all their support and efforts. Without your involvement nothing could have succeeded and we would not have regained a vital part of De La tradition. Xave Murphy

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