8 minute read
Year 10
10 Jerome

Back Row: Jordan Harris, Joshua Wilkinson, Timothy Kershaw, Tyson Hunt, James Croce, Joshua Tyrer, Ben Nethersole, Jack Murray Second Row: Benedict Farrell, John Katheklakis, Benjamin Hausler, Shaun Koob, Nicholas Hart, Marc Cleland, Jack Peterson, Matthew Henricus, Joseph Mannix, Seated: Luke Williams, Jake Semmel, Nicolas Fyfield, Robert Kemp, Brendan Wilson, Michael DeCorrado, Nicholas Hogan, Frank D’Amico Teacher: Mr Brett Atley Back Row: Andrew Hibbins, Samuel Howieson, Cameron Watts, Andrew Sanders, Alastair Moroney, Steve McGlade, Ben Humphrey, Sam O’Donnell, Nathan Ferguson Second Row: Benjamin O’Dwyer, Dylan Jansz, Daniel Speirs, Martin Paczkowski, Daniel Nikakis, Richard Naylor, Damien Hale, Shane Griffin Seated: Patrick Ioannidis, Mitchell Wheeler, Jarrod MacDonald, Thomas Gheller, Karl Linden, Thomas Smith, Anthony Kanellopoulos, Luke Sutton Teacher: Mr Carl Kruger

Year 10 Dancing Class

10 Roland
Back Row: Xavier Pattison, Luis Godinho, John Palombi, Vaughan Stedman, Callum BarryMurphy, Geoffrey Davey, Simon Lowe, Tomas Sabbatucci, Zachary Dickinson, Michael Pierce Second Row: Daniel Mercuri, John Natale, Marcus Schrampf, Jeremy Baker, Sebastian Coulson, Timothy Mackie, Steven DeCorrado, David Murphy Seated: Thomas Forbes, Benjamin Carracher, Guy Ripepi, David Gonzales, Daniel Esposito, Timothy Perri, Nicholas Woodgate, Tristan Tiso Teacher: Mr Adrian O’Connor Back Row: Peter Selwood, Thomas Jane, Stephen Muller, Xavier O’Shannessy, Adam Bonaddio, Mark Breda, Paul Millar, Paul Torrisi Second Row: Adrian Cannizzaro, Joshua Storai, Jack O’Halloran, Richard Spillane, Steven Nakos, Adam DelPizzo, Nathan Mufale Seated: Joseph Delfa, Simon Francazio, Christopher Mercuri, Peter Gourgoulis, Sheldon Oski, Emmanuel Damianos, Richard Monaghan, Luigi Perri Absent: Damian Giorgini Teacher: Mr Glenn Kemp

Y e a r


10 Vincent

Back Row: Luke O’Connor, Shane Renshaw, Christopher Nayna, Robert Weston, Keiran Brown, Oliver Holmes, Christopher Kaul, Joshua Scipione Second Row: Thomas Williams, Redmond Casey, Samuel Minogue, Christopher Dimattina, Kale Pryor, Jack Hubbard Seated: Jordan Pollard, Ben Fricke, James Siakavelis, Damian Giorgini, Michael Hogan, Edward Clinch, Jack Sullivan, Tomas PaturzoPolson Absent: Edward O’Toole, Jack Haley, William Riman Teacher: Mr Kevin Arkell Back Row: Bill Vlahos, Thomas Keegan, Christopher Dunn, Steven Tomadin, Shane Berlangieri, Adam DeLuca, James Corkill, Mark Nazzari Second Row: Simon Pentifallo, Patrick Pelly, Matthew Harrington, Thomas Donaghey, Benjamin Jones, John Greene, James FischerMyall, Xavier Harkins Seated: Jack Molloy, Travis Moseley, Andrew Spencer, Xavier Gotch, Adam Dioguardi, Tom Singleton, Michael Baines, Jackson Harper Teacher: Mr David Ellul

The Year 10 group of 2006 have undertaken a busy year. As a group they have been keen participants in all the academic, cultural, sporting and community based events that the College has to offer. It has been a year of settling in to a new campus, learning new routines, meeting greater expectations, as well as preparing for and taking, the first steps into senior studies. For many the first step was a quickstep, cha cha and progressive moves with the girls from Star of the Sea. Around 50 students were involved in the dance classes and hopefully many of these boys will be involved in the Blue and Gold Ball next year. Balls of a different kind occupied the minds of those who competed in a wide range of ACC sports. Thanks to the staff who took the time to train and coach these teams. A special congratulations goes to the ACC Football team, who won the premiership against St Bernards on a wintery day at the ‘Snake Pit’. It was the second time the team had travelled to Essendon to play in just over a week. Tough ask, great win. Congratulations go to the boys of 10 Hegarty, who were 2006 Football Lightning Premiership Winners. No one was more exited or deserving than Mr Carl Kruger the coach, mentor and inspiration to the team. A Barrassi-like figure in Year 10 football. On the subject of winners, a number of Year 10 boys devoted considerable time to the Rock Eisteddfod as performers and backstage crew. The performance saw them finish third in the State. Congratulations go to these students for their effort and success. Stories of success and inspiration were presented to those students who participated in a number of programs run outside of the school such as the ‘Empowerme’ program run by Lord Somers Camp, Reach Workshop and ‘Step Ahead’. At these workshops the students were encouraged to take on leadership roles and become involved in the community. Involvement is what the camps and work experience programs are all about. In August and in June we had our camps/activities and work experience. The Outdoor Education staff ran a surf/ bike camp, downhill skiing and a climbing camp at Mt Arapiles. Mr Stewart kindly organized and ran a four day golf camp, Ms Busk put together a fantastic program of Melbourne day trips. We also had a large group of boys travel to Kincumber Lasallian Youth Camp in NSW, where they were hosted by Br Tim Peter. The rest of the Year Level was involved in work experience in the city and the country, as professionals and tradesmen. Many of the employers acknowledge the attitude and effort of the boys who came to work for them. Some found themselves being offered part-time jobs Speaking of fantastic jobs, I am greatly appreciative of the staff that helped organize and run the camps. A considerable amount of their own time was donated to have the events run successfully. After success at a national level, Jack Murray had the honour of being selected to represent Australia this year in mathematics. Jack travelled to Mexico to compete in the Maths Olympics! Towards the end of Term Three tough selections were being made all round, as students were involved in subject selection interviews and committing to programs for next year. Some have chosen a traditional VCE program, others are leaving to take up apprenticeships, some are undertaking a VET course and others VCAL. Thanks to Mr Danckert, Ms Prestia, Ms Taylor, Mr Marshall and Mr Forehan for their efforts in assisting and guiding students through this process. To those who have been primarily responsible for the guidance of the Year 10’s, the Homeroom teachers, I give tremendous thanks. They are patient, understanding and give generously of their time. Brett Atley, Glenn Kemp, Kylie Busk, Phil Ryan, Carl Kruger, David Ellul, Adrian O’Connor and Kevin Arkell have been dedicated pastoral leaders to these young men and we are grateful to them. Lastly, congratulations to the young men of Year 10 in 2006. It has been a very worthwhile year. I have enjoyed your company, humour, resolve and contributions. I wish you well for the coming year. Mr David Madigan Year 10 Coordinator
Back Row: Michael Deccorado, Jack Hubbard, Justin Geaney, Chris Dunn, Ben Nethersole, Adam DeLuca, Gab Montalban Middle Row: Shaemus Griffin, Karl Linden, Edward Clinch, Zac Dickinson, Luis Godinho, Steve Nakos, Luigi Perri Front Row: Trent Balthazaar, Ms aKylie Busk, Mr David Madigan, Josh Cormick