1 minute read
Year 12 2006
Tomasz Trojak
Kevin Walker
The ‘Vets’ 2006 and (right) in 1998
John Truong
Stephen Wall John Tsaousidis
Carey Watkins Cameron Van De Laarschot
James Watson Anthony Vanzella
Nicholas Weller Callum Vass
Samuel Williams
Kurt Winters Bradley Wood
Top Row: Thomas Sargeant, Daniel Conway, Christopher Pritchard, Andrew Campbell, Samuel Williams Row 2: Luke Lally, Nicholas Davies, Alessandro Marino, Adam Speirs, Michael Davis, James Cleary, Joe Maher Row 1: John Tsaousidis, Mr Terry Atkins, David Hunter, Lachlan Graf, Timothy Arbon, Aaron McLay, Dominic Smith, Christopher Soumplis Seated: Jack Saunders, Sam Fairbrother, Simon Brown, Stephen Wall, Andrew Donegan